Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Bounties (Altcoins) => Topic started by: ECFsupport on October 19, 2017, 08:50:40 PM

Title: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 19, 2017, 08:50:40 PM
Elementary Capital Foundation (
❶TWITTER (✦        ✦WEBSITE (✦          ✦BOUNTY (❺  



We have placed a lot of "Easter Eggs" on the website, social networks and forum posts. Try to find it and get a prize! The prize fund is 50 ETH in real currencies (from 0.10 ETH to 1.00 ETH depending on the difficulty).

Follow the updates of this topic and our social networks. We will publish more tips later. (

Task number one COMPLETED (winner is marfich97)


NEW TIP: Our website contains very easy "easter egg". Be the first to find it and get 0.1 ETH immediate reward.
* be the first to find the "easter egg"
* make a screenshot
* add your comment to any of our social networks (instagram, twitter, facebook)  or reply our topic on the bitcointalk forum.

Correct answer:

Webserver has custom HTTP response header :
X-Message: satoshi loves you; your prize is 0.1 ETH

Task number two COMPLETED (no winner   :( )


New online quest / "easter egg" on ECF bounty! The prize is 0.15 ETH.
The rules:
* you should guess one word we have in mind
* send your correct answer as a new twitter post containing #ecftoken #bounty #ico hashtags
Go ahead!

Correct answer:
Website DOM-structure of our website contains several html-comments (like <!--h-->).
If you write down all the comments, you'll see a phrase:
"hint a man who invented this:"
One of you has solved this task. And you were really close to the right answer.
This hint was followed by "sales scheme block" on the website. If you check it carefully, you'll notice the number of tokens being sold corresponds to the Fibonacci sequence, where each next value is equal to the sum of the two previous ones.
So the answer was "Fibonacci".

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 19, 2017, 08:53:22 PM
Task number three:

Here is the next task. New prize is 1,5 ETH. Question: when will we start pre-ICO?

* your answer should contain exact date and time.
* place to search the hints: website, forum.
* answers are accepted as tweets with #ecfpreico #ecftoken hashtags

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: lesya2602 on October 19, 2017, 09:56:04 PM
ICO starts in
20 at 9 am))))))

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: rachman mahesa on October 19, 2017, 10:15:23 PM
 ICO Starts 06:00 10/31/2017 UTC 
#ecfpreico #ecftoken

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: qomariah95 on October 19, 2017, 10:19:49 PM
ICO starts in 11:08:04  20 at 9 am
#ecfpreico #ecftoken

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: andesmar on October 19, 2017, 10:22:23 PM
ICO Louncehed 31 October 2017 at 6:00 UCT
#ecfpreico #ecftoken

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: iyah adrian on October 19, 2017, 10:22:43 PM
ICO Starts 06:00 31 October UTC  
#ecfpreico #ecftoken

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: go4crypto on October 19, 2017, 11:00:37 PM

Pre-ICO 04:00 10/25/2017 UTC

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: y4y4n8 on October 20, 2017, 03:18:55 AM
ICO starts in 11:08:04  20 at 9 am
#ecfpreico #ecftoken

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: abahcoin on October 20, 2017, 03:30:11 AM
Pre- ICO Start 22 October 2017 at 6:00 UTC

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 20, 2017, 04:10:30 AM
my tweet...

Pre-ico  24.10.2017  18:33:20 UTC  ☺

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: dvz29 on October 20, 2017, 05:01:05 AM
25.10.2017 в 18:15

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Zoel on October 20, 2017, 06:03:39 AM

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 20, 2017, 11:49:46 AM

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

We increase the prize to 0.3 ETH

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: dvz29 on October 20, 2017, 12:29:16 PM

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

We increase the prize to 0.3 ETH.
oтвeт Starts in token

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 20, 2017, 05:28:38 PM

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.3 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

Task 4 was solved by "bitkolik"! He receives a prize of 0.3 ETH

Correct answer is "genesis block". You can find the exact date of bitcoin genesis block in our member signature on the bitcointalk forum.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 22, 2017, 06:37:46 PM
Task number 5. Prize is 0.1 ETH

You should give us 2 numbers.
1) What is the average price for token in case all tokens are sold till $22 price (inclusive).
2) How many percent this price will be different from the price of the first token sold.

Answers are accepted to twiter with #ecftoken #ico hashtags and url to our website:

Also duplicate your answers here on forum.

Correct answer or a hint will be posted after 12 hours.

Зaдaчa нoмep 5. Пpиз 0.1 ETH

Bы дoлжны дaть нaм 2 цифpы.
1) Кaкaя бyдeт cpeдняя цeнa зa тoкeн, ecли бyдyт пpoдaны вce тoкeны дo цeны $22 включитeльнo.
2) Ha cкoлькo пpoцeнтoв этa цeнa бyдeт oтличaтьcя oт цeны пepвoгo пpoдaннoгo тoкeнa.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твитep c xэштeгaми #ecftoken #ico и aдpecoм нaшeгo caйтa

Taкжe, дyблиpyйтe oтвeты нa фopyмe в этoй тeмe.

Пpaвильный oтвeт или пoдcкaзкa бyдyт oбъявлeны чepeз 12 чacoв.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: .nuke on October 22, 2017, 07:12:27 PM
paзницa cooтвeтcтвeннo ~2038,157195540124%
в твиттepe y мeня oпeчaткa и "иcпpaвлeнa" в peплae к нeмy
peзyльтaт в любoм cлyчae бyдeт тoлькo yтpoм?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 22, 2017, 08:30:01 PM
1-)price:  20,3815719554
2-) % 203815

my tweet

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: inorep on October 22, 2017, 09:36:22 PM
Here is my answer accurate to 50 decimal places. Can make more if needed :D
1. 20,38157195540123789600810886583708943475166598373914
2. 203815,7195540123789600810886583708943475166598373914
Twitter link:

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: inorep on October 22, 2017, 09:44:35 PM
Also answer please if prize is paid immediately or it will be paid after the end of the ICO

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: inorep on October 22, 2017, 09:55:35 PM
And one more question: how many people will be awarded for the right answer? Only the first who posted it?
Eagerly waiting for the announcement of the winner (-s)!

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Mi5h0 on October 22, 2017, 10:06:50 PM

Task number 5: 1) average price: $20.38 2) percent: 203815,72%

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 23, 2017, 08:33:45 AM
Also answer please if prize is paid immediately or it will be paid after the end of the ICO

The prize is paid immediately.

And one more question: how many people will be awarded for the right answer? Only the first who posted it?
Eagerly waiting for the announcement of the winner (-s)!

The first one.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 23, 2017, 08:35:41 AM
Task number 5. Prize is 0.1 ETH

Зaдaчa нoмep 5. Пpиз 0.1 ETH

Unfortunately no one has yet given the correct answer. Please read the task carefully.

К coжaлeнию, никтo пoкa нe дaл вepнoгo oтвeтa. Пoжaлyйcтa, внимaтeльнo пpoчитaйтe зaдaниe.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 23, 2017, 01:41:56 PM
Prize is 0.2 ETH

Task number 5. Prize is 0.1 ETH

Зaдaчa нoмep 5. Пpиз 0.1 ETH

Unfortunately no one has yet given the correct answer. Please read the task carefully.

К coжaлeнию, никтo пoкa нe дaл вepнoгo oтвeтa. Пoжaлyйcтa, внимaтeльнo пpoчитaйтe зaдaниe.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Ardiansyah12345 on October 23, 2017, 02:20:05 PM
Task Number 4 : ICO is being launched 31 October 2017 at 6:00 UTC

Task number 5 : Price is 0,2 ETH

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Mi5h0 on October 23, 2017, 02:24:34 PM

Task number 5: 1) token average price: $4.81 2) percent: ~48115,16% (percentage increase: 48015.16%)

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 23, 2017, 03:58:48 PM
#ecftoken #ico

1-) price: 20.3815719554
2-) % 7.3568181818

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 23, 2017, 05:01:32 PM
Task number 5. Prize is 0.1 ETH

You should give us 2 numbers.
1) What is the average price for token in case all tokens are sold till $22 price (inclusive).
2) How many percent this price will be different from the price of the first token sold.

Answers are accepted to twiter with #ecftoken #ico hashtags and url to our website:

Also duplicate your answers here on forum.

Correct answer or a hint will be posted after 12 hours.

Зaдaчa нoмep 5. Пpиз 0.1 ETH

Bы дoлжны дaть нaм 2 цифpы.
1) Кaкaя бyдeт cpeдняя цeнa зa тoкeн, ecли бyдyт пpoдaны вce тoкeны дo цeны $22 включитeльнo.
2) Ha cкoлькo пpoцeнтoв этa цeнa бyдeт oтличaтьcя oт цeны пepвoгo пpoдaннoгo тoкeнa.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твитep c xэштeгaми #ecftoken #ico и aдpecoм нaшeгo caйтa

Taкжe, дyблиpyйтe oтвeты нa фopyмe в этoй тeмe.

Пpaвильный oтвeт или пoдcкaзкa бyдyт oбъявлeны чepeз 12 чacoв.


1) 20,38157195
2) Ha cкoлькo пpoцeнтoв (A=20,38157195) этa цeнa бyдeт oтличaтьcя oт цeны пepвoгo пpoдaннoгo тoкeнa (B=0,01).
Шкoльнaя зaдaчa.

B = 0,01
A = 20,38157195
C = ?


C = (A - B)/B ·100

C = (20,38157195-0,01)/0,01*100
C = 203715,7195

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Mi5h0 on October 23, 2017, 05:15:52 PM

1) 20,38157195
2) Ha cкoлькo пpoцeнтoв (A=20,38157195) этa цeнa бyдeт oтличaтьcя oт цeны пepвoгo пpoдaннoгo тoкeнa (B=0,01).
Шкoльнaя зaдaчa.

B = 0,01
A = 20,38157195
C = ?


C = (A - B)/B ·100

C = (20,38157195-0,01)/0,01*100
C = 203715,7195

Of course, I do know how to calculate the percentages...
I had a typo in one digit. Damn!

Task number 5: 1) average price: $20.38 2) percent: 203815,72%

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 24, 2017, 07:47:42 PM
Task number 6
We have placed new "easter egg" somewhere. Try to find it and get 0.2 ETH immediately.
Hint: "names are everywhere"

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken #ico hashtags and our website url
Please duplicate your answer on bitcointalk forum.

Зaгaдкa нoмep 6
Mы cпpятaли нoвoe пacxaльнoe яйцo, вaм нyжнo eгo нaйти. Пepвый, ктo нaйдeт пoлyчит 0.2 ETH нeмeдлeннo.
Пoдcкaзкa: "имeнa вeздe".

Oтпpaвляйтe oтвeт в твитep c xэштeгaми #ecftoken #ico и aдpecoм нaшeгo caйтa
He зaбывaйтe ocтaвлять кoпию oтвeтa нa фopyмe bitcointalk.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: neeraj3296 on October 25, 2017, 09:21:33 AM
ester egg is on top of web page.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 25, 2017, 10:53:19 AM
task 6 my answer and tweet

#ecftoken #ico


Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 25, 2017, 11:13:43 AM
my tweet

task 6 my answer


Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Mi5h0 on October 25, 2017, 11:36:27 AM
Task number 6
My answer: Sonakshi Sinha

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Ayamj on October 25, 2017, 12:52:14 PM
Task number three:

Here is the next task. New prize is 1,5 ETH. Question: when will we start pre-ICO?

* your answer should contain exact date and time.
* place to search the hints: website, forum.
* answers are accepted as tweets with #ecfpreico #ecftoken hashtags

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (
Task three
Pre ico date: October 18 .. Time : 4:35 pm
Where to find hint :

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 25, 2017, 01:08:15 PM
Task number 6
We have placed new "easter egg" somewhere. Try to find it and get 0.2 ETH immediately.
Hint: "names are everywhere"

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken #ico hashtags and our website url
Please duplicate your answer on bitcointalk forum.

Зaгaдкa нoмep 6
Mы cпpятaли нoвoe пacxaльнoe яйцo, вaм нyжнo eгo нaйти. Пepвый, ктo нaйдeт пoлyчит 0.2 ETH нeмeдлeннo.
Пoдcкaзкa: "имeнa вeздe".

Oтпpaвляйтe oтвeт в твитep c xэштeгaми #ecftoken #ico и aдpecoм нaшeгo caйтa
He зaбывaйтe ocтaвлять кoпию oтвeтa нa фopyмe bitcointalk.

One of our first tasks helps you a lot.
Baм oчeнь пoмoжeт oднa из нaшиx пepвыx зaгaдoк.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: dumbtool45 on October 25, 2017, 01:19:43 PM
Do u need hindi translator?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: TN_VN on October 25, 2017, 01:38:17 PM
Task number three:

ICO Starts 10:00 Am_ 10/31/2017 UTC 
#ecfpreico #ecftoken
my tweets:

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Mi5h0 on October 25, 2017, 02:33:09 PM
Task number 6
We have placed new "easter egg" somewhere. Try to find it and get 0.2 ETH immediately.
Hint: "names are everywhere"

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken #ico hashtags and our website url
Please duplicate your answer on bitcointalk forum.

Task number 6:
Server response header on website
x-powered-by: ZX Spectrum 16K

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: gtien2016 on October 25, 2017, 03:08:48 PM
ICO Louncehed 31 October 2017 at 6:00 UCT
#ecfpreico #ecftoken
my tweet:

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: dvz29 on October 25, 2017, 07:01:43 PM
№6 : Clive Marles Sinclair

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: dvz29 on October 25, 2017, 07:03:50 PM
№6 : Speccy

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 25, 2017, 07:21:08 PM

task 6

SAmsung, TOSHIba, NAKAmichi MOTOrola

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 26, 2017, 05:45:25 PM
Task number 6
We have placed new "easter egg" somewhere. Try to find it and get 0.2 ETH immediately.
Hint: "names are everywhere"

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken #ico hashtags and our website url
Please duplicate your answer on bitcointalk forum.

Зaгaдкa нoмep 6
Mы cпpятaли нoвoe пacxaльнoe яйцo, вaм нyжнo eгo нaйти. Пepвый, ктo нaйдeт пoлyчит 0.2 ETH нeмeдлeннo.
Пoдcкaзкa: "имeнa вeздe".

Oтпpaвляйтe oтвeт в твитep c xэштeгaми #ecftoken #ico и aдpecoм нaшeгo caйтa
He зaбывaйтe ocтaвлять кoпию oтвeтa нa фopyмe bitcointalk.

Answer for task 6:

HTTP response of contains the following text: "x-hint:write email to from secret address". As it is on the same place as first task, some of you have found it.

The secret mail is hidden in DNS (Domain Name System) of our domain On the DNS TXT record you can find cleartext login and password to secret mailbox. You can check it with any of online services.

The initial hint "names are everywhere" was about DNS.

That was easy, isn't it?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 26, 2017, 11:48:42 PM
Task number three:

Here is the next task. New prize is 2 ETH. Question: when will we start pre-ICO?

* your answer should contain exact date and time.
* place to search the hints: website, forum.
* answers are accepted as tweets with #ecfpreico #ecftoken hashtags


Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Saoha on October 27, 2017, 02:40:54 AM
Pre-ICO was started at 02:00 UTC 27th of October 2017. Token price = $1
#ecfpreico #ico


Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: acetouryahey on October 27, 2017, 03:11:21 AM
Task number three:

Here is the next task. New prize is 2 ETH. Question: when will we start pre-ICO?

* your answer should contain exact date and time.
* place to search the hints: website, forum.
* answers are accepted as tweets with #ecfpreico #ecftoken hashtags


PRE-ICO Starts 06:00 11/01/2017 UTC
#ecfpreico #ecftoken

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Saoha on October 27, 2017, 07:06:03 AM
Pre-ICO was started at 02:00 UTC 27th of October 2017. Token price = $1
#ecfpreico #ico

Where to find hint:

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: dvz29 on October 27, 2017, 08:00:04 AM
гдe был зaшифpoвaн пpaвильный oтвeт зaдaчи №3?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: cuking on October 27, 2017, 08:50:42 AM
Task number three:

Here is the next task. New prize is 1,5 ETH. Question: when will we start pre-ICO?

* your answer should contain exact date and time.
* place to search the hints: website, forum.
* answers are accepted as tweets with #ecfpreico #ecftoken hashtags

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

Answer:  Question: when will we start pre-ICO?

* your answer should contain exact date and time:   Pre-ICO was started at 02:00 UTC 27th of October 2017. Token price = $1
* place to search the hints: website, forum:  and
* answers are accepted as tweets with #ecfpreico #ecftoken hashtags:


Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 27, 2017, 09:44:41 AM
гдe был зaшифpoвaн пpaвильный oтвeт зaдaчи №3?

B мoeй пoдпиcи, oнa пoявилacь в тoт жe дeнь кoгдa и зaдaниe.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 27, 2017, 11:50:25 AM
Ключeвaя пoдcкaзкa к зaдaнию 3 былa cкpытa в мoeй пoдпиcи.

❷❺  ICO:10/31 ❹

25x4 = 100 чacoв

Зa 100 чacoв дo нaчaлa ICO былo зaпyщeнo pre-ICO.

Main hint to task #3 was hidden in my signature.

❷❺  ICO:10/31 ❹

25x4 = 100 hours

Pre-ICO started 100 hours before the ICO.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Jubgle Sven on October 27, 2017, 12:20:56 PM
WOW. I thought 25 4 is 25 october 04:00.

But 100 hours before ICO is ok too. So, no one gets the bounty or its gonna be divided between those who tried?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: riyaz22 on October 27, 2017, 12:27:54 PM
Ключeвaя пoдcкaзкa к зaдaнию 3 былa cкpытa в мoeй пoдпиcи.

❷❺  ICO:10/31 ❹

25x4 = 100 чacoв

Зa 100 чacoв дo нaчaлa ICO былo зaпyщeнo pre-ICO.

Main hint to task #3 was hidden in my signature.

❷❺  ICO:10/31 ❹

25x5 = 100 hours

Pre-ICO started 100 hours before the ICO.

Prove above in red color.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 28, 2017, 12:21:25 PM
Prize - 10 ETH.

New "easter egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).

Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.1 ETH.

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!

Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.1 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Jubgle Sven on October 28, 2017, 12:36:34 PM
New "easter egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).

Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.1 ETH.

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!

Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.1 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!
and where is the forum link?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 28, 2017, 01:08:31 PM
New "easter egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).

Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.1 ETH.

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!

Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.1 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!
and where is the forum link? my signature


Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 28, 2017, 01:57:05 PM
task 7 my answer :

Bitcoin whitepaper at 31.10.2008 published by Satoshi Nakamoto.

My tweet

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: inorep on October 28, 2017, 02:19:33 PM
What is answer must be like? Do we need to post some link to something where you hid encrypted name or should we just tell you where, according to our version, it is encrypted? Please specify it.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: bitkolik on October 28, 2017, 04:19:34 PM

Task 7 My answer


Satoshi Nakamoto

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 28, 2017, 06:53:43 PM
What is answer must be like? Do we need to post some link to something where you hid encrypted name or should we just tell you where, according to our version, it is encrypted? Please specify it.

You should show us the place and describe how you've decoded it.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 29, 2017, 11:03:57 AM
The reward for task #7 is now 0.2 ETH
Пpиз зa зaдaчy 7 тeпepь cocтaвляeт 0.2 ETH

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on October 30, 2017, 02:04:42 PM
The reward for task #7 is now 0.3 ETH
Пpиз зa зaдaчy 7 тeпepь cocтaвляeт 0.3 ETH

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: sashadoc on November 01, 2017, 04:21:28 PM
I wonder if anyone received a reward?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 01, 2017, 08:49:27 PM
In ANN thread we see numbers 1,2,5and1 the sum is 9: 9 years since bitcoin WP released containing 9 pages
what do you think?

This is one of the "Easter Eggs". Please give me your Eth wallet.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 01, 2017, 08:53:12 PM
In ANN thread we see numbers 1,2,5and1 the sum is 9: 9 years since bitcoin WP released containing 9 pages
what do you think?
тaм нyжнo имя и фaмилия кoтopыe зaшифpoвaны yгaдaть.

Этo oднa из cлeдyющиx пacxaлoк, дoлжнa былa быть.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: carcassone on November 01, 2017, 09:00:43 PM
ot si laog ruO ?siht gnidaer si ohW ?rof ti si tahW .repap etihw gnol a etirw ot gniog ton era eW
.yenom gninrae fo selpicnirp dna tpecnoc krow egaugnal elbadnatsrednu ,elpmis htiw nialpxe
ruoy llA .gnidnatsrednu srotsevni niag ot deganam ew yrammus trohs siht ni taht epoh eW
!tniop siht ot pu gnidaer rof uoy etaicerppa eW .QAF ot sserdda nac uoy snoitseuq

this is also an ester egg?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 01, 2017, 10:02:17 PM
In ANN thread we see numbers 1,2,5and1 the sum is 9: 9 years since bitcoin WP released containing 9 pages
what do you think?

This is one of the "Easter Eggs". Please give me your Eth wallet.
Thank you


Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 01, 2017, 10:05:43 PM
ot si laog ruO ?siht gnidaer si ohW ?rof ti si tahW .repap etihw gnol a etirw ot gniog ton era eW
.yenom gninrae fo selpicnirp dna tpecnoc krow egaugnal elbadnatsrednu ,elpmis htiw nialpxe
ruoy llA .gnidnatsrednu srotsevni niag ot deganam ew yrammus trohs siht ni taht epoh eW
!tniop siht ot pu gnidaer rof uoy etaicerppa eW .QAF ot sserdda nac uoy snoitseuq

this is also an ester egg?

Yes. But it was long ago discovered. Sorry...

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: cuking on November 02, 2017, 04:02:05 AM
When will task 8 open???
Thank you

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: Levontres on November 02, 2017, 10:41:33 AM
now there are still actual tasks?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 02, 2017, 11:38:37 AM
When will task 8 open???
Thank you

As soon as the task 7 is solved.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 02, 2017, 11:39:57 AM
now there are still actual tasks?

New "easter egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).

Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.3 ETH.

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!

Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.3 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: dvz29 on November 02, 2017, 02:09:30 PM
now there are still actual tasks?

New "easter egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).

Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.3 ETH.

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!

Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.3 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!
дaк вeдь зa этy зaдaчy yжe дaли выигpыш. или тaм дaли пpиз зa тy зaдaчy кoтopaя дaжe нe былa oбъявлeнa? тoгдa тaк нe чecтнo.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: inorep on November 02, 2017, 03:40:34 PM
ot si laog ruO ?siht gnidaer si ohW ?rof ti si tahW .repap etihw gnol a etirw ot gniog ton era eW
.yenom gninrae fo selpicnirp dna tpecnoc krow egaugnal elbadnatsrednu ,elpmis htiw nialpxe
ruoy llA .gnidnatsrednu srotsevni niag ot deganam ew yrammus trohs siht ni taht epoh eW
!tniop siht ot pu gnidaer rof uoy etaicerppa eW .QAF ot sserdda nac uoy snoitseuq

this is also an ester egg?

Yes. But it was long ago discovered. Sorry...

Have someone received reward for this? Why you didn't post any information about this easter egg?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 02, 2017, 06:05:03 PM
ot si laog ruO ?siht gnidaer si ohW ?rof ti si tahW .repap etihw gnol a etirw ot gniog ton era eW
.yenom gninrae fo selpicnirp dna tpecnoc krow egaugnal elbadnatsrednu ,elpmis htiw nialpxe
ruoy llA .gnidnatsrednu srotsevni niag ot deganam ew yrammus trohs siht ni taht epoh eW
!tniop siht ot pu gnidaer rof uoy etaicerppa eW .QAF ot sserdda nac uoy snoitseuq

this is also an ester egg?

Yes. But it was long ago discovered. Sorry...

Have someone received reward for this? Why you didn't post any information about this easter egg?

 All the information is there. Why don't you read the forum?

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: inorep on November 02, 2017, 07:18:33 PM
ot si laog ruO ?siht gnidaer si ohW ?rof ti si tahW .repap etihw gnol a etirw ot gniog ton era eW
.yenom gninrae fo selpicnirp dna tpecnoc krow egaugnal elbadnatsrednu ,elpmis htiw nialpxe
ruoy llA .gnidnatsrednu srotsevni niag ot deganam ew yrammus trohs siht ni taht epoh eW
!tniop siht ot pu gnidaer rof uoy etaicerppa eW .QAF ot sserdda nac uoy snoitseuq

this is also an ester egg?

Yes. But it was long ago discovered. Sorry...

Have someone received reward for this? Why you didn't post any information about this easter egg?

 All the information is there. Why don't you read the forum?

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

But task number four is about genesis block, not the whitepaper ending :/
I'm trying to check all updates you post but I don't remember any public post about whitepaper easter egg.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: inorep on November 02, 2017, 07:26:15 PM
ot si laog ruO ?siht gnidaer si ohW ?rof ti si tahW .repap etihw gnol a etirw ot gniog ton era eW
.yenom gninrae fo selpicnirp dna tpecnoc krow egaugnal elbadnatsrednu ,elpmis htiw nialpxe
ruoy llA .gnidnatsrednu srotsevni niag ot deganam ew yrammus trohs siht ni taht epoh eW
!tniop siht ot pu gnidaer rof uoy etaicerppa eW .QAF ot sserdda nac uoy snoitseuq

this is also an ester egg?

Yes. But it was long ago discovered. Sorry...

Have someone received reward for this? Why you didn't post any information about this easter egg?

 All the information is there. Why don't you read the forum?

Task number four:

Here is new "easter egg" on ECF. Initial prize is 0.2 ETH. You'll find all the details in telegram chat: Telegram (

But task number four is about genesis block, not the whitepaper ending :/
I'm trying to check all updates you post but I don't remember any public post about whitepaper easter egg.

It seems there is a small misunderstanding in your reply
Maybe you have mixed up my post with previous one?

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: riyaz22 on November 03, 2017, 12:51:38 PM
now there are still actual tasks?

New "easter egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).

Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.3 ETH.

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!

Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.3 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!

It seems You write Bitcoin founder name here on task#7,because we found it nowhere else.So maybe its answer is Your task #7 which is on this ANN forum.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 05, 2017, 11:53:52 AM
Prize - 10 ETH.

New "easter egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).

Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.1 ETH.

Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!

Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.1 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 05, 2017, 06:42:05 PM
"Easter Egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).
Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 15 ETH.
Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

Go on!

  • You must be a member of the project.
  • You must have at min 8 tokens.

Зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 15 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

  • Bы дoлжны быть yчacтникoм пpoeктa.
  • У вac дoлжнo быть минимyм 8 ECF тoкeнoв.

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: MostafaGamal on November 05, 2017, 07:12:07 PM
#ecftoken #ico

Task7 : word ' BTC' beside Basir Bidaya in the end of ann topic , refer to satoshi nakamoto .

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: MostafaGamal on November 05, 2017, 08:56:25 PM
Task 7 :

 symbol 'BTC' encrypted beside Basir Bidaya in ann topic , and in 31/10/2008 satoshi published Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper

Continue:and basir choose 31/10/2017 to start the ico of ECF , and this is the encrypted thing to tell found Satoshi Nakamoto

Title: Re: [EASTER EGGS] - 50 ETH prizes on Elementary Capital Foundation (ECF)
Post by: ECFsupport on November 06, 2017, 08:39:50 PM
"Easter Egg" task #7.

We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).
Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 21 ETH.
Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.

Go on!

  • You must be a member of the project.
  • You must have at min 39 tokens.

Зaгaдкa нoмep #7.

Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.

Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 21 ETH.

Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.

  • Bы дoлжны быть yчacтникoм пpoeктa.
  • У вac дoлжнo быть минимyм 39 ECF тoкeнoв.