Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: johnniewalker on June 07, 2013, 08:45:31 AM

Title: $ Help Me Build a Small Rig $
Post by: johnniewalker on June 07, 2013, 08:45:31 AM
So here it is,
I'm not a n00b on the forums, but I would even classify myself as a sub-n00b in the mining forum. So bear with me, I'll be as concise as possible

I would pay you up to one bitcoin if you could deliver:

**BUDGET: $100 USD +/- $10 USD**
1. List of parts needed/where to get them
2. Skype while I assemble it
3. Teach me how to use it to mine litecoins

If you're interested, please PM me!

Title: Re: $ Help Me Build a Small Rig $
Post by: Suushi on June 07, 2013, 09:23:00 AM
I understood correctly that your mining rig's budget is $100 ?
I'm afraid there's no way to get all the parts for $100.

Title: Re: $ Help Me Build a Small Rig $
Post by: Amph on June 07, 2013, 10:25:52 AM
small rig mean= 2 x 7950, everything else is just the most cheap thing out there to run the two vga

Title: Re: $ Help Me Build a Small Rig $
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on June 07, 2013, 05:38:51 PM
If you can get an old computer from a second hand store or cheap of craigslist that will be a good start. If it has a decent graphics card on this list then even better:

I built a small budget GPU mining rig for under $200. The most expensive things are the Power Supply which needs to be at least 600w and even more for a dual setup. I am running a single GPU and my power supply was still over $60 but I got an energy efficient one.

I purchased my GPU off of craigslist for $80 and I can get around 300 MHash/sec. I also had to buy a USB stick for around $20, a hard drive will be more expensive. I used a motherboard and ram out of an old computer and if you purchase these will spend at least $100.

I already had some performance computer fans that cost around $20+ a piece.

All in all here are the parts I used:

Mother board with P4 3.2 Ghz chip: $0 from old comp
1 Gig DDR2 Ram: $0 from old comp
600w Power Supply: $60 from Frys
Computer Power Swich; $0 from old comp
Performance Fans: $20 a piece
16 Gig USB Stick: $20
HD Radeon 6870: $80 off Craigslist

Total: $180~

That's about what you're going to spend on a starter setup and it would be difficult to get it under $100. Even at 300 MHash/sec I'm only making about .01 BTC per day. At this point you might be better off BUYING 1 BTC and waiting till you have enough money for an ASIC.

Title: Re: $ Help Me Build a Small Rig $
Post by: JonnySmithers on July 23, 2013, 04:41:30 PM
If you can get an old computer from a second hand store or cheap of craigslist that will be a good start. If it has a decent graphics card on this list then even better:

I built a small budget GPU mining rig for under $200. The most expensive things are the Power Supply which needs to be at least 600w and even more for a dual setup. I am running a single GPU and my power supply was still over $60 but I got an energy efficient one.

I purchased my GPU off of craigslist for $80 and I can get around 300 MHash/sec. I also had to buy a USB stick for around $20, a hard drive will be more expensive. I used a motherboard and ram out of an old computer and if you purchase these will spend at least $100.

I already had some performance computer fans that cost around $20+ a piece.

All in all here are the parts I used:

Mother board with P4 3.2 Ghz chip: $0 from old comp
1 Gig DDR2 Ram: $0 from old comp
600w Power Supply: $60 from Frys
Computer Power Swich; $0 from old comp
Performance Fans: $20 a piece
16 Gig USB Stick: $20
HD Radeon 6870: $80 off Craigslist

Total: $180~

That's about what you're going to spend on a starter setup and it would be difficult to get it under $100. Even at 300 MHash/sec I'm only making about .01 BTC per day. At this point you might be better off BUYING 1 BTC and waiting till you have enough money for an ASIC.
Does that also apply for mining litecoins? Or can you just mine them on average laptops?

Title: Re: $ Help Me Build a Small Rig $
Post by: abdullahadam on July 23, 2013, 11:07:10 PM
Litecoin requires a decent gpu as well.  Check the wiki page for comparison.

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