Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Jools2017 on September 06, 2017, 03:29:51 AM

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Console
Post by: Jools2017 on September 06, 2017, 03:29:51 AM

I am trying to get my private keys from the console, but I keep getting the error message "The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect. (code -14)" at the first step.

I have tried changing my pass phrase and the new one still doesn't work. I successfully sent some BTC using the new pass phrase to test it also.

I would be very grateful if anyone has any suggestions to fix this please.

Thank you

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Console
Post by: HCP on September 06, 2017, 05:23:31 AM
Have you tried shutting down and restarting Bitcoin Core after you changed the passphrase? Also, if you have some special characters (or spaces) in your passphrase, you may need to enclose the passphrase in " " (quote) marks...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Console
Post by: Jools2017 on September 06, 2017, 09:26:49 AM
Hi, thanks for the reply, but unfortunately it still doesn't work.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Console
Post by: cr1776 on September 06, 2017, 10:33:08 AM
You say "passphrase" not password. Does it have spaces or special characters?  If so, have you enclosed it in quotation marks or escaped the special characters?


Escape quotation marks (") within the passphrase with backslashes like this: \"

"Passphrase here"
'Pass phrase here'


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Console
Post by: HCP on September 06, 2017, 11:32:48 AM
Hi, thanks for the reply, but unfortunately it still doesn't work.
Ok... now this might sound REALLY stupid... but try setting the password (temporarily) to something ridiculously simple... like abc123 or password and see if you can use the 'walletpassphrase' command successfully...

If you have a long complicated password, it might just be that you're typing too fast and mis-timing a "shift+letter" for an uppercase or special character... I've done this quite a few times ;)