Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: tsaroz on October 25, 2017, 01:03:11 AM

Title: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: tsaroz on October 25, 2017, 01:03:11 AM

That's an official Russian portal that when translated states to me that Russia have approved cryptocurrency and ICO with few catches.
ICO would be regulated and miners and exchanges to be registered. What's you thought in it.
Is putin the saviour of cryptocurrency or Is he killing the essence?

Simplified English article

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: ZainSpider on October 25, 2017, 01:06:51 AM
Looks good honestly. After so much weird times from china and co, we the crypto world suffered a lot. Now it might be a big relief. By the way I read some where China is going to give licenses too yet again. The world cant survive without crypto ;D

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Crypington on October 25, 2017, 01:15:23 AM
Glad to see it.  Hopefully small miners will be exempt from registering, though, and they just focus on mining businesses.  Registration might put a damper on things.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Filmmmakerr on October 25, 2017, 01:25:19 AM
That's great, its only a matter of time before every country does this. Big step forward for Putin and Russia. Props. I'm looking forward to seeing which country does this next.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Beicin on October 25, 2017, 01:57:45 AM
One day Russia is backing up crypto, the other it's rumored to be banning it. Its kinda hard to keep track these days, they change their mind so quickly (and people jump on rumors and spread them as truth just to get more site clicks...).

If this is true then it is very good news, truly a good step going forward for crypto (and another chance for Russia to advance economically as a pioneer country)

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: BlueSword on October 25, 2017, 02:48:52 AM
Hopefully small miners will be exempt from registering, though, and they just focus on mining businesses.  Registration might put a damper on things.

Google Translate for the relevant paragraph is:
"b) the establishment of requirements for the organization and implementation of production based on the principles of cryptography in the medium of distributed registries ("mining"), including the registration of economic entities carrying out such activities, and determining the procedure for its taxation;"

I'm not sure if "economic entities" ("xoзяйcтвyющиx cyбъeктoв") includes private individuals, but my wild guess would be no. 

(The original Russian text of the above-quoted paragraph is:
"б) ycтaнoвлeниe тpeбoвaний к opгaнизaции и ocyщecтвлeнию пpoизвoдcтвa, ocнoвaннoгo нa пpинципax кpиптoгpaфии в cpeдe pacпpeдeлённыx peecтpoв («мaйнинг»), включaя peгиcтpaцию xoзяйcтвyющиx cyбъeктoв, ocyщecтвляющиx тaкyю дeятeльнocть, a тaкжe oпpeдeлeниe пopядкa eё нaлoгooблoжeния;")

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: steveouttrim on October 25, 2017, 03:02:36 AM
Companies that are doing ICOs should register. Sounds pretty reasonable.

C'mon Trump, what you gonna do?

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: cola-jere on October 25, 2017, 03:07:14 AM
I agree in some regulations esp those doing ICO's that they need to register as a valid corp, that they just won't just disappear after collecting tons of eth or btc.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: BlueSword on October 25, 2017, 03:31:59 AM
Companies that are doing ICOs should register. Sounds pretty reasonable.

C'mon Trump, what you gonna do?
Most ICOs already need to be registered with the SEC under existing law, because they constitute securities under the Howey test.  The SEC has recently launched a cyber unit and has already begun enforcement actions against some of the most prosecutable targets (e.g., blatant scams with known principals).

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Reatim on October 25, 2017, 03:34:04 AM
Well if this is true then its a welcoming news. However, Russia has also put up their own crypto's right? So I don't know what is the effect of allowing ICO at the same time having their own crypto. Plus, Russia has been very confusing lately and sometimes you don't know if they are really telling everything because they contradict one another. However, let's see how things will evolved in 2018. Specially they said they have plans to put a mining farm somewhere.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Saifher on October 25, 2017, 04:14:23 AM
How official is this? Every week we get different news coming out of Russia. One day they're banning all cryptos, the next they're supporting farms to move over to their country... Hopefully this time its true and they'll really back cryptos!

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: babsjoe on October 25, 2017, 04:18:55 AM
Russians are playing the mind game with the rest of the world! All these cat an dog game is leading no where. With or without approval, citizen of any country should be free to pursue in the first place an economic endavour. What is registrations of miner all about? and beside crypto is abou freedom!

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: puremage111 on October 25, 2017, 04:24:49 AM
I Don't get it, so the previous news stated that Crypto is banned in Russia

Who banned it previously?
Now Putin approves it therefore its legal in Russia now?

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: fedor3327 on October 25, 2017, 04:25:31 AM
Putin is a clever guy. No doubt about it.

If you cant beat it....join it.

Notice - regulation, regulation. He wants to keep control!!

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: planktondestroyer on October 25, 2017, 04:32:03 AM
I think it will be helpful in the long run. At least it keeps Russia in the game legally!

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: poodle63 on October 25, 2017, 04:52:34 AM
This will make or decrease the possibility about the scammer to run the ico. it seems good in my opinion from the investor's view but that will be a terrible thing for the scammer caused by theey can't do that to run scam ico.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Riddikulo on October 26, 2017, 02:11:18 PM
I suppose, understanding that Russian Ruble position is too week, Putin understands that only cryptocurrency can “save” his country.
They say, he was the first one who approved new Russian virtual currency. The question, when people start using it.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Marucya on October 26, 2017, 06:22:51 PM
For now I see only one word. And words, even of the same Putin, about the crypto-currency are contradictory. The trend is generally quite good, it is still better than the ban, but I think that it is necessary to judge not by words in this case, but by specific actions and adopted laws. So far, there are no such laws.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: iram1011 on October 26, 2017, 06:34:00 PM
If a country thinks of supporting cryptocurrencies, then regulations are inevitable. I believe regulating ICOs is way too much necessary and I want to see more ICO regulations from countries. So that some potential projects can be seen and can be successful from all this ICO mess. Regarding taxing and regulating cryptocurrencies, I believe at sometime or other almost all cryptocurrency supporting countries will do that. This in one way also helps in increasing public trust.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: RichardBTC on October 26, 2017, 06:42:28 PM
I dont know if this news is legit but if it is then it will certainly be a good step forward for crypto currencies

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Similificator on October 26, 2017, 06:57:11 PM
Damn all these news abkut russia is confusing! While i am gkad that they finally agree with cryoto currencies, i just cannot help but worry what other decisions they may come up with. Because clearly, they are not so good with sticking to their words. They said they'd ban all crypto currencies, then few days later, another news saying they are approving crypto currencies. Like, wtf man? If they can easily change their decisions like that, then there's no telling what their move will be weeks, months, or years later. This is becoming rollercoaster. I just don't buy this sht.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: okala on October 26, 2017, 07:08:47 PM
Hope this is not rumors as we had this morning that some exchange platforms has reopen operation in China and later hear that it is a fake news. If this is true that Putin legalized ico and exchangers then it is a good development as this will help to push price further up.  I think ico projects need to be regulated as many of them has scam many people and that has started affecting the good one among them. We have many nice projects and many fake ico and governments is the only body that has the capacity to regulate this activity.

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: topesis on October 26, 2017, 07:19:50 PM
I think what Russia is doing here after they realise they can't control the space is be close to your friend but be closer to your enemy. If this is good it will be a win-win solution for both parties

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Marco Ambrusini on October 26, 2017, 08:04:42 PM
i think this is positive .Its about time world leaders embrace crypto currencies.ICO  being regulated is also on the right channel.
This will help streamline the potential ICO's from the non legit ones

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: degraff on October 26, 2017, 08:19:06 PM
Putin signed orders forstrict regulation of ICO

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Sirait on October 26, 2017, 10:18:20 PM
I guess this is actually a pure business only when the first Russian Banned Bitcoin,
now when what they do not impact on Bitcoin, they declare back support Bitcoin, lol :D

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: valentin68 on October 27, 2017, 04:05:30 PM
Putin is a smart men. Putin is a hard working men and became a leader because he made the good decistions at the good moment. Now is the time of the bitcoin for all the world. Countries that will approve the bitcoin now will only have to gain in 10-20 years. The countries that will not approve the bitcoin will loose. Putin has made from Russia a wealthy country and it is his merit for doing this. 

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Anndrianno on October 27, 2017, 04:13:26 PM
Now where are all those yankees dwelling upon their SEC and other bullshit?! It's high time that Russia will rule the Galaxy)

Title: Re: Putin approves cryptocurrency and ICO(Officially)
Post by: Altas on October 27, 2017, 04:19:18 PM
I guess this is actually a pure business only when the first Russian Banned Bitcoin,
now when what they do not impact on Bitcoin, they declare back support Bitcoin, lol :D
Maybe this can be a business. Recently it has been relates to the illuminati concept, so maybe there has been connections to the concept when it's focus is on profiting. A country that banned bitcoin once and now giving support is the way of making use of bitcoin.