Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: bradpink on October 07, 2017, 03:42:25 AM

Title: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 07, 2017, 03:42:25 AM

I'd like to introduce you to Pink (,, Basically, we wondered if sex work was entirely legal, no restrictions, what would the startups in that area look like? Pink is the result of that idea. By operating as an extrajurisdictional company, we put morality over legality. An anonymously operating escort agency. Or, to be all Silicon Valley, Uber Meets Tinder or some obnoxious mash-up line like that.

We will operate as a full service company, transacting with both the clients and the providers. We take cash in addition to cryptocurrencies - expecting a sizable amount of users to want to use Bitcoin, let alone some random token or smart contract, is unrealistic. We're serious about solving real problems for real people. We aren't some well-intentioned-yet-clueless team that thinks JavaScript+blockchain is going to actually help sex workers. We're a real company, we'll have customer service. Yes, you can pick up the phone and call a support agent if you have trouble with our system. We'll issue refunds when needed. We're going to grow fast, and if we have to spend a bit of money along the way to earn a stellar reputation for excellent service, we will. Think how Amazon is happy to lose money on your individual orders because they know your lifetime value, we are going to do that for sex work.

Pink is not a token or coin, the ICO is selling shares in the company (token-shares or blockchain bearer shares) that issue dividends. Too many ICOs issue useless tokens that only serve to line their own pockets, and damage whatever product they're making. Pink doesn't do this at all. Pink is raising a Series A right now at $1/share. In January, we will have an IPO at $10/share, and offer a stock buyback to Series A investors, up to 20% of their shares. There will only be 12 million shares outstanding at IPO. You can buy shares with Bitcoin, Ether, or Monero - contact us if you need other arrangements. Dividend payments will prefer Monero but also offer Ether.

Pink offers a Tinder-like UI to view profiles and curate a favorites list. This is a far more engaging model than entering 50 different search parameters and seeing long lists of possible providers and trying to figure out which ones you like. Pink will use swipe information to help show interesting providers on a per-client basis. Think about it: For every provider, there's different photos that'd make the same client say Oh Yeah! vs Nah! We'll learn a clients preferences and help him discover his next all-time-favorite.

Pink handles scheduling, which is a huge boon to both clients and providers. As a client, getting even a same-day, let alone last-minute, appointment is a pain in the ass. A client has to contact a bunch of providers, wait for replies. Eventually, hour later, he might get some replies, then some of them will be annoyed he's wasting their time. With Pink's Instant Book feature, a client just selects his favorites and can request instantly and seamlessly. Providers love this, getting screened, serious clients to fill up extra time and maximize revenue. No more time wasters, no more clients refusing to screen.

Pink handles verification, which is a key step for provider safety. Our security measures are top-notch, stacking many privacy and security features. We make tradeoffs not feasible for other companies, but reasonable for us. For instance, our machines don't have hard drives, it's all RAM-based (plus Tarsnap for encrypted backups). More details here:

Pink actively engages the sex worker community, and our VP of Product and Business Development is an active escort ( She is helping craft our verification and other policies as well as designing key aspects of the product's interaction. Pink is putting provider safety first. Clients risk their reputation and maybe marriage by buying sex. But sex workers risk being outed, loss of income, being robbed, raped, or worse. It's not symmetric.

We welcome all feedback, good or bad. I look forward to talking with you!

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: esmereldazela on October 07, 2017, 08:44:05 AM

Interesting project, thanks for the information. I have some questions, if you don't mind?

Length of development: How long have you been working on this project? When did you come up with the idea? Why are you now doing an IPO?

IPO: I like your approach of being honest and saying that you don't think crypto is close to mass adoption, and as such you would not create your own coin but take payment from current major coins - whether of not I agree, I can see your logic. And following from that, you state that you are conducting an IPO, not ICO. So, my question is, where are you planning to list? I guess not America, as issuing tokens in this format would be (to my understanding) against the SEC rules? Also, if you are planning to remain anonymous, how will you register a company?
                 You then state "At IPO, Series A investors can, at their election, participate in a stock buyback program of up to 20% of their shares (an instant 200% ROI)" - to clarify, that means that if I buy in now at $1/share, I can sell 20% of my holdings at $10/share in December?
                 You are aiming to sell 10,000,000 shares, is that correct (5m in Series A sale + 5m in IPO)? How many are being held by the development team? What will be the total amount?
                  Why are you planning an IPO now? I mean there are other established sites that do a similar thing, and I don't recall any of those having fundraisers or going public?
Security/Anonymity/Censorship: You explain that this will not be handled by blockchain (although transactions can be made through anonymous cryptos if the users choose), however you must see that - especially posting on this forum - that an argument could be made that your data would be more secure, users could be more anonymous, and the platform more censorship resistant, if you were to integrate more with blockchain? On your website, it states that "throwing some JavaScript and blockchain technology won't solve real world problems" - I can see your point, but I think it deserves more of a discussion than that. I also note that one of your competitors, Nocta, is stating similar things.
                                                     You mention that "being extrajurisdictional and anonymous, Pink minimizes legal risk for everyone involved. Pink is immune to subpoenas". Could you expand on that? How is this possible?

Competition: Is it fair to say you are trying to provide a service that is somewhere between and tinder? But where Pink will also add content/value with algorithms and customer service? 
                          Could you explain the differences, if any, between Pink, Nocta and SSIO? From what little I can tell, I think that Pink are offering more of a matchmaking service than the other 2, which are more like listings site that provide ecosystems for payments. I think it's curious that these 3 have all come up at around the same time, do you have any thoughts on that?

Development: You don't really mention anything about your process, unlike Nocta (who state they have consulted with sexworkers etc) and SSIO who have been putting out a lot of articles and research. What inspired Pink into existence? Who are you working with and discussing with?

Marketing: With a team wanting to remain anonymous, and users who want to remain anonymous, how to you plan to generate any hype around this project? Also, how do you plan to grow users?

I hope you don't mind all the questions. Basically I believe there would be a lot of potential users for a platform like this, but it is hard to choose an investment with 3 projects that all seem very similar, and are at similar stages of development. So, I want to be convinced where to put my money.


Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 07, 2017, 11:35:55 AM
Hi there, thanks for your great questions.

We've been working on it for several months. Key members quit their day jobs around June. By IPO we mean we're offering our shares to the public. As an extrajurisdictional company, we can't register with the SEC or another local regulatory body, but that doesn't detract from being an IPO. The IPO itself we'll run off our own platform, like we are doing the Series A. We may also offer it via an Ethereum smart contract. However, we believe privacy should play an important role and a transparent blockchain doesn't fit that. So offering on a smart contract would either be limited in scope, or require a contract that works with payment via Monero or Zcash. Smart contracts are very immature at this time, so while long-term we are very excited for the possibility of corporate governance via smart contract, it will be some time until things are mature enough to rely on it.

First off, privacy on blockchains is incredibly new. Bitcoin has none. Monero has some, but the boundaries and limitations are not understood. For instance, ask them if you're the WannaCry author, exactly how you'd have to use Bitcoin->Monero->Bitcoin to leave no trail, or no trail beyond any other exchange user. This is not defined. ZCash is theoretically better, but zk-snarks are new, and as of today, so slow that very few people use them. As far as user anonymity, that is not a goal, only user privacy.

The fact of the matter is that a successful sex work platform must provide some sort of identify verification and screening. Sex workers require this of clients. It's a hassle, and clients have to do it for every worker, and often make a fuss about it. If verification and screening is not part of a platform, that means it is lacking a core feature and can't be much better than Craiglist. Try it for yourself: go to, search for people in your city, and see what they require of their clients before meeting them. Simple scenario: New user signs up on decentralized-site. They make a date, meet the worker, rob her. Next day, they sign up again, new ID.

If you're still not convinced, book a date. Either use, or go on Twitter and search "$yourcity escort". In a popular city, this will probably cost you $300-$500, perhaps less if you convince them you just want to chat. Then explain a decentralized system and how they'll have to accept tokens, exchange them for Bitcoins, then exchange for fiat. And how there's no ID management, and bad dates can keep signing up as new clients, so they have to keep their current screening setup. Toss in the name of the most popular ICO in this arena for an extra reaction. In fact, if you want to do this and publish notes on here for others to read, we'll pay for half the date - email me ( and we'll arrange it.

Our service is unlike Adultwork or Tinder. Adultwork for escorts is essentially a glorified, 90s-styled, email relay. To book you type in a few fields, then the escort contacts you and you're back to square one on verification and screening. Tinder isn't paid, for the most part. We're an anonymously operating escort agency - it's best to think of us as an escort agency. The profile-swiping UI we have is just a vastly improved way to discover potential escorts in your area.

SSIO is, from what I can tell, basically decentralized Backpage with potential reputation management/transaction history tacked on, while forcing SSIO-token-escrow. Note I don't imply or assume malice on SSIO's part. Unlike the scammy ones or really terrible ones (Frantic) I think SSIO of them is just ... overly optimistic to be polite. They seem like talented and sincere developers, just working on something that doesn't solve problems. Insisting cash is so bad is funny. Even if we're to believe cash is bad (hint: clients don't rape workers due to cash), they could have used a popular currency like BTC, ETH or even XMR/ZEC. Instead they invent a new token they are conveniently selling...

Nocta is similar. Except they toss in IPFS, which already has copyright blacklists ( Their "whitepaper" (I hate this term for non-technical products) is hardly coherent. "Due to specifics, neither offerers nor
customers can fully enjoy benefits of the Internet and social networks." Due to specifics? What specifics? And escorts are incredibly active on Twitter. "cash for some reasons is not always convenient." This war on cash here is, once again, only to sell their token. You know more expensive escorts do when they require a deposit? They take credit cards. Now and then maybe Bitcoin.

Nocta's whole premise that there's no place to find info is wrong. There are plenty of review boards, as well as sites like Slixa or Eros. The issue with review boards is that they have a toxic culture and are somewhat a weapon against escorts. Other sites like Eros present you with real providers, but you start from square one each time. No coordination, no centralized screening. It's still a pain.

Nocta dismisses the reputation issue. Sure, once a client is established, it's all gravy. They ignore that abusive clients can simply re-register, and a decentralized anonymous system by design can't do anything at all. It's Backpage++.
These blockchain projects all miss something huge: It's not about the tech. Literally no provider is sitting around thinking they really need a blockchain-based cryptocurrency-escow system. These projects dismiss real complaints, invent new ones (cash is bad wtf?), confuse privacy and anonymity, and basically claim blockchain's gonna make everything just fine.

Again, make a date, we'll help pay for it, and talk about the actual issues. Or chat with our VP of Product, Sarah (Twitter: @SarahPinkApp), who is an active escort. This is an open offer to anyone reading. We'll help pay for your date with a real escort to discuss these ideas and you can hear first-hand how useless of an idea these other platforms are.

As far as our security, and how we can operate immune to subpoenas: - Pink is an extrajurisdictional company with heavy opsec around the core team. Think Silk Road, if they had real opsec. Note that just because the core team is anonymous, does not mean we can't interface just fine with the real world. It's been fairly easy to get people to do things for us where we can't just send Bitcoin to get it done directly.

I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to drop by our Slack and chat (link in profile and on site). I am certain that anyone that actually compares these projects will see our merit. If not, see our offer to pay for your own research with a real escort.

P.S. Here's a bonus analysis. Frantic was dismissed by SSIO because it's centralized. But actually go through Frantic's site. It's so vile from head to toe. Exhibit A: They say they're going to populate fake profiles in order to assure sex workers the platform is active and safe. In so many words, they intend to deliberately lie to providers and falsely tell them people are safety transacting. Exhibit B: They think gamifying the platform with eXperience Points is a good idea. Here's one way to rack up XP: +10 XP, see over 6 clients in one day. This is a real site, that's taken real people's money, and they say these things on their actual site. I point this out to say there are a ton of clueless and naive people in these projects, even if well intentioned. Though anything taking away payment control from providers calls that into doubt.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BuyingFast on October 07, 2017, 04:13:39 PM
Their security design with multiple Tor layers is novel. And no hard drives does make it hard for LE to seize even if they found it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: celestio on October 07, 2017, 09:59:42 PM
Expecting girls to deal with tokens? How easy will that UI be to use? That's essential for this project.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 08, 2017, 08:40:17 AM
Are you the guy that I heard in a podcast about Pink App, like two days ago?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 08, 2017, 11:29:56 AM
How are the advisors getting compensated? Hopefully through tokens in order to align their interests with yours.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: kicauklaten on October 08, 2017, 12:50:09 PM
Still got confused on what really this project all about, could you explain it in a simple yet understandable words, since i read this as a sex selling coin, that is sad ;(

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 08, 2017, 03:05:39 PM
Thank you for your questions. Pink is not a coin nor a token. It is a company that just happens to be using blockchain currencies to raise money to operate in an anonymous and extrajurisdictional fashion. Pink is selling token-shares, or blockchain bearer shares, if you will. Apart from the privacy required, Pink is not a tech company.

It's easiest to think of Pink as just an escort agency, 2.0. A next-generation agency, with an app.

As far as the service, providers don't need to use tokens: that would not work at all. Clients can pay with cash - cryptocurrencies are not required. We'll have the option to pay with cryptocurrencies but it will be optional.

The founders and advisers are receiving 600,000 token-shares so we're vested in the company. In addition, there are 2 million shares set aside for stock grants for us to hire talented employees.

We reached out to a few YouTubers to start discussions about our product. We'll post links to them when we've had a few channels with different viewpoints cover us.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 08, 2017, 05:42:35 PM
Thank you for your questions. Pink is not a coin nor a token. It is a company that just happens to be using blockchain currencies to raise money to operate in an anonymous and extrajurisdictional fashion. Pink is selling token-shares, or blockchain bearer shares, if you will. Apart from the privacy required, Pink is not a tech company.

It's easiest to think of Pink as just an escort agency, 2.0. A next-generation agency, with an app.

As far as the service, providers don't need to use tokens: that would not work at all. Clients can pay with cash - cryptocurrencies are not required. We'll have the option to pay with cryptocurrencies but it will be optional.

The founders and advisers are receiving 600,000 token-shares so we're vested in the company. In addition, there are 2 million shares set aside for stock grants for us to hire talented employees.

We reached out to a few YouTubers to start discussions about our product. We'll post links to them when we've had a few channels with different viewpoints cover us.

Interesting. So this would work 100% from a legal standpoint?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 09, 2017, 12:46:41 AM
Interesting. So this would work 100% from a legal standpoint?

It works by Pink being an extrajurisdictional company. As long as our opsec is on-point, then we're "immune" from prosecution. In addition, we have contingency procedures so that if core team members are arrested (or even just have an accident), investors will be able to recover the system and find a new team to run it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 09, 2017, 06:42:41 AM
Interesting. So this would work 100% from a legal standpoint?

It works by Pink being an extrajurisdictional company. As long as our opsec is on-point, then we're "immune" from prosecution. In addition, we have contingency procedures so that if core team members are arrested (or even just have an accident), investors will be able to recover the system and find a new team to run it.

Will it be open source?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 09, 2017, 07:02:52 AM
Are you the guy that I heard in a podcast about Pink App, like two days ago?

OP, is that you?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: tirailleur on October 09, 2017, 07:11:08 AM
Hi, dev. Few questions:

1) How do you plan to distribute an app, related with the prostitution?
2) Where I can find your whitepaper, or another doc, that justifying $1.5M min cap?
3) If you don't collect $1.5M  I will be able to receive my funds back? What is the procedure? I can't find info about it on your site
4) Where I can find final address in ETH, BTC or XMR where ICO funds are stored now? It seems that you have raised $700k+ already, by the info on the main page.
5) I've mistyped the address of your page and found that there is another site on the address is it yours?


Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 09, 2017, 01:35:46 PM
Will it be open source?

No. We may open source some interesting pieces at some point, but the main service will not be open source. This matters a lot less than it does for other companies because users must trust Pink anyways. Publishing code provides no guarantee that we are running the same code on our servers.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 09, 2017, 02:01:23 PM
1) How do you plan to distribute an app, related with the prostitution?
2) Where I can find your whitepaper, or another doc, that justifying $1.5M min cap?
3) If you don't collect $1.5M  I will be able to receive my funds back? What is the procedure? I can't find info about it on your site
4) Where I can find final address in ETH, BTC or XMR where ICO funds are stored now? It seems that you have raised $700k+ already, by the info on the main page.
5) I've mistyped the address of your page and found that there is another site on the address is it yours?

Thank you for your questions.

1 - First step will be an HTML5 site that works well as a mobile site. Then make it a Progressive Web App. Finally, we will ship an Android APK.

2 - Our website ( and Medium account ( have details on our plan. We are not a tech company, so a whitepaper is not a good fit. That said we will be adding more information to the main site, in particular, why we need so much money (growth).

3 - If we don't reach $1.5M we will consult with investors and determine a plan. A popular plan right now is that we work to create a beta/testnet on the current funds, then raise money for a full launch.

4 - Funds are moved into Monero. Monero transactions do not show amounts. We're not publishing any of the tx keys, because Monero's privacy model requires a lot of work for high-value targets to use correctly (search for Monero EABE attack for more info).

 5 - We are not related with

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 09, 2017, 02:12:58 PM
Are you the guy that I heard in a podcast about Pink App, like two days ago?

OP, is that you?

No, the issue is that we contacted a few YouTubers, hoping to start a varied discussion. But the ones that accepted are all from one point of view. We don't want to link and publish them before we have other, opposing, viewpoints or it will seem that we support just one side of it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 09, 2017, 08:47:37 PM
Are you the guy that I heard in a podcast about Pink App, like two days ago?

OP, is that you?

No, the issue is that we contacted a few YouTubers, hoping to start a varied discussion. But the ones that accepted are all from one point of view. We don't want to link and publish them before we have other, opposing, viewpoints or it will seem that we support just one side of it.

Is there any other ICO with Pink in its name?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 09, 2017, 08:53:05 PM
Are you the guy that I heard in a podcast about Pink App, like two days ago?

OP, is that you?

No, the issue is that we contacted a few YouTubers, hoping to start a varied discussion. But the ones that accepted are all from one point of view. We don't want to link and publish them before we have other, opposing, viewpoints or it will seem that we support just one side of it.

That's very professional. I wish more project leaders would do that.

Have you been in the business world for long?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 09, 2017, 08:59:59 PM
Publishing code provides no guarantee that we are running the same code on our servers.

This is scary. I've never thought about that.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 09, 2017, 09:07:20 PM
Is there any other ICO with Pink in its name?

There is Pinkcoin:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Sarah_PinkApp on October 10, 2017, 12:17:30 AM
We've posted a preview video here:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: tirailleur on October 10, 2017, 06:31:48 AM
1) How do you plan to distribute an app, related with the prostitution?
2) Where I can find your whitepaper, or another doc, that justifying $1.5M min cap?
3) If you don't collect $1.5M  I will be able to receive my funds back? What is the procedure? I can't find info about it on your site
4) Where I can find final address in ETH, BTC or XMR where ICO funds are stored now? It seems that you have raised $700k+ already, by the info on the main page.
5) I've mistyped the address of your page and found that there is another site on the address is it yours?

Thank you for your questions.

1 - First step will be an HTML5 site that works well as a mobile site. Then make it a Progressive Web App. Finally, we will ship an Android APK.

2 - Our website ( and Medium account ( have details on our plan. We are not a tech company, so a whitepaper is not a good fit. That said we will be adding more information to the main site, in particular, why we need so much money (growth).

3 - If we don't reach $1.5M we will consult with investors and determine a plan. A popular plan right now is that we work to create a beta/testnet on the current funds, then raise money for a full launch.

4 - Funds are moved into Monero. Monero transactions do not show amounts. We're not publishing any of the tx keys, because Monero's privacy model requires a lot of work for high-value targets to use correctly (search for Monero EABE attack for more info).

 5 - We are not related with

Andoid apk? Seriously? Its really hard to imagine how average user of sexservices or an escort-girl will be able to install it. Apple users will be prohibited?
You've said that pink is not a tech company, but you're using cryptocurrencies to receive investments and plan to build innovative network-based service. And, for sure, you have a plan to build an App. Still think that you're not a tech company?
So, you basically have no plan how to refund your investors. And you cannot show the proofs of the total amount you've raised. So investors just cannot be sured that min cap is reached (or not). Is the counter on your site the only information source for the total raised amount? It doesn't inspire confidence.
I was the one of the first investors, it was my fault, and i've lost my funds due to poorly explored project to invest. The next scam was lust, they've been busted just in time. And now there is 3 more projects in sex industry. All of them are poorly represented. And all of them have red/yellow flags.Definitely scam possibility is high here. I'll investigate this.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BuyingFast on October 10, 2017, 07:31:46 AM
We've posted a preview video here:

Looks good. Have you started working on the code?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BuyingFast on October 10, 2017, 08:08:39 AM
1) How do you plan to distribute an app, related with the prostitution?
2) Where I can find your whitepaper, or another doc, that justifying $1.5M min cap?
3) If you don't collect $1.5M  I will be able to receive my funds back? What is the procedure? I can't find info about it on your site
4) Where I can find final address in ETH, BTC or XMR where ICO funds are stored now? It seems that you have raised $700k+ already, by the info on the main page.
5) I've mistyped the address of your page and found that there is another site on the address is it yours?

Thank you for your questions.

1 - First step will be an HTML5 site that works well as a mobile site. Then make it a Progressive Web App. Finally, we will ship an Android APK.

2 - Our website ( and Medium account ( have details on our plan. We are not a tech company, so a whitepaper is not a good fit. That said we will be adding more information to the main site, in particular, why we need so much money (growth).

3 - If we don't reach $1.5M we will consult with investors and determine a plan. A popular plan right now is that we work to create a beta/testnet on the current funds, then raise money for a full launch.

4 - Funds are moved into Monero. Monero transactions do not show amounts. We're not publishing any of the tx keys, because Monero's privacy model requires a lot of work for high-value targets to use correctly (search for Monero EABE attack for more info).

 5 - We are not related with

Andoid apk? Seriously? Its really hard to imagine how average user of sexservices or an escort-girl will be able to install it. Apple users will be prohibited?
You've said that pink is not a tech company, but you're using cryptocurrencies to receive investments and plan to build innovative network-based service. And, for sure, you have a plan to build an App. Still think that you're not a tech company?
So, you basically have no plan how to refund your investors. And you cannot show the proofs of the total amount you've raised. So investors just cannot be ensured that min cap is reached (or not). Only information about already solded shares is the counter on your site? It doesn't inspire confidence.
I was the one of the first investors, it was my fault, and i've lost my funds due to poorly explored project to invest. The next scam was lust, they've been busted just in time. And now there is 3 more projects in sex industry. All of them are poorly represented. And all of them have red/yellow flags.Definitely scam possibility is high here. I'll investigate this.

Why are Android apks difficult to install? Don't you just copy the file on the phone, then run it?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 10, 2017, 08:15:04 AM
We really should stop disparaging users of such services, or the people that would sell their services through the app. They've used technology before, they can handle learning a new tech process if it's for their good.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 10, 2017, 01:56:36 PM

Andoid apk? Seriously? Its really hard to imagine how average user of sexservices or an escort-girl will be able to install it. Apple users will be prohibited?
You've said that pink is not a tech company, but you're using cryptocurrencies to receive investments and plan to build innovative network-based service. And, for sure, you have a plan to build an App. Still think that you're not a tech company?
So, you basically have no plan how to refund your investors. And you cannot show the proofs of the total amount you've raised. So investors just cannot be sured that min cap is reached (or not). Is the counter on your site the only information source for the total raised amount? It doesn't inspire confidence.
I was the one of the first investors, it was my fault, and i've lost my funds due to poorly explored project to invest. The next scam was lust, they've been busted just in time. And now there is 3 more projects in sex industry. All of them are poorly represented. And all of them have red/yellow flags.Definitely scam possibility is high here. I'll investigate this.

For people using Pink often enough to warrant using the app, installing the APK is not a big deal. For many users this is 3 clicks to enable, then click to install.

LegalZoom and Dominos Pizza ship iOS and Android apps, are they tech companies? It is an argument over words and we probably agree on the details. The point is that Pink is not inventing new technology. We're applying existing well-known technology in a straightforward application. Only our plans for automatic-profile-customization are remotely high-tech because somewhere down the line we want to make that ML & AI driven.

We're only at the cutting edge when it comes to applying security and privacy technology. For privacy we aren't showing any wallet information. Look up Monero EABE attack, we face a much more powerful version of that.

Pink definitely falls into the high risk category of investment. We could simply walk off with the money! This is completely true, yet the most uninteresting aspect of any analysis. I do not think Pink is higher-risk than other ICOs. Many of them require a token for usage, even when it is terribly obviously a horrible decision. Pink has an easy-to-understand business model. As far as escort services go, Pink is the only one with a possibly-functional design. I think Pink is the only one with an active sex worker on the executive team.

So yes, Pink could be a scam. As written on our site: Until we ship, we can't convince people otherwise. Anything we say will be countered with an aha-that's-what-a-scammer-would-say, and turns into a ridiculous Princess Bride scenario. So review our materials, chat with us on Slack, make a determination for yourself. After you've decided we're not a scam, then critically review the actual product being proposed. Compare it to and, compare it to SSIO and Backpage, compare it to Slixa, and even ECCIE or TER. Then decide if we have the next unicorn on our hands or not.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: ghoomp on October 10, 2017, 02:11:35 PM

I'd like to introduce you to Pink (,, Basically, we wondered if sex work was entirely legal, no restrictions, what would the startups in that area look like? Pink is the result of that idea. By operating as an extrajurisdictional company, we put morality over legality. An anonymously operating escort agency. Or, to be all Silicon Valley, Uber Meets Tinder or some obnoxious mash-up line like that.

Why should it be anonymous? My personal opinion is I don't like this idea and certainly on sex industry level.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: jimrome on October 10, 2017, 02:57:14 PM
It is good to see new projects coming out in this platform but i am still not sure what you are going to fulfill here as there are many promising apps which does a decent job,sure you could have a billion dollars if you set things the right way but tinder is the worst dating app i have seen and i really do not like to see those settings being rolled over and if so i can guarantee that this will be a failure .

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 10, 2017, 03:15:43 PM
We've posted a preview video here:

Looks good. Have you started working on the code?

We've started on parts of the backend.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 10, 2017, 04:03:32 PM
It is good to see new projects coming out in this platform but i am still not sure what you are going to fulfill here as there are many promising apps which does a decent job,sure you could have a billion dollars if you set things the right way but tinder is the worst dating app i have seen and i really do not like to see those settings being rolled over and if so i can guarantee that this will be a failure .

We will offer a traditional search system with endless listings. I will not argue if Tinder is a good or bad dating experience. What matter is that Tinder has very high engagement levels and that is something we want to seek. Furthermore, a UX that encourages clients to view more providers and rate them, even with swipe left v right is good for us. It provides us valuable data that we can use to increase revenue.

A super simple example: Some clients prefer some aspects of a body, such as the chest. Others want booty. There are countless providers that have great attributes on both sides, which to highlight? Our system will know the preferences a client shows, and thus can display the most attractive photos on a per-client basis. No other system can do this. I expect this feature to be copied pretty quickly after we launch though!

And this example is very limited, just playing off the old T&A concept. There are many more dimensions. For instance, selfies v pro photos. We believe that for any given provider, their reach of interested clients is at least 50% more than what they can accomplish with a single static profile. Pink's dynamic profiles will give them that reach without the provider having to do anything.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 10, 2017, 04:13:07 PM
I'd like to introduce you to Pink (,, Basically, we wondered if sex work was entirely legal, no restrictions, what would the startups in that area look like? Pink is the result of that idea. By operating as an extrajurisdictional company, we put morality over legality. An anonymously operating escort agency. Or, to be all Silicon Valley, Uber Meets Tinder or some obnoxious mash-up line like that.
Why should it be anonymous? My personal opinion is I don't like this idea and certainly on sex industry level.

If the core team that runs the platform is not anonymous, then law enforcement will simply arrest them or sue them. This would have a negative impact on the uptime of the service.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 10, 2017, 05:11:08 PM
We really should stop disparaging users of such services, or the people that would sell their services through the app. They've used technology before, they can handle learning a new tech process if it's for their good.

A lot of clients or non-clients simply have no clue what they are talking about. Many providers are absolutely top-notch professionals. Sex work is work and is a lot more than just sex. People, especially guys, think hey, have sex, get paid, easy! In reality it's running your own brand, marketing, screening customers, maintaining secrecy. Dumb providers do not do well.

Providers as a group will have a far easier time installing an APK than the general population. It's not a hard task at all.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: johnnywoo2015 on October 10, 2017, 05:22:27 PM

Please explain me more about your extrajurisdictional company? How this can be legal?
If you can really make it legal, this could be one very promising project.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 10, 2017, 05:59:22 PM
Please explain me more about your extrajurisdictional company? How this can be legal?
If you can really make it legal, this could be one very promising project.

Legality is defined on a specific jurisdiction. It's legal to sell Kinder Eggs in some places, but not in the U.S. Sex work, and all the surrounding work (advertising, accounting, payment handling) is not fully legal in any specific existing jurisdiction. And even if it were, even if Pink could be fully licensed in Australia for instance, it would still be offering illegal services in the U.S. The U.S. could then apply legal pressure on Australia to extradite us or otherwise cause problems. Or the next time we're travelling, they could grab us, even illegally. In short, it is not a good tactic to rely on the legal protection of a particular country.

To work around this, we do not operate in any particular jurisdiction. We are extrajurisdictional. Easier said than done! To get it done, we use tight opsec to ensure anonymity of our core team and server platforms. More details here:

By having a very small core team, we can operate outside of existing jurisdiction, and thus they cannot enforce their laws on us. Think of it as a pocket of cyberspace allowing cypherpunk libertarian values. As far as it being legal, that depends on who you ask. The US Government will not agree: We are offering shares that are not regulated by the SEC, but the US says we must register with the SEC. So it's an impasse. They insist it applies, we insist it does not. Unless they defeat our security systems then physically grab us they cannot do much about it. And even if they do physically grab us, we are setting up contingency plans to allow investors to select a successor team to control the platform and run it. Same contingency plan if we were to all suffer a heart attack or other disaster.

This is not our first rodeo, and our design as linked above has received very positive feedback. Once we are funded, we will seek a third party security audit, to assure people, even more, that our opsec remains onpoint.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BuyingFast on October 10, 2017, 10:10:30 PM
We've posted a preview video here:

Looks good. Have you started working on the code?

We've started on parts of the backend.

Awesome, as that's the hardest part.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 11, 2017, 06:53:52 AM
What is the soft cap on the sale?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 11, 2017, 06:59:01 AM
Sorry, I always confuse these. What is the hard cap actually? Or what are them both?

Soft cap is the minimum that must be raised for the crowdsale to be considered a success, and the hard cap is the maximum amount that is accepted as investment in total.

Also, will the hard cap be encoded in the contract?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: liviux on October 11, 2017, 06:59:08 AM
There's another coin PINK and it's something totally different :))))

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 11, 2017, 07:34:36 AM
There's another coin PINK and it's something totally different :))))

Yeah, we'll have cryptocurrencies and ICOs for every color soon.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: nitinum on October 11, 2017, 08:39:14 AM
What do you think guys?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 11, 2017, 03:41:28 PM
Sorry, I always confuse these. What is the hard cap actually? Or what are them both?

Soft cap is the minimum that must be raised for the crowdsale to be considered a success, and the hard cap is the maximum amount that is accepted as investment in total.

Also, will the hard cap be encoded in the contract?

We've a goal of $1.5 mln for Series A in order to go directly to launch. The consensus seems to be that if we don't reach that, then we should instead work on creating a beta platform, show it off, while raising a Series B. In practice, what we'd do is issue a 2:1 shares bonus to all Series A investors, effectively cutting the price in half for them. Then we'd start a Series B a bit later at a price of $1.10.

The total number of shares is 23.45 million. 5 mln for Series A, 5 mln for IPO, 10 mln for potential future offers, 2 mln stock grants for hiring talent, 800,000 investor incentive shares, 600,000 founder shares. Unsold shares are not outstanding, and thus do not count when calculating market cap or dividends. At IPO, we expect there to be about 12 million shares outstanding.

The founder shares and stock grants are subject to a 50% 6 month and 50% 12 month lockup period. This ensures that founders and executives don't dump shares after receiving them.

We are looking at what we encode into a contract. We're excited about the possibility for smart contract corporate governance in general. But we're also a bit cautious, as many bugs have shown smart contracts to be a bit immature for trusting with a lot of money.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Sword555 on October 11, 2017, 07:11:13 PM
This seems similar to the whole AshleyMadison fiasco, but with a much bigger focus on anonymity. So their problem was their database was hacked and everyones information leaked, how have you learned from that disaster and how will you approach data security? Using crypto probably eliminates the need for real names altogether right?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: QlooQl on October 11, 2017, 07:17:47 PM
This is hilarious  ;D ;D ;D

How many escorts know how to tie their shoes much less download, install and secure a wallet?

Or you want the pimps to do it for them Lawl! Or are we supposed to be the pimps since we invested in the system? I can see it now... Some big dude busting in the door because his computer gets a fatal exception error every time he tries to open the wallet, demanding his hard-earned money.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 11, 2017, 07:44:41 PM
This seems similar to the whole AshleyMadison fiasco, but with a much bigger focus on anonymity. So their problem was their database was hacked and everyones information leaked, how have you learned from that disaster and how will you approach data security? Using crypto probably eliminates the need for real names altogether right?

AM's security was amateur hour. Ours is not even in the same game. Read our article here: Then tell me how an AM style exfiltration would work. There will be only 3 active people with server access (plus contingency system, but that will be publicly visible action).

TL;DR: Servers are pure RAM-based, no disks. Encrypted backups. Intrusion detection->auto shutdown. No routable IP, only Tor access for hidden service. Database is 2 Hidden Services deep, so it's Web Gateway->Tor HS1 (Web Server)->Tor HS2(data gateway)->DB.

Data access is gated by a cryptographic token unique to each user and rate limited. So even if you got network access on the app server, you would have to compromise user logins to submit data requests (no direct SQL).

This architecture is a bit of a pain to manage. It is not as uptime-friendly; if something goes wrong, we have to restore from backup. No internet access is tough, it means we have to create a change management request, audit it, then create a new container and deploy. But the security benefits are unrivaled.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 11, 2017, 10:11:13 PM
This is hilarious  ;D ;D ;D

How many escorts know how to tie their shoes much less download, install and secure a wallet?

Or you want the pimps to do it for them Lawl! Or are we supposed to be the pimps since we invested in the system? I can see it now... Some big dude busting in the door because his computer gets a fatal exception error every time he tries to open the wallet, demanding his hard-earned money.

Escort work is a lot more involved than you understand and your rude statements simply do not reflect reality. Even then, we accept cash payments, and it's not expected that any end users end up being forced to use Bitcoin or Monero.

I don't know what you're talking about re pimps. Pink is completely anti-pimp.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BuyingFast on October 11, 2017, 10:47:13 PM
Judging by the answers from the OP, he's very technical and the kind of guy that you want to handle such a tricky project.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: tirailleur on October 13, 2017, 06:25:12 AM
Hmm. "Servers are pure RAM-based, no disks." And where whole system will be stored at? Random shutdown or reboot of server will cause in devastating of data. This isnt acceptable both for customers and girls. All personal data will be destroyed, and you have to do backups every hour or even more often with service growth.
OP you disappointing me, first when i've quickly read your tech papers on medium, I've thought "that seems flawless", but then i've read this about RAM storage, and about two TOR gates within your system.
Did you know, that TOR cannot provide an acceptable bandwidth for a service like yours? Especially when there is two tor gates in the network.
So, your security/storage plan is not flawless, moreover it's vulnerable and way too complicated in service.
And i've found strange thing. How it could be truth that for 11 days of your ICO you've collected $400k ( and after creating bitcointalk thread you've stuck on 700 for days? Where was your main marketing campaign?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 13, 2017, 10:25:08 AM
Hmm. "Servers are pure RAM-based, no disks." And where whole system will be stored at? Random shutdown or reboot of server will cause in devastating of data. This isnt acceptable both for customers and girls. All personal data will be destroyed, and you have to do backups every hour or even more often with service growth.
OP you disappointing me, first when i've quickly read your tech papers on medium, I've thought "that seems flawless", but then i've read this about RAM storage, and about two TOR gates within your system.
Did you know, that TOR cannot provide an acceptable bandwidth for a service like yours? Especially when there is two tor gates in the network.
So, your security/storage plan is not flawless, moreover it's vulnerable and way too complicated in service.
And i've found strange thing. How it could be truth that for 11 days of your ICO you've collected $400k ( and after creating bitcointalk thread you've stuck on 700 for days? Where was your main marketing campaign?

Differential backups every few minutes or less. Basically stream the database log to encrypted backup. This is not hard. It is not something we invented. It is a very common approach for RDBMS.

If the server is breached or otherwise fails (random failures are scary - why is it random?) then we have to restart and restore. This is intentional. It provides the best security guarantees. Drop by our Slack and chat if you're not convinced. RDBMS data is small and restores quickly. Bigger data (photos) can be streamed from encrypted storage and does not delay restore.

Hosting via physical servers, not in Pink's name. This makes imaging them a very difficult task. Unlike VPSes which are easily imaged, including RAM.

Who claims things are flawless? I am not claiming our plan is flawless. I am saying it is vastly superior design and hard to improve without having a nation-state willing to back you legally. If you have particular criticisms, I want to hear them, please!

It is very common in ICOs to have a distribution heavily weighted to early and/or big players. Pink talked to people well before the domain was even registered. We have news articles in some huge mainstream tech and business sites coming out soon, plus some independent journalists. Sign up on to get updates - we have an update message coming out in the next 16 hours.

Tor will work fine. Aggressive prefetch and caching (encrypted to user access token) means few requests need to go all the way to the database. Plus we have some tricks up our sleeves to reduce latency. It is a challenge, but one we have figured out and feel very comfortable with.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 13, 2017, 11:32:01 AM
Sarah wrote a new article that explains some issues in escorting. Why is it hard work, and how can Pink help?

Read to find out: Challenges in the Business of Pleasure:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 14, 2017, 09:18:56 PM
Or VP of Product, Sarah Stevens, did an interview with the International Business Times:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BuyingFast on October 14, 2017, 11:35:06 PM
How many people work on this project part time or full time?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 15, 2017, 01:09:15 AM
How many people work on this project part time or full time?
At this point, approximately 10. I won't be more precise due to opsec concerns. We're mostly transparent, but about the actual people involved, every bit of obscurity helps maintain operational security.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Sarah_PinkApp on October 15, 2017, 01:16:40 AM
This is hilarious  ;D ;D ;D

How many escorts know how to tie their shoes much less download, install and secure a wallet?

Or you want the pimps to do it for them Lawl! Or are we supposed to be the pimps since we invested in the system? I can see it now... Some big dude busting in the door because his computer gets a fatal exception error every time he tries to open the wallet, demanding his hard-earned money.

Clearly you have zero idea of any work that's involved in being an escort. Your ignorance is overwhelming.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Sarah_PinkApp on October 15, 2017, 01:28:32 AM
We've got some videos from providers in support of our product. Check them out here:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 15, 2017, 06:52:06 PM
Is there any other ICO with Pink in its name?

There is Pinkcoin:

They have a pretty interesting blog post about their booth at BlockCon 2017, did you guys go?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 15, 2017, 07:07:32 PM
This is hilarious  ;D ;D ;D

How many escorts know how to tie their shoes much less download, install and secure a wallet?

Or you want the pimps to do it for them Lawl! Or are we supposed to be the pimps since we invested in the system? I can see it now... Some big dude busting in the door because his computer gets a fatal exception error every time he tries to open the wallet, demanding his hard-earned money.

Clearly you have zero idea of any work that's involved in being an escort. Your ignorance is overwhelming.

I wouldn't worry too much about what the trolls/kids think.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Sword555 on October 15, 2017, 07:32:08 PM
This seems similar to the whole AshleyMadison fiasco, but with a much bigger focus on anonymity. So their problem was their database was hacked and everyones information leaked, how have you learned from that disaster and how will you approach data security? Using crypto probably eliminates the need for real names altogether right?

AM's security was amateur hour. Ours is not even in the same game. Read our article here: Then tell me how an AM style exfiltration would work. There will be only 3 active people with server access (plus contingency system, but that will be publicly visible action).

TL;DR: Servers are pure RAM-based, no disks. Encrypted backups. Intrusion detection->auto shutdown. No routable IP, only Tor access for hidden service. Database is 2 Hidden Services deep, so it's Web Gateway->Tor HS1 (Web Server)->Tor HS2(data gateway)->DB.

Data access is gated by a cryptographic token unique to each user and rate limited. So even if you got network access on the app server, you would have to compromise user logins to submit data requests (no direct SQL).

This architecture is a bit of a pain to manage. It is not as uptime-friendly; if something goes wrong, we have to restore from backup. No internet access is tough, it means we have to create a change management request, audit it, then create a new container and deploy. But the security benefits are unrivaled.

That's actually pretty impressive. I didn't know RAM based servers were even a thing.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 15, 2017, 10:11:54 PM
Is there any other ICO with Pink in its name?

There is Pinkcoin:

They have a pretty interesting blog post about their booth at BlockCon 2017, did you guys go?

We're looking a few upcoming conferences but nothing solid yet.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 15, 2017, 10:31:49 PM
That's actually pretty impressive. I didn't know RAM based servers were even a thing.

They aren't used because they are a pain in the ass. The trade off is not worth it for most enterprises. But if your threat model includes attackers physically raiding your datacenter then it makes sense.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: covert24 on October 15, 2017, 10:54:05 PM
First post ever on the ol' bitcointalk forums here.  Long time lurker though looking for something innovative.  Have been binge-watching Criminal Minds on Netflix recently and have come across something that correlates to this on Season 9, Ep. 12.  Basically an escort service with the option to pay in bitcoin was part of the episode.  I see you ha e outlined  your security roadmap/plan of attack rather well. The use of ram based servers and Tor gates, while not new, is an extremely effective, yet cumbersome form of data storage/processing.  Basically what my entire point of posting this is what if something were to happen?  What if, after all the background checks for a particular escort or client came back clean, something were to develop such as a serial killer using only YOUR service to facilitate his acts of violence. How would they be stopped?  How could they even be tracked?  Saw the episode and immediately thought of this coin.  Don't take this as FUDing as I feel like this is a reasonable question to ask
  One that I don't think has been discussed yet as its more of a "worst case" scenario type thing.  Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing more updates on this peoject.!

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 16, 2017, 07:29:01 PM
Is there any other ICO with Pink in its name?

There is Pinkcoin:

They have a pretty interesting blog post about their booth at BlockCon 2017, did you guys go?

We're looking a few upcoming conferences but nothing solid yet.

Which one are you guys most hoping for? I went to Blockchain Life 2017 and learned so much.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 16, 2017, 07:54:32 PM
We really should stop disparaging users of such services, or the people that would sell their services through the app. They've used technology before, they can handle learning a new tech process if it's for their good.

A lot of clients or non-clients simply have no clue what they are talking about. Many providers are absolutely top-notch professionals. Sex work is work and is a lot more than just sex. People, especially guys, think hey, have sex, get paid, easy! In reality it's running your own brand, marketing, screening customers, maintaining secrecy. Dumb providers do not do well.

Providers as a group will have a far easier time installing an APK than the general population. It's not a hard task at all.

Last time I installed an .APK it was like 2 clicks. Anyone who runs Android should have no problem with it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 16, 2017, 08:57:24 PM
First post ever on the ol' bitcointalk forums here.  Long time lurker though looking for something innovative.  Have been binge-watching Criminal Minds on Netflix recently and have come across something that correlates to this on Season 9, Ep. 12.  Basically an escort service with the option to pay in bitcoin was part of the episode.  I see you ha e outlined  your security roadmap/plan of attack rather well. The use of ram based servers and Tor gates, while not new, is an extremely effective, yet cumbersome form of data storage/processing.  Basically what my entire point of posting this is what if something were to happen?  What if, after all the background checks for a particular escort or client came back clean, something were to develop such as a serial killer using only YOUR service to facilitate his acts of violence. How would they be stopped?  How could they even be tracked?  Saw the episode and immediately thought of this coin.  Don't take this as FUDing as I feel like this is a reasonable question to ask
  One that I don't think has been discussed yet as its more of a "worst case" scenario type thing.  Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing more updates on this peoject.!

Well you can come up with these made-for-TV dramatic ideas for any service. What about an AirBnB killer that only goes after places he's already stayed?

Pink is a terrible service for a would-be killer to use. Clients undergo screening through our system, plus additional screening providers may require. There would be a record of each use, at least for a while (we will delete old records). If a provider does not check in after a date, we alert their emergency contacts, and there will be a record in our system of a missing checkin.

And if the attacker is going to follow up with people after a date, then there's no point in using Pink anyways.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: covert24 on October 16, 2017, 11:15:44 PM
First post ever on the ol' bitcointalk forums here.  Long time lurker though looking for something innovative.  Have been binge-watching Criminal Minds on Netflix recently and have come across something that correlates to this on Season 9, Ep. 12.  Basically an escort service with the option to pay in bitcoin was part of the episode.  I see you ha e outlined  your security roadmap/plan of attack rather well. The use of ram based servers and Tor gates, while not new, is an extremely effective, yet cumbersome form of data storage/processing.  Basically what my entire point of posting this is what if something were to happen?  What if, after all the background checks for a particular escort or client came back clean, something were to develop such as a serial killer using only YOUR service to facilitate his acts of violence. How would they be stopped?  How could they even be tracked?  Saw the episode and immediately thought of this coin.  Don't take this as FUDing as I feel like this is a reasonable question to ask
  One that I don't think has been discussed yet as its more of a "worst case" scenario type thing.  Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing more updates on this peoject.!

Well you can come up with these made-for-TV dramatic ideas for any service. What about an AirBnB killer that only goes after places he's already stayed?

Pink is a terrible service for a would-be killer to use. Clients undergo screening through our system, plus additional screening providers may require. There would be a record of each use, at least for a while (we will delete old records). If a provider does not check in after a date, we alert their emergency contacts, and there will be a record in our system of a missing checkin.

And if the attacker is going to follow up with people after a date, then there's no point in using Pink anyways.

Good enough for me.  Literally finished watching the episode and saw this on the ANN page and had to at least ask.  Thanks!  Will be watching this project to see where it goes  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 17, 2017, 05:39:15 PM
Will you invite more advisors to your team?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 17, 2017, 06:00:22 PM
First post ever on the ol' bitcointalk forums here.  Long time lurker though looking for something innovative.  Have been binge-watching Criminal Minds on Netflix recently and have come across something that correlates to this on Season 9, Ep. 12.  Basically an escort service with the option to pay in bitcoin was part of the episode.  I see you ha e outlined  your security roadmap/plan of attack rather well. The use of ram based servers and Tor gates, while not new, is an extremely effective, yet cumbersome form of data storage/processing.  Basically what my entire point of posting this is what if something were to happen?  What if, after all the background checks for a particular escort or client came back clean, something were to develop such as a serial killer using only YOUR service to facilitate his acts of violence. How would they be stopped?  How could they even be tracked?  Saw the episode and immediately thought of this coin.  Don't take this as FUDing as I feel like this is a reasonable question to ask
  One that I don't think has been discussed yet as its more of a "worst case" scenario type thing.  Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing more updates on this peoject.!

Haha! I like you, you should stick around. Very interesting point though, with so much focusing on anonymity, could it be too much?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Zeatorius on October 17, 2017, 06:07:08 PM
I read the first line and thought this must just be a joke then again it is the oldest profession in the world, how it would work with bitcoin however is another matter.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BuyingFast on October 17, 2017, 07:28:04 PM
How many people work on this project part time or full time?
At this point, approximately 10. I won't be more precise due to opsec concerns. We're mostly transparent, but about the actual people involved, every bit of obscurity helps maintain operational security.

Then your team is bigger than that of most ICOs out there. How many of those 10 are developers? That's the golden question, right there.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 17, 2017, 07:36:06 PM
Will you invite more advisors to your team?

I'm also curious about this. What areas do you see yourself needing more advisors in, in the future?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: thang long on October 17, 2017, 07:48:45 PM
Very interesting idea/ topic. I just might want to get involved.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: celestio on October 17, 2017, 08:04:40 PM
I'm just now seeing the UI preview, that actually looks pretty good. Nice and intuitive. Lots of features is nice, but I'd wait and keep it simple until you have a larger user base.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: BlitzandBitz on October 17, 2017, 09:00:43 PM
Do you plan to launch in Asia?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: S-triple-C on October 17, 2017, 09:04:03 PM
"Too many ICOs issue useless tokens that only serve to line their own pockets, and damage whatever product they're making."

This is entirely true. Someone should regulate ICO's.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 17, 2017, 10:57:13 PM

Then your team is bigger than that of most ICOs out there. How many of those 10 are developers? That's the golden question, right there.

We have around 5 people actually working on product development. We've already started programming the system as well as designing policies.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 17, 2017, 11:01:51 PM
Do you plan to launch in Asia?

Any particular cities you are interested in? We are going to be really busy in 2018 building out the US, Canada, and UK/IE.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 17, 2017, 11:03:18 PM
Will you invite more advisors to your team?

I'm also curious about this. What areas do you see yourself needing more advisors in, in the future?

After we finish our B round we're going to be doing a CEO and CFO search.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: gembira on October 17, 2017, 11:11:34 PM
Another one sex project... Which dividends you mean? We will receive % from each prostitutes? Like souteneur?  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 17, 2017, 11:13:02 PM
I'm just now seeing the UI preview, that actually looks pretty good. Nice and intuitive. Lots of features is nice, but I'd wait and keep it simple until you have a larger user base.

You are correct. We are focusing on a simple flow for now. Everyone has their own 100 favorite ideas. We will slowly add the best ones.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: AppreciatingValue on October 17, 2017, 11:15:45 PM
First post ever on the ol' bitcointalk forums here.  Long time lurker though looking for something innovative.  Have been binge-watching Criminal Minds on Netflix recently and have come across something that correlates to this on Season 9, Ep. 12.  Basically an escort service with the option to pay in bitcoin was part of the episode.  I see you ha e outlined  your security roadmap/plan of attack rather well. The use of ram based servers and Tor gates, while not new, is an extremely effective, yet cumbersome form of data storage/processing.  Basically what my entire point of posting this is what if something were to happen?  What if, after all the background checks for a particular escort or client came back clean, something were to develop such as a serial killer using only YOUR service to facilitate his acts of violence. How would they be stopped?  How could they even be tracked?  Saw the episode and immediately thought of this coin.  Don't take this as FUDing as I feel like this is a reasonable question to ask
  One that I don't think has been discussed yet as its more of a "worst case" scenario type thing.  Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing more updates on this peoject.!

Well you can come up with these made-for-TV dramatic ideas for any service. What about an AirBnB killer that only goes after places he's already stayed?

Pink is a terrible service for a would-be killer to use. Clients undergo screening through our system, plus additional screening providers may require. There would be a record of each use, at least for a while (we will delete old records). If a provider does not check in after a date, we alert their emergency contacts, and there will be a record in our system of a missing checkin.

And if the attacker is going to follow up with people after a date, then there's no point in using Pink anyways.

Hmm screening. What kind of screening exactly? As far as I know, people prefer to be anonymous when browsing and visiting "working girls". If the girls are marketing themselves as "escorts" or "sugar babies" instead of prostitu***, then we all have seekingarrangement which has literally thousands of girls. They too have a system in place for screening "sugar daddies". I know, it's probably nothing special, and the website membership costs like $70. Bust just wondering what's the advantage of this platform over seekingarrangement or whatsyourprice?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 17, 2017, 11:17:24 PM
Another one sex project... Which dividends you mean? We will receive % from each prostitutes? Like souteneur?  ;D

Yes we will take a % from each transaction.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 17, 2017, 11:30:54 PM
Hmm screening. What kind of screening exactly? As far as I know, people prefer to be anonymous when browsing and visiting "working girls". If the girls are marketing themselves as "escorts" or "sugar babies" instead of prostitu***, then we all have seekingarrangement which has literally thousands of girls. They too have a system in place for screening "sugar daddies". I know, it's probably nothing special, and the website membership costs like $70. Bust just wondering what's the advantage of this platform over seekingarrangement or whatsyourprice?

Most escorts require knowledge of the client's ID. Some require more, like employment information, or even a deposit. This accomplishes a few things. First, it gets rid of timewasters. A LOT of guys call up, talk, just to fantasize about being with a girl. They may even call on the phone just to hear their voice. This is annoying. Some will make appointments, then make up excuses. Escorts also want to know the person isn't LE. They want to know he's safe. That the client will show up on time and pay as agreed.

Sarah, our VP of Product and an active sex worker, has written a few articles about this:

SA does NOT deal with escorts. Anyone selling such services on SA would be banned. For example, SA is not going to end up with an instant book option. Pink is much more transactional and will have better quality clients.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: gembira on October 17, 2017, 11:38:12 PM
I'm just now seeing the UI preview, that actually looks pretty good. Nice and intuitive. Lots of features is nice, but I'd wait and keep it simple until you have a larger user base.

You are correct. We are focusing on a simple flow for now. Everyone has their own 100 favorite ideas. We will slowly add the best ones.

And which % you will give to tokenholders? In which countries you planning make this?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: AppreciatingValue on October 17, 2017, 11:44:22 PM
Hmm screening. What kind of screening exactly? As far as I know, people prefer to be anonymous when browsing and visiting "working girls". If the girls are marketing themselves as "escorts" or "sugar babies" instead of prostitu***, then we all have seekingarrangement which has literally thousands of girls. They too have a system in place for screening "sugar daddies". I know, it's probably nothing special, and the website membership costs like $70. Bust just wondering what's the advantage of this platform over seekingarrangement or whatsyourprice?

Most escorts require knowledge of the client's ID. Some require more, like employment information, or even a deposit. This accomplishes a few things. First, it gets rid of timewasters. A LOT of guys call up, talk, just to fantasize about being with a girl. They may even call on the phone just to hear their voice. This is annoying. Some will make appointments, then make up excuses. Escorts also want to know the person isn't LE. They want to know he's safe. That the client will show up on time and pay as agreed.

Sarah, our VP of Product and an active sex worker, has written a few articles about this:

SA does NOT deal with escorts. Anyone selling such services on SA would be banned. For example, SA is not going to end up with an instant book option. Pink is much more transactional and will have better quality clients.

ID? First time I ever heard of this. Deposit ok sure, name ok yeah. But since when do escorts play the police?
And about SA not dealing with escorts.. Sure, they say that on their ToS and whatever, but I know first hand, and I actually ran a test for this, that a lot and I mean A LOT of girls will accept a meeting straight up, with minimal confirmation (usually just a phone conversation and a few pics), and an agreed upon amount of money.
They all know it's all about discretion. And a huge part of the Ashley Madison leak was people being embarrassed when their spouses or SOs found out they used it to cheat and whatnot.
I'm seeing huge benefits for the escort, yeah it's very safe and functional. But for the customers? I don't know. People do like to keep these things a secret. Consumers especially.
Just my opinion based on some experience. I might be right, I might be wrong. If I was 100% sure I'm right, I wouldn't even be posting here. I'm looking forward to being explained and convinced otherwise.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 12:24:51 AM

And which % you will give to tokenholders? In which countries you planning make this?

We are planning to take 50% of profits per quarter and distribute to shareholders.

We will expand to many countries. For now, the focus is Canada, UK/Ireland, and United States. Shareholders can be worldwide.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 12:29:32 AM
ID? First time I ever heard of this. Deposit ok sure, name ok yeah. But since when do escorts play the police?
And about SA not dealing with escorts.. Sure, they say that on their ToS and whatever, but I know first hand, and I actually ran a test for this, that a lot and I mean A LOT of girls will accept a meeting straight up, with minimal confirmation (usually just a phone conversation and a few pics), and an agreed upon amount of money.
They all know it's all about discretion. And a huge part of the Ashley Madison leak was people being embarrassed when their spouses or SOs found out they used it to cheat and whatnot.
I'm seeing huge benefits for the escort, yeah it's very safe and functional. But for the customers? I don't know. People do like to keep these things a secret. Consumers especially.
Just my opinion based on some experience. I might be right, I might be wrong. If I was 100% sure I'm right, I wouldn't even be posting here. I'm looking forward to being explained and convinced otherwise.

Our security tech is far beyond AM or SA. Read our setup. No hard drives storing the database, only RAM disks. Database is behind 2 layers of hidden services. For people worried about a leak, SA is far bigger a target, just like AM was.

As far as escorts requiring ID, talk to Sarah ( or @SarahPinkApp on Twitter ( Some don't require verification, to their detriment. Or join our Slack.

If you are interested and have a public social media profile, we're willing to pay for a dinner with an escort in a major English speaking city and have the two of you discuss the state of the industry, room for apps like Pink, how SA compares, and on and on. Contact me to set it up. The main requirements are that the escort has a public Twitter and we both agree on them, and that you publicly talk about the interview afterwards. We'll pay for the escort's time, in addition to $100 for dinner.

As far as benefit to the client, it will be much easier. Especially for last minute bookings. With most sites, you need to go spam several escorts asking for a same day date. Wait an hour, see if some reply. Try to set things up. Deal with people responding who are now annoyed because you are no longer interested. It is like AirBNB before Instant Book. Very annoying and a waste of time for everyone involved. With Pink, this will be far easier.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: AppreciatingValue on October 18, 2017, 02:55:27 PM
ID? First time I ever heard of this. Deposit ok sure, name ok yeah. But since when do escorts play the police?
And about SA not dealing with escorts.. Sure, they say that on their ToS and whatever, but I know first hand, and I actually ran a test for this, that a lot and I mean A LOT of girls will accept a meeting straight up, with minimal confirmation (usually just a phone conversation and a few pics), and an agreed upon amount of money.
They all know it's all about discretion. And a huge part of the Ashley Madison leak was people being embarrassed when their spouses or SOs found out they used it to cheat and whatnot.
I'm seeing huge benefits for the escort, yeah it's very safe and functional. But for the customers? I don't know. People do like to keep these things a secret. Consumers especially.
Just my opinion based on some experience. I might be right, I might be wrong. If I was 100% sure I'm right, I wouldn't even be posting here. I'm looking forward to being explained and convinced otherwise.

Our security tech is far beyond AM or SA. Read our setup. No hard drives storing the database, only RAM disks. Database is behind 2 layers of hidden services. For people worried about a leak, SA is far bigger a target, just like AM was.

As far as escorts requiring ID, talk to Sarah ( or @SarahPinkApp on Twitter ( Some don't require verification, to their detriment. Or join our Slack.

If you are interested and have a public social media profile, we're willing to pay for a dinner with an escort in a major English speaking city and have the two of you discuss the state of the industry, room for apps like Pink, how SA compares, and on and on. Contact me to set it up. The main requirements are that the escort has a public Twitter and we both agree on them, and that you publicly talk about the interview afterwards. We'll pay for the escort's time, in addition to $100 for dinner.

As far as benefit to the client, it will be much easier. Especially for last minute bookings. With most sites, you need to go spam several escorts asking for a same day date. Wait an hour, see if some reply. Try to set things up. Deal with people responding who are now annoyed because you are no longer interested. It is like AirBNB before Instant Book. Very annoying and a waste of time for everyone involved. With Pink, this will be far easier.

Thank you for your reply. Also, thanks for the offer to meet an escort to talk about your value propositions. I'll pass on that, and I hope it's not a bluff on your side. If it's not a bluff, it goes to show some level of commitment you have for this project. That's great.
Is there any information on your team's infrastructure?
How many developers?
How many marketing people?
Do you have some escorts already signed up and ready to use the app upon release?
What would be a general strategy of marketing to clients?
Also, I'm still a bit concerned about the ID verifications and linking social media profiles to the app if you want to be a client. Maybe it's just me with the trust issues  ;D
I get it, the app isn't happening without it, just wondering what's the % of people that want to remain anonymous when doing this sort of stuff. Is there a study on this?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Zeatorius on October 18, 2017, 05:22:43 PM
I'd like to be involved if you can ensure the security of the service providers, how would you achieve this?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 18, 2017, 06:22:28 PM
Will you invite more advisors to your team?

I'm also curious about this. What areas do you see yourself needing more advisors in, in the future?

After we finish our B round we're going to be doing a CEO and CFO search.

That should be exciting. I hope you guys have the funds by then to get someone awesome.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: PaintBalls9 on October 18, 2017, 06:30:07 PM

You would have to put a massive focus on avoiding charges of soliciting. If not, you are finished.

It is all in the wording used. Prostitution in many western countries in  not illegal, only the soliciting bit is.

Get from A to B without looking like you are selling appointments for sex is the only way you can get this to appear legal.

Hard, but some brothels mange it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: crypto_bit on October 18, 2017, 06:50:46 PM
Do you support transsexual workers? XD

BTW I still think it should be an ICO not IPO

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 18, 2017, 07:07:27 PM
Another one sex project... Which dividends you mean? We will receive % from each prostitutes? Like souteneur?  ;D

Remember, these are escorts!  ;D Prostitutes get paid for sex, escorts get paid for their time and company.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 07:24:06 PM

You would have to put a massive focus on avoiding charges of soliciting. If not, you are finished.

It is all in the wording used. Prostitution in many western countries in  not illegal, only the soliciting bit is.

Get from A to B without looking like you are selling appointments for sex is the only way you can get this to appear legal.

Hard, but some brothels mange it.

We are an extrajurisdictional company. If our opsec fails, then the core team will be prosecuted. That is the entire idea of this company. Otherwise existing sites like SA could just fund an app like this on the sly, but they'd never be able to provide real customer service, instant booking or make money off the transactions.

In Canada, selling sex itself is legal, but everything around it is illegal. There's no legal way for our company to operate there.

Almost no one "manages" it. They operate illegally but at such a small scale no one cares (until they do).

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 07:25:58 PM
Do you support transsexual workers? XD

BTW I still think it should be an ICO not IPO

Yes we will support all kind of people, but our focus at launch is cis hetero, female provider.

In practice ICO v IPO is the same for us. We use the term IPO to make it clear that we're selling equity in the company, not a pointless token. Nobody in the world wants to pay for things with service-specific tokens. Except the companies selling the tokens!

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 18, 2017, 07:37:21 PM

We are an extrajurisdictional company. If our opsec fails, then the core team will be prosecuted.

Interesting. So your whole team is okay with this fact? What kind of charges and penalties do you expect you would be facing?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: celestio on October 18, 2017, 07:51:51 PM
I'm just now seeing the UI preview, that actually looks pretty good. Nice and intuitive. Lots of features is nice, but I'd wait and keep it simple until you have a larger user base.

You are correct. We are focusing on a simple flow for now. Everyone has their own 100 favorite ideas. We will slowly add the best ones.

What are a few of your favorite feature ideas you can think of that won't be in the initial launch?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: AppreciatingValue on October 18, 2017, 07:58:39 PM

We are an extrajurisdictional company. If our opsec fails, then the core team will be prosecuted.

Interesting. So your whole team is okay with this fact? What kind of charges and penalties do you expect you would be facing?

Good question.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 18, 2017, 08:07:18 PM
What made you decide to take the blockchain route? The potential for anonymity?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 08:47:25 PM
We are an extrajurisdictional company. If our opsec fails, then the core team will be prosecuted.

Interesting. So your whole team is okay with this fact? What kind of charges and penalties do you expect you would be facing?

Most of the team does not know each other. Principle people are very few. Most people are trustless contractors that have little to zero liability.

Will not comment on what penalties and charges. But I will say: Morality over legality. Laws we break are to benefit people only and we do not use our anonymity to go around committing crimes.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 08:50:15 PM
What are a few of your favorite feature ideas you can think of that won't be in the initial launch?

Here is a fun one: Machine learning for profiles. Determine what physical aspects a client likes in addition to which kind of photos. For instance, pictures focusing on the chest, selfie-style. Then auto-optimize custom provider profiles for that user so evey provider puts her best, uhm, foot forward. This is a win for everybody. Providers get better sales. Clients find out that they really do like a certain provider, even when she would pick photos that do not necessarily do it for that client.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 09:16:56 PM
Is there any information on your team's infrastructure?
How many developers?
How many marketing people?
Do you have some escorts already signed up and ready to use the app upon release?
What would be a general strategy of marketing to clients?
Also, I'm still a bit concerned about the ID verifications and linking social media profiles to the app if you want to be a client. Maybe it's just me with the trust issues  ;D
I get it, the app isn't happening without it, just wondering what's the % of people that want to remain anonymous when doing this sort of stuff. Is there a study on this?

We won't get into details about team members due to opsec concerns, sorry! It is not our first rodeo.

Initial response from escorts has been very positive. Near end of November we will start actual sign ups.

Advertising to clients will take several forms. A big one will be referral fees from other clients and providers. As a hypothetical example, maybe we offer escorts $50 per booking through Pink. And for new clients, an additional $50, plus $50 to the client. That will ensure we get word of mouth quickly.

As far as ID, everyone would love to remain anonymous! And not just for escorting. I would like to buy my cable TV service anonymously :] I would like to buy groceries with my credit card anonymously. So you are totally correct that no one likes identifying themselves. At least Pink has a real reason for it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: dma88 on October 18, 2017, 09:44:09 PM
interesting project, and it sounds so far like this is serious and not a joke or a scam!  quick question- you're using monero & zcash for anonymity.  I've heard them come up most of the time as being better than dash or any masternode-based coin.  is that true?  you have a real need for anonymity.. do you have a list of coins that meet your requirements, and ones that don't?  and what do you think of deeponion, and tor-based coins?  deeponion operates within the tor network, not even touching exit or entry nodes.. you could keep the payments fully on tor.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 18, 2017, 09:53:33 PM
interesting project, and it sounds so far like this is serious and not a joke or a scam!  quick question- you're using monero & zcash for anonymity.  I've heard them come up most of the time as being better than dash or any masternode-based coin.  is that true?  you have a real need for anonymity.. do you have a list of coins that meet your requirements, and ones that don't?  and what do you think of deeponion, and tor-based coins?  deeponion operates within the tor network, not even touching exit or entry nodes.. you could keep the payments fully on tor.

Yeah I have not heard good things about Dash and looking at their system, it is trust-based. ZCash has a lot of potential despite their founders saying strange refrains and their 20% fee. But at the moment it is too slow to be useful for many cases. And no mobile client for shielded transactions. If ZCash makes privacy mandatory they will be interesting.

Tor access is an important aspect. But it is only one side of it. Blockchain privacy is even more critical because it remains as a permanent record. DeepOnion seems to be a normal coin with no privacy features except it forces Tor.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: dma88 on October 19, 2017, 02:14:14 AM
interesting project, and it sounds so far like this is serious and not a joke or a scam!  quick question- you're using monero & zcash for anonymity.  I've heard them come up most of the time as being better than dash or any masternode-based coin.  is that true?  you have a real need for anonymity.. do you have a list of coins that meet your requirements, and ones that don't?  and what do you think of deeponion, and tor-based coins?  deeponion operates within the tor network, not even touching exit or entry nodes.. you could keep the payments fully on tor.

Yeah I have not heard good things about Dash and looking at their system, it is trust-based. ZCash has a lot of potential despite their founders saying strange refrains and their 20% fee. But at the moment it is too slow to be useful for many cases. And no mobile client for shielded transactions. If ZCash makes privacy mandatory they will be interesting.

Tor access is an important aspect. But it is only one side of it. Blockchain privacy is even more critical because it remains as a permanent record. DeepOnion seems to be a normal coin with no privacy features except it forces Tor.

they're adding deepsend, which (they claim) will make it one of the most anonymous coins out there.  remains to be seen if that works out.

also, with the new ethereum hard fork, zksnarks can be used with ethereum. do you see ether as providing any kind of strong anonymity in the near future?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 19, 2017, 02:36:22 PM
What made you decide to take the blockchain route? The potential for anonymity?

Any thoughts on this?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 19, 2017, 04:53:44 PM
Will you invite more advisors to your team?

I'm also curious about this. What areas do you see yourself needing more advisors in, in the future?

After we finish our B round we're going to be doing a CEO and CFO search.

That should be exciting. I hope you guys have the funds by then to get someone awesome.

Is there anyone you have your eyes on for the CEO position?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 19, 2017, 05:29:33 PM
Will you invite more advisors to your team?

I'm also curious about this. What areas do you see yourself needing more advisors in, in the future?

After we finish our B round we're going to be doing a CEO and CFO search.

That should be exciting. I hope you guys have the funds by then to get someone awesome.

Is there anyone you have your eyes on for the CEO position?

That's actually a good question.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: SeksiStarlord on October 19, 2017, 05:43:57 PM
You cannot use the name pink, its already used by the real pink coin. They are the real PINK
Anyway I doubt that your idea is good it sounds fishy to me and if its not an altcoin (no coin/token) it does not belong here in my opinion

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: celestio on October 19, 2017, 05:46:06 PM
You cannot use the name pink, its already used by the real pink coin. They are the real PINK
Anyway I doubt that your idea is good it sounds fishy to me and if its not an altcoin (no coin/token) it does not belong here in my opinion

You cannot use the name Starlord, its already used by the real Starlord. He is the real Starlord.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: mcfom on October 19, 2017, 05:55:58 PM
You cannot use the name pink, its already used by the real pink coin. They are the real PINK
Anyway I doubt that your idea is good it sounds fishy to me and if its not an altcoin (no coin/token) it does not belong here in my opinion

You cannot use the name Starlord, its already used by the real Starlord. He is the real Starlord.

Look at that guy username don't take the half part of it.

This guy is asking the valid question there is already another coin with same ticker than it will make the things confusing for people.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 19, 2017, 07:37:34 PM
What made you decide to take the blockchain route? The potential for anonymity?

Any thoughts on this?

Yes. We could have raised money from people we know. But that would increase our operational risk. With blockchain currencies we are able to maintain a tight ship.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 19, 2017, 07:38:44 PM
Is there anyone you have your eyes on for the CEO position?

Not something we'd talk about until we figure out their exact exposure. Some people are more confident being publicly associated with our project than others.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 19, 2017, 07:57:27 PM
We are an extrajurisdictional company. If our opsec fails, then the core team will be prosecuted.

Interesting. So your whole team is okay with this fact? What kind of charges and penalties do you expect you would be facing?

Most of the team does not know each other. Principle people are very few. Most people are trustless contractors that have little to zero liability.

Will not comment on what penalties and charges. But I will say: Morality over legality. Laws we break are to benefit people only and we do not use our anonymity to go around committing crimes.

Wholeheartedly agree with the morality over legality. Good answer, thanks for your time.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Zeatorius on October 19, 2017, 08:17:32 PM
We are an extrajurisdictional company. If our opsec fails, then the core team will be prosecuted.

Interesting. So your whole team is okay with this fact? What kind of charges and penalties do you expect you would be facing?

Most of the team does not know each other. Principle people are very few. Most people are trustless contractors that have little to zero liability.

Will not comment on what penalties and charges. But I will say: Morality over legality. Laws we break are to benefit people only and we do not use our anonymity to go around committing crimes.

Wholeheartedly agree with the morality over legality. Good answer, thanks for your time.

Please provide an answer to how you'd protect the service providers, last thing we want is blood-coin on our hands

(bad pun i know)

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 19, 2017, 09:58:08 PM
they're adding deepsend, which (they claim) will make it one of the most anonymous coins out there.  remains to be seen if that works out.

also, with the new ethereum hard fork, zksnarks can be used with ethereum. do you see ether as providing any kind of strong anonymity in the near future?

So far everything DASH has done feels very scammy. We'll see if they overcome it. We are not prejudiced and we will accept anyone that brings solid tech.

If Eth gains traction with lots of private transactions we'll gladly use them too. Our focus is on our business. Everything else is only a tool in that goal.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 19, 2017, 10:10:49 PM
Please provide an answer to how you'd protect the service providers, last thing we want is blood-coin on our hands

(bad pun i know)

Provider safety is top of our list. Our VP of Product and Development, Sarah (Twitter @SarahPinkApp) is an active sex worker and has helped a great deal in designing our policies. We enable easier screening for providers, so that more clients will screen. This is big for business, but also increases the average level of security. Providers are constantly harassed by clients that don't understand the need for or don't want to go through the process of screening. They don't understand the risk providers face. Here are two articles Sarah wrote about the difficulties of escorting and how Pink helps:

Pink acts as a clearinghouse. Providers can either trust us to screen, or allow us to pass through client info directly so they can be screen the client themselves. All this will just be one click for clients. And our ultra security setup makes clients more likely to trust us. Not to say anything bad about good agencies, but our data security policies are a lot stronger than most companies can even do, let alone afford. Read about our setup here: TL;DR:

  • Database is stored 2 Tor hidden services deep.
  • HS uses authenticated mode, so the .onion is not published in the HSDir. No one can stumble on it or access it without the auth cookie.
  • All systems are RAM-based, no disks. Encrypted backups are streamed and can be restored quickly in case of failure.
  • App and DB servers are physical hardware, not virtual or cloud. Combined with no HDD, no one can image our systems, even if they did manage to find the servers.
  • DB access is gated per user, rate limited. SQL injection and attacks like that are not possible, even with an app layer compromise.
  • Servers do not have Internet connectivity. For DB, only connectivity is inbound hidden service traffic. So even with exploit, data exfil is incredibly difficult.
  • Clear net proxy ( is TCP->Tor proxy only. SSL keys are only on the app servers. Even if someone monitors or controls the gateway, all they get is IP addresses, no content.

We will have third party security audits and publish the results. There will not be a better place to ever have your information.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: AppreciatingValue on October 19, 2017, 10:21:50 PM
Please provide an answer to how you'd protect the service providers, last thing we want is blood-coin on our hands

(bad pun i know)

Provider safety is top of our list. Our VP of Product and Development, Sarah (Twitter @SarahPinkApp) is an active sex worker and has helped a great deal in designing our policies. We enable easier screening for providers, so that more clients will screen. This is big for business, but also increases the average level of security. Providers are constantly harassed by clients that don't understand the need for or don't want to go through the process of screening. They don't understand the risk providers face. Here are two articles Sarah wrote about the difficulties of escorting and how Pink helps:

Pink acts as a clearinghouse. Providers can either trust us to screen, or allow us to pass through client info directly so they can be screen the client themselves. All this will just be one click for clients. And our ultra security setup makes clients more likely to trust us. Not to say anything bad about good agencies, but our data security policies are a lot stronger than most companies can even do, let alone afford. Read about our setup here: TL;DR:

  • Database is stored 2 Tor hidden services deep.
  • HS uses authenticated mode, so the .onion is not published in the HSDir. No one can stumble on it or access it without the auth cookie.
  • All systems are RAM-based, no disks. Encrypted backups are streamed and can be restored quickly in case of failure.
  • App and DB servers are physical hardware, not virtual or cloud. Combined with no HDD, no one can image our systems, even if they did manage to find the servers.
  • DB access is gated per user, rate limited. SQL injection and attacks like that are not possible, even with an app layer compromise.
  • Servers do not have Internet connectivity. For DB, only connectivity is inbound hidden service traffic. So even with exploit, data exfil is incredibly difficult.
  • Clear net proxy ( is TCP->Tor proxy only. SSL keys are only on the app servers. Even if someone monitors or controls the gateway, all they get is IP addresses, no content.

We will have third party security audits and publish the results. There will not be a better place to ever have your information.

With that much knoweldge and expertise on security, why not just be a security company instead of the escort app? Have you thought about that? Could the revenue be higher, and there wouldn't be a need for hiding?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 19, 2017, 10:36:40 PM
With that much knoweldge and expertise on security, why not just be a security company instead of the escort app? Have you thought about that? Could the revenue be higher, and there wouldn't be a need for hiding?

Most companies do not want this kind of security. They view security as a cost. Look at Equifax. Hacked and their share price is doing just fine. There is no reason for these companies to care. If Equifax goes out of business from the hack maybe there will be a need. It is not even the right design. Pink trades availability for security.

A lot of our security is to fight against law enforcement. This is a problem few companies have.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 20, 2017, 07:58:11 PM
Please provide an answer to how you'd protect the service providers, last thing we want is blood-coin on our hands

(bad pun i know)

Provider safety is top of our list. Our VP of Product and Development, Sarah (Twitter @SarahPinkApp) is an active sex worker and has helped a great deal in designing our policies. We enable easier screening for providers, so that more clients will screen. This is big for business, but also increases the average level of security. Providers are constantly harassed by clients that don't understand the need for or don't want to go through the process of screening. They don't understand the risk providers face. Here are two articles Sarah wrote about the difficulties of escorting and how Pink helps:

Pink acts as a clearinghouse. Providers can either trust us to screen, or allow us to pass through client info directly so they can be screen the client themselves. All this will just be one click for clients. And our ultra security setup makes clients more likely to trust us. Not to say anything bad about good agencies, but our data security policies are a lot stronger than most companies can even do, let alone afford. Read about our setup here: TL;DR:

  • Database is stored 2 Tor hidden services deep.
  • HS uses authenticated mode, so the .onion is not published in the HSDir. No one can stumble on it or access it without the auth cookie.
  • All systems are RAM-based, no disks. Encrypted backups are streamed and can be restored quickly in case of failure.
  • App and DB servers are physical hardware, not virtual or cloud. Combined with no HDD, no one can image our systems, even if they did manage to find the servers.
  • DB access is gated per user, rate limited. SQL injection and attacks like that are not possible, even with an app layer compromise.
  • Servers do not have Internet connectivity. For DB, only connectivity is inbound hidden service traffic. So even with exploit, data exfil is incredibly difficult.
  • Clear net proxy ( is TCP->Tor proxy only. SSL keys are only on the app servers. Even if someone monitors or controls the gateway, all they get is IP addresses, no content.

We will have third party security audits and publish the results. There will not be a better place to ever have your information.

That's interesting you have an escort on staff. What's an example of a policy directly influenced by having someone with her experience there that you wouldn't have otherwise thought of?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 20, 2017, 08:06:21 PM
What made you decide to take the blockchain route? The potential for anonymity?

Any thoughts on this?

Yes. We could have raised money from people we know. But that would increase our operational risk. With blockchain currencies we are able to maintain a tight ship.

It's a good tool, especially in this industry.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 20, 2017, 08:16:31 PM
How many people are working on this project in total, roughly?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 20, 2017, 08:19:18 PM
How many people are working on this project in total, roughly?

Roughly 10

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 20, 2017, 08:21:12 PM
That's interesting you have an escort on staff. What's an example of a policy directly influenced by having someone with her experience there that you wouldn't have otherwise thought of?

One thing was health checks. As an outsider, it seems like a good idea. It sounds straightforward. Health checks actually received a very negative response from sex workers. If we advertise that everyone is certified healthy, then clients are more likely to pressure providers into doing unsafe acts.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Sarah_PinkApp on October 21, 2017, 12:28:03 PM
That's interesting you have an escort on staff. What's an example of a policy directly influenced by having someone with her experience there that you wouldn't have otherwise thought of?

One thing was health checks. As an outsider, it seems like a good idea. It sounds straightforward. Health checks actually received a very negative response from sex workers. If we advertise that everyone is certified healthy, then clients are more likely to pressure providers into doing unsafe acts.

On top of that, it's virtually impossible to assure health status in any individual in this industry - clients or providers alike.

Other policies:

- Having to sleep with a provider to prove she is a real provider - that was scrapped as soon as I heard of it
- We're actually getting testimonials and feedback from providers, which wasn't done before I arrived
- Tiered screening

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 21, 2017, 10:36:35 PM
Is there anyone you have your eyes on for the CEO position?

Not something we'd talk about until we figure out their exact exposure. Some people are more confident being publicly associated with our project than others.

I feel like this industry gets such a bad rap, and for no other reason than religion. Thankfully, the US seems to be moving away from it's roots.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 21, 2017, 11:11:21 PM
How many people are working on this project in total, roughly?

Roughly 10

How many of those are working full time on this project?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 21, 2017, 11:25:02 PM
That's interesting you have an escort on staff. What's an example of a policy directly influenced by having someone with her experience there that you wouldn't have otherwise thought of?

One thing was health checks. As an outsider, it seems like a good idea. It sounds straightforward. Health checks actually received a very negative response from sex workers. If we advertise that everyone is certified healthy, then clients are more likely to pressure providers into doing unsafe acts.

On top of that, it's virtually impossible to assure health status in any individual in this industry - clients or providers alike.

Other policies:

- Having to sleep with a provider to prove she is a real provider - that was scrapped as soon as I heard of it
- We're actually getting testimonials and feedback from providers, which wasn't done before I arrived
- Tiered screening

Fascinating insights. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: celestio on October 21, 2017, 11:38:15 PM
With that much knoweldge and expertise on security, why not just be a security company instead of the escort app? Have you thought about that? Could the revenue be higher, and there wouldn't be a need for hiding?

Most companies do not want this kind of security. They view security as a cost. Look at Equifax. Hacked and their share price is doing just fine. There is no reason for these companies to care. If Equifax goes out of business from the hack maybe there will be a need. It is not even the right design. Pink trades availability for security.

A lot of our security is to fight against law enforcement. This is a problem few companies have.

That's a damn shame too. A mess up that huge should have buried that company way under ground.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 22, 2017, 03:32:29 PM
What kind of patents does Pink have filed, if any?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 22, 2017, 03:51:02 PM
How many people are working on this project in total, roughly?

Roughly 10

How many of those are working full time on this project?

Just curious about this.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 22, 2017, 04:12:50 PM
That's interesting you have an escort on staff. What's an example of a policy directly influenced by having someone with her experience there that you wouldn't have otherwise thought of?

One thing was health checks. As an outsider, it seems like a good idea. It sounds straightforward. Health checks actually received a very negative response from sex workers. If we advertise that everyone is certified healthy, then clients are more likely to pressure providers into doing unsafe acts.

I never would have guessed about the health checks having negative consequences. Great call on bringing someone with experience in.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 22, 2017, 04:15:58 PM
How many people are working on this project in total, roughly?

Roughly 10

How many of those are working full time on this project?

Just curious about this.

Approximately 10 people working on the project. We won't go into personnel details, sorry.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 22, 2017, 05:27:22 PM
It's interesting your servers don't even have hard drives and is all based on RAM. That must take a lot of RAM. Is this a fairly common practice?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 22, 2017, 06:24:24 PM
It's interesting your servers don't even have hard drives and is all based on RAM. That must take a lot of RAM. Is this a fairly common practice?

It is cheap enough to get 32 GB of RAM. This is enough to run our apps or a database for now. It is not common because it is difficult to operate and most companies do not need the security.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: whoeier on October 22, 2017, 06:35:22 PM
Interesting story, is the platform intended to go worldwide?

If laws and the risk of FBI etc seizing the data, why not locate the company to a more ok country, like for example the Netherlands? Who allow this kind of technology as long as it is proven to not support trafficing etc.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 22, 2017, 08:30:11 PM
Interesting story, is the platform intended to go worldwide?

If laws and the risk of FBI etc seizing the data, why not locate the company to a more ok country, like for example the Netherlands? Who allow this kind of technology as long as it is proven to not support trafficing etc.

Eventually we will launch most major cities. For now, we are focusing on CA/IE/UK/US. We should have between over 10 cities online (conservative) by the end of 2018.

We do take advantage of jurisdictional friction to aid us. But we cannot count on these countries protecting us. We will be operating worldwide, and local laws such as NL has won't apply overseas. The US is known to play dirty. So while we could take advantage of our citizenships, only hire people with certain citizenship, live there and never travel ... it is playing a dangerous game. At best we would end up in a long legal fight. Even if we win, that is a waste of money and time.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: whoeier on October 23, 2017, 05:47:15 AM
Interesting story, is the platform intended to go worldwide?

If laws and the risk of FBI etc seizing the data, why not locate the company to a more ok country, like for example the Netherlands? Who allow this kind of technology as long as it is proven to not support trafficing etc.

Eventually we will launch most major cities. For now, we are focusing on CA/IE/UK/US. We should have between over 10 cities online (conservative) by the end of 2018.

We do take advantage of jurisdictional friction to aid us. But we cannot count on these countries protecting us. We will be operating worldwide, and local laws such as NL has won't apply overseas. The US is known to play dirty. So while we could take advantage of our citizenships, only hire people with certain citizenship, live there and never travel ... it is playing a dangerous game. At best we would end up in a long legal fight. Even if we win, that is a waste of money and time.

true and untrue,

The law in the Netherlands is quite clear upon data-storage on who is the rightfull owner, as long as the company is registered in the Netherlands, it will be a hard and harsh fight for the US and other country's to lay down a claim upon data, especially when it is not again the local law of the Netherlands.

I'm aware that not everything is as "ok" as we sometimes believe, but keeping stuff liquid on RAM-drives means u'll have multiple servers hosted across the globe and perhaps an server nearby your location to collect a backup in case of.. well you know

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 23, 2017, 04:33:36 PM
The law in the Netherlands is quite clear upon data-storage on who is the rightfull owner, as long as the company is registered in the Netherlands, it will be a hard and harsh fight for the US and other country's to lay down a claim upon data, especially when it is not again the local law of the Netherlands.

I'm aware that not everything is as "ok" as we sometimes believe, but keeping stuff liquid on RAM-drives means u'll have multiple servers hosted across the globe and perhaps an server nearby your location to collect a backup in case of.. well you know

The moment we ever move from that safe spot, the US would grab us. The US might play dirty tricks, accuse of us other things ... whatever they can. The best approach is a layered one. There are benefits to customers too: No subpoenas or warrants possible.

RAM drives mean we have an constantly-streaming encrypted backup system, yes. And it does mean if something fails, we end up needing to manually enter the key to restore. I believe this tradeoff is worth protecting everyone's data.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 23, 2017, 07:50:55 PM
How many people are working on this project in total, roughly?

Roughly 10

How many of those are working full time on this project?

Just curious about this.

Approximately 10 people working on the project. We won't go into personnel details, sorry.

No need to apologize. I'm sorry for prying so much, I've always been the nosey one of the bunch lol

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: danBitcoin on October 23, 2017, 08:18:24 PM
The law in the Netherlands is quite clear upon data-storage on who is the rightfull owner, as long as the company is registered in the Netherlands, it will be a hard and harsh fight for the US and other country's to lay down a claim upon data, especially when it is not again the local law of the Netherlands.

I'm aware that not everything is as "ok" as we sometimes believe, but keeping stuff liquid on RAM-drives means u'll have multiple servers hosted across the globe and perhaps an server nearby your location to collect a backup in case of.. well you know

The moment we ever move from that safe spot, the US would grab us. The US might play dirty tricks, accuse of us other things ... whatever they can. The best approach is a layered one. There are benefits to customers too: No subpoenas or warrants possible.

RAM drives mean we have an constantly-streaming encrypted backup system, yes. And it does mean if something fails, we end up needing to manually enter the key to restore. I believe this tradeoff is worth protecting everyone's data.

Nobody can every say you guys haven't gone the extra mile for security, that's for sure.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 23, 2017, 08:49:13 PM
It's interesting your servers don't even have hard drives and is all based on RAM. That must take a lot of RAM. Is this a fairly common practice?

It is cheap enough to get 32 GB of RAM. This is enough to run our apps or a database for now. It is not common because it is difficult to operate and most companies do not need the security.

For some reason I was assuming you were storing data in them for the long term, but now I see you encrypt it and use hard drives. This makes much more sense, thanks.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: whoeier on October 24, 2017, 06:52:18 AM
The law in the Netherlands is quite clear upon data-storage on who is the rightfull owner, as long as the company is registered in the Netherlands, it will be a hard and harsh fight for the US and other country's to lay down a claim upon data, especially when it is not again the local law of the Netherlands.

I'm aware that not everything is as "ok" as we sometimes believe, but keeping stuff liquid on RAM-drives means u'll have multiple servers hosted across the globe and perhaps an server nearby your location to collect a backup in case of.. well you know

The moment we ever move from that safe spot, the US would grab us. The US might play dirty tricks, accuse of us other things ... whatever they can. The best approach is a layered one. There are benefits to customers too: No subpoenas or warrants possible.

RAM drives mean we have an constantly-streaming encrypted backup system, yes. And it does mean if something fails, we end up needing to manually enter the key to restore. I believe this tradeoff is worth protecting everyone's data.

Nobody can every say you guys haven't gone the extra mile for security, that's for sure.

I can only agree with that, you guys surely take the extra mile (or 2)  for security.

I was just looking/offering different options :) Since my personal opinion is, that staying in the shadow isn't always the best choice, when trying to offer a service where transparancy may in fact be a dealmaker. The kind of service you are planning to offer, mostly means a form of + knowledge on those offering the service on your platform, where most of these persons rather stay in the shadow them self (namewise), but to be certain the person is legit required a form of verification.

Oh well I'm certain you and your team have crossed that in your minds aswell.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 24, 2017, 06:22:42 PM
The law in the Netherlands is quite clear upon data-storage on who is the rightfull owner, as long as the company is registered in the Netherlands, it will be a hard and harsh fight for the US and other country's to lay down a claim upon data, especially when it is not again the local law of the Netherlands.

I'm aware that not everything is as "ok" as we sometimes believe, but keeping stuff liquid on RAM-drives means u'll have multiple servers hosted across the globe and perhaps an server nearby your location to collect a backup in case of.. well you know

The moment we ever move from that safe spot, the US would grab us. The US might play dirty tricks, accuse of us other things ... whatever they can. The best approach is a layered one. There are benefits to customers too: No subpoenas or warrants possible.

RAM drives mean we have an constantly-streaming encrypted backup system, yes. And it does mean if something fails, we end up needing to manually enter the key to restore. I believe this tradeoff is worth protecting everyone's data.

Nobody can every say you guys haven't gone the extra mile for security, that's for sure.

I can only agree with that, you guys surely take the extra mile (or 2)  for security.

I was just looking/offering different options :) Since my personal opinion is, that staying in the shadow isn't always the best choice, when trying to offer a service where transparancy may in fact be a dealmaker. The kind of service you are planning to offer, mostly means a form of + knowledge on those offering the service on your platform, where most of these persons rather stay in the shadow them self (namewise), but to be certain the person is legit required a form of verification.

Oh well I'm certain you and your team have crossed that in your minds aswell.

I kind of agree that this level of security could be overkill. I think this could be very high in demand for other fields though, maybe even more legally gray areas than this.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Sarah_PinkApp on October 24, 2017, 10:47:50 PM
Latest app preview:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: whoeier on October 25, 2017, 05:21:57 AM
Latest app preview:

Nice review / sales pitch.

On another note:

I'm kind of wondering how verification of the service providing party will be done and also for those that take on this service (ID verification can be a good base layer, yet its also the most common form of identity theft).

Physical verification can be done, altho it might be a lot of work to do, it also has only a reach of about 1-2 hours a drive away from the persons doing the physical check, digital as backfall into into, could extend the option but can only be trusted so far (It is way harder to verify forced situations then doing this physical).

The most effective method is and should be tiered, with multiple methods of growing into tiers.

untrusted = Atleast a costumer informed Pink that the service provider details are not accurate, the provider is offered a 1 time chance to change the details
untrusted = A service provider has claim unpaid services, Identity is incorrect, or anything other that should raise negative trust.
Base level = Identification verification has been uploaded
regular = atleast 3 costumers verified that the shown data in the app is accurate /// regular = a service provider has verified that the identity and the person are one and the same.
extended = atleast 10 costumers verified that the shown data in the app is accurate // extended = 3 service providers have verified that the identity and the person are one and the same.

I know I'm probably asking to inside information and do understand if this can't be delivered, but I like the idea behind the app and as far as I can see the design of it, I'm now getting more and more curious about the methods of how

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: ayasemoon789 on October 25, 2017, 05:41:35 AM
Do you have a showcase of application scenarios? Only to explain the text is pale, and there is no token here, right?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Thule on October 25, 2017, 03:59:33 PM

for such an escort service ? LOL
Even the $5.000.000 are way to high.
For that price you could already buy a big established one.

Your platform and app is max worth $200.000 .So where is the rest of the money going ?

I don't know from where you got your prices but the benefit for investors won't be much if there even will be some at such a price.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 25, 2017, 07:03:27 PM

for such an escort service ? LOL
Even the $5.000.000 are way to high.
For that price you could already buy a big established one.

Your platform and app is max worth $200.000 .So where is the rest of the money going ?

I don't know from where you got your prices but the benefit for investors won't be much if there even will be some at such a price.

That's the maximum though isn't it? I'm sure I could think of plenty of uses for that much money, I wonder how much Ashley Madison spent on advertising? I saw their ads EVERYWHERE for a while.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Thule on October 25, 2017, 07:19:32 PM

for such an escort service ? LOL
Even the $5.000.000 are way to high.
For that price you could already buy a big established one.

Your platform and app is max worth $200.000 .So where is the rest of the money going ?

I don't know from where you got your prices but the benefit for investors won't be much if there even will be some at such a price.

That's the maximum though isn't it? I'm sure I could think of plenty of uses for that much money, I wonder how much Ashley Madison spent on advertising? I saw their ads EVERYWHERE for a while.

You surely could use it to lose it

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 26, 2017, 11:39:48 AM

for such an escort service ? LOL
Even the $5.000.000 are way to high.
For that price you could already buy a big established one.

Your platform and app is max worth $200.000 .So where is the rest of the money going ?

I don't know from where you got your prices but the benefit for investors won't be much if there even will be some at such a price.

There are no big established escort agencies operating in the US or Canada due to legality issues. There are a bunch of smaller ones with 10, 20 workers that get by because they maintain a low profile.

$200,000 is how much some individual escorts make annually. If we charged 10% and they used Pink exclusively, that's just 10 escorts. So I do not understand how you are arriving that the company is worth $200K. And you should realize that everyone disagrees with you. The only people that agree are the ones that view our system as fundamentally flawed and worth $0.

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to convey.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 26, 2017, 11:46:40 AM
I'm kind of wondering how verification of the service providing party will be done and also for those that take on this service (ID verification can be a good base layer, yet its also the most common form of identity theft).

Physical verification can be done, altho it might be a lot of work to do, it also has only a reach of about 1-2 hours a drive away from the persons doing the physical check, digital as backfall into into, could extend the option but can only be trusted so far (It is way harder to verify forced situations then doing this physical).

The most effective method is and should be tiered, with multiple methods of growing into tiers.

untrusted = Atleast a costumer informed Pink that the service provider details are not accurate, the provider is offered a 1 time chance to change the details
untrusted = A service provider has claim unpaid services, Identity is incorrect, or anything other that should raise negative trust.
Base level = Identification verification has been uploaded
regular = atleast 3 costumers verified that the shown data in the app is accurate /// regular = a service provider has verified that the identity and the person are one and the same.
extended = atleast 10 costumers verified that the shown data in the app is accurate // extended = 3 service providers have verified that the identity and the person are one and the same.

I know I'm probably asking to inside information and do understand if this can't be delivered, but I like the idea behind the app and as far as I can see the design of it, I'm now getting more and more curious about the methods of how

We will publish more details soon. Providers will choose a screening level that works for them. When a client tries to make contact they will need to meet the screening requirements before the provider is even notified. The provider will see what info they have provided: Employment Verified, ID verified, phone verified, Social Media linked (Example: Facebook (207 friends)). In some cases, the client can elect to keep this on file for providers that want to do their own screening. Then with one click the provider is receiving the original info the client submitted.

Providers will also see general notes by other providers that have seen that client in addition to the clients rating. The notes may be things about hygiene, peculiarities, punctuality or attitude while on date.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: whoeier on October 26, 2017, 11:47:38 AM

for such an escort service ? LOL
Even the $5.000.000 are way to high.
For that price you could already buy a big established one.

Your platform and app is max worth $200.000 .So where is the rest of the money going ?

I don't know from where you got your prices but the benefit for investors won't be much if there even will be some at such a price.

There are no big established escort agencies operating in the US or Canada due to legality issues. There are a bunch of smaller ones with 10, 20 workers that get by because they maintain a low profile.

$200,000 is how much some individual escorts make annually. If we charged 10% and they used Pink exclusively, that's just 10 escorts. So I do not understand how you are arriving that the company is worth $200K. And you should realize that everyone disagrees with you. The only people that agree are the ones that view our system as fundamentally flawed and worth $0.

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to convey.

Price valuations are hard to do, when there is no viable product available yet, nor any insight in how the software is going to work exactly.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: whoeier on October 26, 2017, 11:48:06 AM
I'm kind of wondering how verification of the service providing party will be done and also for those that take on this service (ID verification can be a good base layer, yet its also the most common form of identity theft).

Physical verification can be done, altho it might be a lot of work to do, it also has only a reach of about 1-2 hours a drive away from the persons doing the physical check, digital as backfall into into, could extend the option but can only be trusted so far (It is way harder to verify forced situations then doing this physical).

The most effective method is and should be tiered, with multiple methods of growing into tiers.

untrusted = Atleast a costumer informed Pink that the service provider details are not accurate, the provider is offered a 1 time chance to change the details
untrusted = A service provider has claim unpaid services, Identity is incorrect, or anything other that should raise negative trust.
Base level = Identification verification has been uploaded
regular = atleast 3 costumers verified that the shown data in the app is accurate /// regular = a service provider has verified that the identity and the person are one and the same.
extended = atleast 10 costumers verified that the shown data in the app is accurate // extended = 3 service providers have verified that the identity and the person are one and the same.

I know I'm probably asking to inside information and do understand if this can't be delivered, but I like the idea behind the app and as far as I can see the design of it, I'm now getting more and more curious about the methods of how

We will publish more details soon. Providers will choose a screening level that works for them. When a client tries to make contact they will need to meet the screening requirements before the provider is even notified. The provider will see what info they have provided: Employment Verified, ID verified, phone verified, Social Media linked (Example: Facebook (207 friends)). In some cases, the client can elect to keep this on file for providers that want to do their own screening. Then with one click the provider is receiving the original info the client submitted.

Providers will also see general notes by other providers that have seen that client in addition to the clients rating. The notes may be things about hygiene, peculiarities, punctuality or attitude while on date.

thnx for responding, that seems like a good worked out system :)

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Thule on October 26, 2017, 05:23:16 PM

for such an escort service ? LOL
Even the $5.000.000 are way to high.
For that price you could already buy a big established one.

Your platform and app is max worth $200.000 .So where is the rest of the money going ?

I don't know from where you got your prices but the benefit for investors won't be much if there even will be some at such a price.

There are no big established escort agencies operating in the US or Canada due to legality issues. There are a bunch of smaller ones with 10, 20 workers that get by because they maintain a low profile.

$200,000 is how much some individual escorts make annually. If we charged 10% and they used Pink exclusively, that's just 10 escorts. So I do not understand how you are arriving that the company is worth $200K. And you should realize that everyone disagrees with you. The only people that agree are the ones that view our system as fundamentally flawed and worth $0.

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are trying to convey.

Price valuations are hard to do, when there is no viable product available yet, nor any insight in how the software is going to work exactly.

LOL total nonsense.
Your platform you are going to deliver is worth $200.000 .
Not an established company.
Would also love to see which company is going to pay profit to the token holders.Oh i guess no company at all because its forbidden in the US ?
So people will have to belive on your word and SEC won't have any issues with your company being run in US/CA .

LOL never saw such dumb people .

Hey which company is selling the token BTW ?
I don't see any company info......

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 26, 2017, 06:43:23 PM

for such an escort service ? LOL
Even the $5.000.000 are way to high.
For that price you could already buy a big established one.

Your platform and app is max worth $200.000 .So where is the rest of the money going ?

I don't know from where you got your prices but the benefit for investors won't be much if there even will be some at such a price.

That's the maximum though isn't it? I'm sure I could think of plenty of uses for that much money, I wonder how much Ashley Madison spent on advertising? I saw their ads EVERYWHERE for a while.

You surely could use it to lose it

Well, if you know what you're doing advertising isn't just "losing" money.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: amarchhetri on October 26, 2017, 06:43:56 PM
Its super cool dude....

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 26, 2017, 11:47:29 PM
LOL total nonsense.
Your platform you are going to deliver is worth $200.000 .
Not an established company.
Would also love to see which company is going to pay profit to the token holders.Oh i guess no company at all because its forbidden in the US ?
So people will have to belive on your word and SEC won't have any issues with your company being run in US/CA .

LOL never saw such dumb people .

Hey which company is selling the token BTW ?
I don't see any company info......

I guess that is the misunderstanding. We're creating a company, not a platform. It is an EJC (extrajurisdictional company) and thus not listed in the US or Canada. You might as well say Bitcoin BTC isn't a currency because there's no country issuing it.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Thule on October 27, 2017, 06:23:34 AM
Whats your companies name ?
What is your personal name ?

People going soon to police will be asked to which company or person they send their funds.

Their reply will be : I don't know.


Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 27, 2017, 05:40:04 PM
Whats your companies name ?
What is your personal name ?

People going soon to police will be asked to which company or person they send their funds.

Their reply will be : I don't know.


What? That didn't make any sense.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 27, 2017, 08:25:17 PM
Whats your companies name ?
What is your personal name ?

People going soon to police will be asked to which company or person they send their funds.

Their reply will be : I don't know.


Brad Anderson

I do not understand the rest of your comment. If you mean large institutional investors, then you are right. We will not meet their requirements like FINRA. Such investors would need to make personal investments or pass on Pink. If you mean someone else please explain in detail because I am not understanding.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: MiPe on October 27, 2017, 08:28:27 PM
Has this coin any relation to pinkcoin? I always own some of them. But i believe pinkcoin is dead and this is unfortunately something different.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 27, 2017, 09:44:52 PM
Has this coin any relation to pinkcoin? I always own some of them. But i believe pinkcoin is dead and this is unfortunately something different.
No relation.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Seskjaler on October 27, 2017, 09:45:56 PM
Expecting girls to deal with tokens? How easy will that UI be to use? That's essential for this project.

Exactly. This would be a huge issue

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Zeatorius on October 27, 2017, 10:42:55 PM
Are we all going to get into trouble if we invest in this?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 28, 2017, 01:29:09 AM
Are we all going to get into trouble if we invest in this?

We do not believe so. But we recommend signing-up for a free email account and using Tor and Monero to send transactions, just in case.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 28, 2017, 01:30:26 AM
Expecting girls to deal with tokens? How easy will that UI be to use? That's essential for this project.

Exactly. This would be a huge issue

1. There are no tokens involved. Pink is only selling shares, not coin/tokens.

2. Nobody will be forced to send or receive tokens, coins, BTC/ETH/etc. We take cash.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: The Crypto Peasant on October 28, 2017, 02:32:16 AM
Expecting girls to deal with tokens? How easy will that UI be to use? That's essential for this project.

Exactly. This would be a huge issue

1. There are no tokens involved. Pink is only selling shares, not coin/tokens.

2. Nobody will be forced to send or receive tokens, coins, BTC/ETH/etc. We take cash.

What will entice more investors onto the platform?
How do you intend to build and expand the services?
how will it operate on a blockchain via dmart contracts if there is no currency being exchanged via the platform?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Thule on October 28, 2017, 09:57:07 AM
1. There are no tokens involved. Pink is only selling shares, not coin/tokens.

SEC will go hard on exchange is going to touch you thats for sure

People investing in this shit can say bye bye to their money

Best of all they have no company and are hiding but will start an IPO LOL

In January, after the successful launch, we will do a full Blockchain IPO, raising $50 million at $10/token-share. At IPO, Series A investors can, at their election, participate in a stock buyback program of up to 20% of their shares (an instant 200% ROI).

from wiki

Initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering in which shares of a company usually are sold to institutional investors[1] that in turn, sell to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 28, 2017, 04:25:20 PM
1. There are no tokens involved. Pink is only selling shares, not coin/tokens.

SEC will go hard on exchange is going to touch you thats for sure

People investing in this shit can say bye bye to their money

Best of all they have no company and are hiding but will start an IPO LOL

In January, after the successful launch, we will do a full Blockchain IPO, raising $50 million at $10/token-share. At IPO, Series A investors can, at their election, participate in a stock buyback program of up to 20% of their shares (an instant 200% ROI).

from wiki

Initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering in which shares of a company usually are sold to institutional investors[1] that in turn, sell to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time.

Doesn't seem like the SEC would go any harder than any other company going public and selling shares.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Thule on October 28, 2017, 07:47:10 PM
1. There are no tokens involved. Pink is only selling shares, not coin/tokens.

SEC will go hard on exchange is going to touch you thats for sure

People investing in this shit can say bye bye to their money

Best of all they have no company and are hiding but will start an IPO LOL

In January, after the successful launch, we will do a full Blockchain IPO, raising $50 million at $10/token-share. At IPO, Series A investors can, at their election, participate in a stock buyback program of up to 20% of their shares (an instant 200% ROI).

from wiki

Initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering in which shares of a company usually are sold to institutional investors[1] that in turn, sell to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time.

Doesn't seem like the SEC would go any harder than any other company going public and selling shares.

Maybe on people selling shares without a company they will go harder?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on October 29, 2017, 03:12:46 PM
1. There are no tokens involved. Pink is only selling shares, not coin/tokens.

SEC will go hard on exchange is going to touch you thats for sure

People investing in this shit can say bye bye to their money

Best of all they have no company and are hiding but will start an IPO LOL

In January, after the successful launch, we will do a full Blockchain IPO, raising $50 million at $10/token-share. At IPO, Series A investors can, at their election, participate in a stock buyback program of up to 20% of their shares (an instant 200% ROI).

from wiki

Initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering in which shares of a company usually are sold to institutional investors[1] that in turn, sell to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time.

Doesn't seem like the SEC would go any harder than any other company going public and selling shares.

Maybe on people selling shares without a company they will go harder?

What makes you think they don't have a company?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 29, 2017, 10:45:18 PM
1. There are no tokens involved. Pink is only selling shares, not coin/tokens.

SEC will go hard on exchange is going to touch you thats for sure

People investing in this shit can say bye bye to their money

Best of all they have no company and are hiding but will start an IPO LOL

In January, after the successful launch, we will do a full Blockchain IPO, raising $50 million at $10/token-share. At IPO, Series A investors can, at their election, participate in a stock buyback program of up to 20% of their shares (an instant 200% ROI).

from wiki

Initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering in which shares of a company usually are sold to institutional investors[1] that in turn, sell to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time.

The SEC opinion on ICOs is what made us 100% certain this was the right path. We can choose to be legal and deliver no value to investors (ICOs taking donations, trying to pretend its a utility - shit like this). But no, we choose to do right by investors.

Our company is an extrajurisdictional company. EJCs do not register with central authorities like the SEC or U.S. Government in general.

I do not see how we are not doing an IPO, even by your definition. We will trade on distributed exchanges at a minimum. You cannot have it both ways: On one hand it is a security so it needs to be prosecuted, but on the other it is not real so it cannot be an IPO. And since the SEC views it as a security, we do to. And selling our shares to the public on an exchange, even if distributed, is what it means to go public.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Thule on October 29, 2017, 11:49:49 PM

bla bla bla

Whats your companies name and location ?

Clear answers please and not your nonsense

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: whoeier on October 30, 2017, 04:17:17 AM
information on the site is incorrect and/or your counters are not in sync.. claims 843,841 shares sold claims 1,018,841 shares sold..

Altho I was reluctant to invest, I decided to take a look at the site during, to see if there were reasons besides what has been spoken off here on the forum, that would make me step in anyway..

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bananafana on October 30, 2017, 07:00:36 PM

bla bla bla

Whats your companies name and location ?

Clear answers please and not your nonsense

Seems like his answers make sense to me. Maybe you should try quoting the parts that are giving you so much trouble, and ask for clarification.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on October 30, 2017, 07:41:00 PM
information on the site is incorrect and/or your counters are not in sync.. claims 843,841 shares sold claims 1,018,841 shares sold..

Altho I was reluctant to invest, I decided to take a look at the site during, to see if there were reasons besides what has been spoken off here on the forum, that would make me step in anyway..

Series A is directly connected to the investment system. Main site is pure static HTML to reduce attack surface as much as possible and gets updated less frequently. I would suggest talking to us on Slack if you're undecided:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on October 31, 2017, 03:38:59 PM
How many shares have been sold?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on November 01, 2017, 03:23:18 AM
How many shares have been sold?

As of this morning, 1.1 mn:

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: deeltje on November 01, 2017, 06:41:57 PM
How many shares have been sold?

As of this morning, 1.1 mn:

Wow, that's actually pretty impressive. How much per share?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: bradpink on November 01, 2017, 10:49:20 PM
Is there minimum investment in the ICO?

500 shares, which is $500 today, but will be $1250 in Series B.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on November 02, 2017, 06:03:06 PM
Is there minimum investment in the ICO?

500 shares, which is $500 today, but will be $1250 in Series B.

$500 is super reasonable. Last one I was interested in wanted $15,000 minimum.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: flushimpatience on November 02, 2017, 06:41:31 PM
How I can find information about Tickets Cloud?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on November 03, 2017, 03:39:15 PM
How I can find information about Tickets Cloud?

What is that?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on November 05, 2017, 04:39:08 PM
How I can find information about Tickets Cloud?

What is that?


Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on November 06, 2017, 04:31:02 PM
Sure has slowed down here. Pink, how is everything coming?

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on November 07, 2017, 07:56:07 PM
Sure has slowed down here. Pink, how is everything coming?

Just saw a Reddit thread for Pink, that's promising.

Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: Dipsomaniac on November 08, 2017, 07:35:09 PM
Sure has slowed down here. Pink, how is everything coming?


Title: Re: [ANN] Pink: Escort startup Series A share sale
Post by: tirailleur on November 09, 2017, 05:34:14 AM