Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: InahC on October 11, 2017, 07:14:32 AM

Title: Question About Spamming
Post by: InahC on October 11, 2017, 07:14:32 AM
Hi guys, I would like to ask if how many posts per day does it take for you to be called a spammer in this forum?
Like for example if you post 30posts per day.

Title: Re: Question About Spamming
Post by: Bitfort on October 11, 2017, 08:11:40 AM
Hi guys, I would like to ask if how many posts per day does it take for you to be called a spammer in this forum?
Like for example if you post 30posts per day.

As long as your posts contribute something to comunity  (you help somebody, open a relevant discussion, offer service ...) it's not spam.
But 30 one-line posts is definitely considered as spam. Same with excesive posting in off-topic section is.

BTW if you are hunting activity there is limit ( one post daily is enough and you will not get more by excesive posting).

Title: Re: Question About Spamming
Post by: Boseda on October 11, 2017, 08:18:14 AM
Hi guys, I would like to ask if how many posts per day does it take for you to be called a spammer in this forum?
Like for example if you post 30posts per day.

There is no rule about numbers of posts, but it's on quality of posts. If you stay on-topic, don't try to post ref links or something like this, you can write as many posts as you want. If you post useless crap, or reply with unrelated answers, or just post emoticons or one-word replies you may be considered a spammer and maybe banned on this forum.

Title: Re: Question About Spamming
Post by: hilariousandco on October 11, 2017, 08:26:07 AM
One. If you post one unubstantial post a day it will still be spam. It's about quality not quantity.

Title: Re: Question About Spamming
Post by: scott btc on October 11, 2017, 12:37:35 PM
Stay on line bro, and you won't be tagged as spammer here. idk but almost all signature never accept the one day poster  ;)
read and read then post if you have a question or any opinion

Title: Re: Question About Spamming
Post by: Jemzx00 on October 11, 2017, 02:27:31 PM
Even if you post 100 post per day as long as you're on topic that will help or answer the topic or question provided then it wouldn't be called as Spam. It may be called Post Bursting but if it's on topic then it's fine. Just as hilariousandco said above that it only takes one post that may consider you as a spammer because if it's not on topic or not helpful at all then better not post it because you're just spamming the forum with nonsense.

Title: Re: Question About Spamming
Post by: jiamileshuai on October 11, 2017, 03:48:15 PM
it depends on you, how many you can post per day. There are no limit to post in btc, however, your post must give contributions and helps other, unless you you will be called as spammer if your posts doesn't help or contribute others. it is better to post one if it help and much advantages for readers on threads of certain topic.

Title: Re: Question About Spamming
Post by: bitctrimor1 on October 11, 2017, 03:52:20 PM
I think it would depend on the substance of your posting. I agree with the many other replies that if it is a one liner post, then it would surely be considered spamming because there is a required character count per posting, especially if your are in a signature campaign. Another important aspect to consider is the interval of your posting, if the posts are one after the other, then again, it would certainly be considered spamming as well.