Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: QlooQl on October 02, 2017, 11:55:31 PM

Title: Taxes
Post by: QlooQl on October 02, 2017, 11:55:31 PM
I know, you're bored already. However, taxes are becoming extremely important in the crypto world. If you don't want to have a China regulation issue throughout the world, taxes need to be discussed now. As a business owner I know you need to get out ahead of the politicians or your entire enterprise can get shut down.

So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: pginvest on October 03, 2017, 12:12:12 AM
I know, you're bored already. However, taxes are becoming extremely important in the crypto world. If you don't want to have a China regulation issue throughout the world, taxes need to be discussed now. As a business owner I know you need to get out ahead of the politicians or your entire enterprise can get shut down.

So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?
I  think that crypto should be fair game for taxes the same as any other currency or asset. It should be up to the individual or corporation to pay their fair share. Just because you can potentially hide money doesn't mean you should. This was the same back i n the day when "Cash was King".

I am not advocating for taxing crypto, or I am not saying that all tax systems are fair - I am just saying that it should be fair game.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: nightmanisrightman on October 03, 2017, 12:24:24 AM
So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

That is an easy one. We want there to be 0% tax but what we want and what should happen are two different things. What should happen is that you should pay whatever normal tax is applicable, but this is vastly different

from what we as traders would want.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Sithara007 on October 03, 2017, 02:07:21 AM
So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

Nowadays, everyone will agree that Bitcoin is behaving more like an investment asset rather than as a currency. So my opinion is that any profits from crypto-to-fiat trade must be treated as capital gains. Depending on the duration of the investment, we can classify the gains as short term capital gains or long term capital gains and tax them accordingly.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: QlooQl on October 07, 2017, 09:52:02 PM
So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

Nowadays, everyone will agree that Bitcoin is behaving more like an investment asset rather than as a currency. So my opinion is that any profits from crypto-to-fiat trade must be treated as capital gains. Depending on the duration of the investment, we can classify the gains as short term capital gains or long term capital gains and tax them accordingly.

I think this is what will end up happening no matter what. It would be awful if crypto was taxes as income and not capital gains. It would be even worse if countries just decide to ban crypto altogether because they don't want to understand it. The US IRS already has some rules regarding crypto, but if I remember correctly only 200 or so people actually claimed crypto capital gains on their taxes last year. I wouldn't be surprised if this year there is a big crackdown.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: DannaWonder on October 08, 2017, 01:14:06 AM
Once government apply taxes on crypto-currencies that means that they are accepting the system right? and by that time it will be regulated. Can we still consider it as "decentralize" by that time?

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: rse71269 on October 08, 2017, 02:00:03 AM
In Japan, currently tax is applied when some cryptocoin is changed to another, not only to fiat. Moreover, the highest tax rate is 50%! The tax regulation of cryptocurrency is not built yet and it is considered to be 'other income'. This high tax is an obstruction against cryptocurrency world. But Japanese government's position is quite friendly toward cryptocurrency for now. I expect that the same tax regulation as stocks and FX will be applied in near futere, and I think this is the most fair and positive way.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: baradfo on October 08, 2017, 02:32:47 AM
declare the profit as capital gains when you cash out you as would with gold or anything else

In the US that is what people are taxed as. The US has deemed crypto to be an asset and not cash or currency in any form, like gold or other precious metals. The only thing is what capital gains you would have to be taxed at, short or long term capital gains. If you've held on to the crypto for over a year it's significantly less on the capital gains than if you tried to make a quick buck.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Almat on October 09, 2017, 08:15:17 AM
Tax it as you would tax fiat. Tax purchases through vendors, and tax exchanges. Let people declare their profit.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Babebottle on October 10, 2017, 01:19:14 AM
in China, the taxes are really high

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: emiedj01 on October 10, 2017, 01:50:02 AM
high tax is an obstruction against cryptocurrency in the  world . Prohibition against taxation of non-stock , non-profit educational institutions and proprietary educational institutions .

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Kotone on October 10, 2017, 08:05:34 AM
I know, you're bored already. However, taxes are becoming extremely important in the crypto world. If you don't want to have a China regulation issue throughout the world, taxes need to be discussed now. As a business owner I know you need to get out ahead of the politicians or your entire enterprise can get shut down.

So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

I think that one of the most pressing concerns for cryptocurrency. THe tax question whrrein a lot of people are using this as t is free from tax however it is being banned from other cou tries also as a part that it has no tax laws and very easily works under the government system.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: planfox on October 10, 2017, 10:35:49 AM
Once government apply taxes on crypto-currencies that means that they are accepting the system right? and by that time it will be regulated. Can we still consider it as "decentralize" by that time?

Paying taxes for profits from crypto currency will deprive them of their anonymity, but without paying taxes, chaos in the world will simply come and the authorities will have to prohibit crypto currency.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: astrid.uchiha24 on October 10, 2017, 11:11:50 AM
Here in the philippines gains from trading cryptos are not taxable yet but can be declared as income from other sources in annual income tax. I dont know but let's just hope if trading cryptos become taxable, the best thing we could hope for is they impose a tax on it as a final tax where the tax is paid at source, in that way there will be less tax than individual income tax since it will not be accumulated with other income.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: MostHigh on October 10, 2017, 01:39:11 PM
I know, you're bored already. However, taxes are becoming extremely important in the crypto world. If you don't want to have a China regulation issue throughout the world, taxes need to be discussed now. As a business owner I know you need to get out ahead of the politicians or your entire enterprise can get shut down.

So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?
I  think that crypto should be fair game for taxes the same as any other currency or asset. It should be up to the individual or corporation to pay their fair share. Just because you can potentially hide money doesn't mean you should. This was the same back i n the day when "Cash was King".

I am not advocating for taxing crypto, or I am not saying that all tax systems are fair - I am just saying that it should be fair game.
As much as i will love to see a tax free crypto market if the taxes when generated will be used to develop the world then it is not a bad idea for bitcoin profits to be taxed but the worry is all politicians always go ahead of the system and dip their hands into tax coffers and do away with a lot before their corrupt ways are altered.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: gabmen on October 10, 2017, 02:23:11 PM
I know, you're bored already. However, taxes are becoming extremely important in the crypto world. If you don't want to have a China regulation issue throughout the world, taxes need to be discussed now. As a business owner I know you need to get out ahead of the politicians or your entire enterprise can get shut down.

So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

That's hard to answer since crypro in itself is made to counter that. Being anonymous, i don't think there would be an efficient way to tax crypto and much like china, a government would likely resolve to ban exchanges

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: InvestICO2L on October 10, 2017, 02:32:08 PM
i think all goverment will soon collect taxes all ICO. Beside they also research sulutions that collect taxes with person who is holding bitcoin. So you should not worry. In the future you will have to pay taxes

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: QlooQl on October 10, 2017, 05:42:29 PM
So we see today exactly what I was warning about. The Russian government will block all crypto exchange sites, with in my opinion, the excuse of crypto being used for money laundering. Again, the probable real reason is control. However, the mere fact that they could use money laundering as an excuse is the problem.

Banning crypto is like banning the internet. It is so important for the future freedom of countries across the world. We need to get out ahead of all this and start fighting for crypto and solidifying its place forever.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: baradfo on October 10, 2017, 06:02:23 PM
So we see today exactly what I was warning about. The Russian government will block all crypto exchange sites, with in my opinion, the excuse of crypto being used for money laundering. Again, the probable real reason is control. However, the mere fact that they could use money laundering as an excuse is the problem.

Banning crypto is like banning the internet. It is so important for the future freedom of countries across the world. We need to get out ahead of all this and start fighting for crypto and solidifying its place forever.

What news do you have on this? Apologies for not being up to date on the Russian news. Are you saying that the Russian government is shutting down access to all exchange sites? Could you please provide the source? TY for the PSA :D

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: joebrook on October 10, 2017, 06:12:58 PM
I know, you're bored already. However, taxes are becoming extremely important in the crypto world. If you don't want to have a China regulation issue throughout the world, taxes need to be discussed now. As a business owner I know you need to get out ahead of the politicians or your entire enterprise can get shut down.

So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?
I really don't have a problem with the governments regulating the sale of cryptos and taxing it, its a small amount to be paid rather than them banning bitcoins and making the value go so down to the extent that we will not able to see its end.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: buytheeffinD on October 10, 2017, 09:11:12 PM
Whatever is most fair for all the citizens in that country. It should be bracket tiers I think based off how much you make but with cryptos and other investments I think they look at the duration of how long you had it before

deciding tax %. Whatever it is, it should be fair in nature.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Geyt Used To It on October 10, 2017, 10:33:37 PM
As the cliche goes, "Two things certain in life are death and taxes." That being said, I love to do whatever possible to keep any government out of taxing ANY digital currencies. Once most of the states catch on, they will find a way. New York State Department of Financial Services has already created a BitLicense and once most states see the money they're missing out on you can bet it will be coming to a city/state near you.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: spongegar on October 31, 2017, 04:14:17 AM
declare the profit as capital gains when you cash out you as would with gold or anything else

This seems feasible. But what seem feasible for us may not be the same for the lawmakers. Not unless we have someone in the legislature who is actually pro crypto currency. That being said, law makers want to have a cut of the profits made with crypto. I'm pretty sure there will be an umbrella tax scheme that will involve not only crypto currencies but other exchanges

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: alexv10av on November 09, 2017, 08:00:47 PM
The tax is 1%. This is a fair figure, in which all the cryptomaniacs can go out of the shadows and give a small percentage. And for the state a huge plus, as the number of cryptomaniacs is growing every day.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Ethereum Token on November 09, 2017, 09:04:03 PM

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: JesusCryptos on November 10, 2017, 12:02:35 AM
So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

Nowadays, everyone will agree that Bitcoin is behaving more like an investment asset rather than as a currency. So my opinion is that any profits from crypto-to-fiat trade must be treated as capital gains. Depending on the duration of the investment, we can classify the gains as short term capital gains or long term capital gains and tax them accordingly.

I see your point, but what to do with the losses? There are years of bear market where you end up losing most of what you have, does the state refund you a part of those? Does it allow you to detract these losses when you then have gains in some later year? I don't think so. They just want to suck your blood. I won't endorse that.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: NightCloudz07 on November 10, 2017, 02:37:15 AM
The tax is 1%. This is a fair figure, in which all the cryptomaniacs can go out of the shadows and give a small percentage. And for the state a huge plus, as the number of cryptomaniacs is growing every day.
a compulsory contributions to state revenue leveid by the government on workers income and business profits or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions a strain or heavy demand impose a tax

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Kotone on November 10, 2017, 02:53:55 AM
I know, you're bored already. However, taxes are becoming extremely important in the crypto world. If you don't want to have a China regulation issue throughout the world, taxes need to be discussed now. As a business owner I know you need to get out ahead of the politicians or your entire enterprise can get shut down.

So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

I Think that we first should realize is that cryptocurrency is vastly different from regular money. However once we have balued and put a stamp on it and learn the differences we can now manage to develop a scheme separate and we can manage for cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Sithara007 on November 10, 2017, 03:01:52 AM
So my question is... What do we want, in the US and everywhere, as a proper tax scheme for crypto?

Nowadays, everyone will agree that Bitcoin is behaving more like an investment asset rather than as a currency. So my opinion is that any profits from crypto-to-fiat trade must be treated as capital gains. Depending on the duration of the investment, we can classify the gains as short term capital gains or long term capital gains and tax them accordingly.

I see your point, but what to do with the losses? There are years of bear market where you end up losing most of what you have, does the state refund you a part of those? Does it allow you to detract these losses when you then have gains in some later year? I don't think so. They just want to suck your blood. I won't endorse that.

That is the problem with taxation in general, and not limited to the taxation on crypto. In most of the nations, there is no provision for adjusting previous years capital losses with the capital gains. And the biggest irony is that the left wing politicians want capital gains to be taxed like regular income.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: Johnzky on November 10, 2017, 03:24:08 AM
declare the profit as capital gains when you cash out you as would with gold or anything else
i think thats the better thing to do mate for us to be taxed,so the government wont push any movement towards crypto.and being person we had obligation to pay taxes whenever we earn.thats the rule of every government in which is fair,no earning no tax.

Title: Re: Taxes
Post by: popcorn1 on November 10, 2017, 03:57:14 AM
If no one payed taxes how do you have ..
Army police schools roads motorways sciences courts jails ..

How do you pay for it..

Toll roads for everyone and every road you use you pay a toll?  ok so how do you pay then..

Police if you call them out because your husband or son is kicking his mother sister father
do they charge you per call..
Well i can see you been beat up BUT that's 2 grand please for calling us out and renting the jail over night?..So how do you pay then YOU STUPID HUMANS..

You thick fuckers is through TAXES ..IDIOTS.. >:( >:(..

No but paying taxes is like socialism  :D :D..You dumb fucks..
So let your areas go to shit then because of no taxes collected..

DUMB ASS HUMANS..Yes most of the USA are thick as shit BRAINWASHED IDIOTS..

OH god bless but BANG and your dead :D :D :D..