Bitcoin Forum

Local => Pilipinas => Topic started by: GoodKarma on October 31, 2017, 06:17:07 PM

Title: Bitcoin & Altcoin mining with CRYPTOGOLD in Germany
Post by: GoodKarma on October 31, 2017, 06:17:07 PM
Are you looking for a LEGIT Bitcoin mining company? Its based in Germany and has over 55.000 members!!! BTCBTCBTC
you get bitcoins everyday and you can payout every! 

you can start invest with 50$ and max is 5000$ per Pool. So everyone can start.

If you need more information about that Company let me know and I can also you send you proof of owners,Mining Pools and much more and also the owner had a interview  JT FOXX World's#1 Wealth & Business Coach. Serial Entrepreneur & Millionaire Underdog :)

leave here your facebook name I will add you and show & explain to you everything about Cryptogold. Trust me I tried alot cloud mining company and nothing is like Cryptogold. and you more than mining you can do alot more things.

thanks for reading.

kind regards