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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: neuro-artisan on September 28, 2017, 04:32:02 PM

Title: Overwhelming world of information
Post by: neuro-artisan on September 28, 2017, 04:32:02 PM
Today we live in a world of information - you turn on TV, radio, watch some websites and you know what's going on around the world, newest tech inventions etc. in a matter of minutes.
Sounds great, doesn't it? Well, for me it's too damn overwhelming.
In the past months, I've applied the "information diet". I don't waste time anymore on 9gag tier websites or read any politics-related news at all.
Now I'm only focused on websites that are about the topics that I care about and interested in.

But still, there's too much of it all. There are more than 5 videos on YouTube daily, multiple news to read and even more topics to look into, research and learn.
I feel so overwhelmed :-[

How do you guys stay focused and going forward? Because I lost my track - I want to do so many things but end up doing nothing - that's the worst feeling ???

Title: Re: Overwhelming world of information
Post by: btcgolong on September 28, 2017, 05:21:37 PM
Today we live in a world of information - you turn on TV, radio, watch some websites and you know what's going on around the world, newest tech inventions etc. in a matter of minutes.
Sounds great, doesn't it? Well, for me it's too damn overwhelming.
In the past months, I've applied the "information diet". I don't waste time anymore on 9gag tier websites or read any politics-related news at all.
Now I'm only focused on websites that are about the topics that I care about and interested in.

But still, there's too much of it all. There are more than 5 videos on YouTube daily, multiple news to read and even more topics to look into, research and learn.
I feel so overwhelmed :-[

How do you guys stay focused and going forward? Because I lost my track - I want to do so many things but end up doing nothing - that's the worst feeling ???

One thing is to try and not get sucked into the news too much (i.e. google news or the news on facebook), in general they seem to take a small story and blow it up like the world is going to end. Seems like they also promote headline catching stuff while missing the important stories because it does not bring in advertisers.

So much click bait out there as well...

Title: Re: Overwhelming world of information
Post by: thebanker28 on September 28, 2017, 06:20:54 PM
Today we live in a world of information - you turn on TV, radio, watch some websites and you know what's going on around the world, newest tech inventions etc. in a matter of minutes.
Sounds great, doesn't it? Well, for me it's too damn overwhelming.
In the past months, I've applied the "information diet". I don't waste time anymore on 9gag tier websites or read any politics-related news at all.
Now I'm only focused on websites that are about the topics that I care about and interested in.

But still, there's too much of it all. There are more than 5 videos on YouTube daily, multiple news to read and even more topics to look into, research and learn.
I feel so overwhelmed :-[

How do you guys stay focused and going forward? Because I lost my track - I want to do so many things but end up doing nothing - that's the worst feeling ???
I don't think we should complain about too much information, I think we need to evolve and learn how to deal with the information we have, identify the good from the bad and act accordingly. In the days before the internet we had exactly the opposite problem, we didn't have enough information. If you wanted to find out about something you need to go to your local library and hope they had some books on the topic you were researching, very often they did not.

I was at a conference yesterday and I heard an expression that I hadn't come across before, the speaker was describing phases data passes through, it went;
1: Data
2: Information
3: Knowledge
4: Wisdom

I thought that was a useful way to look at it.

Title: Re: Overwhelming world of information
Post by: baradfo on September 28, 2017, 10:45:16 PM
Information is good...more information better. You just need to find a system that filters out what topics you don't need to/want to know about. Also separate the shill information from the actual truth. Once you have your system down, keep to it until another comes along.

Title: Re: Overwhelming world of information
Post by: billybobburgers on September 29, 2017, 02:40:30 PM
These days we are thrown a lot of information at once.

I don't think you can take in all the information, so you have to pick and choose what is important to you.

Title: Re: Overwhelming world of information
Post by: target on September 29, 2017, 02:46:48 PM
I don't mind all the news that's how I take all these. I just read my the status of my facebook friends, talk to my family and that's it. Whatever happen to my country, it all for them.

Title: Re: Overwhelming world of information
Post by: Boseda on October 10, 2017, 05:15:07 PM
I agree with you. Too much information is very bad for our brains... it is called "Information overload": (

The only remedy is to stay focused. There are many ways to do it.
My advice is very simple. Pick one topic a day (I actually said ONE) and learn as much as you can about that topic. Find infos on the Internet and on books. Avoid any TV, magazine, radio station or newspaper.

When you've done with that topic, pass to the next topic.
For example, let's say you wanna learn about cryptocoins mining. Research only such topic in a day. Avoid to use social media, to check emails and turn off smartphone notifications. Just stay focused on that one topic all the time. Also, try to be as much specific as you can. For example if you wanna know climate in a city, don't learn neighbour cities as well as other informations about that city (history, buildings, demographics, etc. ). You wanna learn about climate, so just search for weather informations (rainy days, average temperatures, etc.). Nothing else.