Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining software (miners) => Topic started by: FiatKiller on May 28, 2013, 06:32:59 PM

Title: batchfile to restart cgminer in Windows, if a card dies
Post by: FiatKiller on May 28, 2013, 06:32:59 PM
I have not actually HAD a card die since I got this going, but I'm 99% certain it will work.
I did alot of research on various aspects of batchfile functions to piece this together.
I know the cgwatcher program can do this, but this is simpler.

There are five steps:

1) Make a file in your cgminer directory called INPUT.txt with FILE=<name of cgminer batchfile> in it.

2) Put this line in all your various cg batchfiles: ECHO FILE=<name of cgminer batchfile> > INPUT.txt

3) Put the following into any batchfile name you want: (I use CG_Kill.bat)

REM Requires cgminer to be run with 2>Log.txt parameter AFTER
REM starting this batchfile.
REM Requires statement of FILE=<name of cgminer batchfile>
REM in a file called INPUT.txt
REM Also, in all your different cgminer batchfiles, put a
REM line to ECHO it's name to the input file like:
REM ECHO FILE=cg.bat > INPUT.txt

DEL Log.txt

REM get name of current cgminer batchfile
for /f "delims=" %%x in (INPUT.txt) do (set "%%x")

REM check for dead card and restart cgminer, if so...
FINDSTR /m "DEAD" Log.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 (
Taskkill /IM cgminer.exe /F
DEL Log.txt
REM insert name of cgminer start batchfile after this line

REM Deletes Logfile every hour so that searching it is quick enough.
IF "%COUNT%" == "30" (
Taskkill /IM cgminer.exe /F
DEL Log.txt
REM insert name of cgminer start batchfile after this line

REM wait two minutes to recheck for dead card


4) Requires cgminer to be run with 2>Log.txt parameter AFTER
starting this batchfile.

5) Add an EXIT command after the cgminer command to your cg batchfiles. (prevent multiple open windows)
So, if your cg batchfile was coinpool.bat you would have this in it:

ECHO FILE=coinpool.bat > INPUT.txt
cgminer blah blah <parameters> 2>Log.txt

Note: it will restart cgminer once an hour as part of the process of not letting the logfile get too big.

Title: Re: batchfile to restart cgminer in Windows, if a card dies
Post by: FiatKiller on May 29, 2013, 10:56:46 AM
Thanks, I may check it out. Once this bat code is tweaked & confirmed - I think it's simpler to use
& definitely "open source"  lol

Title: Re: batchfile to restart cgminer in Windows, if a card dies
Post by: qiuness on June 09, 2013, 08:42:12 PM
what if CGMiner dies, will it restart it?

Title: Re: batchfile to restart cgminer in Windows, if a card dies
Post by: FiatKiller on June 10, 2013, 12:26:24 PM
Absolutely. It records the timedate stamp of when this happens, and worked for me twice so far.
I did decide to search for the word "SICK" and not DEAD to catch problems quicker. But you can
search for loss of connection also. The other good thing is that once your batchfiles are all set-up
correctly, you can leave CG_Kill running and switch to another cg batchfile because it reads the name
of what file to restart on every cycle. I'm very pleased with it.