Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: tandyuk on September 18, 2017, 12:52:46 PM

Title: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: tandyuk on September 18, 2017, 12:52:46 PM
With 0.96.2, I sent a transaction with a low fee.
It says 'Right click to bump fee', but when I do so, nothing happens.

This is the log of the original tx, and my attempt to bump the fee:

2017-09-18 13:38:04 (INFO) -- TxFrames.pyc:727 - Change address behavior: NewAddr
2017-09-18 13:38:20 (INFO) -- (PPRINT from

  01000000 013c0da7 aae5ca8c e6190a75 7f38cf83 8b96a8cf 589255bb d1978cb9
  f48922ae 9d010000 008b4830 45022100 f7bbe930 12b3bd1f 206e418c a672bad0
  00001976 a914d9d0 32d542ed de06a5d1 59a6da53 c6cc98c9 9cb788ac c0568d01
  00000000 1976a914 0456126c 17301d0e 8383054f a723c6fe ec68bf39 88ac006a
2017-09-18 13:38:20 (INFO) -- (PPRINT from
   TxHash:    3c4faaffb3640e3a9566ca310b6bc6a1c174e38cc7812573d757e97037d3c29d (BE)
   Version:   1
   nInputs:   1
   nOutputs:  2
   LockTime:  485888
         PrevTxHash: 9dae2289f4b98c97d1bb559258cfa8968b83cf387f750a19e68ccae5aaa70d3c (BE)
         TxOutIndex: 1
         Script:     (483045022100f7bbe93012b3bd1f206e418ca672bad07092cd405435e5827d34)
         Sender:     154Enja33FvFaRT6QtqgXiWd7D2K6KNddy
         Seq:        4294967293
         Value:   300000000 (3.0)
         Script:  OP_DUP OP_HASH160 (1Lrh3WzuXJhFLKdahccsFtv5j7Fq62qZZa) OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
         Value:   26040000 (0.2604)
         Script:  OP_DUP OP_HASH160 (1Pvp9paFSV7y3fhSk4AFyLHu8XeqJd3vS) OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG

2017-09-18 13:38:20 (INFO) -- - Sending Tx, 9dc2d33770e957d7732581c78ce374c1a1c66b0b31ca66953a0e64b3ffaa4f3c
2017-09-18 13:38:20 (INFO) -- - Bitcoins Sent!
Amount:  3.00036 BTC
From:    Wallet "Michael 2017" (2WCFZkJXR)
To:      1Lrh3WzuXJhFLKdahccsFtv5j7Fq62qZZa
2017-09-18 13:38:27 (INFO) -- - New Block! : 485889
2017-09-18 13:38:27 (INFO) -- - Current block number: 485889
2017-09-18 13:46:52 (ERROR) -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3409, in showContextMenuLedger
  File "", line 5913, in bumpFee
  File "armoryengine\PyBtcWallet.pyc", line 1818, in getCommentForAddress
  File "CppBlockUtils.pyc", line 4083, in getScriptHashVectorForIndex
RuntimeError: invalid asset index

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: goatpig on September 18, 2017, 03:35:29 PM
Will look into it. For now, you can grab the output through the RBF coin control dialog and bump yourself.

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: calebcjh on December 17, 2017, 12:25:02 PM
It is still not working (using armory_0.96.3.99-gcc4.7-noasm_amd64.deb). Also, what is the RBF coin control dialog? No dialog shows up when bump fee is selected.

I am considering clearing unconfirmed and making a few tx, any concerns there?

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: Brangdon on December 17, 2017, 03:14:04 PM
I have a similar issue. When I right-click and select Bump Fee, nothing seems to happen. No dialog appears, and nothing extra is written in File > Export Log File....

The transaction has 1 input and 1 SegWit output. It looks like it never got propagated to the network - there was a warning about P2P/RPC when I created it, and Blockchain Info says "Transaction not found" more than half an hour later. I'm using Armory, and Core 0.14.1. So it may be that this behaviour is as designed; if so, the user experience is not great.

Later: I used Help > Clear All Unconfirmed to get rid of it. Resending with a higher fee had the same problem. I'm going to try updating core to 0.15.1. If my node isn't well-connected enough, is there anything I can do to improve that?

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: calebcjh on December 18, 2017, 02:17:32 AM
My transaction has been visible in for a week though. So I think our problems are different. I just need instructions on how to broadcast manually.

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: gangtraet on December 18, 2017, 12:43:04 PM
To broadcast a transaction manually, load it into the window where you sign or broadcast it (I only sign offline, but I assume it looks the same way if you do it all on one line).  There, you can click on the button "copy as hex".  You can paste the transaction into this web page to broadcast:

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: calebcjh on December 18, 2017, 05:07:40 PM
Yes, but how do I modify the fees in the raw Hex?

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: goatpig on December 18, 2017, 06:49:29 PM
You can't, fees are covered by the signature. You have to reconstruct tx with a higher fee and sign that.

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: calebcjh on December 18, 2017, 07:48:29 PM
Will look into it. For now, you can grab the output through the RBF coin control dialog and bump yourself.

How do I do what you suggested?

Title: Re: 0.96.2 Bump Fee not working
Post by: Brangdon on December 20, 2017, 12:40:33 PM
My transaction has been visible in for a week though. So I think our problems are different. I just need instructions on how to broadcast manually.
I now have the same problem, but with a transaction that has been broadcast. Bump Fee does nothing, and writes nothing to the logfile. I tried deleting geometry entries in the settings file, but it made no difference.

I have tried using Send Coins > RBF Control. It sets source to the right transaction. I have set a new receive address in my wallet, and set Amount to Max. However, I am getting Size: N/A, Fee: N/A, and Preview Transaction says it has an Invalid spend value. Using other amounts makes no difference.

I'm really not sure what I am supposed to do here. Is there any documentation on this I can read? Armory doesn't seem to have a help file.