Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Snub on June 07, 2013, 02:53:19 PM

Title: A Little Pool Help.
Post by: Snub on June 07, 2013, 02:53:19 PM
So i have recently kicked off my own server and were not doing to shabby, but i have a problem.

Last night we found our first block. I assumed all was well but after my set 20 confirms passed and no one was credited
i sensed something amiss. For starters the miner that found the block in the "Last 10 blocks found" tab had her shares "updating"
forever. Still updating now. The "Paid shares" on the side also is not updating. I have noticed that shares are going into my database but it wont move to the shares counted or any further. At first i thought my tables for messed up but after doing a full reinstall of mmcfe (uploading DB, etc) i know thats not the case.
So far im stuck doing manual payouts until i get this fixed. I will be more than happy to donate to any kind chap that can figure
out my dilemma.

Im using pushpool, stratum and mmcFE (chargrr) Fork

If you need more info just ask I really wanna get this fixed