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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: wRex on October 07, 2017, 06:22:13 PM

Title: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: wRex on October 07, 2017, 06:22:13 PM
First I would say my condolences to the families of the victims,
hopefully, those families left behind given the fortitude, I'm sure the police are investigating this case thoroughly although Stephen Paddock has been shot dead.

I read from news

Las VegasWhy did he do it?

Nearly a week after the worst mass shooting in modern US history, there's still no answer.
A shooter's reasons, however sick and twisted, usually become clear within a day or two. A suicide note, a manifesto, a series of social media screeds, a phone call -- even police reports and court dockets can provide insight into what drives a warped mind to commit such a violent act.
Usually, someone close knows something or realizes, in retrospect, that they missed the warning signs.
But 64-year-old Stephen C. Paddock flew low under the radar. He avoided interaction with many of the people around him, and his manner was direct and brusque. He was known to stay up all night gambling, but it was as if he was the only reveler at his own party.

when I heard this news I don't believe it happens, big country in Las Vegas the most crowded population in the United States of America.

Here latest news from

the police are collecting evidence and questioning the neighbors who stay on the same floor with him as the 32nd floor at Mandala Bay Hotel. From the 32nd floor room window clearly visible the shooting incident, some guests are hysterical and trying to get out of the crowd but very difficult, because the field is very wide about 400 yards.

Please give your comment below

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: BADecker on October 08, 2017, 02:17:32 AM
George Soros was going to hit members of his family if he didn't do it.


Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: MostHigh on October 08, 2017, 10:17:55 PM
First I would say my condolences to the families of the victims,
hopefully, those families left behind given the fortitude, I'm sure the police are investigating this case thoroughly although Stephen Paddock has been shot dead.

I read from news

Las VegasWhy did he do it?

Nearly a week after the worst mass shooting in modern US history, there's still no answer.
A shooter's reasons, however sick and twisted, usually become clear within a day or two. A suicide note, a manifesto, a series of social media screeds, a phone call -- even police reports and court dockets can provide insight into what drives a warped mind to commit such a violent act.
Usually, someone close knows something or realizes, in retrospect, that they missed the warning signs.
But 64-year-old Stephen C. Paddock flew low under the radar. He avoided interaction with many of the people around him, and his manner was direct and brusque. He was known to stay up all night gambling, but it was as if he was the only reveler at his own party.

when I heard this news I don't believe it happens, big country in Las Vegas the most crowded population in the United States of America.

Please give your comment below
The reason why he did it is still unclear but hearing coming up with conspiracy theories like the government sponsors an acting to make a case for the ban of guns and establish strong gun control acts is quiet disturbing. I just believe he was depressed from a situation and decided to take things into his own hands

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: wRex on October 08, 2017, 10:39:01 PM
Mentally sick. Psychopath...couldn't see any reason not to do it. It's hard to tell. I believe US should stop the sale and outlaw the possession of all long barrel rifles except those classic ones for hunting. Then allow everyone who passes some proper personality test to have a free basic pistol.

Ofcourse he is mentally sick and psychopath, I wonder what makes this guy kill people? whether the influence of social interaction, lack of affection from parents, the influence of their partner. Police are searching for his girlfriend, his girlfriend gets a gift from Stephen Paddock.

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: wRex on October 08, 2017, 11:07:57 PM
The reason why he did it is still unclear but hearing coming up with conspiracy theories like the government sponsors an acting to make a case for the ban of guns and establish strong gun control acts is quiet disturbing. I just believe he was depressed from a situation and decided to take things into his own hands

I agree the government should seized all firearms and control the circulation of firearms and only for the mentally passing officials and the skills in firing practice. If not tightened this would be very dangerous to other civilians. I really hope that with this incident the government begin to consider and maintain the security of guns can cause its inhabitants.

Please quote above polling, so we will know which is the most.
we will know what we want to do with this case.

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: Xylber on October 08, 2017, 11:26:30 PM
A crazy guy who wants to kill doesn't need an automatic weapon, he can blow up a plane or a gas station, or start a fire in a public place.
Instead of inventing an excuse for weapons banning (something all goverments wants to do, but can't find a way on how to make people comply), United States should start to see why a person wants to kill.

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: lioncava on October 09, 2017, 12:01:46 AM
“He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something.

"His life is an open book. It's all in public record. Once again, there is nothing.

"He’s just a guy who lived in Mesquite who liked burritos."

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: Almat on October 09, 2017, 08:12:27 AM
He's crazy. Private citizens should not be allowed to purchase assault rifles. A simple hand gun should suffice for self defense.

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: gabmen on October 11, 2017, 05:59:48 AM
Pretty hard to think about it as well. I mean, the guys 60+ and i don't think he has a history of being a violent person. There are theories of him being used by someone who has the motive for doing such an act. You don't become a psycho overnight.

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: wRex on October 12, 2017, 05:37:47 AM
Guys, please vote above polling,

We would like to know how many voted

Title: Re: Why did he do it? (Stephen Paddock )
Post by: Nalbo on October 12, 2017, 05:54:07 AM
He must be suffering from some sort of mental disorder.
The mind when not fully in your control makes you do unimaginable things.
The setting seems planned and seems to be targeted to the concert.