Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: markm on September 21, 2017, 11:07:32 PM

Title: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on September 21, 2017, 11:07:32 PM
The old ANN thread for HORIZON (HZ) was but it was locked.

As of this writing HZ is not listed on any exchanges as far as I know.

However the HORIZON network is still working and still in use, in particular it is in use by the Galactic Milieu (

As well as this new ANN thread, a Discussion thread for HORIZON (HZ) has been created at

There are a few little glitches that have been discovered in the course of actually using HORIZON, those and the fixing of them will be discussed in the discussion thread (

In particular it has been observed that after creating a few currencies it became impossible to create the remaining items the Milieu needed as currencies so it was necessary to create them in the form of assets instead.

Then when we attempted to transfer some quantities of assets using the eight decimals the assets had been defined as having, it was discovered that the system did not recognise the values as numbers; it turns out that somehow the client ignores or changes the locale you run it under and wants a comma instead of a period as decimal-separator.

Please do not clutter this thread with posts about such things, the discussion thread ( has been created for that purpose.

I see the old announcement thread has been vandalised as well as locked; so you might want to join my site for links and/or downloads of the coin clients and servers I actually use, including the HORIZON that I am actually using.


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: halicarton on September 22, 2017, 05:59:47 AM
Hi, @markm
is this  coin a old one? So what 's your role played in this coin project? a  bagholder or a developer,or  just a supporter?

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on September 22, 2017, 07:27:24 AM
I began using HORIZON for game currencies and assets, and was in midst of porting them over from Open Transactions when HORIZON's thread was locked and it was no longer listed on any exchanges that I know of.

For game purposes it is actually kind of ideal that the game is now the main user of the platform, as maybe it will make it less likely that folks will forget that these currencies and assets are part of or associated with a game. :)

I was one of the developers of DeVCoin, and had implemented the "big seven" galactic currencies before that, before any other altcoin except possibly namecoin; I implemented them by making for each of them a bitcoin client whose testnet support had been modified to run the new currency instead of the testnet, so that each nation or Corp could have a bitcoin client that could simply by setting a commandline switch be used for their own new currency.

Eventually, even with merged mining coming along, it was realised that securing a blockchain with Proof of Work is insanely expensive, so we migrated the currencies to Open Transactions; now we are migrating to HORIZON.

I also created GRouPcoin, initially as something to modify and play with to try out ways we might approach what we wanted for DeVCoin, but once DeVCoin was finalised we modified GRouPcoin back to a simple bitcoin-clone that just keeps minting 50 coins per block forever instead of having periodic halving. When we migrated the other galactic coins to Open Transactions we left GRouPcoin as a blockchain to serve as a kind of weather-vane or canary-in-the-mine to see whether, given merged mining, securing a proof of work chain might actually be feasible, so that if it turned out that it was we could migrate the other galactic currencies back to being blockchains; but so far it is still not looking good for GRouPcoin as a "secure" blockchain. :)


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: *Sakura* on October 03, 2017, 07:15:00 AM
Hey, Mark!

Any news regarding HZ takeover/revive?

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: Herdz on October 11, 2017, 08:12:53 PM
Please revive the Hz coin
We love to this on exchange

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: Cryptoby on October 11, 2017, 09:00:43 PM
Is this a revival of an old coin?

Thanks in advance for the answer :) ...

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: samreader1 on January 09, 2018, 06:48:14 PM
Is there a Web Horizon wallet still available? if you can share the link to the web wallet, I'd truly appreciate that!

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: lcharles123 on February 19, 2018, 08:32:49 PM
Is there a Web Horizon wallet still available? if you can share the link to the web wallet, I'd truly appreciate that!
I posted some nodes here, have an public wallet

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: mamamae on March 13, 2018, 07:54:22 PM
thank you .

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on April 20, 2018, 03:57:25 AM
Just to know - I created earlier a fork of horizon sources :)

Just to save this useful information...

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: strauberyg on April 20, 2018, 06:29:40 PM
I read the information above and it looks like a comprehensive project, I hope to invest it a little bit. A lot of potential is here for these project ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: matinauthherll on April 22, 2018, 04:10:22 PM
Can you tell us more about upcoming projects? I wanted to know more about white paper

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: dzkrb1966 on April 22, 2018, 04:29:28 PM
I would like to know more about the project, as well as what happened to him. Who are the people who interfere with its development? Does the esteemed developer have a worthy team that is able to further develop the project? What further plans?

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: kryptorynekPL on April 30, 2018, 02:15:40 PM
This is a  good old coin.

I can help in creating a new website.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on December 06, 2018, 03:58:28 AM
Quite some time ago, when I first tried to use the "Currencies" feature of HORIZON, I managed to create just a few currencies then after that no matter what I tried to name a currency the system always rejected it as already in use.

I thus continued inputting the coins and shares the game uses, and only just now have I finally gotten around to actually trying to use one of the currencies that I did manage to create.

I tried exchanges and offers, and they just do not seem to work. Each account is seeing only its own buy or sell inputs, none of anyone else's, no matching is happening.

So basically it looks like currencies are totally broken.

So I am now going to have to re-issue the things that I had managed to issue as currencies, making them as assets instead.

I suppose this is just as well actually since breaking up your holdings into separate categories, assets vs currencies, is a bit awkward anyway.

If players run a HORIZON node, it is a good idea to include at least, and as well known nodes, to ensure you manage to get onto the same network as the rest of the players. (It is unfortunately true that only one of those is actually on line right now but hopefully they will be coming back online eventually.)

The source code that I and most other players that I am aware of run is available for download inside my site, and the pages I am building about assets, both those implemented on HORIZON and those implemented on STELLAR, are on my site.

Pages of historical prices of assets are still those at (it calls them Open Transactions assets but we are migrating from Open Transactions to HORIZON and STELLAR).

Wiki pages about the game start at though I am not positive all the pages about the game can be reached following links from article to article; all the pages I authored are listed under my username on that wiki, which is knotwork.

Keep in mind that it is a game, and even maybe currently still somewhat closer to being a prototype for a game than an actual finished product game.

Basically the focus of development has been forced more and more into economics, using free open source components to weave together a multiverse whose economics might hopefully eventually enable the game to be able to finance development of such modifications and "glue" as might be ideally desired to make all the components work together more smoothly, and eventually to start serious work on a fully immersive virtual reality interface into the game multiverse.


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: dmnq on December 10, 2018, 10:11:15 AM
I managed to sync my client. To help you:

1) Edit (or create) the file: %appdata%\Horizon\conf\

(for instance: C:\Users\__YOURUSERNAME__\AppData\Roaming\Horizon\conf\ )

2) Add this:;;;

3) Restart the client.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on December 11, 2018, 06:43:50 AM
Great, thanks!

I realised that because my server also runs my website, the HORIZON node on that machine is configured to announce itself as instead of as; and I am not sure whether that causes problems for folks who just add dvcstable01, dvcstable02 and dvcstable06 on the domain, especially with dvcstable02 and dvcstable06 being offline nowadays.

By the way I have noticed that the buy and sell offers do not let you use fractions in the price (in HZ coins).

This is a big problem for coins such as DeVCoin (DVC) which probably tends to be cheaper than HZ is.

On DeVCoin's thread we are considering issuing a DeVCoin bounty to get that fixed.

It kind of seems likely to be dead simple to do, probably just removing the popup that pops up when you try to type a period (decimal point) or comma into the price field; but its been a few years now since I last had a java development environment set up and familiarity with how to build with it so the fact that even if I made the probably trivial change I would then have to build the thing means it might take me a while to ever get around to doing it myself.

I am thinking it is probably trivial because (1) you can send HZ to people using eight decimal places; and (2) HORIZON is a clone of NXT and I am pretty sure NXT lets you use fractions of a NXT in prices, though I do not actually have NXT installed anymore. (I looked at it back when choosing a platform, but chose HORIZON and STELLAR rather than NXT and Ripple because they were cheaper to use and because Ripple didn't even have a real client anymore as far as I could tell, becoming a centralised big-brother know-your-customer anti-terrorism pawn of the establishment whereas STELLAR you can actually use the way the original Ripple (whose name the new Ripple folks bought) was intended, that is, to trade arbitrary IOUs among friends. (Like, IOU dinner, you owe me five beers, she owes us a drive, or whatever arbitrary IOUs friends want to invent and trade amongst themselves.)


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on January 01, 2019, 09:42:43 AM
I tracked that "Fractions not allowed" problem all the way to html/ui/js/nrs.assetexchange.js

In there it sets the number of decimals for everything except quantity to 8 minus the number of decimals in the quantity.

That means it is only assets that have 8 decimals themselves that do not allow any decimals in the price-in-HZ field.

Of course most coins do have 8 decimals, so this glitch prevents most coins from having a price less than 1 HZ as well as preventing them from having a price per coin that has decimals in HZ.

Maybe the coder was thinking you are inputting the price per quantity rather than the price per unit for each unit of the given quantity or something like that.

However, I tried changing 8 minus decimals to just 8, and even after restarting the server nothing changed.

So it looks like maybe that .js script file is not actually loaded when a browser hits the page but, rather, is somehow cached or accumulated somewhere so that my new copy did not actually go into effect. Maybe some part of the build process to build the server bundles all those .js files into one place or some other such thing that means the actual .js file I modified is not live but needs to be compiled in or incorporated into something during the build process or something.

I did refresh my browser tab and log in again after restarting the server to try to ensure it was not my browser somehow retaining the unmodified .js script.

So my progress so far is I think I know what I need to change but I have not discovered how to make my change actually go into effect.


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: l8orre on January 01, 2019, 10:37:43 AM
I tracked that "Fractions not allowed" problem all the way to html/ui/js/nrs.assetexchange.js

In there it sets the number of decimals for everything except quantity to 8 minus the number of decimals in the quantity.

That means it is only assets that have 8 decimals themselves that do not allow any decimals in the price-in-HZ field.

Of course most coins do have 8 decimals, so thgis glitch prevents most coins from having a price less than 1 HZ as well as preventing them from having a price per coin that has decimals in HZ.

Maybe the coder was thinking you are inputting the price per quantity rather than the price per unit for each unit of the given quantity or something like that.

However, I tried changing 8 minus decimals to just 8, and even after restarting the server nothing changed.

So it looks like maybe that .js script file is not actually loaded when a browser hits the page but, rather, is somehow cached or accumulated somewhere so that my new copy did not actually go into effect. Maybe some part of the build process to build the server bundles all those .js files into one place or some other such thing that means the actual .js file I modified is not live but needs to be compiled in or incorporated into something during the build process or something.

I did refresh my browser tab and log in again after restarting the server to try to ensure it was not my browser somehow retaining the unmodified .js script.

So my progress so far is I think I know what I need to change but I have not discovered how to make my change actually go into effect.


Nice use case for an abandoned NXT clone!

I was involved with the other NXT clone that merged with HZ - forget the name right now, had a Phoenix logo (may have been called 'Phoenix', cant remember), but it was a community takeover of another NXT clone ICO exit scam, hence the name...
HZ itself was a shady deal, the lead guy (not dev) Pizpie is a slimy scamming weasel w/o any tech competence, and he took over another failed NXT clone (NHZ, New Horizon), renamed it to HZ and just tried to latch on to that creepy Bitnation scheme, but that seems to have evaporated too  :D
in any case, NXT is solid tech, and it is a cute move to use it for gaming stuff!

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on January 01, 2019, 03:24:25 PM
Does NXT have this weird thing about the decimals?

You do get warned when creating an asset that it is best to use 2 to 6 decimals, but it does not tell you WHY, and since normal bitcoin-type coins all have 8 decimals I naturally used 8 for tokens representing such coins.

I am trying to decide what to do now; I could issue duplicate assets but with less decimals, or I could find out how to make my attempted change go into effect, or I could maybe even just start from scratch with a new blockchain with a fresh new clone of the latest NXT or somesuch code...

I am wondering whether just going ahead with my change would be a good idea or lead to compounding series of math errors or something.

The DISTRIBUTION of HZ was nice, the way anyone could get some when they started it just by running a node.

If I started from a fresh new empty blockchain the game would start with all the coins, which could have advantages but might not be viewed favourably by the players.


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: l8orre on January 01, 2019, 07:31:49 PM
Does NXT have this weird thing about the decimals?

sorry, I can't remember off hand right now- the information does exist somewhere, though.
there were very lively discussions about decimals in the NXT community.

I was not an NXT core dev (no java), but I wrote a bunch of apps in python using the NXT API and I also issued a bunch of assets.
most of them testing assets on the Phoenix blockchain.

all too long ago to remember details- you can trawl the old NXT forum for info on this, I am sure the discussions are there, or you could ask on the ARDOR slack, the devs are still there, and also some old timers. ( ( (invite should be on NXT forum or ARDOR forum, or in ARDOR thread here)

my personal recommendation would be to start with a fresh blockchain for your own purposes if it is feasible for you,
the code has matured considerably since then (HZ is very old codebase) and you won't have the ballast of HZ
- but maybe just continuing HZ blockchain could be a neat and lean way of doing it also, if you can keep it going

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on January 02, 2019, 01:14:34 AM
Well I managed to make my minimalist change take effect (by killing and restarting my browser), only to discover that they are not relying just on preventing you from typing in decimals; there are also further checks so although my change let me type in some decimals for HZ price of an asset that itself has 8 decimals, I was on submission of the form told there was an error in the input.

So I don't think I am going to persevere with the change, in case there are all kinds of places checking this, like maybe it could check when creating blocks, or when transmitting transactions, or gosh knows where else.

I am just going to assume they must have good reasons for the restriction, and avoid making assets with 8 decimals in future even if the asset is intended to represent coins that normally, on their own blockchains, do have 8 decimals.

In the meantime this does mean cheap coins will run into problems more and more as their price falls toward the price of a HZ, and the HORIZON platform will cease to be useful for actually doing non-manual trading of them when they are worth less than a HZ.

For now what the heck folks can always go ahead and use the STELLAR platform instead for such assets if they want to use an automated market rather than just do manual trades with trusted partners by sending them something and being sent something in return.

(The spot markets are so far mostly used just as a way for folks to easily get a few HZ to pay fees with anyway, by trying to keep some small buy offers in place for each asset so when folks get their assets on the HORIZON platform they can sell one or a few for a few HZ to get them started; really most actual trading takes place manually, generally by consulting the current prices shown at and adjusting for whatever markup or markdown the parties agree to and for any drift they feel may exist between the "latest rates" when they were calculated and the current state of the actual, possibly quite volatile, markets.)

A bit of a pity maybe for players who do not like the idea of having to commit ten STELLAR Lumens per trust line in order to trade on the STELLAR platform, but then again once you have committed that the actual transaction fees on the STELLAR network look like they could be a lot cheaper than the 1 HZ fee on HORIZON, depending of course how expensive a whole Lumen gets to be and how cheap a single HZ turns out to be.

I guess it is a bit of a pity for DeVCoin too since it means it will take longer for us to be able to get around to starting to try to get folks to actually buy DeVCoins in order to pay debts that are denominated in DeVCoins. (Currently because DeVCoins are so cheap compared to the size of the debts typically we just let folks pay in some other currency by looking up the current price in DeVCoins of the asset they want to pay with in the above-mentioned "Latest Rates" include-file, which has had the unfortunate result of allowing the vast amount of DeVCoin-denominated debt to not actually cause the price of DeVCoin to increase.)


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on January 24, 2019, 03:25:32 AM

Someone created a "Discord" for HORIZON, here is an invite link:


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on September 17, 2019, 11:47:35 PM

HZ can now be traded on the Stellar network.



Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on November 10, 2019, 04:19:21 AM
Well I managed to make my minimalist change take effect (by killing and restarting my browser), only to discover that they are not relying just on preventing you from typing in decimals; there are also further checks so although my change let me type in some decimals for HZ price of an asset that itself has 8 decimals, I was on submission of the form told there was an error in the input.

So I don't think I am going to persevere with the change, in case there are all kinds of places checking this, like maybe in could check when creating blocks, or when transmitting transactions, or gosh knows where else.

I am just going to assume they must have good reasons for the restriction, and avoid making assets with 8 decimals in future even if the asset is intended to represent coins that normally, on their own blockchains, do have 8 decimals.

In the meantime this does mean cheap coins will run into problems more and more as their price falls toward the price of a HZ, and the HORIZON platform will cease to be useful for actually doing non-manual trading of them when they are worth less than a HZ.

For now what the heck folks can always go ahead and use the STELLAR platform instead for such assets if they want to use an automated market rather than just do manual trades with trusted partners by sending them something and being sent something in return.

(The spot markets are so far mostly used just as a way for folks to easily get a few HZ to pay fees with anyway, by trying to keep some small buy offers in place for each asset so when folks get their assets on the HORIZON platform they can sell one or a few for a few HZ to get them started; really most actual trading takes place manually, generally by consulting the current prices shown at and adjusting for whatever markup or markdown the parties agree to and for any drift they feel may exist between the "latest rates" when they were calculated and the current state of the actual, possibly quite volatile, markets.)

A bit of a pity maybe for players who do not like the idea of having to commit ten STELLAR Lumens per trust line in order to trade on the STELLAR platform, but then again once you have committed that the actual transaction fees on the STELLAR network look like they could be a lot cheaper than the 1 HZ fee on HORIZON, depending of course how expensive a whole Lumen gets to be and how cheap a single HZ turns out to be.

I guess it is a bit of a pity for DeVCoin too since it means it will take longer for us to be able to get around to starting to try to get folks to actually buy DeVCoins in order to pay debts that are denominated in DeVCoins. (Currently because DeVCoins are so cheap compared to the size of the debts typically we just let folks pay in some other currency by looking up the current price in DeVCoins of the asset they want to pay with in the above-mentioned "Latest Rates" include-file, which has had the unfortunate result of allowing the vast amount of DeVCoin-denominated debt to not actually cause the price of DeVCoin to increase.)


Hi markm,

not to be snarky, but I believe VirWox could be a reason that decimals tend to be a bit of a problem when trying to create more than one currency using a decimal point.  In Nova Scotia, I'm sure you are used to using "." whereas over in French Canada it is common to use "," (comma). I found out up to 75 countries uses commas, with some not using decimal point or decimal comma seperators at all. For instance, Sierra Leonean Leones use "Cents" as a subdivision, just meaning one hundred cents make up one (ISO 4217) "SLL"... SLL happens to be used by the Paypal to Virwox "SLL" (Second Life Linden) trade which is a common way people get PayPal deposits onto an exchange (VirWox is a virtual currency exchange) for BTC, which they can exchange for their SLL. Perhaps the HORIZON network knows this since Stellar/IBM World Wire use ISO 4217 codes already. Therefore, whatever currency you created with a "decimal point" is likely "the" decimal point currency in HORIZON platform's mind.  I would assume HORIZON communicates with enough API to help relay info from IBM World Wire to Stellar.

Then again, I'm just a noob. Maybe try using a "," for other currencies to as the decimal point. If you want 0.0001 BTC/(any "currency" - money in circulation) try 0,0001.  If none else works, consider 100 stroops is a denomination of XLM and used on Horizon already as well since it communicates with both and the (or whatever the stellar or horizon testnet site is).

Maybe VirWox trading SLL as a virtual currency for "real life" currency such as EUR and USD as seen on is the problem here.

The three latest virwox updates are pretty sporadic but with one around the time of some chaos within AXIOM splitting from the Milieu in part and HZ seemingly "abandoned" but kept alive as part of the Milieu maybe some of these VirWox changes and future actions mean something:

Quote from: VirWox News at
2019-11-04: IMPORTANT! End of Service: January 6, 2020.
We regret to inform you that we will permanently close our service on Jan. 6, 2020.

Please make sure that you have finished your trades well before 11am Central European Time on Jan. 6, 2020. You will not be able to access your account after that time!

2019-01-26: PayPal no longer supported
PayPal is no longer available on VirWoX. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

2015-08-01: Linden Dollar withdrawals stopped.
Unfortunately, we can no longer send Linden Dollars from VirWoX accounts to Second Life avatars. Linden Dollars can only be bought on Second Life's LindeX exchange.

If you still have SLL in your VirWoX account, you can continue to trade them to other currencies. Also, the VirWoX Partner Network will continue as before.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ViqRa on June 18, 2020, 11:40:00 PM
HORIZON (HZ) IS still running!


Nodes currently active:

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ViqRa on June 26, 2020, 12:58:12 AM
Anyone out there still holding HZ and wanting to sell some? Asking for a friend...

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on August 27, 2020, 07:01:58 PM
Anyone out there still holding HZ and wanting to sell some? Asking for a friend...

Been using mine to buy the various assets MarkM listed on HORIZON platform but I do have 30 or so HZ left :P

Also, I'm happy to share I finally got this thing running and downloading blocks on Windows 10! Before paper wallets and MarkM's hosted web UI gateway got me access to Horizon. I'm glad I finally figured out how to get it to sync and not stall :)

Considering doing a tutorial to help others. What a great great project to run a node for :)

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on August 27, 2020, 07:02:31 PM
HORIZON (HZ) IS still running!


Nodes currently active:

If I could merit you I would! Thanks for sharing just saw today! :P

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on August 28, 2020, 12:48:58 PM
Unfortunately I have tried version 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 of the Java client. I am updated to Java 8. My firewall allows TCP connections for 7774 and 7776 and I'm still getting a message that I am finished downloading the blockchain using the nodes mentioned all over these Horizon threads... Everytime around 25% of the blocks have downloaded and then done. It won't start again if I restart and exec run.bat. I'm using Windows 10 and would really love to run my own node since I just bought another 5,200+ HZ tokens on STELLAR and sent them to knotwork on keybase to exchange for blockchain coins. Just being responsible. What if disappears? I want to support the network :(

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ViqRa on August 28, 2020, 11:54:50 PM
Unfortunately I have tried version 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 of the Java client. I am updated to Java 8. My firewall allows TCP connections for 7774 and 7776 and I'm still getting a message that I am finished downloading the blockchain using the nodes mentioned all over these Horizon threads... Everytime around 25% of the blocks have downloaded and then done. It won't start again if I restart and exec run.bat. I'm using Windows 10 and would really love to run my own node since I just bought another 5,200+ HZ tokens on STELLAR and sent them to knotwork on keybase to exchange for blockchain coins. Just being responsible. What if disappears? I want to support the network :(
I had the same problem syncing it for the first time. Have you tried adding these to the config file?;;

Don't know if that's is the best solution but it worked for me the first time. The nodes I set up are currently offline. Will get one up once I can.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on August 29, 2020, 08:38:39 PM
Unfortunately I have tried version 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 of the Java client. I am updated to Java 8. My firewall allows TCP connections for 7774 and 7776 and I'm still getting a message that I am finished downloading the blockchain using the nodes mentioned all over these Horizon threads... Everytime around 25% of the blocks have downloaded and then done. It won't start again if I restart and exec run.bat. I'm using Windows 10 and would really love to run my own node since I just bought another 5,200+ HZ tokens on STELLAR and sent them to knotwork on keybase to exchange for blockchain coins. Just being responsible. What if disappears? I want to support the network :(
I had the same problem syncing it for the first time. Have you tried adding these to the config file?;;

Don't know if that's is the best solution but it worked for me the first time. The nodes I set up are currently offline. Will get one up once I can.

First of all, thank you for actively trying to help people get up and running in this topic! Seems a little lonely here ;)

Second, I do have those in my conf. And a few other addresses I found from a Wizard's web UI.

Let's just say this guy might be the first WINDOWS user to successfully download the complete Horizon blockchain as well as actively run a Java server while forging blocks from his own locally hosted UI :)

I just wish more people understood but its devs and community members like you that help people like me realize the value is as (secretly) strong on this platform as it is in the humanity of these devs/business figureheads who get constantly shit on in the media. Perhaps that protects the chain from self centrists. And maybe I'll never get a USD value out of HZ that one would think worthwhile to put in the effort. But I will run this server forever, so long as I can maintain it. It was the most challenging experience in setting it up - but I learned so much and persistence paid off. :) At least in what I find valuable.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ViqRa on August 30, 2020, 01:01:42 AM
Unfortunately I have tried version 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 of the Java client. I am updated to Java 8. My firewall allows TCP connections for 7774 and 7776 and I'm still getting a message that I am finished downloading the blockchain using the nodes mentioned all over these Horizon threads... Everytime around 25% of the blocks have downloaded and then done. It won't start again if I restart and exec run.bat. I'm using Windows 10 and would really love to run my own node since I just bought another 5,200+ HZ tokens on STELLAR and sent them to knotwork on keybase to exchange for blockchain coins. Just being responsible. What if disappears? I want to support the network :(
I had the same problem syncing it for the first time. Have you tried adding these to the config file?;;

Don't know if that's is the best solution but it worked for me the first time. The nodes I set up are currently offline. Will get one up once I can.

First of all, thank you for actively trying to help people get up and running in this topic! Seems a little lonely here ;)

Second, I do have those in my conf. And a few other addresses I found from a Wizard's web UI.

Let's just say this guy might be the first WINDOWS user to successfully download the complete Horizon blockchain as well as actively run a Java server while forging blocks from his own locally hosted UI :)

I just wish more people understood but its devs and community members like you that help people like me realize the value is as (secretly) strong on this platform as it is in the humanity of these devs/business figureheads who get constantly shit on in the media. Perhaps that protects the chain from self centrists. And maybe I'll never get a USD value out of HZ that one would think worthwhile to put in the effort. But I will run this server forever, so long as I can maintain it. It was the most challenging experience in setting it up - but I learned so much and persistence paid off. :) At least in what I find valuable.
Thanks for the kind words! I didn't do much really. Just saw that STELLAR was getting all the attention and HORIZON was left a bit out.
Hoped, maybe, that a guide could introduce new or curious people to the platform.

After all, curiosity can be very profitable sometimes ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on August 30, 2020, 11:05:03 PM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on August 30, 2020, 11:29:46 PM
Thanks for the kind words! I didn't do much really. Just saw that STELLAR was getting all the attention and HORIZON was left a bit out.
Hoped, maybe, that a guide could introduce new or curious people to the platform.

After all, curiosity can be very profitable sometimes ::)

Ah yes. Being off web exchanges with your native currency but working in the background as "the" platform could be quite lucrative if such native coins were in - escrow@[somewhere?]  ;D

I created a telegram since no one else has yet. Figured I'd grab the address before anyone else did in case the admins or people who develop this project want to take it over. For now great place for community in addition to discord :P For now I am the admin but I'd be happy to hand it over when the wizards come out of the shadows and admit their creation. :) I just run a Java server/node and use the platform from my own local hosted wallet.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on August 31, 2020, 01:13:19 AM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

Are you the creator of the fork of hz-source used in Raf's medium article?

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on August 31, 2020, 06:09:31 AM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

Are you the creator of the fork of hz-source used in Raf's medium article?

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on August 31, 2020, 08:00:44 AM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

It was a failure to forge Horizon with 12 500 000 HZ? :) ((I transferred a little more also to my server, but it shouldn't yet count in the forging amount, I think))
As always - last times - I think, Horizon chain was forked to quickly. I stopped my server.
Me seems and should be restarted also.
Any hints?

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on September 03, 2020, 01:27:20 AM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

It was a failure to forge Horizon with 12 500 000 HZ? :) ((I transferred a little more also to my server, but it shouldn't yet count in the forging amount, I think))
As always - last times - I think, Horizon chain was forked to quickly. I stopped my server.
Me seems and should be restarted also.
Any hints?

You can have my IP. I trust all of you. I don't care. I think you all run nodes just like me in this meta game. Maybe we need a meta like file (like .TOML) or something to show where Horizon comes from... Or where its locally stored on each of our own accounts =P I dunno.

I suppose Poloniex escrow@poloniex Polonidex still takes from this network as a web based exchange and I suppose locked threads or delisted KYC exchanges might make certain versions of HZ software we use not readable forwards and backwards but if we all just admit we're in this together and CORs (Cross Origin Resource sharing) between a HZ/BTC pair exists... I mean just click the link still active over the web browser and TCP/IP and see where it forwards you:

I've said this so many times. It's a waiting game. I am sure there are easter eggs, or bootstraps, or tip bots we could use somewhere. Or perhaps we already have - and that's why my local app data for Keybase's desktop app is always part of the nhz.log file in my roaming folder on Windows everytime I start up my Horizon Server. Sharing is caring :)

So either lets all ADMIT what this actually is. Or lets all help Dan figure out how to be more productive in helping other normies from "the planet known as earth" find opportunities they just cannot accept to exist.

IFINTA: Give me some info about what OS you use, what software you're running and I will try and answer even though you are a fellow character in this game and I am probably just amusing you by posting my offer to help lol

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on September 05, 2020, 09:14:44 PM
I have created a STELLAR market for HZ/I0C I0C/HZ swaps:

Price is 1.000000 HZ per ~0.06 I0C. Anyone selling I0C tokens for HZ tokens on STELLAR?

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on September 06, 2020, 08:02:08 PM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

It was a failure to forge Horizon with 12 500 000 HZ? :) ((I transferred a little more also to my server, but it shouldn't yet count in the forging amount, I think))
As always - last times - I think, Horizon chain was forked to quickly. I stopped my server.
Me seems and should be restarted also.
Any hints?

IFINTA: Give me some info about what OS you use, what software you're running and I will try and answer even though you are a fellow character in this game and I am probably just amusing you by posting my offer to help lol

What is Your offer, Sir? :D

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on September 07, 2020, 12:38:29 PM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

It was a failure to forge Horizon with 12 500 000 HZ? :) ((I transferred a little more also to my server, but it shouldn't yet count in the forging amount, I think))
As always - last times - I think, Horizon chain was forked to quickly. I stopped my server.
Me seems and should be restarted also.
Any hints?

IFINTA: Give me some info about what OS you use, what software you're running and I will try and answer even though you are a fellow character in this game and I am probably just amusing you by posting my offer to help lol

What is Your offer, Sir? :D

Good. I don't got an offer from You, Sir, here, but I placed some on Stellar. (

If somebody would like to own HZ, to try forging on HZ chain (Something working already, but ... And HZ very similar to NXT and other PoS coins, but you can own a BIG amount, if you wish and we can find a good rate for the amount you would like to own...) just get some HZ, and...
((I have ~5% of the whole marketcap. It seems to be a little too much at this time.))

You can take the offer on Stellar, and you can pm me here to exchange the coins to the coins on Horizon. Or simple pm me. Escrow not simple, because it is not more a popular coin, but we can exchange the amounts with small amounts - as i.e. coinfeine do it. We can use i.e. OByte ledger and the simple smart contract possibilities there, and you can send me GBYTE's against the transferred coins on the Horizon blockchain.

Maybe if we get a bigger community, we can restart Horizon better. (( This group, which is behind this 'Galactic Millieu' game, isn't too much trust-able, should I say. ))

I think a new node should have some millions of coins, if the admin would like to feel - it is forging the chain. Below 3 - 5 millions coin, I think, it is more harder to forge it and more harder to see a result.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on September 13, 2020, 10:11:23 AM
I joined also - to forge Horizon...

It was a failure to forge Horizon with 12 500 000 HZ? :) ((I transferred a little more also to my server, but it shouldn't yet count in the forging amount, I think))
As always - last times - I think, Horizon chain was forked to quickly. I stopped my server.
Me seems and should be restarted also.
Any hints?

You can have my IP. I trust all of you. I don't care. I think you all run nodes just like me in this meta game. Maybe we need a meta like file (like .TOML) or something to show where Horizon comes from... Or where its locally stored on each of our own accounts =P I dunno.

I suppose Poloniex escrow@poloniex Polonidex still takes from this network as a web based exchange and I suppose locked threads or delisted KYC exchanges might make certain versions of HZ software we use not readable forwards and backwards but if we all just admit we're in this together and CORs (Cross Origin Resource sharing) between a HZ/BTC pair exists... I mean just click the link still active over the web browser and TCP/IP and see where it forwards you:

I've said this so many times. It's a waiting game. I am sure there are easter eggs, or bootstraps, or tip bots we could use somewhere. Or perhaps we already have - and that's why my local app data for Keybase's desktop app is always part of the nhz.log file in my roaming folder on Windows everytime I start up my Horizon Server. Sharing is caring :)

So either lets all ADMIT what this actually is. Or lets all help Dan figure out how to be more productive in helping other normies from "the planet known as earth" find opportunities they just cannot accept to exist.

IFINTA: Give me some info about what OS you use, what software you're running and I will try and answer even though you are a fellow character in this game and I am probably just amusing you by posting my offer to help lol

here is a "working" link - about Horizon

Maybe - with a little bigger node count - it would be possible to change the "inactive" attribute on the Coinmarketcap ...
We have Stellar, as a possible Exchange for Horizon - with an Stellar Asset, but it is a possibility to buy / sell it.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ViqRa on December 23, 2020, 06:42:29 PM
If you are interested on trying Horizon, check this guide to get started:

Online nodes:

Feel free to reach out in Horizon's discord for more help, if needed.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on March 15, 2021, 06:20:59 PM
If you are interested on trying Horizon, check this guide to get started:

Online nodes:

Feel free to reach out in Horizon's discord for more help, if needed.

I'm online every other day. Its slow to start up the server and my CPU does the best it can. There's going to be a return to this platform soon, right Mark? :) (@knotwork)

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ViqRa on April 01, 2021, 01:51:45 AM
Updated list of nodes:

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on April 05, 2021, 01:56:53 AM
Updated list of nodes:

We are up. Not hard to run the Java Applet "Horizon NRS" locally from Windows 10 for me. So my node is up 80% of the time (guesstimate) - not forcing full scan from block 0 anymore so it runs pretty quickly from the Batch file on command prompt. I used to force scan everytime but I suppose its better to just get on the network and running as quick as I can.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on May 09, 2021, 06:05:23 PM

HZ/XLM and HZ/DVC are set up on the Stellar platform.

For HZ on the Stellar platform see ( Explorer: )

For DVC on the Stellar platform see ( Explorer: )


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: TimeTeller on May 10, 2021, 11:39:28 AM

HZ/XLM and HZ/DVC are set up on the Stellar platform.

For HZ on the Stellar platform see ( Explorer: )

For DVC on the Stellar platform see ( Explorer: )


So HZ is now actively trading under stellar?
No market is listed in CMC so maybe, time to update your other info as well.
At least give encouragement for long time followers of this old alt.
Very few old alts are still alive today, so encourage the community to check out again your project.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on May 10, 2021, 10:12:18 PM

See for all the coins/assets I have so far set up on the Stellar platform.

See also as there are more set up on HORIZON platform than on Stellar platform, partly because I have not implemented the "shares" type assets on Stellar in order to help people keep in mind they are in game shares of in game Corps, like shares in EVE online of companies in EVE online, and in particular they are not "securities" outside of the game even though within the game sure yeah they are what governments in the game would presumably classify as "securities".

In the Latest Rates include-file, "shares" have a lowercase-s prefix indicating they are shares.

For example DVCrate is value of a DeVCoin, sDVCrate is value of a share of DeVCorp.


Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on March 29, 2022, 01:49:16 AM
Firing up my server again after some downtime. Running from my old residence thru remote desktop lol. Couldn't move all my hardware to Texas.

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: realdantreccia on September 07, 2022, 11:13:31 AM
running Horizon Server. :) blockchain is downloading appears to be caught up!

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: ifinta on November 15, 2022, 12:15:44 PM
running Horizon Server. :) blockchain is downloading appears to be caught up!

Yes, it works

Title: Re: [ANN] HORIZON (HZ) New ANN thread
Post by: markm on January 30, 2023, 11:24:27 AM

I created a telegram since no one else has yet. Figured I'd grab the address before anyone else did in case the admins or people who develop this project want to take it over. For now great place for community in addition to discord :P For now I am the admin but I'd be happy to hand it over when the wizards come out of the shadows and admit their creation. :) I just run a Java server/node and use the platform from my own local hosted wallet.

Doesn't seem to work?
