Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 02:57:49 AM

Title: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 02:57:49 AM
Let's face it.  These damn fly-by-night new coin announcements are annoying as shit.  Not only are they crudding up the forums with spam and additional scammers, but they're hurting the overall cryptocoin ecosystem.  There are a lot of people that say, "but this coin does this different" or "it should stop after coin x, because the rest are shite."  I'm not going to lie, I mined some of them.  FC2 because it was the first time I was able to solo mine something and get full blocks.  I mined YAC too, and I think it's got something going for it, but not to the point where I'm dropping money on it.  But now there's vaginacoins and (insert country name here) coins, and fastcoins, and slowcoins, and who-gives-a-shit coins.  It's getting ridiculous.  We need to stop it.  So here's my proposal...

All new coins need to be voted on before they're allowed to be announced or released on this forum.  Whether that be by poll, or by a group of mods/cryptocoin leaders that are well respected and trusted.  If it gets a majority vote, it can be announced.  If it fails, it doesn't get the time of day in the forums.  If people try to post anyway, the post is deleted by a mod.  Fuck em.

I used to like hanging out in this subforum because I learned a lot about LTC and such.  Now I don't even want to look in here because of the 8,000 new coins posted everyday.

There are enough people here that are seriously getting tired of it.  So stand up and do something about it.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: MashRinx on June 01, 2013, 03:00:25 AM
Voted on where?  The mods of this forum have already stated that they will not be adding any new sub-forums of Als, because this forum is for Bitcoin, not the offshoots.  If the votes are not posted here, where would they reside?

I'm not disagreeing with your intent, by the way...

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: sdp on June 01, 2013, 03:04:15 AM
Hello I am going to release BOO-COIN  ;D  So, I shall describe everything here and everyone can vote on whether I announce it.... but isn't that the same as announcing it?   ::)

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 03:04:42 AM
An intent to release is posted in this forum with a poll in place.  If by the end of a specified period of time it gets a majority vote, it is allowed to have a place in the forum.  If it doesn't the post is deleted by a mod and any future posts regarding it's release are swept under the rug.  At least that way we can clean this subforum up a little.

I would be open to other suggestions on how it could work, but that's just the quick thought I had right now in my head.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 01, 2013, 03:07:31 AM
How about posting them here: (


Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: nonameo on June 01, 2013, 03:09:01 AM
I think this is a bad idea. Bunch of people gang up on a coin they don't like for one reason or another and it gets chucked.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 03:09:42 AM
How about posting them here:


There was an "official alt-coin forum" made for all this.  I'd be happy if people just posted there, but lets be honest... Bitcointalk is the holy mecca of crypto.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 03:14:19 AM
I think this is a bad idea. Bunch of people gang up on a coin they don't like for one reason or another and it gets chucked.

There's enough smart mods here to come up with a system to make this happen.  I know Salty mentioned not implementing something like this in his "Declutter Solutions" post, but this is getting ridiculous and hurting the overall status of crypto.  We were starting to get to the point where we were starting to be taken seriously.  Now we have people wanting to mine vaginacoins, ffs.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: markm on June 01, 2013, 03:15:20 AM
Oh nice, now we can tell you all about all the coins we are NOT launching(*), all the ones that we didn't want to clutter up the forum with...

An additional benefit of all these coins is there are no orphans, because the miners who have been mining them, having heard about them person to person in a friend to friend fashion that avoids spamming the forum, have already brought their difficulties up to a nice stable level where orphans are rare...


(*) Not launching because we already launched them, we just were politely not cluttering up the forum with launch announcements about them...


Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 03:21:51 AM
Oh nice, now we can tell you all about all the coins we are NOT launching(*), all the ones that we didn't want to clutter up the forum with...

An additional benefit of all these coins is there are no orphans, because the miners who have been mining them, having heard about them person to person in a friend to friend fashion that avoids spamming the forum, have already brought their difficulties up to a nice stable level where orphans are rare...


(*) Not launching because we already launched them, we just were politely not cluttering up the forum with launch announcements about them...


Announcements that would be removed, therefore cleaning up the subforum.  That's the key.  Go ahead and announce your intent to release the coin.  But that original post will contain no links to binaries or code, pools, or secondary sources of info.  Just a "this is what this coin is all about" and a poll on whether it should be released in this forum.  Go ahead and let it be friend to friend to friend info passing through PM.  At least this subforum won't be a breeding ground for crap.

Like I said, something needs to happen.  Enough of us are getting tired of it... so let's do something about it.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: xan_The_Dragon on June 01, 2013, 03:28:48 AM
onecoin twocoin redcoin bluecoin

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Liquid on June 01, 2013, 03:37:07 AM
I completely agree with what you are saying +1, there needs to be some sort of organised method voted in ect... for new coins to come into existence, otherwise lets face it we will have hundreds of alt coins by years end.

But its up to the free market and this forum to decide what will happen

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: BrewCrewFan on June 01, 2013, 03:37:48 AM
Cut out alt coins your never gonna grow. Enjoy circlejerking yourselves by yourself.

BTC has its own area

So do the established coins have their own sites too.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: diegodos on June 01, 2013, 03:39:05 AM
Let's face it.  These damn fly-by-night new coin announcements are annoying as shit.  Not only are they crudding up the forums with spam and additional scammers, but they're hurting the overall cryptocoin ecosystem.  There are a lot of people that say, "but this coin does this different" or "it should stop after coin x, because the rest are shite."  I'm not going to lie, I mined some of them.  FC2 because it was the first time I was able to solo mine something and get full blocks.  I mined YAC too, and I think it's got something going for it, but not to the point where I'm dropping money on it.  But now there's vaginacoins and (insert country name here) coins, and fastcoins, and slowcoins, and who-gives-a-shit coins.  It's getting ridiculous.  We need to stop it.  So here's my proposal...

All new coins need to be voted on before they're allowed to be announced or released on this forum.  Whether that be by poll, or by a group of mods/cryptocoin leaders that are well respected and trusted.  If it gets a majority vote, it can be announced.  If it fails, it doesn't get the time of day in the forums.  If people try to post anyway, the post is deleted by a mod.  Fuck em.

I used to like hanging out in this subforum because I learned a lot about LTC and such.  Now I don't even want to look in here because of the 8,000 new coins posted everyday.

There are enough people here that are seriously getting tired of it.  So stand up and do something about it.

Everybody Crypt coin launched everyday cuz it always be announced in Before crypsty all alt-coin been waitting for the exchange and earned value, there were speculation about which coin get the first exchange, right now every f *** coin btw 2-3 days crypsy add

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: DrGoose on June 01, 2013, 03:58:40 AM
Voting won't work. You will end-up with as much posts promoting and fighting about what should be approved.

The solution will come naturally... we actually need a bunch of clone coin failure to pile up, so most miners/pools/exchange will start to tune-out or become more picky about betting on true innovation.

I think vaginacoin is jumping the shark and we might already be close to a turning point.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 04:10:27 AM
I think vaginacoin is jumping the shark and we might already be close to a turning point.

+1 for the reference.

I thought the same thing about a turning point yesterday or the day before when I saw more posts about LTC than new coin announcements on the first page.  I was wrong.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: erk on June 01, 2013, 04:12:57 AM
onecoin twocoin redcoin bluecoin

Black coin, Blue coin, Old coin, New coin.
This one has a littlecar.
This one has a little star.
This one just wont go far!

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: frobley on June 01, 2013, 05:45:41 AM
I would like to see a vote system for all threads, full members onwards maybe can vote, to remove spam/low interest or porn related rubbish from view.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Wekkel on June 01, 2013, 09:37:26 AM
From chaos, order will arise. Lets not break this cycle.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: LukePFS on June 01, 2013, 09:52:29 AM
Why is there always regulation needed ? Feeling unsafe ?

Why not just ignore specfic threads ? You feel obligated to click on any anouncements ?

Just for myself, i'm pretty new in this forum. But I learned already to ignore the mass anouncements. Currently i do not have any problems with it. Let the peoples enjoy it, if they feel happy to jump on any *** coin.


Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: frobley on June 01, 2013, 01:07:21 PM
I guess some tag system on a thread so it doesn't show in your first page results ever again.
There, and then those that like these threads bumped in their faces every five minutes can still enjoy them.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 03:34:16 PM
Why is there always regulation needed ? Feeling unsafe ?

Why not just ignore specfic threads ? You feel obligated to click on any anouncements ?

Just for myself, i'm pretty new in this forum. But I learned already to ignore the mass anouncements. Currently i do not have any problems with it. Let the peoples enjoy it, if they feel happy to jump on any *** coin.


Regulation facilitates stability.  Sure, we like volatile markets... that's what the trading aspect of crypto is all about.  But most of us, it's a long term investment.  Whether that be with mining equipment or just purchasing coins.  The problem is that instead of focusing on one or two STRONG coins in their portfolio, people are spreading themselves thin on crapcoins and there is no growth.

Feeling unsafe?  No, I'm not an idiot.  I know how to watch out for scammers.

As far as ignoring the mass anouncements... it's becoming more difficult to do so.  This subforum has become a sad place.  I used to come here to read the [ANN] threads about services and developments on existing coins.  It's just not the same, and honestly it's disheartening.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: digitalindustry on June 01, 2013, 03:36:53 PM
How about posting them here:



why don't the litecoin guys running the forum offer to take it all on at least then they can organise it .

and it's all traffic!

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: jackjack on June 01, 2013, 03:42:02 PM
I love this

When Bitcoin users complained about how alt coins should not be in, all the alt coins supporters cried and yelled 'hey are you afraid of challenge?'
Now more and more alt coins users are the ones who seem afraid of challenge and want regulation

How about posting them here:

Scrypt alt coins in and SHA256 alt coins in

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: btcrich on June 01, 2013, 03:42:44 PM
How about posting them here:



why don't the litecoin guys running the forum offer to take it all on at least then they can organise it .

and it's all traffic!

As much as I hate the idea of all this crap moving over to - it actually does make some sense considering they have all just been failed copies of Litecoin.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 01, 2013, 03:45:24 PM
How about posting them here:



why don't the litecoin guys running the forum offer to take it all on at least then they can organise it .

and it's all traffic!

I'm sure the Litecoin forum mods don't want the crap coins on their hands.  Traffic or no traffic...

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: RATM69 on June 01, 2013, 03:55:16 PM
Let's face it.  These damn fly-by-night new coin announcements are annoying as shit.  Not only are they crudding up the forums with spam and additional scammers, but they're hurting the overall cryptocoin ecosystem.  There are a lot of people that say, "but this coin does this different" or "it should stop after coin x, because the rest are shite."  I'm not going to lie, I mined some of them.  FC2 because it was the first time I was able to solo mine something and get full blocks.  I mined YAC too, and I think it's got something going for it, but not to the point where I'm dropping money on it.  But now there's vaginacoins and (insert country name here) coins, and fastcoins, and slowcoins, and who-gives-a-shit coins.  It's getting ridiculous.  We need to stop it.  So here's my proposal...

All new coins need to be voted on before they're allowed to be announced or released on this forum.  Whether that be by poll, or by a group of mods/cryptocoin leaders that are well respected and trusted.  If it gets a majority vote, it can be announced.  If it fails, it doesn't get the time of day in the forums.  If people try to post anyway, the post is deleted by a mod.  Fuck em.

I used to like hanging out in this subforum because I learned a lot about LTC and such.  Now I don't even want to look in here because of the 8,000 new coins posted everyday.

There are enough people here that are seriously getting tired of it.  So stand up and do something about it.

+1 I Agree

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 02, 2013, 02:50:21 AM
Bump for the sake of not getting lost in a sea of crapcoin posts.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 02, 2013, 02:59:52 AM
one coin, two coin, red coin, blue coin
black coin, blue coin, old coin, new coin
some are red and some are blue. some are Porn and some are Vag.
some are Fast and some are Lite. And Most are very, very bad.
All of them is like another.
Don't as us why.
Go ask your mother.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Punkonjunk on June 02, 2013, 05:21:37 AM
Decentralized, unmoderated, uncontrolled currency! Not the forums though, no sir, the forums need more people telling us what's allowed.

The balloon of shitcoins is deflating or bursting as we speak. we can sit and wait until someone starts innovating, or leap on the shitcoins, but the way it's handled is not going to change.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: FoBoT on June 02, 2013, 05:38:10 AM
Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 19, 2013, 09:29:12 PM
This is just a post to say to those who said, "pretty sure this week is the last of the crapcoins" or "it's already dying out"...

You sure about that?  Looks like we're still being hit with shit coins that take away from solidarity of the community.

(Not that angry... just thought it was fitting)

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 19, 2013, 09:31:16 PM
onecoin twocoin redcoin bluecoin

Black coin, Blue coin, Old coin, New coin.
This one has a littlecar.
This one has a little star.
This one just wont go far!

and this one lowers the bar.

edit: I have a proposal for all the crapcoin announcements. Make them polls instead. If the are downvoted by the poll, they have to be deleted.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Oldminer on June 19, 2013, 09:34:16 PM
No. I like my crapcoins.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 19, 2013, 09:34:50 PM
edit: I have a proposal for all the crapcoin announcements. Make them polls instead. If the are downvoted by the poll, they have to be deleted.

Which is pretty much what I said in the OP.

I wish we could just implement this right now and clean up this subforum.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: metacoin on June 19, 2013, 09:36:22 PM
Programming isn't a popularity contest. Exploration of new devices and implementations can only help cryptocurrency. If you want to ignore a post, you can. If the majority find it has no value, it will naturally fall to the bottom of this section and never be seen again. The forum platform works perfectly fine and there isn't any reason to bring another layer of complexity to this system which is not broken.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 19, 2013, 09:37:17 PM
Programming isn't a popularity contest. Exploration of new devices and implementations can only help cryptocurrency. If you want to ignore a post, you can. If the majority find it has no value, it will naturally fall to the bottom of this section and never be seen again. The forum platform works perfectly fine and there isn't any reason to bring another layer of complexity to this system which is not broken.

You're absolutely right, except when it comes to cases of spam (which are noise, and that's what the OP is proposing the alt-coin announcements are, completely spammy noise). Do you look through your whole spam folder one by one because "reading email is not a popularity contest"?

In fact it *is* a popularity contest, a contest for your attention. That is the whole point of spam (which is what OP is proposing the alt-coin announcements basically are). I don't know if I agree with him that they are spam in essence, but I doubt we'd miss anything if there weren't new coins created every week.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 19, 2013, 09:40:53 PM
Programming isn't a popularity contest. Exploration of new devices and implementations can only help cryptocurrency. If you want to ignore a post, you can. If the majority find it has no value, it will naturally fall to the bottom of this section and never be seen again. The forum platform works perfectly fine and there isn't any reason to bring another layer of complexity to this system which is not broken.

Unless I'm completely blind, where is the option to ignore entire threads.  I would gladly go through and self-regulate what I see.  Give me that option and I'd be happy.

I haven't been around forever, but I can tell you that this subforum went to shit right around the time feathercoin hit.  It was all downhill from there.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 19, 2013, 09:41:56 PM
Programming isn't a popularity contest. Exploration of new devices and implementations can only help cryptocurrency. If you want to ignore a post, you can. If the majority find it has no value, it will naturally fall to the bottom of this section and never be seen again. The forum platform works perfectly fine and there isn't any reason to bring another layer of complexity to this system which is not broken.

Unless I'm completely blind, where is the option to ignore entire threads.  I would gladly go through and self-regulate what I see.  Give me that option and I'd be happy.

I haven't been around forever, but I can tell you that this subforum went to shit right around the time feathercoin hit.  It was all downhill from there.

Even worse, when you respond to a thread and even delete said response out of disgust of being subscribed, IT STAYS ON YOUR LIST FOREVER. AHHHHHH I DONT CARE WHAT IMAGES ARE COUNTING TO 21 MILLION. WHY DID I POST...

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: thekidcoin on June 19, 2013, 09:42:06 PM
Let's face it.  These damn fly-by-night new coin announcements are annoying as shit.  Not only are they crudding up the forums with spam and additional scammers, but they're hurting the overall cryptocoin ecosystem.  There are a lot of people that say, "but this coin does this different" or "it should stop after coin x, because the rest are shite."  I'm not going to lie, I mined some of them.  FC2 because it was the first time I was able to solo mine something and get full blocks.  I mined YAC too, and I think it's got something going for it, but not to the point where I'm dropping money on it.  But now there's vaginacoins and (insert country name here) coins, and fastcoins, and slowcoins, and who-gives-a-shit coins.  It's getting ridiculous.  We need to stop it.  So here's my proposal...

All new coins need to be voted on before they're allowed to be announced or released on this forum.  Whether that be by poll, or by a group of mods/cryptocoin leaders that are well respected and trusted.  If it gets a majority vote, it can be announced.  If it fails, it doesn't get the time of day in the forums.  If people try to post anyway, the post is deleted by a mod.  Fuck em.

I used to like hanging out in this subforum because I learned a lot about LTC and such.  Now I don't even want to look in here because of the 8,000 new coins posted everyday.

There are enough people here that are seriously getting tired of it.  So stand up and do something about it.
waaaa waaa you have 100 posts.  Your can't block people from announcing their coins.  Then what? you'll whine that it was pre-mined?

If this is what keeps you up at night, its time to get a life.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 19, 2013, 09:43:28 PM
Let's face it.  These damn fly-by-night new coin announcements are annoying as shit.  Not only are they crudding up the forums with spam and additional scammers, but they're hurting the overall cryptocoin ecosystem.  There are a lot of people that say, "but this coin does this different" or "it should stop after coin x, because the rest are shite."  I'm not going to lie, I mined some of them.  FC2 because it was the first time I was able to solo mine something and get full blocks.  I mined YAC too, and I think it's got something going for it, but not to the point where I'm dropping money on it.  But now there's vaginacoins and (insert country name here) coins, and fastcoins, and slowcoins, and who-gives-a-shit coins.  It's getting ridiculous.  We need to stop it.  So here's my proposal...

All new coins need to be voted on before they're allowed to be announced or released on this forum.  Whether that be by poll, or by a group of mods/cryptocoin leaders that are well respected and trusted.  If it gets a majority vote, it can be announced.  If it fails, it doesn't get the time of day in the forums.  If people try to post anyway, the post is deleted by a mod.  Fuck em.

I used to like hanging out in this subforum because I learned a lot about LTC and such.  Now I don't even want to look in here because of the 8,000 new coins posted everyday.

There are enough people here that are seriously getting tired of it.  So stand up and do something about it.
waaaa waaa you have 100 posts.  Your can't block people from announcing their coins.  Then what? you'll whine that it was pre-mined?

If this is what keeps you up at night, its time to get a life.

Don't knock it, maybe this is his life. Savior of the forums. It's fine if he's annoyed by something that he sees has no value. Bitcoiners annoy me because they see value in things that are useless to me personally, and I don't mind telling them to go fuck themselves when they try to conclude that that means I'm anti-bitcoin. That said, I too would be happy to be able to "ignore" threads. That'd be pimp.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 19, 2013, 09:45:10 PM
You're absolutely right, except when it comes to cases of spam (which are noise, and that's what the OP is proposing the alt-coin announcements are, completely spammy noise). Do you look through your whole spam folder one by one because "reading email is not a popularity contest"?

In fact it *is* a popularity contest, a contest for your attention. That is the whole point of spam (which is what OP is proposing the alt-coin announcements basically are). I don't know if I agree with him that they are spam in essence, but I doubt we'd miss anything if there weren't new coins created every week.

+1 to you, sir.  Spot on.

I can ignore spam email all I want, it doesn't mean my gmail is going to be any less full of it at any given time.  I'm just tired of the same damn posts over and over about crapcoins that offer nothing new.  Half of them still have references to the coins they copied.  Yet everyone and their mom comments on the posts and keeps them on the front page.  Give me the power to do something for myself, and I'll do it, ffs.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 19, 2013, 09:47:00 PM
You're absolutely right, except when it comes to cases of spam (which are noise, and that's what the OP is proposing the alt-coin announcements are, completely spammy noise). Do you look through your whole spam folder one by one because "reading email is not a popularity contest"?

In fact it *is* a popularity contest, a contest for your attention. That is the whole point of spam (which is what OP is proposing the alt-coin announcements basically are). I don't know if I agree with him that they are spam in essence, but I doubt we'd miss anything if there weren't new coins created every week.

+1 to you, sir.  Spot on.

I can ignore spam email all I want, it doesn't mean my gmail is going to be any less full of it at any given time.  I'm just tired of the same damn posts over and over about crapcoins that offer nothing new.  Half of them still have references to the coins they copied.  Yet everyone and their mom comments on the posts and keeps them on the front page.  Give me the power to do something for myself, and I'll do it, ffs.

In my 2 years here I have seen this complaint over and over and over again. In light of Theymos taking the piss, I think it's time to make a new forum that handles this and other issues. brb making a forum.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: metacoin on June 19, 2013, 09:47:58 PM
The amount of spam may be too high, I agree some threads we can do without (sarcasm / mockery of alt-coins). The mods might need to force their hand more often to remove obvious troll posts or keep discussions appearing intelligent around here. Then again, I'm not very familiar with the policies or the environment of this forum, if intervention is practiced by the mods regularly or if they have a more hands-off approach.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 19, 2013, 09:50:30 PM
waaaa waaa you have 100 posts.  Your can't block people from announcing their coins.  Then what? you'll whine that it was pre-mined?

If this is what keeps you up at night, its time to get a life.

I have a life outside the forums, which is why when I come here to catch up, I don't want to have to sort through the crap to find something of value.  The fact that I have 100 posts means nothing but the fact that I like to read more than talk.  Some people in these forums should learn to do such...

BTW... look up my posts and let me know if you find any complaints of pre-mines.  That's because I don't waste my time with crapcoins that are, which is 90% of what's been coming out.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: thekidcoin on June 19, 2013, 09:52:35 PM
waaaa waaa you have 100 posts.  Your can't block people from announcing their coins.  Then what? you'll whine that it was pre-mined?

If this is what keeps you up at night, its time to get a life.

I have a life outside the forums, which is why when I come here to catch up, I don't want to have to sort through the crap to find something of value.  The fact that I have 100 posts means nothing but the fact that I like to read more than talk.  Some people in these forums should learn to do such...

BTW... look up my posts and let me know if you find any complaints of pre-mines.  That's because I don't waste my time with crapcoins that are, which is 90% of what's been coming out.
Read what? there is about 1% worthwhile information on any forum here.  Tough like if you don't like sorting.  Quit whining.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: metacoin on June 19, 2013, 09:53:47 PM
I can ignore spam email all I want, it doesn't mean my gmail is going to be any less full of it at any given time.  I'm just tired of the same damn posts over and over about crapcoins that offer nothing new.  Half of them still have references to the coins they copied.  Yet everyone and their mom comments on the posts and keeps them on the front page.  Give me the power to do something for myself, and I'll do it, ffs.
If someone took 5 minutes to program a chrome extension with the ability to "ignore" threads, would that be good enough?

I enjoy posts about new coins and I like the way this forum is laid out. It says "Alternate cryptocurrencies" and that's exactly what you get. I'm not sure if the solution of "people who happen to be online in a short period of time get to vote on whether or not a coin is valid" is a good one, considering the value may not be realized until much later or simply by different people.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on June 19, 2013, 09:55:34 PM
I can ignore spam email all I want, it doesn't mean my gmail is going to be any less full of it at any given time.  I'm just tired of the same damn posts over and over about crapcoins that offer nothing new.  Half of them still have references to the coins they copied.  Yet everyone and their mom comments on the posts and keeps them on the front page.  Give me the power to do something for myself, and I'll do it, ffs.
If someone took 5 minutes to program a chrome extension with the ability to "ignore" threads, would that be good enough?

I enjoy posts about new coins and I like the way this forum is laid out. It says "Alternate cryptocurrencies" and that's exactly what you get. I'm not sure if the solution of "people who happen to be online in a short period of time get to vote on whether or not a coin is valid" is a good one, considering the value may not be realized until much later or simply by different people.

He already said it would. I think he would appreciate you doing it for him. Thanks!

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 19, 2013, 09:55:40 PM
Read what? there is about 1% worthwhile information on any forum here.  Tough like if you don't like sorting.  Quit whining.

Exactly, there used to be at least 5%.  And we don't get the ability to sort.  Give me the ability to sort my own list of threads and I'll stfu and keep to myself.

100% behind getting the ability to ignore entire threads.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 19, 2013, 09:56:14 PM
If someone took 5 minutes to program a chrome extension with the ability to "ignore" threads, would that be good enough?

I enjoy posts about new coins and I like the way this forum is laid out. It says "Alternate cryptocurrencies" and that's exactly what you get. I'm not sure if the solution of "people who happen to be online in a short period of time get to vote on whether or not a coin is valid" is a good one, considering the value may not be realized until much later or simply by different people.

He already said it would. I think he would appreciate you doing it for him. Thanks!

I think a lot of people would appreciate it.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 20, 2013, 03:24:35 AM
Just found this....

Simple machines plugin that allows users to ignore entire boards or threads.  Couldn't get easier than that.  Of course that's a site wide change that the owners of this forum would have to implement.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ncr1pt0r on June 20, 2013, 03:37:40 AM
censorship , really? this had to be a joke, lol

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 20, 2013, 03:43:14 AM
censorship , really? this had to be a joke, lol

Did you read any of this thread, or did you just chime in for your 14th post?

This isn't about censorship.  It's about cleaning up the spam.  I don't even care at this point if the forum mods don't want to work towards cleaning up the crap.  However, now that I know it's possible for a member to ignore entire threads, I don't see why this shouldn't be an option for those of us who want to get past the endless pages of spammy crapcoin BS.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: heartofalion on June 20, 2013, 03:45:13 AM
I seriously laughed pretty hard at vaginacoin

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: justabitoftime on June 20, 2013, 04:04:28 AM
We're jammed into this little sub board and you think "crapcoin" announcements are the biggest issue?  We're trying to move from a 6 bedroom house into a 400 square foot apartment.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: nzdude on June 20, 2013, 04:12:37 AM
then how will the trolls troll?

From what i can make out, the majority of people here are merely doing it for fun. ( i know i am)  earning $5 a day certinally isnt a way to get rich. and not everyone has 5mh power, so its pointless to bother mining anything with a high difficulty, LTC etc.

So bring on more new coins, at least we can solomine them, and think we are earning lots ;D

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Mazakguy on June 20, 2013, 05:49:13 AM
Maybe some of us like the new coins. Who are you to tell me what I like.

Maybe you should just stay out of the part of the board and you wont't get butthurt, lol

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ncr1pt0r on June 20, 2013, 06:00:30 AM
censorship , really? this had to be a joke, lol

Did you read any of this thread, or did you just chime in for your 14th post?

This isn't about censorship.  It's about cleaning up the spam.  I don't even care at this point if the forum mods don't want to work towards cleaning up the crap.  However, now that I know it's possible for a member to ignore entire threads, I don't see why this shouldn't be an option for those of us who want to get past the endless pages of spammy crapcoin BS.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: d5000 on June 20, 2013, 06:21:16 AM
My proposal:

- Only one thread per coin for new coins, to encourage building of an own community (forums etc.). Giveaways etc. should go in the own community or in the same thread.
- When they got moved to the "Minor" or "Major" sections in the Cryptocoin list or alternatively survive the first two months, more threads are permitted.
- No more "WTS" and "WTB" threads, these should go in the own community forums and in the now existing altcoin forums
- Ideas, technical and "philosophical" threads about possible new altcoins (like the actual "Netcoin / MC2" thread) should be permitted and encouraged.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: CaptChadd on June 20, 2013, 07:37:53 AM
It would be a good thing for Developers to explain was is different about the new coin and even if the community will benefit or even need it.

If its just an exact clone of another coin then what is the point.

This could help to filter the new coin ideas and give us a new breed of innovation and as opposed to stagnation with new Cryptocoins.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: barwizi on June 20, 2013, 07:41:10 AM
It would be a good thing for Developers to explain was is different about the new coin and even if the community will benefit or even need it.

If its just an exact clone of another coin then what is the point.

This could help to filter the new coin ideas and give us a new breed of innovation and as opposed to stagnation with new Cryptocoins.

search for antimatter coin and Noirbits, those ideas are different, but this forum seems to prefer clones.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: naphto on June 20, 2013, 08:05:09 AM
It would be a good thing for Developers to explain was is different about the new coin and even if the community will benefit or even need it.

If its just an exact clone of another coin then what is the point.

This could help to filter the new coin ideas and give us a new breed of innovation and as opposed to stagnation with new Cryptocoins.

The point is to make money

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: R-T-B on June 20, 2013, 08:24:57 AM
Yes, a lot of these coins basically amount to "crapcoins," but on the off chance one of them discovers something innovative, they should all be allowed.  They really aren't hurting anyone, and I don't get where this logic comes from.  If you don't like it, don't read the post, and don't mine it.

The point is to make money

For some people yes, but it isn't (and shouldn't be, IMO) that simple.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: muddafudda on June 20, 2013, 08:37:55 AM
It s a forum, not a dictatorship. If you dont like forums dont visit them FFS. The very fact you were allowed to post this question is the very fact anyone can post an announce. Grow up.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Mr.V on June 20, 2013, 09:00:03 AM
This aint a democracy either, why the hell should I need a majority vote to post an announcement...This thread is pointless

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: fendlestick on June 20, 2013, 09:02:23 AM
I am sure would be happy for any Alt ANN you want to throw their way.  This is the alt sub tho...

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: ny2cafuse on June 20, 2013, 01:55:44 PM
The fact that people voted yes on this poll shows that the issue is something to be looked at.  Mind you, nuking threads from orbit may be a bit extreme.  At the time of posting there were already a ton of threads begging for the crapcoins to stop.  I was fed up and that's why I posted this topic.  In my own defense, I did include an option in the poll for "I would like to discuss other alternatives".  I openly said I would like to hear other solutions.  Then there was then a lull of crapcoin threads, and everyone said, "oh here's the end".  But it wasn't the end.  At the time of this post, there are 4 seperate threads on the front page about Pheonixcoins by JohnCar, all that could be consolidated, or deleted for all I care.  Sexcoin is still on the front page and has been for a few days, but let's be honest... how legitimate will sexcoin, or pheonixcoin, or even feathercoin be in the eyes of anyone when someone finally says, "we should adopt this system for worldwide commerce".  I know the US government isn't going to recognize them, that's for damn sure.

After all, making money is well and good... but that's not what it's all about.  I believe in BTC and what it was created for.  I also believe in LTC for smaller transactions, and as a secondary form of currency directly tied to BTC... like paper bills and change.  I also like YAC in that it brought a pretty fresh idea to the table with a changing equation factor... I thought that was a great idea, so I mine it with my CPUs.  But the crapcoins now are all about greed.  Greed is what made this subforum what it is now.  People trying to premine crapcoins and pump out as many as possible to try to make a quick buck off of everyone killed it for me.  I agree that forums should be a place to spread ideas, discuss possible innovations and philosophize about what the future should be.  So spread NEW ideas.  Reinventing the wheel and coming up with another wheel is just plain stupid.

ncr1pt0r, I know what censorship is... I don't need your moronic post to a dictionary to tell me.  Honestly, man... bring something worthwhile to this discussion or GTFO.  Again, I already said that I would be happy with an ignore thread option.  I will gladly moderate my own list of what shows up on my end... just give me the ability to do so.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: Lauda on June 20, 2013, 02:04:30 PM
I agree with you, something needs to be done. This is just huting the system overall!

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: BitJohn on June 20, 2013, 02:05:55 PM
I agree with you, something needs to be done. This is just huting the system overall!

So we should just keep goldcoin on this forum? Let the market work it out.

Title: Re: A solution to the crapcoin announcements
Post by: aa on June 20, 2013, 10:08:42 PM
The simplest solution is to have enough people ignore the accounts of the people releasing these shitcoins and then nobody will take them seriously (even more so).