Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: EnlightToken on September 17, 2017, 09:11:27 PM

Title: Enlight-security at a low cost v2.0(DRAFT) is LIVE+project summary
Post by: EnlightToken on September 17, 2017, 09:11:27 PM
Enlight project summary
Since we at Enlight believe that working together is the only way to progress, we want to build a supportive community sharing their experiences and opinions with crypto. The more people collaborate, the more this message will spread, the token itself will rise in value, and most importantly the project will prevent future fraud and currencies with no value proposition. If you contribute, safety is that much closer to being a realization. Work for you, and your future. We are planning to develop a legitimacy and anti-fraud audit platform called Enlight for future ICO's, to eliminate fraud, scam, and establish a stable and secure cryptocurrency environment. See the whitepaper section 7.Enlight Platform for further information.

To show you our thank for your support you will receive Bonus Enlight/s in value of 5% of the ether you sent.
Like this:
1 Ether sent 525 tokens received (25 bonus tokens issued)
5 Ether sent 2625 tokens received (125 bonus tokens issued)
10 Ether sent 5250 tokens received (250 bonus tokens issued)
The more Ether you donate the more bonus tokens you receive!
After the crowdsale ends no new ENL tokens will ever be created. Total ENL supply will never change.

7. Enlight platform
We pay you for your opinion.
The Enlight platform is a legitimacy and anti-fraud audit platform, a platform in which users can earn our supplementary ‘Enlightened’ or ‘LIGHT’ tokens, released in phase 3 of the Enlight project. In exchange for their opinion about an upcoming ICO or crypto-startup. Users can earn ‘LIGHT’ tokens by earning upvotes from other users, on their published opinions. A frequently updated menu of upcoming ICO’s and startups will be available on the platform, from which the Enlight users can choose one or multiple to monitor, inspect and post a concluding article containing their opinion about the upcoming ICO. Other users will be able to upvote these posts earning the article publisher upvotes, which will be rewarded with ‘LIGHT’ tokens. Users can also reward posts with downvotes causing the user to lose upvotes if the post is nonsense or features a biased view of the ICO with no concluding evidence. Users can comment on other user's content. *See infographic on whitepaper*

9.Roadmap 2017-2019 *note that these dates are estimates

1st third-2017
Official Enlight project establishment (August 2017)
Social media advertising (August-October 8th 2017)
Website launch (September-November 2017)
Social media bounty campaign (September-November 2017)
Crowdfunding (October 8th-November 5th 2017)
Supportive social media forums and slack channel (November-December 2017)

2nd third

Safety Audit Platform development (November-March 2017-18)
Official Alpha Launch of Platform, only for team (April 2018)
Platform Amelioration (May-July 2018)
Official Beta Launch of Platform (July 2018)
Platform wallet and exchange development (August-November)
Platform finalization (November-December 2018)
Platform live release (December 2018)
Enlightenment or ‘MENT’ token development (November-December 2018)

Final third

‘Enlightened’ token development (November-December 2018)
Engaged user participation on platform (December-January 2018-19)
‘LIGHT’ token distribution to content creators on platform (January-February 2019)
Fully working platform environment (February-April 2019)
Enlight platform app for Android and Apple (October-December 2019)

Everybody benefits
Users, as well as startups, can benefit from the Enlight platform. Startups can share and promote their ideas and concepts while Enlight users can share, and reflect different opinions amongst each other. Users can then respond to the project and state their concerns, questions, and requests regarding the project. Startups can modify their project according to the will of the users and clarify any misunderstandings, questions or concerns.
This is method of communication is highly beneficial for both startups and the community. As it allows the startup to receive a variety of feedback to enhance their project in various areas, if users might be unhappy or uncomfortable with something. Furthermore this is not only a way of direct communication but also a form of advertising, in which the startup can raise awareness and receive more attention from other users who are new to the project but who use the Enlight platform to look out for new projects and observe how the community feels about them. New users can see other people's opinion and reflect about the way they feel towards the project.
We believe in the Enlight project and hope to achieve a platform in which users can communicate, educate, and earn. In this congenial culture of alternative payment methods and decentralized transactions, it is up to ourselves to set a filter for what’s good and what’s bad. There are many applications possible in this environment, but with many possibilities come many responsibilities. Are you ready to take matters in your own hand and make a secure future certain? We at Enlight are. We recommend following us on Twitter @EnlightToken to stay updated on news regarding the Enlight project.


Whitepaper v2.0(DRAFT):