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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: TheFootMan on May 27, 2013, 09:57:50 PM

Title: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: TheFootMan on May 27, 2013, 09:57:50 PM
Ok, don't laugh or make some silly comments. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything of the sort.

But here we've got Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada actually saying that the US Govt cooperates with aliens and exchange technology.

Is he completely bonkers, or is what he's saying true ? What do you think ?

The universe is wast, and it's difficult to think of us being completely alone in here. If we take the analogy to earth, some people living on a large island might think they were the only ones on earth, until they made ships and found other civilizations. Likewise, more advanced civilizations than ours might posses technology that's far more advanced than ours, and could thus travel faster and over longer distances in space than what we can.

I somehow think the words of a former Minister of Defense in Canada weighs more than that of a random uneducated Joe, but he might as have turned insane, or really believe this while it not being true.

At the same time, I find it quite exciting, and if it was true, it would be interesting to learn more about it.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: Lethn on May 27, 2013, 10:21:41 PM
More and more perfectly ordinary and sane people have been reporting not aliens necessarily but certainly weird ass stuff that not just U.S governments but most of them refuse to explain, the problem is ignorant twats and people who are denial like to use the term 'conspiracy theorist' to throw anyone who questions off. I think you'd have to be incredibly ignorant of science and the way the universe works to not think that there's at least a possibility of aliens being real, there has already been evidence of micro-organisms and planets with atmosphere that have been found.

The people who would argue against the existence of aliens are the same kind of people who would argue about the Earth being round, I believe Neil Armstrong mentioned aliens at some point after his career.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: Darktongue on May 28, 2013, 12:02:33 AM
I believe the second post sums it up well.  I'd like to further add that I do not believe the world at large is ready to have the solid awareness that we are not alone.  What used to be fiction is slowly becomeing fact.  And it's hard for some people as it is to accept technology change.  Let alone the outlook of the stars

It would really show we are bashful in our progress as a race of beings.  Religious beliefs would be changed as well as what we teach our children. The world as we know it would surely end.  Ether becomming more hateful or accepting.  What ever direction at the current pace. .. we are not ready to know

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: odolvlobo on May 28, 2013, 12:17:45 AM
It would have been notable if he had some personal knowledge to share, but he is only repeating things that he has read about or has been told by other people.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: SEC agent on May 28, 2013, 12:19:59 AM
completely bonkers

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: btceic on May 28, 2013, 12:25:43 AM
More and more perfectly ordinary and sane people have been reporting not aliens necessarily but certainly weird ass stuff that not just U.S governments but most of them refuse to explain, the problem is ignorant twats and people who are denial like to use the term 'conspiracy theorist' to throw anyone who questions off. I think you'd have to be incredibly ignorant of science and the way the universe works to not think that there's at least a possibility of aliens being real, there has already been evidence of micro-organisms and planets with atmosphere that have been found.

The people who would argue against the existence of aliens are the same kind of people who would argue about the Earth being round, I believe Neil Armstrong mentioned aliens at some point after his career.

Even more so, how arrogant would one have to be to firmly believe that the "ENTIRE" universe was made just for humans on a tiny planet in the middle of a nondescript solar system at the edge of an ordinary galaxy?

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: aigeezer on May 28, 2013, 12:36:10 AM
Here's one of the early rebuttals to Hellyer's position:

Hellyer is a quirky guy. That doesn't mean he's right or wrong. Think stuff through for yourself as you're pulled this way and that.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 28, 2013, 06:28:48 AM

I do remember reading somewhere that the US Govt had a problem with aliens and their strange new technology.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: Este Nuno on May 28, 2013, 05:09:51 PM
One can both believe that there is likely other life in the universe and that it is extremely unlikely that other life has contacted us. They're not mutually exclusive.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: TheFootMan on May 28, 2013, 05:37:54 PM
One can both believe that there is likely other life in the universe and that it is extremely unlikely that other life has contacted us. They're not mutually exclusive.

Agreed on that. And I also reflected over the fact that we're likely to give some high level, or former high level official more credit when it comes to what they say. But in reality, they're just humans like you and me, and when we look at the world, sometimes some individuals are appointed to high ranking positions, and they're truly not that smart and/or competent, and may as well have their personal biases and beliefs as everyone else. So if we look at it isolated speaking, the voice of Paul Hellyer is no stronger than the voice of any other man. From his credits in Wikipedia I see that he's an engineer in aviation, but at the same time he's apparently said that we've received lots of our computer technology from aliens, while it can be proved that it has been created gradually by hard working men and women in the name of science.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: Este Nuno on May 29, 2013, 03:27:29 PM
One can both believe that there is likely other life in the universe and that it is extremely unlikely that other life has contacted us. They're not mutually exclusive.

Agreed on that. And I also reflected over the fact that we're likely to give some high level, or former high level official more credit when it comes to what they say. But in reality, they're just humans like you and me, and when we look at the world, sometimes some individuals are appointed to high ranking positions, and they're truly not that smart and/or competent, and may as well have their personal biases and beliefs as everyone else. So if we look at it isolated speaking, the voice of Paul Hellyer is no stronger than the voice of any other man. From his credits in Wikipedia I see that he's an engineer in aviation, but at the same time he's apparently said that we've received lots of our computer technology from aliens, while it can be proved that it has been created gradually by hard working men and women in the name of science.

Well said.

Title: Re: US Govt working with two ET's
Post by: raze on May 30, 2013, 08:25:15 AM