Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: 9kek on October 08, 2017, 11:43:31 AM

Title: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: 9kek on October 08, 2017, 11:43:31 AM
It is possibile searching all BTC address that has a certain balance, for example 1.23456789 BTC?
It is certainly possible by "reading" the blockchain with some script, but is there some website that does this automatically?

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: LoyceV on October 08, 2017, 01:10:49 PM
Yes you can. See How to read/parse blockchain and get bitcoin addresses having balance. ( for software that can do this.
But you'll need to download the full blockchain, and have quite a lot of RAM to run it. It might help if you say what you're trying to accomplish.

Much easier: use an older snapshot. Bitcore ( took a snapshot ( on April 23 this year. If you download the 140 MB .rar-file you have a list of all addresses holding 0.01 BTC or more on that date.

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: AdolfinWolf on October 08, 2017, 02:51:30 PM
It is possibile searching all BTC address that has a certain balance, for example 1.23456789 BTC?
It is certainly possible by "reading" the blockchain with some script, but is there some website that does this automatically?

I believe this site ( might be what you are looking for.

Goochain offers to search blockchains based on a variety of differences, for example on how much the adress holds, or when transactions where sent, or, when you only have partial numbers of a transaction ID / adress.

Very useful tool, and extremely userfriendly.

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: mensa84 on October 10, 2017, 06:18:59 PM
It is possibile searching all BTC address that has a certain balance, for example 1.23456789 BTC?
It is certainly possible by "reading" the blockchain with some script, but is there some website that does this automatically?

The developer znort987 publish on github program a blockparser - a fast parser on the C ++ chain of blocks with Bitcoin transactions. As you know, in Bitcoin all transactions are published in open access.
The parser allows to make all transactions for any address (<20 sec), to determine the addresses, probably belonging to one purse (20 sec), and even to list all existing addresses with a calculated balance for each (30 sec). In general, a very useful utility.

Try ->

[mod note: removed off-topic ad]

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: ronafurw on October 13, 2017, 06:31:42 AM
Nearly impossible. It would be easier to track a TX with a certain input or output. There are people out there that try to parse the addresses for positive balances and use the private key to access them. It is simply too impossible. There are way too many addresses.

If you have some other piece of info, then maybe there is hope, but the only method is to check address by address. At least a time period could narrow the block height.

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: megasyl on January 07, 2021, 01:30:37 PM
This is an old topic but I just found it on google because I was looking for a solution to this problem.
There is this site, that provide various filters to explore the chain.

Here is an exemple where you search for all addresses with a pi balance (in satoshi).
Hope it helps !

Have a nice day.

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: LoyceV on January 07, 2021, 02:15:27 PM
Not bad :)

I created an alternative (based on's data dumps) too: List of all Bitcoin addresses with a balance (

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: DaveF on January 08, 2021, 11:20:17 PM
This is an old topic but I just found it on google because I was looking for a solution to this problem.
There is this site, that provide various filters to explore the chain.

Here is an exemple where you search for all addresses with a pi balance (in satoshi).
Hope it helps !

Have a nice day.

Good find.
It's a shame that BTC is over $40k at the moment.
If it was still cheap I would be buying a ton just to have a bunch in stupid vanity addresses with amounts like pi and e and Tau and Phi
Think about it the address 3141592 having 3.14159265 BTC

Yes I'm a total nerd.


Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: CryptoSh1va on January 09, 2021, 06:22:04 PM
I do not want to create a new topic for a small question..
Is it possible to find neighboring addresses of the same mnemonic (for example, in electrum(old)), if I already have several addresses and private keys related to the same mnemonic?

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on January 09, 2021, 08:34:39 PM
No, it is not possible to derive other private keys or addresses in a wallet if all you have is a number of private keys or addresses from that wallet.

More technically, you cannot derive child keys from neighboring child keys. You would need one of the mnemonic itself, the master private or public key, or the account extended private or public key.

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: megasyl on January 10, 2021, 08:34:40 AM
This is an old topic but I just found it on google because I was looking for a solution to this problem.
There is this site, that provide various filters to explore the chain.

Here is an exemple where you search for all addresses with a pi balance (in satoshi).
Hope it helps !

Have a nice day.

Good find.
It's a shame that BTC is over $40k at the moment.
If it was still cheap I would be buying a ton just to have a bunch in stupid vanity addresses with amounts like pi and e and Tau and Phi
Think about it the address 3141592 having 3.14159265 BTC

Yes I'm a total nerd.


I think I would take celerity (299792458 sats), because I love light and no one did it yet. But since it's too expensive atm, someone else will probably do it before me ahah

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: CryptoSh1va on January 10, 2021, 07:36:04 PM
No, it is not possible to derive other private keys or addresses in a wallet if all you have is a number of private keys or addresses from that wallet.

More technically, you cannot derive child keys from neighboring child keys. You would need one of the mnemonic itself, the master private or public key, or the account extended private or public key.
Thanks for the answer.
When you talk about public keys, do you mean that can insert them on a site like iancolman and get a chain of addresses?

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on January 10, 2021, 07:48:05 PM
When you talk about public keys, do you mean that can insert them on a site like iancolman and get a chain of addresses?
It depends what type of public key we are talking about.

Standard public keys will generate a single address. (Actually, a handful of addresses since you can have different address types - compressed or uncompressed, P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, etc. - but lets keep things simple by talking about a single address type.) Each address in your wallet has one public key, and each public key generates exactly one address in your wallet. When people use the term "public key", this is usually what they are referring to.

Most wallets are what is known as hierarchical deterministic wallets, which use a number of levels when generating your wallet. They first generate a master private key and master public key, then use those to generate keys at the next level, then use those to generate keys at the next level, then use those to generate keys at the next level, and so on. Most wallets use 5 levels of derivation before reaching the individual public keys which generate your addresses. If you have any of these parent extended public keys, then you can use these to generate all the individual public keys and addresses in your wallet. The most commonly used of these public keys are the master public key (at the top level), and the account extended public key (which is at level 3).

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: bitmover on January 16, 2021, 11:44:39 PM
There is this site, that provide various filters to explore the chain.

Does anyone know any documentation to use this filters?
This is quite amazing  :o

There must be many interesting filters, like vanity filters.

Title: Re: Find address with a certain number of bitcoins
Post by: LoyceV on January 17, 2021, 08:41:10 AM
Does anyone know any documentation to use this filters?
Blockchair's API Documentation ( You can add "api" to the above URL to get JSON: too. This seems designed around their Pricing Plans though, depending on how many API calls you make.