Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: topty11 on October 30, 2017, 06:20:24 PM

Title: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: topty11 on October 30, 2017, 06:20:24 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Theb on October 30, 2017, 06:24:57 PM
For starters their is no fair value for Bitcoin. The price of Bitcoin is determined by the demand of the people and how the buying and selling forces agree and settle with a price. We the people who are into trading Bitcoin are the ones who determine the price of Bitcoin that is why it is so volatile because many people are actively trading it to take profit and also the big players are the ones who are controlling it mostly.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on October 30, 2017, 06:31:53 PM
The price really depend on the bahavior of the buyer and the seller, this is how we detemined demand and supply affects also the price of bitclin. In the future the price of bitcoin will surely go even higher since the demand for this are continue to increase.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: fabioganga on October 30, 2017, 06:37:02 PM
Just like every other financial asset, it is the ratio between demand and supply available that affects the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Mi5h0 on October 30, 2017, 06:48:44 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

The answer is rather simple and it lies in basic economics:scarcity, utility, supply and demand. The combination of two elements: scarcity and utility, creates value by which price is determined based on the market’s supply and demand.
Bitcoins supply is limited. There are currently just over 16.6 million Bitcoin in circulation and the maximum is capped at 21 million. This set cap is well known, making its scarcity transparent. Bitcoin also has undeniable utility even when compared to other, more recent crypto currencies. There is no other digital currency that is more widely used and integrated at this moment. However, Bitcoin's value can not be reduced to just one element or feature. Many aspects of cryptocurrency contribute to its usefulness and offer advantages over traditional paper money and its accompanying systems.

"Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it" - Publilius Syrus, (fl. 85–43 BC)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: jerrison on October 30, 2017, 06:50:59 PM
I think the bitcoin price is determined by the traders that trade bitcoin against the USD in the various digital markets. Correct me if am wrong

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Sanugarid on October 30, 2017, 06:57:23 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I don't know actually the right thing why is that bitcoinvalue determined. But all I have to know is that because of the user or the number of persons who are using it. The value of bitcoin depend on the demand of the usage or the number of transactions by the users eavh time. The more users I think the high the value.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Kousei23 on October 30, 2017, 06:59:44 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

The price of the bitcoin determined based on the transactions of trading made by the person whobare using it. And based on the news I heard last time. The number of person who are using and started using bitcoin affect the productions of it making the vakue of it more higher than before and when dumping it is because they want to manage the value.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ugr_erkn92 on October 30, 2017, 07:03:38 PM
Certain things that affect the price of Bitcoin are of course, for example Bitcoin will be produced in a limited number, the maximum number of Bitcoins that can be produced in the world is limited to 21 million. There is no limit to the price increase or decrease in Bitcoin, there is no upper and lower limit as in central markets, because it is an anonymous digital currency, decentralized, and Bitcoin's transfer is very easy. I think all of this determines the price of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Abdul Wasay on October 30, 2017, 07:06:31 PM
In my opinion Bitcoin price is determined by the behaviour of buyers and sellers. And it may be effected if the economist of the world.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: peterbom on October 30, 2017, 07:15:17 PM
I think it's very simple.The answer to this question is rather simple and it lies in basic economics: scarcity, utility, supply and demand.
By definition, if something is both rare (scarce) and useful (utility) it must have value and demand a specific price, with all other things being equal.
Take gold, for example. Why does gold cost as much as it does? Put simply, it is relatively expensive because it is rare, hard to find and limited in supply (scarcity). Gold also has some uses to which consumers derive satisfaction from (utility).
The combination of these two elements creates value by which price is determined based on the market’s supply and demand.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: jackhdt on October 30, 2017, 07:18:11 PM
At present, bitcoin is regarded as commodities. The rate of the Bitcoin is not anchored in any other currency that totally depends on the supply and demand of the market. Bitcoin is one of a kind property has free-market nature pure. It cannot be controlled by other factors

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: OSISzig on October 30, 2017, 07:39:19 PM
It revolves around the basic economic rule of Demand. If more people want Bitcoin, then the price will likely to go up. If comes a time that no one wants to use Bitoin anymore(which I doubt will ever happen) then It will have no value.

There was a famous story that in the past 2 pizzas cost about 10 000 BTC. Now a single BTC can buy you thousands of pizzas.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: bitart on October 30, 2017, 07:40:14 PM
Bitcoin price is determined by the buyers and the sellers promptly. But on the long run, the expectations are the real drivers of the price change. If most of the people expect higher price for the future the demand will grow and it will cause less people to sell so it will modify the price upwards. If people expect the bubble to burst it will move the price down. Expectations are driven by the news on the market. News are driven by the media and social media (and I don't know whom the media is driven by...)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: howtobuy on October 30, 2017, 07:46:43 PM
The price is always combinations between supply and demand. I think the reason for the current spike in Bitcoin price is the increasing interest from institutional players (banks, funds, high net worth individuals). Since there is so much money out there - the price still can go up once the big guys will get more confident.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: tora on October 30, 2017, 07:49:43 PM
Buy and sell offers are placed on exchanges. If there is no volume ie no buys or sells then price will be adjusted until trade occurs. Most exchanges have similar prices as any large difference is soon acted upon by arbitrageurs exploiting such a difference.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: bear100 on October 30, 2017, 07:53:01 PM
As Bitcoin is "young" investment assets, the price of it is strongly affected by news, especially about banning the crypto in some countries (as it was with ICOs in China) and so called "whales", who can manipulate large amounts of bitcoins. And of course, by number of miners, users and hash rate.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: BY_ATOM on October 30, 2017, 07:59:12 PM
As Bitcoin is "young" investment assets, the price of it is strongly affected by news, especially about banning the crypto in some countries (as it was with ICOs in China) and so called "whales", who can manipulate large amounts of bitcoins. And of course, by number of miners, users and hash rate.
I think a little bit differently) affect the price not the news, and how people who have assets have bitkoyntov will react to this news!

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: TrueAnon on October 30, 2017, 07:59:25 PM
You could say there is a starting price since miners consumer a lot of electricity to mine a Bitcoin. That starting price would be the electricity consumed. After that it's basically offer and demand.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: stompix on October 30, 2017, 08:01:39 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

Lots of answers but a lot missing the most important point.

There is no such thing as a global bitcoin price.
Just check bitfinex and bitstamp. One it's at '72 and one at '67.
What is the real price? Both and none at the same time.

The price fluctuates not form second to second but from exchange to exchange, from website to website from trader to trader.
Probably the best example of a truly free market where demand and offer reign supreme and you can have situations where in your country nobody on localbitcoins wants to sell you coins for 6k let's say but in Germany they sell it 100$ cheaper.


Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Rakabel619 on October 30, 2017, 08:06:59 PM
I honestly have not found out the method of determining the bitcoin price, but I guess it depends on the policy, the prices of oil, gold or other commodities

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Andrew1337 on October 30, 2017, 08:10:31 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

As you can see this year bitcoin exploded in price , from 1500 to 6000$ and is still growing up . Before this year bitcoin hasn't a good growing like this year . Bitcoin is not determined by time , is determined by people's interesting :)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: sapnu on October 30, 2017, 08:21:07 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
I think, the market value is determined depending on the dwmand that it is getting from the market since its value is proportional with its demand such that as the demand increases, its market value becomes more expensive. To Specifically know what exactly its market value, it is listed on the wallets kr in the blockfolio.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: xBitHodler on October 30, 2017, 08:24:00 PM
There are many factors which determine current Bitcoin price. Recent exchange ban in China is a good example. The price had fallen because of it but it also recovered in a short period of time. Bitcoin has a value because some people treat Bitcoin as a long term investment so they are willing to pay a lot for it. To create 1 Bitcoin we have to use electricity and dedicated hardware. The same thing applies to fiat money. Special equipment, paper and most importantly people are needed.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: pat4cryptoreal on October 30, 2017, 08:41:49 PM
The  price of bitcoin is simply determine by the agreement between the buyers and the sellers in the market. If a seller set a particular price but no buyer to buy at that price I do not think there will be any change in the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: kiver on October 31, 2017, 03:27:26 AM
-low supply for the huge demand what makes it rare and expensive
-the costs of bitcoin is another reason for the expensive price
-Bitcoin legacy  has earned a world wide publicity there are some people that doesn't know any other coin in crypto but bitcoin
-most exchanges you can buy and sell other coins with or for bitcoin
and i think there are more reasons that bitcoin can be determined with....

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: zeze18 on October 31, 2017, 04:06:20 AM
Of course, various factors may affect bitcoin prices, especially in market situations that affect the rise or decrease in bitcoin prices, demand and supply that affect bitcoin fluctuations and sometimes with uncertain circumstances such as the negative issue of bitcoin that causes panic. Instead of users making sales transactions resulting in a decrease in bitcoin prices, due to the high level of supply available.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Laya Varghese on October 31, 2017, 04:09:03 AM
The price of a bitcoin is determined by supply and demand. When demand for bitcoins increases, the price increases, and when demand falls, the price falls.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: acpr23 on October 31, 2017, 04:14:33 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

Imo Bitcoins value is determined by its demand in the market, a lot are holding btc and not selling it making it more valuable as the demand grow much bigger than the supply. Yet if fud news strikes those holders will began to sell all their bitcoin because of fear and that is when the price will drop

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Xenrise on October 31, 2017, 04:33:33 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
Well, bitcoins price is hard to know for beginners. I mean, the signal on when to buy or when to sell. That is part of the technical analysis of the market. You need to study now the basics. Candlesticks pattern and indicators.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: dilshanfernando on November 01, 2017, 02:02:49 AM
The price of a bitcoin is determined by the supply and demand . when more people buy bitcoin , the demand for btc increases and the price increases . when the demand falls the price of the bitcoin falls.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: AIRDROPSQUAD on November 01, 2017, 02:25:54 AM
Beside of supply and demand factor, there are more things which can detemine bitcoin price, such as big news, hardfork, and etc. The most big news in recent month is JP Morgan Boss said, bitcoin is a fraud and can be used by drug dealers or murder"

When that news release, bitcoin price go down and very slowly to recover.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Yuhee on November 01, 2017, 02:34:54 AM
Beside of supply and demand factor, there are more things which can detemine bitcoin price, such as big news, hardfork, and etc. The most big news in recent month is JP Morgan Boss said, bitcoin is a fraud and can be used by drug dealers or murder"

When that news release, bitcoin price go down and very slowly to recover.

But most factor would be the increase of blocks being mined which means, the more miners the more the price increases. Add it with some countries trying to innovate btc in there country instead if blocking its citizens to use bitcoin in underground ways. JP morgan is now an old news because ever since the price went back to its prestige, most bad commenters are not being heard off.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: wledgewil on November 04, 2017, 03:14:45 AM
It's all based on the demand of the general public users of accepting and making transactions with bitcoin.
If the demand is high then the rate will be increasing.
When the demand falls the bitcoin price falls.
In simple we are the one who is determining bitcoin price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: cpfreeplz on November 04, 2017, 03:19:19 AM
Uh well champ, let's not get into the whole supply and demand curve here but basically, more people want bitcoin, so they pay $1 more than the next guy to get it. It creates a snowball affect. People see the big rise, they put an order $1 more, other people see this big ride etc. Glad I got in at a low point. Too much FOMO right now that I wouldn't want to put money into it.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: pekobites on November 04, 2017, 03:22:16 AM
Here you go mate

hope this helps

Seriously BTC is one of the best examples of a free market system you could ever find

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: traderethereum on November 04, 2017, 05:09:39 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

the price is determined from the order buy and order sell in the market and there are too volatile and too risky to follow if we don't know how to analyze the bitcoin movements. but once you know how to determine the trend, i am sure that you can found a gap of the price that will help you to make profit. there are many lesson about how to determine the movement of the chart and we need to learn and practice in every day until we mastered it.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: skylark001 on November 04, 2017, 06:59:24 AM
Many factors play role in influencing the price of Bitcoin or Bitcoin price determination few major are as below;

1.     First and foremost, the Demand & Supply ratio of the Bitcoin – If demand is rising and supply is Now limited then the price will go up, the reverse will be applicable in vice a versa case.

2.    Acceptance of Bitcoin in Mainstream  :  Many companies have started Bitcoin acceptance as a means of transaction, this acceptance in the mainstream has a positive impact on the Bitcoin price.

3.    Government regulations and notification : Time to time in many countries government is issuing notification about Bitcoins, if these are in favour Price goes up and else, price sees a downward trend.

4.    It is being an cryptocurrency, changes in technology especially related to web based applications, cloud, softwares and hardwares also affect the prices.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Aliczand2 on November 04, 2017, 08:01:24 AM
  People  think  it is $10K.It is  $10K!

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ballerin and giroud on November 04, 2017, 09:36:44 AM
Bitcoin price is determinatin depend on the demand of each user. If the demand for bitcoin much bitcoin price will be high. As well if bitcoin demand decrease bitcoin price will decreas to.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Superzpay on December 09, 2017, 09:21:54 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

The price of the bitcoin determined based on the transactions of trading made by the person whobare using it. And based on the news I heard last time. The number of person who are using and started using bitcoin affect the productions of it making the vakue of it more higher than before and when dumping it is because they want to manage the value.
Yeah Bitcoin’s price would be determined by it price chart, popularity graph and number of investors who are involving in Bitcoin. The other sources are social media like face book, twitter and whatsapp too. Any investor who is trading in Bitcoin can easily predict the price of Bitcoin. He is checking demand of Bitcoin in market and price rate and judge the price of Bitcoin in next days.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: pginvest on December 09, 2017, 09:24:44 PM
In the simplest terms it is a balance of what 1 person is prepared to pay and what another person is prepared to sell for. Added to that is a whole raft of emotional factors, supply and demand etc. if there was plenty of supply the price would be low - with limited supply the price goes up.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: shata on December 09, 2017, 09:45:11 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

There are lot of factors how will you determine Bitcoin price. Here's are some of the factors:
1. Price and supply. Price and supply is the main factor that always affecting the price of Bitcoin. If the demand is too high, the supply will fall and low. It means that the price will increase if the supply decreasing. And it is vice versa. If the price is decreasing, the supply is increasing.
2. Demand and price. If the demand is increasing, there a high chance of increasing of its price. Like what's happenning right now, Bitcoin is always tapping up ceiling reaching high and higher price.
3. Last, The effects of other countries and the people. Also the demand. Some of the countries here in the world are always describing Bitcoin as trash for them. And if a country is banning Bitcoin to their country, it will affect it's rate and demand that will affect the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Sera2.0 on December 11, 2017, 03:19:26 PM
Кoнeчнo цeнa oпpeдeляeтcя пpocтыми зaкoнaми экoнoмики cпpoca и пpeдлoжeния. Ecть cпpoc бyдeт и xopoшaя цeнa. Цeннocть для oбщecтвa нe нeмaлoвaжный фaктop. Hy и кoнeчнo в цeнy вxoдит зaтpaты нa eгo дoбычy, нe cтoит oб этoм зaбывaть.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: KpopLord on December 14, 2017, 10:55:03 AM
  People  think  it is $10K.It is  $10K!

What's the recent price now? At this moment?

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: bp.comp69 on December 14, 2017, 11:44:38 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I think the price is determined how many buy coins and how many sell coins, if many buy the price will increase and if many who sell the price will decrease, can anyone add my opinion?

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: markleal on December 14, 2017, 03:40:36 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

Hi there topty11! There are several ways how to determine the bitcoin price, but what can I told you is how to analyze it. First of all, no one could accurately predict when the price could go up and could go down. Why? Because the price is determined by several factors and one of them is the traders. All of the traders set a specific sell price and buy price, when there are more people want to buy the price could go up but when there are more traders who want to sell low, it could trigger a price drop. Next factor is the news; news affect the way price is determine, simply as a good news in bitcoin tend to soar a price while bad news like government ban and the like tends to drop bitcoin price.  ;)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: #CR7 on December 14, 2017, 05:19:25 PM
The price of bitcoin is handily determine by the taking office along together in the middle of the buyers and the sellers in the support. If a seller set a particular price but no buyer to lead at that price i reach not think there will be any fine manner in the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: sarjilcse on December 14, 2017, 05:25:08 PM
Hello there

Actually there is no one who can predict about bitcoin means price determined..
Though it's depends on how much peoples sell or buy bitcoin means trading..
It is all about Trading.


Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ohzeih5n on December 14, 2017, 05:29:59 PM
No one can determined price bitcoin changes without control.

last three months bitcoin came out of any ranges

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: MisterPrada on December 14, 2017, 05:34:09 PM
Many people might not realise that all currencies work exactly the same - if you are holding a coin or note of your own local currency in your hand, at any given point in time there are millions of people buying and selling your local currency, so while you might observe it as stable, it’s value actually continuously changes. When you want to exchange it for another currency at a currency desk, let’s say for USD, one day you pay 10 local currency to a dollar, the next day maybe 11 or 9. Bitcoin works exactly the same way - you can just think of it as a currency other than the one you are used to.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: jlanzago on December 14, 2017, 05:37:05 PM
The price is determined by offer and demand (as anything in any free market). In crypto there is also still a lot of price manipulation, this is why I don't like trading and pump groups because most of the time you can lose money.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ahmad21 on December 14, 2017, 05:44:17 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
Basic Economics which you must have studied in your childhood. The people on one side which want to enter the market bid for some bitcoins with the amount of other currency that they have. On the other side are the people who ask something in exchange of the bitcoins that they are willing to sell. So if the sellers don't want to sell their bitcoins the buyer increase the price as they want it desperately. Similarly if the team seller is willing to sell their bitcoin quickly but the buyer refuse to buy the sellers reduce the price. This is how the system works.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: 0k4m1 on December 14, 2017, 05:45:31 PM
The price is determined by offer and demand (as anything in any free market). In crypto there is also still a lot of price manipulation, this is why I don't like trading and pump groups because most of the time you can lose money.

/\ This!

For further information read this:

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: dali_masmoudi on December 14, 2017, 07:10:46 PM
As an amateur I can tell you what I see from my side and I will try to simplify all the proccess.
First of all, the Bitcoin is so limited and there is a high demand on it so the price will be kind of high.
Second, lot of ICO are openning and they want to be updated to the last changes in the technology so they try to buy Bitcoin and pay salaries from it, in addition they try to keep some extra money away so they can win the difference.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: paradeflag on January 01, 2018, 09:06:35 AM
Who determines the value of Bitcoins would be the buyer and seller since they have to agree on the price. Trading is an important factor that determines its value.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: konfuci on January 01, 2018, 10:19:52 AM
The answer to this question is rather simple and it lies in basic economics: scarcity, utility, supply and demand.

By definition, if something is both rare (scarce) and useful (utility) it must have value and demand a specific price, with all other things being equal.

Take gold, for example. Why does gold cost as much as it does? Put simply, it is relatively expensive because it is rare, hard to find and limited in supply (scarcity). Gold also has some uses to which consumers derive satisfaction from (utility).

The combination of these two elements creates value by which price is determined based on the market’s supply and demand.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: beaver12 on January 05, 2018, 11:14:36 AM
Bitcoin is priced subjectively, i.e. it depends on how the users value it. If the users value it more then its demand will increase and subsequently its price however if the users value it less then its demand and price would also decrease. It's just the same with the fiat currencies although the latter is controlled by the government.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ihsanskanzaone on January 05, 2018, 11:22:33 AM
bitcoin prices are determined by its users if many users sell bitcoins simultaneously or in the near future bitcoin prices will go down and vice versa if many bitcoin users simultaneously buy bitcoin then bitcoin prices will rise. So here bitcoin traders must be smart in analyzing the market in order to predict when prices rise and fall.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Scor1937 on January 05, 2018, 11:23:21 AM
Actually the price for BiTCoin depends on the "Demand and Supply" Factor. The more the demand, the less will be the supply which will increase the price for bitcoins. Actually there are 21 Million of coins total to be mined which means that the supply for bitcoins is the amount that is in circulation currently. If the number of investors start investing/Purchasing bitcoins then the price will certainly go up and vice-versa if the demand is low, the price will decrease. You can study more about the price variation on google/youtube/bitcointalk/etc.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: dyewic on January 05, 2018, 11:47:25 AM
Bitcoin price is determined by the buyers and the sellers promptly. But on the long run, the expectations are the real drivers of the price change. If most of the people expect higher price for the future the demand will grow and it will cause less people to sell so it will modify the price upwards. If people expect the bubble to burst it will move the price down. Expectations are driven by the news on the market. News are driven by the media and social media (and I don't know whom the media is driven by...)

I strongly agree on your opinion that, Bitcoin price is determined by the buyers and the sellers promptly. But on the long run, the expectations are the real drivers of the price change. And adding also my opinion that, We could say that there is a starting price since miners consumer a lot of electricity to mine a Bitcoin. That starting price would be the electricity consumed. After that it's basically offer and demand. In addition, There is no limit to the price increase or decrease in Bitcoin, there is no upper and lower limit as in central markets, because it is an anonymous digital currency, decentralized, and Bitcoin's transfer is very easy.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: JaneFaure on January 05, 2018, 11:49:00 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I have read a lot of good articles here:

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: hitrawal91 on January 05, 2018, 12:05:50 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

As you all know that bitcoin is a cryptocurrency with no fair value and its price is determined by the demand and supply of the trader's who are trading at the regular trading exchanges. The buyer's demanding price to buy and the seller's demanding price to sell decide's the bitcoin trading price and by this way the price is calculated and the difference between the bid and ask price is called the spread. And many countries exchanges are having their own prices according to their country's local demand and supply which can be used for arbitrage trading for example like ZEBPAY exchange in INDIA.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: LSt56 on January 05, 2018, 12:15:22 PM
In my opinion Bitcoin price is determined by the behaviour of buyers and sellers. And it may be effected if the economist of the world.
more precisely the bitcoin price will continue to rise if more demand and vice versa, the price will discard if the margin is very low and the sellers start selling the assets (Bitcoin) they have.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ylnar123 on January 05, 2018, 12:18:56 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

The bitcoin price is determined like a normal market on it supply and demand. You can monitor it by simply updating the price on your wallet to see whether it grows or it drops. It is always best to keep an eye on the price to know when to buy and when to sell your bitcoins.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Cryptohad on January 05, 2018, 12:22:07 PM
a lot of things that can determine the price of  bitcoin. such as volume and spreading. if the volume and spreading increase, the bitcoin price will rise. if it weakens, it will down

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Genosx on January 08, 2018, 07:23:02 AM
There is no exact theory, technology or any devices that will know what will be the market value or price of bitcoin every time.
But somehow you can consider the external factors that affects the market value; the demands of the investors, economy of scale , season and etc.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Danglen1010 on January 10, 2018, 02:04:20 PM
It determined by using a chart like the chart in the bitcoin wallet like or in the blockchain , all of these can determine the price of the bitcoin in this day.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: hoodi on January 10, 2018, 02:07:03 PM
Noone knows for sure, many factors influence it. Like 2 days ago news about coinmarketcap crashed all crypto prices.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Ayaancool on January 10, 2018, 02:56:43 PM
We can't determine the exact price of Bitcoin . Bitcoin is an electronic currency which is always fluctuates it's price is called crypto currencies.  So no one determine an exact price in case of cryptos only speculations is possible.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: xanaxxx on January 10, 2018, 03:24:37 PM
supply and demand on exchanges. More people placing buy orders higher the price goes. If you would like to know why more people would be placing those buy orders, that really depends

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Kezio on January 10, 2018, 03:32:58 PM
This is basic demand and supply behaviour. When the demand is higher than the supply, the rarity increases and that is shown by the growth of the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Karie_Legend on January 10, 2018, 03:52:55 PM
This is something that can not be ascertained because the price of Bitcoin every day change fox. ;)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Finestream on January 10, 2018, 03:59:36 PM
This is basic demand and supply behaviour. When the demand is higher than the supply, the rarity increases and that is shown by the growth of the price.
Yes.It's basically the supply and demand which i think will determine bitcoin price.In times where most of the people have bought bitcoins and invested them,the demand gradually increases making the supply limited, and eventually its price becomes higher too.But in times where no people bought bitcoins,they just make sellings of them,eventually the demand decreases making the supply higher,and thus the price becomes low.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: roobooth on January 11, 2018, 08:11:48 AM
The price of Bitcoin is not the same as its value. Price is determined by the market in which it trades: by means of supply and demand. This is the same way the price of your secondhand car, a bag of apples in the supermarket, an ounce of gold and just about everything else is determined.

Traders with bank accounts in our supported countries can trade Bitcoin on the Luno Exchange, which sets the specific price at a specific time for a specific market. Luno doesn’t set the price: the traders (buying and selling on Luno) do.

Put simply, it is the ongoing interaction between buyers and sellers trading with each other that determines the specific price of Bitcoin (and everything else).   

However, when determining price, one must also consider the amount that buyers are currently willing to pay for the future value of a specific item. In other words, if the market believes the price of something --like property, a certain stock or Bitcoin-- will increase in the future, they are more likely to pay more for it now.
Some of the instances where Bitcoin currently has utility was mentioned above, but since Bitcoin is an evolving and improving technology, many are optimistic that there are many other use cases to come. Some, perhaps, that we haven’t even thought of yet.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Tux99 on January 11, 2018, 08:19:16 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I think there are some of the same thread in this forum discussing about this question.
Anyway, every price in the world is based on supply and demand and thats is basic. More supply with less demand make the price low and also the opposite.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: mrdownhead123 on January 11, 2018, 08:50:44 AM
it is based on the demand and the supply that produce or service desire by the buyers. if the supply is high the demand reduced. and if the demand is higher the price of btc, less the demand the people goods. if the supply is high the higher the quantity supplied.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Palider on January 11, 2018, 08:58:21 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
On my own understanding,bitcoin price depends on the supply and demand on the market, the more people that invests to it, the higher the price it will get, and when there will be many widthrawals of bitcoin, it's value will het lower. But there are also some instances that are being considered. You can research the web to understand it better.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: PG13 on January 11, 2018, 09:20:50 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

As you all know that bitcoin is a cryptocurrency with no fair value and its price is determined by the demand and supply of the trader's who are trading at the regular trading exchanges. The buyer's demanding price to buy and the seller's demanding price to sell decide's the bitcoin trading price and by this way the price is calculated and the difference between the bid and ask price is called the spread. And many countries exchanges are having their own prices according to their country's local demand and supply which can be used for arbitrage trading for example like ZEBPAY exchange in INDIA.

Yeah, i totally agree on your reply. I've noticed that in every exchange they have different prices on selling and buying which is due to supply and demand of that exchange.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Buttercup123 on January 11, 2018, 09:31:44 AM
Bitcoin pricing depends on the quantity of the demand over the total supply available in the market. If the demand is greater than the supply then the price would go up, but if the demand is lower than the supply, then the price would go down. Research the Law of supply and demand for better understanding how the pricing works. But bitcoin is very volatile due to some holders who will hold bitcoin for a long time then in a moment they will sell it all out. If they buy some bitcoin and hold it, it will affect the total supply in the market resulting to an increase in price because the demand of people is always increasing.  If they sold it all in an instant, then the total supply would be affected again thus an increase in supply results decrease in the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: nevafade on January 11, 2018, 09:36:00 AM
Bitcoin price is determined based on demand and supply on the stock market and exchangers. The more supply with less demand makes the bitcoin price lower while the lesser supply with more demand makes the bitcoin price higher.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: panganib999 on January 11, 2018, 10:00:38 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

The price of the bitcoin determined based on the transactions of trading made by the person whobare using it. And based on the news I heard last time. The number of person who are using and started using bitcoin affect the productions of it making the vakue of it more higher than before and when dumping it is because they want to manage the value.
Bitcoin's value is quite  dependent to the support people give in the way they uses bitcoin on transactions and invest  which affect the production if stock of bitcoin that could result to development and progresive changes. But if you just want to ablaze and to know the current price of cryptocurrency  just like bitcoin it is a must for you to have an exchanger or wallet so you could know the changes on your investment or trading.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: popolite11 on January 12, 2018, 09:23:11 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I don’t think that Bitcoin price manipulated by definite people or group of men. The price we see is not the result of purposeful policy. This price is defined by offer and demand. Simple rule.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: zentdex on January 12, 2018, 10:02:14 AM
The cost is decide in view of the free market activity and the value that individuals will purchase and the value individuals will offer. In an exchanging stage like gdax, bitfinex, cexio and others, offering cost and purchasing value that are executed or finished is arrived at the midpoint of in a minuet that at that point stamp the present cost of the bitcoin. Those average by minutes at that point be found the middle value of again to like for a hour which at that point decide the cost of bitcoin for that hour and in the long run for that day.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: sasinghal on January 12, 2018, 10:07:30 AM
I don't know exactly that how its value get determined but i think its value depends on the demand and supply of bitcoin in the market. If the demand is high and the supply is less then the value will increase else it will remain stable or will decrease.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: TorbiK on January 12, 2018, 10:09:56 AM
The price of anything depends on the supply and demand for this something. And it should be higher than costs. Otherwise it simply will not produce.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Icey47 on January 12, 2018, 10:11:01 AM
Since BTC price is not manipulated and is decentralized, it is dependent on direct supply and demand.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: GeorgeEden on January 12, 2018, 10:37:59 AM
in think it depends on the investors and on the big buys. like if some1 comes and buys 1k bitcoin = 1.600.000 then its hgonna make a huge jump. BUT if every1 stops to use then its gonna drop. so I think it depends on us. the "costumers.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: yonjitsu on January 12, 2018, 11:04:34 AM
It will identify base when you receive it in any ewallet.

The OP is asking how bitcoin price is determined from time to time and it's the demand of the people on bitcoin that determines the price of bitcoin. Noone ever controlled bitcoin's price too because it's always the basic law of economics (supply and demand) that's responsible for bitcoin's price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Jombitt on January 12, 2018, 11:12:19 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

The demand of bitcoin of bitcoin really effect the value. When the demand of bitcoin increase and more people will hold btc, the bitcoin value will pump. When the demand of bitcoin will decrease and it has a mass selling of btc, the bitcoin value will starting to dump.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: maxim_mazurok on January 12, 2018, 11:14:11 AM
Besides the market rules (how much someone willing to pay for it, and at what price someone willing to sell it), the bitcoin price is also tied to the costs of mining it, afaik.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: mdripon on January 12, 2018, 11:21:03 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
Bitcoin prices on those who trade Bitcoin. Because they sell Bitcoin for their needs, At that time the price does not look more or less. If do not needs there was not so much then the price would have been equated.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: teejaymuna on January 12, 2018, 11:25:48 AM
I think BTC price is determined by the demand for it. If the demand drops, the price drops, and when the demand picks up, the price picks up.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: NuttyOrange on January 12, 2018, 11:28:34 AM
In my opinion, the price of bitcoin is determined by its supply and demand. But still, there are some factors that affecting the price, example is when the price have reached an ATH and when there is a widespread of FUD.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: KevinHD on January 12, 2018, 11:44:24 AM
I do determine the price of the Bitcoin when its market are so high and on fast demand then I would love to sell some of mine and I do make intuitions whether the people are onto Bitcoin right now or what then that was the time its price will fall down and the perfect timing to buy some.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: joebrook on January 12, 2018, 12:12:59 PM
In my opinion, the price of bitcoin is determined by its supply and demand. But still, there are some factors that affecting the price, example is when the price have reached an ATH and when there is a widespread of FUD.
I am at odds about some of the things that happens with the price of bitcoins, people say that when lot of people buy bitcoins, the price soars and when people start selling it goes down but they forget that as people sell, others are buying as well. I on the other hand think that its the transactions being made and confirmed that drives the price up.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: tachi641 on January 12, 2018, 12:15:18 PM
No one can determined price bitcoin changes without control.

last three months bitcoin came out of any ranges

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: bernashka on January 12, 2018, 03:47:55 PM
The price of bitcoin is the first thing that usually bothers people who are eager to make money on it. First of all, it is necessary to understand that bitcoin, like ordinary money, is prone to fluctuations in value - that is, from supply and demand. But the price of crypto currency is constantly rising

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Vit2012 on January 12, 2018, 03:49:14 PM
guys, have you had any experience with this big pump signal group? 

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Azzam Khalif on January 12, 2018, 04:00:46 PM
The price really depends on the behavior of the buyer and the seller, this is how we determined demand and supply affect also the price of bitcoin. In the future, the price of bitcoin will surely go even higher since the demand for this is continue to increase.
Yes, I agree the price is determined by the number of Bitcoin supply and demand. If more and more demand price Bitcoin will continue to rise and vice versa. Best wishes and I hope there are still many people who need Bitcoin.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: NuttyOrange on January 13, 2018, 08:50:32 AM
The price really depends on the behavior of the buyer and the seller, this is how we determined demand and supply affect also the price of bitcoin. In the future, the price of bitcoin will surely go even higher since the demand for this is continue to increase.
Yes, I agree the price is determined by the number of Bitcoin supply and demand. If more and more demand price Bitcoin will continue to rise and vice versa. Best wishes and I hope there are still many people who need Bitcoin.

Yeah I also agree, I wonder when this demand would go down considering that all of the possible investors have joined. What I mean is when does the price reaches its max level.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: coplanarbah on January 13, 2018, 07:15:43 PM
The price of Bitcoin is determined by a lot of factors like the currency value and exchange, including the transferring fee and the power of the currency over others.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: dzkazmi on January 13, 2018, 07:33:34 PM
Both buyers and sellers affects the price, whenever someone sale and someone buy, this changes the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: fogsan on January 14, 2018, 01:34:44 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
Just like the legal currency, the value of supply and demand will be decided.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: DARKANGEL6415 on January 14, 2018, 07:19:49 PM
Unlike normal companies that are traded on the financial stock markets bitcoin falls into a different category. First of there is noone corporation controlling it so cant treat it like one. Now as others said basically the price comes from people buying it up and driving demand up. This is also how many of the world currencies work they are essentially worth in what faith value is pegged to them.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: shetat on January 14, 2018, 07:46:09 PM
It depends on the seller and buyer....
If many sell bitcoin but only few buyer price diffinitly is going down....
But today,  many buyer but limited seller.... Price is increasing like fire in burning forest.....
They increase the price to buy bitcoin and the rest will do the same..... Price keep on increasing...

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: p i e c e on January 16, 2018, 07:35:23 AM
guys, have you had any experience with this big pump signal group? 

I think that at last time so much noise were about Bitcoin and its prospects that this coin was overpumped. Now the price is stabilizing. With the time we’ll see the moderate growth of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: KingOfWinterfell01 on January 16, 2018, 07:55:09 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

Really depends on a lot of things but it always circulates around supply and demand. When the demand is high, price is high. When supply is low, price is high. Price also depends on big fish sellers or "whales" who sell bitcoins at a high price to allow bitcoins price deviations.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Wylie330 on January 16, 2018, 07:57:52 AM
Bitcoin's price determined by supply and demand. Since it is with a limited supply, if demand gets high then price tends to go up as well because supply is getting more limited when there are many buyers.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Pamela Jobelle on January 16, 2018, 08:01:37 AM
The price of Bitcoin is determined by the demand of the people and how the buying and selling forces agree and settle with a price. We the people who are into trading Bitcoin are the ones who determine the price of Bitcoin that is why it is so volatile. It depends on the flow of stocks. Like in stock market it defends when do you want to pull out your assets and when the price is higher you can sell you BTC when the the BTC is in it's lowest price you can buy some.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: kinzey on February 17, 2018, 05:07:49 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

Btc price is just the same as any commodity item. The less the supply the higher the price. So when a lot of people buy btc then btc price goes up. And when fake news spreads and people sell their btc so demand is less so the price of btc goes down

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Banulit on February 28, 2018, 12:57:21 PM
the value of bitcoin determined by the number of people and investor wants to become a huge value or low prices it depends on the users of bitcoin.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: cizatext on March 01, 2018, 05:34:02 AM
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency and at that no one or an organization determine it Price, bitcoin as every other commodity operates on the economic law of demands and supply once the demands is high then the price will be high also and once the demands fall also expect the price to go down also. So the is no other mechanism to how bitcoin price is determined.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: traderethereum on March 01, 2018, 05:38:38 AM
the value of bitcoin determined by the number of people and investor wants to become a huge value or low prices it depends on the users of bitcoin.

you are right, although we cannot predicted the exact price when it's increase or decrease, we could still use the price to buy and sell the bitcoin and we can make a huge profit. when there are too many wants to buy bitcoin, this will make the price moving so fast to be filled in the market and the price will moving up and down but this will not stay too long and there is a moment for the price to stay at one price level.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: cemburu on March 01, 2018, 06:15:24 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls, how is the price determined from time to time?
Bitcoin prices are largely determined by many or few buyers and sellers. That's what causes Bitcoin prices to go down and up in seconds.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: anjaydut on March 01, 2018, 11:32:27 AM
no one can determine the price of bitcoin, because bitcoin is not controlled by any party.
if in my personal opinion, the most affecting the bitcoin price is, the investor's confidence in the bitcoin itself.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: nhoj25 on March 01, 2018, 11:52:59 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

No one knows what will be the value of it in the next few hours, day and month. There is no intrinsic value of Bitcoin, it is all demand and supply. High demand and limited supply make Bitcoin most valued digital currency in the world.   if you are into trading, you can find more here : .

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: BitcoinsGreat on March 03, 2018, 03:37:45 AM
Every thing is worth what someone will pay for it, that is the single solitary fact in crypto. Those numbers move up and down, first by the sales themselves, creating panic or interest, and then by the rumors and information that is floating out there. Lastly, there are the world factors, like popular games(Pokemon) or popular people, and current events that trigger coin creation and value changes.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Unicorn_Heart on March 03, 2018, 03:44:50 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

It is somehow hard to determine the price. Big players influences the price through demand though. The more people patronizes it, the higher the price of bitcoin can get. This is not really different from any other goods that become expensive after being introduced into the market. That simple.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Aryadwipanggah on March 03, 2018, 03:49:40 AM
the bitcoin price is determined according to market conditions, in terms of economic laws, the more bitcoin users the price of bitcoin increases, so the opposite is, the lower the users of bitcoin the lower the bitcoin

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Loopper on March 03, 2018, 03:53:55 AM
the bitcoin price is determined according to market conditions, in terms of economic laws, the more bitcoin users the price of bitcoin increases, so the opposite is, the lower the users of bitcoin the lower the bitcoin

But that can not be made a core of the high price of Bitcoin or falling prices. until now I don't know how to know the price of Bitcoin will be high or down in the future.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Dexion on March 03, 2018, 04:08:33 AM
can not  predicted, bitcoin runs like water. through various obstacles.

sometimes rise high, sometimes also dropped dramatically. and sometimes also stable and unstable. there are many things that can affect the price of bitcoin. such as news from the media. spreading and volume, sales and purchases, and also hardfork.

in general that all internal and external factors can affect the price at any time.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ninot77 on March 03, 2018, 04:16:30 AM
I think the bitcoin price is determined by the market price and the investors, the more investors who join or put the capital of course the price increases

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Seeker#9 on March 03, 2018, 04:28:11 AM
There are some factors that determines the price of bitcoin. These factors are: the supply of bitcoin and the demand for it, the exchange it's traded, regulations  and the number of competing cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin forks and its internal governance can also a factor in detemining its price. The perception of many investors, widespread acceptance, and technology can also contributes to the movement of bitcoin price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: shainasaz on March 03, 2018, 04:28:46 AM
Just only apply the mathematical equation such bitcoin price determined the behavioral structure of the law of supply and demand, if less in supply but more in demand the price will go up and if more on supply but less in demand the price will go down. this scenario also plays as a major rule affected to bitcoin price. I really think just the same to that matter  to determine bitcoin price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: traderethereum on March 03, 2018, 04:35:48 AM
the bitcoin price is determined according to market conditions, in terms of economic laws, the more bitcoin users the price of bitcoin increases, so the opposite is, the lower the users of bitcoin the lower the bitcoin

But that can not be made a core of the high price of Bitcoin or falling prices. until now I don't know how to know the price of Bitcoin will be high or down in the future.

yes, and it's because bitcoin is different than the other and it's not controlled by anyone and it makes the price is up and down. but in the future, I really believe that the price will be in highest price because bitcoin still new things that people don't know and they don't know either about how the bitcoin price is determined. so there will be a war from buy position and sell the position and the price will always change.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: zsfdsz on March 03, 2018, 04:56:18 AM
Every thing is worth what someone will pay for it, that is the single solitary fact in crypto. Those numbers move up and down, first by the sales themselves, creating panic or interest, and then by the rumors and information that is floating out there. Lastly, there are the world factors, like popular games(Pokemon) or popular people, and current events that trigger coin creation and value changes.

The price of bitcoin is unregulated, and like gold and cabbage, they are all determined by the supply and demand curve. There is no such thing as "setting an exchange rate."

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: cryptoislove on March 03, 2018, 05:02:40 AM
The price is always combinations between supply and demand. I think the reason for the current spike in Bitcoin price is the increasing interest from institutional players

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: freshm4ker on March 04, 2018, 01:22:00 PM
To me this is a balance of what 1 person is ready to pay and what others are ready to sell. Coupled with it as a whole raft of factors with emotional, supply and demand, and others. If there is a lot of supply the price will be low, the inventory is limited and the price will go up. 8)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: JCO05 on March 04, 2018, 01:25:40 PM
In my opinion and based on my knowledge, just correct me if I'm wrong, the market value or price of Bitcoin is determined based on the demand as well as the volume in the market. As such when the demand is high it highly affects the market price making it  expensive. Mist of the cryptos are having the same thing wuth regards to each of their market value. That is why also most cryotos are volatile.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Premooooo on March 04, 2018, 01:36:33 PM
for you to know the price of bitcoin you need to go to google and do not look at the price of its search you just btc to php it will appear.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: coinlawyer on March 04, 2018, 02:00:23 PM
the bitcoin price is determined according to market conditions, in terms of economic laws, the more bitcoin users the price of bitcoin increases, so the opposite is, the lower the users of bitcoin the lower the bitcoin

But that can not be made a core of the high price of Bitcoin or falling prices. until now I don't know how to know the price of Bitcoin will be high or down in the future.

yes, and it's because bitcoin is different than the other and it's not controlled by anyone and it makes the price is up and down. but in the future, I really believe that the price will be in highest price because bitcoin still new things that people don't know and they don't know either about how the bitcoin price is determined. so there will be a war from buy position and sell the position and the price will always change.

I really doubt that BTC price is so uncontrolled by anyone. We can`t say that Bitcoin’s price is exactly set by anyone, but I`m sure that it is controlled by smb. 
Actually, the prices is always controlled by somebody and the best way if this is controlled by the real market user.

As was mentioned in the December`s article in Bloomberg ( there are so called "The Bitcoin Whales" - 1,000 People Who Own 40 Percent of the Market, so You could imagine what result could be from such decentralized ownership.

As there was stated in this article: "What’s more, the whales can coordinate their moves or preview them to a select few. Many of the large owners have known one another for years and stuck by bitcoin through the early days when it was derided, and they can potentially band together to tank or prop up the market."


Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: angelakrasnova on March 04, 2018, 02:12:24 PM
The more people buy bitcoin, the more its price rises. Now apparently fewer people are buying up and that's falling.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: klebsiella on March 04, 2018, 02:29:48 PM
Bitcoin has no innate value and it is not set by anyone in particular. It is set by the market, high demand with limited supplies makes bitcoin the most valuable cryptocurrency. But it is very volatile, so may vary any minute. If one country bans bitcoin, it could affect the coin's value as well as reports about criminal activities using bitcoin.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: stefanionut99 on March 04, 2018, 02:47:02 PM
The Bitcoin price is determined depending on the demands and supplies. More people need Bitcoin will increase the price really good.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: yudhistira on March 04, 2018, 02:57:47 PM
Like anything, the price depends on BTC's demand and supply on the market. But BTC is also influenced by many events and speeches in the media that also change the direction of BTC. That is my opinion :)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: svetochka.yakovleva.93 on March 04, 2018, 03:00:37 PM
I think bitcoins are managed by people, they make demand for bitcoin and it grows in price faster and faster.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: izamagda on March 04, 2018, 03:53:20 PM
The more people buy bitcoin, the more its price rises. Now apparently fewer people are buying up and that's falling.
Yeah, it's all about the demands and supply, that's why Bitcoin market has a huge fluctuation than stocks or golds. It could be 10k$ today and 20k$ tomorrow.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: azizsatrasia68 on March 04, 2018, 04:04:02 PM
Bitcoin prices from time to time are uncertain. Who determines the price? The answer is the public demand. The purchase and sale request of bitcoin itself determines its value. That is why bitcoin is fluctuating.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: arseaboy on March 04, 2018, 04:32:50 PM
Bitcoin prices from time to time are uncertain. Who determines the price? The answer is the public demand. The purchase and sale request of bitcoin itself determines its value. That is why bitcoin is fluctuating.
With how the market moves, bitcoin value will follow the demand on how it will be use, most of the time when people keep holding the value rise accordingly, it can be move by speculations and news whether it's good or bad the end points will affect the certain value, we can't predict how
much will be the value since there's also a lots of big whales already around the exchange they can really influence the current price and if they move
then the market will move with them.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: pandanpanda on March 05, 2018, 12:57:00 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
Many people do not realize that other currencies also work exactly like Bitcoin - if you are holding a coin or banknote in your local currency in your hands right now, at the same time there are millions of people who sell and buy your local currency, so even if you feel the price of your currency is stable, actually the price is changing continuously.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: cryptonoel on March 05, 2018, 12:59:15 PM
The more the demand, the less will be the supply which will increase the price for bitcoins. Actually there are 21 Million of coins total to be mined which means that the supply for bitcoins is the amount that is in circulation currently. If the number of investors start investing/Purchasing bitcoins then the price will certainly go up and vice-versa if the demand is low, the price will decrease.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Angelic T on March 05, 2018, 01:10:40 PM
The price of bitcoin is determined with the demand and supply principle. The price is determined by the buyers and the suppliers as the prices increase as demand increases. I believe bitcoin price will increase in the coming years since the demand of bitcoin is constantly increasing.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Goodday on March 05, 2018, 01:17:01 PM
If, by my observation, the number of investors should determine the price of bitcoin as well as the cryptococcal ads and the increasingly regulatory reactions.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Brito on March 05, 2018, 01:18:03 PM
The price of bitcoin is determined with the demand and supply principle. The price is determined by the buyers and the suppliers as the prices increase as demand increases. I believe bitcoin price will increase in the coming years since the demand of bitcoin is constantly increasing.

The main factor influencing BTC is market demand and supply.
But its volatility is determined by the many speculations and news related to BTC.  :)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: weblouartisan on March 05, 2018, 01:22:09 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

All the cryptocurrency in the market is determine through its supply and demand. The reason why bitcoins is very profitable is because of the volatility of the market, with the correct timing on when to invest and sell your coins then there is no doubt that you cant be rich within just a few months after joining trading in the market.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: svetochka.yakovleva.93 on March 05, 2018, 01:27:38 PM
Many people buy bitcoin and so the price grows in earnest. But as soon as they stop with the purchase, everything can be seen as a recession. So I'm watching this.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: zarados on March 05, 2018, 01:31:33 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

bitcoin is a protocol that can help peer to peer transactions become easier, safer and cheaper so that when first published, bitcoin prices are still not as valuable as it is today. This is due to supply and demand factors, where if demand is greater than supply then the price will increase and otherwise. Moreover, the longer bitcoin stay, it will be more difficult to obtain because only limited to 21 million can be produced and currently has about 16 million in circulation.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: kyucryp on March 05, 2018, 01:36:52 PM
bitcoin prices are affected by demand, supply and the amount of bitcoin itself. and bitcoin prices are determined on the basis of trust by sellers and buyers willing to use bitcoin as a substitute for conventional money.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ed_Berrington on March 05, 2018, 01:43:00 PM
Bitcoin's price depends on consumer demand, that is, willingness to give in exchange for bitcoins more traditional material goods.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: nelsledma on March 05, 2018, 02:06:18 PM
To me this is a balance of what 1 person is ready to pay and what others are ready to sell. Coupled with it as a whole raft of factors with emotional, supply and demand, and others. If there is a lot of supply the price will be low, the inventory is limited and the price will go up. 8)

There is only one thing which plays a key role in deciding the future market value of any of the coin amongst all the coins and that is the demand of any particular crypto coin in the international market as well amongst the investors like how many investors are willing to buy more number of crypto coins. The increase in this rate will result in increase in the market value and vice versa.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: btc78 on March 05, 2018, 02:10:46 PM
For starters their is no fair value for Bitcoin. The price of Bitcoin is determined by the demand of the people and how the buying and selling forces agree and settle with a price. We the people who are into trading Bitcoin are the ones who determine the price of Bitcoin that is why it is so volatile because many people are actively trading it to take profit and also the big players are the ones who are controlling it mostly.
thats the sad thing about this market,being controlled by big players while we small players waiting and speculating about their decisions..thats why im aiming that small players like us should have part of controlling the market so the balance will be in favor of all not by some individuals whos gaining and gaining without losing

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: kiemponxs on March 05, 2018, 02:22:35 PM
Bitcoin prices are determined by sales and purchases, if more and more people are selling auto bitcoin prices will go down, but when fewer bitcoins sell in the market. because many hold it, it will make the bitcoin price to be expensive.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: marjoree on March 05, 2018, 02:32:34 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
To be honest, I really don't have any idea how bitcoin price was determined. All I know is, no one is manipulating it and when there's an issue of banning bitcoin in some countries, I seriously think that it has a big impact why there's a plunge happened last month of January. Whenever I am curious regarding the bitcoin's value, I always tried to look for an article and watch videos of financial analysts and economists about their opinions and predictions.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: aleksej.rozhkov on March 05, 2018, 02:45:43 PM
Now, as I have heard a limited amount of bitcoins, it is based on everything from the fact that they are smaller and smaller each day.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Anewor on March 05, 2018, 03:01:58 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I am not familiar with the specific rules as to how it really works. But as far as what I did know it is based on the law of supply and demand. The higher the demand and the lesser the supply, the better will be the price. But how I wish anybody could get first hand info about this as to its formula. Maybe we can apply the ideas on other trades.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: daarul50 on March 05, 2018, 06:28:57 PM
Things like this are very profitable for traders because the price they can set to profit from trading and it is also a motivation for traders with small capital to become a millionaire so that traders can become a next millionaire to participate determine the price of crypto in various markets.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: GeorgiyBilyk on March 05, 2018, 06:40:51 PM
It greatly influences the price of bitcoins, this is mathematical analysis and news! We need to follow the news, especially for news from China, from Korea, with the US! these countries are seriously affected the course of the cue ball! I also advise you to watch the schedule, what is the most interesting growth schedule and the fall is repeated from year to year! It can be traced: fall in winter and autumn, and in spring and summer growth!Watch the schedule and watch the news!

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: joebrook on March 05, 2018, 07:03:55 PM
Most of the time FUD are the cause of the downward spiral of the price of Bitcoins and some of the time positive news and lot of people investing into bitcoins also shoots the price of bitcoins upwards as well.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: rainezerr on March 05, 2018, 07:07:33 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I am not familiar with the specific rules as to how it really works. But as far as what I did know it is based on the law of supply and demand. The higher the demand and the lesser the supply, the better will be the price. But how I wish anybody could get first hand info about this as to its formula. Maybe we can apply the ideas on other trades.

There is no way for you to determine the price of bitcoins or any altcoins in the market because there are a lot of coins out there who are competing in the market so there is no way to determine when the price will increase or decrease.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Nyenyepogi on March 06, 2018, 03:21:09 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I am not familiar with the specific rules as to how it really works. But as far as what I did know it is based on the law of supply and demand. The higher the demand and the lesser the supply, the better will be the price. But how I wish anybody could get first hand info about this as to its formula. Maybe we can apply the ideas on other trades.
Its hard to evaluate the price of bitcoin or any altcoins in the market ,it really needs a deep knowledge and mathematical experties but as far as i know, bitcoin's price ia determine depends on the demand and supply like in the physical market if the fish is limited then the price would be high and should meet the budget of the people, same with the bitcoin as the supply is below the demand, the price would be low.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ace9989 on March 06, 2018, 06:34:25 PM
The price really depends on the behavior of the buyer and the seller, this is how we determined demand and supply affect also the price of bitcoin. In the future, the price of bitcoin will surely go even higher since the demand for this is continue to increase.
Yes, I agree the price is determined by the number of Bitcoin supply and demand. If more and more demand price Bitcoin will continue to rise and vice versa. Best wishes and I hope there are still many people who need Bitcoin.

Yeah i totally agree thats why bitcoins price have value. because of the mass adoption and more people are getting in bitcoin stuff and whales manipulating the market the pump and dump of it is giving bitcoin and altcoins unstable pricing in the market.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: coinlawyer on March 11, 2018, 06:16:02 PM
the bitcoin price is determined according to market conditions, in terms of economic laws, the more bitcoin users the price of bitcoin increases, so the opposite is, the lower the users of bitcoin the lower the bitcoin

But that can not be made a core of the high price of Bitcoin or falling prices. until now I don't know how to know the price of Bitcoin will be high or down in the future.

yes, and it's because bitcoin is different than the other and it's not controlled by anyone and it makes the price is up and down. but in the future, I really believe that the price will be in highest price because bitcoin still new things that people don't know and they don't know either about how the bitcoin price is determined. so there will be a war from buy position and sell the position and the price will always change.

I really doubt that BTC price is so uncontrolled by anyone. We can`t say that Bitcoin’s price is exactly set by anyone, but I`m sure that it is controlled by smb. 
Actually, the prices is always controlled by somebody and the best way if this is controlled by the real market user.

As was mentioned in the December`s article in Bloomberg ( there are so called "The Bitcoin Whales" - 1,000 People Who Own 40 Percent of the Market, so You could imagine what result could be from such decentralized ownership.

As there was stated in this article: "What’s more, the whales can coordinate their moves or preview them to a select few. Many of the large owners have known one another for years and stuck by bitcoin through the early days when it was derided, and they can potentially band together to tank or prop up the market."


And as was mentioned a week ago in the quoted post, now we all know at least one of those influencers that dumps the BTC price during for several monthes)
His name is Nobuaki Kobayashi and he is the Tokyo attorney and bankruptcy trustee for the now-defunct Mt. Gox exchange! He sold about $400 million of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash since late September - 
The most interesting thisng to know was the amount of BTC (equal 3000 BTC) that he usually sold at the market in one round that made so damage to the market price.
Hope he will not sell more with such technique and in a such robust way!

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: sidebyside on March 11, 2018, 06:28:17 PM
I think the value of bitcoin is determined by the number of buyers and sellers. If the number of buyers increases, it will increase and vice versa. In addition, the value of bitcoin is affected by the approval of many countries.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: senin on March 11, 2018, 06:52:37 PM
Since the Crypto currency is decentralized, it is relatively unregulated and nobody manages it. This means that the formation of its price depends solely on the demand for it and its offer for sale. Due to the fact that the supply-demand ratio often changes, the crypto-currency is inherently unstable. This is one of the main reasons why crypto currency can not replace conventional paper money.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: freshm4ker on March 11, 2018, 08:52:33 PM
To me this is a balance of what one person is ready to pay for what other people are also ready to sell. Overall raft of emotional factors, supply and demand and others. If there is more income the price will be lower with limited inventory or price rise. 8)

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: weblouartisan on March 12, 2018, 05:15:28 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

I am not familiar with the specific rules as to how it really works. But as far as what I did know it is based on the law of supply and demand. The higher the demand and the lesser the supply, the better will be the price. But how I wish anybody could get first hand info about this as to its formula. Maybe we can apply the ideas on other trades.

People or consumers place a value on it on the first time when it came from the market and as the time goes by, the value just increases because of the demand and bitcoins earn more and more popularity each month and year and now it already reached a stable price on $10k dollars.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: And2816 on March 19, 2018, 07:13:26 AM
цeнa oпpeдeляeтcя oт пoпyляpнocти биткoинa

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: akmittal on March 19, 2018, 07:18:37 AM
There is no parameter for determining the price of Bitcoin. Actually Bitcoin is not a useful thing it is the asset to invest your money. The value of Bitcoin totally depends on buyer and seller. 

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Spain2000 on March 19, 2018, 07:56:51 AM
Bitcoin price can be determined by the demand and supply forces these are the market factors which determined the prices of this digital currency and it is good to buy some of the altcoin too because the prices are good to buy and the long term holding is very good. Bitcoin in the present time the most valuable currency and i have to use this for the future payments.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: cryptolet on March 19, 2018, 09:08:02 AM
The price of bitcoin is not stable  based on the demand and supply of the currency, buyers and sellers of the currency. The value  actully continue to change depending  on the price that the buyers and the sellers agreed on.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Stac on March 19, 2018, 09:42:49 AM

The price of bitcoins is determined by various economic factors such as the demand and supply of bitcoins as well as for any commodities, the demand for bitcoins increases every time as every day new people are getting into the bitcoin community as many find this bitcoin technology as an easy to make profit making scheme as many early investors of the bitcoins are millionaires of the time. Bitcoins are only limited to 21 million bitcoins out of the 21 million bitcoins around 16 million bitcoins have already been mined but it will take more than 150 years to complete the bitcoin mining even after completing the mining the value of bitcoins keeps on increasing due to high demand for bitcoins in the crypto market.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: zolfa on March 19, 2018, 09:50:02 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
The value of bitcoin price is determined by many of its devotees. If many buy bitcoins at the same time or in large quantities then bitcoin prices will rise, on the contrary if many who sell it simultaneously or sell with many numbers it will automatically affect the price of bitcoin will fall. I think it is these factors that can affect the value of bitcoin prices.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: lavishlife on March 19, 2018, 10:39:40 AM

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Redhead5 on March 19, 2018, 11:07:26 AM
The price is always combinations between supply and demand. I think the reason for the current spike in Bitcoin price is the increasing interest from institutional players (banks, funds, high net worth individuals). Since there is so much money out there - the price still can go up once the big guys will get more confident.

Agree with your point of view. It's value matter in the combinations of both the supply and demand. Once the big players invest more in crypto world then the price will going high and this is the time that we can determined exactly the price of bitcoin.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Cherylstar86 on March 19, 2018, 07:23:24 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
Actually no one people who can determine the price of bitcoin since the bitcoin was discovered. Each of us have no idea when does the price of bitcoin increase or decrease which it's volatile that can change it's value from time to time. Also, we need to aware that the bitcoin is dominant of all crypto currency that most of the altcoins rely the value of bitcoin which the altcoins is also hard to determine.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: hitrawal91 on March 19, 2018, 07:46:44 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

The major factors that influence the bitcoin price is the supply and demand forces that drive the momentum and volatility of the bitcoin price behavior. It took me few years of practice to identify the value of the supply and demand of the price action. Anyways if you are interested in finding the ways to identify the supply and demand forces then you need to master the skills of chart analysis with the help of technical analysis patterns.Let me know if there is any help needed from my side.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: simongoat on March 19, 2018, 07:52:19 PM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?

Lots of answers but a lot missing the most important point.

There is no such thing as a global bitcoin price.
Just check bitfinex and bitstamp. One it's at '72 and one at '67.
What is the real price? Both and none at the same time.

The price fluctuates not form second to second but from exchange to exchange, from website to website from trader to trader.
Probably the best example of a truly free market where demand and offer reign supreme and you can have situations where in your country nobody on localbitcoins wants to sell you coins for 6k let's say but in Germany they sell it 100$ cheaper.

That's a really good answer. I'd like add that the price is determined by the amount the last buyer was prepared to pay. 

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: ScroodjMoney on March 19, 2018, 07:55:16 PM
he bitcoin price is determined like a normal market on it supply and demand. You can monitor it by simply updating the price on your wallet to see whether it grows or it drops.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: richkellj on March 21, 2018, 12:00:11 PM

The price of bitcoins is determined by various economic factors such as the demand and supply of bitcoins as well as for any commodities, the demand for bitcoins increases every time as every day new people are getting into the bitcoin community as many find this bitcoin technology as an easy to make profit making scheme as many early investors of the bitcoins are millionaires of the time. Bitcoins are only limited to 21 million bitcoins out of the 21 million bitcoins around 16 million bitcoins have already been mined but it will take more than 150 years to complete the bitcoin mining even after completing the mining the value of bitcoins keeps on increasing due to high demand for bitcoins in the crypto market.
That makes sense. Yes, bitcoins don’t rely on the prices rather this price is itself a factor that is based on selling and buying. People from all over the world are continuously investing in bitcoins. Some are selling and some are buying. This chain goes well until panic selling comes in the game. Thus, all such demand and supply routine is disturbed and prices start fluctuating.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: MFahad on March 30, 2018, 04:40:26 PM
The processing of buying and selling determined the supply and demand which effect on its price. In 2009 when the bitcoin was new and only few people know about it the price was just 0.15$ per btc. But with time people start involving it which increase its supply and price increase. More people join it and buying it more the price increase. I believe every time people will start using bitcoin in future and the price of bitcoin will go up for sure.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: BitcoinBoster on March 30, 2018, 04:44:13 PM
Firstly, the exchange, as well as on other stock exchanges where the shares are traded depends on the news, if there is a positive news then the price goes up, if the news is a bad price goes down, read the news

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: @Hakermania@ on March 30, 2018, 04:44:52 PM
The price of bitcoin is totally determined by the market not being subject to monetary policies of a central bank or any other government intervention.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: petyp123456789 on March 31, 2018, 10:00:03 AM
Bitcoin is arranged so that it is a serious step forward in terms of ensuring the security of funds. It can also be used as an essential protection against many forms of financial crime

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: david roman on April 18, 2018, 02:40:31 AM
Just like every other financial asset, it is the ratio between demand and supply available that affects the price.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: nellakarisma on April 18, 2018, 03:00:59 AM
For starters their is no fair value for Bitcoin. The price of Bitcoin is determined by the demand of the people and how the buying and selling forces agree and settle with a price. We the people who are into trading Bitcoin are the ones who determine the price of Bitcoin that is why it is so volatile because many people are actively trading it to take profit and also the big players are the ones who are controlling it mostly.
it is true. even people willing to join with some friends of his friends. to raise substantial funds. then they raise one tiger coin price. I ended up losing almost 70% of my capital .because I do not know if that raises the coin price is my friend.
among those who raise the coin price are the buyers. especially those with large funds .

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: BennyK on April 18, 2018, 03:14:04 AM
I have just been recently trying to know how our legend crypto (Bitcoin) price determined. I really need to know more about this. Pls how is the price determined from time to time?
A lot of factors come to play in the determination of the price of BTC. Governmental regulations and the banks have an impact on the price of BTC. As the governments and banks continue to spread FUD in the people, it wards off investors.

Also, buying and selling on an exchange can determine the price of BTC. Here, both bad players and good players have a role to play. On an exchange where buyers are willing to buy at a particular high price, the BTC price will rise and vice versa.

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: Chaelbrin on April 18, 2018, 03:22:24 AM
The price is determined by how the market trades often and how many people buy bitcoin

Title: Re: How is the bitcoin price determined?
Post by: gezhid008 on April 18, 2018, 03:26:34 AM
The price really depends on the behavior of the buyer and the seller, and the more people buy, the higher the price.

We will never buy bitcoin at a very low price, because it has been recognized by more people and more people will use BTC in the future, so its price will be unlimited.