Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Sinks22 on October 13, 2017, 09:29:45 PM

Title: Long time bitcoiner, first time poster
Post by: Sinks22 on October 13, 2017, 09:29:45 PM
I am sure this question is asked numerous times but can someone please advise on why this bitcoin transfer is taking so long?  I am the person receiving and it has been over 36 hours.  I have never had to wait longer than 6 - 10 hours at the most.  I have tried increasing the fees, parent/child, etc...  I just want to know what is going on and if this will for sure complete?  Any idea on how much longer to expect?  Thanks for any advice you can give!

Transaction ID: 6a2381f0b228bf9d2d9d9e61ed44177de5c5c6d0f28a41731bac4c579a3c8019

Size: 5988 bytes

fee: .00246 btc

There have been 15 inputs and 3 outputs.

Title: Re: Long time bitcoiner, first time poster
Post by: LoyceV on October 13, 2017, 10:08:40 PM
The fee is much lower than required for a fast confirmation. See .
Usually, fees get lower on Sunday, so I expect it'll confirm within 48 hours.

Title: Re: Long time bitcoiner, first time poster
Post by: Potato Chips on October 13, 2017, 10:51:19 PM
I am sure this question is asked numerous times but can someone please advise on why this bitcoin transfer is taking so long?  I am the person receiving and it has been over 36 hours.  I have never had to wait longer than 6 - 10 hours at the most.  I have tried increasing the fees, parent/child, etc...  I just want to know what is going on and if this will for sure complete?  Any idea on how much longer to expect?  Thanks for any advice you can give!

Transaction ID: 6a2381f0b228bf9d2d9d9e61ed44177de5c5c6d0f28a41731bac4c579a3c8019

Size: 5988 bytes

fee: .00246 btc

There have been 15 inputs and 3 outputs.

For a size that big, the fee was too low furthermore the mempool is currently loaded with tons of unconfirmed transaction thats why its no wonder your transaction is stuck right now. Before sending a transaction kindly use a fee estimator like and check if the mempool is loaded or not.

There are free transaction acceleration services like viabtc and here on our forum
Unfortunately, charges $4 for transactions exceeding 500bytes

Anyways I'll try quequeing your transaction in viabtc
EDIT: I successfully quequed it
EDIT: Viabtc included your transaction ( in block 489718 (

Title: Re: Long time bitcoiner, first time poster
Post by: Sinks22 on October 13, 2017, 11:45:40 PM
Wow, I must just be used to reddit.  I never expected nice responses.  I was hesitant to even ask but I am glad I did.  Thanks so much to both you!!

Title: Re: Long time bitcoiner, first time poster
Post by: palle11 on October 14, 2017, 02:11:42 PM
Wow, I must just be used to reddit.  I never expected nice responses.  I was hesitant to even ask but I am glad I did.  Thanks so much to both you!!

You can say that again. This forum is like a family. Whatever issue it is relating to the purpose of the forum, you are sure to get loads of experience users giving positive advise.

Is good to know you are happy. Nice one 🎩