Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: nutildah on October 01, 2017, 02:46:32 AM

Title: So is being a rich, selfish bellhead the pinnacle of success in America?
Post by: nutildah on October 01, 2017, 02:46:32 AM

Here's a less biased assessment of his career:

Let's face it, we all want money. Strike that -- we all want MORE money. But how much money does one actually fuckin' need? And for what purpose? Its for anything other than making even more money, that is forgivable and sensible.

If it means cutting your third world factory worker wages by 20% in order to boost cash reserves to make your stock options more valuable, so they may add to your net worth and allow you to move up a point on the Forbes Rich List, well then you should seriously consider killing yourself right now, because you will be only a destructive force upon the earth. You add nothing of value to society and leech off those born in less fortunate positions for a living.

Our 1% serves no purpose other than to spread misery, confusion and hatred around the world. Oh, and the purpose of helping their ridiculously insatiable egos -- a psychological condition I frequently refer to as "Small Dick Syndrome."

Here's the solution. Implement the death penalty for treason against Dimon. To use vast amounts of power, bestowed responsibilities and trust to subvert the progress and livelihood of your fellow countrymen amounts to treason. Let's get a kickstarter going for this legal fund to introduce legislation to make this happen.

Title: Re: So is being a rich, selfish bellhead the pinnacle of success in America?
Post by: Mometaskers on October 01, 2017, 09:44:13 AM
There need to be a public outrage. Unfortunately, a population too tired from overwork and living from paycheck to paycheck is not likely going to exert effort.

Title: Re: So is being a rich, selfish bellhead the pinnacle of success in America?
Post by: ProGamerJojo on October 01, 2017, 09:52:36 AM
Yeah maybe but rather Prefer to don't give my opinion  ;D

Title: Re: So is being a rich, selfish bellhead the pinnacle of success in America?
Post by: gentlemand on October 01, 2017, 09:52:49 AM
Money is the score you keep to prove that you've won. You'll never get the average American to admit that it's a corrosive merry go round with very few winners. The idea of 'success' is dangled in front of people to keep their minds off the fact that the very same 'success' is raping their day to day life and keeping them down in the shit.

Title: Re: So is being a rich, selfish bellhead the pinnacle of success in America?
Post by: d57heinz on October 01, 2017, 01:32:21 PM

Here's a less biased assessment of his career:

Let's face it, we all want money. Strike that -- we all want MORE money. But how much money does one actually fuckin' need? And for what purpose? Its for anything other than making even more money, that is forgivable and sensible.

If it means cutting your third world factory worker wages by 20% in order to boost cash reserves to make your stock options more valuable, so they may add to your net worth and allow you to move up a point on the Forbes Rich List, well then you should seriously consider killing yourself right now, because you will be only a destructive force upon the earth. You add nothing of value to society and leech off those born in less fortunate positions for a living.

Our 1% serves no purpose other than to spread misery, confusion and hatred around the world. Oh, and the purpose of helping their ridiculously insatiable egos -- a psychological condition I frequently refer to as "Small Dick Syndrome."

Here's the solution. Implement the death penalty for treason against Dimon. To use vast amounts of power, bestowed responsibilities and trust to subvert the progress and livelihood of your fellow countrymen amounts to treason. Let's get a kickstarter going for this legal fund to introduce legislation to make this happen.

You’ll never get a kickstarter to take off. The ones suffering don’t even understand the problem and the ones who are benefitting from this arrangement aren’t going to kill the golden goose so to speak. We really are in a clusterf$&k if I ever seen one.  

The problem with the system we seem to so cherish. Is that not everyone can be a winner.  We have to have people we look down on so that we can feel accomplished.  We praise those with money not a mind.  We really are a fucked up creature!

I agree with you 100%.


Title: Re: So is being a rich, selfish bellhead the pinnacle of success in America?
Post by: nutildah on October 01, 2017, 05:23:09 PM

You’ll never get a kickstarter to take off.

Maybe not, but if the conclusion of my legal research renders Dimon's execution a legal plausability, I sure as shit will file all the neccessary paperworks to get this ball rolling. I'd be doing it on behalf of America, for the fat herd of cows that call themselves men even though they don't really have the nuts to correct a system they know is broken but won't dare fix because they themselves profit from it, and for all the other victims of the 1% on a global scale that don't have a voice.