Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cybersofts on September 18, 2017, 09:53:07 AM

Title: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: cybersofts on September 18, 2017, 09:53:07 AM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: btctousd81 on September 18, 2017, 10:26:50 AM
china will ban anything and everything which they cant control.

they want to regulate i.e. make money out of it.

they banned google, i dont recall exactly why, but i guess ,something like sharing chinese people data and or having servers in china.

but i guess, banning bitcoin is temporary until they come up with some plan to make money from it.

thats my thinking.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 18, 2017, 10:29:04 AM

The main (and enormous) difference is, that social media and search engines are mysterious businesses with no obvious profit motive. All the services being compared in the OP cost the user zero money to use, at any level. Yet they also all have large teams of well-paid software developers constantly improving their software platforms.

It's been said a million times before: when the so-called product is free, the user is the product.

And that's the real reason why the Chinese government prevents Twitter, Facebook, Google et cetera from accessing the Chinese people. The Chinese government knows that the information produced by these services is the real aim of their existence. They are loss-leading profitless corporations, subsidised by interests in the US government to provide other arms of the US government (as well as other private enterprises close to or run by the US or it's client-state governments) with pervasive and diverse information about the users of these services. The Chinese government doesn't want to protect it's subjects from this, it simply wants to do the same and keep the information to itself. "My god is a jealous god" etc.

So Bitcoin is not really in that category, it's a truly revolutionary software concept that liberates people, instead of adding simply another layer of (well-disguised) subjugation. It's so powerful that most government pronouncements vary from very negative, to vaguely well-meaning (which I take to be a euphemism for "when we think of how, we'll be banning it". Good luck with that one, gangsterments).  

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: n4poleon on September 18, 2017, 10:41:32 AM
They can ban all they want, but they can stop Chinese people from using these technologies. People will find other ways to access these tech. Tell you what, North Korea bans bible and whoever is find out having in possession of this will be punishable by death, considering the punishment people is still able to smuggle this things into the border. Even the most strictest country is unable to stop their people from doing such things, then what chance does China has banning things especially technology.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Nawaytes on September 18, 2017, 10:46:46 AM
I think because China has an ideology that is almost similar to northern korea, all the activities of the peoples must be under government control, including how to do business.
And China also has big ambitions to be number one in the world in all sectors, as an simple illustration : why should China use Google if they can make it ? ;)

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: joseafonso123az on September 18, 2017, 10:48:39 AM
They can ban everything they like, but we can say that as like Google, Facebook, twitter everything is running smoothly and have a big audience with them. By audience I mean it is used by many users. With this I mean Bitcoin will also survive even without China, because they are not the only ones using Bitcoin.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Johj on September 18, 2017, 10:50:49 AM
To be fair, it's allowed to have up to two babies now  :P China = Progressive, confirmed.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: pedrog on September 18, 2017, 10:54:28 AM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

They ban those companies to promote internal 'champions', those Chinese companies are awarded a monopoly.

Plus foreign companies may not, and in many cases do not, comply with censorship and manipulation going on in China.

If they're really banning bitcoin, they might be promoting some similar technology but one they have control of, Bitcoin Cash is a good candidate.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: BitcoinHodler on September 18, 2017, 10:57:53 AM
i wonder what it takes for you people to stop repeating the FUD!
China never banned bitcoin, period.

now 1 hour later another topic will be started talking about China banning bitcoin and how bad or good that is...

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Denker on September 18, 2017, 10:58:17 AM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

China is an authoritarian regime! Let's not forget that! They will always have an interest to put everything under their control if possible.
With Bitcoin that is not possible.We all know this. Even if they ban Bitcoin and cryptos. And I still doubt we will see an official ban of Bitcoin in China. Highly regulated, centralized controlled exchanges is my guess what's going to happen. Some sort of chinese Bit License if you want to call it like that. And maybe some sort of CNYT (pure speculation from my side) with a limited amount for the people they can buy and trade cryptos with. It's all about capital control.

And even if they ban cryptos, there will be ways for people buying and trading it. China should know how lucatrive this is new technology and I'm pretty sure they wanna continue participating in it instead of cutting themselves off and seeing others thrive.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Manuj on September 18, 2017, 11:00:12 AM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

It reflects something else for me. It speaks of this country trying to avoid following hence promoting some other country's invention. They want the world to crumble down so that they will offer their own version of everything (which is most probably the exact opposite of quality). This country is self-centered shit.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: bucksman5233 on September 18, 2017, 11:16:07 AM
i wonder what it takes for you people to stop repeating the FUD!
China never banned bitcoin, period.

now 1 hour later another topic will be started talking about China banning bitcoin and how bad or good that is...
Yes China hasn't ban Bitcoin yet and there is no official word about it. These are just rumours. They may have temporarily banned Bitcoin exchanges to bring regulations but still many are using Bitcoin.
If they ban it in the future then there is nothing much to worry about because they are not the big players now.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Ljanesanti on September 18, 2017, 11:17:15 AM
I think Chinese government is a control freak
. They fear the things they cant handle and control. They fear that their people would be knowledgeable enough to know what is happening in other or in their country most importantly. Those that are not filtered. Opinions and reviews of other nationalities regarding their country. I had read that the reason why they banned the major bitcoin exchangers is because they wanted to release a somehow similar ecurrency like bitcoin. I am not sure of this though.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: MintCondition on September 18, 2017, 11:18:32 AM
I think Chinese government is a control freak
. They fear the things they cant handle and control. They fear that their people would be knowledgeable enough to know what is happening in other or in their country most importantly. Those that are not filtered. Opinions and reviews of other nationalities regarding their country. I had read that the reason why they banned the major bitcoin exchangers is because they wanted to release a somehow similar ecurrency like bitcoin. I am not sure of this though.
China might introduce their own crypto , they want that they are the lead, since they can't control btc they will surely find no reason to use it. Maybe once they knew how to control it they might reconsider to remove the ban.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: SonnetStar on September 18, 2017, 11:28:11 AM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

Honestly that is some pretty good company to be in. Being considered as dangerous as those websites means that bitcoin is on the right track. If someone or some country doesn't try to stop you, you haven't made it big lol

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: k@suy on September 18, 2017, 11:28:35 AM
I think Chinese government is a control freak
. They fear the things they cant handle and control. They fear that their people would be knowledgeable enough to know what is happening in other or in their country most importantly. Those that are not filtered. Opinions and reviews of other nationalities regarding their country. I had read that the reason why they banned the major bitcoin exchangers is because they wanted to release a somehow similar ecurrency like bitcoin. I am not sure of this though.
China might introduce their own crypto , they want that they are the lead, since they can't control btc they will surely find no reason to use it. Maybe once they knew how to control it they might reconsider to remove the ban.

Well we can always speculate and it can happen. China is a big market, they create their own cryptocurrency that can compete with bitcoin and they are free to do it.But we dont know until when they can do it,because people will always finds ways to circumvent it.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: YuginKadoya on September 18, 2017, 11:50:27 AM
In my opinion they really want to ban the social media part in their country that will let some communist ruin their government or something, I think if they would see some communist party that was against the government they would banned that sites that let's them from communicating or may be more about protectionism than politics. there are many possible things why china banned some sites or application, and there are 11 things that are banned in china including thousand of websites.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: alyssa85 on September 18, 2017, 11:58:42 AM
Don't forget soft cheese! China even banned soft cheese.

The future of bitcoin is in the west - western govts like it because they can track payments and therefore collect tax, and if the banks fail AGAIN, they don't need to bail them out this time, just direct people to the bitcoin network instead (an option they didn't have in 2008). That last bit is pretty much the reason why the USA legalised bitcoin.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 18, 2017, 12:08:20 PM
The future of bitcoin is in the west - western govts like it because they can track payments and therefore collect tax, and if the banks fail AGAIN, they don't need to bail them out this time, just direct people to the bitcoin network instead (an option they didn't have in 2008). That last bit is pretty much the reason why the USA legalised bitcoin.

None of those things are true, though.

  • No government can know the jurisdiction in which a given transaction happens, or if the participants are subject to their tax legislation
  • Governments have no effective tax collection method for cryptocurrency, banks are set up to make tax collection cheap and easy, whereas collecting cryptocurrency as tax would be expensive and ineffective
  • Banks have amongst the largest political power existing, and would strongly resist moves to turn their tables over
  • Governments are heavily composed of people with stakes in the banking industry, and so resistance of the removal of a banking oligopoly is probably unnecessary in any case
  • USA didn't legalise Bitcoin any more than they legalised walking down the street, it's simply not legislated on the basis of it's use

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: lighpulsar07 on September 18, 2017, 12:10:37 PM
well that's the government of china do they keep banning thing coming from the outside and make a rip off copy so, the citizens of china can experience and make money out of it but sometimes the banning has a good reasons for example banning of  ICOs in china they ban the ICOs because of fraudulent ICOs only the intention is to steal money from their citizens.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: ivrynx on September 18, 2017, 12:21:38 PM
I think we are now all familiar, on hoe the chinese think, they most likely waned to create yhrir oen crypto coin that will competr with bitcoin, i think this will be funded by their government, and aside from that they still have reserves of bitcoin in their hands. We should not be worried about this, just look at thr websites that they have banned, those sites arr now earning more, than what they fad expected, just take a look at google and facebook, as well all know, china already made their own social media, and it seems to look a lot like facebook, and , search engine that is also similar to google,i just din't know about twitter, i think just basing it from what the chinese had banned, those companies just gre bigger and bigger, with or without china, and bitcoin is not an exception, we will just see bitcoin to grow in value,and if yhe chinese government doesn't lift their ban, the only bitcoins they will have are just theur reserves from their mining, and even if the government, destroyed those miners and wallets, making the bitcoins out of circulation, it will just increase the value of bitcoin, basin it on supply and demand, the supply of bitcoin then will have a decrease, thus increase in value. The chinese government need to think again, if it us tigt to ban bitcoins i china and produce another altcoin in exchange of banning bitcoin. What i see if they continue to create an altcoin that will be their bitcoin, only outsiders can take advantage of the coin, since we can bargain for the coins for bitcoin and for sure there will be scarcity of bitcoin and china, and thry will be willing to trade their altcoin, even if it costs much, to bitcoin sincd they know that the future will still be bitcoin.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Chairul Muttaqin on September 18, 2017, 12:25:45 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)
china government usually makes controversial regulations towards something that actually didn't need to handle by government. It's like restricted their citizens and limiting them from whats international technology growth. In my opinion China government attempts to fully controlled their own country and try make some regulations which will give benefits to their nation without care about anything else, china do not want foreign country take more dominant to their nation.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Juggy777 on September 18, 2017, 12:45:21 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

China bans what it can't control or had no large share. All these years, it was playing a large share but now their share has reduced its just 10% and they are jealous that Japan has been getting a lot of attention, China loss is good for all other countries and it's a good time for them to capitalize on it. It's good for everyone that China shall exit Bitcoin and they can no longer effect it.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: manselr on September 18, 2017, 12:48:03 PM
I think because China has an ideology that is almost similar to northern korea, all the activities of the peoples must be under government control, including how to do business.
And China also has big ambitions to be number one in the world in all sectors, as an simple illustration : why should China use Google if they can make it ? ;)

China is an evil place with no freedoms whatsoever. Anything banned by China is a strong bullish indicator. Also notice how they don't ban bitcoin mining. They have this mentality of "even if we ban good things here to keep people trapped in this nightmare with no freedom, we will still manufacture this same thing to the rest of the world if it gives us profit". Worry not, they will be defeated soon. In fact, Bitcoin has already made China it's bitch by recovering so quickly, look at the price.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: bitcoinvestor on September 18, 2017, 01:00:06 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)
Next, they will ban Internet. That;s a typical of dictator government, They don't want their citizen to be rich. They don't want their citizen to be educated, they want their citizen to be poor and depends on the government subsidized economy. You know, Chinese in other countries live in wealth and prosperity, they have asset, cars, money and they can send their children in good education. In their homeland they are nothing.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: zarados on September 18, 2017, 01:10:26 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

China bans what it can't control or had no large share. All these years, it was playing a large share but now their share has reduced its just 10% and they are jealous that Japan has been getting a lot of attention, China loss is good for all other countries and it's a good time for them to capitalize on it. It's good for everyone that China shall exit Bitcoin and they can no longer effect it.

China has the big potential of to effect the bitcoin price, I don't agree if you say that they can no longer effect it. Actually, china doesn't ban bitcoin, the goverments are stopping thw exchange to transact with their currency. And that's the reason why the price are down. If it's kust a temporary regulation, don't you think it will effect the price to the ATH again? I think China still have their power.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: richardivan on September 18, 2017, 01:17:24 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)
Next, they will ban Internet. That;s a typical of dictator government, They don't want their citizen to be rich. They don't want their citizen to be educated, they want their citizen to be poor and depends on the government subsidized economy. You know, Chinese in other countries live in wealth and prosperity, they have asset, cars, money and they can send their children in good education. In their homeland they are nothing.
From what I know China didn't ban Bitcoin, they ban only ICO. Because their people unfortunately invest some of their money on scam ICO, so China government didn't want their people lost money from investing in stupid ICO. And Chinese people only work for building their country they didn't want build another country by working in there, so when they come out from their country we are nothing :)

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: kamikadze69 on September 18, 2017, 01:23:12 PM
You can not say anything like that. because a government that issued a certain regulation must have a purpose to protect their country even though it is not liked by many people. so it's only natural that they issue such regulations.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: criz2fer on September 18, 2017, 01:29:51 PM
From other perspective, China wants to control the business that involving bitcoin which are too free for the people. I think their government want to lessen the risk for their people to have a contact in some project that will make a total dump or bankruptcy.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: bL4nkcode on September 18, 2017, 01:31:42 PM
Next, they will ban Internet. That;s a typical of dictator government, They don't want their citizen to be rich. They don't want their citizen to be educated, they want their citizen to be poor and depends on the government subsidized economy. You know, Chinese in other countries live in wealth and prosperity, they have asset, cars, money and they can send their children in good education. In their homeland they are nothing.

That will be the stupidest thing they will ever do if they do that. People on that country will suffer like what north korea do in the hands of communists and a dictator. Dunno if this country will be the next north kor.
But china is not a huge hindrance to bitcoin anymore see the price its 4000ish back already and it recovers just in a matter of time.
That's the reason why bitcoin is strong enough as a cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: rasmadisulaiman on September 18, 2017, 01:43:34 PM
China has always liked to ban technology from outside countries that can not be controlled by them. China will continue to ban any outside technologies that do not comply with their rules. China prefers to use technology made by its own people, such as Weibo, WeChat and others. I do not like Chinese rules, there is no freedom there.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Flomo on September 18, 2017, 01:55:00 PM
China is one of the world's most influential economies, China will ban anything that can not contribute to its country, especially financial gain. maybe that's an excuse because it will only benefit the individual.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Xester on September 18, 2017, 01:58:07 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

They are just not a fun of social media and not a fun of telling the world what they are.  Maybe they want to preserve things the way they are.  Maybe they are conservative but inclined with technology.  As to bitcoin maybe they just want its price to go down.  And then will put a huge investment after its price fall.  Tactics and clever thinking you know.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: kondor1030 on September 18, 2017, 02:13:00 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

China likes banning foreign technology like FB and Google and then introduces their own copycats. The thing with Bitcoin is distributed and banning it is impossible and even if China introduces their own copycat it won't work this time.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: zxl912157 on September 18, 2017, 04:02:32 PM
China uses communist ideology, they are very closed and always want to be in front. Their government will ban anything to maintain government stability. Security and stability are important issues.
they believe that China will lead the world and will replace the US as a super power state.
it is very reasonable.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Singbatak on September 18, 2017, 04:11:56 PM
China is a powerful nation. But why do not they accept modern technologies. I also do not know why they do it. What do people in China so that their lives will not be boring? There is also what I want to ask. Many people in China are leaving their country and living elsewhere. As with us many chinese businessmen are here and almost all the factories, shops in malls, and so on. They are free to do their desires because they pay taxes. So even though they yield so they are not expelled from our country because they provide jobs to people in my country.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: AltCreators on September 18, 2017, 04:14:38 PM
However, the USA is threatening china with Commericial Sanctions.

Because Bitcoin threatens the US Dollar.
And the government wont be in big control.

So the USA wants to remove Bitcoin.
Obviously this is pretty much impossible.

NOTE: I do not check back to people replying on this message.
If you want to reply please PM me

Thanks  ;)

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: johnarce on September 18, 2017, 05:09:30 PM
China has had a complicated relationship with cryptocurrencies, and bitcoin in particular, for some time. Bitcoin trading volumes in yuan​ leapt ahead of those in U.S. dollars. But i don't think the banning will last long.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: Roboabhishek on September 18, 2017, 05:16:30 PM
Why China like banning new online technologies. (Sorry, including second babies... LOL)
It started with Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, down to bitcoins.
China just wanna suck the joy out of everything... Are these guys living in Mars or somewhere up there? ;D

What do you say about this? Share with us what you think. thanks :)

It's true that china is banning websites like facebook, twitter ,etc but i am sure people there are still using these services through Vpn or proxies.
When it comes to bitcoin they know it might affect their economy and maybe that reason was enough to ban it.

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: sekapai on September 18, 2017, 05:36:10 PM
China was banned all thing that they cant control..
Likely they are banning everything that noy chinese look.
We should do as they do...
All people worldwide banning evreything thing from china..because we can live in the world without china

Title: Re: China just like banning things, Google, Facebook, Twitter, then Bitcoin.
Post by: CryptoKranthi on September 18, 2017, 05:54:24 PM
First of all, China wants to be a unique and dominant country.They like to use their products by increasing their National income.They think that they have full abilities to compete with other countries in any field.To be fact they don't like other's products. That is why they banned popular internet Giants like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google.They also have another concern regarding this as they don't want to reveal their country's information to others through social medias like Facebook and Twitter.Finally they want to be unique and don't like others inventions and they copy it and make their own to use it. So Bitcoin is not optional in this case.