Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: alomar on October 03, 2017, 04:17:42 AM

Title: Trouble installing Armory 0.96.2 Offline Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit
Post by: alomar on October 03, 2017, 04:17:42 AM
offline laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit.

running the sudo dpkg -i *.deb file via CLI yields "!!!Armory installed successfully!!!".  however, when launching Armory Offline i get bootup window to appear, scrolling loads up to 100%, and then just disappears with nothing else happening.  rebooted a couple of times but didn't change anything.  i also installed the accompanying python.deb file but that didn't help either. 

was successfully running older version (0.93.1?) w/o any problems with last tx earlier today.

any suggestions?

Title: Re: Trouble installing Armory 0.96.2 Offline Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit
Post by: goatpig on October 03, 2017, 04:29:36 AM
Try from the terminal.

Title: Re: Trouble installing Armory 0.96.2 Offline Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit
Post by: alomar on October 03, 2017, 04:33:31 AM
Try from the terminal.

where is

Title: Re: Trouble installing Armory 0.96.2 Offline Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit
Post by: alomar on October 03, 2017, 04:59:12 AM

bootup Armory window appears, scrolls to 100%, and simply disappears like before.

terminal window shows:

missing main wallet entry
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Title: Re: Trouble installing Armory 0.96.2 Offline Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit
Post by: goatpig on October 03, 2017, 08:43:17 AM
Try the 0.96.4 RC

Title: Re: Trouble installing Armory 0.96.2 Offline Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit
Post by: alomar on October 03, 2017, 08:07:20 PM
Try the 0.96.4 RC

installed that successfully on offline pc. 

i read the notification about "mirroring" but don't fully understand what is happening.  i get that all versions including and after 0.96 need to "mirror" python legacy wallets to C++ to ensure compatibility presumably with the online bundle and keep up with SW capability.  but is this why i'm seeing my cold wallet (w/o private keys apparently) within Armory on the offline pc, unlike before?  how did Armory know about my cold wallet in the first place as i usually keep it separate from the offline pc and only import it when i want to sign tx's?  if this is normal behavior to always have it displayed in Armory offline, how am i supposed to import the same cold wallet (with it's private keys) into Armory when it already displays that same wallet?  i hope i'm being clear.

Title: Re: Trouble installing Armory 0.96.2 Offline Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit
Post by: goatpig on October 04, 2017, 04:19:51 AM
i hope i'm being clear.

Sorry no.