Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: Hennyboy on September 08, 2017, 08:54:11 AM

Title: Lost 2fa authentication and seed is greyed out
Post by: Hennyboy on September 08, 2017, 08:54:11 AM
Hi I 'm new with bitcoins so I tried several wallets. One of the wallets I tried is Electrum. I can log in, I can see my bitcoins, private keys, master public keys, but I cannot send any bitcoins to another address. Whenever I try to send bitcoins, after I write my password and my 2fa code it says "invalid OTP". Also Seed in the menu Wallet is greyed out.

What can I do?

Title: Re: Lost 2fa authentication and seed is greyed out
Post by: ranochigo on September 08, 2017, 10:43:12 AM
You have opted for a 2-of-3 multisig wallet, where 2 signatures of the 3 entity is required. In this case, 2FA is required for the third entity (TrustedCoin) to sign your transaction for you. Without this, you will not be able to send the coins at all.

The seed was displayed to you at the start and should likely not[?] be able to be displayed to you again. If you lost your 2FA, you have to use the seed that was given to you at the start to restore 2 of the 3 keys to send your coins elsewhere. Without either the seed or 2FA, you can't retrieve your Bitcoins, period.

Title: Re: Lost 2fa authentication and seed is greyed out
Post by: HCP on September 08, 2017, 10:43:32 AM
Can you confirm that you have created a 2FA wallet in Electrum? It should say something like "default_wallet [2FA]" in the title bar... and you should have an icon like this in the bottom right corner of the Electrum screen:

If you are getting invalid OTP, then it's possible that the Google Authenticator on your phone needs to be resynced (and/or the time needs to be corrected)... unless of course, you don't actually have the GAuth set up and you're just typing in some random OTP.

Also, 2FA accounts don't allow you to view the seed after you've finished creating the wallet. That is why it is greyed out. If you don't have that seed or the OTP setup, you're in a world of hurt. Those coins are effectively locked into a MultiSig account that you're going to struggle to get them out of :-\

If you had the seed, you could restore the wallet and reset the OTP... if you had the OTP you could send your coins out to another wallet... but with both lost, you're in trouble :(

Title: Re: Lost 2fa authentication and seed is greyed out
Post by: Maymun_lavigne on September 08, 2017, 06:47:09 PM
Hi I 'm new with bitcoins so I tried several wallets. One of the wallets I tried is Electrum. I can log in, I can see my bitcoins, private keys, master public keys, but I cannot send any bitcoins to another address. Whenever I try to send bitcoins, after I write my password and my 2fa code it says "invalid OTP". Also Seed in the menu Wallet is greyed out.

What can I do?
I almost want to create this kind of thread. you have made it first. Thanks. I can learning on this thread.  I don't really understand how to backup my Bitcoin wallet.

Title: Re: Lost 2fa authentication and seed is greyed out
Post by: kolloh on September 10, 2017, 05:04:13 AM
If your 2FA that was previously working, isn't working any longer, it is likely that the time on your phone is out of sync. Re-syncing as mentioned by HCP should correct the issue.

Otherwise, you can just recreate the wallet from the seed which you did write down somewhere safe, right?