Title: 👍👍👍 VEGACOIN 👍👍👍 Pow/PoS Algoritm Tribus - Prevenire Instamine Post by: firesec on September 12, 2017, 01:03:59 PM https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F6Bct7nT.jpg&t=580&c=ck5PAgOwwCZU0g Website: https://www.vegaco.in (https://www.vegaco.in) VEGACOIN FORUM: https://www.vegaco.in/forum (https://www.vegaco.in/forum) Twitter: https://twitter.com/vegacoin (https://twitter.com/vegacoin) Criptovaluta de generatie noua Vegacoin(VEGA) isi propune sa fie o criptovaluta flexibila POW si POS. VEGA va fi urmatorul lider in universul criptovalutelor. Conceptul ei nou va schimba mineritul. In prezent, majoritatea criptovalutelor folosesc POW, POS sau amandoua si drept urmare consuma mai multa putere. VEGA o sa foloseasca o noua metoda de minerit care foloseste mai putina putere sau deloc si ca urmare: se renunta la echipamentul hardware scump sau consumul electric ridicat VEGACOIN este o moneda hibrida PoW/PoS. Este rapida, sigura, si va avea o rezerva de 660,000,000 VEGA. Reteaua VEGA descentralizata isi propune sa fie un schimb digital nedetectabil. VEGA poate folosi reteaua digitala p2p. Tranzactiile sunt extrem de rapide cu un timp de confirmare de 30 de secunde. Un miner high-tech cu interfata grafica usor de folosit urmeaza sa fie lansat. "IN CURAND" https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FhYlkn7m.jpg&t=580&c=b-vWCrRAgX_4xA Noua Interfata High-Tech minerit Usor de folosit: I interfata cu accent pe folosire usoara, optiuni si caracteristici complexe Complet controlat: Construita pentru a va bucura de hobby-ul dvs. minier. Personalizati interfata astfel incat sa corespunda cerintelor dvs. exacte Timp Salvat: Cea mai usoara modalitate de a schimba diferite algoritme si pool-uri fara a folosi mai multe softuri de minerit https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FfXjtcux.png&t=580&c=xvz6xlzQcJRvXw POW/POS | Algoritmul foarte performant Tribus Specificatii: 30 secunde pe bloc Rezerva PoW dupa POW: 660,000,000 VEGA in total 3,000,000 blocuri Dobanda POS: 6% pe an Prevenirea Instamine pana la blocul 500. Recompensa primelor 500 de blocuri este de doar 1 VEGA Maturitatea monedei 8 blocuri Confirmarea tranzactiei 10 blocuri Preminerit 10% (10% preminerit va fi folosit pentru recompense pentru licitatii online si taxele developerilor) POW Cod: else if (pindexBest->nHeight <= 1000000) nSubsidy = 300 * COIN; else if (pindexBest->nHeight <= 2000000) nSubsidy = 200 * COIN; else if (pindexBest->nHeight <= 3000000) nSubsidy = 100 * COIN; else if (pindexBest->nHeight > LAST_POW_BLOCK) // Blocul 3,000,000 nSubsidy = 0; // PoW se opreste la 660,000,000 monede POW ;D POS 6% pe an 8 ore minim timpul minim pentru staking VEGA Explorer https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FBTGVOrj.png&t=580&c=89xy2bJDR1LltA Schimb criptovalutar 10 ---> 20 zile dupa lansare ( listarea la schimb va fi discutata pe forum) Descarcare Portofel - QT - Windows: https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/Vegacoin-qt-WINS.zip (https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/Vegacoin-qt-WINS.zip) Portofel - QT - Linux: https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/Vegacoin-qt.tar.gz (https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/Vegacoin-qt.tar.gz) Demon - Linux: https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/vegacoind.tar.gz (https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/vegacoind.tar.gz) Sursa - Github: https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin (https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin) Vegacoin.conf Cod: daemon=1 server=1 listen=1 rpcuser=rpc_user rpcpassword=password rpcallowip= rpcport=9898 addnode=pool.vegaco.in Lista pool-uri minerit Vega Pool (Nomp Pool): https://pool.vegaco.in/ (https://pool.vegaco.in/) Umine Pool (Yiimp pool): https://umine.org/ (https://umine.org/) Miner: Windows 64bit ccminer (Nvidia) https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/ccminer-2.2-tribus.zip (https://github.com/vegacoin/vegacoin/releases/download/v0.1/ccminer-2.2-tribus.zip) Cod: ccminer-x64 -a tribus -o stratum+tcp://pool.vegaco.in:3333 -u your-vega-wallet -p any-password --cpu-priority=3 Windows 64bit sgminer (AMD) Cod: setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 sgminer -a tribus -o stratum+tcp://pool.vegaco.in:3333 -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x pause Twitter: https://twitter.com/vegacoin (https://twitter.com/vegacoin) Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/vegacoin/shared_invite/MjM5NzI5MjM3MjM3LTE1MDUxODcyNTgtYTA5MGM3MzI0MQ (https://join.slack.com/t/vegacoin/shared_invite/MjM5NzI5MjM3MjM3LTE1MDUxODcyNTgtYTA5MGM3MzI0MQ) Forum: https://www.vegaco.in/forum (https://www.vegaco.in/forum) Title: Re: 👍👍👍 VEGACOIN 👍👍👍 Pow/PoS Algoritm Tribus - Prevenire Instamine Post by: VegaCoin on August 16, 2018, 05:09:31 AM We have the rights to this name and have registered the name VegaCoin with full ownership of the name and its products since May of 2017. This is a formal warning and anymore use of this name will substitute as a violation of copyright infringement and a claim will be made, good luck with your project. -Jonathon Snell Founder/Developer of VegaCoin