Title: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: yishak on October 11, 2017, 02:22:22 PM The government of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu has said that it has started accepting bitcoin for its citizenship program.Now foreginers can have Vanuatuan Citizenship by paying 43Bitcoins which is currently around $200,000 .Vanuatu is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, its citizens are allowed to travel in 113 countries, including European Union (EU) states,Russia, and Great Britain, without a visa.This privilege will also be given to foreigners who have
acquired Vanuatuan citizenship. This is the first government to accept bitcoins for a citizenship. article source :- https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-buy-vanuatu-citizenship-with-bitcoin-43-btc-worth-today Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: sozvdhua on October 11, 2017, 02:28:58 PM Personally, I think the impact of this area is too small, not the fate of bitcoin, but some people also choose to use bitcoin, indicating bitcoin is promising, come on.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: crypthomonkey on October 11, 2017, 02:34:55 PM Huh. Awesome news)) I wonder what will happen next?
The amount is rather big, most likely soon this place will become a popular offshore for the rich ;D Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: monkeydominicorobin on October 11, 2017, 02:35:22 PM The government of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu has said that it has started accepting bitcoin for its citizenship program.Now foreginers can have Vanuatuan Citizenship by paying 43Bitcoins which is currently around $200,000 .Vanuatu is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, its citizens are allowed to travel in 113 countries, including European Union (EU) states,Russia, and Great Britain, without a visa.This privilege will also be given to foreigners who have acquired Vanuatuan citizenship. This is the first government to accept bitcoins for a citizenship. article source :- https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-buy-vanuatu-citizenship-with-bitcoin-43-btc-worth-today Bitcoin was built to ignore boundaries and teritories like the island of Vanuatu. It is quite strange to acquire Bitcoins just to add another citizen into your nation. Very strange indeed. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Tszunami98 on October 11, 2017, 02:39:03 PM I personally think it is a good deal, even tho i think paying woth fiat would be better...43 bitcoins can worth a lot by the end of the next year and you could find yourself paying the same ammount for Vanuatu citizenship as it is for uk or germany.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: RodeoX on October 11, 2017, 03:21:56 PM I'm considering this offer. Depending on tax liability it could be a good deal. ???
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Booowaaap on October 11, 2017, 03:43:26 PM Verygood idea! i hope much
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Titanos on October 11, 2017, 03:47:04 PM It's a good news but i don't think many people will be interested. 43 Bitcoin is a big amount to spend for useless papers.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Kprawn on October 11, 2017, 03:47:42 PM I'm considering this offer. Depending on tax liability it could be a good deal. ??? Do you get dual citizenship for your country of origin and for citizenship to their island? I hope you do not have to give up your citizenship of your country of origin to get their citizenship? What happens if you get dual citizenship and you want to travel to the 113 countries, but your country of origin are not eligible to visit these countries? ??? Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: NeuroticFish on October 11, 2017, 03:52:10 PM This is more an advertising for Vanuatu and their citizenship than a news about Bitcoin. However, it's interesting.
Though.. if I'd have 43BTC I'd sure have other priorities on spending them. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: trk on October 11, 2017, 03:54:45 PM I will use that chance if I am a millionaire
Having Vanuatu visa will help me spend my money on vacation LOL Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Svelto on October 11, 2017, 04:04:33 PM This is a cool news, it is a first time I heard about a country accepting Bitcoin for its citizenship. As time goes by, the county might be safe heaven for crypto since it is attracting Bitcoin holders as its citizens.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: RodeoX on October 11, 2017, 04:19:34 PM I'm considering this offer. Depending on tax liability it could be a good deal. ??? Do you get dual citizenship for your country of origin and for citizenship to their island? I hope you do not have to give up your citizenship of your country of origin to get their citizenship? What happens if you get dual citizenship and you want to travel to the 113 countries, but your country of origin are not eligible to visit these countries? ??? Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Persiville on October 11, 2017, 04:26:06 PM This is more an advertising for Vanuatu and their citizenship than a news about Bitcoin. However, it's interesting. Though.. if I'd have 43BTC I'd sure have other priorities on spending them. Yeah i guess its a bit too much, and if it were the case i would rather choose to save that amount or even spend it to somewhere better according to you. It doesn't also mean that they are only receiving bitcoins for the payment right? And if someday i would be that totally rich and it comes to the point where i need to decide to such things i will use fiat instead. Bitcoin for me is a good investment rather than being spent or used as a day to day currency. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: jtipt on October 11, 2017, 04:33:11 PM Personally, I think the impact of this area is too small, not the fate of bitcoin, but some people also choose to use bitcoin, indicating bitcoin is promising, come on. Uh, yeah the impact isn't going to to big but its atleast something new and we can see that BTC is being headed in a direction when it wouldn't be considered weird or odd for using BTC where any fiat is used.About this I doubt that this option of paying for citizenship of that country by btc will even be used by someone, but nonetheless it's a good thing for BTC. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: johnsmithx on October 11, 2017, 04:44:00 PM 43 bitcoins can worth a lot by the end of the next year and you could find yourself paying the same ammount for Vanuatu citizenship as it is for uk or germany. Leaving your absolutely nonsense remark regarding "buying" uk or germany citizenships aside (you really have no clue whatsoever what you are talking about), apparently nobody here bothered to read the actual article, let alone the article this article referred to. Of course the price is not "43Bitcoins which is currently around $200,000" as the OP falsely claims but "one-time payment of $200,000 – or its cryptocurrency equivalent". $200k for a citizenship is not a lot but there are multiple significantly cheaper alternatives, although Vanuatu's visa-free travel to Russia is rather unique. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: xFiber on October 11, 2017, 04:48:20 PM Interesting stuff. It's very interesting to see that they are accepting bitcoin for this kind of payment. Since it's not a small payment I see why they'd opt in to use bitcoin as a payment processor. However 200k is not something I would spend on a citizenship and absolutely not with bitcoin.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: countryfree on October 11, 2017, 05:23:52 PM I'm considering this offer. Depending on tax liability it could be a good deal. ??? Do you get dual citizenship for your country of origin and for citizenship to their island? I hope you do not have to give up your citizenship of your country of origin to get their citizenship? What happens if you get dual citizenship and you want to travel to the 113 countries, but your country of origin are not eligible to visit these countries? ??? It depends if your country of origin accepts dual citizenship, but only a few don't. When you travel, you keep your 2 passports in your pocket, and when entering a new country, you show the passport which grants you entry without a visa. You don't have to reveal that you have another citizenship which would require a visa to get in. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: alva 666 on October 11, 2017, 05:28:18 PM government allow to use bitcoin for govern bills that so new and good news hope other countries to start support it legailly
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: mobnepal on October 11, 2017, 06:36:03 PM In our country bitcoin is still treated as some illegal items like drugs, weapons etc while some government is conducting research on possible use of blockchain tech in existing systems to make it better. And now Vanuatu government accepting bitcoin for Citizenship, thats quite a big slap to governments of countries like ours.
Its great news for some of the early bitcoin investors. 43 Bitcoin is really huge money for people like us, LOL Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Vaultbank.io on October 11, 2017, 06:49:07 PM This is a great sign for bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies. Hopefully they release information about how successful the program is over the next few months.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Dailyroberts on October 11, 2017, 06:50:01 PM The government of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu has said that it has started accepting bitcoin for its citizenship program.Now foreginers can have Vanuatuan Citizenship by paying 43Bitcoins which is currently around $200,000 .Vanuatu is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, its citizens are allowed to travel in 113 countries, including European Union (EU) states,Russia, and Great Britain, without a visa.This privilege will also be given to foreigners who have acquired Vanuatuan citizenship. This is the first government to accept bitcoins for a citizenship. article source :- https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-buy-vanuatu-citizenship-with-bitcoin-43-btc-worth-today Great news, and some of bitcoin rich people can get their passport so they enlarge their life standards by visiting all the countires without visa, at least UK and European ones. It's only 44 BTC which I never had before. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: geac.xraekhurcoe on October 11, 2017, 06:54:54 PM Everything is for sale today and time will tell accepting crypto coins
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: RubyM on October 11, 2017, 07:09:21 PM That is a good idea to pay citizenship with bitcoin, but I still feel like 43 bitcoin is too much for a citizenship, people cannot be paying that much.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: allthingsluxury on October 11, 2017, 07:24:15 PM That is ABSOLUTELY amazing! And very cool. ;D
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 11, 2017, 08:08:31 PM Never heard of that island-country. Is the weather nice? Is it hurricane bait? Are there a bunch of dirty thieves there who'll jack your wallet soon as you step off the plane?
I'd hate to get there and be ambushed by a bunch of Mexicans or something. These islands definitely don't like ugly Americans. lol Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: jekjekman on October 11, 2017, 09:44:00 PM Vanuatu island is a small island but it is so wonderful though, I am just curious why is it this small republic considered Bitcoin as a payment for their citizenship comparing to those other countries that is more modern when it comes to technology. I think their government accepts Bitcoin because they see it as a true potential for the growth of their economy in the future so they started it with this.
Their GDP for 2017 is around $750 million, I think if they really accepts Bitcoin as a legal tender in their country then by the year 2018 they will reach $1 billion or more in their GDP. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: donotlean on October 11, 2017, 10:00:01 PM i think that country want to gamble on bitcoin if bitcoin become a million dollar that country can be very good profit.Some countries except usd or euro for citizenship even some EU countries included.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: alfs75 on October 11, 2017, 10:05:05 PM The government of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu has said that it has started accepting bitcoin for its citizenship program.Now foreginers can have Vanuatuan Citizenship by paying 43Bitcoins which is currently around $200,000 .Vanuatu is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, its citizens are allowed to travel in 113 countries, including European Union (EU) states,Russia, and Great Britain, without a visa.This privilege will also be given to foreigners who have acquired Vanuatuan citizenship. This is the first government to accept bitcoins for a citizenship. article source :- https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-buy-vanuatu-citizenship-with-bitcoin-43-btc-worth-today Its a great news!that they accept pays bitcoin for citizenship,in vanatu island i hope that someday here in our country they regulated the bitcoin so that everything will benefited,and when things that happen maybe like vanatu island they will also accept digital currency paying for the citizenship.we hope that it will coming soon. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: eaLiTy on October 11, 2017, 10:07:59 PM I am not sure about the advantages of getting a citizenship of Vanuatu but sure it looks like they are desperate enough to make more money by giving out citizenship for those who have money,either way the price of the citizenship is too steep for any average Joe to purchase,it is a good step for the promotion of bitcoin. :)
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: joebrook on October 11, 2017, 10:09:47 PM The government of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu has said that it has started accepting bitcoin for its citizenship program.Now foreginers can have Vanuatuan Citizenship by paying 43Bitcoins which is currently around $200,000 .Vanuatu is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, its citizens are allowed to travel in 113 countries, including European Union (EU) states,Russia, and Great Britain, without a visa.This privilege will also be given to foreigners who have With that amount of money, I can establish a very good business in my country and build it into a multi-million company rather than waste it on a citizenship and travel without a visa.acquired Vanuatuan citizenship. This is the first government to accept bitcoins for a citizenship. article source :- https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-buy-vanuatu-citizenship-with-bitcoin-43-btc-worth-today Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: chickenado on October 11, 2017, 10:18:47 PM Vanuatu island is a small island but it is so wonderful though, I am just curious why is it this small republic considered Bitcoin as a payment for their citizenship comparing to those other countries that is more modern when it comes to technology. I think their government accepts Bitcoin because they see it as a true potential for the growth of their economy in the future so they started it with this. I got your point of view here. Well,I think they have this brilliant idea that starts from a small republic but would simply change their status through bitcoin because it may somehow give them a good foundation someday. This potential cryptocurrency becomes precious to them and they are aiming for a good start for their country to be known its potentials with this coin. It's like betting their own country for the sake of economic growth and stability. If this happens,they would really owe their lives to bitcoin for helping them financially. Their GDP for 2017 is around $750 million, I think if they really accepts Bitcoin as a legal tender in their country then by the year 2018 they will reach $1 billion or more in their GDP. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Arkann on October 11, 2017, 10:28:37 PM The government of a small island in the Pacific Ocean Vanuatu and the treasury earns itself and rich people with a crypto-currency to their island attracts. A good program for the development of the island. However, forty-four bitcoins for citizenship will be too much. Although for solid crypto-drivers it can be just right.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: mrcash02 on October 11, 2017, 10:28:54 PM Very expensive citizenship for a small pacific island... If the only advantage is to travel to 113 countries without visa I think it doesn't worth. With this amount of money it's possible to do many things. I have seen another little nation another day selling citizenship, but for fiat, now I don't remember if it was this one, Vanuatu, or another one...
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: tiger2monkey on October 12, 2017, 02:13:08 AM Very interesting - $200,000 for a citizenship is not cheap as it is a direct cost (not investment). If it is investment, you can get the fund back. Will Vanuatu become a bitcoin (cryptocurrency, blockchain) island?
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Opquar on October 12, 2017, 02:18:43 AM I wonder if there's any way to know whether people have availed of this offer? It's a little strange, but if you have more money than you know what to do with, then why not right? I've never heard of this country before reading this, but it looks nice.
Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Nameless27 on October 12, 2017, 02:20:13 AM I’m amazed how this people embraced bitcoin and integrate it to they’re boarders. Those programs are an awareness to all in bitcoin community that they’re place is open for anything and I really think those are a good moves by them.
Even I don’t advice to used bitcoin as a payment directly as it always be something we might regret after one or more years when it will increased tremendously, I would still appreciate what they’re leaders and public official are doing. It might not give a big impact for now, but as soon as accumulated actions take place we will see its end results. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: Bourbon44 on October 12, 2017, 02:21:20 AM The government of the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu has said that it has started accepting bitcoin for its citizenship program.Now foreginers can have Vanuatuan Citizenship by paying 43Bitcoins which is currently around $200,000 .Vanuatu is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, its citizens are allowed to travel in 113 countries, including European Union (EU) states,Russia, and Great Britain, without a visa.This privilege will also be given to foreigners who have acquired Vanuatuan citizenship. This is the first government to accept bitcoins for a citizenship. article source :- https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-buy-vanuatu-citizenship-with-bitcoin-43-btc-worth-today Bitcoin was built to ignore boundaries and teritories like the island of Vanuatu. It is quite strange to acquire Bitcoins just to add another citizen into your nation. Very strange indeed. I don't think it's strange...the US has an option where you pay $500,000 to get a greencard lol Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: LilibethSantos on October 12, 2017, 02:22:38 AM Never heard of that island-country. Is the weather nice? Is it hurricane bait? Are there a bunch of dirty thieves there who'll jack your wallet soon as you step off the plane? I'd hate to get there and be ambushed by a bunch of Mexicans or something. These islands definitely don't like ugly Americans. lol It's far from Mexico since it is in the South Pacific, close to Australia. It is a beautiful island but it is rather old-fashioned and the Internet sucks. A lot of people purchase citizenship for economic reasons and don't even live in the country, but there is a decent amount of Australians living and working there. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: AmXProX on October 17, 2017, 07:03:15 AM This may be a good move for them using bitcoin to back their economy instead of gold, well it will be easier for them to encourage people to be their citizen using bitcoin rather than asking them to pay $200000 in real cash. at the same time the value of it has a high chance of increasing.
Do they have extradition treaty to other countries if they don't this may be a paradise for some criminals. Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: learner 7 on October 17, 2017, 08:52:04 AM That is a good idea to pay citizenship with bitcoin, but I still feel like 43 bitcoin is too much for a citizenship, people cannot be paying that much. On May 22, 2010, a Las Vegas programmer Laszlo Heinitz, using the Bitcoin Discussion forum, paid two pizza papa John, not traditional money, but little-known at that time crypto currency called bitcoin. The purchase of two pizza cost him 10,000 BTC, which at that time was about $ 25. And you say expensive ... Title: Re: Paying for citizenship using Bitcoins! Post by: teejayrichard2 on November 08, 2017, 01:54:39 AM Paying for citizenship with bitcoin is a welcomed idea but I think the amount is rather too much. 43bitcoins will yeild alot in nearby future but its a welcomed idea.. Shows bitcoin is taking over