Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining software (miners) => Topic started by: manifold on June 27, 2011, 05:09:17 PM

Title: Bash mining script for error miner restart and much more
Post by: manifold on June 27, 2011, 05:09:17 PM
Hi I wrote me a linux bash script over the last month and they make mining a lot easier for me.
Maybe parts or even the hole thing make mining for you easier.

It works with multiple gpus, shows infos, restarts automatically if a certain gpu has no load, beeps if everything goes wrong (connection to server failiure), stores your login info for multiple pools and and and....

The scripts consists out of 5 files. I placed them in the ~/Skripte/ folder. The phoenix miner is in ~/Programme/phoenix  (it's an svn). Create these 5 files with these filenames:





You should read them through, because they need, for example custom paths (amd sdk, etc.), your login info, gpu count, default values, etc.

But with all that set up, mining goes a lot easier. I hope I help you a little bit. Currently the output of the phoenix miner doesn't seem to be nice, but it works anyway.

I'm open for suggestions. Has someone anything similar?