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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: zima01 on October 15, 2017, 04:09:20 PM

Title: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: zima01 on October 15, 2017, 04:09:20 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: coolcoinz on October 15, 2017, 05:03:18 PM
As long as there are stupid religions that justify people's cruelty there will never be peace. There are numerous factors that make people aggressive and violent. The most common ones are fear and anger. Have you ever made a mistake and blamed something or someone else? Like it wasn't your fault that you tripped, but your child's that left a toy on the floor or the workers that made the curbs too high. There are similar things at play in politics. 

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: supine on October 15, 2017, 05:18:17 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

It's true as long as there's religion, cultural differences, greed and a lot more. It's hard to achieve world peace because people like to have everything they can, and we are not open minded enough to accept our differences.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: yoseph on October 15, 2017, 09:20:24 PM
That is impossible ever except when Jesus becomes the ruler of the entire world,  sometimes we blame the devil for the wars between countries and though he is a factor sometimes,  he is not always responsible, as long as man will be envious of his neighbors and friends and have hatred towards one another, there will continue to be war  and more war but am hoping not a nuclear war.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: iconicavs on October 15, 2017, 11:13:41 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

Our planet is filled with competitive human being. We will only find peace if people would learn how to be sport and surrender their pride. We can always be at peace if we treat people the way we treat ourselves.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: marinomario on October 16, 2017, 12:57:21 AM
If you want to live in a world of peace and harmony, then you must make yourself live in peace with yourself.and then, your peaceful self must be able to be socially savvy to transmit peaceful influences to other souls.

Peace does not result from ego and ambition to be the best, from a soul that exercises its emotions and thoughts, to live in peace and harmony in all aspects of life.turn on the inner peace energy, and keep that peaceful energy, so that your life is always in a peaceful and happy soul.Life belongs to all living, for all living things have emotions, ways of thinking, how to behave, and how to believe things in their own way; Thus, the differences arise, if these differences are not addressed with tolerance and good attitude, then all those differences will be the source of conflict, which removes the sense of peace in life.

A sense of security and comfort can create peace of mind.peace of mind will be the basis for caring for a sense of peace within. All inner power can be a negative energy that contributes to saving the world.and, all social disturbances can contribute to removing a sense of peace within you.

Find the silence to reflect on the sense of inner peace; emotionally intelligent to always live life in peace of mind; prepare the personality to accept the reality of life more sincerely and honestly.and, make yourself a source of self-generating energy for yourself, and make life around you. Be a good energy that contributes all the good to the reality of your life.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: zedkiel08 on October 16, 2017, 01:20:44 AM
World peace will not be attain because there are people who loves war than wanting to live peacefully. For now its impossible that world peace will be done. Unless all country unite and make a peace order for all humanity. Maybe in the generations of humans , in the future if ever happen that all the country , nations in this world unite as one for world peace. That's when all people will live peacefully.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 16, 2017, 01:31:41 AM
I believe the true peace between all countries of the world can only be attained with one world government and that looks impossible to happen in this millennium. Maybe in 2000-3000 years from now. ;D

One world government will be never possible in the next few hundred years. Because humans belong to different races and cultures and some of them will find living with the others an extremely difficult thing to do. And moreover, there is a lot of wealth difference. Why should anyone from the United States agree to merge with third world nations such as Nigeria and India?

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: jiamileshuai on October 16, 2017, 01:45:40 AM
It is true that religion, culture and the like make us different. But the differences do not make us mutually berate, hate and even kill, should the difference makes us understand each other, tolerance and mutual respect. I do not think it's because of the difference that makes peace difficult to achieve, because the greed and desire of even certain individuals who make peace difficult to achieve. Religion, culture, and the like are never wrong. Instead people use religion and culture as a tool to satisfy his desires. But we must be sure that peace will be achieved.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Nalbo on October 16, 2017, 03:08:24 AM
Relatively we are in peace than the people in 20th century. And we are improving. People just need individual freedom for making world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 16, 2017, 03:47:02 AM
Relatively we are in peace than the people in 20th century. And we are improving. People just need individual freedom for making world peace.

There is still a lot of warfare around (Syria, Iraq, Marawi, Nigeria, Chechenya, Congo.etc). But in general, human life has become more valuable now. Earlier couples were having dozens of children each and human life didn't had much value. That situation has changed now. No one want to waste the manpower now, as it has also become a prized commodity. 

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: PanGiMoon on October 16, 2017, 04:48:07 AM
I really want to believe it. However, what is happening in the world today suggests that people cannot live without war. I hope that someday everything will change for the better.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: SugoiSenpai on October 16, 2017, 05:43:04 AM
As much as I have seen the world, world peace cannot be attained specially in todays generation. There are too much opinions on different things, such as: Religions, Beliefs, Personalities, etc. So many kinds of people that is almost impossible to get to unify into one. So as long as this kind of relation around the world exist, there can never be world peace. It can never be achieved unless all people on earth can have unity on all things

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: SergiuHD on October 16, 2017, 05:55:50 AM
As @SugoiSenpai says, in many generation to come we will see peace, we need to give up armying ourselves and put the money to use in other purposes, there must be a world agreement so every country give up on having a army. Or we could find a common enemy, as a planet, like fighting aliens, then we would be all allies, with 1 purpose. :)

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: salinizm on October 16, 2017, 06:13:48 AM
There will never be total peace on earth because people were born with the brutal, horrible, greedy instincts to kill their own race. For that reason, people will continue to kill each other.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: diegz on October 16, 2017, 07:30:42 AM
There will never be total peace on earth because people were born with the brutal, horrible, greedy instincts to kill their own race. For that reason, people will continue to kill each other.

Isn't man killing each other because of ideology? Each country has its own culture and natives to protect.

In my opinion, world peace won't be achieve. Just think of your neighbor who don't want to talk to you, and you throw garbage to their garage, and your reason is that garage is part of your land, and the other one would have his own reason too. Same as countries.

Besides, war is one event that opens up and fast track the technology.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: xena2 on October 16, 2017, 12:07:21 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
No.  As long human are narrow minded and self centered,  there will be no world peace,  not unless it is the end if the world.  As long as we had different outlook in life and perspective same with religion,  world peace will be unreachable.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: perfectliberty on October 16, 2017, 02:23:12 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

There will never be world peace unless we are all following God's commandment and will. In this world we're living in, peace is only found in places where people are cooperating and participating in their activities. Peace can only be attained when we follow all rules (except to those that brings bad results) and regulations. This can also be attained by following the rules of morality.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: jenni161 on October 16, 2017, 02:44:51 PM
As @SugoiSenpai says, in many generation to come we will see peace, we need to give up armying ourselves and put the money to use in other purposes, there must be a world agreement so every country give up on having a army. Or we could find a common enemy, as a planet, like fighting aliens, then we would be all allies, with 1 purpose. :)

This is the only way peace could even theorethically work. The fact is that human race has developed trought evolution which is in essential, survival of the fittest. There will always be lack of resources somewhere on the globe. And people wanting more even if they have what one essentially needs. So smaller fights and bigger wars will come and go.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Malsetid on October 16, 2017, 03:07:03 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

For world people to be attained, people have to believe that it can be attained. Imagine if all.of us don't believe that it's possible. As loh as there are people who believe in world peace, and there are people doing something to make it happen, no matter how futile it seem, it's never in vain. I believe that there will come a time when we'll all realize that we can do something about it

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: krogothmanhattan on October 16, 2017, 03:09:24 PM
No...not as long as dictators are around and economic imbalances exist

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: wRex on October 16, 2017, 03:46:27 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

No one know how this world in peaceful or when it will.
But I can say, peaceful start from ourselves, keep our mind in peaceful, doing things in positive way (like help more poor people, donate some of your money for poverty, share your time with family, talk and act in positively) than you will feel peaceful from your heart. Spread those feeling to your enviroment, than the entirely they will feel peaceful.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: King Sastro on October 17, 2017, 12:00:06 AM
All people and countries have their own interests, it is certainly different from each other interests so that they become mutually hostile. this is what makes war so peace is difficult to achieve. if you want peace all human must think that peace is fun.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 17, 2017, 01:44:57 AM
All people and countries have their own interests, it is certainly different from each other interests so that they become mutually hostile. this is what makes war so peace is difficult to achieve. if you want peace all human must think that peace is fun.

The basic reason behind war is the competition for natural resources and the unequal distribution of wealth. The first issue can be controlled by family planning and perhaps with an implementation of a strict one-child policy. But the second issue is even more complex. As long as the differences in IQ levels exist, the wealth inequality will also persist.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: shahadut_s232 on October 17, 2017, 02:58:57 AM
All the people of the world is to be honest,the world will be peace but it's impossible. Because there are different kinds of people in the world. Peace is internal matter of humans. When a man say true,he or she feels peace.honestly is the best policy. If all the people of world follow right way honestly, then the world will be peaceful.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Corporatocracy on October 17, 2017, 03:17:21 AM
Yes, but it might not happen before life ceases to exist. Competition over limited resources and our given natures are moats we can't leap over without much changing.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: The_prodigy on October 17, 2017, 03:26:41 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I think world Peace should be the goal of every people however I agree that world peace cant ever be fully attained. If a single person would have in his heart his personal ambitions would be in the way it would always have conflict with the peace that we have established.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 17, 2017, 06:40:55 AM
Yes, but it might not happen before life ceases to exist. Competition over limited resources and our given natures are moats we can't leap over without much changing.

The population growth is slowing down. And in many of the nations, the natural growth of human population is negative (especially in Eastern Europe). Therefore there is a chance that the competition over the resources will decrease and there will be an increase in the per capita availability of the natural resources. But I can't predict how long that is going to take.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Ereun on October 17, 2017, 11:05:37 AM
All human beings allow peace, Peace is beautiful and makes life more perfect
but if the interests of the state and personality are always above all and forget about peace
then the battle will happen

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: inoymuninoy on October 17, 2017, 01:35:34 PM
There will be World Peace if people decided to embrace difference and to abstain themselves from killing each other.
And not letting them to be divided by any ideologies
or by being selfish and careless towards other's concern

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bryant.coleman on October 17, 2017, 06:22:41 PM
There will be World Peace if people decided to embrace difference and to abstain themselves from killing each other.

It is never going to happen. The basic human nature must be blamed for this. Humans always think that their religion, language and race is superior to the others. And this is the primary reason behind all the hatred in the world. Take religion for example. The Christians say that those who believe in the other religions are heathens and they will go to hell after their death. Islam goes even further and offers 72 virgins for anyone who murders a non-Muslim.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: otandelapaz on October 17, 2017, 06:31:00 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

No, as long as the human specie is on top of the food chain that will never happen.  People are naturally competitive and constantly hungry for power. They can be peace in some part of the planet, but not entirely.  Thanks

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: electronicash on October 17, 2017, 06:38:34 PM

Alien invasion might just be one reason why there will be unity among the nations and people that constantly threatening each other. But that however isn't going to happen specially because there is no aliens at all. The most possible thing that will happen for all to have world peace is to bomb each other and that no one will be left except one or two people left, that at least they will have thier own world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: mozartopfer on October 17, 2017, 07:32:19 PM
It won't be a real world when there is peace. War in its different hypostasis should always be otherwise the movement of changes will stop and we will find ourselves dying from being stuck in the same context and surroundings. It is just a matter of type of the war. There can be more or less harmless wars, we just should call them conflicts or something similar.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: innocent93 on October 17, 2017, 07:58:14 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
As long as there will be the differences between the social classes, there is no way to obtain that peace. I mean there are good developed countries with all the resources they need and even so, there are people who behaves like they are  nuts. The same goes with the country. Unfortunately  out there still exists people who goes on the concept that the naibor shouldn't have moire then i do. Look at Africa and you will understand where world peace is lost...

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 18, 2017, 01:44:31 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

No, as long as the human specie is on top of the food chain that will never happen.  People are naturally competitive and constantly hungry for power. They can be peace in some part of the planet, but not entirely.  Thanks

If there can be peace on a part of the world, then what prevents it from spreading to the other parts? It is the politicians and the corporations which trigger and provoke warfare and fighting all around the world. There reason is that these people benefit out of it, in the form of commissions (bribes) and increased share prices / dividends.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: darioc on October 18, 2017, 02:19:04 AM
If human not exits anymore. just like ultron said

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Kotone on October 18, 2017, 02:23:17 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

If all the people in the world can work together then I THink we have a fightimg chance to aftain world peace. it is The common goal that should besettled in towveryhuman bieing in this planet as it should be for the future for the betterment of our lives and for our children.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: PIR on October 18, 2017, 02:38:55 AM
Yes, i believe will be world peace,we need to respect each other,love each other,,respect each religion and help each other.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Rooster101 on October 18, 2017, 02:54:42 AM
Lasting peace in this present world is still a remote possibility because of different ideologies that seems can only resolve by war, even though war itself produces no real winner. Man has tried to resolve or end conflicts countless of years ago til this present but he failed.World peace can be attainable if all inhabitants in this world will change and sincerely look for peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: BlackRacerX on October 18, 2017, 03:32:40 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

World peace can definitely be achieved once we accept that we are all of the same humans living on the same earth. We should come to closure with our race, culture, preferences and mindset. Our mindset is to promote worldwide camaraderie.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: thenameisjay on October 18, 2017, 03:35:56 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

World peace can be achieved if we learn to accept other countries differences and start caring for each other, despite of the cultural and traditional differences. Love must always intercede in times of war to finally end wars. World peace will only then be achieved once we start to love humanity instead of fighting each other like animals over who has the longer stick.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: SamboNZ on October 18, 2017, 07:16:32 AM
World peace will be achieved if we stop creating military personnel and weapons but it wont happen cause we are humans

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: mhine07 on October 18, 2017, 08:10:24 AM
Yes i think there will be world peace but not this generation , maybe in the next generation 50 years from now. Today we cannot attain the world peace due to many conflicts in the world. Some countries has been into a war that until now it won't stop. There are terrorist who causes cities to bombered all over the world. Attaining world peace is somewhat a way long to go. If all the government around the world will unite as one maybe we could live in a world peacefully with harmony.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Kevinvaonav on October 18, 2017, 11:42:19 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
As long as people are selfless and less concerned with the surrounding environment will be difficult to achieve world peace

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Lecam on October 18, 2017, 12:27:21 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I believe that it's hard to achieve world peace. As long as people are greedy and can't accept cultural and religious differences, there would be no peace. Since the world began, people had been fighting each other for power, land, money and power. So, it's hard to achieve world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: DMiracle1 on October 18, 2017, 02:19:24 PM
In our dreams there will be... but in reality that's not gonna happen.
Different countries, different leaders.
Leaders who wants to be on top to everyone.
But in Heaven, we will surely have the everlasting peace we are waiting for.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Tyrantt on October 18, 2017, 05:02:34 PM
No, there's always someone who doesn't benefit from any given situation and will try to make it to suite him, that's why we have people that fund terrorists.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Jgatsby on October 18, 2017, 05:15:22 PM
I don't think it's possible, with culture, beliefs and traditions alone we can't live in harmony, we always think that we're right and the other is wrong. I guess it would only happen if all the countries begin to understand all our differences and start to care for one another, though it may sounds impossible but I still have faith in humanity.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: astrid.uchiha24 on October 18, 2017, 05:33:16 PM
It is impossible to think that world peace might be achieve someday but i am hoping for that day were everyone stops arguing, reconciling with each other specially the leaders of the nations. Having different beliefs also makes us hard to achieve world peace because it causes conflicts.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bhabygrim on October 18, 2017, 06:59:26 PM
I believe the true peace between all countries of the world can only be attained with one world government and that looks impossible to happen in this millennium. Maybe in 2000-3000 years from now. ;D

In the current situation of the world, peace is hard to achieve anymore. The world is getting worse each day. Crimes are everywhere. However, it is still not impossible for us to attain world peace if we start it within ourselves.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: godzillarekt007 on October 18, 2017, 10:57:09 PM
I will remain eternally optimistic that this can happen but the way things are going right now I would say no. Also the way things are structured right now leaves too much room for corruption, lies, and overall deception. We

need to find a model that is closer to true democracy and not leaving the powers in hands of a few powerful people. Once we destroy this current system then we have a chance to be peaceful because everybody's interests

will therefore be aligned and we can work towards a common goal. When we are not working towards a common goal we are working against one another and this is not how you achieve worldly peace. I think it is possible

but perhaps not for another 50-100 years yet here.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: crazylikeafox on October 18, 2017, 11:31:25 PM
World peace is an illusion..
Mankind have been able to fly in the air,travel to other planets,but have never learnt to live with themselves...

I agree, peace is only temporary it is a time where people prepare for war. building armies, weapons, training, and planning

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: TheGodFather on October 19, 2017, 01:13:49 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

World Peace for me is the end goal for humanity. WIth our free will and diverse minds and personalty it is not so far to think that this is unattainable. However I still believe in the good of humanity and I think that with the small victories that we have in the world is enough to fuel the flame that we can have world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: cryptoon007 on October 19, 2017, 04:04:44 AM
As long as there are people who gain from wars, and differing religious ideologies, there will never be world peace. In fact, Word War Three is much closer than World peace more than ever.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 19, 2017, 04:47:30 AM
World peace is an illusion..
Mankind have been able to fly in the air,travel to other planets,but have never learnt to live with themselves...

I agree, peace is only temporary it is a time where people prepare for war. building armies, weapons, training, and planning

Nope. It is not temporary. There are regions in the world, which have not seen major conflicts for more than 70 years now. For example, look at Western Europe. Ever since the second world war ended in 1945, this region has not witnessed any large-scale conflict. Another example is that of Japan. They have not been involved in any major military confrontation since 1945.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: gabmen on October 19, 2017, 05:28:08 AM
As long as there are people who gain from wars, and differing religious ideologies, there will never be world peace. In fact, Word War Three is much closer than World peace more than ever.

It's quite scary to think about but you're right. With how things are unfolding, with all the tensions here and there, we're farther from world peace than ever. But giving up hope that it can be achieved is worse. I hope there will be a time that we all.will realize that we can all set aside our differences to achieve this

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: z38630610 on October 22, 2017, 07:53:54 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

It is really hard to live in peace in everywhere in the world. Governments will achieve peace if they desist their own benefits and egos. After people bottom out and live like everyone is equal, we may think about world peace. It is hard but not impossible.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bitkaboom2 on October 22, 2017, 08:35:09 PM
the world can become peaceful if each country take steps to finished terrorism and no interference in other countries which is the most dangerous for world peace. in this way the world can become peaceful

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: trako on October 22, 2017, 10:18:14 PM
Peace is very difficult. I would love to see peace all over the world. but it is very difficult as long as people are greedy. they need to learn to love people. how can peace be achieved without loving nature?

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Kurdo on October 22, 2017, 10:23:20 PM
No, this will never get an end.

It's in humans DNA to hold down other humans.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Racey on October 22, 2017, 10:33:35 PM
No, this will never get an end.

It's in humans DNA to hold down other humans.

Ah, you say humans real humans like us want peace, it's the non humans that want to war all the time, government officials looking to profiteer with death and destruction, armament makers and those that push the sales.

Now if only the people would take a stand against them.
Japan once the most against war, is now encouraging it, ex pacifists, the resident people are peaceful but the government turned.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Pekelangito on October 23, 2017, 02:12:19 AM
For as long as there is human greed and we never get satisfied of what they have we will never attain world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: GreatArkansas on October 23, 2017, 02:30:29 AM
Yes of course, specially when people reunite, be friendly all people. Peace is starting with us, we can make it. We can make world peace, let's start first by our own.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: miccb on October 23, 2017, 02:45:33 AM
If future families would teach more to children on how to contribute peace to society

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: KryptoTark on October 23, 2017, 02:51:48 AM
World peace will not happen with government's or global governments law's and regulations.

It will only happen through individual enlightenment.
 The understanding that you can do anything that doesn't negatively effect other people or the environment that you are in.

It really is that simple. But governments are always dividing and conquering the people. Why? they need control! You cannot have control over peace, it needs to come from free will

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 23, 2017, 03:42:03 AM
If future families would teach more to children on how to contribute peace to society

It is going to be difficult. The children are getting more and more rebellious nowadays, due to the negative influence of social media, movies and television. From what I have noticed, the young generation is more selfish and self-centered when compared to the earlier generations. And this seems to be an ongoing process.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: chichigirl on October 23, 2017, 03:59:41 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

Chances are very low. It is very impossible but it may happen if the people will learn how to love and forgive with each others fault and differences.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Forester78 on October 23, 2017, 04:38:42 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
I am very skeptical about the fact that the world will cease to be military conflicts. People fought all the time and will continue to do so. But I would like to live in a peaceful planet.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Kava on October 23, 2017, 05:17:26 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
I do not believe there will always be a conflict of interests and therefore conflicts. We each have a conflict at the family level with an inheritance, and you are talking about the world. Travel in the morning in transport, there are so many peaceful and kind people in traffic jams.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: malachi_38tr@viS on October 23, 2017, 05:33:48 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

it is highly impossible because few country's trying to  grow up fastly in this process they want to collapse few country's which country's are week in financially, economically and people.if suppose war not happens means people may stay more peace and forging to each other. we have no religions cats and poor rich  differences. so we try to make like that world for our next generations.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: jenni161 on October 23, 2017, 06:51:16 AM
If future families would teach more to children on how to contribute peace to society

It is going to be difficult. The children are getting more and more rebellious nowadays, due to the negative influence of social media, movies and television. From what I have noticed, the young generation is more selfish and self-centered when compared to the earlier generations. And this seems to be an ongoing process.

I would not say so. For me, it seems that younger generation is more aware of human rights (for example gay rights), animal rights and so on. And maybe not tied to one nation mentally due to internet and travelling. That may make them less eager to go to war.

(Still I think that wars won't disappear.)

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: spottcoin on October 23, 2017, 11:57:09 AM
No. Peace will never come. There will always be those who want more power and money.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Pubg_man205 on October 23, 2017, 12:10:52 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

No, peace on earth is impossible. There are too many people and they are all different and live differently, all have different wealth. There will always be those who envy, angry, and hate other people.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Cling18 on October 23, 2017, 04:32:08 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I hope so. I'm always praying for it. Although the world is getting worse each day, I won't lose hope. As long as there are still people left who wants world peace , I believe that we'll still have it 

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: shinchan123 on October 23, 2017, 05:17:16 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

World peace is hard to attain because people are greedy in power and resources. And, as long there's politics, religious and cultural differences, world peace is no attainable. I really think the world is doomed because of it.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: CryptoEnthused on October 23, 2017, 06:56:13 PM
Achieving world peace requires the effort of every individual. People need to live in harmony and care about each other to obtain it. But all they care about is themselves. Human nature is egoistical and it has always been that way. And I doubt that in the near future something will change. But I want to hope it will

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: ApocalypseNow on October 24, 2017, 07:52:39 AM
I hope so but I really don't see it happenning so soon. There are many terrorist around the world and even government from different countries unite their forces to wipe them out, they still manage to regroup and spread terror again and again.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: acener on October 24, 2017, 07:54:07 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

We can live peaceful individually, however, world peace is hard or almost impossible to attain. As long as people are greedy in power and resources, as long as there's cultural and religious differences, world peace is not attainable.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 24, 2017, 08:18:55 AM
I hope so but I really don't see it happenning so soon. There are many terrorist around the world and even government from different countries unite their forces to wipe them out, they still manage to regroup and spread terror again and again.

Terrorism will exist in this world as long as hateful ideologies are tolerated by certain sections of people, in the name of religious freedom. In the past, it was in the form of the conquest and the crusades. The only difference is that now it is in the form of suicide bombings and mass extermination of the minorities.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: joebrook on October 24, 2017, 08:37:24 AM
I hope so but I really don't see it happenning so soon. There are many terrorist around the world and even government from different countries unite their forces to wipe them out, they still manage to regroup and spread terror again and again.

Terrorism will exist in this world as long as hateful ideologies are tolerated by certain sections of people, in the name of religious freedom. In the past, it was in the form of the conquest and the crusades. The only difference is that now it is in the form of suicide bombings and mass extermination of the minorities.
Since most terrorists are Muslims I think until Islam is rooted out of the world, they will continue to be terrorists and we are know that no one can root out a major religion like Islam which has become radicalized in recent years.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: ballerin and giroud on October 24, 2017, 09:06:36 AM
I think it can, people who are being sold in this world are mutual tolerance, mutual respect, no matter race and religion, no rich and poor and so on, but it will take a very long time.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Gotumoot on October 24, 2017, 09:17:07 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I think it is possible. All the people need to do is just unite. The problem now is that we, the people around the world have different religion, organization, language, etc., but imagine if we only have one then I think there will be what we crave for and that is world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: chainlike on October 26, 2017, 04:37:47 PM
Now the situation is not, the world peace is always superficial, everyone is fighting for their own interests

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on October 27, 2017, 02:30:28 AM
I hope so but I really don't see it happenning so soon. There are many terrorist around the world and even government from different countries unite their forces to wipe them out, they still manage to regroup and spread terror again and again.

Terrorism will exist in this world as long as hateful ideologies are tolerated by certain sections of people, in the name of religious freedom. In the past, it was in the form of the conquest and the crusades. The only difference is that now it is in the form of suicide bombings and mass extermination of the minorities.
Since most terrorists are Muslims I think until Islam is rooted out of the world, they will continue to be terrorists and we are know that no one can root out a major religion like Islam which has become radicalized in recent years.

How did it got radicalized?

A few decades back, Islam in countries such as Indonesia and Bangladesh was very much moderate. It was the flow of the petro-dollars from Saudi Arabia which changed this equation. The Saudis funded Wahhabi madrasas and mosques all over the world, in which an extremist version of Islam was taught. And over the years, they have successfully managed to exterminate the moderate version of Islam.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: September11 on November 19, 2017, 01:48:14 AM
It is difficult to have a World Peace when people start fighting even just for the reason that they "believe" in different football teams.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: rowel21 on November 19, 2017, 03:21:14 AM
Dont know maybe someday when human learn to forget and forgive when they set aside the pride when they learn to accept there mistake and when they know the value of lifes when they know how to love

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: jiamileshuai on November 19, 2017, 03:29:15 AM
sure, The world peace will be reached if we believe and do action. It depends on our believe and action, if we just dreaming that but nothing to do, it will never happen. Therefore, start from now, we must change our attitude to others, respect people is a way to reach the peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: turmidi on November 19, 2017, 04:22:11 AM
We should be believe that the world peace will be attained, we can change all.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: wuaimm on November 19, 2017, 04:31:06 AM
I think the Chinese government is very good and has always been moving toward peaceful coexistence.!! ;D

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on November 19, 2017, 05:02:23 AM
It is difficult to have a World Peace when people start fighting even just for the reason that they "believe" in different football teams.

Apart from silly acts of hooliganism, football (or other sports) have never resulted in warfare. On the other hand, sports represents an opportunity for the warring nations to set aside their differences for a while and to enjoy a cordial atmosphere. That is why world nations are spending billions of USD every year on sports events such as the Olympics.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Opnsrc on November 23, 2017, 08:40:33 PM
No, the World Peace will never happen. The wars and revolutions especially on African continent will go to happen again and again.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: charmaine08 on November 24, 2017, 12:51:46 AM
I think so, but  it will start in our self .

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on November 24, 2017, 02:12:32 AM
No, the World Peace will never happen. The wars and revolutions especially on African continent will go to happen again and again.

Let's ignore Africa and the Middle East for now. The average IQ there ranges from 65 to 70, and you can't really blame the people for their stupidity. If I was a world leader, then I would construct a gigantic barrier around these regions and isolate them. Let them do whatever they want in their own nations. But then, the American corporations would object.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: popoypalaboy03 on November 24, 2017, 03:22:04 AM
pretty sure that there won't be peace if people won't unite and fight together with any extraterrestrials. People from different nationalities and religions will unity.Only this way people can achieve peace because people will help each other to win a battle and then will remain friends after the battle is finished.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: congresowoman on November 24, 2017, 07:13:28 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
We are living the end times already. According to the Bible, there will surely be destruction and also calamities, news about earthquakes and kingdoms fighting. These are expected happenings and will not cease until the second coming of Christ. So I think that world peace nowadays will not be possible.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: malc027 on November 24, 2017, 07:25:45 AM
Not a chance.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bobbykulot on November 24, 2017, 08:29:31 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
i do not know,and if there i a peace it is miracle.but time  will come to it and i dont know when.peace is on heaven.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Naoko on November 24, 2017, 08:55:57 PM
Unfortunately, this is not possible, because most people think only of themselves and it's hard for them to think about others and do something good for them...and mercy is the main thing for world peace

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Yalovtsev on November 24, 2017, 09:05:50 PM
Probably not when,because there will always be those who will want to own the best piece,the best place under the sun,the best resources,as an individual,and the whole strange,and because of this unfolding of a global war,if we look at history,there are many proven facts,and wars

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: 0o on November 25, 2017, 01:49:21 AM
After that the sun has become a red giant there will finally be peace on earth. Or what is left of it. If something is left.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on November 25, 2017, 04:02:25 AM
After that the sun has become a red giant there will finally be peace on earth. Or what is left of it. If something is left.

Unfortunately, what you said is 100% true. As long as the human race exists on this planet, there will be no peace. It is the basic nature of the humans to engage in confrontations with each other and to compete with others. Earlier, we used to have the "survival of the fittest" rule in the nature. As human civilization advanced, it was regarded as something not very humane. But even now, the tendency is there in everyone's mind.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: jessicawelsh on November 25, 2017, 04:08:56 AM
There will never be peace in the world because all nations want to show their strength to other nations. But if we live together and cooperate in many areas of the economy, there will be no war

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Prinox2 on November 25, 2017, 04:10:43 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
conflict comes when our individual differences are not properly managed.
for peace to reign, dialogue should always be given a chance.
for now, now peace, maybe later it shall reign

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: yu_shi on November 25, 2017, 07:34:24 PM
Human nature won`t let us! There always be individuals who enjoy humiliating, torturing (physiccaly or mentally) other people. My history teacher used to say that war is the way our planet is trying to avoid overpopulation.   

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Lupus Solitarius on November 25, 2017, 08:29:06 PM
Never. Conflict and competition are part of nature.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: itsmekathy on November 27, 2017, 04:33:08 AM
As long as human still have greed wants and ego ,there will never be was to have  a world  with no country boundary no money and every individual/ human in the world work for the improvement of human being.can you imagine if we cac achieve  that if you do... Then it is the first step of gaining world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Nakakapagpabagabag on November 27, 2017, 12:03:22 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

There is a world peace if we cooperate together and love each others to make world peace. As of now, there is a problem that the country will fighting because of the misunderstanding like in the territory. Just always praise the lord and believe on god. Everything will make better and better.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: The_authentic on November 27, 2017, 01:43:43 PM
Power tussle, greed and supremacy won't allow world peace

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Shamburis on November 27, 2017, 03:19:38 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
world peace will be done only if we people of the universe has one goal, and that is to have unity for each other no more war freaks, and most of all we people have faith in god. PRAYING FOR THE WORLD PEACE.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Peeter_Cash on November 27, 2017, 05:02:22 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I like the ideas of Jacques Fresco

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: cashjonny on November 27, 2017, 05:02:47 PM
Probably it will never happen but maybe there can be little time zones when governments pretend like there is world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: joebrook on November 27, 2017, 08:59:31 PM
Probably it will never happen but maybe there can be little time zones when governments pretend like there is world peace.
World peace doesn't ever happen because secretly nations are waging wars against other nations either and mostly it is with cyber warfare. Even the so called allied countries are spying on each other.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on November 28, 2017, 02:10:09 AM
Well... if you want to establish world peace, then these are the pre-requisites:

1. There should be only one language
2. There should be only one religion
3. There should be only one race
4. There should be only one political party
5. There should be only one currency (Bitcoin)

None of these are practical.. so there will never be world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bitonix on November 28, 2017, 02:44:16 AM
The bible talks about a government that will make world peace possible. But that government will be brought about by God not man

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: iyah09 on November 28, 2017, 07:35:18 AM
i think there's no world peace as long as the leader and the follower are not united or disagree it will lead to war

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bitonix on November 28, 2017, 08:28:40 AM
Worls peace is only attainable by God

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Vinz1978 on November 28, 2017, 08:38:55 AM
The peace of the world will return when Jesus the prince of peace will reign in every heart & lives of the people in this planet. So we pray for the personal peace first inside of us through the Lordship of Christ the King, then lets spread the love of God to others. I think this will end in a lasting result in every one of us..

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Genemind on November 28, 2017, 01:19:59 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I think if we all just set aside our pride, ego, religion, culture and beliefs, there is a possibility that we all humans can unite as one. The only problem I see here is there is no drive or a force that pushes us to do it. Perhaps the world needs to see an ugly scenario first for the people to realize that we should be united and peaceful.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: allohha on November 28, 2017, 07:18:54 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I think if we all just set aside our pride, ego, religion, culture and beliefs, there is a possibility that we all humans can unite as one. The only problem I see here is there is no drive or a force that pushes us to do it. Perhaps the world needs to see an ugly scenario first for the people to realize that we should be united and peaceful.
You must look at the world with different eyes and deduce that today countries like the United States, Russia, North Korea, and even China are with them. Do you think that by using chemical weapons in Syria, this contributes to peace throughout the world? The war is and will be.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Bit There on November 28, 2017, 07:36:12 PM
For me true peace for each person is the end result of our life journey. Perhaps world peace is not our part for us to think about, because I've heard a story that true peace is when we are in a burdened state but still feel the peace within us and our family. So stay positive while you can. ;)

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: longyenthanh on November 28, 2017, 08:48:40 PM
Peace in the world will probably never be. People have been fighting for centuries. Where there are natural resources there are war for peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Orino Suimuri on November 28, 2017, 10:08:16 PM
Very improbable: conflict is part of universe

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Xising on November 28, 2017, 10:28:11 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

Most people want peace, but why is it so difficult to achieve? Well it's because of different religions (holy wars), greed, money, and power. Particularly I'd like to mention, waging wars on other country, is a big industry, imagine the billions of dollars spent on the military and warfare. The ones in power don't want peace and normal people like us can't really do anything about it.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sesochi Maspinto on November 28, 2017, 10:48:48 PM
Very improbable: conflict is part of universe

I agree: conflict and competition exist at any level

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on November 29, 2017, 03:59:07 AM
Peace in the world will probably never be. People have been fighting for centuries. Where there are natural resources there are war for peace.

As human population is increasing, the per capita availability of the natural resources decline. Why do you think the United States invaded nations such as Libya and Iraq? The crude oil production was going down in the US, and they wanted to make up by capturing the Iraqi and the Libyan oil wells.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: kolitski on November 30, 2017, 10:22:49 AM
There will be a world peace if our leaders around the world have respect their selves and his people, If there is no curruption, i think the world has a wonderful future for the next generation.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: rowel21 on November 30, 2017, 02:11:49 PM
I dont think so as long as people   has selfishness hatred pain  revenge

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: ducnh1022 on November 30, 2017, 02:47:10 PM
There is World Peace now dude, War rate is lowest all time.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Ardan17 on November 30, 2017, 04:30:46 PM
If everyone wants peace and nobody wants a war, why is it that everyone continues to fight and we do not feel the real peace in this world at all. I think we should all know the answer, that is the difference. We are aware that too much difference exists in this world. Between one individual and one individual is even too many different things, between two identical twins we can even find the various differences they have, let alone the differences between the groups that are much larger in size that is clearly very different in every way.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: jmiro1 on December 02, 2017, 06:37:04 PM
That’s exactly what is never gonna happen. The time for world peace has long gone. Now there’s only war and hatred. The formation of war has changed though, cyber war is introduced to the world. As long as there is hunger for power, energy, food, lands etc there will be no peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: ninjacrack on December 02, 2017, 08:22:18 PM
yes it can be, if all people will understand and respect each other and there is more resources for all the needs of the people.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Kuchiyosenojutsu on December 02, 2017, 08:28:11 PM
The answer is that every human being has his or her own right of birth, and that is permanent, that is, the right to life. Therefore, the right of the right must be protected. To maintain world peace, institutes such as the United Nations are formed. then there is also a meeting meeting attended by representatives from countries around the world.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Cryptostalker59 on December 02, 2017, 09:56:40 PM
No; the only chances is in we create a completely brainwashed, zombies like society.

(well, may be we are arriving...)

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Tuvualala on December 03, 2017, 01:35:54 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
Only if humans destroy all emotion and will becoma bio-robots. While man can hate, envy or despise he always will try to solve his problems by force.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bayupermana on December 03, 2017, 01:38:53 AM
there will never be a world peace, peace is just a symbol that everyone always want to have, but the fact that human have been fighting to exist for a very longtime. so without fighting, we will never become who we are now.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Mr.flores on December 03, 2017, 01:43:05 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
There will never be total peace on earth because people were born with the brutal, horrible, greedy instincts to kill their own race. For that reason, people will continue to kill each other. :)

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Bossykid on December 03, 2017, 02:19:26 AM
Not at all! The only recipe for world peace is when everyone thinks the same and positively which is definitely impossible. Today it's love for good, undeserved things that lead to killing and stealing, meaning inequality is also a major factor.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: dharnamonitor on December 03, 2017, 02:56:20 AM
That will never gonna be happen, maybe if there is no human existing in this world you could say that the world is at peace. Unless the humans evolved into god mode (lol) or what they say christ consciousness and all of the negativity will vanish maybe the result will be a peaceful environment.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: dhiraj0977 on December 03, 2017, 03:02:08 AM
At current scenario, I do not think so.  But Yes definitely in future, there will be different era that will come in terms of peace and happiness after destruction of current era.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Bigbangcrazy on December 03, 2017, 03:28:09 AM
I also hope the world will be peaceful. War is a disaster. I hope that will not happen  >:(

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Cordillera on December 03, 2017, 03:35:21 AM
As of now I can say NO, Because We can only attained a World peace when there is unity.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: donaltrump8 on December 03, 2017, 03:36:18 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
YES ! i always believe the world peace , my country has undergone war by many enemies .

I hope there is never be war in the world  .

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: L00n3y on December 03, 2017, 03:53:07 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
As long as greed resides in the hearts of man world peace can never be achieved. Some are using war to push for their own interest and at the same time some uses war as a means of living.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: E-shipper on December 03, 2017, 05:45:42 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
No, I do not believe in it. In the whole history of the existence of mankind, always someone fought. This will continue. I'm 100% sure of that.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: darrly on December 03, 2017, 06:20:41 AM
We need one government to control all. Also, religions make walls between people. There will be no peace as long as people believe they are superior than others.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Manyara on December 03, 2017, 06:23:10 AM
As long as there are super powers and other very poor countries that have natural resources to be exploited, we will never have world peace. There will always be war and hatred between those who have and those who don't.

As long as there are different religions with different beliefs of how we should live and associate with one another, we cannot attain world peace. The beliefs will always justify something that the other religion does not believe in.

But, be the change you want to see. Love your neighbour and treat others as you would want them to treat you.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 03, 2017, 06:26:28 AM
The main threat to the world peace today is the tension between North Korea and the United States. But after North Korea successfully launched their ICBM Hwasong 15, the tables seems to have turned around. Some of the American defense analysts are saying that the US doesn't have a system which can prevent this missile from reaching its target.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: bernashka on January 05, 2018, 02:06:25 PM
The balance of good and evil must be. No way can all be good and good. Only if the scales of the balance with evil outweigh the bowl of good, then all the ends of the whole. 80-85%, the evil is the rest .... nuuuuu .... something- something like this.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: randal9 on January 05, 2018, 03:35:10 PM
The balance of good and evil must be. No way can all be good and good. Only if the scales of the balance with evil outweigh the bowl of good, then all the ends of the whole. 80-85%, the evil is the rest .... nuuuuu .... something- something like this.
I agree with you...this world is diverse and everything in it has the right to be's good that we can also control what will be next to us in our image of thinking

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: richshopgh on January 05, 2018, 03:36:51 PM
It is possible in this current world due to competition and struggle for power, religious indifference and evil men . But when Jesus Christ returns in the second coming ,world peace can be achieved.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Babyrica0226 on January 06, 2018, 08:13:49 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

Yes, Indeed true and correct. Because base on the Bible there is one powerful person who will stand and reunite all nations in the entire world because of this person. But the peace is only temporarily only.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: shaun98 on January 06, 2018, 09:27:18 AM
Don't think it will be possible anytime soon to achieve such a feat. Some people are just born to create violence and havoc in this world. Maybe in the next few hundred years, that might happen but who knows.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Pali on January 06, 2018, 10:38:14 AM
No, never. Humans are a ying and yang. They have good and bad in them. Often times not in balance.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: dharnamonitor on January 06, 2018, 01:15:26 PM
Unless the humans have evolved or had a consciousness shift and turned to be awakened or enlightened, it could lead to slowly but surely  positive outcomes that even the world peace that you'll dreaming about could really happen.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Vik_the_Carpentner on January 06, 2018, 02:25:17 PM
Never. Humans kills not because of hunger, nor of fear. They kill because humans has a passion of killing, it's in their nature to kill.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: msuheb on January 06, 2018, 02:27:35 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

Peace is always there... u just need to find it... & the world peace will come for sure, but that will be a different world (I believe in life after death)...

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: machinek20 on January 06, 2018, 02:29:02 PM
It will be difficult, all people in the world come from different culture, with a lot of different point of view based on the life experience and the influence of environment, to make people into one vision with us is very difficult, and greed is one of the human nature behaviour, so its a difficult task

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: seandiumx20 on January 06, 2018, 02:38:47 PM
In opinion it would never happen since if you wanted world peace, the most effective way I can think is to have one government or all of our president would be the body of a one government, but in the case of today's time, it would be hard since there are countries that has bad blood with each other. The result would be not world peace but world chaos.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: riptv on January 06, 2018, 02:40:43 PM
 Unfortunately not ,  because all the World leaders , they kill innocent people , children, only for their ### :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: randal9 on January 06, 2018, 03:13:23 PM
world peace can't be, because it is not a paradise...but the peace can be around you - you can create it by being ethical and moral, and as a result, only the same people will surround you

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: criza on April 20, 2018, 12:01:36 AM
I want to make myself believe that we can attain world peace. Yes, it is true that we cannot achieve world peace that easy but that does not mean that it is impossible. But the fact is that, when there is good, there is evil. And if there are none, then there people who is not good nor evil but of those who don't care. And world peace cannot be achieve without the cooperation of everybody. Only then we can achieve world peace if we have leaned to understand each others' differences, and accept it. If we have learned to make a stand onto what we believe in without offending someone. If we have learned to be firm in our values without disrespecting someone. And if we have learned to balance what is true that we accept and what is false that we reject, just for the sake of other people and the world peace. But the truth is, we cannot do it because all of us are naturally fighters for what we think is right. We cannot be at the middle, so the tendency is that we have to chose. And we have always many choices in which everyone could choose. And that choice leads to the division of society that is a hindrance in attaining world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Wend on April 21, 2018, 01:24:55 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
I will believe world peace will come, but not today maybe in the coming future i think. As of now we need to be find a way out on how we going to make peace each other because for now it was have always a war and we all know see that in the tv in the other country are doing a war.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: SingAlong on April 21, 2018, 01:33:37 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
I think we will have a world peace if everyone are ready to accept our diferences. And also if everyone knows how to share and not to be selfish. Take away all the insecurities and crab mentality of people and change the sysytem inside our government if all of this thing happens we can achieve that world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: SkyFlakes on April 21, 2018, 04:07:48 AM
It is cliché that we want world peace. It is a dream of everyone to have it. Like others, I also want it for the benefits of everyone. But let's see it in reality, it really stays a dream as it is very hard to be achieved. First is that not everyone will going to participate for in the present situation, we can see how selfish everyone is. Everyone just always see what they will going to get or benefited from it. It is sad that we cannot achieved it as it implies how not unified everyone is. The dream of most of the people of having this world peace won't really happen if the unity of everyone would be missing.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on April 21, 2018, 07:03:41 AM
There will never be world peace. As long as the people in this world are divided on the basis of caste, religion, language and race, there will never be any world peace. Also, we need to remember that a large portion of the world population has IQ levels below 80 and these people may not properly understand the need for world peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: lennymat86 on April 26, 2018, 11:48:52 AM
I do not believe in this. Wars have always been and will be. Of the last 3,400 years, people were completely in the world peace for 268 of them, or only 8% of the recorded history.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Monyero on May 02, 2018, 01:14:08 AM
World peace will always exist, though not comprehensive. This is due to a stronger, more sophisticated and stronger military and economic state to the weakness of the neighbors. Even the security council of the pbb tends to side with the western blog, as many officials from among them.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: ololesia on May 02, 2018, 09:03:17 PM
I think World Peace is impossible because people are too different. We have our own opinions and our own free will. Our inelegance as a species is our downfall. People will always disagree on things and fighting will break out. Whether it's based on race, religion, government, sexual orientation or who stole my crackers. Someone will always be angry at someone else.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on May 03, 2018, 03:27:16 AM
I do not believe in this. Wars have always been and will be. Of the last 3,400 years, people were completely in the world peace for 268 of them, or only 8% of the recorded history.

Wars have been recorded tens of thousands of years back. There were constant wars between the modern human race (homo sapiens) and the Neander-thal men. Evidence to support the same has been unearthed from many parts of the Western Europe.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: parlament9 on May 03, 2018, 07:26:42 AM
I think that our days there are no doubts to believe that there is no world peace simply. Cold War goes still, periodically escalating; continuous rivalry of the countries who har more weapon, power, money and oil.
The human nature such is that it is necessary not to live well, it is necessary to live better than others.
World peace will come when the human refuses the essence, will refuse all material benefits.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Coramutz on May 03, 2018, 07:57:06 AM
no world peace until the appointed time of god swt.
in the Qur'an the world experienced peace for 40 days, at that time peaceful man helps each other. finished 40 days, humans will be in doom (apocalypse) and that's when all human being died.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: hulking_programmer on May 03, 2018, 08:29:17 AM
For the whole of human history there was always war, conflict and chaos in some part of the planet. It's human nature to conquer and everyone wants to be better than the other guy, that is an enchanted circle and I am not sure if there is a way out.
Maybe if we discover an Alien race and go to war with them, will we forget about this, but you see the irony. ;D

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Chusnul on May 18, 2018, 01:48:12 PM
It only depends on us. The world is not peaceful right now, because we are "people of war". Driven by our inherently selfish, egoistic and hateful nature we constantly thrive for ruthless, exclusive competition, succeeding at the expense of others. In order to create peace in the world, first we need to create peace within us, neutralizing our inherent nature with a "new clothing", with the proactively acquired ability of positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connection above and despite the rejection, separation coming from our selfish egos.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on May 19, 2018, 05:41:02 AM
For the whole of human history there was always war, conflict and chaos in some part of the planet. It's human nature to conquer and everyone wants to be better than the other guy, that is an enchanted circle and I am not sure if there is a way out.
Maybe if we discover an Alien race and go to war with them, will we forget about this, but you see the irony. ;D

War is a basic trait of humans, but as the society gets more educated, the support for war also falls. Look at countries in the European Union and Japan. The people there are very much against any sort of war.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: on May 20, 2018, 08:43:25 AM
No never. Until we are struggling for power, wealth and racism we can not gain peace. People are separated into ethnic groups, religions and different countries. All these things makes the way to war. some people want to extend their land limits. some people struggle for their rights. some people struggle for resources. people values resources more than human life. Everything ends with a war.
Until they realize the value of a life war will never end. peace begins with smile and grows in hearts. for me it is a dream to see the peace everywhere.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: MidKnight on May 20, 2018, 09:11:06 AM
World Peace is like waiting for a crow to go white. As long as there is power which is called politics in our society, people are going to yearn for more control and resources. Everyone of them wants to be on top and conflict always comes in that process.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on May 20, 2018, 12:04:17 PM
World peace? Only when there are not nuclear weapons. Also sometimes, we should apply humanity and not the law. Learn to love your neighbour as yourself

There can be world peace, even if there are nuclear weapons. And there is no guarantee that world peace will exist if the nukes are removed. There are a lot of other types of advanced weapons which can wipe out entire cities and provinces.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Moana on May 21, 2018, 07:29:46 PM
You need the much waited for meteorite to impact the earth and reset the game as it happened 60 million of years ago. This would guarantee a prolonged period of peach in the World. Still wishing for that?

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: tuljan on May 21, 2018, 07:43:24 PM
You need the much waited for meteorite to impact the earth and reset the game as it happened 60 million of years ago. This would guarantee a prolonged period of peach in the World. Still wishing for that?

Too radical dude. We only need one of those Miss Universe chicks to lead us.
All of them just want the world peace and prosperity. No wars no nothing. ;D

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: _Gajah on May 22, 2018, 12:55:41 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
World peace must exist, because we are our fellow human beings, and we can not live alone, so we will help each other and so, so there is no distinction between state, religion, belief, etc.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: acathepsin on May 22, 2018, 07:01:24 AM
Humankind thrives on conflict. Without it we would stagnate and die. Take for example our history. It can be argued that every significant achievement arose out of conflict in some form. Early man had to fight for his survival. In response to this he developed tools to aid him. In modern times our most significant achievements - space travel and nuclear weapons for example - have come from superpower competition. As much as we all claim hate the death and destruction of war, we need it. That is one of the primary factors in evolution; survival of the fittest. Without conflict to drive us, without a need to compete, the human species would stop.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Funmmi2 on May 23, 2018, 09:44:25 PM
World peace will continue to elude us,till a time when Jesus returns to establish his kingdom.the reason is because politics is about power,territorial control, money, compromise. Conflicts is part of human existence basically because of self, greed and social strata.peace is not the absence of war but the presence and swift execution of how is world peace attainable when justice is sometimes denied to some disadvantage nations of the world?what we shall continue to have is a fragile peace.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 24, 2018, 06:28:40 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

world peace can be achieved like in europe for a limited time, but

the worlds population would have to pay a price for it.

with a money controlling communist regime, basically ruling them unquestioned.

the world population that wants to live in "world peace" will have to unquestionably live as money earning cattle for those elites.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Mata Kripto on May 25, 2018, 05:00:49 AM
I think all is still about the power and religion that goes into the political sphere, the peace agreement between countries is no longer valid since Israel along with America re-create divisions with unbalanced warfare. The key point is that if America is unfair and tendentious in one country, then the great war is inevitable, now the world no longer believes in the justice of the super power state.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: CucuH4rlan on May 25, 2018, 06:03:55 AM
I think world peace can come true if everyone cares about the weak. Just imagine if every developed country should work hand in hand to help the country lag behind. Many people from other countries are starving, their education lags behind as if it were just a matter of ordinary marginal.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Heartbreakeren on May 25, 2018, 06:33:56 AM
Perhaps, in a virtual world where no material matter will cause greed and corruption. :)

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: kyra0018 on May 25, 2018, 12:24:01 PM
yes, will onetime there be world be peace.Only peace and peace will not be a fight and no violence.
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?
I will believe world peace will come, but not today maybe in the coming future i think. As of now we need to be find a way out on how we going to make peace each other because for now it was have always a war and we all know see that in the tv in the other country are doing a war.
Yeah, it will come if we go back to the history that money does not exist. Because sometimes money is the source of evil where it can buy power and can cause chaos in the world. But unfortunately, today we really need money to live and have a life. I hope that one day those people will learn to love one another without hate to have world peace.😊

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: DainSLane on May 25, 2018, 11:31:21 PM
I believe the world peace it begins to our self in every people around the world they have peace in their self i guess there is world peace, we must respect our foreign people in their religious believed and they also respect to our believed.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: KingScorpio on May 25, 2018, 11:51:21 PM
world peace cannot be achieved without the working population paying a huge price for it and without abusal.

there is a reason why there was never true world, peace, observing the pyramid systems that cryptocurrencies create and cause, with systematic winners and systematic loosers i see and understand also why.

everyone wants to make and define what money is, and no one wants to work for it. this is where interest groupd and states form and where the conflict is unavoidable.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Sithara007 on May 26, 2018, 11:35:27 AM
The incidents of war are decreasing, as the education levels increase. Nowadays, the couples are having just one of two children each in most of the countries and therefore the value of human life has increased by quite a lot. So the people now are not that indifferent to the loss of life from wars.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: azisjz4 on June 01, 2018, 09:57:50 PM
It is true that religion, culture and the like make us different. But the differences do not make us mutually berate, hate and even kill, should the difference makes us understand each other, tolerance and mutual respect. I do not think it's because of the difference that makes peace difficult to achieve, because the greed and desire of even certain individuals who make peace difficult to achieve. Religion, culture, and the like are never wrong. Instead people use religion and culture as a tool to satisfy his desires. But we must be sure that peace will be achieved.

yes i agree with your opinion.. religion, culture, nation and the like make us different. I think it's hard to say there will be world peace, I know, war happens because of the seizure of natural resources, the natural resources of the year decreases, the population increases, it can lead to the control of natural resources in a country and can lead to quarrels between countries. but I hope there will never be a war, and peace will be achieved.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Fathurrahman27 on June 02, 2018, 03:15:20 AM
All those who have God in their hearts want to create peace to other human beings, and they will be happy if that happens. Unfortunately, the propaganda made by a man who has no god in his heart destroys the hope of creating peace itself. I personally want the future of all races, tribes, religions to be one for Peace

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: qwirtiii on June 02, 2018, 05:17:23 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I dont think so, Because we live in Dangerous, risky, and scary world. Satan does'nt stop to command other people for doing bad things that causes riot. And also most of the people may choose to go in the park, mall on sunday or go somewhere rather than go to church and praise God. So , In that case Satan will be so happy by doing bad that thing.

People are so selfish, So how can the world get a peace? People are do not give up on what they want. And  most reason is laziness, how can the world get peace if the people is lazy and they doing bad things just to sustain their family and their financial needs. For example , They kidnap, Holdup etc.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: shoohing on June 04, 2018, 03:59:34 AM
Peace is just a short word but it is really deep, wide and ambiguous letters. PEACE incorporates with EMOTIONS and FEELINGS as long as humans has the desire to achive his/her personal plans then that is the beginning or the creation of humanitarian conflict. but if you will look into its meaning it is as simple as chewing nut in a seconds.we are all humans we are designed to have feelings and emotions we are designed to always put our goals and achievements and personal plans on top. people around the world have different personal plans embedded with the strong emotions and feelings to acieve it living in different countries and different race.As long as people has the feelings and the desire of personal plans it will lead us to a dangerous world.

PEACE is just a word, put in dictionaries had its meaning and never at once used by humans.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: FlightyPouch on June 04, 2018, 06:09:16 AM
Perhaps, in a virtual world where no material matter will cause greed and corruption. :)

Makes sense, though greed will never be ceased wherever in the world even if that is virtual world. It is first seen in TV series, in movies and you can see there are still some problems about it, it is even made a way of destruction in anime where people are trapped and experimented. World peace is a great word, but I don't think that it will happen these days.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: aysler on June 04, 2018, 09:18:35 AM
Conflict and violence are in our history, not in our genes. Pick a point in mankind's past, say, before the wheel. "Oh, we have alwaysdragged stuff around; it was good enough for our ancestors; it's humanto drag stuff", etc. Or remember (reading that) people said, "If God wanted man to fly, He would have given him wings."? The world was thought to be flat with monsters lurking beyond. (Reading posts?)   Anyway, history alone doesn't tell us what we can do -- it just tells us what we did.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: on June 05, 2018, 03:23:03 PM
There will always be people dissatisfied with something. Even if you fulfill everyone's wishes, then someone will envy, someone will see their superiority in difference. Unfortunately, this is how society works. However, if we try to do good not only for ourselves, the world will become a little better. Begin with yourself.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: jason meneses on June 06, 2018, 03:32:14 PM
Being able to efficiently live on another planet and cultivate it and possibly more will help greatly. The main things wars are generally fought over are: land, religion/beliefs, resources, and an idea of inferiority. So basically if we start being able to live well on multiple other planets it will eliminate 2 of the 4. (Land and resources) at some point we'll be able to dedicate planets to farming oil mining things like that where these planets are very viable for things such as this for example a planet or planets dedicated to drilling for oil or one for farming rice...

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: mogenesis on June 17, 2018, 03:12:18 PM
I already mentioned the reason for this thread dying....nobody wants to be bothered with these kinds of issues...indeed, many are so wrapped up with their own struggles and petty fights with themselves/each others that they don't even think of these hear a lot of talk about solving the worlds problems, among small groups of people, but never any debate/discussion/whatever among the human race as a I said, we are too divided and busy squabbling with each other to be bothered with true peace and growing as a whole. The world needs to be united, but it's not going to happen....too many people want to fight over too many issues and concerns for it to occur, or even have a CHANCE at happening. This is why I've said on occasion that mankind is not ready for the answers to it's problems, and that it's also like a five year old who's throwing a temper tantrum cause that five year old heard something they didn't like. People don't like being told the truth, nor do they tend to take a liking to those who TELL them the truth unless that truth benefits them in a materialistic or ego boosting way. Just like a five year old who doesn't like the swat on the behind he/she gets when they're not doing what mom or dad tells them to. Now if enough people get involved in this discussion, and start really talking about it, we might have a ghost of a chance at getting humanity to step back, look at what's going on and wonder just WTF they've been doing/thinking for the last hundred years or so....(ok, so the year figure is probably way off, I'm no historian...anyone who has accurate figures on how long man's been fighting with himself over childish shit, feel free to correct me....) It will be a great day when mankind grows up, but I don't expect to see it in my lifetime....

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: gardacrekor on July 23, 2018, 10:25:30 AM
The way I see things. I feel like it is not in human nature to achieve total unity.Men always had the instinct to conquer and dominate.Perhaps certain bigger alliances can exist on a higher scale than now. But I honestly don't see humanity doing better than that.Even when a common enemy is introduced, there is still a tendency for separation between allies. Tough but truthful !

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Rizwanguroo on July 23, 2018, 03:37:10 PM
Of course. But we seriously need to get started now, if we want next generations to have a glimpse of what World Peace can look like. Corporations, nation states and their governments, are all obstacles to World Peace. The structure of modern society prevents Peace to be sustained.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: CaptainEvansun on July 24, 2018, 01:40:06 PM
I don't have any statistics on hand to back it up, but I feel like education is becoming more widespread. Literacy is increasing in the world. Now anybody in any country (except North Korea?) could get a smartphone and learn almost anything an their one. I think the more educated people are, the less we will have wars. Another very important factor to consider is globalization. We are also more connected than ever to each other. It's much easier to kill somebody that you don't know than to kill your friend. International marriages are definitely becoming much much more common. The more we make friends around the world, the less wars there will be.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: KingScorpio on August 14, 2018, 09:37:21 PM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

without surpression there will never be a working functional financial system

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: McEdward on August 14, 2018, 11:13:23 PM
It is hard to answer by the affirmative or the negative. Peace and war play a great role in our society. Actually, they have always played a great role in the development of societies. Romans said: if you want peace, prepare the war. Our economy is linked to war. We produce weapons and sell them. If there is peace, our industry will close. Imagine how many people to become jobless. Moreover, war helps us improve our technology and healthcare. The 2nd world war has improved for example our healthcare system and health technology. War is bad, but peace has a price.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: kisfoxs on August 15, 2018, 02:24:01 AM
It will be difficult when there are still many people who are more concerned with their greed and selfishness. I think the entire people have to make peace with themself, accepting others and improve themselves before becoming a critic of other people. Only after all that happens there will be no dispute, because we are too busy to fix ourselves.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: crypt0j0e on August 15, 2018, 03:22:34 AM
To me world peace cant be attained, currently. But time will surely come, it will be done.
How about you? Do you believe world peace will come?

I do believe world peace can eventually happen. How, you might ask? Well through decentralization. Crypto is more than just talk about lambos and moons, it's about giving power back to the people. It's about breaking down socioeconomic barriers and giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better. Can you imagine, people working together with a common purpose? Call me an optimist but i think all of this is very attainable now, thanks to the invention of crypto.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: CaptainEvansun on August 15, 2018, 10:31:53 AM
I do believe world peace can eventually happen. How, you might ask? Well through decentralization. Crypto is more than just talk about lambos and moons, it's about giving power back to the people. It's about breaking down socioeconomic barriers and giving people the opportunity to change their lives for the better. Can you imagine, people working together with a common purpose? Call me an optimist but i think all of this is very attainable now, thanks to the invention of crypto.
I'd be interested to hear how you imagine that happening. Why do you think wars happen in the first place? There are a lot of people interested in making a lot of money from war. This would include people who make weapons and people who exploit resources during and after war. Considering that mass amounts of money are going into crypto, it wouldn't actually make sense to me that many people in the banking business are not happy with that. I think it could be completely plausible that crypto could at least indirectly be the cause of some wars.

Title: Re: Will ever there be World Peace?
Post by: Squishy01 on August 19, 2018, 04:33:09 PM
Even though the idea of having world peace is one of my top wishes for the world, I think we will never achieve. Not now, not tomorrow, and not a hundred years from now.

We are mortals, and as long as we are humans that have our own emotions, biases, wants and needs, we will never truly and completely get along. We are forever cursed with jealousy, greed, lust, envy and many others-- but that is just part of being human. Let's say someone takes over the world and establish a one world government, that will not really be tantamount to world peace.

There will always be factions and groups that will have conflicts with each other because of different goals and aspirations. Different beliefs, religions, cultures and much more. We can hope, but we must not cling to that very tightly, as it will most likely be futile.