Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Web Wallets => Topic started by: junoreactor on October 24, 2017, 02:32:03 AM

Title: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: junoreactor on October 24, 2017, 02:32:03 AM
Hi folks,
As you probably know, a new address is created every time one received funds at his wallet.
The thing is: I will receive payments for the next 4 weeks at the same address.
A quick search on Google, and I read that it is not a problem, that I still can receive funds to old addresses, but then I read about private key, and I don't have one for now.
I'll receive my next payment next week on my old address. Is there anything I should do to receive these funds safely?

Any advice appreciated.

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: RGBKey on October 24, 2017, 03:15:25 AM
Hi folks,
As you probably know, a new address is created every time one received funds at his wallet.
The thing is: I will receive payments for the next 4 weeks at the same address.
A quick search on Google, and I read that it is not a problem, that I still can receive funds to old addresses, but then I read about private key, and I don't have one for now.
I'll receive my next payment next week on my old address. Is there anything I should do to receive these funds safely?

Any advice appreciated.

I believe you should be alright. A new receiving address is shown every time to protect your privacy, but the old addresses are still yours and you should receive the money just fine.

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: DarkStar_ on October 24, 2017, 03:26:03 AM is a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet where a master seed controls all the addresses that are generated, so you should have zero problems in getting funds to old addresses. They are part of the seed, and shouldn't be deleting the private key after an address is used, and even if they do, it's recoverable from the seed you got when creating the wallet.

You do have private keys, it's just that doesn't let you export them I believe as they are all obtained from the seed.

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: junoreactor on October 24, 2017, 04:08:44 AM
Thanks a lot guys for the responses. I will wait until next Monday and see how it is going with the payment I will receive to my old address.
I will keep you updated on this topic as it could help a lot of beginners.
Cheers ;)

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: Zocadas on October 24, 2017, 08:19:04 PM is a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet where a master seed controls all the addresses that are generated, so you should have zero problems in getting funds to old addresses. They are part of the seed, and shouldn't be deleting the private key after an address is used, and even if they do, it's recoverable from the seed you got when creating the wallet.

You do have private keys, it's just that doesn't let you export them I believe as they are all obtained from the seed.
They can be exported indirectly. Just put the seed on electrum or any other supporting wallet. Should  also work on mobile f.e. coinomi, that will support Bitcoin Gold.

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: bitgreat on October 24, 2017, 08:31:39 PM is a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet where a master seed controls all the addresses that are generated, so you should have zero problems in getting funds to old addresses. They are part of the seed, and shouldn't be deleting the private key after an address is used, and even if they do, it's recoverable from the seed you got when creating the wallet.

You do have private keys, it's just that doesn't let you export them I believe as they are all obtained from the seed.
They can be exported indirectly. Just put the seed on electrum or any other supporting wallet. Should  also work on mobile f.e. coinomi, that will support Bitcoin Gold.
so if i put my blockchain info in the electrum wallet i cam import my wallet to electrum?
are you sure about this process?i mean i know importing private keys is possible in electurum.
but seeds are basically wallet specific how can a different seed can produce a electrum wallet i donot understand the concept.

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: DarkStar_ on October 24, 2017, 09:59:14 PM is a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet where a master seed controls all the addresses that are generated, so you should have zero problems in getting funds to old addresses. They are part of the seed, and shouldn't be deleting the private key after an address is used, and even if they do, it's recoverable from the seed you got when creating the wallet.

You do have private keys, it's just that doesn't let you export them I believe as they are all obtained from the seed.
They can be exported indirectly. Just put the seed on electrum or any other supporting wallet. Should  also work on mobile f.e. coinomi, that will support Bitcoin Gold.
so if i put my blockchain info in the electrum wallet i cam import my wallet to electrum?
are you sure about this process?i mean i know importing private keys is possible in electurum.
but seeds are basically wallet specific how can a different seed can produce a electrum wallet i donot understand the concept.

All (or almost all) HD wallets use the same standard for getting keys from the seed phrase. They are not necessarily wallet specific, except in certain cases where a wallet developer decides to be different. I believe uses BIP32  ( Electrum also has a BIP32 implementation, making them cross compatible. It's kind of like a private key. If you generate a private key in Bitcoin Core, it will work in Electrum and any other wallets that allow you to import private keys.

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: HCP on October 25, 2017, 12:04:23 AM
All (or almost all) HD wallets use the same standard for getting keys from the seed phrase. They are not necessarily wallet specific, except in certain cases where a wallet developer decides to be different.
You'd be surprised! :P

Having messed around with MultiBit HD, Electrum,, Exodus and others... whilst they all use "BIP32" as the method for implementing their HD wallets... they all seem to use different "Derivation Paths" (and in Electrum's case, a completely non-BIP32 method for calculating checksums)...

MultiBit HD uses: m/0'/0
Exodus uses: m/44'/0'/0'/0 used to use: m/44'/0'/0' but now uses m/44'/0'/0'/0
Bitcoin Core uses: m/0'/0' (hardened addresses)

It's a real mess :(

Having said all that... Electrum allows you to import any BIP39 seed AND specify the Derivation Path... so you can in fact import the seed into Electrum and have it work. You just need to make sure you use the right Derivation Path when prompted, which should be the default of m/44'/0'/0'

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: junoreactor on October 25, 2017, 12:37:34 AM
All this discussion is a bit complicated for me, but anyway thanks for the help.
Yesterday I just remembered I had a little money at nitrogensports and decided to withdraw to an old address to see, and it worked perfectly fine , with the funds arriving directly to my wallet.

So, problem solved!

Thanks for the help guys. ;)

Title: Re: and receiving funds to old addresses
Post by: Capazoolo on October 25, 2017, 12:42:56 PM
All this discussion is a bit complicated for me, but anyway thanks for the help.
Yesterday I just remembered I had a little money at nitrogensports and decided to withdraw to an old address to see, and it worked perfectly fine , with the funds arriving directly to my wallet.

So, problem solved!

Thanks for the help guys. ;)

i have old address (more that 1 year) linked with bitify and till today i get money on it so that no problem