Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: puffpuffpass on June 04, 2013, 08:39:13 AM

Title: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: puffpuffpass on June 04, 2013, 08:39:13 AM
Which would you feel inclined to go for? I bet the majority of you, given that option, would opt for the one million in US federal reserve notes, which is why I did not make this a poll thread because you would lie. Let's face it, the guvment's system is easier and yet Bitcoin is trading at 122x the value of one of its notes. Gee, imagine if Bitcoin was actually practical and safe to use, without needing to take 100 steps to feel secure? Yet the irony here is, the world economy is extremely vulnerable but people do not realize it. I'm actually not sure what I feel safer holding.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 04, 2013, 08:43:10 AM
I cannot store a million dollars in my brain. I can with a branwallet.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: puffpuffpass on June 04, 2013, 08:46:15 AM
I cannot store a million dollars in my brain. I can with a branwallet.

but most people don't want to store anything. Most people, if they had $1,000,000, would go buy the things they want and then rely on the safety the government affords them. A house, some cars, blah blah, next thing you know after all the legal processes are done and they have everything they ever needed/wanted, they have completely forgot about Bitcoin because it's just not practical.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: calian on June 04, 2013, 08:48:33 AM
I think this is why we'll see quite a bit of resistance as the price approaches $1k. 20 years later they'll kick themselves just like those who sold just under $1 but they'll sell nonetheless.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: puffpuffpass on June 04, 2013, 08:51:16 AM
I think this is why we'll see quite a bit of resistance as the price approaches $1k. 20 years later they'll kick themselves just like those who sold just under $1 but they'll sell nonetheless.

they said the same crap about beanie babies.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: wopwop on June 04, 2013, 08:55:06 AM
I think this is why we'll see quite a bit of resistance as the price approaches $1k. 20 years later they'll kick themselves just like those who sold just under $1 but they'll sell nonetheless.
bitcoin needs more stupid people like you so the price can bubble up again

this is an opinion

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: tutkarz on June 04, 2013, 09:22:48 AM
I think this is why we'll see quite a bit of resistance as the price approaches $1k. 20 years later they'll kick themselves just like those who sold just under $1 but they'll sell nonetheless.
bitcoin needs more stupid people like you so the price can bubble up again

this is an opinion

its interesting that you are calling people stupid and yet you seem to dont understand healthy value bitcoin have to have. so maybe it should be the opposite.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: talnted on June 04, 2013, 02:31:08 PM
I would take in in BTC

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: Bitcoinpro on June 04, 2013, 02:33:50 PM
no need for a poll please send me 10,000 btc

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: Lohoris on June 04, 2013, 02:39:14 PM
The key is diversification, if you take 1,000,000 USD and just store them as is (either full USD or full BTC), you're not quite smart either way.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: davidpbrown on June 04, 2013, 03:20:58 PM
It depends if it was my first million dollars..

I wouldn't put everything to BTC just yet but certainly the larger fraction of any unspent windfall would be put outside fiat. The whole plan with fiat right now is a coordinated devaluation.. it's the only option 'they' can provide..

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: threeip on June 04, 2013, 03:38:25 PM
and yet Bitcoin is trading at 122x the value of one of its notes

Hang on a minute.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: bennybong on June 04, 2013, 04:22:17 PM
I'd take the Bitcoin any day.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: Rassah on June 04, 2013, 04:28:16 PM
BTC obviously.
Storing that much cash at home is a PITA. Storing it at a bank guarantees everyone knows you have that money, and also guarantees you lose about 40% of it to taxes right away. Having to move that money around through the banking system is a PITA as well, which you will have to, since banks only insure $250,000 of it. Also, just having $1mil USD would suck, since you'll be losing about 2.5% of it every year due to inflation, and it would be another PITA to transfer it somewhere where you can invest it. And if you ever need to move to another country, or move your money out of the country, it's a PITA x 10.
Being able to have all that money in BTC, sitting in a secure offline storage, and just pulling out only what you need while it continues to grow, is way more convenient.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: Rassah on June 04, 2013, 04:31:19 PM
but most people don't want to store anything. Most people, if they had $1,000,000, would go buy the things they want and then rely on the safety the government affords them. A house, some cars, blah blah, next thing you know after all the legal processes are done and they have everything they ever needed/wanted, they have completely forgot about Bitcoin because it's just not practical.

LOL! And this is why most people who win millions in lotteries end up piss poor, with more debt than they started with. What "most people" should do with that money is invest it and continue to live the way they used to, using that $1mil to live off of.

Most people don't know how to handle money, because most people don't know anything about money, other than paycheck comes in, bills go out. They have no clue about budgeting, diversification, investments, etc. Most bitcoiners on the other hand do, since that's the stage Bitcoin is at presently, requiring understanding of money, economics, investment, and risk.

they said the same crap about beanie babies.

How many global companies have sprouted around Beanie Baby trade? How many venture capitalists and millionaire investors have dumped millions into Beanie Baby based companies? How many newspaper and government articles were published discussing the merits of Beanie Babies, and their threat to established currencies and regulations? What will it take, short of your employer forcing you to accept Bitcoin because everyone else does, for you to start seeing Bitcoin as something more than a Beanie Baby?

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: conv3rsion on June 04, 2013, 04:31:35 PM
I think this is why we'll see quite a bit of resistance as the price approaches $1k. 20 years later they'll kick themselves just like those who sold just under $1 but they'll sell nonetheless.

they said the same crap about beanie babies.

beanie babies are neither scarce, nor useful, nor revolutionary.

Time will tell, and I know what side I'm on.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: Elwar on June 04, 2013, 04:48:32 PM
I would rather have a million US dollars worth of Zimbabwe dollars!

That's like 100 trillion dollars! I would be so rich.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: fenican on June 04, 2013, 05:06:13 PM
No question I would rather have the funds in USD

Any currency that goes up 1000% in a matter of months, i.e. Bitcoin, is NOT going to be a stable store of wealth.  It is a deflationary tulip game of greater fools.

Great for anyone who horded the coin early and terrible for anyone trying to use the damn thing to do transactions - it may lose 90% of its purchasing power before you can complete a sale

Also, I really fear for the bagholder who moves substantial wealth into BTC now and absorbs a 50% (i.e. bought at $250) or 90% (i.e. if it drops back to 12 month moving average) hit.  Oops.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: davidpbrown on June 04, 2013, 05:11:52 PM
No question I would rather have the funds in USD

Any currency that goes up 1000% in a matter of months, i.e. Bitcoin, is NOT going to be a stable store of wealth.  It is a deflationary tulip game of greater fools.

Great for anyone who horded the coin early and terrible for anyone trying to use the damn thing to do transactions - it may lose 90% of its purchasing power before you can complete a sale

Also, I really fear for the bagholder who moves substantial wealth into BTC now and absorbs a 50% (i.e. bought at $250) or 90% (i.e. if it drops back to 12 month moving average) hit.  Oops.

Looks like you got USD and BTC back to front and your numbers are off. When the USD suffers a failure of confidence, change you can't believe will happen rapidly.

If you're going to advocate fiat, then at least go for one you can believe in - China perhaps has one... but then you're talking about fiat and I'm laughing.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: threeip on June 04, 2013, 05:21:03 PM
I'd take USD and buy bitcoin. Would help with liquidity maybe  ;D

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: jamestown2035 on June 04, 2013, 09:07:50 PM
I'd take it 50/50. Just in case one of them fail.  ;)

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: securityguy on June 04, 2013, 09:21:53 PM
If you lived in Cyprus or had a bank account there, that $1m USD would have become $128k (~100k EUR), whilst the BTC holder would still have the SAME number of bitcoins!

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: bitcoinbear on June 04, 2013, 09:34:44 PM
I would rather have the 8333 bitcoins than the 1000000 dollars.

But if you were going to give them to me, I would take the dollars and use them to buy bitcoins, saving some dollars for my personal spending until bitcoins become more widely accepted. This would push up the price of bitcoins, meaning the first bitcoins I bought would go up in price as I continue buying.

If you take the bitcoins the reverse is true, as you sell them to get more widely accepted dollars you push down the price and the rest of your bitcoins are thus worth less.

Title: Re: One million dollars in USD in US dollars or BTC?
Post by: franky1 on June 04, 2013, 09:37:25 PM
having a nice little nest egg before bitcoins came into my life here is what i actually done

50% bitcoin
40% secure my housing/lifestyle
10% FIAT for those surprise emergencies that always come up