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Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: achow101 on September 19, 2017, 02:05:55 PM

Title: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on September 19, 2017, 02:05:55 PM
Bitcoin Core version ** is now available from:




This is a new major version release, including new features, various bugfixes
and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:


To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:


How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the
installer (on Windows) or just copy over `/Applications/Bitcoin-Qt` (on Mac)
or `bitcoind`/`bitcoin-qt` (on Linux).

The first time you run version 0.15.0, your chainstate database will be converted to a
new format, which will take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour,
depending on the speed of your machine.

The file format of `fee_estimates.dat` changed in version 0.15.0. Hence, a
downgrade from version 0.15.0 or upgrade to version 0.15.0 will cause all fee
estimates to be discarded.

Note that the block database format also changed in version 0.8.0 and there is no
automatic upgrade code from before version 0.8 to version 0.15.0. Upgrading
directly from 0.7.x and earlier without redownloading the blockchain is not supported.
However, as usual, old wallet versions are still supported.

Downgrading warning

The chainstate database for this release is not compatible with previous
releases, so if you run 0.15 and then decide to switch back to any
older version, you will need to run the old release with the `-reindex-chainstate`
option to rebuild the chainstate data structures in the old format.

If your node has pruning enabled, this will entail re-downloading and
processing the entire blockchain.


Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
the Linux kernel, macOS 10.8+, and Windows Vista and later. Windows XP is not supported.

Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
frequently tested on them.

Notes for

GUI startup crash issue

After upgrade to 0.15.0, some clients would crash at startup because a custom
fee setting was configured that no longer exists in the GUI. This is a minimal
patch to avoid this issue from occuring.

Notes for 0.15.0

Current SegWit support

Version 0.15.0 supports adding a segregated witness address via the `addwitnessaddress` RPC, but
please note that this is a testing/expert RPC, which does not guarantee recovery from backup. Only use
this RPC if you know what you are doing. More complete wallet support for segregated witness is coming
in a next version.

Rescanning with encrypted wallets

As in previous versions, when using an encrypted HD wallet, the keypool cannot be topped up without unlocking
the wallet. This means that currently, in order to recover from a backup of an encrypted HD wallet, the user
must unlock the wallet with a really long timeout and manually trigger a rescan, otherwise they risk missing
some keys when auto-topup cannot run. Unfortunately there is no `rescan` RPC in this version, that will be
included in a future version, so for now a rescan can be triggered using one of the `import*` commands, using
a dummy address generated by another (trusted) wallet.

Notable changes

Performance Improvements

Version 0.15 contains a number of significant performance improvements, which make
Initial Block Download, startup, transaction and block validation much faster:

- The chainstate database (which is used for tracking UTXOs) has been changed
  from a per-transaction model to a per-output model (See [PR 10195]( Advantages of this model
  are that it:
    - avoids the CPU overhead of deserializing and serializing the unused outputs;
    - has more predictable memory usage;
    - uses simpler code;
    - is adaptable to various future cache flushing strategies.

  As a result, validating the blockchain during Initial Block Download (IBD) and reindex
  is ~30-40% faster, uses 10-20% less memory, and flushes to disk far less frequently.
  The only downside is that the on-disk database is 15% larger. During the conversion from the previous format
  a few extra gigabytes may be used.
- Earlier versions experienced a spike in memory usage while flushing UTXO updates to disk.
  As a result, only half of the available memory was actually used as cache, and the other half was
  reserved to accommodate flushing. This is no longer the case (See [PR 10148](, and the entirety of
  the available cache (see `-dbcache`) is now actually used as cache. This reduces the flushing
  frequency by a factor 2 or more.
- In previous versions, signature validation for transactions has been cached when the
  transaction is accepted to the mempool. Version 0.15 extends this to cache the entire script
  validity (See [PR 10192]( This means that if a transaction in a block has already been accepted to the
  mempool, the scriptSig does not need to be re-evaluated. Empirical tests show that
  this results in new block validation being 40-50% faster.
- LevelDB has been upgraded to version 1.20 (See [PR 10544]( This version contains hardware acceleration for CRC
  on architectures supporting SSE 4.2. As a result, synchronization and block validation are now faster.
- SHA256 hashing has been optimized for architectures supporting SSE 4 (See [PR 10821]( SHA256 is around
  50% faster on supported hardware, which results in around 5% faster IBD and block
  validation. In version 0.15, SHA256 hardware optimization is disabled in release builds by
  default, but can be enabled by using `--enable-experimental-asm` when building.
- Refill of the keypool no longer flushes the wallet between each key which resulted in a ~20x speedup in creating a new wallet. Part of this speedup was used to increase the default keypool to 1000 keys to make recovery more robust. (See [PR 10831](

Fee Estimation Improvements

Fee estimation has been significantly improved in version 0.15, with more accurate fee estimates used by the wallet and a wider range of options for advanced users of the `estimatesmartfee` and `estimaterawfee` RPCs (See [PR 10199](

### Changes to internal logic and wallet behavior

- Internally, estimates are now tracked on 3 different time horizons. This allows for longer targets and means estimates adjust more quickly to changes in conditions.
- Estimates can now be *conservative* or *economical*. *Conservative* estimates use longer time horizons to produce an estimate which is less susceptible to rapid changes in fee conditions. *Economical* estimates use shorter time horizons and will be more affected by short-term changes in fee conditions. Economical estimates may be considerably lower during periods of low transaction activity (for example over weekends), but may result in transactions being unconfirmed if prevailing fees increase rapidly.
- By default, the wallet will use conservative fee estimates to increase the reliability of transactions being confirmed within the desired target. For transactions that are marked as replaceable, the wallet will use an economical estimate by default, since the fee can be 'bumped' if the fee conditions change rapidly (See [PR 10589](
- Estimates can now be made for confirmation targets up to 1008 blocks (one week).
- More data on historical fee rates is stored, leading to more precise fee estimates.
- Transactions which leave the mempool due to eviction or other non-confirmed reasons are now taken into account by the fee estimation logic, leading to more accurate fee estimates.
- The fee estimation logic will make sure enough data has been gathered to return a meaningful estimate. If there is insufficient data, a fallback default fee is used.

### Changes to fee estimate RPCs

- The `estimatefee` RPC is now deprecated in favor of using only `estimatesmartfee` (which is the implementation used by the GUI)
- The `estimatesmartfee` RPC interface has been changed (See [PR 10707](
    - The `nblocks` argument has been renamed to `conf_target` (to be consistent with other RPC methods).
    - An `estimate_mode` argument has been added. This argument takes one of the following strings: `CONSERVATIVE`, `ECONOMICAL` or `UNSET` (which defaults to `CONSERVATIVE`).
    - The RPC return object now contains an `errors` member, which returns errors encountered during processing.
    - If Bitcoin Core has not been running for long enough and has not seen enough blocks or transactions to produce an accurate fee estimation, an error will be returned (previously a value of -1 was used to indicate an error, which could be confused for a feerate).
- A new `estimaterawfee` RPC is added to provide raw fee data. External clients can query and use this data in their own fee estimation logic.

Multi-wallet support

Bitcoin Core now supports loading multiple, separate wallets (See [PR 8694](, [PR 10849]( The wallets are completely separated, with individual balances, keys and received transactions.

Multi-wallet is enabled by using more than one `-wallet` argument when starting Bitcoin, either on the command line or in the Bitcoin config file.

**In Bitcoin-Qt, only the first wallet will be displayed and accessible for creating and signing transactions.** GUI selectable multiple wallets will be supported in a future version. However, even in 0.15 other loaded wallets will remain synchronized to the node's current tip in the background. This can be useful if running a pruned node, since loading a wallet where the most recent sync is beyond the pruned height results in having to download and revalidate the whole blockchain. Continuing to synchronize all wallets in the background avoids this problem.

Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 contains the following changes to the RPC interface and `bitcoin-cli` for multi-wallet:

* When running Bitcoin Core with a single wallet, there are **no** changes to the RPC interface or `bitcoin-cli`. All RPC calls and `bitcoin-cli` commands continue to work as before.
* When running Bitcoin Core with multi-wallet, all *node-level* RPC methods continue to work as before. HTTP RPC requests should be send to the normal `<RPC IP address>:<RPC port>/` endpoint, and `bitcoin-cli` commands should be run as before. A *node-level* RPC method is any method which does not require access to the wallet.
* When running Bitcoin Core with multi-wallet, *wallet-level* RPC methods must specify the wallet for which they're intended in every request. HTTP RPC requests should be send to the `<RPC IP address>:<RPC port>/wallet/<wallet name>/` endpoint, for example ``. `bitcoin-cli` commands should be run with a `-rpcwallet` option, for example `bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=wallet1.dat getbalance`.
* A new *node-level* `listwallets` RPC method is added to display which wallets are currently loaded. The names returned by this method are the same as those used in the HTTP endpoint and for the `rpcwallet` argument.

Note that while multi-wallet is now fully supported, the RPC multi-wallet interface should be considered unstable for version 0.15.0, and there may backwards-incompatible changes in future versions.

Replace-by-fee control in the GUI

Bitcoin Core has supported creating opt-in replace-by-fee (RBF) transactions
since version 0.12.0, and since version 0.14.0 has included a `bumpfee` RPC method to
replace unconfirmed opt-in RBF transactions with a new transaction that pays
a higher fee.

In version 0.15, creating an opt-in RBF transaction and replacing the unconfirmed
transaction with a higher-fee transaction are both supported in the GUI (See [PR 9592](

Removal of Coin Age Priority

In previous versions of Bitcoin Core, a portion of each block could be reserved for transactions based on the age and value of UTXOs they spent. This concept (Coin Age Priority) is a policy choice by miners, and there are no consensus rules around the inclusion of Coin Age Priority transactions in blocks. In practice, only a few miners continue to use Coin Age Priority for transaction selection in blocks. Bitcoin Core 0.15 removes all remaining support for Coin Age Priority (See [PR 9602]( This has the following implications:

- The concept of *free transactions* has been removed. High Coin Age Priority transactions would previously be allowed to be relayed even if they didn't attach a miner fee. This is no longer possible since there is no concept of Coin Age Priority. The `-limitfreerelay` and `-relaypriority` options which controlled relay of free transactions have therefore been removed.
- The `-sendfreetransactions` option has been removed, since almost all miners do not include transactions which do not attach a transaction fee.
- The `-blockprioritysize` option has been removed.
- The `estimatepriority` and `estimatesmartpriority` RPCs have been removed.
- The `getmempoolancestors`, `getmempooldescendants`, `getmempoolentry` and `getrawmempool` RPCs no longer return `startingpriority` and `currentpriority`.
- The `prioritisetransaction` RPC no longer takes a `priority_delta` argument, which is replaced by a `dummy` argument for backwards compatibility with clients using positional arguments. The RPC is still used to change the apparent fee-rate of the transaction by using the `fee_delta` argument.
- `-minrelaytxfee` can now be set to 0. If `minrelaytxfee` is set, then fees smaller than `minrelaytxfee` (per kB) are rejected from relaying, mining and transaction creation. This defaults to 1000 satoshi/kB.
- The `-printpriority` option has been updated to only output the fee rate and hash of transactions included in a block by the mining code.

Mempool Persistence Across Restarts

Version 0.14 introduced mempool persistence across restarts (the mempool is saved to a `mempool.dat` file in the data directory prior to shutdown and restores the mempool when the node is restarted). Version 0.15 allows this feature to be switched on or off using the `-persistmempool` command-line option (See [PR 9966]( By default, the option is set to true, and the mempool is saved on shutdown and reloaded on startup. If set to false, the `mempool.dat` file will not be loaded on startup or saved on shutdown.

New RPC methods

Version 0.15 introduces several new RPC methods:

- `abortrescan` stops current wallet rescan, e.g. when triggered by an `importprivkey` call (See [PR 10208](
- `combinerawtransaction` accepts a JSON array of raw transactions and combines them into a single raw transaction (See [PR 10571](
- `estimaterawfee` returns raw fee data so that customized logic can be implemented to analyze the data and calculate estimates. See [Fee Estimation Improvements](#fee-estimation-improvements) for full details on changes to the fee estimation logic and interface.
- `getchaintxstats` returns statistics about the total number and rate of transactions
  in the chain (See [PR 9733](
- `listwallets` lists wallets which are currently loaded. See the *Multi-wallet* section
  of these release notes for full details (See [Multi-wallet support](#multi-wallet-support)).
- `uptime` returns the total runtime of the `bitcoind` server since its last start (See [PR 10400](

Low-level RPC changes

- When using Bitcoin Core in multi-wallet mode, RPC requests for wallet methods must specify
  the wallet that they're intended for. See [Multi-wallet support](#multi-wallet-support) for full details.

- The new database model no longer stores information about transaction
  versions of unspent outputs (See [Performance improvements](#performance-improvements)). This means that:
  - The `gettxout` RPC no longer has a `version` field in the response.
  - The `gettxoutsetinfo` RPC reports `hash_serialized_2` instead of `hash_serialized`,
    which does not commit to the transaction versions of unspent outputs, but does
    commit to the height and coinbase information.
  - The `getutxos` REST path no longer reports the `txvers` field in JSON format,
    and always reports 0 for transaction versions in the binary format

- The `estimatefee` RPC is deprecated. Clients should switch to using the `estimatesmartfee` RPC, which returns better fee estimates. See [Fee Estimation Improvements](#fee-estimation-improvements) for full details on changes to the fee estimation logic and interface.

- The `gettxoutsetinfo` response now contains `disk_size` and `bogosize` instead of
  `bytes_serialized`. The first is a more accurate estimate of actual disk usage, but
  is not deterministic. The second is unrelated to disk usage, but is a
  database-independent metric of UTXO set size: it counts every UTXO entry as 50 + the
  length of its scriptPubKey (See [PR 10426](

- `signrawtransaction` can no longer be used to combine multiple transactions into a single transaction. Instead, use the new `combinerawtransaction` RPC (See [PR 10571](

- `fundrawtransaction` no longer accepts a `reserveChangeKey` option. This option used to allow RPC users to fund a raw transaction using an key from the keypool for the change address without removing it from the available keys in the keypool. The key could then be re-used for a `getnewaddress` call, which could potentially result in confusing or dangerous behaviour (See [PR 10784](

- `estimatepriority` and `estimatesmartpriority` have been removed. See [Removal of Coin Age Priority](#removal-of-coin-age-priority).

- The `listunspent` RPC now takes a `query_options` argument (see [PR 8952](, which is a JSON object
  containing one or more of the following members:
  - `minimumAmount` - a number specifying the minimum value of each UTXO
  - `maximumAmount` - a number specifying the maximum value of each UTXO
  - `maximumCount` - a number specifying the minimum number of UTXOs
  - `minimumSumAmount` - a number specifying the minimum sum value of all UTXOs

- The `getmempoolancestors`, `getmempooldescendants`, `getmempoolentry` and `getrawmempool` RPCs no longer return `startingpriority` and `currentpriority`. See [Removal of Coin Age Priority](#removal-of-coin-age-priority).

- The `dumpwallet` RPC now returns the full absolute path to the dumped wallet. It
  used to return no value, even if successful (See [PR 9740](

- In the `getpeerinfo` RPC, the return object for each peer now returns an `addrbind` member, which contains the ip address and port of the connection to the peer. This is in addition to the `addrlocal` member which contains the ip address and port of the local node as reported by the peer (See [PR 10478](

- The `disconnectnode` RPC can now disconnect a node specified by node ID (as well as by IP address/port). To disconnect a node based on node ID, call the RPC with the new `nodeid` argument (See [PR 10143](

- The second argument in `prioritisetransaction` has been renamed from `priority_delta` to `dummy` since Bitcoin Core no longer has a concept of coin age priority. The `dummy` argument has no functional effect, but is retained for positional argument compatibility. See [Removal of Coin Age Priority](#removal-of-coin-age-priority).

- The `resendwallettransactions` RPC throws an error if the `-walletbroadcast` option is set to false (See [PR 10995](

- The second argument in the `submitblock` RPC argument has been renamed from `parameters` to `dummy`. This argument never had any effect, and the renaming is simply to communicate this fact to the user (See [PR 10191](
  (Clients should, however, use positional arguments for `submitblock` in order to be compatible with BIP 22.)

- The `verbose` argument of `getblock` has been renamed to `verbosity` and now takes an integer from 0 to 2. Verbose level 0 is equivalent to `verbose=false`. Verbose level 1 is equivalent to `verbose=true`. Verbose level 2 will give the full transaction details of each transaction in the output as given by `getrawtransaction`. The old behavior of using the `verbose` named argument and a boolean value is still maintained for compatibility.

- Error codes have been updated to be more accurate for the following error cases (See [PR 9853](
  - `getblock` now returns RPC_MISC_ERROR if the block can't be found on disk (for
  example if the block has been pruned). Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `pruneblockchain` now returns RPC_MISC_ERROR if the blocks cannot be pruned
  because the node is not in pruned mode. Previously returned RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND.
  - `pruneblockchain` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the blocks cannot be pruned
  because the supplied timestamp is too late. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `pruneblockchain` now returns RPC_MISC_ERROR if the blocks cannot be pruned
  because the blockchain is too short. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `setban` now returns RPC_CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET if the supplied IP address
  or subnet is invalid. Previously returned RPC_CLIENT_NODE_ALREADY_ADDED.
  - `setban` now returns RPC_CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET if the user tries to unban
  a node that has not previously been banned. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `removeprunedfunds` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if `bitcoind` is unable to remove
  the transaction. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `removeprunedfunds` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the transaction does not
  exist in the wallet. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `fundrawtransaction` now returns RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY if an invalid change
  address is provided. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER.
  - `fundrawtransaction` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if `bitcoind` is unable to create
  the transaction. The error message provides further details. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the provided transaction has
  descendants in the wallet. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the provided transaction has
  descendants in the mempool. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has
  has been mined or conflicts with a mined transaction. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction is not
  BIP 125 replaceable. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has already
  been bumped by a different transaction. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_REQUEST.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction contains
  inputs which don't belong to this wallet. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has multiple change
  outputs. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has no change
  output. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the fee is too high. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the fee is too low. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the change output is too small to bump the
  fee. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.

0.15.0 Change log

### RPC and other APIs
- #9485 `61a640e` ZMQ example using python3 and asyncio (mcelrath)
- #9894 `0496e15` remove 'label' filter for rpc command help (instagibbs)
- #9853 `02bd6e9` Fix error codes from various RPCs (jnewbery)
- #9842 `598ef9c` Fix RPC failure testing (continuation of #9707) (jnewbery)
- #10038 `d34995a` Add mallocinfo mode to `getmemoryinfo` RPC (laanwj)
- #9500 `3568b30` [Qt/RPC] Autocomplete commands for 'help' command in debug console (achow101)
- #10056 `e6156a0` [zmq] Call va_end() on va_start()ed args (kallewoof)
- #10086 `7438cea` Trivial: move rpcserialversion into RPC option group (jlopp)
- #10150 `350b224` [rpc] Add logging rpc (jnewbery)
- #10208 `393160c` [wallet] Rescan abortability (kallewoof)
- #10143 `a987def` [net] Allow disconnectnode RPC to be called with node id (jnewbery)
- #10281 `0e8499c` doc: Add RPC interface guidelines (laanwj)
- #9733 `d4732f3` Add getchaintxstats RPC (sipa)
- #10310 `f4b15e2` [doc] Add hint about getmempoolentry to getrawmempool help (kallewoof)
- #8704 `96c850c` [RPC] Transaction details in getblock (achow101)
- #8952 `9390845` Add query options to listunspent RPC call (pedrobranco)
- #10413 `08ac35a` Fix docs (there's no rpc command setpaytxfee) (RHavar)
- #8384 `e317c0d` Add witness data output to TxInError messages (instagibbs)
- #9571 `4677151` RPC: getblockchaininfo returns BIP signaling statistics  (pinheadmz)
- #10450 `ef2d062` Fix bumpfee rpc "errors" return value (ryanofsky)
- #10475 `39039b1` [RPC] getmempoolinfo mempoolminfee is a BTC/KB feerate (instagibbs)
- #10478 `296928e` rpc: Add listen address to incoming connections in `getpeerinfo` (laanwj)
- #10403 `08d0390` Fix importmulti failure to return rescan errors (ryanofsky)
- #9740 `9fec4da` Add friendly output to dumpwallet (aideca)
- #10426 `16f6c98` Replace bytes_serialized with bogosize (sipa)
- #10252 `980deaf` RPC/Mining: Restore API compatibility for prioritisetransaction (luke-jr)
- #9672 `46311e7` Opt-into-RBF for RPC & bitcoin-tx (luke-jr)
- #10481 `9c248e3` Decodehextx scripts sanity check  (achow101)
- #10488 `fa1f106` Note that the prioritizetransaction dummy value is deprecated, and has no meaning (TheBlueMatt)
- #9738 `c94b89e` gettxoutproof() should return consistent result (jnewbery)
- #10191 `00350bd` [trivial] Rename unused RPC arguments 'dummy' (jnewbery)
- #10627 `b62b4c8` fixed listunspent rpc convert parameter (tnakagawa)
- #10412 `bef02fb` Improve wallet rescan API (ryanofsky)
- #10400 `1680ee0` [RPC] Add an uptime command that displays the amount of time (in seconds) bitcoind has been running (rvelhote)
- #10683 `d81bec7` rpc: Move the `generate` RPC call to rpcwallet (laanwj)
- #10710 `30bc0f6` REST/RPC example update (Mirobit)
- #10747 `9edda0c` [rpc] fix verbose argument for getblock in bitcoin-cli (jnewbery)
- #10589 `104f5f2` More economical fee estimates for RBF and RPC options to control (morcos)
- #10543 `b27b004` Change API to estimaterawfee (morcos)
- #10807 `afd2fca` getbalance example covers at least 6 confirms (instagibbs)
- #10707 `75b5643` Better API for estimatesmartfee RPC  (morcos)
- #10784 `9e8d6a3` Do not allow users to get keys from keypool without reserving them (TheBlueMatt)
- #10857 `d445a2c` [RPC] Add a deprecation warning to getinfo's output (achow101)
- #10571 `adf170d` [RPC]Move transaction combining from signrawtransaction to new RPC (achow101)
- #10783 `041dad9` [RPC] Various rpc argument fixes (instagibbs)
- #9622 `6ef3c7e` [rpc] listsinceblock should include lost transactions when parameter is a reorg'd block (kallewoof)
- #10799 `8537187` Prevent user from specifying conflicting parameters to fundrawtx (TheBlueMatt)
- #10931 `0b11a07` Fix misleading "Method not found" multiwallet errors (ryanofsky)
- #10788 `f66c596` [RPC] Fix addwitnessaddress by replacing ismine with producesignature (achow101)
- #10999 `627c3c0` Fix amounts formatting in `decoderawtransaction` (laanwj)
- #11002 `4268426` [wallet] return correct error code from resendwallettransaction (jnewbery)
- #11029 `96a63a3` [RPC] trivial: gettxout no longer shows version of tx (FelixWeis)
- #11083 `6c2b008` Fix combinerawtransaction RPC help result section (jonasnick)
- #11027 `07164bb` [RPC] Only return hex field once in getrawtransaction (achow101)
- #10698 `5af6572` Be consistent in calling transactions "replaceable" for Opt-In RBF (TheBlueMatt)

### Block and transaction handling
- #9801 `a8c5751` Removed redundant parameter from mempool.PrioritiseTransaction (gubatron)
- #9819 `1efc99c` Remove harmless read of unusued priority estimates (morcos)
- #9822 `b7547fa` Remove block file location upgrade code (benma)
- #9602 `30ff3a2` Remove coin age priority and free transactions - implementation (morcos)
- #9548 `47510ad` Remove min reasonable fee (morcos)
- #10249 `c73af54` Switch CCoinsMap from boost to std unordered_map (sipa)
- #9966 `2a183de` Control mempool persistence using a command line parameter (jnewbery)
- #10199 `318ea50` Better fee estimates (morcos)
- #10196 `bee3529` Bugfix: PrioritiseTransaction updates the mempool tx counter (sdaftuar)
- #10195 `1088b02` Switch chainstate db and cache to per-txout model (sipa)
- #10284 `c2ab38b` Always log debug information for fee calculation in CreateTransaction (morcos)
- #10503 `efbcf2b` Use REJECT_DUPLICATE for already known and conflicted txn (sipa)
- #10537 `b3eb0d6` Few Minor per-utxo assert-semantics re-adds and tweak (TheBlueMatt)
- #10626 `8c841a3` doc: Remove outdated minrelaytxfee comment (MarcoFalke)
- #10559 `234ffc6` Change semantics of HaveCoinInCache to match HaveCoin (morcos)
- #10581 `7878353` Simplify return values of GetCoin/HaveCoin(InCache) (sipa)
- #10684 `a381f6a` Remove no longer used mempool.exists(outpoint) (morcos)
- #10148 `d4e551a` Use non-atomic flushing with block replay (sipa)
- #10685 `30c2130` Clarify CCoinsViewMemPool documentation (TheBlueMatt)
- #10558 `90a002e` Address nits from per-utxo change (morcos)
- #10706 `6859ad2` Improve wallet fee logic and fix GUI bugs (morcos)
- #10526 `754aa02` Force on-the-fly compaction during pertxout upgrade (sipa)
- #10985 `d896d5c` Add undocumented -forcecompactdb to force LevelDB compactions (sipa)
- #10292 `e4bbd3d` Improved efficiency in COutPoint constructors (mm-s)
- #10290 `8d6d43e` Add -stopatheight for benchmarking (sipa)

### P2P protocol and network code
- #9726 `7639d38` netbase: Do not print an error on connection timeouts through proxy (laanwj)
- #9805 `5b583ef` Add to mainnet DNS seeds (petertodd)
- #9861 `22f609f` Trivial: Debug log ambiguity fix for peer addrs (keystrike)
- #9774 `90cb2a2` Enable host lookups for -proxy and -onion parameters (jmcorgan)
- #9558 `7b585cf` Clarify assumptions made about when BlockCheck is called (TheBlueMatt)
- #10135 `e19586a` [p2p] Send the correct error code in reject messages (jnewbery)
- #9665 `eab00d9` Use cached [compact] blocks to respond to getdata messages (TheBlueMatt)
- #10215 `a077a90` Check interruptNet during dnsseed lookups (TheBlueMatt)
- #10234 `faf2dea` [net] listbanned RPC and QT should show correct banned subnets (jnewbery)
- #10134 `314ebdf` [qa] Fixes segwit block relay test after inv-direct-fetch was disabled (sdaftuar)
- #10351 `3f57c55` removed unused code in INV message (Greg-Griffith)
- #10061 `ae78609` [net] Added SetSocketNoDelay() utility function (tjps)
- #10408 `28c6e8d` Net: Improvements to Tor control port parser (str4d)
- #10460 `5c63d66` Broadcast address every day, not 9 hours (sipa)
- #10471 `400fdd0` Denote functions CNode::GetRecvVersion() and CNode::GetRefCount()  as const (pavlosantoniou)
- #10345 `67700b3` [P2P] Timeout for headers sync (sdaftuar)
- #10564 `8d9f45e` Return early in IsBanned (gmaxwell)
- #10587 `de8db47` Net: Fix resource leak in ReadBinaryFile(...) (practicalswift)
- #9549 `b33ca14` [net] Avoid possibility of NULL pointer dereference in MarkBlockAsInFlight(...) (practicalswift)
- #10446 `2772dc9` net: avoid extra dns query per seed (theuni)
- #10824 `9dd6a2b` Avoid unnecessary work in SetNetworkActive (promag)
- #10948 `df3a6f4` p2p: Hardcoded seeds update pre-0.15 branch (laanwj)
- #10977 `02f4c4a` [net] Fix use of uninitialized value in getnetworkinfo(const JSONRPCRequest&) (practicalswift)
- #10982 `c8b62c7` Disconnect network service bits 6 and 8 until Aug 1, 2018 (TheBlueMatt)
- #11012 `0e5cff6` Make sure to clean up mapBlockSource if we've already seen the block (theuni)

### Validation
- #9725 `67023e9` CValidationInterface Cleanups (TheBlueMatt)
- #10178 `2584925` Remove CValidationInterface::UpdatedTransaction (TheBlueMatt)
- #10201 `a6548a4` pass Consensus::Params& to functions in validation.cpp and make them static (mariodian)
- #10297 `431a548` Simplify DisconnectBlock arguments/return value (sipa)
- #10464 `f94b7d5` Introduce static DoWarning (simplify UpdateTip) (jtimon)
- #10569 `2e7d8f8` Fix stopatheight (achow101)
- #10192 `2935b46` Cache full script execution results in addition to signatures (TheBlueMatt)
- #10179 `21ed30a` Give CValidationInterface Support for calling notifications on the CScheduler Thread (TheBlueMatt)
- #10557 `66270a4` Make check to distinguish between orphan txs and old txs more efficient (morcos)
- #10775 `7c2400c` nCheckDepth chain height fix (romanornr)
- #10821 `16240f4` Add SSE4 optimized SHA256 (sipa)
- #10854 `04d395e` Avoid using sizes on non-fixed-width types to derive protocol constants (gmaxwell)
- #10945 `2a50b11` Update defaultAssumeValid according to (gmaxwell)
- #10986 `2361208` Update chain transaction statistics (sipa)
- #11028 `6bdf4b3` Avoid masking of difficulty adjustment errors by checkpoints (sipa)
- #9533 `cb598cf` Allow non-power-of-2 signature cache sizes (sipa)
- #9208 `acd9957` Improve DisconnectTip performance (sdaftuar)
- #10618 `f90603a` Remove confusing MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE (gmaxwell)
- #10758 `bd92424` Fix some chainstate-init-order bugs (TheBlueMatt)
- #10550 `b7296bc` Don't return stale data from CCoinsViewCache::Cursor() (ryanofsky)
- #10998 `2507fd5` Fix upgrade cancel warnings (TheBlueMatt)
- #9868 `cbdb473` Abstract out the command line options for block assembly (sipa)

### Build system
- #9727 `5f0556d` Remove fallbacks for boost_filesystem < v3 (laanwj)
- #9788 `50a2265` gitian: bump descriptors for master (theuni)
- #9794 `7ca2f54` Minor update to qrencode package builder (mitchellcash)
- #9514 `2cc0df1` release: Windows signing script (theuni)
- #9921 `8b789d8` build: Probe MSG_DONTWAIT in the same way as MSG_NOSIGNAL (laanwj)
- #10011 `32d1b34` build: Fix typo s/HAVE_DONTWAIT/HAVE_MSG_DONTWAIT (laanwj)
- #9946 `90dd9e6` Fix build errors if spaces in path or parent directory (pinheadmz)
- #10136 `81da4c7` build: Disable Wshadow warning (laanwj)
- #10166 `64962ae` Ignore Doxyfile generated from template (paveljanik)
- #10239 `0416ea9` Make Boost use std::atomic internally (sipa)
- #10228 `27faa6c` build: regenerate bitcoin-config.h as necessary (theuni)
- #10273 `8979f45` [scripts] Minor improvements to `macdeployqtplus` script (chrisgavin)
- #10325 `a26280b` 0.15.0 Depends Updates (fanquake)
- #10328 `79aeff6` Update contrib/debian to latest Ubuntu PPA upload (TheBlueMatt)
- #7522 `d25449f` Bugfix: Only use git for build info if the repository is actually the right one (luke-jr)
- #10489 `e654d61` build: silence gcc7's implicit fallthrough warning (theuni)
- #10549 `ad1a13e` Avoid printing generic and duplicated "checking for QT" during ./configure (drizzt)
- #10628 `8465b68` [depends] expat 2.2.1 (fanquake)
- #10806 `db825d2` build: verify that the assembler can handle crc32 functions (theuni)
- #10766 `b4d03be` Building Environment: Set ARFLAGS to cr (ReneNyffenegger)
- #10803 `91edda8` Explicitly search for bdb5.3 (pstratem)
- #10855 `81560b0` random: only use getentropy on openbsd (theuni)
- #10508 `1caafa6` Run Qt wallet tests on travis (ryanofsky)
- #10851 `e222618` depends: fix fontconfig with newer glibc (theuni)
- #10971 `88b1e4b` build: fix missing sse42 in depends builds (theuni)
- #11097 `129b03f` gitian: quick hack to fix version string in releases (theuni)
- #10039 `919aaf6` Fix compile errors with Qt 5.3.2 and Boost 1.55.0 (ryanofsky)
- #10168 `7032021` Fix build warning from #error text (jnewbery)
- #10301 `318392c` Check if sys/random.h is required for getentropy (jameshilliard)

### GUI
- #9724 `1a9fd5c` Qt/Intro: Add explanation of IBD process (luke-jr)
- #9834 `b00ba62` qt: clean up initialize/shutdown signals (benma)
- #9481 `ce01e62` [Qt] Show more significant warning if we fall back to the default fee (jonasschnelli)
- #9974 `b9f930b` Add basic Qt wallet test (ryanofsky)
- #9690 `a387d3a` Change 'Clear' button string to 'Reset' (da2x)
- #9592 `9c7b7cf` [Qt] Add checkbox in the GUI to opt-in to RBF when creating a transaction (ryanofsky)
- #10098 `2b477e6` Make qt wallet test compatible with qt4 (ryanofsky)
- #9890 `1fa4ae6` Add a button to open the config file in a text editor (ericshawlinux)
- #10156 `51833a1` Fix for issues with startup and multiple monitors on windows (AllanDoensen)
- #10177 `de01da7` Changed "Send" button default status from true to false (KibbledJiveElkZoo)
- #10221 `e96486c` Stop treating coinbase outputs differently in GUI: show them at 1conf (TheBlueMatt)
- #10231 `987a6c0` [Qt] Reduce a significant cs_main lock freeze (jonasschnelli)
- #10242 `f6f3b58` [qt] Don't call method on null WalletModel object (ryanofsky)
- #10093 `a3e756b` [Qt] Don't add arguments of sensitive command to console window (jonasschnelli)
- #10362 `95546c8` [GUI] Add OSX keystroke to RPCConsole info (spencerlievens)
- #9697 `962cd3f` [Qt] simple fee bumper with user verification (jonasschnelli)
- #10390 `e477516` [wallet] remove minimum total fee option (instagibbs)
- #10420 `4314544` Add Qt tests for wallet spends & bumpfee (ryanofsky)
- #10454 `c1c9a95` Fix broken q4 test build (ryanofsky)
- #10449 `64beb13` Overhaul Qt fee bumper (jonasschnelli)
- #10582 `7c72fb9` Pass in smart fee slider value to coin control dialog (morcos)
- #10673 `4c72cc3` [qt] Avoid potential null pointer dereference in TransactionView::exportClicked() (practicalswift)
- #10769 `8fdd23a` [Qt] replace fee slider with a Dropdown, extend conf. targets (jonasschnelli)
- #10870 `412b466` [Qt] Use wallet 0 in rpc console if running with multiple wallets (jonasschnelli)
- #10988 `a9dd111` qt: Increase BLOCK_CHAIN_SIZE constants (laanwj)
- #10644 `e292140` Slightly overhaul NSI pixmaps (jonasschnelli)
- #10660 `0c3542e` Allow to cancel the txdb upgrade via splashscreen keypress 'q' (jonasschnelli)
- #11332 `46c8d23` Fix possible crash with invalid nCustomFeeRadio in QSettings (achow101, TheBlueMatt)

### Wallet
- #9359 `f7ec7cf` Add test for CWalletTx::GetImmatureCredit() returning stale values (ryanofsky)
- #9576 `56ab672` [wallet] Remove redundant initialization (practicalswift)
- #9333 `fa625b0` Document CWalletTx::mapValue entries and remove erase of nonexistent "version" entry (ryanofsky)
- #9906 `72fb515` Disallow copy constructor CReserveKeys (instagibbs)
- #9369 `3178b2c` Factor out CWallet::nTimeSmart computation into a method (ryanofsky)
- #9830 `afcd7c0` Add safe flag to listunspent result (NicolasDorier)
- #9993 `c49355c` Initialize nRelockTime (pstratem)
- #9818 `3d857f3` Save watch only key timestamps when reimporting keys (ryanofsky)
- #9294 `f34cdcb` Use internal HD chain for change outputs (hd split) (jonasschnelli)
- #10164 `e183ea2` Wallet: reduce excess logic InMempool() (kewde)
- #10186 `c9ff4f8` Remove SYNC_TRANSACTION_NOT_IN_BLOCK magic number (jnewbery)
- #10226 `64c45aa` wallet: Use boost to more portably ensure -wallet specifies only a filename (luke-jr)
- #9827 `c91ca0a` Improve ScanForWalletTransactions return value (ryanofsky)
- #9951 `fa1ac28` Wallet database handling abstractions/simplifications (laanwj)
- #10265 `c29a0d4` [wallet/moveonly] Check non-null pindex before potentially referencing (kallewoof)
- #10283 `a550f6e` Cleanup: reduce to one GetMinimumFee call signature (morcos)
- #10294 `e2b99b1` [Wallet] unset change position when there is no change (instagibbs)
- #10115 `d3dce0e` Avoid reading the old hd master key during wallet encryption (TheBlueMatt)
- #10341 `18c9deb` rpc/wallet: Workaround older UniValue which returns a std::string temporary for get_str (luke-jr)
- #10308 `94e5227` [wallet] Securely erase potentially sensitive keys/values (tjps)
- #10257 `ea1fd43` [test] Add test for getmemoryinfo (jimmysong)
- #10295 `ce8176d` [qt] Move some WalletModel functions into CWallet (ryanofsky)
- #10506 `7cc2c67` Fix bumpfee test after #10449 (ryanofsky)
- #10500 `098b01d` Avoid CWalletTx copies in GetAddressBalances and GetAddressGroupings (ryanofsky)
- #10455 `0747d33` Simplify feebumper minimum fee code slightly (ryanofsky)
- #10522 `2805d60` [wallet] Remove unused variables (practicalswift)
- #8694 `177433a` Basic multiwallet support (luke-jr)
- #10598 `7a74f88` Supress struct/class mismatch warnings introduced in #10284 (paveljanik)
- #9343 `209eef6` Don't create change at dust limit (morcos)
- #10744 `ed88e31` Use method name via __func__ macro (darksh1ne)
- #10712 `e8b9523` Add change output if necessary to reduce excess fee (morcos)
- #10816 `1c011ff` Properly forbid -salvagewallet and -zapwallettxes for multi wallet (morcos)
- #10235 `5cfdda2` Track keypool entries as internal vs external in memory (TheBlueMatt)
- #10330 `bf0a08b` [wallet] fix zapwallettxes interaction with persistent mempool (jnewbery)
- #10831 `0b01935` Batch flushing operations to the walletdb during top up and increase keypool size (gmaxwell)
- #10795 `7b6e8bc` No longer ever reuse keypool indexes (TheBlueMatt)
- #10849 `bde4f93` Multiwallet: simplest endpoint support (jonasschnelli)
- #10817 `9022aa3` Redefine Dust and add a discard_rate (morcos)
- #10883 `bf3b742` Rename -usewallet to -rpcwallet (morcos)
- #10604 `420238d` [wallet/tests] Add listwallets RPC, include wallet name in `getwalletinfo` and add multiwallet test (jnewbery)
- #10885 `70888a3` Reject invalid wallets (promag)
- #10949 `af56397` Clarify help message for -discardfee (morcos)
- #10942 `2e857bb` Eliminate fee overpaying edge case when subtracting fee from recipients (morcos)
- #10995 `fa64636` Fix resendwallettransactions assert failure if -walletbroadcast=0 (TheBlueMatt)
- #11022 `653a46d` Basic keypool topup (jnewbery)
- #11081 `9fe1f6b` Add length check for CExtKey deserialization (jonasschnelli, guidovranken)
- #11044 `4ef8374` [wallet] Keypool topup cleanups (jnewbery)
- #11145 `e51bb71` Fix rounding bug in calculation of minimum change (morcos)
- #9605 `779f2f9` Use CScheduler for wallet flushing, remove ThreadFlushWalletDB (TheBlueMatt)
- #10108 `4e3efd4` ApproximateBestSubset should take inputs by reference, not value (RHavar)

### Tests and QA
- #9744 `8efd1c8` Remove unused module from rpc-tests (34ro)
- #9657 `7ff4a53` Improve (jnewbery)
- #9766 `7146d96` Add --exclude option to (jnewbery)
- #9577 `d6064a8` Fix docstrings in qa tests (jnewbery)
- #9823 `a13a417` qa: Set correct path for binaries in rpc tests (MarcoFalke)
- #9847 `6206252` Extra test vector for BIP32 (sipa)
- #9350 `88c2ae3` [Trivial] Adding label for amount inside of tx_valid/tx_invalid.json (Christewart)
- #9888 `36afd4d` travis: Verify commits only for one target (MarcoFalke)
- #9904 `58861ad` test: Fail if InitBlockIndex fails (laanwj)
- #9828 `67c5cc1` Avoid -Wshadow warnings in wallet_tests (ryanofsky)
- #9832 `48c3429` [qa] assert_start_raises_init_error (NicolasDorier)
- #9739 `9d5fcbf` Fix BIP68 activation test (jnewbery)
- #9547 `d32581c` bench: Assert that division by zero is unreachable (practicalswift)
- #9843 `c78adbf` Fix segwit getblocktemplate test (jnewbery)
- #9929 `d5ce14e` tests: Delete unused function _rpchost_to_args (laanwj)
- #9555 `19be26a` [test] Avoid reading a potentially uninitialized variable in tx_invalid-test (transaction_tests.cpp) (practicalswift)
- #9945 `ac23a7c` Improve logging in if there is a formatting mismatch (jnewbery)
- #9768 `8910b47` [qa] Add logging to (jnewbery)
- #9972 `21833f9` Fix extended rpc tests broken by #9768 (jnewbery)
- #9977 `857d1e1` QA: should always use >0 fee tx (sdaftuar)
- #9970 `3cc13ea` Improve readability of, (sdaftuar)
- #9497 `2c781fb` CCheckQueue Unit Tests (JeremyRubin)
- #10024 `9225de2` [trivial] Use instead of print() in remaining functional test cases (jnewbery)
- #9956 `3192e52` Reorganise qa directory (jnewbery)
- #10017 `02d64bd` - aggregates log files from multiple bitcoinds during functional tests (jnewbery)
- #10047 `dfef6b6` [tests] Remove unused variables and imports (practicalswift)
- #9701 `a230b05` Make bumpfee tests less fragile (ryanofsky)
- #10053 `ca20923` [test] Allow functional test cases to be skipped (jnewbery)
- #10052 `a0b1e57` [test] Run extended tests once daily in Travis (jnewbery)
- #10069 `1118493` [QA] Fix typo in fundrawtransaction test (NicolasDorier)
- #10083 `c044f03` [QA] Renaming rawTx into rawtx (NicolasDorier)
- #10073 `b1a4f27` Actually run (jnewbery)
- #9780 `c412fd8` Suppress noisy output from qa tests in Travis (jnewbery)
- #10096 `79af9fb` Check that all test scripts in test/functional are being run (jnewbery)
- #10076 `5b029aa` [qa] combine_logs: Use ordered list for logfiles (MarcoFalke)
- #10107 `f2734c2` Remove unused variable. Remove accidental trailing semicolons in Python code (practicalswift)
- #10109 `8ac8041` Remove SingleNodeConnCB (jnewbery)
- #10114 `edc62c9` [tests] sync_with_ping should assert that ping hasn't timed out (jnewbery)
- #10128 `427d2fd` Speed Up CuckooCache tests (JeremyRubin)
- #10072 `12af74b` Remove sources of unreliablility in extended functional tests (jnewbery)
- #10077 `ebfd653` [qa] Add setnetworkactive smoke test (MarcoFalke)
- #10152 `080d7c7` [trivial] remove unused line in Travis config (jnewbery)
- #10159 `df1ca9e` [tests] color test results and sort alphabetically (jnewbery)
- #10124 `88799ea` [test] Suppress test logging spam (jnewbery)
- #10142 `ed09dd3` Run bitcoin_test-qt under minimal QPA platform (ryanofsky)
- #9949 `a27dbc5` [bench] Avoid function call arguments which are pointers to uninitialized values (practicalswift)
- #10187 `b44adf9` tests: Fix test_runner return value in case of skipped test (laanwj)
- #10197 `d86bb07` [tests] Functional test warnings (jnewbery)
- #10219 `9111df9` Tests: Order Python Tests Differently (jimmysong)
- #10229 `f3db4c6` Tests: Add test for getdifficulty (jimmysong)
- #10224 `2723bcd` [test] Add test for getaddednodeinfo (jimmysong)
- #10023 `c530c15` [tests] remove (functionality covered by other test) (jnewbery)
- #10097 `1b25b6d` Move zmq test skipping logic into individual test case (jnewbery)
- #10272 `54e2d87` [Tests] Prevent warning: variable 'x' is uninitialized (paveljanik)
- #10225 `e0a7e19` [test] Add aborttrescan tests (kallewoof)
- #10278 `8254a8a` [test] Add Unit Test for GetListenPort (jimmysong)
- #10280 `47535d7` [test] Unit test amount.h/amount.cpp (jimmysong)
- #10256 `80c3a73` [test] Add test for gettxout to (jimmysong)
- #10264 `492d22f` [test] Add tests for getconnectioncount, getnettotals and ping (jimmysong)
- #10169 `8f3e384` [tests] Remove func test code duplication (jnewbery)
- #10198 `dc8fc0c` [tests] Remove is_network_split from functional test framework (jnewbery)
- #10255 `3c5e6c9` [test] Add test for listaddressgroupings (jimmysong)
- #10137 `75171f0` Remove unused import. Remove accidental trailing semicolons (practicalswift)
- #10307 `83073de` [tests] allow zmq test to be run in out-of-tree builds (jnewbery)
- #10344 `e927483` [tests] Fix intermittency (jnewbery)
- #10318 `170bc2c` [tests] fix wait_for_inv() (jnewbery)
- #10171 `fff72de` [tests] Add node methods to test framework (jnewbery)
- #10352 `23d78c4` test: Add elapsed time to RPC tracing (laanwj)
- #10342 `6a796b2` [tests] Improve mempool_persist test (jnewbery)
- #10287 `776ba23` [tests] Update Unit Test for addrman.h/addrman.cpp (jimmysong)
- #10365 `7ee5236` [tests] increase timeouts in sendheaders test (jnewbery)
- #10361 `f6241b3` qa: disablewallet: Check that wallet is really disabled (MarcoFalke)
- #10371 `4b766fc` [tests] Clean up addrman_tests.cpp (jimmysong)
- #10253 `87abe20` [test] Add test for getnetworkhashps (jimmysong)
- #10376 `8bd16ee` [tests] fix disconnect_ban intermittency (jnewbery)
- #10374 `5411997` qa: Warn when specified test is not found (MarcoFalke)
- #10405 `0542978` tests: Correct testcase in script_tests.json for large number OP_EQUAL (laanwj)
- #10429 `6b99daf` tests: fix spurious addrman test failure (theuni)
- #10433 `8e57256` [tests] improve tmpdir structure (jnewbery)
- #10415 `217b416` [tests] Speed up fuzzing by ~200x when using afl-fuzz (practicalswift)
- #10445 `b4b057a` Add test for empty chain and reorg consistency for gettxoutsetinfo (gmaxwell)
- #10423 `1aefc94` [tests] skipped tests should clean up after themselves (jnewbery)
- #10359 `329fc1d` [tests] functional tests should call BitcoinTestFramework start/stop node methods (jnewbery)
- #10514 `e103b3f` Bugfix: missing == 0 after randrange (sipa)
- #10515 `c871f32` [test] Add test for getchaintxstats (jimmysong)
- #10509 `bea5b00` Remove xvfb configuration from travis (ryanofsky)
- #10535 `30853e1` [qa] fundrawtx: Fix shutdown race (MarcoFalke)
- #9909 `300f8e7` tests: Add FindEarliestAtLeast test for edge cases (ryanofsky)
- #10331 `75e898c` Share config between util and functional tests (jnewbery)
- #10321 `e801084` Use FastRandomContext for all tests (sipa)
- #10524 `6c2d81f` [tests] Remove printf(...) (practicalswift)
- #10547 `71ab6e5` [tests] Use FastRandomContext instead of boost::random::{mt19937,uniform_int_distribution} (practicalswift)
- #10551 `6702617` [Tests] Wallet encryption functional tests (achow101)
- #10555 `643fa0b` [tests] various improvements to (jnewbery)
- #10533 `d083bd9` [tests] Use cookie auth instead of rpcuser and rpcpassword (achow101)
- #10632 `c68a9a6` qa: Add stopatheight test (MarcoFalke)
- #10636 `4bc853b` [qa] util: Check return code after closing bitcoind proc (MarcoFalke)
- #10662 `e0a7801` Initialize randomness in benchmarks (achow101)
- #10612 `7c87a9c` The young person's guide to the test_framework (jnewbery)
- #10659 `acb1153` [qa] blockchain: Pass on closed connection during generate call (MarcoFalke)
- #10690 `416af3e` [qa] Bugfix: allow overriding extra_args in ComparisonTestFramework (sdaftuar)
- #10556 `65cc7aa` Move stop/start functions from into BitcoinTestFramework (jnewbery)
- #10704 `dd07f47` [tests] nits in (jnewbery)
- #10743 `be82498` [test] don't run on Travis (jnewbery)
- #10761 `d3b5870` [tests] fix (jnewbery)
- #10759 `1d4805c` Fix multi_rpc test for hosts that dont default to utf8 (TheBlueMatt)
- #10190 `e4f226a` [tests] mining functional tests (including regression test for submitblock) (jnewbery)
- #10739 `1fc783f` test: Move variable `state` down where it is used (paveljanik)
- #9980 `fee0d80` Fix mem access violation merkleblock (Christewart)
- #10893 `0c173a1` [QA] Avoid running twice (jonasschnelli)
- #10927 `9d5e8f9` test: Make sure wallet.backup is created in temp path (laanwj)
- #10899 `f29d5db` [test] Qt: Use _putenv_s instead of setenv on Windows builds (brianmcmichael)
- #10912 `5c8eb79` [tests] Fix incorrect memory_cleanse(…) call in crypto_tests.cpp (practicalswift)
- #11001 `fa8a063` [tests] Test disconnecting unsupported service bits logic (jnewbery)
- #10695 `929fd72` [qa] Rewrite BIP65/BIP66 functional tests (sdaftuar)
- #10963 `ecd2135` [bench] Restore format state of cout after printing with std::fixed/setprecision (practicalswift)
- #11025 `e5d26e4` qa: Fix inv race in example_test (MarcoFalke)
- #10765 `2c811e0` Tests: address placement should be deterministic by default (ReneNyffenegger)
- #11000 `ac016e1` test: Add resendwallettransactions functional tests (promag)
- #11032 `aeb3175` [qa] Fix block message processing error in (sdaftuar)
- #10105 `0b9fb68` [tests] fixup - make all Travis test runs quiet, non just cron job runs (jnewbery)
- #10222 `6ce7337` [tests] test_runner - check unicode (jnewbery)
- #10327 `35da2ae` [tests] remove (jnewbery)
- #11023 `bf74d37` [tests] Add option to attach a python debugger if functional test fails (jnewbery)
- #10565 `8c2098a` [coverage] Remove subtrees and benchmarks from coverage report (achow101)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on September 19, 2017, 02:06:11 PM

### Miscellaneous
- #9871 `be8ba2c` Add a tree sha512 hash to merge commits (sipa)
- #9821 `d19d45a` util: Specific GetOSRandom for Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD (laanwj)
- #9903 `ba80a68` Docs: add details to -rpcclienttimeout doc (ian-kelling)
- #9910 `53c300f` Docs: correct and elaborate -rpcbind doc (ian-kelling)
- #9905 `01b7cda` [contrib] gh-merge: Move second sha512 check to the end (MarcoFalke)
- #9880 `4df8213` Verify Tree-SHA512s in merge commits, enforce sigs are not SHA1 (TheBlueMatt)
- #9932 `00c13ea` Fix verify-commits on travis and always check top commit's tree (TheBlueMatt)
- #9952 `6996e06` Add historical release notes for 0.14.0 (laanwj)
- #9940 `fa99663` Fix verify-commits on OSX, update for new bad Tree-SHA512, point travis to different keyservers (TheBlueMatt)
- #9963 `8040ae6` util: Properly handle errors during log message formatting (laanwj)
- #9984 `cce056d` devtools: Make github-merge compute SHA512 from git, instead of worktree (laanwj)
- #9995 `8bcf934` [doc] clarify blockchain size and pruning (askmike)
- #9734 `0c17afc` Add updating of chainTxData to release process (sipa)
- #10063 `530fcbd` add missing spaces so that markdown recognizes headline (flack)
- #10085 `db1ae54` Docs: remove 'noconnect' option (jlopp)
- #10090 `8e4f7e7` Update bitcoin.conf with example for pruning (coinables)
- #9424 `1a5aaab` Change LogAcceptCategory to use uint32_t rather than sets of strings (gmaxwell)
- #10036 `fbf36ca` Fix init README format to render correctly on github (jlopp)
- #10058 `a2cd0b0` No need to use OpenSSL malloc/free (tjps)
- #10123 `471ed00` Allow debug logs to be excluded from specified component (jnewbery)
- #10104 `fadf078` linearize script: Option to use RPC cookie (achow101)
- #10162 `a3a2160` [trivial] Log calls to getblocktemplate (jnewbery)
- #10155 `928695b` build: Deduplicate version numbers (laanwj)
- #10211 `a86255b` [doc] Contributor fixes & new "finding reviewers" section (kallewoof)
- #10250 `1428f30` Fix some empty vector references (sipa)
- #10270 `95f5e44` Remove Clang workaround for Boost 1.46 (fanquake)
- #10263 `cb007e4` Trivial: fix fee estimate write error log message (CryptAxe)
- #9670 `bd9ec0e` contrib: github-merge improvements (laanwj)
- #10260 `1d75597` [doc] Minor corrections to osx dependencies (fanquake)
- #10189 `750c5a5` devtools/net: add a verifier for scriptable changes. Use it to make CNode::id private (theuni)
- #10322 `bc64b5a` Use hardware timestamps in RNG seeding (sipa)
- #10381 `7f2b9e0` Shadowing warnings are not enabled by default, update doc accordingly (paveljanik)
- #10380 `b6ee855` [doc] Removing comments about dirty entries on txmempool (madeo)
- #10383 `d0c37ee` [logging] log system time and mock time (jnewbery)
- #10404 `b45a52a` doc: Add logging to FinalizeNode() (sdaftuar)
- #10388 `526e839` Output line to debug.log when IsInitialBlockDownload latches to false (morcos)
- #10372 `15254e9` Add perf counter data to GetStrongRandBytes state in scheduler (TheBlueMatt)
- #10461 `55b72f3` Update style guide (sipa)
- #10486 `10e8c0a` devtools: Retry after signing fails in github-merge (laanwj)
- #10447 `f259263` Make bitcoind invalid argument error message specific (laanwj)
- #10495 `6a38b79` contrib: Update location of seeds.txt (laanwj)
- #10469 `b6b150b` Fixing typo in rpcdump.cpp help message (keystrike)
- #10451 `27b9931` contrib/init/bitcoind.openrcconf: Don't disable wallet by default (luke-jr)
- #10323 `00d3692` Update to latest libsecp256k1 master (sipa)
- #10422 `cec9e1e` Fix timestamp in fee estimate debug message (morcos)
- #10566 `5d034ee` [docs] Use the "domain name setup" image (previously unused) in the gitian docs (practicalswift)
- #10534 `a514ac3` Clarify prevector::erase and avoid swap-to-clear (sipa)
- #10575 `22ec768` Header include guideline (sipa)
- #10480 `fbf5d3b` Improve (sipa)
- #10502 `1ad3d4e` scripted-diff: Remove BOOST_FOREACH, Q_FOREACH and PAIRTYPE (jtimon)
- #10377 `b63be2c` Use rdrand as entropy source on supported platforms (sipa)
- #9895 `228c319` Turn TryCreateDirectory() into TryCreateDirectories() (benma)
- #10602 `d76e84a` Make clang-format use C++11 features (practicalswift)
- #10623 `c38f540` doc: Add 0.14.2 release notes (MarcoFalke)
- #10276 `b750b33` contrib/verifybinaries: allow filtering by platform (knocte)
- #10248 `01c4b14` Rewrite addrdb with less duplication using CHashVerifier (sipa)
- #10577 `232508f` Add an explanation of quickly hashing onto a non-power of two range (gmaxwell)
- #10608 `eee398f` Add a comment explaining the use of MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE (gmaxwell)
- #10728 `7397af9` fix typo in help text for removeprunedfunds (AkioNak)
- #10193 `6dbcc74` scripted-diff: Remove #include <boost/foreach.hpp> (jtimon)
- #10676 `379aed0` document script-based return fields for validateaddress (instagibbs)
- #10651 `cef4b5c` Verify binaries from and (TheBlueMatt)
- #10786 `ca4c545` Add PR description to merge commit in (sipa)
- #10812 `c5904e8` [utils] Allow bitcoin-cli's -rpcconnect option to be used with square brackets (jnewbery)
- #10842 `3895e25` Fix incorrect Doxygen tag (@ince → @since). Doxygen parameter name matching (practicalswift)
- #10681 `df0793f` add gdb attach process to test README (instagibbs)
- #10789 `1124328` Punctuation/grammer fixes in rpcwallet.cpp (stevendlander)
- #10655 `78f307b` Properly document target_confirmations in listsinceblock (RHavar)
- #10917 `5c003cb` developer-notes: add reference to snake_case and PascalCase (benma)
- #11003 `4b5a7ce` Docs: Capitalize bullet points in CONTRIBUTING guide (eklitzke)
- #10968 `98aa3f6` Add instructions for parallel gitian builds (coblee)
- #11076 `1c4b9b3` 0.15 release-notes nits: fix redundancy, remove accidental parenthesis & fix range style (practicalswift)
- #11090 `8f0121c` Update contributor names in (Derek701)
- #11056 `cbdd338` disable jni in builds (instagibbs)
- #11080 `2b59cfb` doc: Update build-openbsd for 6.1 (laanwj)
- #11119 `0a6af47` [doc] build-windows: Mention that only trusty works (MarcoFalke)
- #11108 `e8ad101` Changing -txindex requires -reindex, not -reindex-chainstate (TheBlueMatt)
- #9792 `342b9bc` FastRandomContext improvements and switch to ChaCha20 (sipa)
- #9505 `67ed40e` Prevector Quick Destruct (JeremyRubin)
- #10820 `ef37f20` Use cpuid intrinsics instead of asm code (sipa)
- #9999 `a328904` [LevelDB] Plug leveldb logs to bitcoin logs (NicolasDorier)
- #9693 `c5e9e42` Prevent integer overflow in ReadVarInt (gmaxwell)
- #10129 `351d0ad` scheduler: fix sub-second precision with boost < 1.50 (theuni)
- #10153 `fade788` logging: Fix off-by-one for shrinkdebugfile default (MarcoFalke)
- #10305 `c45da32` Fix potential NPD introduced in b297426c (TheBlueMatt)
- #10338 `daf3e7d` Maintain state across GetStrongRandBytes calls (sipa)
- #10544 `a4fe077` Update to LevelDB 1.20 (sipa)
- #10614 `cafe24f` random: fix crash on some 64bit platforms (theuni)
- #10714 `2a09a38` Avoid printing incorrect block indexing time due to uninitialized variable (practicalswift)
- #10837 `8bc6d1f` Fix resource leak on error in GetDevURandom (corebob)
- #10832 `89bb036` init: Factor out AppInitLockDataDirectory and fix startup core dump issue (laanwj)
- #10914 `b995a37` Add missing lock in CScheduler::AreThreadsServicingQueue() (TheBlueMatt)
- #10958 `659c096` Update to latest Bitcoin patches for LevelDB (sipa)
- #10919 `c1c671f` Fix more init bugs (TheBlueMatt)


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

- ロハン ダル
- Ahmad Kazi
- aideca
- Akio Nakamura
- Alex Morcos
- Allan Doensen
- Andres G. Aragoneses
- Andrew Chow
- Angel Leon
- Awemany
- Bob McElrath
- Brian McMichael
- BtcDrak
- Charlie Lee
- Chris Gavin
- Chris Stewart
- Cory Fields
- CryptAxe
- Dag Robole
- Daniel Aleksandersen
- Daniel Cousens
- darksh1ne
- Dimitris Tsapakidis
- Eric Shaw
- Evan Klitzke
- fanquake
- Felix Weis
- flack
- Guido Vranken
- Greg Griffith
- Gregory Maxwell
- Gregory Sanders
- Ian Kelling
- Jack Grigg
- James Evans
- James Hilliard
- Jameson Lopp
- Jeremy Rubin
- Jimmy Song
- João Barbosa
- Johnathan Corgan
- John Newbery
- Jonas Schnelli
- Jorge Timón
- Karl-Johan Alm
- kewde
- KibbledJiveElkZoo
- Kirit Thadaka
- kobake
- Kyle Honeycutt
- Lawrence Nahum
- Luke Dashjr
- Marco Falke
- Marcos Mayorga
- Marijn Stollenga
- Mario Dian
- Mark Friedenbach
- Marko Bencun
- Masahiko Hyuga
- Matt Corallo
- Matthew Zipkin
- Matthias Grundmann
- Michael Goldstein
- Michael Rotarius
- Mikerah
- Mike van Rossum
- Mitchell Cash
- Nicolas Dorier
- Patrick Strateman
- Pavel Janík
- Pavlos Antoniou
- Pavol Rusnak
- Pedro Branco
- Peter Todd
- Pieter Wuille
- practicalswift
- René Nyffenegger
- Ricardo Velhote
- romanornr
- Russell Yanofsky
- Rusty Russell
- Ryan Havar
- shaolinfry
- Shigeya Suzuki
- Simone Madeo
- Spencer Lievens
- Steven D. Lander
- Suhas Daftuar
- Takashi Mitsuta
- Thomas Snider
- Timothy Redaelli
- tintinweb
- tnaka
- Warren Togami
- Wladimir J. van der Laan

As well as everyone that helped translating on [Transifex](

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: OmegaStarScream on September 21, 2017, 08:00:26 AM
Which version is going to have full SegWit support? 0.15.1? I heard that and other services are going to implement SegWit fully when it's out.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 21, 2017, 10:29:37 AM
Which version is going to have full SegWit support? 0.15.1?

Segwit wallets plus a native address format (i.e. not script nested P2SH addresses) in 0.15.1. The new format is going to be cool, there will be no more case sensitivity in the address (i.e. bethisabitcoinaddressinnewbech32format is the same address as BETHISABITCOINADDRESSINNEWBECH32FORMAT)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: OmegaStarScream on September 21, 2017, 10:37:19 AM
Which version is going to have full SegWit support? 0.15.1?

Segwit wallets plus a native address format (i.e. not script nested P2SH addresses) in 0.15.1. The new format is going to be cool, there will be no more case sensitivity in the address (i.e. bethisabitcoinaddressinnewbech32format is the same address as BETHISABITCOINADDRESSINNEWBECH32FORMAT)

Will that make creating vanity addresses any easier? (from the computing power perspective) and whats the ETA?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 21, 2017, 11:02:52 AM
Will that make creating vanity addresses any easier? (from the computing power perspective)

I think it would, not 100% sure, there may be some mathematical subtleties I'm not aware of. In principle, it should (I think this new Bech32 format is 32-bit in length and using base 36 numbers, whereas the current address format is 33 bit and uses base 58 numbers).

and whats the ETA?

Not sure. The objectives for 0.15.1 aren't outlined AFAIK, it's possible there are other changes that could usefully be included. 8-12 weeks, if I were to guess.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: bitjoin on September 21, 2017, 11:06:04 AM

I have found this syncs blockchain much faster vs old wallet versions, not sure if i just got lucky but at 1 stage i was downloading 1.67% per hour on my current laptop and usually if i get anywhere near 0.5% per hour on pre 0.15 versions i was pretty chuffed. Thanks for all the hard work from devs :).

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 21, 2017, 11:11:18 AM

I have found this syncs blockchain much faster vs old wallet versions, not sure if i just got lucky but at 1 stage i was downloading 1.67% per hour on my current laptop and usually if i get anywhere near 0.5% per hour on pre 0.15 versions i was pretty chuffed. Thanks for all the hard work from devs :).

Yeah, that was one of the improvements (performance upgrades to the way the chainstate database works, database libraries were updated to something with CPU acceleration, the way the disk cache works with blocks was altered).

Supposedly block syncing goes even faster if you have SSE 4 instruction set support on your processor, but one of those improvements is a non-default experimental mode (SHA256 acceleration, I think)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: cyberpitstop on September 21, 2017, 05:49:25 PM
Seems to be much much FASTER to me I had to redo my laptop so I decided to just transfer my BTC to coin base and start over I was totally surprised have fast everything seems to sync up. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Icon on September 21, 2017, 06:53:01 PM
Not sure going backwards is the way to go with bitcoin, ie the shorting of address length.. Seeing they want to use a different address for every single transaction. I mean people thought 4 billion ip (which also is 32 bit) addresses would be enough...


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on September 21, 2017, 07:25:38 PM
Not sure going backwards is the way to go with bitcoin, ie the shorting of address length.. Seeing they want to use a different address for every single transaction. I mean people thought 4 billion ip (which also is 32 bit) addresses would be enough...
What are you talking about? The address length is not becoming shorter.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Icon on September 21, 2017, 08:18:52 PM
Not sure going backwards is the way to go with bitcoin, ie the shorting of address length.. Seeing they want to use a different address for every single transaction. I mean people thought 4 billion ip (which also is 32 bit) addresses would be enough...
What are you talking about? The address length is not becoming shorter.

Few post up

Carlton Banks:

Quote "I think it would, not 100% sure, there may be some mathematical subtleties I'm not aware of. In principle, it should (I think this new Bech32 format is 32-bit in length and using base 36 numbers, whereas the current address format is 33 bit and uses base 58 numbers)."

Might had misunderstood .. been known to happen :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on September 21, 2017, 09:29:38 PM
Few post up
Oh, I missed that.

He's wrong.

I think it would, not 100% sure, there may be some mathematical subtleties I'm not aware of. In principle, it should (I think this new Bech32 format is 32-bit in length and using base 36 numbers, whereas the current address format is 33 bit and uses base 58 numbers).
No, that is completely and absolutely wrong.

First of all, current addresses are 160 bits in length (bitness is not the same as character length). Bech32 addresses are either 160 bits or 256 bits. Bech32 uses base 32 and it will actually be longer than current addresses.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Carlton Banks on September 22, 2017, 09:22:24 AM
I think it would, not 100% sure, there may be some mathematical subtleties I'm not aware of. In principle, it should (I think this new Bech32 format is 32-bit in length and using base 36 numbers, whereas the current address format is 33 bit and uses base 58 numbers).
No, that is completely and absolutely wrong.

First of all, current addresses are 160 bits in length (bitness is not the same as character length). Bech32 addresses are either 160 bits or 256 bits. Bech32 uses base 32 and it will actually be longer than current addresses.

Ah, sorry, was working from (apparently very bad) memory.

So to answer Omega's question, presumably Bech32 addresses will in fact be more difficult to create vanity addresses with?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on September 22, 2017, 03:24:04 PM
Ah, sorry, was working from (apparently very bad) memory.

So to answer Omega's question, presumably Bech32 addresses will in fact be more difficult to create vanity addresses with?
No, it will about the same difficulty. The bitness for what people will be using as vanity addresses (P2WPKH) is the same. It's still a 160-bit hash that you need to grind in order to generate a vanity address.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: MeshCollider on September 23, 2017, 11:01:48 PM
Ah, sorry, was working from (apparently very bad) memory.

So to answer Omega's question, presumably Bech32 addresses will in fact be more difficult to create vanity addresses with?
No, it will about the same difficulty. The bitness for what people will be using as vanity addresses (P2WPKH) is the same. It's still a 160-bit hash that you need to grind in order to generate a vanity address.

Because of the disallowing of mixed case though, I'd imagine it would be harder actually, because what was once valid like 1AddreSs would not be valid any longer right?

EDIT: hmm no I don't think that's an issue actually because it's base32, don't worry

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: hashshashin on September 26, 2017, 11:00:32 AM
Finally a wallet that is stable from my point of view! Good job achow

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: cyberpitstop on September 28, 2017, 01:22:32 AM
Finally a wallet that is stable from my point of view! Good job achow
I agree it finally seems like things are working very well even on my old clunky lappy top.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Suh on September 28, 2017, 01:21:41 PM
Excellent news!  I will have to get my local wallets updated this weekend!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: CrypticGambit on October 01, 2017, 05:17:36 PM
Great news!! I hope it will get better and better

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: usorin on October 01, 2017, 07:49:46 PM
A lot of advantage with the new wallet. Day by day the news are better and better. Keep it on and thank for the update.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: CryptoNewKey on October 01, 2017, 09:48:36 PM
Does anyone know how do I download the original Bitcoin first?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: cyberpitstop on October 01, 2017, 11:56:07 PM
Is there some up and coming changes planned for BitCoin that is going to cause another split???

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Lauda on October 02, 2017, 04:29:26 AM
Does anyone know how do I download the original Bitcoin first?
"Original Bitcoin"? This is the *original Bitcoin*.

Is there some up and coming changes planned for BitCoin that is going to cause another split???
No. There is a planned altcoin by a malicious group of corporate baboons called Segwit2x.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Loni on October 02, 2017, 04:48:10 AM
I'm interested, if on old laptops the speed of synchronization will be higher too

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Lauda on October 02, 2017, 04:50:35 AM
I'm interested, if on old laptops the speed of synchronization will be higher too
Yes. The speedup of 0.15.0 is more noticeable on slower systems, and those that use the default dbcache size.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: okae on October 02, 2017, 08:56:04 AM
I don't know why you didn't include it, but from my point of view is a good idea to include the SHA256SUMS text in this topic, of course, people should always research it for themself but at least they will have one more site to contrast his info.

b1ac0cd472f98040fbce9cea79348da2c6140a452427f9fe56d060413ec67f2d  bitcoin-
7fb2290464ff056213593878cac1d111422204e81b1ccb93f95b145c309895c5  bitcoin-
061bdd552fdc048a98e04ab436165b121346ecd989e1bc91db0246888fcadf7d  bitcoin-
23a36e28295ef05faf67d41be0610d5f5f1059d904aa74efca7a6700a82d6dc2  bitcoin-
9f90a5b5623287b762e3280fd86fc7adc7180a071513d5d663133f030452b1dd  bitcoin-
b57e9e756018e4082f5557a4216195b0cd197c5a62473b6fe0509a0aa71e519b  bitcoin-
f3e7ef9ac9d510a185efb0f0253dc1f49d627768999a66f13e86de4c38854680  bitcoin-
f0aebade2b43e253ad66fd920e00524048f5a9b9933936e735844d316433791a  bitcoin-
ae3efa47bf87a694a5368cd6fea96c9942fe9be7856720b5027c8902e46a88d1  bitcoin-

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Mr.GottaGo on October 02, 2017, 04:23:46 PM
I actualy feel stupid when I realize how little I know compared to u guys damn ...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: OmegaStarScream on October 02, 2017, 05:11:10 PM
The developers are not taking this seriously or I'm missing something? I mean how could they implement SegWit without a making standard for verifying and signing messages? I didn't knew this until saw a couple of Reddit posts about Trezor and Ledger nano S.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on October 02, 2017, 05:23:03 PM
The developers are not taking this seriously or I'm missing something? I mean how could they implement SegWit without a making standard for verifying and signing messages? I didn't knew this until saw a couple of Reddit posts about Trezor and Ledger nano S.
There already is a standard: the one that we have been using for the past several years. Messages shouldn't really be "signed with an address" or verify to an address since addresses really correspond to a specific output script whereas signed messages (signed anything really) corresponds to a public key. P2PKH and P2WPKH addresses also happen to correspond to a public key so people found it simpler to abstract "signed with public key" to "signed with a public key that corresponds with this address". P2PKH addresses can easily be translated to a P2WPKH. But message signing and verification really shouldn't have anything to do with addresses, rather it is all about key hashes which P2PKH and P2WPKH both use.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Ayaancool on October 04, 2017, 10:37:13 AM
the new version is much more better than the old.Now it is much more faster [so, there is no room for waiting],and the new features makes it much more elegent.i am very glad that they fixed almost bugs in the old version.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: BTC Turkiye on October 05, 2017, 03:51:50 AM
I don`t see much of a speed change

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Lauda on October 05, 2017, 05:51:22 AM
I don`t see much of a speed change
If you think that, then you have very bad perception and you have no idea how to benchmark. v0.15.0 is faster on any kind of hardware by a significant margin that can be easily confirmed with a test (e.g. IBD or reindex time).

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: HYIPcoinDEV on October 10, 2017, 05:50:31 PM
I love core team, this is why segwit2x has no support. As far as i can tell just big businesses trying to control btc

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Carlton Banks on October 11, 2017, 03:44:45 PM
Apparently so. MeshCollider and achow101 are both technically well informed in general, and I also checked their explanations made sense to me, which they did.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Gulnora on October 12, 2017, 06:13:38 AM
There's probably going to be another split between bitcoin legacy and SegWit2X version of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: IsotopeDeveloper on October 12, 2017, 06:21:04 AM
Once again the bitcoin affiliate consumer does not base it on the core but the constant flow. It pertains to the actual bitcoin to cash out after all.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Lauda on October 12, 2017, 06:34:21 AM
There's probably going to be another split between bitcoin legacy and SegWit2X version of bitcoin.
That is irrelevant and will just be another altcoin. Make sure to proceed with caution as it has no replay protection, thus spending it might be dangerous.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: fromcoins on October 15, 2017, 02:53:44 PM
Amidst all this, but I kind of think all this fork thing is propagated by some sole developers who wants gain for the selves even though community benefits little somehow.

Which ever fork, BITCOIN remains BTC

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: maryannabon on October 16, 2017, 09:54:20 AM
Is there any possibility that the bitcoin will going down after segwit?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: OmegaStarScream on October 16, 2017, 12:33:46 PM
Is there any possibility that the bitcoin will going down after segwit?

SegWit have no downsides so It can't make the price go down. It's being almost two months since SegWit activation and as you can see, the price is going nowhere but UP.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: thejaytiesto on October 16, 2017, 02:55:35 PM
My Bitcoin Core node is still crashing during startup at random times. Sometimes it loads just fine, other times the start screen becomes not frozen with the "not responding" message and i have to close it.

The faulty module seems to be ntdll.dll. I thought the fix was supposed to fix this but it still crashes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: dyandra on October 17, 2017, 05:53:11 AM
I have found this syncs blockchain much faster vs old wallet versions, not sure if i just got lucky but at 1 stage i was downloading 1.67% per hour on my current laptop and usually if i get anywhere near 0.5% per hour on pre 0.15 versions i was pretty chuffed. Thanks for all the hard work from devs Smiley.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: MeshCollider on October 17, 2017, 07:59:35 AM
My Bitcoin Core node is still crashing during startup at random times. Sometimes it loads just fine, other times the start screen becomes not frozen with the "not responding" message and i have to close it.

The faulty module seems to be ntdll.dll. I thought the fix was supposed to fix this but it still crashes.

The release fixed only a specific bug caused by a fee setting being removed. You must have a different issue.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Icon on October 18, 2017, 07:14:45 PM

Not sure of all the "sauce" that goes into generating the public/private keys for bitcoin, but in any of it, is there any RSA Public key being used? If so seems there is a hack out now that's able to factor large prime numbers..

Just google "KRACK and ROCA" its so bad that even WPA2 clients are vulnerable..


Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Sylanda on October 18, 2017, 09:40:21 PM
Am finding it difficult to understand this bitcoin core

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Lauda on October 18, 2017, 09:41:27 PM

Not sure of all the "sauce" that goes into generating the public/private keys for bitcoin, but in any of it, is there any RSA Public key being used? If so seems there is a hack out now that's able to factor large prime numbers..

Just google "KRACK and ROCA" its so bad that even WPA2 clients are vulnerable..

No. ECDSA is not affected by that issue.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: MeshCollider on October 19, 2017, 05:58:08 AM

Not sure of all the "sauce" that goes into generating the public/private keys for bitcoin, but in any of it, is there any RSA Public key being used? If so seems there is a hack out now that's able to factor large prime numbers..

Just google "KRACK and ROCA" its so bad that even WPA2 clients are vulnerable..


Note that KRACK affects WPA2 directly, not RSA, and ROCA is an issue with a specific implementation of RSA not the algorithm itself. But no, Bitcoin only uses elliptic curve cryptography on secp256k1, an area of cryptography founded on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem which is different to the prime factorization problem RSA relies upon. It also uses SHA2 and RIPEMD160 for hashing but that's separate too.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Chandu141 on October 19, 2017, 06:57:32 PM
warning fee estimation is currently not possible

i guess it is  because of the fork coming in 25th ??

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on October 19, 2017, 07:45:00 PM
warning fee estimation is currently not possible

i guess it is  because of the fork coming in 25th ??
No, that has nothing to do with fee estimation. In order for the fee estimator to work, you need to have your node be one for some time. It needs to have received several blocks with a mostly up to date mempool in order to actually estimate fees. This is because it will compare what in its mempool got into a block and how long that took to happen, so it cannot use historical blockchain data.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Chandu141 on October 20, 2017, 02:41:05 AM
warning fee estimation is currently not possible

i guess it is  because of the fork coming in 25th ??
No, that has nothing to do with fee estimation. In order for the fee estimator to work, you need to have your node be one for some time. It needs to have received several blocks with a mostly up to date mempool in order to actually estimate fees. This is because it will compare what in its mempool got into a block and how long that took to happen, so it cannot use historical blockchain data.

awesome, makes sense now.,

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: LBTC on October 20, 2017, 02:51:57 AM

is it a good idea to buy more bitcoin now so that to get free coins of bitcoin gold after fork ? obviously i will dump them just like bitcoin cash  for a quick buck ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Chandu141 on October 20, 2017, 03:34:30 AM

is it a good idea to buy more bitcoin now so that to get free coins of bitcoin gold after fork ? obviously i will dump them just like bitcoin cash  for a quick buck ;D

thinking same.... any confirmation on this idea of quick buck ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Amph on October 20, 2017, 05:43:56 AM
is the possibility to avoid prune and have the wallet not fully synced(only first tx show up) when used with it, something new in this version? it was not possible in the last one afaik

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: mrcryptosocial on October 20, 2017, 06:32:03 AM
My Bitcoin Core node is still crashing during startup at random times. Sometimes it loads just fine, other times the start screen becomes not frozen with the "not responding" message and i have to close it.

The faulty module seems to be ntdll.dll. I thought the fix was supposed to fix this but it still crashes.

hello you seems to the the expert here, I donot know how to use bitcoin core ,I mean it's heavy wallet to have,can you or anyone guide me how can i install bitcoin core in my laptop.My hard disk have only 250gb of space.I know its possible to install it with less gb but i donot know the step by step process.
thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Dava.Dina on October 21, 2017, 10:31:14 AM
Good news !! and honor for me to read this thread,
I need to update my wallet, and hope it will get better and better

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: HBoards on October 23, 2017, 08:57:50 AM
Great news!! I hope this will be better and better.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: EasyCrypto on October 23, 2017, 11:08:12 AM
great bews but damm it , it's long to sync

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Sid3d on October 23, 2017, 05:26:05 PM
Is there any possibility that the bitcoin will going down after segwit?
I also think that there will not be any drawdowns of Bitcoin, it will only grow. So, do not panic and do not need to be afraid of SegWit.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: kutssa on October 26, 2017, 03:55:57 PM
The last time I used the Bitcoin Core wallet he weighed 120 gb . I wonder how much it weighs now? Probably more than 200 gb?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: OmegaStarScream on October 26, 2017, 04:27:04 PM
Should i create a node even if i dont put any bitcoins in the wallet?

You don't need to hold any bitcoins in your wallet If you want to run a full node.

The last time I used the Bitcoin Core wallet he weighed 120 gb . I wonder how much it weighs now? Probably more than 200 gb?

~135 GB at the moment and you can check real time data:

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Icon on October 27, 2017, 07:18:20 PM
so question, i got a transaction that's been stuck almost 24 hours from my core wallet. Has 0 confirmations, if i close the core down and reload it tries to resend the coins, my question is, if i close the wallet, and delete the mempool file and reload wallet will all my coins be there including the 1 that's been stuck in mempool?  
 :( didnt work
Or how can i replace the transaction fee, i used the recommended fee that core chose for the transaction..

Thanks in advance


** Update **

Ya i found a work around, just delete the mempool.dat file (after you close the qt wallet) then add -walletbroadcast=0  at the end of the qt short cut  then load qt and go to the transaction tab and abandon the transaction :) puts a small trashcan icon next to the transaction entry :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: wooch4aeye on November 03, 2017, 06:03:52 PM
Many say bitcoin system is about 99% complete so why we need update bitcoin core and what difference between wallet and bitcoin system.
any one can explain more information about this

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: WiserCoin on November 03, 2017, 07:46:47 PM
In recent days, 30 minutes the time between blocks is exceeded. As interest wanes

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Munin45 on November 04, 2017, 04:32:58 PM
Why do people keep using that thing? Why would you do this to your computer? So many GB for transfering a bitcoin, my mind just hurts...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Bitfyer on November 04, 2017, 06:06:19 PM
Why do people keep using that thing? Why would you do this to your computer? So many GB for transfering a bitcoin, my mind just hurts...

It is possible to prune the blockchain with Bitcoin Core Wallet. My "blocks" folder have only 511 Mb in size. It used to have 134 Gb before punning.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: lankyman on November 04, 2017, 06:51:53 PM
Hello, i would like to know how to get a bitcoin gold address or wallet offline even.
I understand the algorithm used to mine this coin is not SHA256 but rather EQUIHASH.
I have been looking at pool sites or sites that claim to be mining pools.
I am in search for a valid bitcoin gold address though as the miners require this unless the pool allowed login.worker to hold until paying to a valid bit coin gold address.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: lankyman on November 04, 2017, 06:54:27 PM
Why do people keep using that thing? Why would you do this to your computer? So many GB for transfering a bitcoin, my mind just hurts...

It is possible to prune the blockchain with Bitcoin Core Wallet. My "blocks" folder have only 511 Mb in size. It used to have 144 Gb before punning.

was your conf file changed perhaps? i know there is an option there where u say 1 or 0 i forgot what it is, but it tells the wallet to download the whole blockchain instead of just referring to it online.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: BritVR on November 04, 2017, 07:17:28 PM
Bitcoin Core version ** is now available from:




This is a new major version release, including new features, various bugfixes
and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:


To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:


How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the
installer (on Windows) or just copy over `/Applications/Bitcoin-Qt` (on Mac)
or `bitcoind`/`bitcoin-qt` (on Linux).

The first time you run version 0.15.0, your chainstate database will be converted to a
new format, which will take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour,
depending on the speed of your machine.

The file format of `fee_estimates.dat` changed in version 0.15.0. Hence, a
downgrade from version 0.15.0 or upgrade to version 0.15.0 will cause all fee
estimates to be discarded.

Note that the block database format also changed in version 0.8.0 and there is no
automatic upgrade code from before version 0.8 to version 0.15.0. Upgrading
directly from 0.7.x and earlier without redownloading the blockchain is not supported.
However, as usual, old wallet versions are still supported.

Downgrading warning

The chainstate database for this release is not compatible with previous
releases, so if you run 0.15 and then decide to switch back to any
older version, you will need to run the old release with the `-reindex-chainstate`
option to rebuild the chainstate data structures in the old format.

If your node has pruning enabled, this will entail re-downloading and
processing the entire [Suspicious link removed]patibility

Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
the Linux kernel, macOS 10.8+, and Windows Vista and later. Windows XP is not supported.

Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
frequently tested on them.

Notes for

GUI startup crash issue

After upgrade to 0.15.0, some clients would crash at startup because a custom
fee setting was configured that no longer exists in the GUI. This is a minimal
patch to avoid this issue from occuring.

Notes for 0.15.0

Current SegWit support

Version 0.15.0 supports adding a segregated witness address via the `addwitnessaddress` RPC, but
please note that this is a testing/expert RPC, which does not guarantee recovery from backup. Only use
this RPC if you know what you are doing. More complete wallet support for segregated witness is coming
in a next version.

Rescanning with encrypted wallets

As in previous versions, when using an encrypted HD wallet, the keypool cannot be topped up without unlocking
the wallet. This means that currently, in order to recover from a backup of an encrypted HD wallet, the user
must unlock the wallet with a really long timeout and manually trigger a rescan, otherwise they risk missing
some keys when auto-topup cannot run. Unfortunately there is no `rescan` RPC in this version, that will be
included in a future version, so for now a rescan can be triggered using one of the `import*` commands, using
a dummy address generated by another (trusted) wallet.

Notable changes

Performance Improvements

Version 0.15 contains a number of significant performance improvements, which make
Initial Block Download, startup, transaction and block validation much faster:

- The chainstate database (which is used for tracking UTXOs) has been changed
  from a per-transaction model to a per-output model (See [PR 10195]( Advantages of this model
  are that it:
    - avoids the CPU overhead of deserializing and serializing the unused outputs;
    - has more predictable memory usage;
    - uses simpler code;
    - is adaptable to various future cache flushing strategies.

  As a result, validating the blockchain during Initial Block Download (IBD) and reindex
  is ~30-40% faster, uses 10-20% less memory, and flushes to disk far less frequently.
  The only downside is that the on-disk database is 15% larger. During the conversion from the previous format
  a few extra gigabytes may be used.
- Earlier versions experienced a spike in memory usage while flushing UTXO updates to disk.
  As a result, only half of the available memory was actually used as cache, and the other half was
  reserved to accommodate flushing. This is no longer the case (See [PR 10148](, and the entirety of
  the available cache (see `-dbcache`) is now actually used as cache. This reduces the flushing
  frequency by a factor 2 or more.
- In previous versions, signature validation for transactions has been cached when the
  transaction is accepted to the mempool. Version 0.15 extends this to cache the entire script
  validity (See [PR 10192]( This means that if a transaction in a block has already been accepted to the
  mempool, the scriptSig does not need to be re-evaluated. Empirical tests show that
  this results in new block validation being 40-50% faster.
- LevelDB has been upgraded to version 1.20 (See [PR 10544]( This version contains hardware acceleration for CRC
  on architectures supporting SSE 4.2. As a result, synchronization and block validation are now faster.
- SHA256 hashing has been optimized for architectures supporting SSE 4 (See [PR 10821]( SHA256 is around
  50% faster on supported hardware, which results in around 5% faster IBD and block
  validation. In version 0.15, SHA256 hardware optimization is disabled in release builds by
  default, but can be enabled by using `--enable-experimental-asm` when building.
- Refill of the keypool no longer flushes the wallet between each key which resulted in a ~20x speedup in creating a new wallet. Part of this speedup was used to increase the default keypool to 1000 keys to make recovery more robust. (See [PR 10831](

Fee Estimation Improvements

Fee estimation has been significantly improved in version 0.15, with more accurate fee estimates used by the wallet and a wider range of options for advanced users of the `estimatesmartfee` and `estimaterawfee` RPCs (See [PR 10199](

### Changes to internal logic and wallet behavior

- Internally, estimates are now tracked on 3 different time horizons. This allows for longer targets and means estimates adjust more quickly to changes in conditions.
- Estimates can now be *conservative* or *economical*. *Conservative* estimates use longer time horizons to produce an estimate which is less susceptible to rapid changes in fee conditions. *Economical* estimates use shorter time horizons and will be more affected by short-term changes in fee conditions. Economical estimates may be considerably lower during periods of low transaction activity (for example over weekends), but may result in transactions being unconfirmed if prevailing fees increase rapidly.
- By default, the wallet will use conservative fee estimates to increase the reliability of transactions being confirmed within the desired target. For transactions that are marked as replaceable, the wallet will use an economical estimate by default, since the fee can be 'bumped' if the fee conditions change rapidly (See [PR 10589](
- Estimates can now be made for confirmation targets up to 1008 blocks (one week).
- More data on historical fee rates is stored, leading to more precise fee estimates.
- Transactions which leave the mempool due to eviction or other non-confirmed reasons are now taken into account by the fee estimation logic, leading to more accurate fee estimates.
- The fee estimation logic will make sure enough data has been gathered to return a meaningful estimate. If there is insufficient data, a fallback default fee is used.

### Changes to fee estimate RPCs

- The `estimatefee` RPC is now deprecated in favor of using only `estimatesmartfee` (which is the implementation used by the GUI)
- The `estimatesmartfee` RPC interface has been changed (See [PR 10707](
    - The `nblocks` argument has been renamed to `conf_target` (to be consistent with other RPC methods).
    - An `estimate_mode` argument has been added. This argument takes one of the following strings: `CONSERVATIVE`, `ECONOMICAL` or `UNSET` (which defaults to `CONSERVATIVE`).
    - The RPC return object now contains an `errors` member, which returns errors encountered during processing.
    - If Bitcoin Core has not been running for long enough and has not seen enough blocks or transactions to produce an accurate fee estimation, an error will be returned (previously a value of -1 was used to indicate an error, which could be confused for a feerate).
- A new `estimaterawfee` RPC is added to provide raw fee data. External clients can query and use this data in their own fee estimation logic.

Multi-wallet support

Bitcoin Core now supports loading multiple, separate wallets (See [PR 8694](, [PR 10849]( The wallets are completely separated, with individual balances, keys and received transactions.

Multi-wallet is enabled by using more than one `-wallet` argument when starting Bitcoin, either on the command line or in the Bitcoin config file.

**In Bitcoin-Qt, only the first wallet will be displayed and accessible for creating and signing transactions.** GUI selectable multiple wallets will be supported in a future version. However, even in 0.15 other loaded wallets will remain synchronized to the node's current tip in the background. This can be useful if running a pruned node, since loading a wallet where the most recent sync is beyond the pruned height results in having to download and revalidate the whole blockchain. Continuing to synchronize all wallets in the background avoids this problem.

Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 contains the following changes to the RPC interface and `bitcoin-cli` for multi-wallet:

* When running Bitcoin Core with a single wallet, there are **no** changes to the RPC interface or `bitcoin-cli`. All RPC calls and `bitcoin-cli` commands continue to work as before.
* When running Bitcoin Core with multi-wallet, all *node-level* RPC methods continue to work as before. HTTP RPC requests should be send to the normal `<RPC IP address>:<RPC port>/` endpoint, and `bitcoin-cli` commands should be run as before. A *node-level* RPC method is any method which does not require access to the wallet.
* When running Bitcoin Core with multi-wallet, *wallet-level* RPC methods must specify the wallet for which they're intended in every request. HTTP RPC requests should be send to the `<RPC IP address>:<RPC port>/wallet/<wallet name>/` endpoint, for example ``. `bitcoin-cli` commands should be run with a `-rpcwallet` option, for example `bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=wallet1.dat getbalance`.
* A new *node-level* `listwallets` RPC method is added to display which wallets are currently loaded. The names returned by this method are the same as those used in the HTTP endpoint and for the `rpcwallet` argument.

Note that while multi-wallet is now fully supported, the RPC multi-wallet interface should be considered unstable for version 0.15.0, and there may backwards-incompatible changes in future versions.

Replace-by-fee control in the GUI

Bitcoin Core has supported creating opt-in replace-by-fee (RBF) transactions
since version 0.12.0, and since version 0.14.0 has included a `bumpfee` RPC method to
replace unconfirmed opt-in RBF transactions with a new transaction that pays
a higher fee.

In version 0.15, creating an opt-in RBF transaction and replacing the unconfirmed
transaction with a higher-fee transaction are both supported in the GUI (See [PR 9592](

Removal of Coin Age Priority

In previous versions of Bitcoin Core, a portion of each block could be reserved for transactions based on the age and value of UTXOs they spent. This concept (Coin Age Priority) is a policy choice by miners, and there are no consensus rules around the inclusion of Coin Age Priority transactions in blocks. In practice, only a few miners continue to use Coin Age Priority for transaction selection in blocks. Bitcoin Core 0.15 removes all remaining support for Coin Age Priority (See [PR 9602]( This has the following implications:

- The concept of *free transactions* has been removed. High Coin Age Priority transactions would previously be allowed to be relayed even if they didn't attach a miner fee. This is no longer possible since there is no concept of Coin Age Priority. The `-limitfreerelay` and `-relaypriority` options which controlled relay of free transactions have therefore been removed.
- The `-sendfreetransactions` option has been removed, since almost all miners do not include transactions which do not attach a transaction fee.
- The `-blockprioritysize` option has been removed.
- The `estimatepriority` and `estimatesmartpriority` RPCs have been removed.
- The `getmempoolancestors`, `getmempooldescendants`, `getmempoolentry` and `getrawmempool` RPCs no longer return `startingpriority` and `currentpriority`.
- The `prioritisetransaction` RPC no longer takes a `priority_delta` argument, which is replaced by a `dummy` argument for backwards compatibility with clients using positional arguments. The RPC is still used to change the apparent fee-rate of the transaction by using the `fee_delta` argument.
- `-minrelaytxfee` can now be set to 0. If `minrelaytxfee` is set, then fees smaller than `minrelaytxfee` (per kB) are rejected from relaying, mining and transaction creation. This defaults to 1000 satoshi/kB.
- The `-printpriority` option has been updated to only output the fee rate and hash of transactions included in a block by the mining code.

Mempool Persistence Across Restarts

Version 0.14 introduced mempool persistence across restarts (the mempool is saved to a `mempool.dat` file in the data directory prior to shutdown and restores the mempool when the node is restarted). Version 0.15 allows this feature to be switched on or off using the `-persistmempool` command-line option (See [PR 9966]( By default, the option is set to true, and the mempool is saved on shutdown and reloaded on startup. If set to false, the `mempool.dat` file will not be loaded on startup or saved on shutdown.

New RPC methods

Version 0.15 introduces several new RPC methods:

- `abortrescan` stops current wallet rescan, e.g. when triggered by an `importprivkey` call (See [PR 10208](
- `combinerawtransaction` accepts a JSON array of raw transactions and combines them into a single raw transaction (See [PR 10571](
- `estimaterawfee` returns raw fee data so that customized logic can be implemented to analyze the data and calculate estimates. See [Fee Estimation Improvements](#fee-estimation-improvements) for full details on changes to the fee estimation logic and interface.
- `getchaintxstats` returns statistics about the total number and rate of transactions
  in the chain (See [PR 9733](
- `listwallets` lists wallets which are currently loaded. See the *Multi-wallet* section
  of these release notes for full details (See [Multi-wallet support](#multi-wallet-support)).
- `uptime` returns the total runtime of the `bitcoind` server since its last start (See [PR 10400](

Low-level RPC changes

- When using Bitcoin Core in multi-wallet mode, RPC requests for wallet methods must specify
  the wallet that they're intended for. See [Multi-wallet support](#multi-wallet-support) for full details.

- The new database model no longer stores information about transaction
  versions of unspent outputs (See [Performance improvements](#performance-improvements)). This means that:
  - The `gettxout` RPC no longer has a `version` field in the response.
  - The `gettxoutsetinfo` RPC reports `hash_serialized_2` instead of `hash_serialized`,
    which does not commit to the transaction versions of unspent outputs, but does
    commit to the height and coinbase information.
  - The `getutxos` REST path no longer reports the `txvers` field in JSON format,
    and always reports 0 for transaction versions in the binary format

- The `estimatefee` RPC is deprecated. Clients should switch to using the `estimatesmartfee` RPC, which returns better fee estimates. See [Fee Estimation Improvements](#fee-estimation-improvements) for full details on changes to the fee estimation logic and interface.

- The `gettxoutsetinfo` response now contains `disk_size` and `bogosize` instead of
  `bytes_serialized`. The first is a more accurate estimate of actual disk usage, but
  is not deterministic. The second is unrelated to disk usage, but is a
  database-independent metric of UTXO set size: it counts every UTXO entry as 50 + the
  length of its scriptPubKey (See [PR 10426](

- `signrawtransaction` can no longer be used to combine multiple transactions into a single transaction. Instead, use the new `combinerawtransaction` RPC (See [PR 10571](

- `fundrawtransaction` no longer accepts a `reserveChangeKey` option. This option used to allow RPC users to fund a raw transaction using an key from the keypool for the change address without removing it from the available keys in the keypool. The key could then be re-used for a `getnewaddress` call, which could potentially result in confusing or dangerous behaviour (See [PR 10784](

- `estimatepriority` and `estimatesmartpriority` have been removed. See [Removal of Coin Age Priority](#removal-of-coin-age-priority).

- The `listunspent` RPC now takes a `query_options` argument (see [PR 8952](, which is a JSON object
  containing one or more of the following members:
  - `minimumAmount` - a number specifying the minimum value of each UTXO
  - `maximumAmount` - a number specifying the maximum value of each UTXO
  - `maximumCount` - a number specifying the minimum number of UTXOs
  - `minimumSumAmount` - a number specifying the minimum sum value of all UTXOs

- The `getmempoolancestors`, `getmempooldescendants`, `getmempoolentry` and `getrawmempool` RPCs no longer return `startingpriority` and `currentpriority`. See [Removal of Coin Age Priority](#removal-of-coin-age-priority).

- The `dumpwallet` RPC now returns the full absolute path to the dumped wallet. It
  used to return no value, even if successful (See [PR 9740](

- In the `getpeerinfo` RPC, the return object for each peer now returns an `addrbind` member, which contains the ip address and port of the connection to the peer. This is in addition to the `addrlocal` member which contains the ip address and port of the local node as reported by the peer (See [PR 10478](

- The `disconnectnode` RPC can now disconnect a node specified by node ID (as well as by IP address/port). To disconnect a node based on node ID, call the RPC with the new `nodeid` argument (See [PR 10143](

- The second argument in `prioritisetransaction` has been renamed from `priority_delta` to `dummy` since Bitcoin Core no longer has a concept of coin age priority. The `dummy` argument has no functional effect, but is retained for positional argument compatibility. See [Removal of Coin Age Priority](#removal-of-coin-age-priority).

- The `resendwallettransactions` RPC throws an error if the `-walletbroadcast` option is set to false (See [PR 10995](

- The second argument in the `submitblock` RPC argument has been renamed from `parameters` to `dummy`. This argument never had any effect, and the renaming is simply to communicate this fact to the user (See [PR 10191](
  (Clients should, however, use positional arguments for `submitblock` in order to be compatible with BIP 22.)

- The `verbose` argument of `getblock` has been renamed to `verbosity` and now takes an integer from 0 to 2. Verbose level 0 is equivalent to `verbose=false`. Verbose level 1 is equivalent to `verbose=true`. Verbose level 2 will give the full transaction details of each transaction in the output as given by `getrawtransaction`. The old behavior of using the `verbose` named argument and a boolean value is still maintained for compatibility.

- Error codes have been updated to be more accurate for the following error cases (See [PR 9853](
  - `getblock` now returns RPC_MISC_ERROR if the block can't be found on disk (for
  example if the block has been pruned). Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `pruneblockchain` now returns RPC_MISC_ERROR if the blocks cannot be pruned
  because the node is not in pruned mode. Previously returned RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND.
  - `pruneblockchain` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the blocks cannot be pruned
  because the supplied timestamp is too late. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `pruneblockchain` now returns RPC_MISC_ERROR if the blocks cannot be pruned
  because the blockchain is too short. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `setban` now returns RPC_CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET if the supplied IP address
  or subnet is invalid. Previously returned RPC_CLIENT_NODE_ALREADY_ADDED.
  - `setban` now returns RPC_CLIENT_INVALID_IP_OR_SUBNET if the user tries to unban
  a node that has not previously been banned. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `removeprunedfunds` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if `bitcoind` is unable to remove
  the transaction. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `removeprunedfunds` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the transaction does not
  exist in the wallet. Previously returned RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR.
  - `fundrawtransaction` now returns RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY if an invalid change
  address is provided. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER.
  - `fundrawtransaction` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if `bitcoind` is unable to create
  the transaction. The error message provides further details. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the provided transaction has
  descendants in the wallet. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER if the provided transaction has
  descendants in the mempool. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has
  has been mined or conflicts with a mined transaction. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction is not
  BIP 125 replaceable. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has already
  been bumped by a different transaction. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_REQUEST.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction contains
  inputs which don't belong to this wallet. Previously returned RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has multiple change
  outputs. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the provided transaction has no change
  output. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the fee is too high. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the fee is too low. Previously returned
  - `bumpfee` now returns RPC_WALLET_ERROR if the change output is too small to bump the
  fee. Previously returned RPC_MISC_ERROR.

0.15.0 Change log

### RPC and other APIs
- #9485 `61a640e` ZMQ example using python3 and asyncio (mcelrath)
- #9894 `0496e15` remove 'label' filter for rpc command help (instagibbs)
- #9853 `02bd6e9` Fix error codes from various RPCs (jnewbery)
- #9842 `598ef9c` Fix RPC failure testing (continuation of #9707) (jnewbery)
- #10038 `d34995a` Add mallocinfo mode to `getmemoryinfo` RPC (laanwj)
- #9500 `3568b30` [Qt/RPC] Autocomplete commands for 'help' command in debug console (achow101)
- #10056 `e6156a0` [zmq] Call va_end() on va_start()ed args (kallewoof)
- #10086 `7438cea` Trivial: move rpcserialversion into RPC option group (jlopp)
- #10150 `350b224` [rpc] Add logging rpc (jnewbery)
- #10208 `393160c` [wallet] Rescan abortability (kallewoof)
- #10143 `a987def` [net] Allow disconnectnode RPC to be called with node id (jnewbery)
- #10281 `0e8499c` doc: Add RPC interface guidelines (laanwj)
- #9733 `d4732f3` Add getchaintxstats RPC (sipa)
- #10310 `f4b15e2` [doc] Add hint about getmempoolentry to getrawmempool help (kallewoof)
- #8704 `96c850c` [RPC] Transaction details in getblock (achow101)
- #8952 `9390845` Add query options to listunspent RPC call (pedrobranco)
- #10413 `08ac35a` Fix docs (there's no rpc command setpaytxfee) (RHavar)
- #8384 `e317c0d` Add witness data output to TxInError messages (instagibbs)
- #9571 `4677151` RPC: getblockchaininfo returns BIP signaling statistics  (pinheadmz)
- #10450 `ef2d062` Fix bumpfee rpc "errors" return value (ryanofsky)
- #10475 `39039b1` [RPC] getmempoolinfo mempoolminfee is a BTC/KB feerate (instagibbs)
- #10478 `296928e` rpc: Add listen address to incoming connections in `getpeerinfo` (laanwj)
- #10403 `08d0390` Fix importmulti failure to return rescan errors (ryanofsky)
- #9740 `9fec4da` Add friendly output to dumpwallet (aideca)
- #10426 `16f6c98` Replace bytes_serialized with bogosize (sipa)
- #10252 `980deaf` RPC/Mining: Restore API compatibility for prioritisetransaction (luke-jr)
- #9672 `46311e7` Opt-into-RBF for RPC & bitcoin-tx (luke-jr)
- #10481 `9c248e3` Decodehextx scripts sanity check  (achow101)
- #10488 `fa1f106` Note that the prioritizetransaction dummy value is deprecated, and has no meaning (TheBlueMatt)
- #9738 `c94b89e` gettxoutproof() should return consistent result (jnewbery)
- #10191 `00350bd` [trivial] Rename unused RPC arguments 'dummy' (jnewbery)
- #10627 `b62b4c8` fixed listunspent rpc convert parameter (tnakagawa)
- #10412 `bef02fb` Improve wallet rescan API (ryanofsky)
- #10400 `1680ee0` [RPC] Add an uptime command that displays the amount of time (in seconds) bitcoind has been running (rvelhote)
- #10683 `d81bec7` rpc: Move the `generate` RPC call to rpcwallet (laanwj)
- #10710 `30bc0f6` REST/RPC example update (Mirobit)
- #10747 `9edda0c` [rpc] fix verbose argument for getblock in bitcoin-cli (jnewbery)
- #10589 `104f5f2` More economical fee estimates for RBF and RPC options to control (morcos)
- #10543 `b27b004` Change API to estimaterawfee (morcos)
- #10807 `afd2fca` getbalance example covers at least 6 confirms (instagibbs)
- #10707 `75b5643` Better API for estimatesmartfee RPC  (morcos)
- #10784 `9e8d6a3` Do not allow users to get keys from keypool without reserving them (TheBlueMatt)
- #10857 `d445a2c` [RPC] Add a deprecation warning to getinfo's output (achow101)
- #10571 `adf170d` [RPC]Move transaction combining from signrawtransaction to new RPC (achow101)
- #10783 `041dad9` [RPC] Various rpc argument fixes (instagibbs)
- #9622 `6ef3c7e` [rpc] listsinceblock should include lost transactions when parameter is a reorg'd block (kallewoof)
- #10799 `8537187` Prevent user from specifying conflicting parameters to fundrawtx (TheBlueMatt)
- #10931 `0b11a07` Fix misleading "Method not found" multiwallet errors (ryanofsky)
- #10788 `f66c596` [RPC] Fix addwitnessaddress by replacing ismine with producesignature (achow101)
- #10999 `627c3c0` Fix amounts formatting in `decoderawtransaction` (laanwj)
- #11002 `4268426` [wallet] return correct error code from resendwallettransaction (jnewbery)
- #11029 `96a63a3` [RPC] trivial: gettxout no longer shows version of tx (FelixWeis)
- #11083 `6c2b008` Fix combinerawtransaction RPC help result section (jonasnick)
- #11027 `07164bb` [RPC] Only return hex field once in getrawtransaction (achow101)
- #10698 `5af6572` Be consistent in calling transactions "replaceable" for Opt-In RBF (TheBlueMatt)

### Block and transaction handling
- #9801 `a8c5751` Removed redundant parameter from mempool.PrioritiseTransaction (gubatron)
- #9819 `1efc99c` Remove harmless read of unusued priority estimates (morcos)
- #9822 `b7547fa` Remove block file location upgrade code (benma)
- #9602 `30ff3a2` Remove coin age priority and free transactions - implementation (morcos)
- #9548 `47510ad` Remove min reasonable fee (morcos)
- #10249 `c73af54` Switch CCoinsMap from boost to std unordered_map (sipa)
- #9966 `2a183de` Control mempool persistence using a command line parameter (jnewbery)
- #10199 `318ea50` Better fee estimates (morcos)
- #10196 `bee3529` Bugfix: PrioritiseTransaction updates the mempool tx counter (sdaftuar)
- #10195 `1088b02` Switch chainstate db and cache to per-txout model (sipa)
- #10284 `c2ab38b` Always log debug information for fee calculation in CreateTransaction (morcos)
- #10503 `efbcf2b` Use REJECT_DUPLICATE for already known and conflicted txn (sipa)
- #10537 `b3eb0d6` Few Minor per-utxo assert-semantics re-adds and tweak (TheBlueMatt)
- #10626 `8c841a3` doc: Remove outdated minrelaytxfee comment (MarcoFalke)
- #10559 `234ffc6` Change semantics of HaveCoinInCache to match HaveCoin (morcos)
- #10581 `7878353` Simplify return values of GetCoin/HaveCoin(InCache) (sipa)
- #10684 `a381f6a` Remove no longer used mempool.exists(outpoint) (morcos)
- #10148 `d4e551a` Use non-atomic flushing with block replay (sipa)
- #10685 `30c2130` Clarify CCoinsViewMemPool documentation (TheBlueMatt)
- #10558 `90a002e` Address nits from per-utxo change (morcos)
- #10706 `6859ad2` Improve wallet fee logic and fix GUI bugs (morcos)
- #10526 `754aa02` Force on-the-fly compaction during pertxout upgrade (sipa)
- #10985 `d896d5c` Add undocumented -forcecompactdb to force LevelDB compactions (sipa)
- #10292 `e4bbd3d` Improved efficiency in COutPoint constructors (mm-s)
- #10290 `8d6d43e` Add -stopatheight for benchmarking (sipa)

### P2P protocol and network code
- #9726 `7639d38` netbase: Do not print an error on connection timeouts through proxy (laanwj)
- #9805 `5b583ef` Add to mainnet DNS seeds (petertodd)
- #9861 `22f609f` Trivial: Debug log ambiguity fix for peer addrs (keystrike)
- #9774 `90cb2a2` Enable host lookups for -proxy and -onion parameters (jmcorgan)
- #9558 `7b585cf` Clarify assumptions made about when BlockCheck is called (TheBlueMatt)
- #10135 `e19586a` [p2p] Send the correct error code in reject messages (jnewbery)
- #9665 `eab00d9` Use cached [compact] blocks to respond to getdata messages (TheBlueMatt)
- #10215 `a077a90` Check interruptNet during dnsseed lookups (TheBlueMatt)
- #10234 `faf2dea` [net] listbanned RPC and QT should show correct banned subnets (jnewbery)
- #10134 `314ebdf` [qa] Fixes segwit block relay test after inv-direct-fetch was disabled (sdaftuar)
- #10351 `3f57c55` removed unused code in INV message (Greg-Griffith)
- #10061 `ae78609` [net] Added SetSocketNoDelay() utility function (tjps)
- #10408 `28c6e8d` Net: Improvements to Tor control port parser (str4d)
- #10460 `5c63d66` Broadcast address every day, not 9 hours (sipa)
- #10471 `400fdd0` Denote functions CNode::GetRecvVersion() and CNode::GetRefCount()  as const (pavlosantoniou)
- #10345 `67700b3` [P2P] Timeout for headers sync (sdaftuar)
- #10564 `8d9f45e` Return early in IsBanned (gmaxwell)
- #10587 `de8db47` Net: Fix resource leak in ReadBinaryFile(...) (practicalswift)
- #9549 `b33ca14` [net] Avoid possibility of NULL pointer dereference in MarkBlockAsInFlight(...) (practicalswift)
- #10446 `2772dc9` net: avoid extra dns query per seed (theuni)
- #10824 `9dd6a2b` Avoid unnecessary work in SetNetworkActive (promag)
- #10948 `df3a6f4` p2p: Hardcoded seeds update pre-0.15 branch (laanwj)
- #10977 `02f4c4a` [net] Fix use of uninitialized value in getnetworkinfo(const JSONRPCRequest&) (practicalswift)
- #10982 `c8b62c7` Disconnect network service bits 6 and 8 until Aug 1, 2018 (TheBlueMatt)
- #11012 `0e5cff6` Make sure to clean up mapBlockSource if we've already seen the block (theuni)

### Validation
- #9725 `67023e9` CValidationInterface Cleanups (TheBlueMatt)
- #10178 `2584925` Remove CValidationInterface::UpdatedTransaction (TheBlueMatt)
- #10201 `a6548a4` pass Consensus::Params& to functions in validation.cpp and make them static (mariodian)
- #10297 `431a548` Simplify DisconnectBlock arguments/return value (sipa)
- #10464 `f94b7d5` Introduce static DoWarning (simplify UpdateTip) (jtimon)
- #10569 `2e7d8f8` Fix stopatheight (achow101)
- #10192 `2935b46` Cache full script execution results in addition to signatures (TheBlueMatt)
- #10179 `21ed30a` Give CValidationInterface Support for calling notifications on the CScheduler Thread (TheBlueMatt)
- #10557 `66270a4` Make check to distinguish between orphan txs and old txs more efficient (morcos)
- #10775 `7c2400c` nCheckDepth chain height fix (romanornr)
- #10821 `16240f4` Add SSE4 optimized SHA256 (sipa)
- #10854 `04d395e` Avoid using sizes on non-fixed-width types to derive protocol constants (gmaxwell)
- #10945 `2a50b11` Update defaultAssumeValid according to (gmaxwell)
- #10986 `2361208` Update chain transaction statistics (sipa)
- #11028 `6bdf4b3` Avoid masking of difficulty adjustment errors by checkpoints (sipa)
- #9533 `cb598cf` Allow non-power-of-2 signature cache sizes (sipa)
- #9208 `acd9957` Improve DisconnectTip performance (sdaftuar)
- #10618 `f90603a` Remove confusing MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE (gmaxwell)
- #10758 `bd92424` Fix some chainstate-init-order bugs (TheBlueMatt)
- #10550 `b7296bc` Don't return stale data from CCoinsViewCache::Cursor() (ryanofsky)
- #10998 `2507fd5` Fix upgrade cancel warnings (TheBlueMatt)
- #9868 `cbdb473` Abstract out the command line options for block assembly (sipa)

### Build system
- #9727 `5f0556d` Remove fallbacks for boost_filesystem < v3 (laanwj)
- #9788 `50a2265` gitian: bump descriptors for master (theuni)
- #9794 `7ca2f54` Minor update to qrencode package builder (mitchellcash)
- #9514 `2cc0df1` release: Windows signing script (theuni)
- #9921 `8b789d8` build: Probe MSG_DONTWAIT in the same way as MSG_NOSIGNAL (laanwj)
- #10011 `32d1b34` build: Fix typo s/HAVE_DONTWAIT/HAVE_MSG_DONTWAIT (laanwj)
- #9946 `90dd9e6` Fix build errors if spaces in path or parent directory (pinheadmz)
- #10136 `81da4c7` build: Disable Wshadow warning (laanwj)
- #10166 `64962ae` Ignore Doxyfile generated from template (paveljanik)
- #10239 `0416ea9` Make Boost use std::atomic internally (sipa)
- #10228 `27faa6c` build: regenerate bitcoin-config.h as necessary (theuni)
- #10273 `8979f45` [scripts] Minor improvements to `macdeployqtplus` script (chrisgavin)
- #10325 `a26280b` 0.15.0 Depends Updates (fanquake)
- #10328 `79aeff6` Update contrib/debian to latest Ubuntu PPA upload (TheBlueMatt)
- #7522 `d25449f` Bugfix: Only use git for build info if the repository is actually the right one (luke-jr)
- #10489 `e654d61` build: silence gcc7's implicit fallthrough warning (theuni)
- #10549 `ad1a13e` Avoid printing generic and duplicated "checking for QT" during ./configure (drizzt)
- #10628 `8465b68` [depends] expat 2.2.1 (fanquake)
- #10806 `db825d2` build: verify that the assembler can handle crc32 functions (theuni)
- #10766 `b4d03be` Building Environment: Set ARFLAGS to cr (ReneNyffenegger)
- #10803 `91edda8` Explicitly search for bdb5.3 (pstratem)
- #10855 `81560b0` random: only use getentropy on openbsd (theuni)
- #10508 `1caafa6` Run Qt wallet tests on travis (ryanofsky)
- #10851 `e222618` depends: fix fontconfig with newer glibc (theuni)
- #10971 `88b1e4b` build: fix missing sse42 in depends builds (theuni)
- #11097 `129b03f` gitian: quick hack to fix version string in releases (theuni)
- #10039 `919aaf6` Fix compile errors with Qt 5.3.2 and Boost 1.55.0 (ryanofsky)
- #10168 `7032021` Fix build warning from #error text (jnewbery)
- #10301 `318392c` Check if sys/random.h is required for getentropy (jameshilliard)

### GUI
- #9724 `1a9fd5c` Qt/Intro: Add explanation of IBD process (luke-jr)
- #9834 `b00ba62` qt: clean up initialize/shutdown signals (benma)
- #9481 `ce01e62` [Qt] Show more significant warning if we fall back to the default fee (jonasschnelli)
- #9974 `b9f930b` Add basic Qt wallet test (ryanofsky)
- #9690 `a387d3a` Change 'Clear' button string to 'Reset' (da2x)
- #9592 `9c7b7cf` [Qt] Add checkbox in the GUI to opt-in to RBF when creating a transaction (ryanofsky)
- #10098 `2b477e6` Make qt wallet test compatible with qt4 (ryanofsky)
- #9890 `1fa4ae6` Add a button to open the config file in a text editor (ericshawlinux)
- #10156 `51833a1` Fix for issues with startup and multiple monitors on windows (AllanDoensen)
- #10177 `de01da7` Changed "Send" button default status from true to false (KibbledJiveElkZoo)
- #10221 `e96486c` Stop treating coinbase outputs differently in GUI: show them at 1conf (TheBlueMatt)
- #10231 `987a6c0` [Qt] Reduce a significant cs_main lock freeze (jonasschnelli)
- #10242 `f6f3b58` [qt] Don't call method on null WalletModel object (ryanofsky)
- #10093 `a3e756b` [Qt] Don't add arguments of sensitive command to console window (jonasschnelli)
- #10362 `95546c8` [GUI] Add OSX keystroke to RPCConsole info (spencerlievens)
- #9697 `962cd3f` [Qt] simple fee bumper with user verification (jonasschnelli)
- #10390 `e477516` [wallet] remove minimum total fee option (instagibbs)
- #10420 `4314544` Add Qt tests for wallet spends & bumpfee (ryanofsky)
- #10454 `c1c9a95` Fix broken q4 test build (ryanofsky)
- #10449 `64beb13` Overhaul Qt fee bumper (jonasschnelli)
- #10582 `7c72fb9` Pass in smart fee slider value to coin control dialog (morcos)
- #10673 `4c72cc3` [qt] Avoid potential null pointer dereference in TransactionView::exportClicked() (practicalswift)
- #10769 `8fdd23a` [Qt] replace fee slider with a Dropdown, extend conf. targets (jonasschnelli)
- #10870 `412b466` [Qt] Use wallet 0 in rpc console if running with multiple wallets (jonasschnelli)
- #10988 `a9dd111` qt: Increase BLOCK_CHAIN_SIZE constants (laanwj)
- #10644 `e292140` Slightly overhaul NSI pixmaps (jonasschnelli)
- #10660 `0c3542e` Allow to cancel the txdb upgrade via splashscreen keypress 'q' (jonasschnelli)
- #11332 `46c8d23` Fix possible crash with invalid nCustomFeeRadio in QSettings (achow101, TheBlueMatt)

### Wallet
- #9359 `f7ec7cf` Add test for CWalletTx::GetImmatureCredit() returning stale values (ryanofsky)
- #9576 `56ab672` [wallet] Remove redundant initialization (practicalswift)
- #9333 `fa625b0` Document CWalletTx::mapValue entries and remove erase of nonexistent "version" entry (ryanofsky)
- #9906 `72fb515` Disallow copy constructor CReserveKeys (instagibbs)
- #9369 `3178b2c` Factor out CWallet::nTimeSmart computation into a method (ryanofsky)
- #9830 `afcd7c0` Add safe flag to listunspent result (NicolasDorier)
- #9993 `c49355c` Initialize nRelockTime (pstratem)
- #9818 `3d857f3` Save watch only key timestamps when reimporting keys (ryanofsky)
- #9294 `f34cdcb` Use internal HD chain for change outputs (hd split) (jonasschnelli)
- #10164 `e183ea2` Wallet: reduce excess logic InMempool() (kewde)
- #10186 `c9ff4f8` Remove SYNC_TRANSACTION_NOT_IN_BLOCK magic number (jnewbery)
- #10226 `64c45aa` wallet: Use boost to more portably ensure -wallet specifies only a filename (luke-jr)
- #9827 `c91ca0a` Improve ScanForWalletTransactions return value (ryanofsky)
- #9951 `fa1ac28` Wallet database handling abstractions/simplifications (laanwj)
- #10265 `c29a0d4` [wallet/moveonly] Check non-null pindex before potentially referencing (kallewoof)
- #10283 `a550f6e` Cleanup: reduce to one GetMinimumFee call signature (morcos)
- #10294 `e2b99b1` [Wallet] unset change position when there is no change (instagibbs)
- #10115 `d3dce0e` Avoid reading the old hd master key during wallet encryption (TheBlueMatt)
- #10341 `18c9deb` rpc/wallet: Workaround older UniValue which returns a std::string temporary for get_str (luke-jr)
- #10308 `94e5227` [wallet] Securely erase potentially sensitive keys/values (tjps)
- #10257 `ea1fd43` [test] Add test for getmemoryinfo (jimmysong)
- #10295 `ce8176d` [qt] Move some WalletModel functions into CWallet (ryanofsky)
- #10506 `7cc2c67` Fix bumpfee test after #10449 (ryanofsky)
- #10500 `098b01d` Avoid CWalletTx copies in GetAddressBalances and GetAddressGroupings (ryanofsky)
- #10455 `0747d33` Simplify feebumper minimum fee code slightly (ryanofsky)
- #10522 `2805d60` [wallet] Remove unused variables (practicalswift)
- #8694 `177433a` Basic multiwallet support (luke-jr)
- #10598 `7a74f88` Supress struct/class mismatch warnings introduced in #10284 (paveljanik)
- #9343 `209eef6` Don't create change at dust limit (morcos)
- #10744 `ed88e31` Use method name via __func__ macro (darksh1ne)
- #10712 `e8b9523` Add change output if necessary to reduce excess fee (morcos)
- #10816 `1c011ff` Properly forbid -salvagewallet and -zapwallettxes for multi wallet (morcos)
- #10235 `5cfdda2` Track keypool entries as internal vs external in memory (TheBlueMatt)
- #10330 `bf0a08b` [wallet] fix zapwallettxes interaction with persistent mempool (jnewbery)
- #10831 `0b01935` Batch flushing operations to the walletdb during top up and increase keypool size (gmaxwell)
- #10795 `7b6e8bc` No longer ever reuse keypool indexes (TheBlueMatt)
- #10849 `bde4f93` Multiwallet: simplest endpoint support (jonasschnelli)
- #10817 `9022aa3` Redefine Dust and add a discard_rate (morcos)
- #10883 `bf3b742` Rename -usewallet to -rpcwallet (morcos)
- #10604 `420238d` [wallet/tests] Add listwallets RPC, include wallet name in `getwalletinfo` and add multiwallet test (jnewbery)
- #10885 `70888a3` Reject invalid wallets (promag)
- #10949 `af56397` Clarify help message for -discardfee (morcos)
- #10942 `2e857bb` Eliminate fee overpaying edge case when subtracting fee from recipients (morcos)
- #10995 `fa64636` Fix resendwallettransactions assert failure if -walletbroadcast=0 (TheBlueMatt)
- #11022 `653a46d` Basic keypool topup (jnewbery)
- #11081 `9fe1f6b` Add length check for CExtKey deserialization (jonasschnelli, guidovranken)
- #11044 `4ef8374` [wallet] Keypool topup cleanups (jnewbery)
- #11145 `e51bb71` Fix rounding bug in calculation of minimum change (morcos)
- #9605 `779f2f9` Use CScheduler for wallet flushing, remove ThreadFlushWalletDB (TheBlueMatt)
- #10108 `4e3efd4` ApproximateBestSubset should take inputs by reference, not value (RHavar)

### Tests and QA
- #9744 `8efd1c8` Remove unused module from rpc-tests (34ro)
- #9657 `7ff4a53` Improve (jnewbery)
- #9766 `7146d96` Add --exclude option to (jnewbery)
- #9577 `d6064a8` Fix docstrings in qa tests (jnewbery)
- #9823 `a13a417` qa: Set correct path for binaries in rpc tests (MarcoFalke)
- #9847 `6206252` Extra test vector for BIP32 (sipa)
- #9350 `88c2ae3` [Trivial] Adding label for amount inside of tx_valid/tx_invalid.json (Christewart)
- #9888 `36afd4d` travis: Verify commits only for one target (MarcoFalke)
- #9904 `58861ad` test: Fail if InitBlockIndex fails (laanwj)
- #9828 `67c5cc1` Avoid -Wshadow warnings in wallet_tests (ryanofsky)
- #9832 `48c3429` [qa] assert_start_raises_init_error (NicolasDorier)
- #9739 `9d5fcbf` Fix BIP68 activation test (jnewbery)
- #9547 `d32581c` bench: Assert that division by zero is unreachable (practicalswift)
- #9843 `c78adbf` Fix segwit getblocktemplate test (jnewbery)
- #9929 `d5ce14e` tests: Delete unused function _rpchost_to_args (laanwj)
- #9555 `19be26a` [test] Avoid reading a potentially uninitialized variable in tx_invalid-test (transaction_tests.cpp) (practicalswift)
- #9945 `ac23a7c` Improve logging in if there is a formatting mismatch (jnewbery)
- #9768 `8910b47` [qa] Add logging to (jnewbery)
- #9972 `21833f9` Fix extended rpc tests broken by #9768 (jnewbery)
- #9977 `857d1e1` QA: should always use >0 fee tx (sdaftuar)
- #9970 `3cc13ea` Improve readability of, (sdaftuar)
- #9497 `2c781fb` CCheckQueue Unit Tests (JeremyRubin)
- #10024 `9225de2` [trivial] Use instead of print() in remaining functional test cases (jnewbery)
- #9956 `3192e52` Reorganise qa directory (jnewbery)
- #10017 `02d64bd` - aggregates log files from multiple bitcoinds during functional tests (jnewbery)
- #10047 `dfef6b6` [tests] Remove unused variables and imports (practicalswift)
- #9701 `a230b05` Make bumpfee tests less fragile (ryanofsky)
- #10053 `ca20923` [test] Allow functional test cases to be skipped (jnewbery)
- #10052 `a0b1e57` [test] Run extended tests once daily in Travis (jnewbery)
- #10069 `1118493` [QA] Fix typo in fundrawtransaction test (NicolasDorier)
- #10083 `c044f03` [QA] Renaming rawTx into rawtx (NicolasDorier)
- #10073 `b1a4f27` Actually run (jnewbery)
- #9780 `c412fd8` Suppress noisy output from qa tests in Travis (jnewbery)
- #10096 `79af9fb` Check that all test scripts in test/functional are being run (jnewbery)
- #10076 `5b029aa` [qa] combine_logs: Use ordered list for logfiles (MarcoFalke)
- #10107 `f2734c2` Remove unused variable. Remove accidental trailing semicolons in Python code (practicalswift)
- #10109 `8ac8041` Remove SingleNodeConnCB (jnewbery)
- #10114 `edc62c9` [tests] sync_with_ping should assert that ping hasn't timed out (jnewbery)
- #10128 `427d2fd` Speed Up CuckooCache tests (JeremyRubin)
- #10072 `12af74b` Remove sources of unreliablility in extended functional tests (jnewbery)
- #10077 `ebfd653` [qa] Add setnetworkactive smoke test (MarcoFalke)
- #10152 `080d7c7` [trivial] remove unused line in Travis config (jnewbery)
- #10159 `df1ca9e` [tests] color test results and sort alphabetically (jnewbery)
- #10124 `88799ea` [test] Suppress test logging spam (jnewbery)
- #10142 `ed09dd3` Run bitcoin_test-qt under minimal QPA platform (ryanofsky)
- #9949 `a27dbc5` [bench] Avoid function call arguments which are pointers to uninitialized values (practicalswift)
- #10187 `b44adf9` tests: Fix test_runner return value in case of skipped test (laanwj)
- #10197 `d86bb07` [tests] Functional test warnings (jnewbery)
- #10219 `9111df9` Tests: Order Python Tests Differently (jimmysong)
- #10229 `f3db4c6` Tests: Add test for getdifficulty (jimmysong)
- #10224 `2723bcd` [test] Add test for getaddednodeinfo (jimmysong)
- #10023 `c530c15` [tests] remove (functionality covered by other test) (jnewbery)
- #10097 `1b25b6d` Move zmq test skipping logic into individual test case (jnewbery)
- #10272 `54e2d87` [Tests] Prevent warning: variable 'x' is uninitialized (paveljanik)
- #10225 `e0a7e19` [test] Add aborttrescan tests (kallewoof)
- #10278 `8254a8a` [test] Add Unit Test for GetListenPort (jimmysong)
- #10280 `47535d7` [test] Unit test amount.h/amount.cpp (jimmysong)
- #10256 `80c3a73` [test] Add test for gettxout to (jimmysong)
- #10264 `492d22f` [test] Add tests for getconnectioncount, getnettotals and ping (jimmysong)
- #10169 `8f3e384` [tests] Remove func test code duplication (jnewbery)
- #10198 `dc8fc0c` [tests] Remove is_network_split from functional test framework (jnewbery)
- #10255 `3c5e6c9` [test] Add test for listaddressgroupings (jimmysong)
- #10137 `75171f0` Remove unused import. Remove accidental trailing semicolons (practicalswift)
- #10307 `83073de` [tests] allow zmq test to be run in out-of-tree builds (jnewbery)
- #10344 `e927483` [tests] Fix intermittency (jnewbery)
- #10318 `170bc2c` [tests] fix wait_for_inv() (jnewbery)
- #10171 `fff72de` [tests] Add node methods to test framework (jnewbery)
- #10352 `23d78c4` test: Add elapsed time to RPC tracing (laanwj)
- #10342 `6a796b2` [tests] Improve mempool_persist test (jnewbery)
- #10287 `776ba23` [tests] Update Unit Test for addrman.h/addrman.cpp (jimmysong)
- #10365 `7ee5236` [tests] increase timeouts in sendheaders test (jnewbery)
- #10361 `f6241b3` qa: disablewallet: Check that wallet is really disabled (MarcoFalke)
- #10371 `4b766fc` [tests] Clean up addrman_tests.cpp (jimmysong)
- #10253 `87abe20` [test] Add test for getnetworkhashps (jimmysong)
- #10376 `8bd16ee` [tests] fix disconnect_ban intermittency (jnewbery)
- #10374 `5411997` qa: Warn when specified test is not found (MarcoFalke)
- #10405 `0542978` tests: Correct testcase in script_tests.json for large number OP_EQUAL (laanwj)
- #10429 `6b99daf` tests: fix spurious addrman test failure (theuni)
- #10433 `8e57256` [tests] improve tmpdir structure (jnewbery)
- #10415 `217b416` [tests] Speed up fuzzing by ~200x when using afl-fuzz (practicalswift)
- #10445 `b4b057a` Add test for empty chain and reorg consistency for gettxoutsetinfo (gmaxwell)
- #10423 `1aefc94` [tests] skipped tests should clean up after themselves (jnewbery)
- #10359 `329fc1d` [tests] functional tests should call BitcoinTestFramework start/stop node methods (jnewbery)
- #10514 `e103b3f` Bugfix: missing == 0 after randrange (sipa)
- #10515 `c871f32` [test] Add test for getchaintxstats (jimmysong)
- #10509 `bea5b00` Remove xvfb configuration from travis (ryanofsky)
- #10535 `30853e1` [qa] fundrawtx: Fix shutdown race (MarcoFalke)
- #9909 `300f8e7` tests: Add FindEarliestAtLeast test for edge cases (ryanofsky)
- #10331 `75e898c` Share config between util and functional tests (jnewbery)
- #10321 `e801084` Use FastRandomContext for all tests (sipa)
- #10524 `6c2d81f` [tests] Remove printf(...) (practicalswift)
- #10547 `71ab6e5` [tests] Use FastRandomContext instead of boost::random::{mt19937,uniform_int_distribution} (practicalswift)
- #10551 `6702617` [Tests] Wallet encryption functional tests (achow101)
- #10555 `643fa0b` [tests] various improvements to (jnewbery)
- #10533 `d083bd9` [tests] Use cookie auth instead of rpcuser and rpcpassword (achow101)
- #10632 `c68a9a6` qa: Add stopatheight test (MarcoFalke)
- #10636 `4bc853b` [qa] util: Check return code after closing bitcoind proc (MarcoFalke)
- #10662 `e0a7801` Initialize randomness in benchmarks (achow101)
- #10612 `7c87a9c` The young person's guide to the test_framework (jnewbery)
- #10659 `acb1153` [qa] blockchain: Pass on closed connection during generate call (MarcoFalke)
- #10690 `416af3e` [qa] Bugfix: allow overriding extra_args in ComparisonTestFramework (sdaftuar)
- #10556 `65cc7aa` Move stop/start functions from into BitcoinTestFramework (jnewbery)
- #10704 `dd07f47` [tests] nits in (jnewbery)
- #10743 `be82498` [test] don't run on Travis (jnewbery)
- #10761 `d3b5870` [tests] fix (jnewbery)
- #10759 `1d4805c` Fix multi_rpc test for hosts that dont default to utf8 (TheBlueMatt)
- #10190 `e4f226a` [tests] mining functional tests (including regression test for submitblock) (jnewbery)
- #10739 `1fc783f` test: Move variable `state` down where it is used (paveljanik)
- #9980 `fee0d80` Fix mem access violation merkleblock (Christewart)
- #10893 `0c173a1` [QA] Avoid running twice (jonasschnelli)
- #10927 `9d5e8f9` test: Make sure wallet.backup is created in temp path (laanwj)
- #10899 `f29d5db` [test] Qt: Use _putenv_s instead of setenv on Windows builds (brianmcmichael)
- #10912 `5c8eb79` [tests] Fix incorrect memory_cleanse(…) call in crypto_tests.cpp (practicalswift)
- #11001 `fa8a063` [tests] Test disconnecting unsupported service bits logic (jnewbery)
- #10695 `929fd72` [qa] Rewrite BIP65/BIP66 functional tests (sdaftuar)
- #10963 `ecd2135` [bench] Restore format state of cout after printing with std::fixed/setprecision (practicalswift)
- #11025 `e5d26e4` qa: Fix inv race in example_test (MarcoFalke)
- #10765 `2c811e0` Tests: address placement should be deterministic by default (ReneNyffenegger)
- #11000 `ac016e1` test: Add resendwallettransactions functional tests (promag)
- #11032 `aeb3175` [qa] Fix block message processing error in (sdaftuar)
- #10105 `0b9fb68` [tests] fixup - make all Travis test runs quiet, non just cron job runs (jnewbery)
- #10222 `6ce7337` [tests] test_runner - check unicode (jnewbery)
- #10327 `35da2ae` [tests] remove (jnewbery)
- #11023 `bf74d37` [tests] Add option to attach a python debugger if functional test fails (jnewbery)
- #10565 `8c2098a` [coverage] Remove subtrees and benchmarks from coverage report (achow101)

You guy need to work on the economic side TOO....Like getting the transactions fees lower....

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Bitfyer on November 04, 2017, 07:25:09 PM
Why do people keep using that thing? Why would you do this to your computer? So many GB for transfering a bitcoin, my mind just hurts...

It is possible to prune the blockchain with Bitcoin Core Wallet. My "blocks" folder have only 511 Mb in size. It used to have 134 Gb before pruning.

was your conf file changed perhaps? i know there is an option there where u say 1 or 0 i forgot what it is, but it tells the wallet to download the whole blockchain instead of just referring to it online.

I needed to change the bitcoin.conf file. Actually, I created that file with just this line:

550 is the minimum number for pruning, if I can recall correctly. Anything below this number with result in no prune.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: sehanmaxx01 on November 05, 2017, 07:51:53 AM
there may be some mathematical subtleties I'm not aware of. In principle, it should  using base 36 numbers

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: lankyman on November 05, 2017, 10:30:27 AM
Hello, does one just install 0.15 over 0.14 and bobs your uncle ?
Blockchain will be in tact and all?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: JeffZwolle on November 05, 2017, 09:18:15 PM
Hello, does one just install 0.15 over 0.14 and bobs your uncle ?
Blockchain will be in tact and all?

Yes, and yes.
But I don't know an uncle called Bob.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: lankyman on November 05, 2017, 09:57:08 PM
Seems to be much much FASTER to me I had to redo my laptop so I decided to just transfer my BTC to coin base and start over I was totally surprised have fast everything seems to sync up. ;D ;D

as in 150 gigs just downloaded in minutes?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Erlinda Santiago on November 07, 2017, 05:53:59 AM
Not sure going backwards is the way to go with bitcoin, ie the shorting of address length.. Seeing they want to use a different address for every single transaction. I mean people thought 4 billion ip (which also is 32 bit) addresses would be enough...


yes for me i would like the old one coz its easy to use and i dont yet try the new release

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: immunity on November 08, 2017, 08:11:25 AM
I have found this syncs blockchain much faster vs old wallet versions, not sure if i just got lucky but at 1 stage i was downloading 1.67% per hour on my current laptop and usually if i get anywhere near 0.5% per hour on pre 0.15 versions i was pretty chuffed. Thanks for all the hard work from devs .

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: OmegaStarScream on November 08, 2017, 05:49:31 PM
A few minutes ago, BitGo CEO announced that the SegWit2x hardfork will be suspended. The version 0.15.1 will be canceled? because as far as I know, that update was supposed to block the B2X nodes and since it no longer needed, should we see full Segwit in the next version?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: KCR on November 08, 2017, 08:40:46 PM
I am a newbie here. What is this version all about? Can someone shed some light on this. Thanks

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: buy-it on November 09, 2017, 03:58:50 AM
Please is this bitcore upgrade for ASIC purely? I mean for Btc mining or can be run on Window PCs? Or what other functions is this upgraded version useful for? I stand to be corrected please. Thanks. :-[

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: SapphireToken on November 09, 2017, 05:06:08 AM
waiting for Trezor support!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Carlton Banks on November 09, 2017, 10:54:51 AM
A few minutes ago, BitGo CEO announced that the SegWit2x hardfork will be suspended. The version 0.15.1 will be canceled? because as far as I know, that update was supposed to block the B2X nodes and since it no longer needed, should we see full Segwit in the next version?

No, I think the intention behind the 0.15.1 release was to make sure that Bitcoin nodes could identify which chain was BTC and which was the hardforked chain (as S2X was written deliberately to cause such problems, in the hope that Bitcoin users would give up and use S2X). So, 0.15.1 solves the same problems with similar oligo-lateral hardforks in future.

There's no good reason not to release 0.15.1, not least because the S2X camp have already demonstrated bad faith and dishonesty anyway. Also, only the developers have backed out (AFAIA). There's nothing to stop the miners hardforking without them, despite that possibility being even nuttier than the previous plan was.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Gregmall on November 09, 2017, 02:33:25 PM
Its really interesting to hear that bitcoin core can now support multiple independent Wallets with this update.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: duocnguyen on November 10, 2017, 04:22:20 PM

With this new version
I feel the system much faster, stable and error-free
I hope the developer will  improve constantly to have a bigger group
gook luck

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: gordonmcdugan on November 10, 2017, 11:23:53 PM

With this new version
I feel the system much faster, stable and error-free
I hope the developer will  improve constantly to have a bigger group
gook luck

I had the same feel , anyone knows when the fees will go down?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: bpcommunity on November 11, 2017, 03:38:36 PM
Bitcoin upgraded the higher the fee

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: achow101 on November 11, 2017, 05:07:13 PM
Bitcoin Core 0.15.1 has been released

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: V.gorn on November 12, 2017, 09:08:09 AM
Could you tell me in short about this update? What it means mainly for average user? And will it enter in force considering the cancel of hardfork?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: Zammo on November 12, 2017, 01:22:52 PM

Does anyone know how change imported address to segwit addresses?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: JumPerz09 on November 12, 2017, 04:14:14 PM
if this upgrade will make fee go down then bitcoin is going up again if not then we are not going anywhere soon :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: bpcommunity on November 12, 2017, 04:48:56 PM
if this upgrade will make fee go down then bitcoin is going up again if not then we are not going anywhere soon :)

The new upgrades inserted a huge amount of information into the transaction block so that the volume of blocks increased significantly, which in turn led to increased transaction costs, which I never saw Sending $ 10 then costs $ 6 transaction fee, this is really a terrible thing, with such that terrible fee who dare to use bitcoin for small transactions

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Released
Post by: jsawyy on November 12, 2017, 06:28:23 PM
I also have the following error when trying to add a SegWit address to an address I already have imported into my wallet :

Public key or redeemscript not known to wallet, or the key is uncompressed (code -4)

Thanks for your help.