Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining support => Topic started by: AzureEngineer on May 25, 2013, 09:08:49 PM

Title: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: AzureEngineer on May 25, 2013, 09:08:49 PM
CGMiner runs at kh/s instead of mh/s. I am not using Scrypt. Anyone seen anything like this?

-o -u ***.1 -p *** --thread-concurrency 21712 -I 20

Running on Sapphire 7950's.

(I know that Slush uses 3333 for stratum, but for some reason, CGminer won't connect unless I use 8332, it also won't connect to the proxy)

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: cp1 on May 25, 2013, 09:10:14 PM
what cards are you using?   and can you try it with default settings?

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: AzureEngineer on May 25, 2013, 09:12:47 PM
what cards are you using?   and can you try it with default settings?

Sapphire 7950s. Default settings result in the same deal, just lower kh/s. The cards are running the exact same way they would if I were trying to mine Litecoins. CGminer creates a poclbm settings file when I run it, so I know it isn't running Scrypt.

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: philips on May 25, 2013, 10:26:23 PM
--thread-concurrency 21712 -I 20
That is scrypt specific.
Remove --thread-concurrency and use a lower intensity like 9.

Do you have by chance a cgminer.conf with LTC settings in your system?

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: cp1 on May 25, 2013, 11:07:14 PM
You might try bfgminer or some other miner just real quick to see if it's a setting problem.  I wonder if your cards became way underclocked somehow.

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: AzureEngineer on May 26, 2013, 12:56:41 AM
--thread-concurrency 21712 -I 20
That is scrypt specific.
Remove --thread-concurrency and use a lower intensity like 9

This has fixed my problem, thank you.

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: pengoau on May 31, 2013, 03:23:27 AM
hmm i'm having the same problem and i'm not specifying a tc etc... interesting u had the same problem after switching from ltc to btc like i have...

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: -ck on May 31, 2013, 03:29:24 AM
Setting intensity over 9 is wrong for btc.
Check you don't have a configuration file with scrypt specified in that. The file may be getting loaded without you realising it's there.

Title: Re: CGMiner Runs at kh/s instead of mh/s
Post by: pengoau on May 31, 2013, 04:18:17 AM

no conf file, i run via a batch file or either cgwatcher
so i fixed it, and yeah i just discovered if i use intensity 20 it reverts to kh/sec.

so max of 9 for btc? i swear in the past i was able to use something higher oh well guess you would know since u wrote the program :)

it seems to do ok with an intensity of 13. still reporting in mh/sec.

ok after having a play at different intensities, 9 seems best :)