Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Ucy on September 07, 2017, 05:59:25 PM

Title: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: Ucy on September 07, 2017, 05:59:25 PM
Been long fantasizing with the idea of separating humans into countries/groups in accordance with their interests/ideologies.
It's sometimes frustrating to be with people you share nothing in common with...which could be  why some people just choose to be indoor 24/7 to avoid interaction with people.

      Every person on earth will be allowed to choose where he/she wants to belong... nothing will be imposed! No faking of ideology   to join a successful group/country. 
And everyone must always Uphold & never Oppose his Country/Group's ideology.

Here is how things should be grouped:

* If you hate free speech, you join a group/country where everyone hates free speech.

* If you love to be controlled, you join a country where everyone loves to be controlled.

* If you prefer tyrants as leaders, you simply join your group...a country where tyrants are loved.

* if you love total freedom of choices (as long as the freedom does not violate the group's ideology or someone else's rights) & respect for human rights, you join your group.

* If you prefer theocratic rule, you join your group

When a child attains the age of  15 — 18  he/she will be moved to a specified country/group after his/her ideology or preference has been determined.      ❌Remember, no faking of ideology, we want to avoid a situation where some will be opposing everything their group stands for. There will be no opposition, just suggestion on how things could be made better & stronger for the group and maybe occasional amendment of group's law to solidify their ideology or make it more effective.

How things may end up

 Everyone is free to move to any group/country if he/she is fed up with his/her own group but remember, no opposition, just strengthening of laws to protect group's interest is allowed.
Conclusion: only ONE group/country may suceed, other may experience lack of innovations, boring countries, slow economic growth,  constant conflicts, wars, poverty, military coup, lawlessness & human rights abuses.

In the end, they may have no option than to adopt some core  ideologies of the successful country/group

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: Masha Sha on September 07, 2017, 06:05:52 PM
You forget geography. Will work in the space... you will see third worlders, low iq, brainwashed... will always be way behind.

And they came and asked: are plants banned in your federations?
They answered that never a plant of the creation will be illegal and that too much already disappeared.
They said: good. We knew and killed the others "humans", they were dangerous to "our" plants :).*&sp=7ad67af7b2d9dda6df74e8e10d6bb48b

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: criptix on September 09, 2017, 06:37:26 PM
Wtf. I dont want to live near semi retarded 3rd worlders like above.


Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: joebrook on September 09, 2017, 07:15:30 PM
Been long fantasizing with the idea of separating humans into countries/groups in accordance with their interests/ideologies.
It's sometimes frustrating to be with people you share nothing in common with...which could be  why some people just choose to be indoor 24/7 to avoid interaction with people.

      Every person on earth will be allowed to choose where he/she wants to belong... nothing will be imposed! No faking of ideology   to join a successful group/country. 
And everyone must always Uphold & never Oppose his Country/Group's ideology.

Here is how things should be grouped:

* If you hate free speech, you join a group/country where everyone hates free speech.

* If you love to be controlled, you join a country where everyone loves to be controlled.

* If you prefer tyrants as leaders, you simply join your group...a country where tyrants are loved.

* if you love total freedom of choices (as long as the freedom does not violate the group's ideology or someone else's rights) & respect for human rights, you join your group.

* If you prefer theocratic rule, you join your group

When a child attains the age of  15 — 18  he/she will be moved to a specified country/group after his/her ideology or preference has been determined.      ❌Remember, no faking of ideology, we want to avoid a situation where some will be opposing everything their group stands for. There will be no opposition, just suggestion on how things could be made better & stronger for the group and maybe occasional amendment of group's law to solidify their ideology or make it more effective.

How things may end up

 Everyone is free to move to any group/country if he/she is fed up with his/her own group but remember, no opposition, just strengthening of laws to protect group's interest is allowed.
Conclusion: only ONE group/country may suceed, other may experience lack of innovations, boring countries, slow economic growth,  constant conflicts, wars, poverty, military coup, lawlessness & human rights abuses.

In the end, they may have no option than to adopt some core  ideologies of the successful country/group
I would like to see those who would choose to where people want Tyrants to be their leaders, who in their right mind will choose Tyrants in the first place, I think people would rather prefer to live according to geography rather than ideology.

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: Mozdalifa17 on September 09, 2017, 07:23:14 PM
that is impossible and will not be applied anytime soon because human nature is not steady at all time during his life , sometimes like freedom of speech same person at another point of his life might hate to talk at all and so on . good idea is to live in a country where you can create whatever at any point of life .

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: coolcoinz on September 09, 2017, 07:59:28 PM
The problem is that aggressive groups, like the ones lead by strong leaders, would be full of expansion oriented people. This would mean that you'd have a country full of flower children, another full of anarchists and so on, and their neighbour would be a country built and ruled a bit like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. I hope you can see that this wouldn't end well for their peaceful neighbours ;)

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: Pancho95 on September 09, 2017, 08:49:29 PM
That is all great. But the problem is that nowadays it is the society the one who change our mind and tell us what is ok. It is not good for anyone who wants to be original. Everyone wants to be someone but no one wants to be what he is. We should look inside of us not what the world wants us to be. We do not choose our leaders as we want we just choose something what is already represented to us. Is it the best we have? I do not think so.

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: Beerwizzard on September 09, 2017, 10:56:54 PM
Your idea seems like a prototype of contract jurisdictions which are definetely good but the point with moving children seems a bit controversially. Anyway I like your thoughts but unfortunately nowadays it looks like utopia. I will be glad if such thing will be released even in a size of one country.

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: Sithara007 on September 10, 2017, 01:24:41 AM
Is there any country out there, which respect the total freedom of choices? I don't think that there is one. Some of the nations, such as Switzerland and New Zealand comes close, but they are not 100% right on this regard. There are a lot of countries where the free speech is banned and tyrants are loved, but there are none where there is total freedom of choices.

Title: Re: How about splitting our World into these groups..
Post by: Avametra on September 10, 2017, 11:22:43 AM
It's like some fantastic film. In fact, God chooses in which country a certain soul should be born to work out his sins and gain positive experience of interaction with other people.