Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: PulsarAV on June 02, 2013, 07:05:18 PM

Title: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: PulsarAV on June 02, 2013, 07:05:18 PM
I recently had the need to sign a message and the lack of a clear explanation about the "how to", and the "what is it doing" was very frustrating.  I had to piece together the answers.

So, with that being said, here is my attempt at answering the questions above for the benefit of others.  All feedback (errors, omissions, etc...) is welcome.

First some nomenclature clarifications:

Send Address:  This is the BTC address of the seller/person that you are sending BTC to.
Sending Address: This is YOUR address (in your wallet known as a receive address) that the BTC is coming from.
Receive Address: This is YOUR address (also known as the Sending Address when you send BTC) that the BTC is coming to when you receive BTC

The "How to":

I will use the bitcoin-qt wallet (v0.8.2-beta) for reference.

In your wallet, click on the Receive button and locate the "Sign Message" button at the bottom.

Click on the "Sign Message" button to open the sign message window

Find your Sending address:

If you have a single address in the Receive window - that's it, your Sending Address.  If you have multiple addresses in the Receive window like in the example above, you can go to and search for your last transaction.

Once you know your sending address, select it from your addresses in the sign message window.

Write your message in the message area.

Generate a signature by clicking on the Sign Message button.

NOTE: Once you generate a signature, DO NOT modify anything in the Sign Message window.  If you do, the signature becomes invalid.

Now that you have the signature, SELECT, COPY, and PASTE the Sending address, Message, and Signature into a private message or email to the merchant for the merchant to verify.

I suggest the following format for the PM or email however the merchant may have other requirements.

Sending Address:

PulsarAV just sent you 40 BTC for the purchase of 20 Block Erupter USB Miners

Please ship to:
1234 Anywhere Street
AnyCity, AnyState, AnyZip



The "What is it doing?":

The bitcoin wallet takes the information you provide (Sending Address and Message) and generates a unique cryptological Key (the signature).
The merchant takes the same information and copies it into the Verify window of his wallet and the wallet's algorithm verifies the message came from your wallet.  This proves you own that address and the BTC came from you.

I hope this helps someone avoid the frustration I had when trying to figure out the Sign Message feature of Bitcoin.



Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: Birdy on June 02, 2013, 07:15:55 PM
Thank you for making a nice explantion, I will suggest people wondering about signing to read this thread :)

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: tcrasher on June 02, 2013, 07:52:27 PM
nice explantion

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: Alpha|FWZ on June 02, 2013, 07:54:58 PM
Good info Thanks!

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: Lethn on June 02, 2013, 07:57:42 PM
wow thanks, I was aware of those buttons but I wasn't entirely sure what they did, like with a lot of stuff programmers do not just with Bitcoins you never get explanations as clear as this.

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: Chrithu on June 02, 2013, 09:44:16 PM
Any mod please sticky this thread. That's exactly the kind of info that should be posted more frequently into the newbie area instead of the announcement for the next possible opportunity to burn money through gambling (Ignore my sig, I just take their money for advertising. I'm not using the site, since I am not into gambling, if you are into gambling that's fine and this site should satisfy you).

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: jackjack on June 03, 2013, 04:44:39 PM
wow thanks, I was aware of those buttons but I wasn't entirely sure what they did, like with a lot of stuff programmers do not just with Bitcoins you never get explanations as clear as this.
Ask for a How to in the dev forum, and I'm SURE at least one of the ones you will get will be clear

Any mod please sticky this thread. That's exactly the kind of info that should be posted more frequently into the newbie area instead of the announcement for the next possible opportunity to burn money through gambling (Ignore my sig, I just take their money for advertising. I'm not using the site, since I am not into gambling, if you are into gambling that's fine and this site should satisfy you).
Ask for How to's in the dev forum, some of them will be glad to make one

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: DannyHamilton on June 04, 2013, 05:47:06 AM
All in all, a pretty good tutorial.  Be aware however that the following statement is not necessarily true:

- snip -
Find your Sending address:

If you have a single address in the Receive window - that's it, your Sending Address.
- snip -

Because of the way the Bitcoin-Qt wallet handles "change" it is entirely possible that your bitcoins "come from" an address that is not in your Receive window at all.  If you want to be sure that you are signing with the correct address, you'll have to wait until after you've already sent the bitcoins, and then you'll have to look up the transaction somewhere (such as

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: darkfriend77 on June 04, 2013, 05:56:20 AM
nice info :-)

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: tehsoto on June 04, 2013, 06:02:54 AM
Thanks for the info.

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: sf2 on June 04, 2013, 09:14:36 PM

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: mrmann on June 04, 2013, 09:56:42 PM
Thanks. Good info.

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: riazg on June 04, 2013, 10:05:36 PM
I have an online blockchain wallet. How can I do this for an online wallet?

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: Dealer on June 04, 2013, 10:07:07 PM
Thanks for this, explains it really well!

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: tuntap on June 04, 2013, 10:37:30 PM
Thanks for the info!

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: drico on June 04, 2013, 11:00:54 PM

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: pand70 on June 04, 2013, 11:16:05 PM
I m confused because i don't really now alot about cryptography.

Which key the software uses to create the signature?

And which key the receivers wallet uses to verify the message?


Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: DannyHamilton on June 05, 2013, 12:29:18 AM
I m confused because i don't really now alot about cryptography.

Which key the software uses to create the signature?

And which key the receivers wallet uses to verify the message?


Your wallet uses the private key associated with the address to create the signature.  It is called "private" because only you have access to it.  Since nobody else has access to it, they certainly wouldn't be able to use it to verify the signature.

The receiver's wallet uses the public key associated with the address to verify the signature.  It is called "public" because it is what is made publicly available to anyone that would verify a signature.

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: MikeMike on June 05, 2013, 02:43:35 AM
When Canary asks for a signed message sent separately the below is what they are asking for.
Nothing but your shipping address.
No blank lines nor spaces.

Please ship to:
John Smith
123 Way Ave
City, IL 60188

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: CDI on June 05, 2013, 03:40:00 AM
Good info

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: culexevilman on June 27, 2013, 07:27:13 AM
thanks alot, seems like this is a essential skill that needs to be mastered by bitcoiners.

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: hany103 on June 27, 2013, 07:50:27 AM
Thanks alot, this should be a sticky

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: mprep on June 27, 2013, 03:46:54 PM
This seems like important info. I actually never knew how to do that, thanks.

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: ctarantello on June 27, 2013, 05:12:10 PM
Very useful information.  Thank you

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: Fantazygirl on June 27, 2013, 06:07:30 PM
Thank you for the information!
Everything is very confusing in the beginning so it is very useful for me with tips from others how to do. Thanks!

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: mstang83 on June 28, 2013, 01:43:03 AM
I've been mining for awhile now and ready to start spending.  I've been looking for a good "how-to" on signing and this is very helpful.  Thanks.

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: davideak on November 20, 2013, 04:59:14 PM

I tried to follow the steps just for kicks,
and inserted a transaction I made a few days ago in :

For some reason I get 2 addresses listed in the "Sending" section (they are both mine)
and on the receiving side there is the address I sent the BTC to (the first one) with the amount I sent
and another that I don't recognize with an amount I did not send.

What does this mean?
from which address did I send the payment?

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: jackjack on November 20, 2013, 10:27:38 PM
Technical forum -> one of the stickies

Title: Re: HOW TO: Sign and verify messages
Post by: davideak on November 20, 2013, 11:55:32 PM
Technical forum -> one of the stickies
could you please provide a link?