Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: DOPECOINRULES on September 10, 2017, 04:08:39 PM

Title: The Power of Social Media & the Crypto Revolution
Post by: DOPECOINRULES on September 10, 2017, 04:08:39 PM
A few friends and i we're brainstorming new and innovative ideas connected with crypto that could ultimately change lives if the right likeminded people were found, picture this if you will a proactive funding lotto based around changing peoples lives or in some cases saving life altogether ie
 little Alices dad needed funding that could change his daughters life he found a giving lotto with a voting system so he decided to register his daughters details within this site were people who needed live changing funding for help in one way or another so he thought hed give it a go, what could he lose? he thought, in this global funding lotto were many people donated for just causes each case was on a voting system where a person whos donated could vote where theyd also like the money to go, and because this was an international giving program results and lives were changed over night giving hope to every living soul on the planet off approx 8 billion protential donors, the media and profile of this site went global in hours,......ok ill leave it there for ideas and feed back good and bad, lol thx for taking the time to read it at least, or am i the only one thats not in it for profit or himself? surely not lol

Title: Re: The Power of Social Media & the Crypto Revolution
Post by: aleksej996 on September 10, 2017, 06:16:39 PM
Nice to see such a wonderful heartwarming idea.

I do see a problem in it's execution tho. It isn't much of a lotto if people vote. This would also make it dangerous since a person with more then half of the funds can just enter himself and vote for himself and take the other half.If it is a lotto, then people shouldn't really vote, but by tickets for the one they want to win. And the one with most tickets doesn't have to win, it is should still be up to the chance, they will just have a bigger one.

This should be designed similar to a real lotto, so people don't abuse it, however I am afraid that the protection from abuse in most lottos might be that they take a cut of the money so big that it can't be profitable to buy enough tickets for the reward to be worth the risk.

Title: Re: The Power of Social Media & the Crypto Revolution
Post by: grosetracy on September 11, 2017, 07:50:38 AM
It's a good idea in my opinion. I don't have much to input. But google for "FBS makes your dreams come true!" They have been runing this campaign for some time now and might give you some idea.

Title: Re: The Power of Social Media & the Crypto Revolution
Post by: anton_lotos on September 11, 2017, 07:55:47 AM
What's the plan to verify that stories are not faked?

Title: Re: The Power of Social Media & the Crypto Revolution
Post by: Zibo on September 12, 2017, 08:41:10 AM
Another important task like other said is the level of security and assurance available online.