Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: bitcoincryptochamber on September 15, 2017, 02:52:04 PM

Title: Gender equality
Post by: bitcoincryptochamber on September 15, 2017, 02:52:04 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: E-shipper on September 15, 2017, 03:19:46 PM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aplistir on September 15, 2017, 07:03:19 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Yes, but women are treated more equally. Atleast where I live.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: DigeNarrator on September 15, 2017, 07:13:34 PM
They will never be treated equally

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: yoseph on September 15, 2017, 09:15:09 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Women make up the majority of people in this world, if they feel that their is injustice in the world, they can do something about it, they can first start by electing women into positions of power and they will take it from there.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: BADecker on September 15, 2017, 09:20:01 PM
Not every man is equal to every other man. Not every women is equal to every other woman. Why would anyone think men should equal women? There isn't any gender equality. If there was, there wouldn't be any gender.


Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: KylesmomisaB on September 15, 2017, 10:12:05 PM
The original question was whether both sexes are treated equally which I think some missed. I do not think we are treated equally I think women have a slight advantage in most

regards (although it may not appear so on first sight and somebody saying this is seen as LOL .. but actually think about it) . Atleast this is the case in the Western world and developed

nations. There are a lot of ways to promote equality and that is to get rid of all the inequality. And for that we need to have a honest discussion because nobody is and each side (both

men and women) think they have it worse. Thats why feminism is such an awful movement. On the face it strives for equality, but in actuality its women trying to oppress men the same

way they were oppressed previously. To answer the second part, I think we should be treated equally but we are not made equal and should do what we are best at.

tldr;1)women are treated better in western world and its not close
      2)we should we treated equal but by no means are we equal. each sex has their strength and weakness

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Shova on September 15, 2017, 10:29:11 PM
There are fields where two people may or may not be treated equal.
You can't treat a football and basketball player same in the playing ground only.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Chikitita2004 on September 16, 2017, 11:20:25 AM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.
It is not about a woman being equal to man, it is the unequal treatment of the society to both. Of course woman cannot be equal with man because each one is created uniquely and for a different purpose. They've been designed differently according to their purpose but in the society men are always favored and women are always being treated with less regards. Not to mention the arab countries. We all know how they value and tread women but even in more liberated countries women are still most of the time deprived of their rights just because they are women. In work for example, though there are works that are better done by women but still men get more salary and other benefits. Though there are a lot of movements that encourage women nowadays to stand up.  

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Wyne on September 16, 2017, 11:44:22 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Our government in the Philippines launches different programs promoting gender equality such as empowering women through giving training that may uplift them.  But despite different programs, the treatment of the society between male and female are still unequal.  Even many people still believes that men are superior than women in terms of leadership, decision making,  and performance (some think men can do better than women), some people nowadays are open-minded in accepting the fact that women can do also what men can do.  Now, men and women help each other as the bread winner of the family unlike before that only men considered as a breadwinner of the family. Many women nowadays also excel in different fields of work and even in term of leadership.   I believe that someday, society will also treat women and men equally. 

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: RIYA0001 on September 16, 2017, 11:48:57 AM
yes, men and women should be  treated equally. women can do everything that a man can do . so there  is no gender inequality is  to be done between men and women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aleksej996 on September 16, 2017, 11:56:53 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Depends on where you live. There is a whole spectrum.
In a lot of places, women have equal legal rights to men. However, I believe people assume things based on gender on both sides if they don't know the person any better. This goes away after you get to know the individual, but not all people really get to know each other, so we live with a lot of assumptions in our daily lives.

People should be able to get to their goals equally based on their actions. But does this mean that it is wrong to assume that some female you never met is more compassionate then some other male you also never met? Maybe, I don't know. I can just tell you that on average, women are more compassionate and men are more ruthless. Both have their benefits in every society. I just believe that you should give everyone a chance if you can afford it.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bundo on September 16, 2017, 12:54:03 PM
with a career, many of them career and can be said career woman, then with that gender equality can be seen

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: coolcoinz on September 16, 2017, 01:33:45 PM
yes, men and women should be  treated equally. women can do everything that a man can do . so there  is no gender inequality is  to be done between men and women.
You're joking, right?
Gender equality ends when a woman needs to drag a new washing machine into the house or her car breaks.
There's no equality, that's why women and man aren't competing in sports. Have you ever asked yourself why there are much less women CEOs than men?
You can't expect to pay a woman the same wage a man gets when she does half of his work.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aleksej996 on September 16, 2017, 03:18:01 PM
yes, men and women should be  treated equally. women can do everything that a man can do . so there  is no gender inequality is  to be done between men and women.
You're joking, right?
Gender equality ends when a woman needs to drag a new washing machine into the house or her car breaks.
There's no equality, that's why women and man aren't competing in sports. Have you ever asked yourself why there are much less women CEOs than men?
You can't expect to pay a woman the same wage a man gets when she does half of his work.

Some women are more physically and emotionally fit then some men. The point is that your gender shouldn't lock you in place that you can't progress and rise above your competition. There is a difference between average woman to be paid then average man and all the women to be paid less then all the men. disregard to their contribution.

If you look at any job, chances are that there will be some woman and some man, such that woman is better at that job then the man. That is what gender equality should be all about. Equal right to prove your worth disregard to your gender.

I am pretty sure that we are all aware that an average woman can't do as hard physical labor as much as an average man.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: tushin4 on September 16, 2017, 04:07:22 PM
Gender equality is a human right. Women are entitled to live with dignity and with freedom from want and from fear. Gender equality is also a precondition for advancing development and reducing poverty: Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities, and they improve prospects for the next generation.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Aayushi on September 16, 2017, 06:50:38 PM
In old times there was a lot of gender inequality women were treated unequal to men. With developing society somewhat women are treated equally to men gradually. Earlier women were not allowed to work outside to earn money. They are meant to work in house and do household chores. Nowa adays women power has almost reached the sky and they are hard working handeling their home and office plus all the other streams they are at top.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: naira on September 17, 2017, 01:05:26 AM
In my country, men and women have equal rights and no discrimination, all walking peacefully, without conflict and oppression, I like to live life like this, live happy and calm.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Pain Packer on September 17, 2017, 04:17:32 AM
Here in the Philippines, there is a video that gone viral on social media, wherein a woman is abusing his partner(male) physically. The man is screaming sorry but the woman is still shouting words to him and continued slapping, punching and pulling his hair. (Take note that it happened in a jeepney where many people are also witnessing this). The people are just watching when the woman is hurting his partner but when the man had enough and punch the woman, the people in the jeepney quickly punch the guy.

I think gender equality will never happened if in the country this bounded to the culture. :-\

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: CryptoWonne on September 17, 2017, 04:25:53 AM
Equality as in: Women and men are the same juristical person with corresponding rights and freedoms in society = yes good idea
Equality as in: Men and women are equal = thats just dumb

And all this bs like "call me woman, not girl" or "I must get this job because there are still few women in such positions" has nothing to with equality. Feminazis are just using equality to turn the tables because they are frustrated idiots. But that won't bring society forward.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Thyaga on September 17, 2017, 04:27:38 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Women in some countries have not been respected or considered equal, whereas their role is vital in a family.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bdog1234 on September 17, 2017, 04:28:03 AM
It is possible for women to do what men do but not for the average woman. Most men are raised up doing and learning things that are applicable in the workplace. Women are not. It is not that they can't do it they just don't want to or they don't have a lifelong background of skills applicable to the work place. Please don't misunderstand me I am not a sexist it is just an observation.

For example the average guy grows up fixing cars, building shit, etc and over time learns a lot of skills applicable to a lot of jobs. Women certainly could do these things if they wanted but most don't want to. I don't do manual work at my job but I spent a lot of years doing it and fully understand all the details. This is where men get the advantage over women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Mr.John19 on September 17, 2017, 04:36:13 AM
I believe that women and men should be treated equally in society.I think that men and women should be treated equally as members of society. If someone is able bodied, able minded and willing, they should be able to contribute to society.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: TanClan98 on September 17, 2017, 06:46:51 AM
Equality should be and a must its a sign of respect for every person. Even when it comes to a job and its positions everyone should be treated nicely.

Promote I would make a slogan and wrote Who ever you are girl or a boy we have the same reason to live and that is to make our world a better place.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: renejean31 on September 17, 2017, 01:33:42 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Men and women have roles, their roles are different, but their rights are equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SamReomo on September 17, 2017, 02:16:25 PM
No, and it has been never in reality even thousands of years. Both male and female are humans but they are very different psychologically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Even in high status countries those genders are not treated equally. In many places women are treated as slaves. Many people have such bad intentions that they think that women are only made to fulfill our sexual needs and thus they always play with their emotions and use them physically. It has been done in past and it is being done these days. Alas! It will be done in future.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: erikalui on September 17, 2017, 02:26:02 PM
Women are not treated equally in most of the countries (especially India and most muslim countries) and people make fun of feminism when it comes to their ego. While there are some countries where men too are not treated well if not equal. Some don't even try to understand what feminism actually means and they keep mocking it. Even today in India people feel that women are meant to do house work and not work in offices.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aleksej996 on September 17, 2017, 02:41:30 PM
Here in the Philippines, there is a video that gone viral on social media, wherein a woman is abusing his partner(male) physically. The man is screaming sorry but the woman is still shouting words to him and continued slapping, punching and pulling his hair. (Take note that it happened in a jeepney where many people are also witnessing this). The people are just watching when the woman is hurting his partner but when the man had enough and punch the woman, the people in the jeepney quickly punch the guy.

I think gender equality will never happened if in the country this bounded to the culture. :-\

For example the average guy grows up fixing cars, building shit, etc and over time learns a lot of skills applicable to a lot of jobs.


I haven't done any of those things and I know plenty of men that haven't either. But you did say average, even tho I think that is changing, I do agree.

No, and it has been never in reality even thousands of years. Both male and female are humans but they are very different psychologically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Even in high status countries those genders are not treated equally. In many places women are treated as slaves. Many people have such bad intentions that they think that women are only made to fulfill our sexual needs and thus they always play with their emotions and use them physically. It has been done in past and it is being done these days. Alas! It will be done in future.

I believe it will be a lot less common in the future. It is already decreasing. Nothing will ever be completely gone, but I believe that the vast majority will treat woman and man with the same respect and in some places that could already be the case.

Women are not treated equally in most of the countries (especially India and most muslim countries) and people make fun of feminism when it comes to their ego. While there are some countries where men too are not treated well if not equal. Some don't even try to understand what feminism actually means and they keep mocking it. Even today in India people feel that women are meant to do house work and not work in offices.

The law is the most important thing. If they are treated with equal legal rights, the rest will follow if it needs to be. As long as a woman is not forbidden to not abide by those rules, that should be fine in the long run, could be a bit hard in the short term, but nothing too serious. When you give women a right to vote, that is the biggest victory for feminism. Everything else follows, since they have the majority of votes. That is not enough for racism, because they are still a minority, but for women that is enough to deal with everything else peacefully.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: arturogarcia16 on September 17, 2017, 02:45:30 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
No, I don't think men and woman are treated equally. Sometimes one of the parties isn't treated fairly. I don't know why this type of things still happens in our society but I think, every person is treated equally. No matter what they are. Men, women, gay, straight, or whatever. Everybody should be treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: arpon11 on September 17, 2017, 05:29:34 PM
It has never been in the mind of God to make man and woman equal because if this was in his mind he could have created both the same time.  I will not follow the ignorance of men who allow the issue of gender equality. For this world to return to the nature way we must see man as the head of woman. The home and social will be peaceful.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: BitcoinNational on September 17, 2017, 07:16:09 PM
Men and women are different but they should be treated equally. There's no valid reason to treat woman in a different way. However this is the case, even in the most developed countries. The problem is all about education, most of the parents don't educate a girl like they can educate a boy. Parents, school and society give to the boys different dreams and aspirations and later when boys and girls will become adults, it creates a gap between the two genders.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: crazylikeafox on September 17, 2017, 11:14:37 PM
Women are not treated equally in most of the countries (especially India and most muslim countries) and people make fun of feminism when it comes to their ego. While there are some countries where men too are not treated well if not equal. Some don't even try to understand what feminism actually means and they keep mocking it. Even today in India people feel that women are meant to do house work and not work in offices.

Equality won't be achieved these things are just ideas that its impossible to achieve.
People would only watch when a woman hurts/slapping a guy in public but when a guy hurts/slap a woman there will be always this someone acts as a knight in shining armor to protect the woman.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Malsetid on September 19, 2017, 08:56:41 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Times have changed. We're not  living in a world anymore that sees women inferior to men in all aspects. We're seeing women now excel in fields previously dominated by men. Woman doing things better. Equality is pretty high now compared to the days when men seem to be the upper gender.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Ranae Tristis on September 19, 2017, 09:55:48 PM
Equality implies that both genders a biologically equal
Which is prima facie ridiculous. And collaborated with heaps upon heaps of data.
Only equality anyone still with some sanity can get behind is, equality under law(which isn't the case anywhere i can think of, usually skewed towards benefiting females in the west, and males in third world). Anything more is preposterous

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: jaydenbox on September 19, 2017, 10:50:41 PM
Well I guess we should have gender equality when it comes to some things but women must accept that we are not the same from nature, they are weaker, men are stronger, that's just how it is, but yeah...

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: CookieGums on September 20, 2017, 02:58:26 AM
They will never be treated equally

Yes because they are both different, but do you know what will happen if we treat the both gender equal? The world will have a sucessful industry because girl will have a work that only man prohibited but this is impossible.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: xianrf20 on September 20, 2017, 02:59:47 AM
Literally, equality doesn't mean everything is equal rather it implies that there is an equal opportunity given to all. We cannot deny the fact someone is better than the other (nature of man). In work, someone must be a leader and othe rest are members on the other hand everyone is given a chance to work and to be a part of a group.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kodes88 on September 20, 2017, 03:11:18 AM
Men and women will never be treated the same. There will be more attention and protection for women and men who protect women. At least here women are given more attention, here there is a commission of protection of children and women, where there women get special protection. Women have the right to claim their rights there.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: The_prodigy on September 20, 2017, 03:20:09 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I think that as the new world now is pushing towards gender equality there really has been a lot going on on what is really the limits of feminism and masculinity. Can females really do a job that is designed for men or that can men also deliver as efficiently as women does.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: salinizm on September 20, 2017, 04:25:58 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Of course , there is no equality between men and woman in our society. Women are always suppressed by a male-dominant society. My solution is women must raise their baby boys by teaching crucial moral principles like respect, loving every creature on earth etc.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: markdario112616 on September 20, 2017, 04:57:55 AM
It will never happen, Even before our ancestors' Gender equality has been an issue that was passed down to our generation. It seems that the issue will never be resolve due emotional and mental capacity of one to opposite sex. Women always think they are most dominant than men, and same goes to the other. The problem must be defined first, what I mean is that what are the causes that sum up to this problem of equality?
If we can break down the causes then we could at least set a proper solution for it. But, there's still hope for each in everyone of my only suggestion to promote equality is to at least respect each and everyone's Men, women and/or LGBT. Because respect could do a lot not only to you but others as well, it makes one's morale to be lifted up.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Leo D on September 20, 2017, 08:24:13 AM
Against that  Because Hard things for men   and kindly things for women

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: pogpog10 on September 20, 2017, 09:05:17 AM
I don't believe we are equal. Women are superior. They are like updated version of us.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: thugpi on September 20, 2017, 09:12:05 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
No, and it will not be. Because men and women is not the same and men's built is stronger than women. Because equality is having what others have to. It is better to have equity than equality.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xester on September 20, 2017, 09:40:24 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
No, and it will not be. Because men and women is not the same and men's built is stronger than women. Because equality is having what others have to. It is better to have equity than equality.

No. One problem of gender inequality is women can not do hard work because they are fragile and careless sometimes. Because of that, some employers are looking for male employee because they know that male is more capable to do hark work. But there are also some company who are looking for women employee because they trust give trust on women. All people should treat each other equally because we are all the same in God's eye.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Pancho95 on September 20, 2017, 01:06:08 PM
The point is that they should not be equal. It is our nature. They are more sympathetic and no matter how much in law we are equal some things like that womens will not get because of their nature.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: mmfiore on September 20, 2017, 01:17:58 PM
I find that rap at the moment is ideal to finish the education of the female. What is unfortunate is that all the work that society accomplishes in bullying women must find a resonant echo in the Rap.

My girlfriend spends her life fantasizing on false photos, in dreams.

Personally intellectually we are the same, in our capacities, but our centers of interest and our hormones push us to be different.

Obviously, things have yet to evolve, but I have the impression that education has a lot to do with the ideals of consumer society.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Senkuli on September 20, 2017, 03:08:45 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
I think equality between men and women can happen in some way, not all things in this woman's life can be equivalent to a man.
many women are successful and career like men, many women are achievers in education like men, but in some cases there are most women can not do it like when the car tire is deflated on the streets, or in Islam a woman can not be a leader of prayer for adult men in running worship services.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: supine on September 20, 2017, 06:36:11 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I think it's better if each is not treated equally but we shouldn't go over board about genderism. Men and women has different roles in the society. There are some things that is suitable for men to do and some for women to do. Each should be treated equally in our society, each should be respected.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kie on September 20, 2017, 10:32:10 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

 they will never be treated equally.
 But there are many things that the two being already know and can do.
 but it's good that the society give chances to both gender.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: naira on September 20, 2017, 11:55:00 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

 they will never be treated equally.
 But there are many things that the two being already know and can do.
 but it's good that the society give chances to both gender.
I think Men and women are not the same,
but it would be nice if they are given the opportunity if they want to do activities in the community

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on September 21, 2017, 12:39:19 AM
I think Men and women are not the same,
but it would be nice if they are given the opportunity if they want to do activities in the community

Being a female, I acknowledge the difference between the men and the women. It is not accurate to say that both are the same and are capable of doing the same things. But at the same time, I don't condone discrimination based on gender, as seen in various Islamist nations such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aleksej996 on September 21, 2017, 12:57:43 AM
I think Men and women are not the same,
but it would be nice if they are given the opportunity if they want to do activities in the community

Being a female, I acknowledge the difference between the men and the women. It is not accurate to say that both are the same and are capable of doing the same things. But at the same time, I don't condone discrimination based on gender, as seen in various Islamist nations such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I wouldn't say it has something to do with Islam as much as religion in general. Religious Christian societies are just as sexist. Religions are old so all these old mindsets are there in all of them, like sexism, homophobia and so on. Not as much racism, since it was kind of difficult to travel back then so people didn't meet other races as much, but if there was any mention of other races in holy texts then I would assume they would be racist as well.

Sexism was so widespread across the globe and all religions back then as it made sense at the time. Physical fitness and wars were a big part of life back then, so man were naturally in charge and woman were home raising new soldiers. Lack of democracy and rule of the strongest army kinda made sexism a must have.

So it would make more sense to me that in religious text there were more sexism then homophobia and even more then racism, but these are just educated guesses, kind of supported by the whole "woman created from a rib of a man" thing.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: birra guzez on September 21, 2017, 03:12:32 AM
I don't know why we are still talking about gender equality. It's 2017 this right must be given to all wemen around the world decades ago. It's really sad to see wemen suffer in countries that don't even allow the them to drive a car.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: jhannlenris on September 21, 2017, 06:43:17 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Yes if you are living in your own country you will feel that gender equality was practiced. But if you leave your place and go abroad you will encounter not only about gender but also racism. Some countries are bullies to others because they think they are superior than others most specilly to imigrants.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xester on September 21, 2017, 10:12:47 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Yes if you are living in your own country you will feel that gender equality was practiced. But if you leave your place and go abroad you will encounter not only about gender but also racism. Some countries are bullies to others because they think they are superior than others most specilly to imigrants.

One problem of gender inequality is women can not do hard work because they are fragile and careless sometimes. Because of that, some employers are looking for male employee because they know that male is more capable to do hark work. But there are also some company who are looking for women employee because they trust give trust on women. All people should treat each other equally because we are all the same in God's eye. Yes, men and women should be  treated equally

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bramborakymilenec on September 21, 2017, 02:50:18 PM
I don't think they are treated equally and they never will be. As a women myself i accept there are pros and cons to being a women as there are to being a man.

I do believe that in history women were pushed down, but today we have many advantages over men. People these days just have a voice due to social media so we hear all the bad things.

My first question to any hardcore feminist is what is the most important thing? Which so far none of them have given me the right answer.

It is life itself.

- Men die earlier, more likely to die from suicide and war. Men don't have the same parental rights when it comes to custody (my own father lost out on raising me because the court sided with my mother). Men are more likely to be homeless.

Women have issues as well, we are sexualised, rape is more common, we have the burden to carry children and if you want to go to parts of the world where religion rules we are second class in some societies. Where i am from, there is no pay gap, maybe in other parts of the world this exists, but where i live most job applications state the rate of pay / salary. I don't think it changes depending on my genitals ;)

Instead of fighting about who has it best, why not just work together and compromise? It's the only way we move forward as a society. I think there are bigger issues in life (such as people all over the world really suffering through starvation, diseases and war) that we should be focusing on rather than if someone wolf whistles at me while i walk.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Prem.Soorajpaul on September 21, 2017, 03:11:07 PM
Equality as in: Women and men are the same juristical person with corresponding rights and freedoms in society = yes good idea
Equality as in: Men and women are equal = thats just dumb

And all this bs like "call me woman, not girl" or "I must get this job because there are still few women in such positions" has nothing to with equality. Feminazis are just using equality to turn the tables because they are frustrated idiots. But that won't bring society forward.

It might be exceptional case with you. In few areas, girls have very strong skills compare to men like generally they have very good communication skills, very polite, patient to handle pressure without over reacting and obviously they can manage the thing better.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Wa(t)ch_night() on September 21, 2017, 03:39:48 PM
yes, men and women should be  treated equally. women can do everything that a man can do . so there  is no gender inequality is  to be done between men and women.

This is completely wrong. A woman no matter how strong she could not not be able to carry heavy items for home improvement, and a man can not give birth to a child.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: MARK 777 on September 23, 2017, 09:46:37 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?

Yes i think and must women take more part on life not only s*x slaves for men

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kuyaJ on September 23, 2017, 01:30:45 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

It depends on country but i think woman can do what men can do.  A man believe that a woman is too very weak and they believe that women can do house works only.

There are nothing fair in this world.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: colivingclub on September 23, 2017, 02:53:52 PM
What exact society are you talking about? In some third world countries, women are still bullied for their gender and not respected in the same way as men are.

Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Yadstiker on September 23, 2017, 04:00:26 PM
Yes it does, but in my own principle, there are some people that are only deserving to be respected so, whatever the gender is, there is no exemption because of equality we have, male or female as long as you deserve to be respected you are respected, there is no greater whether you are a male or a female.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on September 24, 2017, 03:09:55 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?

Yes i think and must women take more part on life not only s*x slaves for men

That is not the case. At least in the western nations. The women are increasingly taking advantage of the laws and using them to torture the men. Have you noticed the divorce cases involving celebrities recently? Most of the time, it is the men who end up paying a huge chunk of their life savings as the alimony. Women doesn't have to part with their savings.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: zack21 on September 24, 2017, 03:23:59 AM
I dont think so but now a days our society are getting to understand they should treat equally as both have same potentiality there is no difference between man and women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: alva 777 on September 24, 2017, 06:21:51 AM
for me men and female difference phiscally so they must have difference and can’t be equal

but as general there are things man can do it better than women

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Achargeturry78 on September 24, 2017, 07:03:41 AM
for me men and female difference phiscally so they must have difference and can’t be equal

but as general there are things man can do it better than women
Yes, there are a lot of differences between a male and female physique but a woman can also do things a man can do and vice versa. We should not limit ourselves because of our gender but, to try things that the other gender can do. We can do all things as long as we give all of our efforts and hearts into it.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: xianrf20 on September 24, 2017, 08:22:00 AM
Gender equality suggest equal opportunities for both male and female in the society. This may only exist when society look to one ability or skills regardless of ones gender. The application of laws must be on certain condition without favouring one party from another.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SkyjetCrew on September 24, 2017, 08:45:29 AM
Men and women can not be equal in the performance of some work, but to have the right, for example, to drive a car or to choose who to marry should have everyone.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xester on September 24, 2017, 09:20:24 AM
Men and women can not be equal in the performance of some work, but to have the right, for example, to drive a car or to choose who to marry should have everyone.

One problem of gender inequality is women cannot do hard work because they are fragile and careless sometimes. Because of that, some employers are looking for male employee because they know that male is more capable to do hark work. But there are also some company who are looking for women employee because they trust give trust on women. All people should treat each other equally because we are all the same in God's eye. Yes, men and women should be treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: marjoree on September 24, 2017, 09:25:36 AM
We all know that men are stronger than women that is why they are not treated equally but for men they should not dominate with their strength but respect women and as a return they will love men back. That should be the right society

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: marjoree on September 24, 2017, 09:29:00 AM
We all know that men are stronger than women that is why they are not treated equally but for men they should not dominate with their strength but respect women because they are soft-hearted and as a return they will love men back. So women should be treated equally and more right

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: eann014 on September 24, 2017, 10:12:28 AM
Yes, man and woman should be treated equally in society, not all man are responsible enough to take care of their children, some man don't have affirmation because they are afraid of responsibilities in life. I am not saying all, SOME man are like that, and a lot of woman that becoming single parent, they are trying to fix their life and also to take care of their child.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: patarfweefwee on October 01, 2017, 10:41:27 AM
Yes, men and women should be treated equally. Both of them are humans. But of course they both have limitations. But in society and economics wise they should be equal. But i think gender specific bathrooms still needs to be there

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: zack21 on October 01, 2017, 10:45:15 AM
Women make up the majority of people in this world, if they feel that their is injustice in the world, they can do something about it, they can first start by electing women into positions of power and they will take it from there.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xester on October 01, 2017, 10:47:18 AM
Yes, men and women should be treated equally. Both of them are humans. But of course they both have limitations. But in society and economics wise they should be equal. But i think gender specific bathrooms still needs to be there

One of the biggest problem that many people faces are having the gender inequality. Some women cannot do hard work because they are fragile and careless sometimes. Because of that, some employers are looking for male employee because they know that male is more capable to do hark work. But there are also some company who are looking for women employee because they trust give trust on women. All people should treat each other equally because we are all the same in God's eye. Yes, men and women should be  treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: smendrich on October 01, 2017, 12:05:58 PM
Nature is not in vain has created a man and a woman so different. Each of them has its own function. Modern trends try to equalize a man and a woman. Partly it's good, because women have been underestimated for many centuries as a person in society, now they are more integrated into society and have the same rights to a career as a man. But sometimes these tendencies cross borders, and the female essence depreciates. This is fundamentally wrong, because it is the woman who is the beginning, the creator of life.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kavindra on October 01, 2017, 12:23:01 PM
in my country the plot between men and women has been recognized by the government, so all kinds of jobs are not gender-sensitive. so women and lakuki are treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aleksej996 on October 01, 2017, 12:56:27 PM
That is not the case. At least in the western nations. The women are increasingly taking advantage of the laws and using them to torture the men. Have you noticed the divorce cases involving celebrities recently? Most of the time, it is the men who end up paying a huge chunk of their life savings as the alimony. Women doesn't have to part with their savings.

That is very true, to be honest. It is very hard for a man to get custody over his children, even in cases when it is obvious that he is more responsible and stable. There is simply a stereotype about men being irresponsible parents and when it comes to something as important as children, some judges simply don't want to ignore those stereotypes.

I think it is important for us to always keep in mind not only that there are unfair treatment and evil people on both sides, but good people as well.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: riceyunita on October 01, 2017, 01:10:24 PM
in a social interaction, it can be.
but in a relationship, we cannot say that it is true.
it is because women should act like a woman, who will always needs a man. and men, should also act like a man, who needs to be strong to protect his woman. 8)

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Avametra on October 01, 2017, 01:28:27 PM
A woman should remain a woman, and a man a man, but everyone should have the right to choose. I want to see a normal society, and not some asexual beings.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: basesaw on October 01, 2017, 07:18:41 PM
A woman should remain a woman, and a man a man, but everyone should have the right to choose. I want to see a normal society, and not some asexual beings.
We must pursue gender equality towards all despite of having different gender preferences be it male, female, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or what. Everyone deserves to be happy and to be accepted by the society even though he or she has different gender preference from his or her original gender.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Yoko 666 on October 01, 2017, 08:38:07 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?

From society view yes those same but they difference for what they must do

men must do hard works , main income , fight to safe women

women must do kind works ,care with new baby’s , work for extra income and for her income

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: NorvsGanda on October 01, 2017, 09:21:49 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Based on what I see in my daily life, some of us treat woman and men equally but most of us did not. There is some people out there who always discriminate the women, they always belittle women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: spongegar on October 01, 2017, 09:41:44 PM
Compared to 10-20 years before, men and women are treated differently. But now, i think there's a huge difference. We are not there yet, but i think we've improved alot when it comes to gender equality. Especially in the western countries, it's not just even a girl and a guy; but a whole myriad of genders.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xester on October 02, 2017, 02:33:10 AM
Compared to 10-20 years before, men and women are treated differently. But now, i think there's a huge difference. We are not there yet, but i think we've improved alot when it comes to gender equality. Especially in the western countries, it's not just even a girl and a guy; but a whole myriad of genders.

One problem of gender inequality is women cannot do hard work because they are fragile and careless sometimes. Because of that, some employers are looking for male employee because they know that male is more capable to do hark work. But there are also some company who are looking for women employee because they trust give trust on women. All people should treat each other equally because we are all the same in God's eye. Yes, men and women should be treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Keeping Up on October 02, 2017, 05:52:16 AM
I would rather promote gender equity rather than gender equality.
Because i believe there should always be a distinction between the.
Not all things man can do, can also done by man.
And the other way around.
So my stand is there my always be a gap between how we treat each gender.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: squog on October 02, 2017, 06:09:17 AM
Men and women are different. That's why we have a different division for the same sport. What not good is that when one gender thinks themselves better than the other. Because one is better than the other at one part but not all. Well, to that, we should think about this everytime

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: nitehawk on October 02, 2017, 06:21:20 AM

This is fairly dependent on the region. If this poll is about Europe/Australia/North America I would say yes. Obviously Middle East is a big no.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: musharaf on October 02, 2017, 06:37:05 AM
In some way we can say that to have equality but gender differences can’t be ignored because men are men which play an independent role in society while as compare to female it differ.
On the other side humanitarian basis the rights of female are exist and we will follow that.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: StevenRA on October 02, 2017, 09:44:02 AM
Overall humanity has made incredible strides over the last century. Obviously there's more work to be done and it depends on specific location, but we're definitely trending in the right direction, and I think in many places we'll see it in our lifetime. Gender equality in educational and work opportunities will make the world far more efficient.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bitlyre on October 02, 2017, 11:02:42 AM
We have gender equality only in law but in reality, there is not and will never be. Women are weaker than men in physical strength and society accept that as it is thats why you wont see women working in construction assigned in the hardest part of the job where strength is need. On the other hand women are more gentle than man and have a lot of patience so they can get jobs that need that better than men and that is what accepted in society.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: IvanPont on October 02, 2017, 11:39:15 AM
Overall humanity has made incredible strides over the last century. Obviously there's more work to be done and it depends on specific location, but we're definitely trending in the right direction, and I think in many places we'll see it in our lifetime. Gender equality in educational and work opportunities will make the world far more efficient.

It is impossible to make complete equality in education and employment because all men and women are different. A man can not give birth to a child, and a woman can not lift weights. You need to take this into account and do not try to make a robot out of them.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Zenome Platform on October 02, 2017, 11:50:08 AM
While the world has achieved progress towards gender equality  and women’s empowerment under the Millennium Development Goals (including equal access to primary education between girls and boys), women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world.
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: rox04 on October 18, 2017, 09:14:17 AM
The only way to solve the problem of women's subordination is to change people's mindset and to plant the new idea of gender equality into every mind.   

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: nwahshearthiad on October 18, 2017, 09:27:28 AM
Gender equality will be a lot of great help on women empowerment. Many of women are treated unfairly by man because most of man think that women are inferior to them.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: PMmesexycoins on October 18, 2017, 10:27:38 AM
There isn't equality within the "same" groups either. We are all different.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: JungleJim65 on October 18, 2017, 04:28:39 PM
yes, men and women should be  treated equally. women can do everything that a man can do . so there  is no gender inequality is  to be done between men and women.
You're joking, right?
Gender equality ends when a woman needs to drag a new washing machine into the house or her car breaks.
There's no equality, that's why women and man aren't competing in sports. Have you ever asked yourself why there are much less women CEOs than men?
You can't expect to pay a woman the same wage a man gets when she does half of his work.

Some women are more physically and emotionally fit then some men. The point is that your gender shouldn't lock you in place that you can't progress and rise above your competition. There is a difference between average woman to be paid then average man and all the women to be paid less then all the men. disregard to their contribution.

If you look at any job, chances are that there will be some woman and some man, such that woman is better at that job then the man. That is what gender equality should be all about. Equal right to prove your worth disregard to your gender.

I am pretty sure that we are all aware that an average woman can't do as hard physical labor as much as an average man.

You’re correct in the the sense that there should be an equality of opportunity regarding anything that is competitive in nature such as college entrances, employment, etc. The problem is that leftists don’t want equality of opportunity, they want equality of outcome.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Jaydeepjani on October 18, 2017, 08:01:45 PM
Gender equality ?
There's a much longer way to go for women to get equal position from the society and I hope that people understand women's importance and strength
Change your minds people

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: TheGodFather on October 19, 2017, 01:21:57 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

No, I think that society has always favored one gender over the other in different aspects of the world. SOme jobs favor men as they need the physical gifts of them while some favor the females over their ability to organize and take command. I think that the best way to practice equality is in the smaller level wherein we treat others equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SugoiSenpai on October 19, 2017, 03:35:36 PM
Men and women are never equal in the society because men inclines to the fact that they are more superior and dominant because they think they are the alpha and the other ones, the girls, are doing what it takes to prove they should be treated greater than men. Equality can be achieved once everyone learns the virtue of respect and understanding. For me, gender equality is  a must. It might be achieved if the government removes the perks of both men and women should be equally distributed.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: MostHigh on October 19, 2017, 03:43:05 PM
It is not the case in most societies now, off course we need a lot of improvement on this. Men and women as much as are not the same but are of the same species if we can provide our women with the same respect and opportunities we give our men. Our world will be a better place

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: thenameisjay on October 19, 2017, 04:01:27 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Never believed it one bit. Men always had the favor specially in thr industry. Women, on the other hand, are always kept under the shade and not working even though they want to and can. I believe the solution to gender equality is equal opportunity. Everyone should be given fair opportunity to promote themselves without the bias of gender. Equal opportunity leaves everyone working.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: malachi_38tr@viS on October 20, 2017, 05:36:09 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

mostly males and womens  are equal in the world. now a days they had all rights in all fields. like politics, films, industry, hospitals, engineers, doctors and other fields. so sexually they are different but in all platforms they are equal. womens providing they skills and ability in all fields especially in Olympics. not only in particular fields. so both are equally had no any differences.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: unityproject_ico on October 20, 2017, 06:26:09 AM
Who knows if true equality will ever exist? But so long as we work towards a more equal future where men and women are at least free to pursue different ways of life without persecution, then that is what's right.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Renzyp on October 20, 2017, 09:32:11 AM
Yes i believe in our county man and woman is always equal!!! But other country still not equal  becouse of there believes!!

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Crassula on October 20, 2017, 10:56:02 AM
Seems like there is no clear definition of "gender equality". Yes, men and women are different and that's a good thing. When I speak about equality I imagine equal opportunity, freedom, and mutual respect. That I believe is an achievable goal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: WannaCry on October 20, 2017, 12:21:29 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I disagree with this. In every aspect, we cannot make all people equal. Let's say with giving birth to a child, there is no equality about giving birth to a child, only women can do it. So, it depends on what aspect.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: tylerderden on October 20, 2017, 08:03:34 PM
With the upcoming generations, the mindset of the people is changing. Although we are still far from having equality in gender, the goal doesn't seem that much impossible now. Many countries have now granted women the right to vote. But still there are some dark places in the world where women are just thought of as objects for doing the household and marriage purpose.
Social media can play a very big role in changing the mindsets of the people as more and more people are exposed to it. Tv shows, movies with women as the main protagonist rather than the man can actually have an impact on people's mind as what you see leads to what you believe in.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: LeonardoDiCrypto on October 21, 2017, 01:08:59 AM
It very much depends on which societies you are talking about. From what I see from Hollywood movies men are treated badly by women in the USA, almost all main male characters of movies have been abandoned by their wives even though they are good men.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: burong1 on October 21, 2017, 03:22:42 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society , including economic participation and decision making ,and when the different behaviours ,aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favoured.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SamPo on October 21, 2017, 04:25:54 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Yes, but women are treated more equally. Atleast where I live.

Its always an issue..your gender, Weather your a boy,  a girl, gay, and  tomboy the treatment is not the same. You'l be judge of your not a straight man or girl. Then of your a girl you'll be treated as no use. Our society is unfair on how they look to every one. There must be an equal treatment to every one.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Labay on October 21, 2017, 05:10:26 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
there is no gender equality in this society because you know that treat with man and women in work place and in transfortation. And also you see the transgenders, there is no gender equality. i sugges to promote the law with gender equilaity so there is no such discrimination.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SangkuniBird on October 21, 2017, 08:25:35 AM
Understanding gender equality refers to an equivalent state of men and women in the fulfillment of rights and obligations.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: strend4239 on October 21, 2017, 08:56:27 AM
Not every man is equal to every other man. Not every women is equal to every other woman. Why would anyone think men should equal women? There isn't any gender equality. If there was, there wouldn't be any gender.

Obcourse we have treat others equally...especially the women they give more sacrifice they mass treat fare in the the country I live women empowerment is establish.that a good sign that our country treat men and women equally...

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Pixyoxx on October 21, 2017, 09:20:51 AM
Men and woman, on being treated equally on physical level is futile because of their natural built and their capabilities. On the other hand technology can play a great role in creating a level field for both men and woman where no physicality is a boundary and one can prove their strength through their brains.
In many parts of the world, woman are treated equal to men, while still at some places they aren't.
Proper awareness should be their that dis sense of equality is not necessary in the first place because both add their own personal value in the society and should not be seen as same entity. They project their own fragrance and their own position in the society which makes them distinct from each other and this distinction shouldn't be seen as something wrong.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Kevinvaonav on October 21, 2017, 07:07:03 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
In my country, women were not allowed to go to high school and work.But now thanks to the service of our hero Mrs. Kartini women get the same rights as men in society.Now the women can work and have a career and can school as high as they want.I think women and men have equal rights in any case in society. The genders only differentiate our appearance as male or female ,gender can not show our inner abilities.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: DZU1410 on October 21, 2017, 07:32:08 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
There is no equality. Always a man was a leader, even from the time of primitive tribes, but there is no need to strive for this. In the world there are always people who obey and who subordinate.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: BADecker on October 21, 2017, 07:37:54 PM
Gender equality?

There ain't no such thing. There isn't even equality any person to any other person. Even identical twins are not equal.


Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: salterious on October 21, 2017, 08:09:52 PM
Not fully as equals and I think it will be difficult to get it such a place. Other than be kind and courteous to one another in our daily lives another way we can try offset the gap is by practicing egalitarianism in our lives. This

isnt feminism or the male equivalent but rather promoting equality for all humans. If we all do this then the inequality should stop sooner than later.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: curry101 on October 22, 2017, 05:48:53 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
No, man and woman are not treated equally. Most of all the women are the majority. Example for applying for a job, most of the company choose womens, because they say that womens are hard working than men.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: usorin on October 22, 2017, 06:18:09 PM
Gender equality it is not viable because who want to be men and woman the same way. Each of the gender has a precise role in this world so i don't believe in gender equality, i believe in gender equal right.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: craZyLovE0916 on October 22, 2017, 07:00:35 PM
The biggest problem people have when thinking about gender equality is that they need to accept the physical differences between men and women are not bad, they just are what they are.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: xvids on October 22, 2017, 07:13:49 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

For the longest time we have tried to promote gender equality. But isn't it obvious that women should be more favored for simply being physically weaker than men? Men, in addition, should also always do their best to protect and respect women. I think we should simply focus on molding the younger boys become gentlemen and girls to become well-mannered ladies.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bitkaboom2 on October 22, 2017, 08:56:06 PM
Allah give their own rights to men and women. Allah made the man strong than woman therefore the burden on men is heavy than women, the men have their own responsibilities and the women have their own. the men have responsibilities to fulfill the needs of his wive and children. the women responsibilities to care of her husband and children

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: fabioganga on October 22, 2017, 09:16:59 PM
They will never be treated equally

in some religiously based cultures, the woman is not much more than a slave who is only good for cooking food, clean the house and make babies. So, no... they will never be really equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: wRex on October 23, 2017, 01:09:24 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Sex Equality, the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.

Fundamental reason we have not yet achieved gender equality in every realm is that women and girls’ voices are too often excluded from global and national decision-making.
majority of girls in India don’t have access to using basic technology such as phones and computers because of infrastructure related challenges and economic reasons. Increasingly we see bans on girls using mobile phones. The dialogue on girls’ access to Stem [science, technology, engineering and maths] education and women’s role in technology has not even started to be acknowledged.

Equality between women and men is one of the European Union's founding values. It goes back to 1957 when the principle of equal pay for equal work became part of the Treaty of Rome.

The Strategic engagement focuses on the following five priority areas:
1.    Increasing female labour market participation and equal economic independence;
2.    Reducing the gender pay, earnings and pension gaps and thus fighting poverty among women;
3.    Promoting equality between women and men in decision-making;
4.    Combating gender-based violence and protecting and supporting victims;
5.    Promoting gender equality and women's rights across the world.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Pekelangito on October 23, 2017, 01:15:24 AM
I can tell that there is gender equality now but some other countries still don't treat the ladies as lesser than the men, the countries like Jordan, Egypt, Indonesia and other Muslim countries.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on October 23, 2017, 01:45:59 AM
I can tell that there is gender equality now but some other countries still don't treat the ladies as lesser than the men, the countries like Jordan, Egypt, Indonesia and other Muslim countries.

Muslim countries are the worst. For these people, the women are just child-producing machines. And even in my country, the Muslim men treat women just like that. And the most surprising thing is that there is still no shortage of brainwashed non-Muslim women, who are ready to marry these men and then change their names and convert to Islam.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: riyad on October 23, 2017, 04:29:18 AM
I think Man is more majority person in our society.However, the gender gap in the workforce is still prevalent; women continue to earn less than men, are less likely to advance their careers as far as men, and accumulate less retirement or superannuation savings. At the same time, men have less access to family-friendly policies such as parental leave or flexible working arrangements than women.Actually, there is no equality in our society.

Title: The #MeToo Movement Is Feminist BS
Post by: BADecker on October 24, 2017, 05:27:25 PM
The #MeToo Movement Is Feminist BS (
Christine Smith (

The MeToo hashtag movement is full of it. A simplistic efficacious call to emotionally weak women to join yet another misandristic herd predicated on taking pride in being a “victim.”

It’s indicative of what a pathetic state our society has come to, as if strength of character lies in joining with other women in another anti-man cause. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are women who pick their own brains relentlessly to try and remember some little time a man exhibited an unwelcome overture, which was spurned, counting that as if it’s harassment so they can join the crowd. ( I’ve heard women doing this, several times over the years, giving me details, of what in their mind is such a terrible story, and upon hearing it, I’m left completely feeling the woman is seriously emotionally disturbed, and I empathize with the poor men in their stories.) Many women really want to be “victims.” Looks like such women are in their heyday now.


Real victims might share such experiences with those close to them, I wouldn’t think they’d want to make a socially fun activity parading it. Seems to me, the time to speak out, if one felt victimized, would have been then. Likewise, using a hashtag as a sign of empowerment strikes me as incredibly hilarious.

A woman (aside from violent encounters) always has a choice whether to provide sexual favors to a man or not. I don’t take any of this intimidation and emotional instability seriously as an excuse. Men who actually try to coerce women into trading/linking sex for career advancement are disgusting low class males, however no woman has to say “yes.”If she does, she entered into an equal exchange, she’s not a victim.


A prostitute is a businesswoman, providing a service for a fee. She isn’t measuring the man to see if developing a relationship with him serves her interests, and she isn’t manipulating a man to think he’s in love or that she loves him to get something. She’s not using you, she’s selling you something. When you part, it’s the end of the transaction. Not so with feminist bitches who can plague you for years to come. Never underestimate what a wicked woman will do. They know not the word “loyalty.”


It’s time to warn vulnerable young men (or older men who have been out of the dating scene due to divorce) against the predatory women who will use their bodies well to entice a man into think this time he’s in love. It’s time to caution men to realize some good sex isn’t worth being involved with a disturbed woman. Women know how to manipulate men, and sex is a powerful way to get even an intelligent man out of his right mind. Test a woman, test to see is she cares about you, before her use of her body clouds your judgment. I’ve seen many a good man in this society get burned by bad women, women with ulterior motives, women looking to get their emotional or financial needs filled, both should be a warning sign to a man who seeks a truly loving relationship. Often good men are the most vulnerable to making mistakes with such women, as in their goodness, they have become naive, equating it with acceptance of things they feel deep inside are not right.


So, as I consider all these false females in society, I must also address the lack of real men. Many males have become something less than real men now. They’re brought up to be weaklings, to act as if equality between them and women is truth.To accept that a woman is no different than themselves in a relationship, and that to expect a woman to provide traditionally given pleasures is wrong on their part. By pleasure, I refer to everything a real man rightly should expect in a relationship: respect, support for his goals, from the simple pleasure of preparing his meals to making sure he is sexually satisfied. If you put anything else above your man’s wants, you’re less than what a true female should be.


Feminists are crazy, and feminist men are even crazier. To accept such nonsense, such males relinquish who they could have been simply to avoid criticism. True females stay away from such men. Their emotional problems run deep, just like the feminist women they emulate. Whether a man or woman, those who engage in political correctness, become perverse versions of their sex and its otherwise intrinsic beauty.

Good females of all ages abound, and they must stand strong in their love of themselves and their values which bring them to truly appreciate the men in their lives. We are the strong, intelligent and truly beautiful (inside and out) because we know what it is to appreciate a man, we know what it is to love a man because we truly love who we are.




Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: swordling143 on October 24, 2017, 06:07:09 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

There should be gender equality of course. It is the modern times there are things that women can do that men cannot and there are rhings that men can do that women cannot. So, it’s practically the same. We are all equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: BADecker on October 24, 2017, 06:20:26 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

There should be gender equality of course. It is the modern times there are things that women can do that men cannot and there are rhings that men can do that women cannot. So, it’s practically the same. We are all equal.

But gender equality is only words. Nobody is equal to anybody else. All people are different. The idea of gender equality is something used by the media to keep the focus of people off important issues, so the manipulators can enslave the people more and more, behind the scenes.


Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Mellifluous on October 24, 2017, 07:46:16 PM
I think gender equality comes from how we treat both gender. Sometimes i think there is gender equality in our country but sometimes i think we don't have because we don't treat both gender equal. We treat men and woman in different ways.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: trako on October 24, 2017, 09:41:52 PM
I do not think that women and men are equal in society. unfortunately there is inequality. It is very difficult to get in front of you. I have a few suggestions. first education. the other is the family. These two are very important. but we can overcome equality here.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Freddie Aguiluz on October 25, 2017, 06:53:03 AM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.

 I agree to that, also if we push to have equality in gender, the design of God for male and female will not be the same anymore, the bible tells us that God told the men to love women and the women should surrender to men, that is why we will never have the gender equality, in this way female are more advantage, so why are they pushing the gender equality?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: cizatext on October 25, 2017, 09:55:21 AM
The issue of gender inequality has been a contending topic over time, the society has created a gap between men and women in terms of economic, socio political settings. Men are given the upper hand and women are consider as second class citizens.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: gabmen on October 25, 2017, 10:49:50 AM
The issue of gender inequality has been a contending topic over time, the society has created a gap between men and women in terms of economic, socio political settings. Men are given the upper hand and women are consider as second class citizens.

Ever since that has been the case. But as you can observe, that gap is already being bridged and equality is now becoming common in a lot of institutions. Women are strong and intelligent and is at par with any men.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Jgatsby on October 25, 2017, 11:30:40 AM
Gender equality? it's a joke man, don't believe in that kind of stuff. I can never imagine our society having this gender equality. Just imagine a woman doing construction job, carrying heavy stuffs for men, willing to stand in bus/subway and give the sit for men, woman will never do that, I don't know why they always think that they're so special.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xising on October 25, 2017, 12:02:55 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Men are different from women in many ways, therefore, should not be treated equal on some regards. Men are naturally stronger than women, thus certain jobs that require physical strength aren’t really made available for women, in most cases. But if a job only requires mental skills, both men and women should be given the same treatment. Now, it’s totally different when the topic is human rights, which I suppose both gender should be equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: theotherguy1 on October 25, 2017, 12:27:38 PM
I think it's reasonable to surmise that men and women have had different evolutionary paths.  Maybe we all started from the same bacteria at one point, but different species diverged a long time ago.  More recently than that, but a long time ago, species developed sexual reproduction.  Since then, men and women's paths have diverged quite a bit.  No reason to think they are the same, so why you would assume they are (or even should be) treated the same?  I mean, it's kind of a square peg, round hole situation.  Obviously, not to say you want people disparage each other, but it's possible that men and women fundamentally have slightly different needs, so why not attempt to cater to them?  In theory, that would improve everybody's situation.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: nodelover on October 25, 2017, 12:45:48 PM
Yes, there is equality. And in my country, there is even a law that protects women rights and even in the military, there are women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Zemomtum on October 25, 2017, 12:58:23 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

So far? i can say? Yes, every one of us is treated equally. Because of what are the man can do now is also do too by a woman. Not like before? as the woman does not have an ability to do the things that men can do. But now, in our modern era, the woman can do what they can not do before :). So in our time now everyone is equally in the society.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Jaynykz on October 25, 2017, 01:06:38 PM
We need to have a GENDER EQUALITY inorder to respect the feelings of other and to avoid gender descrimination. We are now in a modernized world we need to exapand our thoughts and understanding.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: nursahath07 on October 25, 2017, 01:19:10 PM
I think gender equality is most important thing for now because we can see now a days there is many thing is happening regarding to this issue if we can make this then this problem may erase which will be the solution of many problems as well.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Herdawnia on October 26, 2017, 01:42:44 PM
Yes for me Many people are already aware of gender equality, and with all efforts of different leaders from defferent races who advocates this concern. No to gender disscrimination but we know sometimes, men are masculine that is whythey are the one usually will do repair works in the house but millenial mom do also repair whenever there is no gentlemen can do the work. Vise verza as men who do laundry whenever their girl partner is not available.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: pimvinken on October 26, 2017, 01:51:00 PM
despite now they said this is the time of gender equality, however many countries still not accept gender equality, they appreciate man more than woman, their point of view is still the man is the most important man in a family and think the woman can never be equal to man.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kingdeone on October 26, 2017, 02:57:17 PM
The pursuit of equality is now the trend of society, because women are increasingly strong inside

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: crypcoinmonster on October 26, 2017, 03:04:20 PM
There are biological and genetic differences, and no matter what we do we cannot alter those facts.

Yes, there should be equal opportunities to both sex, such as fair salary and things alike. But, there are just really some things men would be more qualified to do, and women on some things, just the same.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Ardan17 on October 30, 2017, 08:14:19 AM
Gender equality means equality of conditions for men and women to obtain opportunities and rights as human beings, in order to be able to participate in political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, educational and defense and national security activities (hankamnas), and similarities in enjoy the results of such development. Gender equality also includes the elimination of discrimination and structural injustice, both for men and women. The realization of equality is characterized by the absence of discrimination between women and men, and thus they have access, opportunity to participate, and control over development and benefit the equal and fair of development.
Having access and participation means having the opportunity or opportunity to use the resources and have the authority to make decisions on how to use and the results of those resources. Having control means having full authority to make decisions on the use and results of resources. So get the same benefits from development.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Kikestocio23 on October 30, 2017, 03:16:38 PM
Yes we can! Because if you see no gender we are all people. People should have equal rights and not be judged because of our gender. Women and men are different obviously, but we have the important things in common, like being willing to learn and being able to become whatever we want without men thinking they run the world.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: rickyleatham on October 30, 2017, 03:48:35 PM
we will never able to make a world a place where gender is equal between men and woman, there are many place that men are more respected than woman like india, because they still think men can do a lot of thing than woman, and woman responsibilities is take care for family not working. so i think it will take very longtime for our society to become a place where gender is equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: GOODNESS on October 30, 2017, 05:07:02 PM
I will like to look at this Gender equality from a perspective a lot of people have not consider before coming out with their opinions. I will like us to consider from the Creation of the World by God, He created the man,and from one of the man's ribs he created the woman,which indicates the woman is part of the man.Secondly, God make the man the head of the family.So in the society, many have already know that men are the head, and does not make man superior, just that man assume the office God place him, so why think that they should be treated Equally, except those clamoring for gender equality want to challenge what God laid down from the beginning of creation. There is need to look back at History that our ground mothers never clamor for gender equality as they appreciate their Positions in their huband's house without Agitation. The issue of promoting equality is already in place, where we see a lot of women assuming prominent position in the society, political offices and others. No man can stop the promotion of any individual including all women,except God permit it. Many top political office holders are not there by mistake, it is  God that ordain it.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: btc24 on October 30, 2017, 06:39:46 PM
In society men and women are treated differently. The fact is men and women  are different. That's why they shouldn't be treated equally. If we want to make them equal,  that's a little bit hard because there are several things that men can do but women can't. Just enjoy it.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bob_trades on October 30, 2017, 06:45:54 PM
What kind of equality are you looking for?
In terms of social acceptance and treatment, yes there should be fairness.

However, do remember that there are biological traits that will always differentiate women from men; and men from women.

Nevertheless, if you want to be treated the way you want to, then work hard for it. Skill you way to the success you want.

Just like what Judge Judy said "you define yourself".

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Gaos on October 30, 2017, 09:19:01 PM
I think that now women and men are absolutely equal and that there is no gender inequality. Although there are times when women overdo with the extortion of large rights for women

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: joebrook on October 30, 2017, 11:53:47 PM
Yes, there is equality. And in my country, there is even a law that protects women rights and even in the military, there are women.
If women are ready to play the gender equality card then I think it's time that they are treated the same way and manner that men are treated because there are things that women do that even men don't have the guts to spite of that everyone should be treated equally irrespective of their gender.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on October 31, 2017, 04:03:02 AM
I think that now women and men are absolutely equal and that there is no gender inequality. Although there are times when women overdo with the extortion of large rights for women

I wouldn't say we have achieved gender equality. There are still large gaps between the roles of males and females. But I regard it as a natural thing. Women are designed to be better at something and inferior in some other things when compared to men. You can't expect a women boxer to beat Tyson Fury in the ring, or a female athlete to beat Usain Bolt in the track.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: shiki3226 on October 31, 2017, 04:18:29 AM
Gender equality for me means that all people be given the same rights and opportunities regardless of their gender. I am glad to say that where I currently live, I can see that it is being applied and implemented properly. However, we must admit that there are people who sensationalize any of the other gender like men should be have the final say in a family setup or sometimes women having their own law that protects them from abuse as if men are not susceptible to the same danger.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Curly2490 on October 31, 2017, 05:32:03 AM
As ive noticed the gender equality are the modern society today what men can do woman can do also..the bisexual individuals are also recognize by the society and most of them has a big contribution in terms of we can treat equal as male and female exist and love one another for peaceful living

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Wickedwitch28 on October 31, 2017, 05:32:43 AM
Yes. I believed men and women must be treated equaly because there are some women can do what men could do.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bit Log on October 31, 2017, 06:56:31 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

For me, we should no change what God has designed, God has make man to lead the world, and woman tends to submit to man and the man should love the woman with his whole heart. But as of now, woman are competing in the field of mans work. They can now do what man can do, but the treatment is still the same.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Kurdo on October 31, 2017, 07:38:59 AM
We are not equal.
There are just some idiots who talk shit about that genders are equal.
The nature showed us that male and female are different. And it's good as it is.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Pretty Boy on October 31, 2017, 07:51:12 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
We should treat everyone as equals because we all deserve to be treated equally and not be treated poorly. But based on emotions women are more emotional than without even explaining it, because i know that you all know that men can controll more their emotions than women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: TheDarkVoice on October 31, 2017, 07:53:27 AM
I don't think that genders are being treated differently anymore these days. Or probably, I live in a society where it happens to be like that. If we all won't anymore see a difference between how we treat men or how we treat women, there will be gender equality. It depends only on us, not the others :)

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: inoymuninoy on October 31, 2017, 09:01:46 AM
There is no way to be equal because men and women have different nature. The only thing is to respect each other.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dettihegedus on October 31, 2017, 09:37:12 AM
There has never been gender equality between men and wonan, this world is unfair, we have to accept this, woman can do many thing as well as men, but there are things that woman can not do, so that is the reason why many people still compare men to woman.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: arielman on October 31, 2017, 11:49:21 AM
Although women have gained a lot of rights over time, and legally have a status almost equal to that of men, I think we can not talk about gender equality anymore.

I think inequality is not a problem that only men's mentality is, it is also a problem of women who sell a certain image among men.

Respect for others is given to you as long as you impose respect through behavior, clothing, intellectual abilities.
A man who would have all these deficiencies, I think he would be just as bad as a woman.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Ailurophile on October 31, 2017, 12:39:36 PM
Woman and men never treat equal. Woman gained a lot of rights. Woman can do anything as well as man but there is things that woman can't do that why people can't stop comparing men and woman. We don't have gender equality and its unfair.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ninjacrack on October 31, 2017, 04:18:40 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

No, because not all of us are feminist. i will suggest to them to be a feminist because when you say feminist it is not only for woman but for all. Feminism is all about man and woman having equal rights.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: LeonardoDiCrypto on October 31, 2017, 10:24:49 PM
I think there is a big discrimination between sexes. For example, if a man want to get pregnant, he is not allowed. This is not correct.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on November 01, 2017, 03:34:55 AM
I think there is a big discrimination between sexes. For example, if a man want to get pregnant, he is not allowed. This is not correct.

Nope. You are wrong. It is allowed in certain cases.  ;D

For your kind information, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the first male in the United States to get pregnant. Still you don't want to believe me? Here is the proof:

And after that there were a few more, like this guy:

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: DRACOCYLUS on November 01, 2017, 03:41:18 AM
this is only my opinion. no . i don't think we need gender equality because we are creation of nature. i think society need this deference between male and female when it gone there will be mess. 

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: topse on November 01, 2017, 04:36:31 AM
in this recently era, women and men are same.
woman can do what men do, especially in job career.
it happen n big city,
here in my place that's not really familiar even sometimes if there is women do men job's or men's duty,
that's strange for us.
woman duties here are take care of baby, cooking, dressing up and stay at home.
looking for money is men's duty.
but i like to know it, because mother is needed so much by the children.
nowadays many mothers work outside as dad does.
they leave their children whole day, till they don't have time to play or just sharing each other.
even some of children getting in trouble in their school.
it looks like money is everything.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: binting on November 01, 2017, 08:25:04 AM
Equality as in: Women and men are the same juristical person with corresponding rights and freedoms in society = yes good idea
Equality as in: Men and women are equal = thats just dumb

And all this bs like "call me woman, not girl" or "I must get this job because there are still few women in such positions" has nothing to with equality. Feminazis are just using equality to turn the tables because they are frustrated idiots. But that won't bring society forward.
yes gender equality is the best because every individual have rite and respect so that we need to respect each other and gender fair and quality each other because we are born to betruenit to be perfect

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Tokener on November 01, 2017, 10:08:08 AM
Yes, men and women should be treated equally. Both of them are humans.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: UchihaRukawa on November 01, 2017, 10:30:27 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I believe that men and women are created equal, but they are of different gender, thats it, there just nothing more to it. If wemen want to be treated like men then I don't know what will happen, the same way if men wanted to be treated as women. There is a reason why gender is created that way, and I just want it to be as it is.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: football998 on November 01, 2017, 12:35:33 PM
 In my country everyone is equal, but I see boys are more interested. I do not know why ? Girls are less interested,
I'm a boy, I do not like that. I think that men and women equality will be a lot better. Everyone has the opportunity to show their talents .

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: -Redacted- on November 01, 2017, 01:02:24 PM
In my country women are confident that only men should bring money into family. At the same time they want the same rights everywhere. If they want that, why should men pay for everything?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: fbpolok on November 01, 2017, 01:33:54 PM
Yes gender quality exist in my country i dont know about the other country but what can be the solution it i think by make people educated this problem can be eradicated.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bit Log on November 01, 2017, 01:49:03 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

 I think that this issue will not end or solved easily, when we are talking about gender we are not just pertaining about girl or boy, there are also what we call gay and lesbians, although they are not really appropriate in our society we still consider them because they are humans too,

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bit Log on November 01, 2017, 01:51:42 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

We really cannot expect gender equality. Because of God's design of our human anatomy, we cannot say that man and woman are equal, a huge factor of that is the built of man compared to womans body.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: De Young on November 01, 2017, 02:47:46 PM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.

Yes Im agree with this statement. Actually they don't need to be equal! Most of them (both male and female) don't want this "equality"  ::)

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: gabmen on November 03, 2017, 05:45:50 AM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.

Yes Im agree with this statement. Actually they don't need to be equal! Most of them (both male and female) don't want this "equality"  ::)

Really? Perhaps physically men are more capable than women but taking that aside, there probably are a lot of females that are better than you in professional aspects. Be in in work, or in society, women are at par and at times, even more capable than men

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ladadadiweliketoparty on November 05, 2017, 12:14:31 AM
Not fully equally but I dont think this is something we should strive for. Obviously we should look for the best candidates at anything for everything no favoritism and no trying to even out the scales that is purely stupid. This

is coming from a girl btw, I hate that I am looked at differently purely because I am a woman. I still have capabilities and if I am not qualified for a position I shouldnt get that job solely because I am a woman...stupid  :(

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: MadonnaLover on November 05, 2017, 01:53:29 AM
All the sexes should be treated equally. But in reality some sexes are treated more equally than others. This is not so good. I am for Gender equality, at least for the main three genders.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: usorin on November 05, 2017, 02:53:26 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Male and female cant be equal by the simple fact that they have different needs. Yes, they should be paid the same way for the same work and so on, that is normal, but if we talk socially, there are differences between genders..right??? So how could we be equals? For example if we take two persons from the same gender, they are not equal, they have the same rights but each of them is different, so they are not equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SamPo on November 05, 2017, 05:20:07 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

In other countries men and women are unrqually treated. They discriminate women, treat them as maid not as a wife or a partner, they are not allow to have some pleasure time but just to spend theit time doing house chores like cooking, cleaning the house, laundry etc.
I wish every one was treated equally and not look on the gender.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: soupyyo on November 07, 2017, 12:33:48 PM
The only way to solve the problem of women's subordination is to change people's mindset and to plant the new idea of gender equality into every mind.   

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: De Young on November 08, 2017, 10:53:09 AM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.

Yes Im agree with this statement. Actually they don't need to be equal! Most of them (both male and female) don't want this "equality"  ::)

Really? Perhaps physically men are more capable than women but taking that aside, there probably are a lot of females that are better than you in professional aspects. Be in in work, or in society, women are at par and at times, even more capable than men

>there probably are a lot of females that are better than you in professional aspects

I don't think so  :)  And there are most probably that I will meet male not female that is better than me in professional aspects :)

>women are at par and at times, even more capable than men

Yeah yeah more capable and so on ;) Sometimes - yes, I agree, but sometimes the men are better "mother" for their kids that women, and sometimes the men more kind to people than woman, but it's exceptions...

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Hendralam18 on November 08, 2017, 11:02:37 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

All around countries already manage about gender equality in society and jobs. Now Woman can takes Man job either in government or private company. I don't know since when gender equality, but for me as a man these were good thing, Woman and Man now are same degree, so we must respect every woman.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: wideshut on November 08, 2017, 11:12:59 AM
Man and woman are not equal and should not be. the only admissible equality is respect. Other things like work, homestuff, salary etc must be regulated by needs and possibilities of each of them.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xester on November 08, 2017, 12:08:46 PM
Man and woman are not equal and should not be. the only admissible equality is respect. Other things like work, homestuff, salary etc must be regulated by needs and possibilities of each of them.

Gender equality is a serious issue in the whole world and because of that many people are not fair in this world. We should have gender equality in this world to obtain peacefulness and fairness. We should not treat other people small because all of us have a equal rights in this world and God made us equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: charmaine08 on November 22, 2017, 11:20:08 AM
It is good that people gender are equal .if men can do that also women does .
And in rights of every person it must be equal .

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: cryptonoob312 on November 22, 2017, 11:51:27 AM
i think women have the same rights in Europe and US. feminism is overrated.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Condoriano on November 22, 2017, 11:54:48 AM
No, there will never ever a gender equality. Man and Woman are not created equal, the only thing that we can do is to respect what each individuals can do.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Hopeful2017 on November 22, 2017, 11:56:32 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Gender equality will happened in any part of the world. However, we are not losing hope that gender equality will happen. To promote gender equality, conduct public awareness and organize support groups or NGOs that will tackle gender equality.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Xester on November 22, 2017, 11:59:24 AM
i think women have the same rights in Europe and US. feminism is overrated.

I think one of the biggest problem that our world facing right now is gender equality. We should have gender equality in our world because it is a big help especially to  women that some people think that uncapable to do certain things. If this happen, we can bring peace in our world and problems can be lessen.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: CherRic on November 22, 2017, 12:52:17 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Nowadays, gender equality cannot be observed in our society. There are still many inequalities in terms of treatment, perceptions and awareness of genders. However, there are already a lot of programs and activities that promotes gender equality. Some of these are, free training for women, support groups for women empowerment, men and women can do the same job, both have equal opportunities in work and promotions.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Mustanzid on November 26, 2017, 12:36:08 PM
Gender equality is very important for a developing country. Without gender equality a nation can't reach top of the level.If gender equality is gone than all the people will be part of the development.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: gabmen on November 26, 2017, 12:57:35 PM
Gender equality is very important for a developing country. Without gender equality a nation can't reach top of the level.If gender equality is gone than all the people will be part of the development.

Well though i want to agree with you, i think some arab countries are an exception. Guess oil makes you a rich country regardless of your stand in gender equality. But i think its now time to put male domination behind. We've all seen that if given opportunities, some women are even better than men in making things work

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: krish28042 on November 26, 2017, 02:13:22 PM
 what is Gender Equality?  than,,,Gender Equality is achieved When Wonen and man enjoy  the Same Rights and  Opportunities across all sectors of Society  including Economic particpation and Decsion making and, WhenThe Different Behaviours, Aspirations and need of Women and man are Equally valued and Favoured.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: meliodas on November 26, 2017, 02:14:18 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I don't see anything wrong why men and women should not be treated equally. As a millennial, I am aware that in the past, women were oppressed by their rights and often treated low. This was tolerable before, but now with the right knowledge and advanced living, I don't see any reason why it's impossible for all to be equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: yoseph on November 26, 2017, 03:33:50 PM
Gender equality is very important for a developing country. Without gender equality a nation can't reach top of the level.If gender equality is gone than all the people will be part of the development.
Thats essentially not true, There is no gender equality in Saudi Arabia but look at how far they have developed in the world. Though i am not an opponent of gender inequality, there is nothing to show that it hinders progress or development in any form.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: androidpobeditel on November 26, 2017, 04:06:18 PM
Is it possible to achieve gender equality in general? No, at least until the moment when men not only learn how to give birth, but also receive appropriate psychological changes - somehow the need to constantly remain involved in the situation, the need to protect themselves with increased emotionality, intuition, instinctiveness ... the list can be continued without it is the essence. Just men and women are so different that the very notion of equality loses its meaning.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: September11Myth on November 26, 2017, 09:09:09 PM
Now because of obsession about gender equality in Sweden it is forbidden to call God a man or to use masculine pronoums for him/her. To the Lord is not any more "the Lord". I wonder what. Perhaps "IT".

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: AnubisStar on November 26, 2017, 09:55:56 PM
It's obvious that men and women aren't equal in the face of society, a lot has been done to achieve this goal, sadly there are still many differences in regard to the privileges that women do not have. For example, It is well known that girls are more vulnerable to sexual abuse than boys, that's why we are afraid to be alone in most of the places that we have not visited before, and usually men do not get this (Yes, it can happen but USUALLY it does not.)
To promote equality we need a better education, we need to teach boys not to rape and respect girls instead to teach girls to be afraid of boys. I think we can reach equality, but we have to work for it.  ;)

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: noelwenceslao03 on November 26, 2017, 10:21:13 PM
Gender equality is somewhat a difficult topic to tackle. Male and female would never be the same as 1 is equal to 1. However, we could say that every person in the world demanda respect from others.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: groundcontrol67 on November 26, 2017, 11:48:36 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

There are examples of gender inequality in both directions but probably more cases where its against women than men. One that people often talk about is the pay gap, this is one that often frustrates me because demanding equal pay is not the solution. There are logical reasons for the pay gap (it doesn't equal the current gap but for some gap yes) such as the fact that women are more likely to take extended maternity leave at great cost to an employer. Society now is at the stage where too many people demand everything to be equal when in fact things such as prices wages etc should be decided by market forces but we should just be acting to remove discrimination. We can only do this by furthering understanding and inclusivity.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SamboNZ on November 27, 2017, 12:05:49 AM
yes i think people here in the philippines are treated equally whether you are a male or a female. But some of the  time we still have that culture that give priorities and gentleness when it comes to women and their job.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on November 27, 2017, 02:14:52 AM
Gender equality is somewhat a difficult topic to tackle. Male and female would never be the same as 1 is equal to 1. However, we could say that every person in the world demanda respect from others.

Respecting others is one thing, and providing equality is another. For example, I am working in the IT industry. Here the wages are decided based on the performance of the individuals. Obviously the males are good in coding and programming, and therefore most of the highly paid workers are male. Now the females can't demand that they should get the same salary as these guys.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: BronxCats on November 27, 2017, 02:18:05 AM
There are some differences, hormonal, personality differences between the genders. The best thing to do is just treat everybody with respect, and know that those differences are there, and they are not a bad thing.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Markupoltit on November 27, 2017, 02:43:51 AM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.
I think the word Gender equality is respect to be equal.And i think there are some differences of a human being between the genders.I think the most important is treating like good thing in this world.And also boys respect the girls, because men do the same things as women.I think no one was born in this world that they could not do any things.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: pranaja on November 27, 2017, 02:52:33 AM
yes I think that, If the implementation of equal rights between women and men in rural communities can be realized then it will be very supportive in realizing national goals, and can specifically promote the development of society in a rural, especially in rural women, with no put aside the role of the woman in accordance with her nature as a woman

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Advk7700 on November 27, 2017, 03:50:31 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Basically the person should change there tendency if we are not treating grnder equally.. Bcoz in today's society gender do not matter much if we see the success ratio between men and women

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: congresowoman on November 27, 2017, 04:47:35 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
I don't think that gender equality is among us. For example here in our country, women drivers are often looked down upon for their "slowness" on the road. I guess this is a common misconception because women are generally careful drivers. To promote gender equaluty is plain simple. It is just a matter of respecting each other regardless of age.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ttbd on November 27, 2017, 06:44:11 AM
Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: FriddickPrime on November 27, 2017, 07:05:37 AM
equal is terms of the law yes.

equal in outcome,brains,strength and so on depend on the person themselves

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: DesmondHayes on November 27, 2017, 09:37:01 AM
There will always exist countries that are not supporting women as a working class in general. We live in the modern age and as such equality is something that we must all absorbe and embrace cause everyone has equal rights. Woman are new leaders in this century and they are showing their qualities cause they can. There will always be the man who is against that kind of policies in which the women will prevail but that is bad attitude cause equality is what must be spread trough world. We are all born the same just in different circumstances.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dammang on November 27, 2017, 10:56:19 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
in these days men and women are equal,what men can do also women can.they have equal in right what desicion they make.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: JollySkipper on November 27, 2017, 11:03:21 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

It can not be 100% equality because we are different, equality is not the same as fairness . Some women are fit to do some jobs we suck on the and men are fit to do some jobs women can't do. All this thing with equality is a bit too crazy. We just need to respect everyone, woman, man, child, black, white, purple, fat or skinny

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: mirror001 on November 27, 2017, 11:10:32 AM
Our administration dispatches distinctive projects advancing sexual orientation correspondence, for example, engaging ladies through giving preparing that may elevate them. However, notwithstanding extraordinary projects, the treatment of the general public amongst male and female are as yet unequal.

Indeed, even many individuals still trusts that men are prevalent than ladies as far as initiative, basic leadership, and execution (some figure men can improve the situation than ladies), a few people these days are liberal in tolerating the way that ladies can do likewise what men can do.

Presently, men and ladies help each different as the provider of the family not at all like before that exclusive men considered as a provider of the family. Numerous ladies these days likewise exceed expectations in various fields of work and even in term of administration. I trust that sometime in the not so distant future, society will likewise treat ladies and men similarly.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: The_authentic on November 27, 2017, 11:16:11 AM
Everybody either male or female should be treated equally even though genetically we  are not equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Saput on November 27, 2017, 11:19:40 AM
indeed in physical terms men and women are different but in terms of work men and women are equal

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: nagatraju on November 27, 2017, 01:28:18 PM
I don't think that we should be treated equally...looking at any research is visible that the general between a man and a woman is only related to the species of the genus - homo sapiens...and any other reactions to life, stress, the world around us are can you treat us equally? why then men don't give birth to children?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Shamburis on November 27, 2017, 01:45:41 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
men and woman should treat equally in our society because in knowledge and wisdom there is no ups and down we should be treated equally, because GOD create us equally. so i suggest that we should have treated equally in our society and men allow women to be treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: cryptoblue on November 27, 2017, 02:08:36 PM
Gender equality is very important. It will not only have positive impact on society but also contribute to the economy significantly.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Lasvista on November 27, 2017, 02:35:04 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Base on my opinion, there is no gender equality that happen as of now. Imagine female person is more insensitive compare to male person. Example is when the male person is hurting by the female person in public, the other people is do not have make attention from their fight but if the male person is hurting a female person, some people seen the two is they are react why the boy is hurting the girl. People insight in the two is the boy more fault than girl even if the girl has a fault. Thats so unfair in our society.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Soyab khan on November 27, 2017, 02:40:47 PM
Creator makes us from one man and women....
but nowadays people are involbing in gender equality.
but this prohibited in Islam and other religions.and by doing that we disobey the legit of Creator..
and doing illegal thing..
so we should be careful about it and ignore this things.
and alert our society...

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Golegard on November 27, 2017, 04:05:53 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
In my opinion, we don't need gender equality or whatever, we all need RESPECT EQUALITY. Some girls says they don't need help from boys because they can do by their selves and we support it but some other complains boys should sits, this or that or what so ever. So where will be the boys be placed? for example, to offer a sit even a girl don't want it or don't offer and then they will complain.But if we respect each other, and ask each other then we'll be settle.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Laboico on November 27, 2017, 09:48:30 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Men and women can not be equal. They even have a different skeleton structure

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ananjasachin5 on November 27, 2017, 11:29:29 PM
Gender equality is a common issue discussed in the society. It has become a fight. A fight not of "women" but of the "humans". It is about giving the equal opportunity to both the men and women in the society. It is about accepting the different roles both men and women should act in the society and allowing them to live their lives with the equal rights as humans. It must become a lived reality which prioritize theory of "the soul has no gender" .

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: itsmekathy on November 28, 2017, 11:56:30 AM
For me ,gender equality ,also known as sexual equality is the state of equal ease of access to resource and opportunities regardless of gender,including economic participation and decision making and the state of valuing different behaviors, asperations and needs equality ,regardless of gender.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: tats14 on November 28, 2017, 12:06:35 PM
Well why would people have a differences? Yes the gender, and there's many gender bias, how will be resolve it?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Andrianla on November 28, 2017, 03:38:19 PM
All human beings must be respected, there is no difference. I think women should be more guarded and appreciated, because there are some men who like to harm women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: janaka777 on January 18, 2018, 08:34:03 PM
There should be gender equality in every area in modern society. Today, without gender equality many problems are generated. But it is not the main problem in the society. While giving the gender equality there should be some respect to the women and also some relief for them in work because of the less strength of their bodies. We must consider the biological difference between men and women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: GeorgeFeb on January 18, 2018, 08:37:33 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Yeah sure, like spoon and a bowl!

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: GeorgeFeb on January 18, 2018, 08:40:31 PM
There should be gender equality in every area in modern society. Today, without gender equality many problems are generated. But it is not the main problem in the society. While giving the gender equality there should be some respect to the women and also some relief for them in work because of the less strength of their bodies. We must consider the biological difference between men and women.

You're contradiction yourself, no equality there if one would get a slack and other won't!

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: fritzbird on January 19, 2018, 07:03:13 AM
These days Gender Equality is at it's foremost height in decades, Women rising to power. Feminism is strongly felt and
respected in the society. However how is it equal once a single gender is given so much light, power and attention? Wouldn't that
disrupt the balance which everybody is so kindly and effortlessly refer to as Equality. I respect women and I too
promote Women's rights in the society. I think Respect is so much better and should be the center and focus in this gender equality issue.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Iamdavid on January 19, 2018, 07:23:39 AM
I really don't know why women agitate for gender equality because in most cases women actually get treated well above men except in some few countries and the only place I feel they don't get more is politically.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Herdawnia on January 19, 2018, 07:45:31 AM
They will never be treated equally

Yes that is right but Nowadays we are trying to avoid that,but even if there are actions that suggest gender equality, that cant be in all case like Here in the philippines,ladies are treated nicely that man.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Jap20 on January 19, 2018, 10:34:59 PM
I agree with regard to equality gender because any new thing in her body that she is born to be a man is still a man and a woman but should not judge those who are in transgender. ???

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Tozi on January 19, 2018, 10:52:44 PM
I think there should be gender equality.Years ago, a man wondered for everything.This is still present in many families.Mothes were always at home and raised children.Today in society they have equal rights both men and women.A lot of men's jobs are done by women.So nothing is know today.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Lyne1982 on January 19, 2018, 11:18:14 PM
Men and women are not equal in many ways.
For example , jobs of men are more harder than jobs of women.
Women is a treasure of men.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: reymartH on January 19, 2018, 11:25:12 PM
I think women and men should have the same rights. Both should be treated the same. People shouldn’t be jugde on their sex or race, all should be evaluated equally on their skills and talents. Women do stay home and watch the children but that don’t mean they can’t go out and make a living for themselves. Men have a little more over women, but women should still have an equal chance at anything a guy could do.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Dek Aireen on January 19, 2018, 11:29:43 PM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.
I think women will never be equal to men. women's gestures are not the same as men, nor is the way of thinking. Women are equal to men in need of food.
Nowaday, women equal to men in education and earning. it is possible, but there is a difference.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: paras20 on January 20, 2018, 02:58:44 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Gender equality for now is a must, because what a male do female can do to.. Even in politics famale to can be a leader in a country

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: hunterWood on January 20, 2018, 03:10:57 AM
I believe in people equality. Everyone should get the same opportunities, pay. If a man or a woman could do it better due to their nature, then nature plays out.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: stunningpeggy on January 20, 2018, 03:51:18 AM
Listen, I'm a girl and I don't feel treated unequal. If you see some girl getting harrassed for no reason, then do something about it. you won't become a victim of you don't let yourself to be one. Grow as a person and build your character and try to help others. IMO that's the only way

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: L00n3y on January 20, 2018, 03:56:57 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Man and woman was created by God equally. Gone are the days were men goes to work and women are left at home to attend to all house chores. Society has allowed women to do jobs that are intended for men only thus women and men now are treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: BulbaLord on January 20, 2018, 03:50:54 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Nope because of some of country women is slave for men.  Men is always dominating. They don't respect what is gender equality

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Tuku007 on January 20, 2018, 04:03:49 PM
mean while women are talking advantages ,where many women are being bitten and are treating like slave .about Gender equality its a very hypothetical topic to discuss. human's mind is very tough to understand.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Mari santia on January 20, 2018, 06:35:48 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

in the whole history of this world, men and women have unequal treatment in any society. it seems happen naturally, because men and women are basically different. but it doesn't mean to ignore equality among men and women. equality doesn't mean the same, but fairness or balance or justice. the society needs law that treat both men and women right in their own role, not the same role, protect women's weakness to give equal role in society.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Kamidzy7 on January 20, 2018, 07:59:45 PM
The ideology and politics of "gender equality" and their underlying "gender theory" emerged in close connection with feminist movements. This artificial concept designed to level the differences between the sexes, arguing, contrary to the evidence and data of genetics, biology and neurophysiology of the person that they are mainly depend on socio-cultural factors, not biological.

Key in "gender theory" is artificial and vague concept of "gender" (from the English. gender - race) – that is, social gender, or the relationship of man to his sex
Gender defines gender as a social construction, which built upon a physiological reality. Gender may not match biological sex but different variations of gender (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc.) should, according to lobbyists this theory, to be recognized as the norm.

In close connection with this term is another term that operates with the theory that "gender identity", understood as a component of human "sexuality" and defined as the identity of the individual with a particular "gender", as an internal sense of self as "male", "female" or someone intermediate (legendarnoe crossgender or sense of self).

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Ridulus on January 22, 2018, 12:47:32 PM
It is impossible to make the society treat equally to men and women, because nature made us different. We can not deny that in our physiology and psychology we are not equal. And I don't understand why in some countries if a man open a door to a woman it is normal and it is considered polite, but in some countries if the man will do that the woman will resent.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Kothar on January 22, 2018, 01:36:02 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I think they're equal in most and we don't need that sick 100% equality like some feminists wants.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Seirizo on January 22, 2018, 01:43:00 PM
I think both men and women are treated equally but for some reason they aren't.I mean there are times when a man did something wrong to her woman and people around them says it is the man who did wrong but when a woman did something wrong to his man and everyone says it is still the man who did something wrong.Isn't people being unfair? Because only men are wrong?.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Tron on January 23, 2018, 03:21:21 PM
Gender equality as long as we are talking about 2 gender right? Not 7. Not aqua-sexual people or anything like that...

Then yes. Women are also people.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: berryliza on January 24, 2018, 04:23:56 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
For me both men and woman are not treated equally in society because we all have our different perspective in life, i suggest that we should just accept anyone's imperfection and love them by who they really are. Because nobody's perfect, just be real, love yourself so you can love other's as well.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dondexter on January 24, 2018, 04:27:09 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?

Not really, depends on which society. Some are more equal than others.

if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

There should be more robust laws and regulations towards equality, such as salary and working conditions.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Vik_the_Carpentner on January 24, 2018, 03:56:30 PM
Well the both genders are quite equal but we still have the differences due to the different ways of social education. The girls are taught to be a girls and the boys (obvious) like the boys.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: daiminsho on January 25, 2018, 12:58:09 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
  In some aspects i think there is some comparison between men and women and they are not still being treated equally. Women are always on the top because they are women. others say that women are always right. Ladies are always first. Some thing like that.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Turboeend on January 25, 2018, 01:07:35 PM
In the human right aspect yeah they are equal.

Is the work field dont think you can expact from a woman to lift a washmachine to 6th floor without a elevator.
And a man from nature to work on a daycare. It both can but thats another discussion. But it only fits a small group.
There would always be diversity.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Synnelaurie on January 25, 2018, 03:37:19 PM
I suggest that people should respect each others so that they can love one another.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Mayor20 on January 25, 2018, 04:29:20 PM
Sincerely,they can be treated the same in this contemporary world .what's your own opinion, let know.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ishel_d_r on January 25, 2018, 04:35:44 PM
No. There may be equality for the women in developed countries but not in 3rd world countries. Still there are people who follow traditions that lead to harm women. In middle east countries it is obvious as even women can't wear whatever the women like. The best solution for these problems is to give proper education to all people. The main reason for all these issues is the myths they rely on without knowing the science and nature of people.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: DukeCrypt on January 25, 2018, 05:02:54 PM
equality of all and in everything is impossible because of the inequality of our inclinations, abilities, knowledge and skills, our physical and moral qualities.  :-\

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: The-crypto-witch on January 25, 2018, 05:10:40 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
In the modern world, there is a lot of gender inequality that manifests itself in many things. ::)

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: monirmostafiz on January 25, 2018, 06:40:11 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
first of all education is a key to remove the gender discrimination. if people will be educated then they will consouse.when people will consouse i think gender equality possible.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bazinga442 on January 25, 2018, 08:34:07 PM
I love the idea of having gender equality I support this one hundred percent I hope this gender equality can be achieved in no time

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kylekyle2000 on January 25, 2018, 09:30:05 PM
In my honest opinion, I think that different genders are not being treated equally. I understand that we want the same treatment for everyone but there are scenarios wherein we would have to differentitate people base on their genders but that doesn't mean that we question their abilities. In my country, we have high regards and respect to women that men offer their seats in public transportations.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: mylifeisorandom on January 26, 2018, 01:02:56 AM
In reality, men and women are different. Different in physique, traits, strengths and personalities. I believe that both should be treated equally with the respect that both deserve. If a woman wants to be treated fair in a workplace with more men then she should be treated equally. And also vice versa, depending on the scenario but both sexes should respect each other more than thinking of being equal

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: coorsaur on January 26, 2018, 01:19:48 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Women and men are not equally treated. Like sexual harassment law in the Philippines only support women and children. Men are more dominant in the society. They have to set some laws to provide equal treatment.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Ravenangel on January 26, 2018, 01:57:51 AM
With the current trends today, most of the women are doing men tasks already and even surpassed what men can do. You can hear strong women personality ruled over the world it may be in sports, politics, social area, education and even in the business worlds. Some parts of the world treated women as equal to men already but there are still a lot of people who look women as a flower on their side only. They do not want that women will overpower them, hence, they do whatever it takes to place women below on them. But others also treated women as an expensive individual that they shower them with what the women love to have in life.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: zhangxie29152784 on January 26, 2018, 01:59:23 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Men and women are always equal in society, because men tend to think of myself as a woman, the men and women are more superior and dominant, the girls are doing things to prove that they should get a bigger man.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: rainmaximo on January 26, 2018, 04:38:27 AM
I believe that man and women have different nature. But here in our country our government produce and promote different programs regarding to a gender equality. To promote the awareness of the equal things regarding to each gender. In my opinion we need to know the importance of equal things regarding in each gender if you were a man or a woman. And most importantly we need to respect each one of us whatever gender what you are.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Cherrybomb on January 26, 2018, 04:41:31 AM
Men and women are not treated equally in a society. All of us are equal and noone is above the other. All that men can do are can be done by women also.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: anzhanbei1214068 on January 26, 2018, 06:01:37 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Both men and women are human, but are very different psychologically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Even in high-status countries, the sexes are not treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bert20 on January 26, 2018, 06:21:53 AM
Gender define our feminity or masculinity of one person. Our own ability and capability will be determined by gender. Equality, it just and fair. Equality means that there is no higher and there is no lesser. Gender equality is just. Men are not overpowering women and vise versa. Equal rights, equal jobs and equal obligations for the both gender. What men can do, women can too.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aroweyen on January 26, 2018, 06:22:47 AM
Yes what i have seen both are treated equally nowadays. There was time when society discriminate on basis of gender. But now time has changed. It was a tremendous waste of the world’s human potential. By denying women equal rights, we denied half the population a chance to live life at its fullest.

Political, economic and social equality for women has benefited all the world’s citizens. Together we have eradicated prejudice and work for equal rights and respect for all.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: jlaw007 on February 03, 2018, 04:34:59 PM
No, girls are treated like princesses, sort of. They won't give up their seats to boys, some boys are still gents doing that old absurd thing, but that's fine, that's the norm, so. What matters is a person should treat another the way he/she wants to be treated, with respect, as fellow human being.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: shiki3226 on February 03, 2018, 05:20:56 PM
I strongly believe that both male and female genders should be given and treated equal. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that they should be the same as mean and women have different natures. And no matter what we do, there are roles that we can't interchange or swap between the two like bearing a child or breastfeeding a baby.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bugsbey on February 04, 2018, 01:21:02 AM
When men and women share equal rights and opportunities in a society, this is gender equality. As we recall in the history, women had been deprived of so many things and opportunities. Which in fact they can do what men can. But nowadays, they have given the right to do what they want.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: tuikindu on February 04, 2018, 02:00:54 AM
Although it is an era of gender equality, many countries still do not accept gender equality.

Men tend to have higher status in society. Gender equality is just a slogan.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: yurenchuang7125 on February 04, 2018, 09:17:20 AM
The so-called equality of men and women is only one aspect, for example, both men and women are qualified for this position.

Men and women are not equal in terms of life or human development. Because men and women's responsibilities are different, so there is no equality!

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kingzpro on February 04, 2018, 09:21:57 AM
I think women are still not regarded in our society on an equal scale, we need to change that to move forward but at the same time we have to think deep at what nature intends women to do and try to follow that.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: nim113 on February 04, 2018, 09:59:15 AM
Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Temitope on February 04, 2018, 10:19:18 AM
Men and women are equal but with different purpose to serve. God made men the head of women why men were commanded to respect their wives

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Adeolawu on February 05, 2018, 07:39:14 AM
Is the state of equal ease of access to resources

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: UrKarma on February 05, 2018, 04:47:07 PM
If we talk about equality of opportunities for realizing potentials, then yes, they are equal. A woman can work at any job, a man too. It is clear that we are not talking about all women in general  there're personal inclinations, abilities, possibilities of the organism, finally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Crazygreek on February 05, 2018, 08:04:59 PM
When im hearing gender equality words always laughing because can't understand when should be equal? Girls just can't find a way to proof their weakness.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: santino11 on February 05, 2018, 08:11:45 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

NOT anymore, women seek for gender equality and men gave them what they want, but after that, they get what they want men now are being abused.
how did i say this? look they want all opportunities and equality with men though they still insist on lady's first, that we need to stand up for public transportation just to give them chairs. they have the women desk but there's none for men. If you catcalled them you are a pervert but if they do that to men it's just nothing. Men will go to jail if we hit our wives but the community will laugh at us when our wives are beating us.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: El Il-mythos on February 06, 2018, 11:57:01 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
The problem of equality of men and women now is depend on the culture and tradition of a country. There are countries that women are already treated equally with men while the others do not have the same action.And for me there is no other reason why there are countries where in their women treated unequal to men and that is their tradition. And I believe when time goes by this will change because of modernisation.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bit_smoke on February 07, 2018, 12:44:31 AM
Men and women are not treated equally in society. We are taught about social gender norms from the moment we are born and these differences generate inequality in various ways.

Women are still seen as weaker, more emotional, and are rewarded for good looks rather than intellect. On the other hand, men are encouraged to be tough, emotionless, and are rewarded for intellect/wealth over looks.

These things are 'learned' through interaction with others, through media representations, through school, work or family. These stereotypical ideas about gender constrain both men and women. For example, men are taught to repress emotions, to show leadership, to take risks. Why? Because being emotional/ weak/ scared are 'feminine' traits and therefore less desirable. As long as "femininity" remains associated with traits that people consider to be inferior, then we do not have gender equality.

Of course, I do not mean to say that EVERYONE conforms to these gender norms, or that EVERYONE treats others in accordance with these norms, but this stereotypical gender conditioning is very much present all around us.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Anonaneadone on February 15, 2018, 07:40:32 PM
Both men and women have different perspective in their lives. All of us have different views and stand on something that we can see. When we are talking about "equality," I don't think the meaning of the word "equality" reflects on what people says. There are instances that are applicable to men and not applicable to women, and of course, some instances that are applicable to women and not applicable to men. Our society has changed a lot. Before, no woman can vote in a election, but now, woman can now vote, and even run for a government position, and to say, many woman are elected as presidents of their own countries. Before, the women are left at their houses to worry only for their offsprings and household chores, while the men are working outside their houses to support his family. Now, women and men have the opportunities to have a job depending on the qualifications. Still, aside from these things, I can still say that the approach of our society between men and women are still not equal. For instance, there are jobs that is only for women, and men are not qualified on doing that kind of job. There are things that are only applicable for women and not for men, and there are things that are applicable for men and not for women, even though both men and women have the capability on doing such things, but there is a barrier, a stereotype, that if this thing is only for men/women, this is only for men/women. Still, it is unfair.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: September11Myth on February 15, 2018, 11:11:06 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

It very much depends which society you are taking into consideration for your question. In some societies the woman is treated better than men, in others is treated worse than men. It is quite difficult though to find a society where genders are treated equally. It seems there's a duality there which every society cannot really escape.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: troydar05 on February 15, 2018, 11:21:20 PM
Women do deserve complete equality as men. Women have been treated as less then men from the beginning of time. Now lots of women are more successful than men and are still getting paid less. The difference in pay is a problem. Would you pay a man lots of money for a poor job? No.Then why wouldn't you pay a woman a little bit more for a great job? We are going the opposite way; we are paying less. That makes no sense.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: KingKongGorilla on February 16, 2018, 03:09:29 PM
The story goes both ways. There have to be human rights without any additional diversion into mens' and women's. At some places women suits better and vice versa :-*

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: cristinaxx on February 16, 2018, 04:07:22 PM
In different aspects male and female should be equal like power but their is always an un equality because women are more vulnerable than man. Men and women are created by God in a unique way and they have different rule in the world. Women deserves much better..

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: amaldubai1 on February 16, 2018, 05:28:31 PM
Yes what i have seen both are treated equally nowadays. There was time when society discriminate on basis of gender. But now time has changed. It was a tremendous waste of the world’s human potential. By denying women equal rights, we denied half the population a chance to live life at its fullest.
Political, economic and social equality for women has benefited all the world’s citizens. Together we have eradicated prejudice and work for equal rights and respect for all.Men and women are equal but with different purpose to serve. God made men the head of women why men were commanded to respect their wives.The problem of equality of men and women now is depend on the culture and tradition of a country. There are countries that women are already treated equally with men while the others do not have the same action.And for me there is no other reason why there are countries where in their women treated unequal to men and that is their tradition. And I believe when time goes by this will change because of modernisation.There are examples of gender inequality in both directions but probably more cases where its against women than men. One that people often talk about is the pay gap, this is one that often frustrates me because demanding equal pay is not the solution. There are logical reasons for the pay gap (it doesn't equal the current gap but for some gap yes) such as the fact that women are more likely to take extended maternity leave at great cost to an employer. Society now is at the stage where too many people demand everything to be equal when in fact things such as prices wages etc should be decided by market forces but we should just be acting to remove discrimination. We can only do this by furthering understanding and inclusivity.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: step2018 on February 16, 2018, 06:37:05 PM
It is possible for women to do what men do but not for the average woman. Most men are raised up doing and learning things that are applicable in the workplace. Women are not. It is not that they can't do it they just don't want to or they don't have a lifelong background of skills applicable to the work place. Please don't misunderstand me I am not a sexist it is just an observation.

For example the average guy grows up fixing cars, building shit, etc and over time learns a lot of skills applicable to a lot of jobs. Women certainly could do these things if they wanted but most don't want to. I don't do manual work at my job but I spent a lot of years doing it and fully understand all the details. This is where men get the advantage over women.

I don't think women don't learn these things because they dont want to. It's all about how our society raise the girls, I mean just think about the toys for girls and the toys for boys. Since chilhood , boys are encouraged with toys of spatial notions, financial solutions and logical reasoning. They're toys that develop technological or scientific abilities, unlike the toys of girls who develop the perception of care, for example how to take care of the house or babies. I believe childhood experiences are crucial for future choices, whether for boys or girls, so obviously you will find more men who know how to fix cars than women, because they received an encouragement for this activies since childhood, so this is much more a cultural factor than a biological one .

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: JunkieMiner on February 19, 2018, 04:40:58 PM
Nature has created two sexes - male and female, they differ physiologically, perform different roles and functions. So can they have one right in everything? If the answer is yes, then it is against nature, why mix men and women, make men out of women and vice versa, and this road leads exactly there.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: StuartBTCETH on February 20, 2018, 02:03:05 PM
It will take a hell lot of time for men and women to become equal and to be treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: LORENthetiger on February 20, 2018, 08:27:14 PM
Men and women are treated equally only in some parts of the world, but otherwise no.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Lorin on February 20, 2018, 09:49:43 PM
Gender equality is when both men and women enjoy their rights  in different aspects of life but we have to consider both also to respect and love each other.As far as I know men are above than women who worked hard for the needs of the family but today lot of women that also work to help her husband.
Both of them have qualities that made them important to each other.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: squesto on February 20, 2018, 10:04:33 PM
Gender equality should not to be mixed with just solely women rights. Granted, many women are all too familiar with the “glass ceiling” that keeps them looking up at similarly (or less-) qualified men in positions above them. Add to this a wage gap that, while narrowing, stubbornly persists.

It has been suggested that a dual-pronged effort of increasing entry and retention of more women to the workforce represents a substantial opportunity for growth of the world’s principal economy. In the US this is a 5-10% addition to GDP in just a few decades.

Education can be the springboard for women’s progress. Specifically, promoting higher education in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields and other areas conducive to careers traditionally pursued by men is the key that could unlock the earning power of women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: fcf1081 on February 21, 2018, 09:52:48 AM
I believe they should be treated differently yet fairly because they have different personalities, strength and weakness they should be supported according to their own needs and calling as far as work, skill and abilities is concern.. they need not to be compare.. but rather should be equally treated in their own kind.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Elsie123 on February 21, 2018, 11:07:32 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
It is not about a woman being equal to man, it is the unequal treatment of the society to both. Of course woman cannot be equal with man because each one is created uniquely and for a different purpose. They've been designed differently according to their purpose but in the society men are always favored and women are always being treated with less regards.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: MatrixJolly on February 21, 2018, 01:19:39 PM
Women are still treated badly and inferior to the men in the society and this needs change.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Basaleyi on February 21, 2018, 01:25:56 PM
if you look at this issue with different view you may find lots of things man can do where women can't and vise versa but lets live together as kind human because nothing gained from continuous discrimination against women .

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: jovi47 on February 21, 2018, 01:31:45 PM
I don't think so. Obviously we need to do more work for's still a long walk to go

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dotz5 on February 21, 2018, 01:52:30 PM
Nothing is fair and gender quality is impossible. We are created differently to serve different roles and responsibilities. However, the treatment between men and women should be as close as possible. Both men and women should given equal opportunity in education, career opportunity, respects and rights. But they should also not forgetting the physical attributes given to men (e.g. strength, fatherliness) to protect and take care of one another.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: eann014 on February 21, 2018, 03:00:27 PM
in my country the plot between men and women has been recognized by the government, so all kinds of jobs are not gender-sensitive. so women and lakuki are treated equally.
Here in our country there is still a job that needs gender, depend on a store and a company. Gender equality should push by our government, because we are all the same human being. Even lesbian and gays are not treated equal, I think if all of us will treated equal we can have a freedom to express what we want to.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Akash boss on February 21, 2018, 03:06:57 PM
The issue of gender equality has been widely discussed in philosophical literature and the mass media sources. In any democratic society, gender equality is considered to be an important moral principle that should be followed by all members of society. Reviewing ethical theories, it is possible to apply the core principles of each of the theories to the issue of gender equality in order to identify the ethical theory that provides the most satisfactory moral answer to the issue and the ethical theory that provides the least satisfactory answer to the issue of gender equality. There are several ethical theories that could be used to answer the issue of gender equality. The three theories that will be discussed in this paper include utilitarianism, virtue ethics and feminine theory. Considering the key principles of these ethical theories, it is possible to identify the most powerful theory that could be used to handle the issue of gender equality. Thesis statement: Feminine theory captures basic moral insights in relation to gender equality because it highlights the necessity to address women’s rights, providing guidelines for morality and ethical consistency. This theory is the most satisfactory moral answer to the issue of gender equality, comparing with utilitarianism and virtue ethics.The issue of equality, especially gender equality, is an important ethical issue that requires the proper investigation in order to find solutions. The issue of gender equality is associated with human values and the socially constructed process of developing values in humans. Moreover, the issue of gender equality combined with the emergence of social movements may result in the promotion of gender equality at the global level. According to Cady Stanton (2007), many organizations are focused on promotion of women’s rights. In Cady Stanton’s lecture “Subjection of women”, the author continues to advocate a wide range of reforms that she considered crucial to achieving equality for women” (p. 140). The author believes that women should be focused on developing and establishing their independence in social life and in their relationships with men. Her work inspired many feminists and contributed to the development of feminist movements.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: novakamena on February 21, 2018, 03:12:34 PM
if you look at this issue with different view you may find lots of things man can do where women can't and vise versa but lets live together as kind human because nothing gained from continuous discrimination against women .
It is not just a human rights issue; it is a tremendous waste of the world’s human potential. By denying women equal rights, we deny half the population a chance to live life at its fullest.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: princess.tyche on February 21, 2018, 03:56:51 PM
No, people always think and treat us women as a weak individuals. We often get underestimate by the adams. The fact is, we as women are much stronger than men. We as women are smarter than men. But men can't accept the truth that we are better in every ways except physical power.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: albantani on February 21, 2018, 05:54:32 PM
in fact women are more elevated than men, only women always make themselves looked down by men, so if women want to be viewed equivalent to men make himself better

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: innocent93 on February 21, 2018, 06:27:03 PM
Of course, it is a modern society where the right between male and female are the same so the rights are equal, perhaps woman has more right then male, if we think for example at the maternity leave.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Orna on February 21, 2018, 06:51:04 PM
Gender will never equal. Everywhere there is gender discrimination. Men and women both are different and they will never equal but they can be treated equal.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Betheng10 on February 21, 2018, 09:51:35 PM
If women wanted to be treated equally, don't pull out the Im-a-woman-you-should-be-a-gentleman card only if it's in your advantage. Example, When both couples are hungry but the girl insisted to have a bote of the food first  ;D

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: mlkvch on February 21, 2018, 10:21:50 PM
In different countries the state of women rights differs. In general, I don't think men an women are currently treated as equal. Notably that not all women want to be treated the same way as men. I'm sure that in ideal world, women and men both should be able to decide how they would like to be treated.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: bossloccox on February 22, 2018, 01:25:52 AM
 For my own opinion both women and men need to be treated fairly in our society. We must appreciate and respect the ability of each other , either man or women. In the past  the woman was in the house only to make household chores and only men were working outside for thier daily needs and sometimes they were abused the rights of women.i It is different now both women and men are working to help each other and we also have a Law for women's rights. And now both men and women are equally treat in our society..

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Macai on February 22, 2018, 03:23:31 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Gone are the days when women are left at their house to tend to the needs of the children and their home and the men are the ones working thus i believe that men and women now are treated equally. Women at present are now even given the highest position of a country, the Presidency, which was not before.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: RAmondragon on February 22, 2018, 03:28:42 AM
There are few countries who still consider women as not an equal for men. Still believing on the old tradition that women should respect and consider men their superiors. But more countries considered both gender as equal. They made women and even gave them a chance to hold high posts in the government.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: acener on February 22, 2018, 10:06:37 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I believe that we really do need gender equality because these days a woman can already do what a man can and a man can do what a woman can, except for carrying a baby in the womb of course, but in terms of labor and talent, both are actually equal. So, we should start treating each other equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: stephylarde on February 22, 2018, 01:09:50 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: stephylarde on February 22, 2018, 01:10:25 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: stephylarde on February 22, 2018, 01:11:42 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Women make up the majority of people in this world, if they feel that their is injustice in the world, they can do something about it, they can first start by electing women into positions of power and they will take it from there.
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Dbigfoot102 on February 22, 2018, 01:12:07 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Men and women are made to be equal. Not physically though but the point is in terms of living our lives we are all the same. We all feel the same pain, we love, laughed and cried. What difference does this show? Certainly nothing except the physical part by which the male are dominant. Yet how can a male live without a woman to carry the offspring. I do believe we are equal and equally shall we be given recognition.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Whoducen on February 22, 2018, 03:10:11 PM
There is no gender equality yet in the society and people needs to change.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on February 23, 2018, 03:59:47 AM
There are few countries who still consider women as not an equal for men. Still believing on the old tradition that women should respect and consider men their superiors. But more countries considered both gender as equal. They made women and even gave them a chance to hold high posts in the government.

Only a few countries in the middle-east and north Africa are treating the women in this way. In most of the other countries, the situation of the women have improved quite a lot during the past few decades. For example here in India, 33% of the local body seats are reserved for the women candidates.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: balintong15 on February 23, 2018, 04:04:06 AM
gender equality is an equality between sexes. it is an equality on power, just like in politics that there is no man and woman. there is no overpowering of power over the other. equality on rights, that there should no violence against the other. equality on education, old times is man is the one who is studying and woman should not because they will just work inside the house not inside the company. so, gender equality is just and humane and it should be practice worldwide.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: raizhur19 on February 23, 2018, 04:18:24 AM
well obviously men and women are not treated equal, women have some kind of special treatment than men and its okay for their lacking in physical and emotional strength.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ranz1123 on February 23, 2018, 05:19:55 AM
there have been great moves to increase number of girls going through formal education through providing schools for girls in every district. We have learned that through empowering women on the community level you will also enhance girls education

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: aroweyen on February 23, 2018, 05:58:27 AM
No i dont think that men and women are treated equally on every parameter. Discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion or sex is very common in our society. If we talk about workplace one of the best ways to promote men and women equality is to conduct regular seminars and workshops for employees so that they are aware of how to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Even the boss or the board of directors should be encouraged to attend these seminars or workshops as often it is them who act in an unjust manner and discriminate against people on the basis of their sex. Such talks given by professionals are indeed, both interesting and informative.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: BrandeXMRLOVER on February 23, 2018, 02:02:15 PM
Men and women are treated equally nowadays as compared to the olden days.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: TheManofBTCs1 on February 23, 2018, 04:58:44 PM
Women in most of the parts of the country are treated badly.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: FreshMoff on February 24, 2018, 03:10:54 PM
things are changing a little more these days and people are treating each other equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Indiast3 on February 24, 2018, 09:59:36 PM
Men and women till date are not treated equally and that’s not coo.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Lhanjhong on February 25, 2018, 02:06:35 AM
In my opinion i think there are cituation that men and women treated equally but most of the time NO.But it depends also in the culture and tradition of a country you where live.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: market field on February 25, 2018, 03:41:57 AM
I see now in this society no longer distinguish men and women as before. Life is growing up, the thought of people on the good side. And one day the problem will not happen anymore.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: eann014 on February 25, 2018, 06:30:21 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Women in some countries have not been respected or considered equal, whereas their role is vital in a family.
That's true, being a women is also a hard, we are having are period monthly but men don't have, women get pregnant that even men can't even know the hard feeling for it while women were in labor. It is really hard because all of the things inside our house, women should be the one to do that house chores, even if men can do it and help their wives. I think women is more tired than men when it comes in the family, and the hard thing is that, sometimes, some men can't appreciate that.  :'(

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: max65 on February 25, 2018, 07:21:38 AM
I think that men and women are not treated as equal  in society.I had many reasons why they are not equal in sports,behaviour,working status,decision making and many more.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Guapongbadoy on February 25, 2018, 04:32:32 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
In modern world there is already a changed about the equality of men and women. Now women are already allowed to go to school unlike before that women were not allowed. This things were happened from the past because men were being blinded by tradition. If the society is under and manipulated by tradition then surely there is discrimination. One of the victim of this are the lady moslems, they are like prisoners but the charge is about tradition.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: nethgwynne on February 25, 2018, 04:55:51 PM
Effectively promoting gender equality also requires recognizing that women are diverse in the roles they play, as well as in age, social status, geographic location and educational attainment. The fabric of their lives and the choices available to them vary widely.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Seetheummerallyeah on February 25, 2018, 09:10:17 PM
Things are changing and people have started treating everyone equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Happyniall on February 25, 2018, 09:45:03 PM
In employment, the person should be hired on their skills and qualifications and not on gender. Men and women are different. Some do things better than others

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: DMiracle1 on February 26, 2018, 03:33:51 AM
Gender equality is a tricky concept. Just because two people are equal does not mean they are the same. No matter how you look at it, men and women are inherently different. They were created with different strengths and weakness to complement each other and not to compete with each other. Physically and emotionally we are unequal, none better than the other or worse than the other, each with our own strengths. Instead of misusing our strengths, to put down or show the superiority over the opposite sex, we should try to create a healthier society which highlights and respects the individual qualities and strengths of each person, without looking at the gender. 

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Heybeehee on February 26, 2018, 06:08:22 AM
Gender equality, also known as sexual equality, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.

    Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: amir_h122722 on February 26, 2018, 08:06:20 AM
Gender is not a word to separate the human. We all are same as a human being. Everybody is the part of parcels to build this modern civilization. So we shouldn't avoid a person and also shouldn't neglect a person who is man and woman.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: UzumakiSakuragi on February 26, 2018, 08:23:38 AM
Yes.we are created equal with different weaknesses that is way we need each other to support and to fill what ever lacking to achieve our goal...

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bugsbey on February 26, 2018, 08:55:39 AM
No. I believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal, when they try to be equal they become like asexual beings.
It is not about a woman being equal to man, it is the unequal treatment of the society to both. Of course woman cannot be equal with man because each one is created uniquely and for a different purpose. They've been designed differently according to their purpose but in the society men are always favored and women are always being treated with less regards. Not to mention the arab countries. We all know how they value and tread women but even in more liberated countries women are still most of the time deprived of their rights just because they are women. In work for example, though there are works that are better done by women but still men get more salary and other benefits. Though there are a lot of movements that encourage women nowadays to stand up.  
Yes, I Agree with you. I just admire a thorough explanation  like your's.
It is true that in some countries women are still deprived with their rights and privileges. The thing that must be given importance and must be discussed by the head of the state or country. There must be gender equality though men and women differ in their characteristics and roles in the society.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Bumblecoin on February 26, 2018, 10:17:30 AM
I think should be equally traits for men and women because what men can do the women can do it also. Even all sports of men the women they build the same.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Hulh on February 26, 2018, 10:21:41 AM
I think gender equality, not equal treatment because all men must respect women all the time and give the importance of women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Halig on February 26, 2018, 10:24:56 AM
Yes I agree gender equality because like what our society right now the women can handle also in one country they have a power to implement their rules and regulations.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Qnetsupe on February 26, 2018, 01:21:27 PM
People should learn to treat women with respect and love.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: zngit on February 26, 2018, 02:04:09 PM
We couldn't expect each other to treat equally. Man and woman born to this world with culture and beliefs that the our ancestors started. It is impossible to look woman equal with man even though there are woman who is stronger than man still not all man will look woman as the same. The equality of the person will not happen anymore to this world of with gap.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kaikaikunen01 on February 26, 2018, 02:22:26 PM
Yes, we must respect the equality of gender.. because man and women must respect each other to proved what is love

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on February 26, 2018, 02:47:26 PM
Yes, we must respect the equality of gender.. because man and women must respect each other to proved what is love

Males and females must respect each other, but that doesn't mean that the two genders are equal. Males are physically stronger than the females and it is a biological truth. Being a female, I would say that women should concentrate on how to make their lives better, rather than attempting to compete with the males.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: glongsword on February 26, 2018, 06:53:26 PM
Think that are equal.All inequalities have ended long ago and thankfully is unlikely to happen again.It's all in the mind of people only still have mean thoughts about inequality

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: DimensionsOfHell on February 26, 2018, 06:54:49 PM
The most important difference in the physical plan.And the rest we are equal.From a legal point of view, we are incredibly equal with each other

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: afroman1131 on February 26, 2018, 06:56:04 PM
I as a woman say that still have some prejudice in my country.Really looking forward to when all this will finally end in the minds of people

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: kinilawnabakulaw on February 26, 2018, 08:25:53 PM
I think that there are still rooms for improvement when it comes to equality in between genders. But more than anything, respect to everyone is still the most important thing that needs to be addressed.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: z38630610 on February 26, 2018, 09:48:35 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I think it is most essential rule of becoming well equipped society. But generally it doesn't apply in real life. In some third world countries many government want women to be excluded from the society. If you observe islamic countries, you will see the bad situation.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Jessica1234 on February 27, 2018, 01:48:40 PM
Men and women should treat equally. Both have the right to do what they want, and there's no excemption. We have to respect each other, not base on gender but because both gender deserve to be treated right.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Enecuum on February 27, 2018, 02:31:30 PM
There are no rights of men. And there are no women's rights. There are human rights.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ayesha703 on February 27, 2018, 02:38:45 PM
Yes off course Gender Equality is all right. Men and Women should be treated equally. But in some case, we have to go far then equality because of the demand of the situation. I think it is really okay to do that. Such as for a basic example, Women's naturally can't weight heavyweight like men. Because Women's body is not made that way by the creator. So for lifting and doing heavy work, men should be the one.

There are so many other cases, where equality does not exist. Women's naturally get a little bit more than men. But it is okay.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: mmfiore on February 27, 2018, 02:48:53 PM
"Equality" is a tricky subject.

(not talking about gender yet)

People are inherently born different. Like it or not.

Some are tall, some are small. Some are smarter than the other. Some are mens, other womens etc..

So what is equality ?

Treating people DIFFERENTLY (=/= equality) so that they have se same chances in life (=equality) ?

Treating people EQUALLY (=equality) resulting in them not having the same chances in life (=/= equality) ?

With that point made.

I'm all for equality between genders.

How ? well ...

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: LolEnergyXglossy5 on March 01, 2018, 12:20:58 AM
Gender equality is a must as it helps the society lives in harmony and peace.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: IVNAY ALBIN FAHAD 150 on March 01, 2018, 04:20:39 AM
Gender equality, also known as sexual equality, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender. Gender equality, centered in human rights, is both a development goal on its own and a critical factor for achieving sustainable development.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: September11Myth on March 01, 2018, 10:33:32 AM
I guess that gender equality is that all men have the right/duty of becoming pregnant just like women and all women have the right/duty to go to war and fight and kill whenever ordered to do so. Or did I miss something? Or DID YOU miss something?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: saniales on March 01, 2018, 10:36:19 AM
In old times there was a lot of gender inequality women were treated unequal to men. With developing society somewhat women are treated equally to men gradually. Earlier women were not allowed to work outside to earn money. They are meant to work in house and do household chores. Nowa adays women power has almost reached the sky and they are hard working handeling their home and office plus all the other streams they are at top.

I totally agree

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Lhanjhong on March 01, 2018, 11:20:57 AM
Gender equality is treating everybody equally by giving all the right,love,respect and decision equally to everybody equal to have a peaceful and good life.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Riverviwa on March 01, 2018, 12:58:52 PM
It will take more years for the society to treat men and women equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: TwitterTreasure6 on March 01, 2018, 06:06:49 PM
I believe completely in gender equality as it will give equal opportunities.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: smoggystream6 on March 02, 2018, 12:03:56 AM
Treating each other with love and respect is one of the most needed things.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sukarjo on March 02, 2018, 04:19:52 AM
Should women be treated equally?Of course not. Many women are oppressed and belittled.It even happens in the family environment itself.In modern as it is today,It should not happen again

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: joelou on March 02, 2018, 04:31:48 AM
I think not all country have a gender equality  because some of country women treated like a slaves.  but here In my country have a gender equality.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Tosin12 on March 02, 2018, 05:57:00 AM
Gender equality have not been attained globally but the western world is fair about gender equality

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: coinic on March 02, 2018, 06:51:50 AM
For my own opinion, i agree with gender equality.  So that there will be no women are being abuse and have the same right to a men.  Women can do also what men can do except for each unique abilities(organs, giving birth).  We dont need to base on that.  Women can do job like a men too, and likewise a men can do what womens can.  We have friends just like what i am talking,  i guess. It will be better if we are equal. 

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: sp564 on March 02, 2018, 10:27:22 AM
I thick the blockchain itself could be used to increase gender equality - although most people in the community are male at the moment, the underlying technology could be used to help women get access to infrastructure they might otherwise not be able to use, over time.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: patchinglets on March 02, 2018, 02:02:03 PM
There is no denying the fact that things have changed and people are respecting each other.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: wistfuljob on March 06, 2018, 07:55:27 PM
Yes, with the change in time and education, they are treated equally.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SchiefelbeinBTC on March 07, 2018, 01:15:41 AM
No, till today men and women are treated differently from each other.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: relationpartner7 on March 07, 2018, 04:06:20 PM
It took time for this, but yes, men and women are now being treated same.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Jesabela04 on March 07, 2018, 04:21:44 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I think men and women nowadays are treated equally. Women nowadays are capable of doing the obligations and duties and were just being done by men before. Women also excels in different aspects of life that shows how strong and independent women nowadays are. There are also things where in men excels too. They are also capable of doing the tasks being done by women before.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: AmpaLex11 on March 07, 2018, 04:26:57 PM
The gender equality is becoming an important topic and people are believing in it.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: GenaBoom on March 07, 2018, 05:31:51 PM
i truly belive that there should be respect from both sides. but as far women go with their idea of impeirment of rights, the more hoax they produce.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: haggaik on March 07, 2018, 09:28:33 PM
In the Western Women are treated justly. But i believe that men and women have different nature and they do not need to try to be equal. And somehow i believe there should be respect for both sex.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dimpsk on March 07, 2018, 09:33:54 PM
Yes, with the change in time and education, they are treated equally.

But they are diffrent and you can see, a man has penis and a woman has pussy. Isn't it obvious?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: percentelated4 on March 08, 2018, 12:42:28 AM
It is important for the society to treat the people equally without discriminations.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Seetheummerallyeah on March 08, 2018, 08:30:19 PM
Men and women nowadays are being treated equally in most part of the world.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: callingbubblyH on March 08, 2018, 10:26:27 PM
I think yes they are treated equally in the society atleast now a days

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dongyi17 on March 09, 2018, 04:23:41 AM
They are different in nature but they compliment each other they were created individually unique by God in nature, they're both created in God's image yet they function differently they don't have to be equal in order to say who's great and who's not they maybe some things man can do that woman also can do but there are also things that man can do that woman can't do and that is acceptable. Man is naturally stronger woman..they don't need to compare because they are totally different.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on March 09, 2018, 05:10:32 AM
Men and women nowadays are being treated equally in most part of the world.

I would agree, and the only notable exception is the middle-east and North Africa. In Muslim nations, the women still face a lot of discrimination and harassment. As a result of immigration from these nations to Europe and North America, the discrimination has surfaced there as well.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: godwyn50 on March 09, 2018, 09:49:08 AM
Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dimpsk on March 09, 2018, 10:03:46 AM
They are different in nature but they compliment each other they were created individually unique by God in nature, they're both created in God's image yet they function differently they don't have to be equal in order to say who's great and who's not they maybe some things man can do that woman also can do but there are also things that man can do that woman can't do and that is acceptable. Man is naturally stronger woman..they don't need to compare because they are totally different.

Of course. That's it folks. Woman could not be equal to a man. Cat could not be equal to a dog. They are different by the nature. It does not mean also that man better then woman or contrariwise. It seems to be so obviously and simply but a lot of morons tries to argue murmuring stupid cliche.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: krisjade on March 09, 2018, 11:15:44 AM
man and women  treated equality now a days...

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: tuikindu01 on March 09, 2018, 11:25:59 AM
The development of policies aimed at men, especially young men, has prompted them to change their attitudes towards gender roles and responsibilities and to change their behaviour.

The formulation of policies that enable women to enjoy all human rights and to create an environment that does not permit violations of the human rights of women and girls.

To develop various government information policies and strategies in a gender-sensitive manner.

Encourage the media to actively help achieve the goal of gender equality.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: balfouri on March 09, 2018, 12:23:32 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
I disagree  that man and women are treated equally in society.Theirs alot of differences specially in decision-making,sports,behaviour and likes.The way I thingk we are equal Man and women in the society is that we are free to live in this world

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Whoducen on March 09, 2018, 10:03:03 PM
There is gender equality in most part of the world these days.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Ann Impas on March 09, 2018, 11:37:25 PM
With the current situation nowadays, every human being, men or women or even bi-sexual, we all have equal opportunity now. Our society is not looking on gender now, its looking on the value a person could contribute regardless of his gender. Its just up to the person to grab the opportunity.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: pubmongrelT on March 10, 2018, 03:54:02 AM
Nope! They are not treated equally and it will take years for gender equality.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: langka1213 on March 10, 2018, 04:11:06 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

We as a part of the society, we have to be equal to every people in the community because there are also people that has feeling or emotion. 

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Zack14 on March 10, 2018, 08:13:18 AM
for me there is no gender equality. because the man and the woman are really different. but in the present time what the men can do , women can also do . Like we have a female driver, a welder, an electrician. Although some male can do the women task . Perhaps gender equality is in the context of one of the right and proper ways. but in the present day? nothing equally. Now a days the important is to know how to live well. and how you can be with you in a proper and peaceful place .

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: usama98 on March 10, 2018, 09:38:43 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Gender equality is the goal, while gender neutrality and gender equity are practices and ways of thinking that help in achieving the goal. Gender parity, which is used to measure gender balance in a given situation, can aid in achieving gender equality but is not the goal in and of itself.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: uinajoash on March 10, 2018, 02:32:12 PM
Together we can achieve gender equality together. Here you can see what you can do to contribute. Find organizations to support, information to share and some useful tips for your everyday life that can really make a difference.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: snowboardfret4 on March 10, 2018, 04:09:18 PM
No men are always made to seat on a higher position than women and so creating a discrimination

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: WorldBiz project on March 10, 2018, 04:16:46 PM
Gender equality can be achieved only once there are right laws in the government level

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: cloningjeans0 on March 10, 2018, 05:07:39 PM
No men are always made to seat on a higher position than women and so creating a discrimination

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: potterbean5 on March 10, 2018, 06:50:45 PM
It is getting there for sure and people are respecting each other.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: alex bugor on March 10, 2018, 08:36:16 PM
Yes it does, but in my own principle, there are some people that are only deserving to be respected so, whatever the gender is, there is no exemption because of equality we have, male or female as long as you deserve to be respected you are respected, there is no greater whether you are a male or a female.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: boatswaincreditE on March 10, 2018, 08:50:38 PM
Yes, the people are getting better and more cultured towards each other.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: thrushzodiac8 on March 10, 2018, 09:28:52 PM
A lot of places and especially offices are making sure to give gender equality.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: swallovwvile8 on March 11, 2018, 03:13:02 PM
Mother is the portrait of God. we worship Godess mostly, all of whom are girls but still we are raping, teasing, shame on us, shame on Men society

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: eurobend6 on March 11, 2018, 05:39:53 PM
Girls or women or lady are always a sadness for the society because even now their birth is still unwelcomed than boys.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Beymax08 on March 11, 2018, 09:53:23 PM
It depends on the situation. Men are physically strong unlike to women, their are equal in terms of strength. Woman is treated like a queen when somebody courts her, while you cant treat a men like a queen, its

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: crypto1010 on March 11, 2018, 10:01:36 PM
In as much as we want equality for everyone I think women at times tend to put themselves in a position that the male fork forget about this equality but I personally respect them no need to undermine other friends.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: cristin on March 12, 2018, 03:15:29 AM
Gender is a trait inherent in men and women which is constructed socially and culturally. For example that the woman was the meek, beautiful, emotional, and so on. While men are considered strong, rational, male, mighty, and should not be crying

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on March 12, 2018, 04:18:45 AM
It depends on the situation. Men are physically strong unlike to women, their are equal in terms of strength. Woman is treated like a queen when somebody courts her, while you cant treat a men like a queen, its

You can't treat a man like a queen, but obviously you can treat him like a king. And there is not much difference between the two except for the gender, as both of them holds almost equal amounts of power and influence.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: TOTOKO on March 12, 2018, 05:28:41 PM

Gender inequality is the most pervasive, since it is common among the people belonging to all ethnicities and religions. Half of the country’s total population, after all, is women. The multifarious discriminations against women are being manifested in various forms, such as under representation in the policymaking bodies of the political parties, different branches of the state and socio-cultural organisations; less wages than their male counterparts for the equal amount of works in different industries; patriarchal domination of women by male members of the family; and so on and so forth. With half of the population, some 70 million, remaining politically, economically and culturallydiscriminated against and, that too, at all levels, ranging from the family to the state, the ruling class’s claims of making democratic progress is nothing but a travesty of truth. However, the left-leaning political parties are particular about mentioning the need for abolition of the existing political, economic cultural systems producing and reproducing inequalities in all spheres of public and private life, but the impression one gets from the manifestos and day-to-day political practices of these parties is that the pervasive inequalities would automatically be done away with as soon as the socialists seizes state power. This is, again, an impractical ‘belief’, given the empirical experiences that the now-defunct socialist world had witnessed.For the democratic growth of society and the state, which was a promise of the country’s liberation war, there is no alternative to taking up the issue of gender equality as a regular agendum by the forces of democracy. The issue needs to be part of the day-to-day political struggle against the forces of pseudo-democracy, which have reduced the concept of democracy to a mere transfer of power through elections every five year. Democracy, after all, is a way of life, based on equality of citizens, which is to be manifested at all levels of public and private life of a populace.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: downtimeprimesAa on March 12, 2018, 05:48:18 PM
In big companies, yes, as people have started giving them equal opportunities.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: not-a-bot on March 12, 2018, 06:13:30 PM
Don't mix up two different ideas.
The idea that a man and a woman are equal in their rights is brilliant.
The idea of an abstract equality of men and women is a fake. They are too different to be eqaul.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dimpsk on March 12, 2018, 08:40:27 PM
дyмa, чтo вce тaки кaждый дoлжeн ocтaвaтьcя нa cвoeм мecтe. дa,бeзycлoвнo,жeнщинa дoлжнa чeм тo зaнимaтьcя,paзвивaтьcя, чтoб быть интepecнoй и мyжy и oбщecтвy. нo нe лeзть ни в пoлитикy, ни в мexaникy.. вce тaки этo мyжcкoй миp

Actually woman can be a good politic or manager why not. Or feels which one is a scum or not - as more sensitive being. But mechanics, mathematics and others such stuff are supposed for men.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dimpsk on March 12, 2018, 09:14:28 PM
In big companies, yes, as people have started giving them equal opportunities.

Sounds weird. If  they are equal in capabilities they should treated equally. If not, for example if workplace requires rough strength or strong programming skills - how your big company will search such skilled woman. It's  road to nowhere. To bankruptcy and collapse

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: volcanofetus3 on March 12, 2018, 10:34:23 PM
It will still take a couple of years more for this, but things are improving.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: meatygeiger on March 15, 2018, 04:42:59 AM
People are getting better when it comes to equality, but it will take time.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: floresjonathan123 on March 15, 2018, 11:15:41 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Yes, but women are treated more equally. Atleast where I live.

It is not about a woman being equal to man, it is the unequal treatment of the society to both. Of course woman cannot be equal with man because each one is created uniquely and for a different purpose..

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Danzu on March 15, 2018, 11:29:10 AM
Women already have all the rights, still don't understand the feminists. Do they need something special? All people are equal, except the traditions of some countries,, of course))

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: lethargiclothaire15 on March 15, 2018, 12:20:10 PM
We have implemented several significant changes in our society. Eight years ago, women in my country were given the opportunity to exercise their rights to suffrage. In 1930, Iceland elected its first women president. Consequently, other nations started to recognize the ability of women to lead people. The likes of Indira Gandhi of India, Golda Meir of Israel, Margaret Thatcher of United Kingdom to name a few changed the way women are viewed. Extraordinary women started to emerge from different sectors. Mary Barra, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, proves everyone that men and women are equally capable of handling businesses. Beyonce, Serena Williams, J.K. Rowling, Ronda Rousey, Marie Curie and other notable women excelled in their chosen fields. True enough, we have come a long way. However, there are still many equality issues that our society faces. Equality must also be felt even in the lowest levels of hierarchy of any organization. At work, many women still demand for equal pay for carrying out the same responsibilities men carry. In addition, what is challenging with equality is the genesis of other gender identities, which should also be recognized by the government and the people.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on March 15, 2018, 01:15:34 PM
Women already have all the rights, still don't understand the feminists. Do they need something special? All people are equal, except the traditions of some countries,, of course))

In many of the third world nations, the women are treated even worse than the animals. But radical feminists are making things quite hard for the women. They are creating unnecessary hatred between the males and females, by provoking the males.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Kaykay on March 15, 2018, 01:38:31 PM
In most society woman are not treated equally with men. Both men and woman have different roles to play in the society and family, and we must respect the fact that collective contribution builds or creates an idea.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: MNMLs on March 15, 2018, 01:41:00 PM
Compare the number of women scientists and men, here is the answer. Usually, women are too cussed and stubborn, thats against them. And of course, the strength had always been an argument

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: specialfoolhardyU on March 17, 2018, 02:47:10 AM
Dont know about others but i think women should be respected equally as men but the saddest reality is many women are misusing the laws they have for girls

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Chulahk on March 17, 2018, 03:09:34 AM
In old times there was a lot of gender inequality women were treated unequal to men. With developing society somewhat women are treated equally to men gradually. Earlier women were not allowed to work outside to earn money. They are meant to work in house and do household chores. Nowa adays women power has almost reached the sky and they are hard working handeling their home and office plus all the other streams they are at top.

Yes women are treated unequally in the old times by men. But, as time goes by, any gender treated equally (including LGBTs) and that is a good change. But nowadays, bullies and racist take over. As an individual, we must be a role model to our society to stop any discrimination and bullies.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dashywashy on March 17, 2018, 03:57:12 AM
No, in our society men are the superior of the women that is why men and women are not treated equal. I think the best way to promote gender equality is promoting it in your home. Parents are the first role model of their children. They are the one who treat their boy or girl child equal. It is important because if the children exposed to the gender inequality as they grow, they are most likely exposed in the negative gender role stereotyping.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: cryptokitty on March 17, 2018, 06:49:38 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I believe humans are equal and with the same rights.  So i guess, humans should be treaded in the same manners.

Most of the time  it is so hard to believe that in our society
men are more dominant than girls.   

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: thelma987 on March 17, 2018, 09:18:31 AM
...Gender, both male and female have their own place, there shouldn't be any rash agitation about Gender equality, the woman was designed to be an help mate for the man. The man isn't their to oppress her, rather the man is their to lead, and not a slave master. They must respect each other and submit to each other in love.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dimpsk on March 17, 2018, 09:08:44 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I believe humans are equal and with the same rights.  So i guess, humans should be treaded in the same manners.

Most of the time  it is so hard to believe that in our society
men are more dominant than girls.   

Dominant girls are usually feminists or lesbian. It seems to be a bit weird.
Do not muddle dominancy with happiness. It's a big mistake. Barking cat doesnot became a dog.
It is only weird cat.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: KatelynCooper on March 17, 2018, 11:04:53 PM
The only way to solve the problem of women's subordination is to change people's mindset and to plant the new idea of gender equality into every mind.   

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Casual89 on March 18, 2018, 02:09:54 AM
As we know today, a lot of woman can also do what the man do.  Maybe, there are equal about woman and man. So,  woman also treated nicely in society. 

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dimpsk on March 18, 2018, 04:58:15 AM
The only way to solve the problem of women's subordination is to change people's mindset and to plant the new idea of gender equality into every mind.  

Depends on what do you mean under  the equality. Formally, men and women are equally long because they have the same rights. You may be porter or mathymatician or military - nobody denies. Or manager. If you can. But if you want to have a penis to be equal a man it is a weird dream. And the wrong way to nowhere.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: tsinelas on April 11, 2018, 12:03:02 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
I don't think men and women are equally treated. Men often think highly of themselves same with women feeling that they are in control of everything. But women gets more sympathy on the way they are treated which is unfair for men.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: potpotjames on April 11, 2018, 12:09:05 AM
Each gender was treated equally by the law. The only thing that matters is that how one person uses that chances to live in this world. Sometimes a lot of people uses those strenghts to gain power and torture a lot of people. There equality with the law but not in the manner people live those.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: akishang on April 11, 2018, 01:25:40 AM
I agree with the previous replies on this post. It depends on how you DEFINE equality.I think gender equality exist nowadays. If you look around you, gender is not really an issue compared to ten years ago. Men and women are equal. It depends on the persons ability not on his/her gender. Women can do what men can do and it goes both ways. Its good for both sides, for everyone.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on April 11, 2018, 02:20:58 AM
Whenever someone talks about gender equality, I remember the case of two ladies. They are Marissa Mayer and Ursula Burns. The former was the one who was responsible for the death of Yahoo!, while the latter single-handedly destroyed Xerox. Why can't we have CEOs based on the merit, rather than gender?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: HelperAdvisorsLLP on April 11, 2018, 09:59:32 AM
I think there is still some prejudice in many countries. People think women should just sit at home and look after the children
Also, women usually have smaller salaries

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: g-unit on April 11, 2018, 10:13:46 AM
It is necessary to strive for equality of the sexes. At least it is legally possible to make men and women equal, to provide them with equal rights and duties.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Aristus on April 11, 2018, 10:47:20 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Yes bit it depends from where country you belong and also the influence of religion. Like for example here in the Philippines the rights of women are already given as equal with men, but in some parts in Mindanao women there are not experiencing the rights because they are under chain by their traditional law. And I think this is very common to Muslims. What I can suggest is "respect," if someone has it then that will create an equal treatment to others whether you are a man,woman or belong to LGBT.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Darwinie on April 11, 2018, 04:30:58 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Yes In most of the countries worldwide are already practicing Gender equality, but practically speaking you cant never have that here is example why, like nstance here in the philippines women are asking gender equality but exoect a man to treat her more than a Queen . Even in train transportation even they are expecting that guys will offer or provide them seats whenever there is available and get angry if a man doesnt offer one. Something like that.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dimpsk on April 11, 2018, 05:41:38 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I believe humans are equal and with the same rights.  So i guess, humans should be treaded in the same manners.

Most of the time  it is so hard to believe that in our society
men are more dominant than girls.   

You can easy dominate  over the man. Just sit over him :)

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: leexhin on April 15, 2018, 03:19:55 PM
Men and woman should have the equal human rights but that doesn't exist in some country. Some woman is above in men like they should have the same rights but they want to be treat like a Queen. Some men abuse their rights and harass woman. There is a lot of reasons in different countries why gender equality doesn't exist.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Lecam on April 15, 2018, 04:32:09 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

I believe that when it comes to rights as humans , men and women should be equal. We should all be treated equal in all aspects in our society. People may think that men are stronger but I believe that there are also things that only women can do. There should be a gender equality in our community.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: PrinceCaspian on April 15, 2018, 04:59:48 PM
They will never be treated equally

Totally agree. Equality doens't exist in many country. You can see it in just observing how both parties behave. Woman tend to be higher than the man. For example when a Woman kiss a man in public it is romantic but when a man kiss a woman in public they called him pervert. See? same scenario but different opinion. But in society equality doesn't exist anymore.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SingAlong on April 16, 2018, 02:36:14 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
In our society man and woman are not treated equally they think that men are superior among woman. There are many aspects that tgey are not treated equally the believe that man are good when it comes to leadership, decision making, performance and other hard activities or job. That's why government make an action by making laws empowering the rights of women and to achieve same opportunity.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SirArthur on April 16, 2018, 11:03:58 AM
Equality is actually the worse thing that can happen to women. You're not giving them anything, you're taking.
We can't change biology, women need special attentions men doesn't, therefore a set of jobs were considered as "womanly" to prevent men from push them out of employment and towards a dependency life. So when you start talking about "equality", you're actually giving even more buffer and rights to men.
Equality is like as if you make all sports competitions mix-gender now... and we will never see a woman in a podium again!

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on April 16, 2018, 11:23:58 AM
As we know today, a lot of woman can also do what the man do.  Maybe, there are equal about woman and man. So,  woman also treated nicely in society. 

Woman can do 90% of the things that men do. But why concentrate so much on it? Let the task allocation be decided on merit. There are somethings that only the women can do, such as giving birth. Have you ever seen a man saying that he wants to give birth?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: SirArthur on April 16, 2018, 11:33:43 AM
As we know today, a lot of woman can also do what the man do.  Maybe, there are equal about woman and man. So,  woman also treated nicely in society. 

Woman can do 90% of the things that men do. But why concentrate so much on it? Let the task allocation be decided on merit. There are somethings that only the women can do, such as giving birth. Have you ever seen a man saying that he wants to give birth?

But that depends on technology, not on any change on biology that made women nowadays anything different than what women were for the last thousands of years. A crane can lift 100 tons with the push of a button, a car can run at 300 km/h at a push of a button... the strongest man can't even lift 0.5 ton and the fastest can't run even at 50 km/h.
On cognitive grounds there appears to have no much difference.
But then again, usually when we listen to "equality crap" we're talking about management... management is 1% or less of the workforce, a factory needs a 1000 workers and 1 manager, not 1000 managers and 1 worker. You don't see many women applying to construction work.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: mdhedayetullah27t on April 16, 2018, 01:31:53 PM
gender equality,also knowns sexual equality, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender,including economic participation and decision-making and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equaly,regardless of gender.Gender equality is the goal, while gender neutrality and gender equity are practices and ways  of thinking that helf in achieving the goal.Gender parity,which is used to measure gender balance in a given situation,can aid in achieving gender equality but is not the goal in and of itself.Gender equality is more then equal representation,it is strongly tied to womens rights,and often requires policy changes. As of 2017,the global movement for gender equality has not incorporated the proposition of genders besides women and men, or gender identities outside of the gender binary.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: soulcancer on April 16, 2018, 05:46:14 PM
the problem with this issue is that, today too many people have conflated equality of OUTCOME with equality of OPPORTUNITY...the reasons for the gender wage gap (and most other gender equality "problems") have much more to do with nature and the choices made by women as opposed to restrictions imposed by the "patriarchy"...for instance, the five highest paying careers are populated (overwhelmingly) by men...conversely, the five lowest paying careers are populated mainly by women...couple that with the fact that men don't get pregnant...and, therefore are less likely to use up training resources only to retire early to raise kids...put it this way...if the gender wage gap were real, companies would hire mostly women to save with most other issues that are over-simplified for the sake of pissing people off to the point of voting, this issue has been....well, over-simplified

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: ayaayapotpot on April 16, 2018, 08:01:36 PM
Gender equality, also known as sexual equality, is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender.

Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equality means that the different behaviour, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered, valued and favoured equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same, but that their rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: 7Dyoknga5 on April 16, 2018, 11:30:49 PM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?

Women are supposed to be treated with much care in the society. It's not because they are physically weaker than men but because they are more prone to be attacked instead of men.

But yes with the privileges women should have equal rights with men too.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on April 17, 2018, 02:10:25 AM

    Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
    Unite humanity with a living new language.
    Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
    Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
    Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
    Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
    Balance personal rights with social duties.
    Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
    Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

lol... always clear the explanation... pffff... I knew it long ago, and then they played games on us... time for REVENGE !

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Mariksa on April 17, 2018, 08:12:01 PM
No, men and women don't need to try being equal. They are different in many ways and that is great! We have to remember that God gave us (men and women) different roles in life.
Several centuries ago women weren't treated the right way. Girls couldn't go to school, work and etc. They were born to be mothers and that's it. And that wasn't really fair.
But nowadays everything has changed. Both men and women have a chance to work, have a career and have a normal life. So I do not see the need for women to achieve their independence if we already have all the rights that we need.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Sithara007 on April 18, 2018, 11:05:22 AM
Honestly, women are more favored by our society because they are considered to be fragile and weaker than men. When it comes to jobs, employers and companies only hires men for hard and difficult jobs and mostly hire women for office works. However, there are women who excels in men's field and vice versa.

There are some fields out there, in which the females usually perform better than men. Women are usually preferred for jobs such as receptionists and personal assistants. Certain sectors such as fashion designing, child-care services, hospitality and teaching are heavily dominated by women.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: santino11 on April 18, 2018, 11:39:10 AM
IF women wants GENDER EQUALITY we should have out first the old traditions.
this is the thing that they do want to exist as always, they want man to give sit to them,
They want not to be hurt physically but they do it more to guys.
How can they get gender equality if they want more importance than man?

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Playmode Kreative on April 18, 2018, 12:26:09 PM
One might object that there are meaningful differences between males and females, and these in turn are the source of gender inequality. Some believe that equality is the wrong word to use, because males and females can’t be equal if they are different.

But when feminists refer to gender equality, we are not arguing that males and females are identical or indistinguishable on all behaviour, preferences and abilities. Nor does it mean all gender differences must be eliminated, or that we must have equal gender representation in every field.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: beuvtiled on April 19, 2018, 07:54:13 PM
I am a woman and i can say in other thing women and men must be equal but in the terms of work like carpenter co struction its only for men and theres also work that only women can do.

I can't agree with you. I think, there is no such thing as "work only for some gender". I think, anyone should be able to do anything he or she wants. However, it includes such cases when a woman wants to be a housewife: some feminists denies this right for women, strangely. Some women want to pursue a career, but some want to take care of the family, and everyone should get what they want.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: criza on April 19, 2018, 11:37:24 PM
Men and women in this world work harmoniously for the sake of living. Jobs were made for them to apply and act on. But are these opportunities gives an equal treatment to both men and women? I think that yes, but not all the time, and not anywhere. I have been carefully noticed that specifications for a particular job were based on ability and skills, not on the gender anymore. But there will alsways be an exception to everything. For example, they arelooking for sales lady, and a waiter. Then, automatically, what they are looking are women and men respectively. Moreover, as compare to the former years, gender equality is in primary concern right now, especially that many are getting aware with it, and fight for it.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: dillpicklechips on April 20, 2018, 03:43:40 AM
Do you think that men and woman are treated equally in society?
if not , what are the ways you suggest to promote equality among society ?
Government are still implementing laws and rules about man and woman treating equally but as you can see in our society this laws and rules people are not following they still treated man and women not equal. They still think man are the superior of them all but as an individual we can change the perspective of the society about gender  if we will start within ourselves if we will respect and understand  in this world we have different responsibility, skills and ability.

Title: Re: Gender equality
Post by: Flying Hellfish on April 20, 2018, 11:34:04 AM
Mod's note:  This topic has a large number of redundant answers and is being locked so it doesn't become an SMT (spam mega thread).