Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: HabBear on October 28, 2017, 02:23:35 PM

Title: Hacking (Bitcoin wallets) to fight hate
Post by: HabBear on October 28, 2017, 02:23:35 PM
Hate Report: People have sent this neo-Nazi over $1 million in bitcoin - Reveal (http://Hate Report: People have sent this neo-Nazi over $1 million in bitcoin - Reveal

What if hackers focused on havking the Bitvoin wallets of organizations or people that associate with hate hroups?

I realize that citizen vigilante work becomes a slippery slopes as the proper assessment of who is good bs bad becomes more subjective with out a set of laws to apply or a jury of peers to make the decision on who is good vs who is bad.

Hacking against hate is much better than hacking anyone else!

Title: Re: Hacking (Bitcoin wallets) to fight hate
Post by: llama_rider on October 29, 2017, 01:04:47 AM
If you're seriously suggesting hacking someone's computer to steal their private keys, well, that's an exceptionally bad idea.  It's a felony under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and can land you in federal prison if you're subject to US jurisdiction (and most other countries have similar laws). Cryptocurrencies may seem like a wild west, but there are more than enough laws on the book to punish cyber-criminals.  The government is slow-moving, but it is gearing up on cryptocurrencies, and soon enough you'll start to see prosecutions of hackers who steal Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Hacking (Bitcoin wallets) to fight hate
Post by: Iranus on October 29, 2017, 11:42:15 AM
I'm actually in favour of using violence against neo-Nazis in the correct circumstances (such as at rallies, if they are directly spreading and supporting a violent message), but this is not a good idea.

In fact, this has very little to do with BTC.  That was just the supporters' currency of choice - taking it is very little different to robbing someone's bank account.  The fact that it's not centralised does little to help you other than make it take longer before the authorities find the guy who stole $1,000,000 in BTC.  And from the authorities' perspective, it's irrelevant whether you stole it from a neo-Nazi or from an ordinary innocent citizen.

It shouldn't be raising money that people are fighting against, it should be when they actually use the money on an event.