Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Service Discussion (Altcoins) => Topic started by: InWhiteRooms on November 01, 2017, 12:57:06 PM

Title: Help with Tx - MEW and MetaMask
Post by: InWhiteRooms on November 01, 2017, 12:57:06 PM
Hello community, my first post. So I'm obviously newbing it ::)

I have finally committed to investing into crypto, and as such have been jumping through all the usual hoops to try buy some (again, first timer).

All exchanges from fiat to ETH/BTC are sweet. $ In wallet/s.

But trying to get alt coin is doing my head in..
I have Exodus, but feel like im getting ripped off tbh, so have added metamask
(I also had parity, but I dont think my computer handled it well, so i deleted it??).

So the ETH is in the metamask wallet, and I'm now trying to send this for EOS or NEO (for example). I have entered the contract address. Entered Gas limit and price - (limit has been set at ranges from 21000 to 100000      Price from 2 to 20 - Ive tried so many times and variations) please advise how you work it out, or tailor it for a transaction.

The end result being a mix of failed transactions and loss of $ via errors like bad jump destination, bad instruction and also out of gas..  :-\

HALP so I can HODL

Title: Re: Help with Tx - MEW and MetaMask
Post by: Bitfort on November 01, 2017, 01:36:57 PM
Hi welcome among us.
Not sure if I undestand correctly. You CAN'T SEND ETH TO NEO ADDRESS ( ETH can be send to ETH address only, NEO to NEO address only ....)

As a side note wanted to say I love:
HALP so I can HODL
Hilarious ( but HEPL would be even better :D )

Title: Re: Help with Tx - MEW and MetaMask
Post by: IIV on November 01, 2017, 02:47:41 PM
If you are sending it to exchange, set a proper gas limit of at least 0.02 ether, don't worry you're not spending that all and would get back the unused fees.

Title: Re: Help with Tx - MEW and MetaMask
Post by: InWhiteRooms on November 01, 2017, 04:12:55 PM
Hi welcome among us.

Thanks for getting back to me. The hepl is much appreciated  ;D

Okay cool, so a transaction between crypto's based on different platforms can only be complete via an exchange then? I.e similar to fiats-crypto?

Does this also infer that all transactions between any various altcoin, no matter the platform/chain/ecosystem requires an exchange?
I have tried to send ETH to ethereum based tokens like FUN via the metamask wallet which produced the bad instruction error.. (i thought that erc20 was directly transferable)

Does this mean I am doing something wrong in the process? Wrong wallet? Or just the wrong idea completely haha  :-[

Essentially i want to participate in an ICO shortly and im not sure how to get the tokens if i cant even transfer these now.

Title: Re: Help with Tx - MEW and MetaMask
Post by: Bitfort on November 01, 2017, 04:25:18 PM
Hi welcome among us.
Thanks for getting back to me. The hepl is much appreciated  ;D

Sure, glad to help if can.

Okay cool, so a transaction between crypto's based on different platforms can only be complete via an exchange then? I.e similar to fiats-crypto?
Yes. You need to sell them for the other coin using exchange (some wallet have them implemented ... i think exodus is one of them)
Does this also infer that all transactions between any various altcoin, no matter the platform/chain/ecosystem requires an exchange?
Yes. but there are some exceptions. e.g. it is possible to send BTC to BCH address and vice versa ... but when you do that you most probably lose them (depends on who controls the receiving address private key)

I have tried to send ETH to ethereum based tokens like FUN via the metamask wallet which produced the bad instruction error.. (i thought that erc20 was directly transferable)

Does this mean I am doing something wrong in the process? Wrong wallet? Or just the wrong idea completely haha  :-[

Essentially i want to participate in an ICO shortly and im not sure how to get the tokens if i cant even transfer these now.

I have very limited knowledge of the ETH environment and no experience with metamask. So better let someone else to answer that. But I assume you can send any ETH token to any ETH address.

Title: Re: Help with Tx - MEW and MetaMask
Post by: InWhiteRooms on November 01, 2017, 04:32:11 PM
If you are sending it to exchange, set a proper gas limit of at least 0.02 ether, don't worry you're not spending that all and would get back the unused fees.

Is a limit of 0.2 eth = 1b gwei x 0.2
So a factor of 200,000,000 for the gas limit? metamask states it has a minimum of 21000..

is this just a standard amount you can make constant for any transaction? or do you tailor it depending on transaction size?


Sorry bear with me as im learning and conversing at the same time.

is this an okay analogy for it: gas as in petrol... you have a tank with X (limit) you can attmept to complete the transaction for as long as you have gas in the tank. but the price is set to determine quality and thus speed of fuel powering car/transaction.. so too much in the tank (limit) and low quality (price) , and you could be going for ages and miss the boat(coins)

and inversely; you burn quality fuel too quick, and there might not be enough in the tank to complete transaction...

My question then is (assuming im getting to this right :-\ ) how do you moderate/calculate this with demand (ico), number of coins/size of Tx etc...