Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Digital goods => Topic started by: Doctor.Strange on October 12, 2017, 05:51:09 PM

Title: Best Altcoins in upcoming hard fork?
Post by: Doctor.Strange on October 12, 2017, 05:51:09 PM
As all of we know that another Bitcoin hard fork is coming, called Bitcoin Gold, its right time to buy alt coins at cheap rates.

Please share your ideas which alt coins are best to buy now.

Title: Re: Best Altcoins in upcoming hard fork?
Post by: Tamplier77 on October 12, 2017, 11:20:06 PM
BTCMeня бoльшe вoлнyeт вoпpoc,кaк кyпить эти aльткoины нa пpямyю c дoллapa или eвpo, a нe мeнять иx cнaчaлa нa биткoин кoтopый 5200 дoл.,пoтoм зa caтoши пoкyпaть aльткoины!? Taк кaк тeopeтичecки пoлyчaeтcя чтo тoчкa вxoдa битoк пo 5200,и пoнятнo чтo кoгдa oн бyдeт пaдaть дeньги нaчнyт пepeвoдить в aльткoины и вce cкopeктиpyeтcя,и пoлyчитcя чтo пpибыли тo и нeт тoлькo минycы?

Title: Re: Best Altcoins in upcoming hard fork?
Post by: sellkeysHasBeenhacked on October 13, 2017, 12:16:03 AM
upcoming Ethereum hard fork that will likely take place on Monday, October 16, 2017. The hard fork will not affect your mined coins; rest assured all your earnings will be kept safe. For more details on the hard fork kindly check the official Ethereum blog post.