Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CloudCoinR on September 27, 2017, 04:12:09 AM

Title: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: CloudCoinR on September 27, 2017, 04:12:09 AM
anyone is able to put anything in the blockchain:

if there would be some kind of highly illegal data sneaked into  
wouldn't that be a very easy way the blockchain could be de-legalized  ???

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: w5pn73 on September 27, 2017, 04:15:48 AM
You know what would be even easier, for a country to forbid use of bitcoin by law, just cause they can.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: forkchain on September 27, 2017, 04:20:05 AM
You know what would be even easier, for a country to forbid use of bitcoin by law, just cause they can.
Law and Bitcoin there is no law to stop bitcoin because bitcoin is decentralized and users are anonymous who are using bitcoin so in my opnion bitcoin is legal everywhere no one can stop bitcoin.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: w5pn73 on September 27, 2017, 04:25:35 AM
You know what would be even easier, for a country to forbid use of bitcoin by law, just cause they can.
Law and Bitcoin there is no law to stop bitcoin because bitcoin is decentralized and users are anonymous who are using bitcoin so in my opnion bitcoin is legal everywhere no one can stop bitcoin.

But they can forbid exchanging bitcoin to fiat, what will btc be if you can't legally buy or sell no more. That alone would be a huge game changer.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Velkro on September 27, 2017, 04:29:25 AM

if there would be some kind of highly illegal data sneaked into  
wouldn't that be a very easy way the blockchain could be de-legalized  ???

The way data is inserted into blockchain is not that easy.
Its complicated and data is split/encrypted into it.

You can't easily read it.
You can easily insert it into blockchain.

So no, its not a way to delegalize it, its impossible to delegalize bitcoin because its decentralized and worldwide. One country can do it or two, thats it.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: CloudCoinR on September 27, 2017, 04:31:26 AM
You know what would be even easier, for a country to forbid use of bitcoin by law, just cause they can.

that's true, of course. but in western countries we need to have an good excuse or a pretence for the uninformed general public  ;)

Law and Bitcoin there is no law to stop bitcoin because bitcoin is decentralized and users are anonymous who are using bitcoin so in my opnion bitcoin is legal everywhere no one can stop bitcoin.

if the blockchain would be illegal hosting bitcoin core would be very dangerous. besides the uninformed general public would not understand the difference and in their eyes the bitcoin reputation would go south through the floor  :-\

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: h0lybyte on September 27, 2017, 04:39:51 AM
Blockchain has the ability to process different businesses in several different forms therefore traders are so excited about blockchain and they can create any idea into work by the help of this technology.
There are two segments involved with blockchain technology, the companies that want to utilize  the blockchain to make their business process better and the other segment that are trying to make any systems down.
So yeah second segment companies can creminalise bitcoin if not retarded by authoritatives.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: CloudCoinR on September 27, 2017, 04:43:29 AM
You can't easily read it.

hex bytes to unicode converting and joining sounds not too complex. i would not call this crypted. 

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: CloudCoinR on September 27, 2017, 04:39:33 PM
ahhh really sorry guys for spreading bad mood here.
i thought this is a sword of damocles but probably i'm just too pessimistic sometimes :-[

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: bob123 on September 27, 2017, 04:58:36 PM
This doesn't make sense to me.
Government can regulate or forbid the use of BTC
But no way to criminalise it that way.
But for now there is not enough Will to forbid BTC. There is just no need for it.

I don't think Governments will completely fire against BTC anytime soon.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: gentlemand on September 27, 2017, 05:04:24 PM
There's been child porn in the blockchain for years as far as I know. No one's said much about it in living memory. It would be interesting to see how a dedicated campaign of embedding filth and illegality would pan out.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: ahmedjamal1998 on September 27, 2017, 05:10:51 PM
No that's not an option.
Yes things can be put into a blockchain but not in that simple form. If it were that easy I'd insert my address having more coins.
They're just talking about it in general. But if they just want to make it illegal they don't need any clear "reason".

If they actually decide to end it here's what they can do. They can just wake up tomorrow morning and decide to ban all bitcoin exchanges. What next ? Make holding or dealing with bitcoins an illegal action and leads to prison.

Of course other governments might do it as well. And the price of it might fall drastically since trading won't be open as it is now. But bitcoin itself won't end. Because it's seriously unstoppable (decentralized) so they can't like contact any specific "people" to shut it down (I'm comparing it to a bank or a property for example).

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: coolstory on September 27, 2017, 05:16:30 PM
Blockchain has the ability to process different businesses in several different forms therefore traders are so excited about blockchain and they can create any idea into work by the help of this technology.
There are two segments involved with blockchain technology, the companies that want to utilize  the blockchain to make their business process better and the other segment that are trying to make any systems down.
So yeah second segment companies can creminalise bitcoin if not retarded by authoritatives.

I admire the guys accusating bitcoin for criminal activities, they are like dreamers. Yes, blockchain is wide and it tends to get used by different companies but why they blame bitcoin. I just don't undersand it.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: smartbitcoininvestor on September 27, 2017, 05:18:26 PM
No, they wouldn't be able to. Bitcoin has no central operator and thus transactions cannot be controlled or influenced by anyone.  The only way they would be able to criminalize Bitcoin would be for what its intended purpose is.

If people are using Bitcoins to purchase drugs off of an online marketplace such as the now-defunct Silk Road (which they have), then, of course, the law would be inclined to prosecute them. I think it really depends on what the Bitcoins are "used" for. First of all, it is a currency for exchange and secondly, it is really too decentralized to be criminalized by platform rather than intent.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: darkangel11 on September 27, 2017, 06:33:33 PM
No, they wouldn't be able to. Bitcoin has no central operator and thus transactions cannot be controlled or influenced by anyone.  The only way they would be able to criminalize Bitcoin would be for what its intended purpose is.

Isn't that how a torrent site works? It only contains links to content that people threw into the internet. If people want to share a file with others they start seeding it and put it on a site that lists torrent links. Sounds fair, right? Unfortunately guys from TPB went to jail for doing just that and their site got taken down by the government.
Actually there are no limits to what they could attempt to do, will they be able to is another thing  ::)

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: leigh2k14 on September 27, 2017, 06:36:42 PM
I will be sincere, that's what I fear the most, and it's a reality, many people use the bitcoin for criminal purposes, and it's unfortunate because the bitcoin is much more than that

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: amacar2 on September 27, 2017, 06:47:13 PM
Storing data in blockchain is possible but only limited number of data can be stored on top of bitcoin mainchain.
Blockchain tech is completely different than bitcoin, bitcoin is just one asset developed using blockchain technology. There are lots of project and ICO trying to store data on blockchain tech in decentralized manner.

Don't know why you are saying that storing illegal data will criminalize bitcoin? Bitcoin is already being used by criminals  ;D

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: stompix on September 27, 2017, 07:42:26 PM
Storing data in blockchain is possible but only limited number of data can be stored on top of bitcoin mainchain.

No it's not limited by any tech specs.
It's limited by the fee you need to pay for that.

There is an old thread about this and it made a lot of fuss but nothing happened.

Sending bitcoins requires two pieces of data: a bitcoin address, and an amount (number of bitcoins).  There is no "comments field" or anything of that nature.  A bitcoin address is just a random 20-byte piece of data.  Normally those 20 bytes are derived from the RIPEMD160 and SHA256 algorithms, but a valid 20 bytes cannot be distinguished from an invalid 20 bytes.  Therefore, if you are willing to waste money -- albeit very small fractions like 0.00000001 bitcoins -- by sending that money to invalid bitcoin addresses, you essentially have created a channel for random data transmission.

Oh, and anyone who runs a full node right now has kiddy porn on their computers. No joke.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: bitart on September 27, 2017, 07:52:32 PM
This doesn't make sense to me.
Government can regulate or forbid the use of BTC
But no way to criminalise it that way.
But for now there is not enough Will to forbid BTC. There is just no need for it.

I don't think Governments will completely fire against BTC anytime soon.
It's not the effective way to directly forbit, regulate,  ban, etc. something, because people sometimes do things that are not legal, that's why the courts are present, and that's why the prisons are full :)
If they (the governments, or other authorities) want to criminalise bitcoin, they can do that indirectly, like they start some ransomware virus and ask for the payment in bitcoin, everybody will blame bitcoin, bitcoin will be a really negative thing in this context, most of the people will hear about that from the TV news and they will think that bitcoin is a bad thing (despite of they have no clue about bitcoin at all...), but this is just an example...
Oh, wait, something similar has already happened :)
I had too much about conspiracy theories, I think :)

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Hassan02 on September 27, 2017, 07:59:37 PM
I will be sincere, that's what I fear the most, and it's a reality, many people use the bitcoin for criminal purposes, and it's unfortunate because the bitcoin is much more than that

when i discuss bitcoin with my friends there is one that already know about bitcoin  he tell me some abuse some illegal and he tell me that some that owned this are use bitcoin to buy drugs that was before for now i dont know if some here now are doing that.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: stompix on September 27, 2017, 08:02:49 PM
I had too much about conspiracy theories, I think :)

Yeah, you had a bit too much.
Why would they bother going that way and create such a complicated plan.
They could just pick any local bitcoin trader who doesn't have all the papers and a license.
And that happened with BurtW.

Arrest 100 guys in a day and it will surely make the news.
Half of the population will chicken out and won't touch bitcoin for years.

But, those are just conspiracies. Aside from China (and we all know what kind of country communist China is) no democratic country is thinking about playing entrapment games with bitcoin.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: CloudCoinR on September 27, 2017, 08:05:54 PM
No joke.

damn! that is what i have assumed  :o

If they (the governments, or other authorities) want to criminalise bitcoin, they can do that indirectly, like they start some ransomware virus and ask for the payment in bitcoin, everybody will blame bitcoin...

sounds like a little thing in comparison with cp.
cp is a knockout argument!

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Virtual miner on September 27, 2017, 08:12:04 PM
anyone is able to put anything in the blockchain:

if there would be some kind of highly illegal data sneaked into  
wouldn't that be a very easy way the blockchain could be de-legalized  ???

Yes it could be de legalized but it might really prove to be ineffective delegalizing it. People who store such things on blockchain already know its illegal yet they do so. I dont think delegalizing would make any difference.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: FrictionlessCoin on September 27, 2017, 08:25:46 PM
I think it would be easy to do so, but watching the bitcoin is not an easy thing to do, it's hard, so it would be easier to ban it, you know, all that governments can not monitor their fear

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: InvoKing on September 27, 2017, 08:30:05 PM
anyone is able to put anything in the blockchain:

if there would be some kind of highly illegal data sneaked into  
wouldn't that be a very easy way the blockchain could be de-legalized  ???

You can put anything in the Internet, should the Internet be criminalised?
Many websites have illegal contents and was blocked several times but they continue to exists. Should we ban the Internet after all?

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: bitbunnny on September 27, 2017, 08:35:04 PM
 No, this is not going to happen, no one is going to criminalise blockchain technology or Bitcoin because of no reason. This sounds more like the conspiracy theory to me. I think that too many users here are too many occupied with government-Bitcoin relations and they develope too many theories that have no ground.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on September 28, 2017, 12:05:20 PM
Law and Bitcoin there is no law to stop bitcoin because bitcoin is decentralized and users are anonymous who are using bitcoin so in my opnion bitcoin is legal everywhere no one can stop bitcoin.

Obviously, this is a noob question or you are just trolling. What could be more distant from reality than your statement that no law can stop Bitcoin. Isn't the Chinese on it already and strangulating exchanges registered in China? If other countries had towed the line of China, definitely that would have been the end of bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: naidray on September 28, 2017, 03:37:09 PM
anyone is able to put anything in the blockchain:

if there would be some kind of highly illegal data sneaked into  
wouldn't that be a very easy way the blockchain could be de-legalized  ???
Actually the government has nothing much to do with bitcoins as bitcoin are completely decentralized and they can't be tracked by the government so perhaps the government too may ban the blockchain if they found something illegal. We can't actually predict the future of bitcoins but yes, we can trust bitcoins and wait for the future.

Many acts were previously launched by some peoples to ban bitcoin because of its illegal use in making anonymous payments and any such more news can really ban blockchain.

It might not be that easy perhaps to ban bitcoin because millions of peoples have invested hu8ge amount in bitcoin and if bitcoin is simply banned for no reason then for sure there would be a digital strike.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Kprawn on September 28, 2017, 04:11:15 PM
There's been child porn in the blockchain for years as far as I know. No one's said much about it in living memory. It would be interesting to see how a dedicated campaign of embedding filth and illegality would pan out.

Source? I have not seen or heard about this at all, and I have been in Bitcoin for a long time. How will you add high quality

images or videos in such a small space? I know there are some ASCII art of Nelson Mandela imbedded in some transactions,

but nothing more detailed. Would be interesting to see how you respond to this.  ;D

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: CloudCoinR on September 28, 2017, 04:36:31 PM

should only be possible by investing a lot of money and effort.
good that bitcoin has no enemies with unlimited funds  :-X

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: 12retepnat34 on September 28, 2017, 04:40:01 PM
Nowadays bitcoin is just an instrument of a wrongdoers person just like wannacry ransomware and that uses bitcoin as payment for their criminal liabilities.
I think no one can file claims or issue again bitcoin  because it is just a data and anonymous transactions.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: coupable on September 28, 2017, 04:43:07 PM
Blockchain has the ability to process different businesses in several different forms therefore traders are so excited about blockchain and they can create any idea into work by the help of this technology.
There are two segments involved with blockchain technology, the companies that want to utilize  the blockchain to make their business process better and the other segment that are trying to make any systems down.
So yeah second segment companies can creminalise bitcoin if not retarded by authoritatives.

I admire the guys accusating bitcoin for criminal activities, they are like dreamers. Yes, blockchain is wide and it tends to get used by different companies but why they blame bitcoin. I just don't undersand it.

I can't see the difference between using FIAT and scripturals via banks to achieve illegal activities and the use of Bitcoin for the same purpose. Road of Silk was the famous platform trading illegal products using bitcoin for anonymity before the crypto actual storm so its founder has been arrested without blaming bitcoin. This accusation against bitcoin is the only pretend for financial institutions to limit the crypto access as done in China.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: assyla on September 28, 2017, 04:46:36 PM
anyone is able to put anything in the blockchain:

if there would be some kind of highly illegal data sneaked into  
wouldn't that be a very easy way the blockchain could be de-legalized  ???

I think that if it will be de-legalized it is hard to find out who are the law breaker and how they will be found because as you can see there are a lot of applications that can hide your IP address and soon so that the law will be nonsense because of lack of tools that will may help them.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Bay_Harbour_Butcher on September 28, 2017, 05:41:07 PM
criminalization in the bitcoin world is not unfamiliar; once discussed so far, the bitcoin criminality inside is done in very simple terms, for example money laundering, money embezzlement, and they will hide the money in bitcoin, and surely it will very difficult to trace

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: bitgolden on September 29, 2017, 02:34:17 PM
You know what would be even easier, for a country to forbid use of bitcoin by law, just cause they can.
Law and Bitcoin there is no law to stop bitcoin because bitcoin is decentralized and users are anonymous who are using bitcoin so in my opnion bitcoin is legal everywhere no one can stop bitcoin.

But they can forbid exchanging bitcoin to fiat, what will btc be if you can't legally buy or sell no more. That alone would be a huge game changer.
It could really be a game changer.  We would not even think what it would matter to us if we can’t really exchange bitcoins to fiat. But even it would be difficult for the government to ban exchanging bitcoins to fiat.

A good example for it would be- In my country, we usually use PayTm for exchanging bitcoins to fiat. PayTm is a online wallet for accepting and sending payments. We can still continue selling or buying bitcoins by such wallets because they can’t really be tracked and the main function of these wallets is to send and receive payment.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: JohnBitCo on October 02, 2017, 05:44:55 PM
You do realize that the biggest bumps Bitcoin in the beginning where because of criminal organizations yes?

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Qunenin on October 15, 2017, 05:56:31 PM
If it wasn't for the criminal organizations in the beginning Bitcoin may have not gone anywhere. But it is those criminal organizations that made Bitcoin what it is today. You can't criminalize a currency. Bitcoin can be used by criminals  but at the same time Any other currecncy like USD can also be used as by criminals, no it is unfair to blame currency only.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Hydrogen on October 15, 2017, 06:24:40 PM
In the united states, there is a proposal known ominously as "Senate Bill 1241".

Under this bill, it would become legal for the government to confiscate crypto from end users without just cause or due process.

I think this represents a likely policy that will be pursued worldwide. Instead of attacking crypto or criminalising the powers that be can simply confiscate it.

I remember reading a post on this forum authored by someone claiming to be in germany who said police tried to confiscate their bitcoin. It is possible this is already happening.

More info:

“Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”

Among the bill’s sweeping provisions, the government aims to greatly extend its authority to seize your assets through “Civil Asset Forfeiture”.

Civil Asset Forfeiture rules allow the government to take whatever they want from you, without a trial or any due process.

This new bill adds a laundry list of offenses for which they can legally seize your assets… all of which pertain to money laundering and other financial crimes.

Here’s the thing, though: they’ve also vastly expanded on the definition of such ‘financial crimes’, including failure to fill out a form if you happen to be transporting more than $10,000 worth of ‘monetary instruments’.

Have too much cash? You’d better tell the government.

If not, they’re authorizing themselves in this bill to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but ALL of your assets and bank accounts.

They even go so far as to specifically name “safety deposit boxes” among the various assets that they can seize if you don’t fill out the form.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: pitiflin on October 15, 2017, 07:39:21 PM
Governments can ban crypto related websites, that's what is possible in their power. Inserting data in the block chain is easy but then I dotn think that they can do anything against because it's encrypted version is so very hard to crack and I think hackers have been struggling hard to manipulate the data but since they haven't been able to yet, they instead are hacking the websites and getting their things done which is more easier to do.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: BeerPanda on October 19, 2017, 11:10:40 AM

if there would be some kind of highly illegal data sneaked into  
wouldn't that be a very easy way the blockchain could be de-legalized  ???

The way data is inserted into blockchain is not that easy.
Its complicated and data is split/encrypted into it.

You can't easily read it.
You can easily insert it into blockchain.

So no, its not a way to delegalize it, its impossible to delegalize bitcoin because its decentralized and worldwide. One country can do it or two, thats it.
Good point. I didn't think about it in thet way! :D

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: Haunebu on October 22, 2017, 06:30:25 PM
Governments can ban crypto related websites, that's what is possible in their power. Inserting data in the block chain is easy but then I dotn think that they can do anything against because it's encrypted version is so very hard to crack and I think hackers have been struggling hard to manipulate the data but since they haven't been able to yet, they instead are hacking the websites and getting their things done which is more easier to do.
This is true. Hacking an exchange is clearly way easier than going after the blockchain itself which is way more sophisticated and complicated to crack. Many have tried and failed. I doubt anyone will be able to hack the blockchain.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: btctube on October 22, 2017, 06:42:08 PM
Governments can ban crypto related websites, that's what is possible in their power. Inserting data in the block chain is easy but then I dotn think that they can do anything against because it's encrypted version is so very hard to crack and I think hackers have been struggling hard to manipulate the data but since they haven't been able to yet, they instead are hacking the websites and getting their things done which is more easier to do.
This is true. Hacking an exchange is clearly way easier than going after the blockchain itself which is way more sophisticated and complicated to crack. Many have tried and failed. I doubt anyone will be able to hack the blockchain.

The only who can do it are the dev team which will also result to something devastating consequences to price of a token. The blockchain is suppose to be immutable which is why fork is going to result a reset of the chain. Its not very possible to edit a chain from the outside.

Title: Re: is this a possible way 'they' could criminalise bitcoin?
Post by: peterthegreat on October 22, 2017, 11:39:37 PM
There is no way they could do that because that would make them lose out in the long run and if they are smart they would not do that. They will gain value if they just buy BTC.