Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: galestorm on September 23, 2017, 03:24:09 AM

Title: God
Post by: galestorm on September 23, 2017, 03:24:09 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Title: Re: God
Post by: criptix on September 23, 2017, 09:37:38 AM
Heres a scale of faith Dawkins created, I think it will help your thread OP
1. Strong theist. 100% probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100%. "I don't know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50% but not very high. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50%. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50% but not very low. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. "I don't know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung knows there is one."
I think both stance 1 and 7 is completely irrational

Title: Re: God
Post by: bitroxis on September 23, 2017, 09:45:46 AM
Dawkins' scale is very useful, and I agree with the idea that 1 and 7 are completely irrational.
I am an agnostic myself :)

Title: Re: God
Post by: BADecker on September 23, 2017, 10:24:24 AM
God is in complete control. Cause and effect show this. All people know this way down deep in their subconscious minds. There is no atheism. There is only fanciful belief that there is desire to be atheistic.


Title: Re: God
Post by: Jpti on September 23, 2017, 11:20:47 AM
God is the ultimate power that made and controls the universe. We humans and our earth is just an example of gods creation.
There's still a lot we have no idea about. God is the invisible force that makes the universe run.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Nalbo on September 23, 2017, 11:42:37 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

I read the Bible few times cover to cover, most of Talmud and Quran.  I knew there was no God after Genesis but I continued reading just for fun to see how backwards people were.

Anyway, Earth is a globe, we have evolved from a common ancestor that monkeys evolved from, our universe and space and time was created 13.5 billions years ago. End of story.

Humans made up their gods in their perspective. They may be wrong.
But it don't mean there is no god at all.
There can be one, different from what we've been talking about.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Rizqi on September 23, 2017, 01:12:47 PM
every religion has a god, and so does its form and its embodiment, there are also many that can not be logic, but with the existence of that belief, man confused and hung everything to their respective god

Title: Re: God
Post by: Daniel91 on September 23, 2017, 01:42:46 PM
every religion has a god, and so does its form and its embodiment, there are also many that can not be logic, but with the existence of that belief, man confused and hung everything to their respective god

Not really.
Some modern religions believe in heaven or nature.
People are generally confuse about purpose of life, not God.
Religion should give us internal guidance and connect us with God.
In the past many religions have been compromised by their actions and corruption and because of such reasons members left them.

Title: Re: God
Post by: MoonIsBlue on September 23, 2017, 03:24:16 PM
every religion has a god, and so does its form and its embodiment, there are also many that can not be logic, but with the existence of that belief, man confused and hung everything to their respective god

Not really, Jainism, Toaism, Buddhism don't have gods. They do however have bhikku's, bodhisattva's, buddha's and avolakitesvara's that are indistuingishable from ''ordinary'' people but have achieved a level of understanding about the world, themselves and their relation to it. Understanding what an ethical/moral life entails and how to transcend the world/desire and suffering. These exact ''religions'' were founded out of the desire to explore and understand reality without any god, gods or god centric views.

I think every nondualistic religion is without god.
There's also epicurianism
and naturalistic pantheism

Plenty of religions to choose from that come without god!

Title: Re: God
Post by: tushin4 on September 23, 2017, 03:55:05 PM
The Quran describes God as being fully aware of everything that happens in the Universe, including private thoughts and feelings, and asserts that one can not hide anything from God.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Daniel 666 on September 24, 2017, 06:58:49 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real?

God is real and you can see effect of his power ( earth , galaxy)

Title: Re: God
Post by: Xester on September 24, 2017, 09:24:45 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real?

God is real and you can see effect of his power ( earth , galaxy)

Before we believe in the says of other people, we should believe first in God. God is the one who created all of us in this world. God want us to live in a world that is surrounded by happiness and love to avoid any problem. God is always in our side even we are committing mistakes. We should give thanks to him always by means of praying. God is good all the time. We should always do good things to other people because that is what God want us to do.

Title: Re: God
Post by: JefLiber on September 24, 2017, 11:34:43 AM
Due to the huge number of religions and varieties of God, sooner or later a person will have doubts about his existence. I think the universe itself can control all beings.

Title: Re: God
Post by: hugoworld on September 24, 2017, 11:59:45 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

You should read the whole evolutionary theory . After that, you can certainly realize that life can happen without a so -called creator. Science can give you the answers that you have been searching for.

Title: Re: God
Post by: shanshiwank on October 22, 2017, 05:40:11 AM
God in Christianity is the eternal being who created and preserves all things. Christians believe God to be both transcendent (wholly independent of, and removed from, the material universe) and immanent (involved in the world).Christian teachings of the immanence and involvement of God and his love for humanity exclude the belief that God is of the same substance as the created universe but accept that God's divine Nature was hypostatically united to human nature in the person of Jesus Christ, in an event known as the Incarnation.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Vod on October 22, 2017, 06:03:39 AM
I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real?

Do you have any proof Santa Claus is not real? 

Title: Re: God
Post by: perfectliberty on October 22, 2017, 09:40:10 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
God is the Creator of all things. He is the Lord Almighty. He is the everlasting Father, Prince of Peace and Redeemer. He's also the Savior of all mankind. His name is Jesus. He is the one who died on the cross to save us from our sins. He has the full control in our lives. He is the Blesser of blessings. He is also the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the reason why I'm living. There is only one God and His name is Jesus!

Title: Re: God
Post by: The_prodigy on October 22, 2017, 02:52:54 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Me as a christian I have my own faith and that faith is centered on worshipping a libing God. I don’t have any qualms about atheists and in fact have friends that are also like these. I think that hod is real and my proof is the bible, my faith and the fact that I am living in here.

Title: Re: God
Post by: riyad on October 23, 2017, 04:46:13 PM
I think every religion is different but God is one.The name God is given to the spirit or being who is worshipped as the creator and ruler of the world, especially by Jews, Christians, and Muslims.The perfect and all-powerful spirit or being that is worshipped especially by Christians, Jews, and Muslims as the one who created and rules the universe.Actually, God is creator all thing.We can't see but feel everything.

Title: Re: God
Post by: gabmen on October 25, 2017, 10:33:09 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Well, that's exactly the point for me as well. Everything couldn't have sprung out of nowhere randomly. Someone or something i'm sure was there orchestrating things even before we existed to make things work harmoniously to support life.

Title: Re: God
Post by: joelou on October 26, 2017, 04:56:53 AM
I am a christian  follower of God and We are God's property.  God create us to worship him and to follow him. He is the Great healer our savior 
God is the one who create heaven and earth.  The creator of all things.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Wowcoin on October 26, 2017, 08:23:56 AM
every religion has a god, and so does its form and its embodiment, there are also many that can not be logic, but with the existence of that belief, man confused and hung everything to their respective god
Yes every person have different belief and different religion, some are worshipping air, sun and many more so i think they are in wrong way because there is only one God.

Title: Re: God
Post by: SugoiSenpai on October 26, 2017, 09:57:02 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
This question has a lot of answers, particularly on different religions. People created Gods because they do not know where did they come from or who created them since the beginning of time. We have no assurance to where or whom we have came from, there is absolutely no one that has a fact on it. Everyone will prove their beliefs but no one can prove that it is really the reality of where we came from.

Title: Re: God
Post by: meliodas on October 26, 2017, 10:38:47 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Well the thing is, in this life there are so many unasnwered questions. It the earth really round or just flat. The same thing with God, of all the religions out there we don't even know which one is the true God among them. That's what I think.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Iwuzhaxxed on October 26, 2017, 01:37:27 PM
It makes no sense that there is a god. Why do we need one in the first place? I think it's just a human made up thing to make us feel better about dying. Make us have hope when things are bad. We need to be nurtured so we make these stories up in our heads. If I'm wrong then what's with all the stories humans make up? Santa, Easter Bunny, Jesus, Unicorns, Dragons, etc.. made up stories.. Religion is no different and people don't fall for it they seek it because the need help. Believing in a super being that will take care of you for eternity is a nice feeling. Dying in 70 years and rotting in the ground is something nobody wants.

Title: Re: God
Post by: fabioganga on October 26, 2017, 01:38:37 PM
God is in complete control. Cause and effect show this. All people know this way down deep in their subconscious minds. There is no atheism. There is only fanciful belief that there is desire to be atheistic.


If you mean a will not to give an account of one's own bad actions to anyone, I strongly agree.

Most of the so called atheists I've met, once you reason with them, admit that they're not atheists because they have proof that God doesn't exist, but rather they prefer not to investigate the matter (hence they deceive themselves thinking that they are unaccountable).

Title: Re: God
Post by: nursahath07 on October 26, 2017, 01:51:27 PM
There is many religious and they have different opinion and god and way to show their devotion but what i think god is one and people of the world are doing everything for him in different way by having different things like Muslims show their devotion by having prayers and hindu's show their devotion by Worship to their monuments or etc.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Uruckhai91 on October 26, 2017, 01:55:18 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

I believe in God)) just now many religions have appeared and everyone has their own opinion about this, I went to church from childhood and asked for help if I needed to,and it helped me, maybe after that I believe in God))

Title: Re: God
Post by: kodes88 on October 26, 2017, 03:31:51 PM
oncept of God, so there are various concepts of divinity covering theism, deism, pantheism, and so on. In the view of theism, God is the creator as well as the regulator of all events in the universe. According to deism, God is the creator of the universe, but does not interfere in events in the universe. According to pantheism, God is the universe itself. Scholars consider the various attributes of God to be derived from different concepts of divinity. The most common, among them are Omniscient (knowing everything), omnipotent (possessing infinite power), Mahaada (present everywhere), Mahamulia (containing all perfect good qualities), nothing equal to Him, and is eternal. Monotheists believe that God exists only one, and is non-material, possessing the person, the source of all moral obligations, and the "greatest thing to contemplate."  Many of the leading medieval and modern philosophers developed the argument to support and disprove the existence of God.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Jerry_Hype on October 27, 2017, 11:28:18 PM
I don't think we can get up from here. But i think science popularization might help.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Panchum on October 27, 2017, 11:39:09 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
Well, thise who not believe in God is only a fake believer on their selves. They even know that God exists but they are pretending that He is not exist and He is not real.

Title: Re: God
Post by: christabits on October 27, 2017, 11:51:49 PM
God created me. Not only that, he loves you so much that he wants you to know him now and spend eternity with him. Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Jesus came so that each of us could know and understand God in a personal way. Jesus alone can bring meaning and purpose to life

Title: Re: God
Post by: christabits on October 28, 2017, 12:00:06 AM
God saved you by his special favour when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it
Accepting Jesus means believing that Jesus is the Son of God, who he claimed to be, then inviting him to guide and direct our lives. Jesus said, "I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.

Title: Re: God
Post by: christabits on October 28, 2017, 12:08:18 AM
God created everything through him,

and nothing was created except through him.

The Word gave life to everything that was created,and his life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it

Title: Re: God
Post by: extrimals on October 28, 2017, 03:35:05 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real?

Yes.  I have few.

- 6 million of Jesus Christ compatriots killed in WWII
- rampant pedophilia in the Catholic church
- Nov 1, 1755, earthquake in Lisbon, early in the morning on All Saints' Day when all people went to church, 100,000 people were killed
- oh and the mother of all the proofs: praying works 50% of the time, just like math would tell you.
You are talking nonsense. An earthquake on the day of all the saints can not be a proof of the absence of God. This holiday is not Christian, it is invented by people. Pedophilia is also not to do with it, God is not to blame for the fact that there are pedophiles in churches who pretend that they love God.

Title: Re: God
Post by: cryptoshaa on October 28, 2017, 08:28:41 AM
 He's been described as everything from an impersonal life-force to a benevolent, personal, almighty Creator. He has been called by many names, including: "Zeus," "Jupiter," "Brahma," "Allah," "Ra," "Odin," "Ashur," "Izanagi," "Viracocha," "Ahura Mazda," and "the Great Spirit" to name just a few. He's seen by some as "Mother Nature" and by others as "Father God." But who is He really? Who does He claim to be?

Title: Re: God
Post by: coin163 on October 28, 2017, 08:50:29 AM
God is a NAME for me call on urgent or damn case!
But he's maybe too far to heard my sound.
And the most work people use "Oh My GOD"

Title: Re: God
Post by: ujjawalpatel on October 28, 2017, 09:23:21 AM
Due to the huge number of religions and varieties of God, sooner or later a person will have doubts about his existence. I think the universe itself can control all beings.

agree  all about rules and fact (reaction)

Title: Re: God
Post by: cryptoimal86 on October 28, 2017, 09:39:09 AM
I anyone prove that there is a god...... I ll follow him until my death.... To prove that  I need to see the god and talk with him...... :)

Title: Re: God
Post by: Umar001 on October 28, 2017, 09:54:33 AM
God is the creator of the  universe, he is in control of heaven and earth, the earth is of the lord and his fullness there of. He is almighty, he is mightier than the mightiest, he is greater than the greatest, he is older than the oldest. He is I am that I am.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Ardan17 on October 31, 2017, 01:57:31 PM
God is the supreme supreme being, the powerful, omniscient, immortal creator, the determinant of destiny, and the judge of the creator's universe as well as the regulator of all events in the universe. God shows himself as a human teacher. God teaches man various things including among them the concept of divinity.

Title: Re: God
Post by: galvan jean on November 04, 2017, 02:04:42 PM
God is the ultimate power that made and controls the universe. We humans and our earth is just an example of gods creation.
There's still a lot we have no idea about. God is the invisible force that makes the universe run.
I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Cordillera on November 04, 2017, 02:10:44 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

This is my View so please Pardon me
The Bible has Proof of God Existence
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." therefore God exist at the beginning.
God exist everywhere Psalms 139:7-12
 7. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
 8. If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
 9. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
 10. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
 11. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
 12. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

In Psalm 50:21, God reproves the wicked man with this accusation: “You thought I was altogether like you.” To start with, a good summary definition of God is “the Supreme Being; the Creator and Ruler of all that is; the Self-existent One who is perfect in power, goodness, and wisdom.” The fact of God’s existence is so conspicuous, both through creation and through man’s conscience, that the Bible calls the atheist a “fool” Psalm 14:1. "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good"

Title: Re: God
Post by: aesma on November 04, 2017, 11:32:05 PM
Heres a scale of faith Dawkins created, I think it will help your thread OP
1. Strong theist. 100% probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100%. "I don't know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50% but not very high. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50%. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50% but not very low. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. "I don't know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung knows there is one."
I think both stance 1 and 7 is completely irrational

The scale is useful but people are not robots, there is no real difference between 1 and 2, and 6 and 7. I'm a strong atheist, but you never know, if Mary or the Flying Spaghetti Monster would appear before my eyes, I might change my mind. If we really go philosophical about it I'd say I'm an agnostic atheist.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion?

Usually we learn of a god or gods through a religion. In my case Catholicism. I went to church, to the equivalent of Sunday school, but I never believed in god. So it was not really a conclusion, at first. I was very logical even as a small kid, so in a way, it was a conclusion : no proof, no god.

Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real?

You can't prove something doesn't exist. It's basic logic.

If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitable planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

Humans evolved from other animals over billions of years, on a planet that itself evolved, particularly thanks to some of the first microorganisms who converted CO2 into O2.

Title: Re: God
Post by: ladadadiweliketoparty on November 05, 2017, 12:02:14 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

a) Because you cant prove he is real so I think he is not real
b) No proof whatsoever
c) Humans exist because we fuck and that creates more humans simple
d) Dont know where we came from...oh wait yup evolution says apes
e) Dont understand that last one but I agree this is a perfect planet to habitat funny how that worked out no?

Title: Re: God
Post by: christabits on November 05, 2017, 06:33:57 AM
God is most often held to be incorporeal immaterial and to be without gender, although many religions describe God using masculine terminology, using such terms as "Him" or "Father" and some religions such as Judaism attribute only a purely grammatical "gender" to God. Incorporeity and corporeity of God are related to conceptions of transcendence being outside nature and immanence being in nature, in the world of God

Title: Re: God
Post by: Swinging Phallus on November 10, 2017, 02:37:38 PM
I have an unorthodox view of god. As I see it god does exist, not as some personified deity that we can relate to as humans but instead the complete opposite - the un-personified mind of just... being. There is obviously an intelligent design in nature, everything naturally wants to co-exist in synergy and balance. Plants emit Oxygen - humans CO2, Water collects in lakes to evaporate and pour onto plants, the list of coincidental phenomena relating to one another can go on forever from microcosm to macrocosm. God is the force which keeps electrons buoyant from protons. That 99.9% free space isn't just "space" - It's dense and full of things we just can't see. - This is relating to the double slot experiment.

If an electron will perform differently according to our perception of it - our minds obviously must play a role.

As I always like to say -
A fact can't become a fact without a man's opinion.

What I mean by this is that there is always a fulcrum between any sort of polarity- in this case, it's consciousness.

God is in everything, everywhere. It is the primordial ether, or the function of life itself.

Call me a hippy.

Title: Re: God
Post by: leshrakgg on November 10, 2017, 03:01:03 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
Many people think that they originated from bacteria. Therefore, they act like animals in everyday life. People who believe that they are created by God remain people always.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Umar001 on November 10, 2017, 08:44:31 PM
God is the owner of heaven and earth, that is why is called I am that I am, he is a spirit and he who must worship him, must worship in in spirits and truth.

Title: Re: God
Post by: zedkiel08 on November 10, 2017, 10:00:28 PM
As what the teachers taught me when i am in my elementary days , god created the heaven and earth , everything in this world is created by god. That god is the ultimate being amongst us. He created man , adam and eve, he is the ultimate ruler in this world. That is why i believe that he exist ,.

Title: Re: God
Post by: SamPo on November 11, 2017, 02:41:48 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

GOD is one of a kind and LOVE. He is oir almighty savior and creator. I believe in him even I'm not able to see him I knoe that GOD exist amd HE is just there watching ua and profcting us. We just have to believe in him.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Kuchiyosenojutsu on November 11, 2017, 07:21:32 AM
These are atheists who feel they can know everything, the smartest human being.they believe that humans are not created by God, they think that humans used to be monkeys or lower creatures (evolutionists).
If I personally do not want to say I can be like this now because I used to be a monkey, before my monkey is a lower animal, previously only a worm, then only single cell creatures, etc.
I believe I am a creature created by God perfectly (creationist understanding), not an evolutionary result of a lower creature.
If you are an atheist who worships evolutionist ideals, it means you also say that there is no heaven and hell is not it? That human life is nothing.yet we can exist only because the result of evolution alone, that means, if you are a true atheist, then you should not be afraid at all.
That means you can do whatever you want to do, you can have as much fun without thinking about the consequences, free without any limitations, you can do things that challenge danger and life.might as well try to rob a bank and without hesitating to kill all the people who try to get in the way, yet the people are just a modern "monkey", meaningless.
If you get sick or get hurt or get caught then jailed, tortured, why bother, you just kill yourself.anyway, if you are a true atheist do not believe there is life after death is not it? so why tortured in the world, just kill yourself, you're gone, then just disappear, nothing.
If you are still afraid of dying, that means you recognize that God exists, or at least still doubt, whether God exists or not.

Title: Re: God
Post by: popcorn1 on November 11, 2017, 12:54:26 PM
Old lies and so BORING..
Plenty of books on the shelf besides fairy tales..

Title: Re: God
Post by: The_authentic on November 11, 2017, 02:11:03 PM
God, the supreme being, the creator of heavens and earth and the fullness there of.
God is the beginning and the end.
God is real either you agree or not.

Title: Re: God
Post by: MRX- on November 11, 2017, 02:27:20 PM
Can we all just agree that, a God is something the we can only fathom as an idea which us humans can never delve deeper and can never be truly understand?
That a God is just something that is just there, which we cannot label as a HE, SHE, or an IT because we just cannot understand. Like how a barnacle attached on a sailing ship, their level of intelligence is just not biologically designed to understand what the heck is this moving metal box across the seas. For the sake of giving it a name, let's just name God as "Love", both equally undefined and broad.
Love being the unfathomable force that makes us get up every morning. Just what is this, what is this love thing. It's just so damn powerful, if it strikes, no one has a pint of control over it. It completely governs us.
not the cheesy lovey thingy but just this force oh-so-powerful (love for money, love for success, for dreams, for violence, for anything) basically a force that we like to call as purpose in life. Seems like a God to me.

Title: Re: God
Post by: jaylhynne018 on November 11, 2017, 03:59:31 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
god is real and he is jessus christ he is created us and he is the only one create the world and also he give blessings to us

Title: Re: God
Post by: MRX- on November 11, 2017, 04:12:45 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
god is real and he is jessus christ he is created us and he is the only one create the world and also he give blessings to us
Bruh, what the heck? Jesus based on the Bible was not even revered as God, not even once. I cannot understand how someone can strongly believe in someone/something without having a single doubt.
Did you believed right away? You did not even questioned? damn.

Title: Re: God
Post by: GOODNESS on November 11, 2017, 04:44:58 PM
God is a Spirit:and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John4:24). God is the creator of heaven and the earth, and everything that is in it. This also includes man, as his creative work took Him six (6)days and on the seventh (7)day He rested.So all we see today were created for five(5) days by God and on the six (6)days, God Formed man from the Dust of the ground and after which He breath in to man to make Him a living being. And He took man He created and put in the Garden of Eden. We must know from all the creative work that God is real, and we did not develop from any animal or others as it is been speculated.

Title: Re: God
Post by: MRX- on November 11, 2017, 05:00:39 PM
God is a Spirit:and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John4:24). God is the creator of heaven and the earth, and everything that is in it. This also includes man, as his creative work took Him seven (7)days,so all we see today were created for five(5) days and on the six (6)days, God Formed man from the Dust of the ground and after which He breath in to man to make Him a living bean. And He took man He created and put in the Garden of Eden. We must know from all the creative work that God is real, and we did not develop from any animal or others as it is been speculated.
How are you capable of calling God as a "He", "Him"?
And what do you mean by "it is/has been speculated"?     
Have you not doubted the credibility of a Bible even once and went to believe the preaching of Spaniards?

Title: Re: God
Post by: Daniel91 on November 11, 2017, 05:06:10 PM
God is a Spirit:and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John4:24). God is the creator of heaven and the earth, and everything that is in it. This also includes man, as his creative work took Him seven (7)days,so all we see today were created for five(5) days and on the six (6)days, God Formed man from the Dust of the ground and after which He breath in to man to make Him a living bean. And He took man He created and put in the Garden of Eden. We must know from all the creative work that God is real, and we did not develop from any animal or others as it is been speculated.
How are you capable of calling God as a "He", "Him"?
And what do you mean by "it is/has been speculated"?     
Have you not doubted the credibility of a Bible even once and went to believe the preaching of Spaniards?

Very good questions.
In my opinion, God, as creator of everything, including man and women, male and female in the animal world, positivity and negativity in the atom world etc. can't be only father or
mother, he or she but only Parent, but as single entity.
When you read Bible, you can find a lot things unknown to the people 6000 years ago, like that God first created universe, after that planet earth, water, animals etc.
Many prophecies in the Bible, especially as regards Jews or messiahs, has been fulfilled.

Title: Re: God
Post by: MRX- on November 11, 2017, 05:19:00 PM
God is a Spirit:and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John4:24). God is the creator of heaven and the earth, and everything that is in it. This also includes man, as his creative work took Him seven (7)days,so all we see today were created for five(5) days and on the six (6)days, God Formed man from the Dust of the ground and after which He breath in to man to make Him a living bean. And He took man He created and put in the Garden of Eden. We must know from all the creative work that God is real, and we did not develop from any animal or others as it is been speculated.
How are you capable of calling God as a "He", "Him"?
And what do you mean by "it is/has been speculated"?     
Have you not doubted the credibility of a Bible even once and went to believe the preaching of Spaniards?

Very good questions.
In my opinion, God, as creator of everything, including man and women, male and female in the animal world, positivity and negativity in the atom world etc. can't be only father or
mother, he or she but only Parent, but as single entity.
When you read Bible, you can find a lot things unknown to the people 6000 years ago, like that God first created universe, after that planet earth, water, animals etc.
Many prophecies in the Bible, especially as regards Jews or messiahs, has been fulfilled.

Well, I do acknowledge the existence of God, God being anything we cannot understand, like a barnacle stuck on a sailing ship, a barnacle cannot fathom what a ship is even if it give all efforts to understand it. IMO we humans are the same in some degree. It's true "some" prophecies has been fulfilled, but considering the time the prophecy has been made and the time it actually took place looks more like something that will eventually happen, you may call it luck, it's just a blind guess to the stars.

Title: Re: God
Post by: muging28 on November 11, 2017, 11:27:16 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
God? for me i believe there is a God because he give strength to the whole family and gave us  blessing

Title: Re: God
Post by: krish28042 on November 12, 2017, 06:22:23 AM
 :)God is Omnipotent Whether we believe it or not  But it is vitally Important That we Do Believe He is Omnipotent.
 An Individual,s Grasp of the power of God will transfrom his Thinking and his Actions .i Also Believe
1...All Power Belong to God
2...He Can Therefore do all things
3...Nothing is impossible for God.
4.. he is able to do What he has purposed.
5.. He is able to forgive Sins
6.. Hwe is able to Save Us.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Xester on November 12, 2017, 10:27:11 AM
:)God is Omnipotent Whether we believe it or not  But it is vitally Important That we Do Believe He is Omnipotent.
 An Individual,s Grasp of the power of God will transfrom his Thinking and his Actions .i Also Believe
1...All Power Belong to God
2...He Can Therefore do all things
3...Nothing is impossible for God.
4.. he is able to do What he has purposed.
5.. He is able to forgive Sins
6.. Hwe is able to Save Us.

I agree with you. Before we believe in the says of other people, we should believe first in God. God is the one who created all of us in this world. God want us to live in a world that is surrounded by happiness and love to avoid any problem. God is always in our side even we are committing mistakes. We should give thanks to him always by means of praying. God is good all the time. We should always do good things to other people because that is what God want us to do.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Daniel91 on November 12, 2017, 12:17:29 PM
:)God is Omnipotent Whether we believe it or not  But it is vitally Important That we Do Believe He is Omnipotent.
 An Individual,s Grasp of the power of God will transfrom his Thinking and his Actions .i Also Believe
1...All Power Belong to God
2...He Can Therefore do all things
3...Nothing is impossible for God.
4.. he is able to do What he has purposed.
5.. He is able to forgive Sins
6.. Hwe is able to Save Us.

I agree with all points but you forgot to mention one important point.
God gave us free will.
So, God can save us and God can help us and forgive us but He don't want to have robots. God wants to have relationship with free beings, capable to give and receive love.
God has decided not to intervene in our free will but to leave us alone, so that we can decide for ourselves when we are ready to receive God's help, love and forgiveness.
In the story of ''prodigal son'' God explained it very well.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Notmyfault7 on November 12, 2017, 12:42:17 PM
God? every religion has its own God, and i think there might be one outside the universe.

Title: Re: God
Post by: MRX- on November 12, 2017, 01:49:29 PM
:)God is Omnipotent Whether we believe it or not  But it is vitally Important That we Do Believe He is Omnipotent.
 An Individual,s Grasp of the power of God will transfrom his Thinking and his Actions .i Also Believe
1...All Power Belong to God
2...He Can Therefore do all things
3...Nothing is impossible for God.
4.. he is able to do What he has purposed.
5.. He is able to forgive Sins
6.. Hwe is able to Save Us.

I agree with all points but you forgot to mention one important point.
God gave us free will.
So, God can save us and God can help us and forgive us but He don't want to have robots. God wants to have relationship with free beings, capable to give and receive love.
God has decided not to intervene in our free will but to leave us alone, so that we can decide for ourselves when we are ready to receive God's help, love and forgiveness.
In the story of ''prodigal son'' God explained it very well.

About the free will, God may have , or may have not given us "Free will" or anything else. We only recognize God as a supreme being, but this doesn't mean a God gave us anything.
Basically what a God is something/someone that is much bigger than us. It doesn't mean it governs us, rules us or even cares about us. It's just there, a God is out there, doing all it's/his God thingy.
All under the Almighty is irrelevant IMO.

Title: Re: God
Post by: BulbaLord on November 12, 2017, 04:12:08 PM
God is our creator he create us for him to worship him and to follow him.
God is our savior.

Title: Re: God
Post by: ralphmaries94 on November 13, 2017, 01:31:38 AM
God? The one and only son. He is the creator of heaven and earth. The Beginning and the End. The King of King's. The Provider. And without Him Im nothing.

Title: Re: God
Post by: ichsan ardi on November 13, 2017, 02:52:06 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

for me, i believe in God. Offcourse as human who have brain u should believe there's God. God is one and only, no before and after, he's the almighty, no one seems and can be like God.

Title: Re: God
Post by: trickee on November 13, 2017, 07:19:48 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
my God is true and he is the only one God.God,who created the universe in all of magnitude and creative details,is able to be known,by us.He tells us about himself,but even goes beyond that.He welcomes us into a relationship,so that we personally can get to know him.not only we know about him,we can know him intimately.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Kolly on November 13, 2017, 10:11:02 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
I do believe in God that he is our creator .our loving God  i praise and worship him everyday in my life.

Title: Re: God
Post by: asakurayoh26 on November 13, 2017, 10:53:35 AM
I also believed in God. All people are also felt the same way. Is we're not believing in God then people might be lost in their way. God makes us positive in life. It gives hopes and lightening our way to be a good person.

Title: Re: God
Post by: robotrobert on November 20, 2017, 02:57:28 PM
Old lies and so BORING..
Plenty of books on the shelf besides fairy tales..

GOD, the creator of universe,  the ruler of universe, the source of all moral authority, the most merciful, the supreme being is ONE. GOD is the creator of human being, heaven and hell. He is governing this universe. Everything is in its proper cycle i-e day and night. No one can deny of GOD's existence.

Title: Re: God
Post by: reniela143 on November 20, 2017, 03:24:46 PM
I know that we have a lots of goddess its because we have different religion and each religion have differents gods and different faith but the same praising and trust in each gods but i know that god is always here for me anytime thats why i have a freedom to do anything .

Title: Re: God
Post by: nagatraju on December 03, 2017, 10:33:16 AM
our relationship with God is built within us and this is a personal matter for everyone that another person can't understand...I can say that it is more pleasant and enjoyable to live with God than without Him... when you at least begin to build relationships with him - you begin to feel his love in your daily helps a lot to live, solve problems and overcome problems and stress

Title: Re: God
Post by: Mr.flores on December 03, 2017, 10:41:31 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
God is my savior,he created us ,he created the world

Title: Re: God
Post by: blackbutterfly on December 03, 2017, 10:52:52 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
He is my savior, my guide he is my God.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Dine19 on December 04, 2017, 03:29:38 AM
GO is our saviour, GOD is are creator in this word,GOD is our father in heavily,. If you believed in god give you a freedom that you do everything.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Anjazvatoni4 on December 04, 2017, 08:01:00 AM
I am a Moslem,
In my opinion, believe that God exists because I believe that what is written in the Qur'an is all real and true. If there is any other opinion of another religion, I will respect it.
Man was created from the ground by god and was given soul, mind and mind to live and promised to worship him in the world.

Title: Re: God
Post by: ShineftChaos on December 04, 2017, 08:53:21 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

God is love and our savior. God is our world wherein without him we are also nothing. He saves us from our sin and sacrifice his own life for our own sake.

Title: Re: God
Post by: paras20 on January 08, 2018, 04:10:48 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
I do really love god, I have dear to god and in thanking him for giving me the best kind of life and all my blessings I have recceive

Title: Re: God
Post by: sharnel18 on January 09, 2018, 03:46:17 PM
God is Love,our creator,He offer His life for us and save us to our sins and He is our Saviour He is our living God!

Title: Re: God
Post by: dama12 on January 09, 2018, 11:36:13 PM
God is the ultimate power that made and controls the universe.we should believed first in god.god is the one who created all of us in this world. God want us to live in a world that sorrounded by happines and love avoid any problem. God is creator all thing. We cant see but feel.

Title: Re: God
Post by: james23 on January 10, 2018, 04:45:19 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
God is real,miraculous,god give as everything what ever we ask for him just wait and have patient, without god we are nothing in this world

Title: Re: God
Post by: hugoworld on January 10, 2018, 07:10:11 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

I do not believe any kind of gog for sure. Because , there is no scientific evidence of existence of holy creature called god. On the other hand, I do believe all of the living creatures are coming from tiny organisms because Science have proven this reality.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Vod on January 10, 2018, 07:14:58 AM
I do not believe any kind of gog for sure. Because , there is no scientific evidence of existence of holy creature called god. On the other hand, I do believe all of the living creatures are coming from tiny organisms because Science have proven this reality.

SSShhhhh, this is a honeypot thread to identify those who don't even read the posts they comment on...  :)

Title: Re: God
Post by: LadyCoin on January 10, 2018, 08:32:42 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

I read the Bible few times cover to cover, most of Talmud and Quran.  I knew there was no God after Genesis but I continued reading just for fun to see how backwards people were.

Anyway, Earth is a globe, we have evolved from a common ancestor that monkeys evolved from, our universe and space and time was created 13.5 billions years ago. End of story.

Yes in the Qur'an in telash explain about God and all human life on Earth has been written, even how life after death, God in islam it is a substance the Almighty.

Title: Re: God
Post by: ratnaantiqu3 on January 10, 2018, 08:55:23 AM
Physically, our bodies are formed through biological processes. but spiritually, god has created a spirit long before our bodies are formed. and blow / put into our body since in mother's womb.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Jofel on January 10, 2018, 09:15:14 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
I agree. . maybe people could easily say that. Whenever they talk about God, Faith, Religion, Going to Church- maybe they are expecting that people who believe doesn't have the right to commit mistakes anymore. Maybe they feel that there are no such thing or no one can forgive and love them again. They can easily say that God is fictional because maybe they based them on what they have been experiencing. They focus on things that their eyes only believed and because they don't see and feel GOD as other believers do, they can easily say NO to GOD, that there are only hardships in the world, that LOVE cannot exist because that's what they see and that's ONLY what they want to see. We cannot judge them quickly because maybe they have been in a situation when they wanted to believe, but they choose not to.

Title: Re: God
Post by: ZIM17 on January 10, 2018, 10:50:39 AM
god I can only say once I think I am really my god he is why he lets people who are hungry and suffering why many people have to stick to the sword many years have been greedy why not all are equally equal. my mind but I think maybe my god reason why he did it all that we see once I see the reason why it is poor and rich because I have no hard and everyone is rich I think you're rich Do you want to work for a slave a slave who will only make our home who gets cluttered and rubbish on our path so our master is very talented as the only one who works miracles. :)

Title: Re: God
Post by: aesma on January 10, 2018, 11:03:45 AM
These are atheists who feel they can know everything, the smartest human being.

I believe humanity can know everything, yes. Not any one person, the collective humanity (or maybe augmented humanity, when we'll have computer chips connected to our brains).

they believe that humans are not created by God

It's not about believing. God doesn't exist, thus there is nothing to believe.

they think that humans used to be monkeys or lower creatures (evolutionists).
If I personally do not want to say I can be like this now because I used to be a monkey, before my monkey is a lower animal, previously only a worm, then only single cell creatures, etc. I believe I am a creature created by God perfectly (creationist understanding), not an evolutionary result of a lower creature.

That's not how evolution works. Basically you're saying you don't like how the world is, so you choose to believe in a fantasy.

If you are an atheist who worships evolutionist ideals

Atheists don't worship anything. By definition.

it means you also say that there is no heaven and hell is not it?

Heaven and hell don't make sense even if a god existed, so of course we don't believe in it.

That human life is nothing

I'm an humanist. The fact that there is "human" inside means I don't think human life is nothing. Unlike religious nutjobs who blow up bombs or wage wars in the name of their faith.

yet we can exist only because the result of evolution alone, that means, if you are a true atheist, then you should not be afraid at all.

Afraid of what ? Of course I'm not afraid of god's punishment, since he doesn't exist.

That means you can do whatever you want to do, you can have as much fun without thinking about the consequences, free without any limitations, you can do things that challenge danger and life.might as well try to rob a bank and without hesitating to kill all the people who try to get in the way, yet the people are just a modern "monkey", meaningless.

Monkeys don't actually do that (except the sex, of course), they live in a society just like us, and that means following some rules. Sure if I robbed a bank or murdered people I wouldn't be afraid of god's judgement, however I would still end up in jail or worse, so I won't do it. Also, I'm a moral person, so I won't do it for that reason alone. Would you kill people if you thought god was alright with it ? That's the crux of the problem.

If you get sick or get hurt or get caught then jailed, tortured, why bother, you just kill yourself.anyway, if you are a true atheist do not believe there is life after death is not it? so why tortured in the world, just kill yourself, you're gone, then just disappear, nothing.
If you are still afraid of dying, that means you recognize that God exists, or at least still doubt, whether God exists or not.

That's a strange way of thinking. I've got only one life, I won't kill myself because life is worth living. If I die I won't care, but right now I'm alive and I intend to stay that way. Nothing to do with a god.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Anjazvatoni4 on January 10, 2018, 04:13:01 PM
In my opinion, God is the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe,,the object of worship in monotheistic religions.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Kuchiyosenojutsu on January 10, 2018, 04:17:18 PM
God is not only the Author of our being, but He is the Relationship that makes our existence meaningful. All the immeasurable in life we ​​expect ... sufficient power for any situation, joy, wisdom, and knowledge that we are loved ...God Himself gives this to us when we listen to Him and believe in Him. He is the greatest, trustworthy guide in our lives. just as He has the DNA expertise to instruct the cells, He also offers instruction to us that our lives can function well, for His glory and for us, because He loves us.

Title: Re: God
Post by: yoseph on January 10, 2018, 11:34:24 PM
In my opinion, God is the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe,,the object of worship in monotheistic religions.

Even though GOD is the all Powerful ONE, he is not the bossy type of person who controls the life of everyone making everyone do things their very own way. Without HIM, the entire world is going to fall in total chaos.

Title: Re: God
Post by: unkwown00 on January 11, 2018, 02:43:45 AM
Due to the huge number of religions and varieties of God, sooner or later a person will have doubts about his existence. I think the universe itself can control all beings.

agree  all about rules and fact (reaction)

Yes, there will come a time that all of the people will be confused about who they will worship due to the out growing number of religions. Some will doubt their faith to God because of the other gods that the other religion introduces to us knowing that there is only One God but many or different beliefs and principle of many people with regards to religion. But for me the bottom line is that we should respect everyone who has a different principle about God and religion.

Title: Re: God
Post by: LuckySarah on January 12, 2018, 10:39:00 AM
These are atheists who feel they can know everything, the smartest human being.

I believe humanity can know everything, yes. Not any one person, the collective humanity (or maybe augmented humanity, when we'll have computer chips connected to our brains).

they believe that humans are not created by God

It's not about believing. God doesn't exist, thus there is nothing to believe.

they think that humans used to be monkeys or lower creatures (evolutionists).
If I personally do not want to say I can be like this now because I used to be a monkey, before my monkey is a lower animal, previously only a worm, then only single cell creatures, etc. I believe I am a creature created by God perfectly (creationist understanding), not an evolutionary result of a lower creature.

That's not how evolution works. Basically you're saying you don't like how the world is, so you choose to believe in a fantasy.

If you are an atheist who worships evolutionist ideals

Atheists don't worship anything. By definition.

it means you also say that there is no heaven and hell is not it?

Heaven and hell don't make sense even if a god existed, so of course we don't believe in it.

Man, you made my day. Thank you. Just took a words from my mouth.  ;D

Title: Re: God
Post by: supine on January 12, 2018, 12:49:53 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

I am a true believer in God. Atheists would use a counter-argument by asking where God came from. For me, I believe that God is immaterial and is outside of the universe and beyond what any advance form of living things can ever fathom. Miracle is all around for us to see and appreciate. The idea of Earth being in the perfect state as it is and able to cater human life, is too difficult to ignore and only points to the idea of creationism.

Title: Re: God
Post by: PrettyFace2018 on January 15, 2018, 11:13:54 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
God is real because He is the God of all gods. And He is not the God created by human hands, He is not the God dependent to any mortal men. God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Title: Re: God
Post by: BiiT MAster 666 on January 15, 2018, 11:33:22 AM
God is a hidden and evident soul within me and you. The same calm before and after the storm.
I want to ask that if you do not accept God why when you fall from an abyss, your hand goes down to the sky unconsciously?

Title: Re: God
Post by: shinchan123 on January 15, 2018, 11:48:33 AM
Life on earth is no coincidence. The odds of catering life form are beyond what is fathomable. It’s perfection at its finest. Any adjustment to its balance will have catastrophic effects on the planet and living things. With this in mind, I think it’s easier to believe in God rather than in the Big Bang and evolution. I truly believe that there is higher being responsible for everything in existence.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Cryptotango on January 15, 2018, 12:46:58 PM
Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real?

Nope. I also have no proofs zombies and elfs are not real. In this case, like they say, lack of evidence means the evidence of lack  ;)

Title: Re: God
Post by: stilltrying on January 16, 2018, 02:53:08 PM
God is creator all of us,earth and sky

Title: Re: God
Post by: cherryganda on January 16, 2018, 04:20:50 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
i have the same thought as you, I believe in god and I trust him, but let me ask you too,
is there any proof that God is real? we have a bible but those books were created by human right? Where is the real book that was written before?
why do we have an old testament and a new testament? did god come back?

Title: Re: God
Post by: cryptojoe on January 16, 2018, 05:10:43 PM
there is no god.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Cassenan on February 07, 2018, 01:30:59 PM
For me god is very important  our life  and i always trusted him

Title: Re: God
Post by: Vod on February 07, 2018, 01:32:31 PM
For me god is very important  our life  and i always trusted him

You trust the tooth fairy to bring your children food.

You trust santa claus to bring your children gifts.

You trust the easter bunny to bring your children sweets.

Do you do anything for your children at all?

Title: Re: God
Post by: thongsbe on March 13, 2018, 01:07:35 AM
Stop relying on God who is imaginary and start relying upon your own strength that will lead you to success

Title: Re: God
Post by: Bigboss0912 on March 13, 2018, 01:43:54 AM
We must begin with God.,God is our creator.We exist only because God wills that we exist.God is not just the starting point of our life but he is the source of it.

Title: Re: God
Post by: sinichi homes on March 13, 2018, 03:54:03 AM
I cite the notion of god based on the islam of my religion. In the Qur'an al-Ikhlas verse 1-4 it says that Allah is one, He is God dependent upon Him all things, He is childless and neither begotten, nor is He equal to Him.

Title: Re: God
Post by: WorldBiz project on March 13, 2018, 04:08:03 AM
God is the genius scientist who created or physical laws and made them work not contradicting each other

Title: Re: God
Post by: betchay22 on March 13, 2018, 04:44:36 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

God is real and He is existing. People got confused because we have so many religions and beliefs. There are many bible translations around the world. Every religion has their own version of bible. If you want to know the truth read the King James versionnof the bible,  itnis the nearest translation to the original. Every word and scripture in the bible comes from the one and only true God. Every word is inspired by God and the Holy spirit. God is the reason why the earth exist,  why human exists. Everything here in this world are created by God. It cannot be explain by man and any human being because know one can contain God. No human mind can fathom God's mind. For you to understand him,  is to have faith,  believe and accept Him as your Lord and savior. Have an intimate relationship with God.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Paul23 on March 13, 2018, 05:04:45 AM
nothing evolved that human is from comes from elsewhere part in the earth ,darwin proposed sense through naturalistic unguilded process instead,god created everything (adam and eve)in six 24-hour a days in its was very good ,as we are told in (genesis 1;31)because we can trust a bible as read history we know that,,
1) life was created about 6,000 years ago
2)there was a global flood of judgement in the world which only eight human and a limited numbers of creatures survive,
3)all air breathing land animals are decendants of those that walked of noah's ark about 4000 years ago

Title: Re: God
Post by: summerbloom on March 13, 2018, 05:16:51 AM
god is real there are some of person well not believe in god was real,but he only believe himself ,if there's no god how you become man? if you think you came from lineage of ape or monkeys? believe on darwin theory is your freedom to choose,,but as a human we believe in god has created man according to her likeness.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Thaliaismyname on March 13, 2018, 05:36:54 AM
biblical creationist accept the bible as an eyewitness account of that for us unobservable begging thus we can expect that the examining germ to geraffs that data will best fit the presupposition of perfect created life ,that now exist in the world that imperfect because of the fall (genesis ;3)

Title: Re: God
Post by: Ems30 on March 13, 2018, 05:46:35 AM
believing your god, or not is your choose,but we noticed that god is real and we feel you by your side if you call her presciuos name ,because the bible declares that god created  heaven and earth

Title: Re: God
Post by: Marjo04 on March 13, 2018, 06:17:04 AM
We have different religion culuture and belief.we have diff name to our God but for me whatever religion we have we have only one GOd.Gof is our creator.and i believe in God

Title: Re: God
Post by: Kaliya on March 13, 2018, 05:06:22 PM
God is being described as everything from an impersonal life-force to a benevolent, personal, almighty creator. He has been called different names, including: Zeus, Jupiter, Brahma, Odobogagwu,Eneojima, and so on. No human have ever see God because he is a spirit, which means that he is a higher form of life than the physical creatures who live on earth. In monotheistic thought ,God is conceived as the supreme being and the principal object of faith. The concept of God as described by the theologians, commonly as the attributes of omniscience.Has God revealed himself to humanity or are we left to wonder and speculate about his identify ? Who is God ? Is God existing ?

Title: Re: God
Post by: Vod on March 13, 2018, 05:35:44 PM
Can't help noticing this fool thread is full of people with no merits... :/

Title: Re: God
Post by: Pemburu1 on March 13, 2018, 06:06:58 PM
We have different religion culuture and belief.we have diff name to our God but for me whatever religion we have we have only one GOd.Gof is our creator.and i believe in God
yes, it is true dev, whatever belief we hold it is religion of islam, christian, hindu, buddha, and others. we have only one god, though our perceptions and opinions are different. and in the biblical islam, christian, hindu, buddha, and others there is an explanation of the god in it. I believe there is a god

Title: Re: God
Post by: ichijo_27 on March 13, 2018, 11:30:54 PM
I do believe in god , he made us for a lot of reasons , i don't need any scientific basis , or any biblical proofs , i just do belive in god ,because i know he is always right there , when ever i call him for help , he is always there to help.. Is it true 100% i swear , just believe on him . Jist trust him , we don't need to see him. Just faith is enough, just accept him from the bottom of our heart. He will never betray us. I'm not a very religious person who always go in the church every sunday, or whenever. i just believe on him and i'm always closing my eyes and calling his name, not to wish for anything, but just to talk to him. I wish someday we are all talking to him.

Title: Re: God
Post by: tsinelas on March 13, 2018, 11:45:18 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
God. Not everyone believes in his existence. But i, believe in him. He may not be seen but i know he is always around. Guiding all of us. God is someone i look up to whenever i am down or happy.God is good.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Ekim22 on March 14, 2018, 05:00:24 PM
God is our saviour.
God is our creator.

Title: Re: God
Post by: slackbreccia7 on March 15, 2018, 04:33:32 PM
God is an imaginery power that exist in the minds of human. This god gives mental strength to a person to undertake a work

Title: Re: God
Post by: staineddreserved7 on March 17, 2018, 12:10:32 AM
God is the supreme power and a creator of this world.He has the record of every person's life

Title: Re: God
Post by: janecho25 on March 17, 2018, 12:32:03 AM
GOD created everything.  He created you and me.  As written in the book of Genesis in the Bible.  God is the ALPHA and OMEGA,  the beginning and the end. No matter what your religion is and whom your God is.  He is who He is.  No doubt, truly God is real.

Title: Re: God
Post by: volleyballslenderF on March 18, 2018, 05:53:13 PM
The believe on fate and god ended the very day when I was abandoned by my parents. I felt I was the unluckiest person of the earth

Title: Re: God
Post by: UzumakiSakuragi on March 19, 2018, 11:31:38 AM
I anyone prove that there is a god...... I ll follow him until my death.... To prove that  I need to see the god and talk with him...... :)

God is not slack concerning his promises as some count.but long-suffering towards us not willing that any should perish, but giving a Chance to repent.

Title: Re: God
Post by: fergaschas on March 19, 2018, 11:47:05 AM
God is like Fiat, everyone believes him/her but no one knows why. Although, some thinkers define God and money as a subjective social thing because is something related to our inner knowledge because of the others have it to.

Title: Re: God
Post by: batch2016 on March 19, 2018, 02:49:14 PM
God is real he is  the owner of everything and everyone on earth.everything we enjoy is to be treated as a trust that God has placed in our hands.God he never makes mistakes he has reason for everything he creates.God's motive for creating us was his love.

Title: Re: God
Post by: kinilawnabakulaw on March 19, 2018, 09:23:14 PM
I do believe in God. I don't base my judgement on other people's opinion, I base it on my conviction and on what has happened to my life so far. I am completely convinced that God exists and is alive in my life.

Title: Re: God
Post by: knowthyself on March 19, 2018, 10:32:36 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
Debating about God by using our mind is just futile. We cannot deny or prove the existence of God by using our mind alone its like transferring the ocean in a container by using a spoon that no matter how you struggle it's just plain useless. The more we think we know God the farthest we are in knowing the truth just like most of the religions are doing right now. To know God you need the right instrumentsand tools, like if you want to know if there's an electric currrent flowing in a wire you need to use an electrical tester.

Title: Re: God
Post by: stephylarde on March 20, 2018, 12:18:29 AM
Heres a scale of faith Dawkins created, I think it will help your thread OP
1. Strong theist. 100% probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100%. "I don't know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50% but not very high. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50%. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50% but not very low. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. "I don't know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung knows there is one."
I think both stance 1 and 7 is completely irrational
God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, while in deism, God is the creator, but not the sustainer, of the universe. In pantheism, God is the universe itself. In atheism, God is not believed to exist, while God is deemed unknown or unknowable within the context of agnosticism.

Title: Re: God
Post by: daniel08 on March 20, 2018, 12:28:46 AM
God is the creator of heaven and earth , and all of the living things that are exist in this world. God is the ultimate being  , and we all have god even if we have different religion. I believe that god exist because this was the teaching of my parents when i am growing up , and everyday be thankful to god because he give us another day to live.

Title: Re: God
Post by: hermae on March 20, 2018, 08:57:20 AM
Saya percaya akan adanya Tuhan, maka dari itu saya juga percaya bahwa tuhan menciptakan alam semesta serta isinya, termasuk manusia. Dan semua itu tersusun atas keyakinan yang saya anut...

I believe in God and I believe that there is really a Supreme Being who created everything in this world. Each and everyone of us are entitled to our own opinion, if we believe that there is God, then we should respect our beliefs. If there are people who dont believe that there is God, then we should also respect them.

Title: Re: God
Post by: novakamena on March 20, 2018, 09:17:51 AM
Saya percaya akan adanya Tuhan, maka dari itu saya juga percaya bahwa tuhan menciptakan alam semesta serta isinya, termasuk manusia. Dan semua itu tersusun atas keyakinan yang saya anut...

I believe in God and I believe that there is really a Supreme Being who created everything in this world. Each and everyone of us are entitled to our own opinion, if we believe that there is God, then we should respect our beliefs. If there are people who dont believe that there is God, then we should also respect them.
It is significant that studies of the world's cultures show an almost universal belief in a god or gods. This is not surprising to people who believe the Bible. The writer of Ecclesiastes referred to God as having "set eternity in the hearts of men.

Title: Re: God
Post by: ChardsElican28 on March 20, 2018, 02:15:09 PM
Yes God is real we are alive because of God.He made us for a reason .God was thinking of us even before he made the world.most amazing God decided how us would be born.God is the owner of everything in the world.

Title: Re: God
Post by: sergeiserj91 on March 20, 2018, 02:30:44 PM
I do not believe in God, but I believe that there are still some forces from above. Everyone has their own beliefs, their own faith in anything, and so I don't think it's worth it so hard to prove your point.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Bugcoin5 on March 22, 2018, 11:37:15 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
I beleive in god.God is the creator of all things,without god the world is nothing.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Khalp1 on March 22, 2018, 11:45:35 AM
Love god above all..that's the word i heard when i was young..i love you lord god.

Title: Re: God
Post by: mae1234 on March 22, 2018, 11:50:33 AM
There is common belief, that rejecting God is the same as rejecting morality. Atheist, they are unintelligent and mentally weak.

Title: Re: God
Post by: nadim_m33095 on June 27, 2018, 07:07:04 AM
God has a unique belief in people of every religion. I believe in him as a Muslim. He is our guardian. If you do not believe in God, then you will not be able to expect a day or a person in the Hereafter. And he has commanded us or forbidden us to do it properly. We have to do something that works well. His time will be to worship him at the right time. I love and believe god.

Title: Re: God
Post by: spiker777 on June 27, 2018, 11:16:49 AM
Hmm...Where to begin? - God does not exist.

There is nu supreme being that created the universe or us, its simply science that did. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting my statement but there is no proof of God's existence. The bible is no proof, as it was written by smart humans who wanted to subjugate the rest of the 'not so smart' humans which was necessary back in the day, but in the current era its almost shameful that there still is a large number of people not looking at the FACTS and think that GOD exists which is a drawback to society.

Religion altogether is a monopoly, to control people and at the same time a business, but many are oblivious even when the evidence is staring right at them! Its infuriating to see so many people waste their life on false beliefs which were passed down the generations, no evidence whatsoever, and waiting for the ever promised eternity. Live your life now, conquer it now because there is no afterlife, and STOP relying on some being that does not exist, instead rely on YOURSELF.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Browncephas on June 27, 2018, 08:34:57 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this
As humans, we have an innate desire to understand the meaning and purpose of life, a type of hunger that can remain after our physical needs have been met. This is part of what the Bible calls our “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to know and worship God. this alone points to a creator

Title: Re: God
Post by: Beli99 on June 28, 2018, 01:48:15 PM
I belive in God but not in conventionally way i dont think that God is a singular being like judge or something like that i believe that God is creation ,its is all positivity all good energy and does have a physical and spiritual source location in the universe. Believe that when we do well and feel good about it or happy about something we are drawing on God’s energy

Title: Re: God
Post by: kefir56 on June 29, 2018, 01:45:20 AM
Fostered in us by materialism, prevents to understand God. You can not regard God as a separate person, or as something that can be touched. And it's wrong to think that God is waiting for something from us, we need it. You can not come to him, you can know him and this is the most difficult! I'm not sure that God exists, but sometimes when I sacrifice myself for the sake of the good of another person it seems to me that my uncertainty begins to dissipate. Happiness to you! :)

Title: Re: God
Post by: jak3 on July 05, 2018, 08:03:03 PM
Well, honestly whatever human beings cannot answer then they blame it on god. I mean technically we all know the first microorganism came from the Meteor which hit the earth at billions of years ago and people will ask him who have planned that media to crush in our earth and I will say no one because it's is the confidence. Imagine what will happen if that meteor does not hit the earth and we do not exist are exist in some other place. There is no god there is just coincidence. I have seen many people whenever they cannot answer something and they simply reply me that it is done by God. It's just like movies we don't know which good to believe. The fake god(made by humans) or the real god(who made the universe).

Title: Re: God
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on July 07, 2018, 11:41:39 AM
Heres a scale of faith Dawkins created, I think it will help your thread OP
1. Strong theist. 100% probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100%. "I don't know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50% but not very high. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50%. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50% but not very low. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. "I don't know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung knows there is one."
I think both stance 1 and 7 is completely irrational

Replace the word "god" with "giant purple unicorn" and is it sill completely irrational?

I believe that god exist because this was the teaching of my parents when i am growing up

This is the cause of most religious belief these days. If your parents raised you to believe in Scientology you would probably be a Scientologist. If they raised you atheist then you'd probably be an atheist. You should question your beliefs and not just blindly follow whatever your parents brainwashed you with. I think people should teach their kids how to think not what to think and the world would be a better place, or at least we'd have more free-thinkers.

and everyday be thankful to god because he give us another day to live.

And to what about all those he doesn't give another day to? What about the babies that are born dead or die shortly after from cancer or some other horrible illness that wouldn't exist if there was a god? What is the reasoning for that?

Title: Re: God
Post by: hiroshmax on July 10, 2018, 01:43:37 AM
Yes God exists. I believe and I know I feel that. Sometimes people may tell there is no God or every thing is just sense or matter. Ok if it is a sense. Why do you believe that "this is right " why..!!? And God make no sense.! Ok.! And do you know in every action there is a  opposite action. For example black vs white, day vs night, hope vs vengeance, good vs evil, positive vs negative. My question is, is this everything caught to your sense or can you feel there things. 

Think about that,
God is exists.

Title: Re: God
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on July 11, 2018, 10:43:00 AM
Yes God exists. I believe and I know I feel that. Sometimes people may tell there is no God or every thing is just sense or matter. Ok if it is a sense. Why do you believe that "this is right " why..!!? And God make no sense.! Ok.! And do you know in every action there is a  opposite action. For example black vs white, day vs night, hope vs vengeance, good vs evil, positive vs negative. My question is, is this everything caught to your sense or can you feel there things. 

Think about that,
God is exists.

Some people feel they're stalked by ghosts or demons but it doesn't make their 'feelings' right. Some people "feel" that the earth is flat, but without any proof to back it up it's just nonsense. Same goes for religion. People can think things are right or wrong without god. They're called morals and you don't need religion to be moral. In fact, I usually find that some of the most despicable and egotistical people who have done the most evil in the world are religious or claim to be religious. Also, just because there is duality or 'ying and yang' in things doesn't somehow prove there is a god. Where is the logic in that? You say good and evil as proof, but that would be more proof in the opposite of what you're saying. If there was a god then there would be no evil. If there was a god then babies wouldn't die of cancer. God has no part in any of that; it's just the reality of nature. Cancer exists because genes are faulty and were not created by someone; they mutate, and hence why we have evolution and all the diseases and parasites that come along with it.

Title: Re: God
Post by: jak3 on July 11, 2018, 08:31:39 PM
I am one of the non-believers of God. I believe only in myself and what I do I think people only think about God when they are helpless or they do not have a proof of something. You can see the science or any theory which you like otherwise whenever someone cannot explain something then they just simply turn that towards the term God. We are on this planet called earth because of an accident if we were not here then maybe that asteroid can struct to any other planet and we are not alive here to talk about this.  Is it hard to believe that that type of accident never happens and you believe that someone got caught helped us to avoid that accident I call that foolish?

Title: Re: God
Post by: emsol on August 01, 2018, 02:02:13 PM
I believe the king of kings exist because he is the greatest and he would continue to be

Title: Re: God
Post by: Gerald_Albright on August 01, 2018, 02:18:48 PM
I am one of the non-believers of God. I believe only in myself and what I do I think people only think about God when they are helpless or they do not have a proof of something. You can see the science or any theory which you like otherwise whenever someone cannot explain something then they just simply turn that towards the term God. We are on this planet called earth because of an accident if we were not here then maybe that asteroid can struct to any other planet and we are not alive here to talk about this.  Is it hard to believe that that type of accident never happens and you believe that someone got caught helped us to avoid that accident I call that foolish?
I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'm not sure that you fully answered the question. I think there are two different ways to talk about non-believers. Some people just don't believe that God exists. Some people are very sure that "He" does not exist. There is a difference between the lack of belief and the belief that there is no God. The original post was talking about those that believe God is fictitious. What proof do you have that there is no God? How can you be so sure of that?

Title: Re: God
Post by: ArcticCrawler on August 02, 2018, 08:17:58 AM
For every living thing, there is a creator. Our invention is technology, and Gods invention is us. But many people will say that because they have never seen any evidence to suggest that gods are not fictional, and it seems that neither have atheists, because none of the reasons they use to justify their faith comes close to being evidence, or even particularly reasonable.
And their conviction is further reinforced by the way that some atheists regard unbelief, or the belief in different gods to their own, as deserving of violent punishment. this makes many wonder why they're so afraid of disbelief.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Moloch on August 22, 2018, 09:31:06 PM
Heres a scale of faith Dawkins created, I think it will help your thread OP
1. Strong theist. 100% probability of God. In the words of C.G. Jung: "I do not believe, I know."
2. De facto theist. Very high probability but short of 100%. "I don't know for certain, but I strongly believe in God and live my life on the assumption that he is there."
3. Leaning towards theism. Higher than 50% but not very high. "I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God."
4. Completely impartial. Exactly 50%. "God's existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable."
5. Leaning towards atheism. Lower than 50% but not very low. "I do not know whether God exists but I'm inclined to be skeptical."
6. De facto atheist. Very low probability, but short of zero. "I don't know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there."
7. Strong atheist. "I know there is no God, with the same conviction as Jung knows there is one."
I think both stance 1 and 7 is completely irrational

I prefer to take each god claim as a separate issue.

I am a 7 in respect to the old gods, zeus/odin, loki, thor, athena, et al.  I believe there is zero chance any of them exist.

I am a 7 in respect to any specific western god claim I have heard.  This list includes God (with a big G to steal that name too), Allah, Yahweh/Jehovah/יהוה, Elohim/אֱלֹהִים, et al.  These gods are all self-contradictory if you read their books.  There is The Problem of Evil (, and many other issues that western religions have no good answer for.

I am a 7 in respect to the specific Hindu gods if taken literally, though I don't know if Hindu's view Shiva etc, as literal or metaphor for human behavior.  I suppose if it is a metaphor, then it isn't really a god, so no point giving a metaphor a rating.

The only description of a god that makes any sense to me is the generic eastern belief common to Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.  Basically, god splits into zillions of pieces which is the substance that everything in the universe is made from.  Each and everything in the universe is a little piece of god exploring the rest of the universe.  There is no real point to it other than eternity is boring without something to do.

I'd actually give this a 3 on the Dawkins scale.  It certainly makes more sense than any other explanation I've heard

Title: Re: God
Post by: Moloch on August 23, 2018, 07:25:49 PM
If God created bisexuals, does that made God bi-curious?

Title: Re: God
Post by: KingScorpio on August 23, 2018, 07:32:07 PM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

i considered god and religion as purely fictional because it made sense that it was an abused tool for power grabbers. and war mongerers.

life is a nightmare for us as we have to constantly do decisions based on things we dont know.

Title: Re: God
Post by: Moloch on August 24, 2018, 03:19:38 AM
Since most of the topics here are mostly about religion, i too would like to create a topic with regards to this.

I would like to question those who consider God as something that is purely fictional. Why did you arrive to this kind of conclusion? Do you have any proofs as to why God is not real? If so, then how could humans existed ? Do you think we came from a single tiny organism? Which through time had landed in this perfectly habitual planet and started to grew body parts?

Im just curious and wanted to hear their side on this

For me it is whether or not a specific God claim has met its burden of proof.  It is not up to me to prove that each of the thousands of god myths are false, it is up to them to prove they are true.  I do not believe any of them have come close.

I don't believe in things unless there is evidence or a logical reason to believe in it.  Some people believe in fairies, but I don't see any evidence for them.  Same goes for gods.

Most people don't believe in Zeus or Thor or any of the old gods... I simply take this 1 step further