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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on September 12, 2017, 04:08:50 PM

Title: Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it
Post by: BADecker on September 12, 2017, 04:08:50 PM
Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it ( (

The files indicate that in 1955, the chief of the CIA's Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) received a secret memo with the subject line "Operational: Adolf Hitler," from the acting CIA station chief in Venezuela, which indicated that one of his sources had received a tip that the Nazi Fuhrer was indeed alive and living in Argentina.

Interestingly, these revelations seem to confirm declassified FBI documents that also claimed sources had indicated that Hitler was indeed living in Argentina.
While the official story sold to the global public is that Hitler died of suicide in the Fuhrerbunker, the actual truth may be vastly different from the popularized version of events.

The acting CIA station chief's informants, CIMELODY, was contacted by a former SS trooper Phillip Citroen, who claimed to have been in contact with Hitler—who was living under the pseudonym Adolph Schuttlemayer—about once a month in Colombia, while there on a trip from Maracaibo as an employee of the Royal Dutch Shipping Company.

Read more and click the links at


Title: Re: Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it
Post by: September11 on November 23, 2017, 11:02:10 AM
This is not entirely convincing though. The famous picture depicts someone with mustache cut like Hitler, which still doesn't mean that that is him.

Title: Re: Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it
Post by: DylerTurden on November 23, 2017, 11:04:00 AM
Plausible, but no hard proof

Title: Re: Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it
Post by: adam1230 on November 23, 2017, 01:37:20 PM
This is not enough to say that hitler survived. Its just a simple evidence but i cannot say that %100 he survived from world war 2 .
We need more photos and evidences.

Title: Re: Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it
Post by: BADecker on November 23, 2017, 02:17:41 PM
Google "Hitler Argentina."    8)

Title: Re: Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it
Post by: MoonIsBlue on November 23, 2017, 02:35:43 PM
Ofcourse he survived, tons of high ranking nazi's survived, why shouldn't he have? Because Russia claims to have his teeth (but won't publicize the evidence)?