Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: jstar on June 12, 2013, 04:46:38 AM

Title: Electrum GUI issue (1.8, linux): "Error: Unknown GUI: classic"
Post by: jstar on June 12, 2013, 04:46:38 AM
when i try to start electrum i get:

Error: Unknown GUI: classic

I'm using puppy linux (precise). I installed python and qt4 and some other related packages. Electrum 1.8 is installed using pip

(sorry for the improper sub-forum, still newbie here)

any thoughts on what to try? i'm having trouble finding others that have received/resolved the issue.

Title: Re: Electrum GUI issue (1.8, linux): "Error: Unknown GUI: classic"
Post by: jstar on June 12, 2013, 04:54:14 AM
some more info.

if i try:
electrum --gui=lite

i get:
You need to have PyQT installed to run Electrum in graphical mode

but i already have both:
python-qt4_4.9.1 and

already installed. am i missing an obvious package?

Title: Re: Electrum GUI issue (1.8, linux): "Error: Unknown GUI: classic"
Post by: HCP on October 24, 2020, 02:18:10 AM
I am facing exactly the same issue. Did you have a chance to find a solution?
Are you attempting to run version 1.8 of Electrum? and if so, why? ???

What are you needing such an old version of Electrum for? ???