Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: uvwvj on June 10, 2013, 06:42:30 PM

Title: -
Post by: uvwvj on June 10, 2013, 06:42:30 PM

Title: Re: Campus Bitcoins Launch - Marketing Bitcons to Colleges - "Kickstarter" Project
Post by: bitcoinstarter on June 10, 2013, 07:10:21 PM
Obviously, I'm Bias but I think you have a pretty cool project  ;)

I see you have it que'd up on our site. I'll give you some feedback on what I think you should add for sure.

Looks good!

Title: Re: Campus Bitcoins Launch - Marketing Bitcons to Colleges - "Kickstarter" Project
Post by: bitcoinstarter on June 10, 2013, 07:15:31 PM
Obviously, I'm Bias but I think you have a pretty cool project  ;)

I see you have it que'd up on our site. I'll give you some feedback on what I think you should add for sure.

Looks good!

Started it last night and tried working on it today but site would not load.

Strange. Ok, will look into it and let you know.

Title: Re: Campus Bitcoins Launch - Marketing Bitcons to Colleges - "Bitcoinstarter"
Post by: bbit on June 13, 2013, 04:56:50 PM
Bitcoinstarter is now active - and preferred location - for crowd source funding

Kickstarter declined project so its Bitcoins or bust.

No surprise here.

Title: Re: Campus Bitcoins - Turning the Nerd Coin to the Social Coin- "Bitcoinstarter"
Post by: skeitel on June 13, 2013, 06:12:05 PM
My concern is always the same. Why should I trust these admins I'll be donating to? Should I send money to people I don't know? What's the guarantee that they do what they say and not spend the money living the high student life?
Just questions...

Having said that, if you guys get a trusted admin to manage the funds, and publish online how, when, by whom and what the money is spend for, you could fly higher than you thought.

The next thing you should do is to look at the novel ways in which Red Bull advertises to your same target market. WHy? Because if you can promote to the students in say, a motocross or paragliding event you could

1) market to those present at the event
2) benefit from the press picking it up
3) be in the youTube videos of those filming the event

Title: Re: Campus Bitcoins - Turning the Nerd Coin to the Social Coin- "Bitcoinstarter"
Post by: bitcoinstarter on June 13, 2013, 06:20:18 PM
My concern is always the same. Why should I trust these admins I'll be donating to? Should I send money to people I don't know? What's the guarantee that they do what they say and not spend the money living the high student life?
Just questions...

Having said that, if you guys get a trusted admin to manage the funds, and publish online how, when, by whom and what the money is spend for, you could fly higher than you thought.

The next thing you should do is to look at the novel ways in which Red Bull advertises to your same target market. WHy? Because if you can promote to the students in say, a motocross or paragliding event you could

1) market to those present at the event
2) benefit from the press picking it up
3) be in the youTube videos of those filming the event

They are valid questions but no different then questions asked of any service. I suppose it's the same question as to why does anyone donate to KickStarter? There is no guaranteed anyone there will deliver either. The way I look at it get engaged with the project creator and learn more just how serious they are. If they seem like the are putting 100 percent into it then they are most likely sincere.

I do like your proposal how to go about marketing the project better also.

Just me 2 cents.

Title: Re: Campus Bitcoins - Turning the Nerd Coin to the Social Coin- "Bitcoinstarter"
Post by: franky1 on June 18, 2013, 07:53:40 PM
to save you alot of time trying to convince food establishments to take on bitcoin.... here is a FREE tip

i say free as there are already (if you done some basic research) MANY campus restaurants that take bitcoin.; (;)

just click on the city. then on the right side it will say Campuses

take washington DC. for instance (

for the other cities that have universities but no campus listings, you could always google maps the addresses and find non campus restaurants that deliver to campus area's.

this should save ALOT of travelling to each city to have meetings with restaurant managers trying to convince them of bitcoin.

there. thats half your job done. now to work from that list to spread the word

Title: Re: Campus Bitcoins - Turning the Nerd Coin to the Social Coin- "Bitcoinstarter"
Post by: bbit on June 19, 2013, 02:20:37 AM
to save you alot of time trying to convince food establishments to take on bitcoin.... here is a FREE tip

i say free as there are already (if you done some basic research) MANY campus restaurants that take bitcoin.;

just click on the city. then on the right side it will say Campuses

take washington DC. for instance

for the other cities that have universities but no campus listings, you could always google maps the addresses and find non campus restaurants that deliver to campus area's.

this should save ALOT of travelling to each city to have meetings with restaurant managers trying to convince them of bitcoin.

there. thats half your job done. now to work from that list to spread the word

This isn't to bad of an idea actually.