Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: fraenk on June 14, 2013, 07:39:49 PM

Title: [CLOSED] LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 14, 2013, 07:39:49 PM

LIFT Bitcoin Lottery BETA-2 week #2 will start soon.

You can choose how the next raffles should look!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: Financisto on June 15, 2013, 06:36:39 AM
Nice raffle site.

I'd suggest that you just give prizes for the 1st winner while jackpot is < BTC 1.0

If it's > BTC 1.0 then prizes should also go to 2nd and 3rd...

Is there any plan in turning the lottery provably fair?


Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 15, 2013, 01:34:27 PM
Nice raffle site.

I'd suggest that you just give prizes for the 1st winner while jackpot is < BTC 1.0

If it's > BTC 1.0 then prizes should also go to 2nd and 3rd...

Is there any plan in turning the lottery provably fair?


Hi Financisto,

Thanks for your comment!

About the prizes:

Our lottery is financed through the ad-profits on the site. We also throw in all the earnings we make from testing faucets and referrals. The prize volume you mention is far out of our financial capabilities atm ;)

We made the lottery for the community and we do not want to focus the payouts on single players. We think it's great to spread the prizes over multiple winners to increase the odds for every player to win something more frequently!

About the provable fairness:

Well, we thought about this, too. However, to make it REALLY provably fair we would have to change a lot!!

The lottery works like a "real" raffle. So while the ticket booth is open, any claimed ticket only has an index number. When the raffle ends, a random generator picks a number from the index, prize by prize. This cannot be made PROVABLY fair as the winner is only determined when the prizes are picked and thus there is no hash or anything to prove we didn't tinker with our random generator.

The player's ticket choice on the other hand COULD be made provably fair because the rewards behind the choices are determined through random generation server-side before the player makes his pick. Then again, we would need to display a lot of ugly hashes just to prove that the tickets which didn't even cost anything were given fairly, and really who is going to sit down and solve the hashes to check on us. Plus, again, we could always tinker with the random generator to begin with.

We try to make things as transparent as possible, but we also don't want to make it too clumsy and bloat the interface. If you have a good idea on how exactly we could make it more provable we will thankfully consider. If you post HERE ( and give us your player ID along, you're in for a small reward!

Anyway, our lottery will always be free and if the audience grows and ad profits grow along, the prizes will increase proportionally with it.

I guess you just have to trust us for the moment ;)

So long, good luck in the next drawing!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: clock27 on June 15, 2013, 06:56:15 PM
keep up the good work fraenk *rum for you*

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 15, 2013, 08:25:49 PM
thanks to those few who have voted already!!

for those who are yet undecided... consider, that a longer raffle also means more registered players per raffle and as the rules on the page state, this will encourage our prize bit to draw 4th and 5th , 6th to 10th winners and so forth, keeping the odds per player fairly even in a longer raffle!

ultimately, longer raffles will mean more prizes!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: Falkor on June 15, 2013, 08:47:02 PM

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: ranlo on June 15, 2013, 08:50:27 PM
+1 for the trusted lottery! If you use CoinFaucets ( you can make it even easier to be sure you hit the lottery every 30 minutes for maximum chances of winning!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: Chrithu on June 15, 2013, 08:54:35 PM
I voted for "unchanged". Much better chances of winning if there is a daily drawing of the winning tickets.

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 15, 2013, 09:00:41 PM
I voted for "unchanged". Much better chances of winning if there is a daily drawing of the winning tickets.

not neccessarily, we currently have just close to 200 players in the 24hr raffles.

once more than 100 players enter a raffle, a 4th and 5th winner are picked additionally.

if we had more than 200 when the raffle ends, there would actually be a 6th to 10th prize also... from our projections we would be spending slightly more on 48hr raffles, while still having 10 winners for every two days....

unless of course, we reach the 200 players each day, which is not too unlikely also... then the 24hr raffles would pay better!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: ranlo on June 15, 2013, 09:03:29 PM
I voted for "unchanged". Much better chances of winning if there is a daily drawing of the winning tickets.

Theoretically they'd have the same odds/income over time though. 1/2 the chances but 2x the reward should over time even out. The difference is doing it daily would benefit those that join every single day more than those who can't.

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: Fidgets on June 15, 2013, 11:17:29 PM
Fraenk, the lotteries are fantastic and  your site is a great read.  Just letting you know LIFT is loved back :).

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: costcoin on June 16, 2013, 06:33:42 AM

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: GoldBit89 on June 16, 2013, 11:59:40 AM
keep up the good work

i voted unchanged.

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 16, 2013, 08:05:10 PM
unchanged it is...

24hr raffles throughout the coming week!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: mayhui on June 16, 2013, 08:07:21 PM

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: MoonMiaG4X on June 16, 2013, 09:17:31 PM

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: ranlo on June 16, 2013, 10:51:54 PM
unchanged it is...

24hr raffles throughout the coming week!

Yay! Now you just need to make a small change to the drawing script:

if ($name != "ranlo") drawAgain();

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: Financisto on June 16, 2013, 11:30:38 PM
Thank you for the explanation.


Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: lololo on June 16, 2013, 11:32:46 PM
nice contribution to the community

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: clock27 on June 18, 2013, 02:22:53 AM
anyone know what happened to coinvisitor?

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: bongwater on June 18, 2013, 02:24:46 AM
so.. who were the last winners?

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 18, 2013, 07:47:11 AM
anyone know what happened to coinvisitor?

well, we cannot say for sure, but the problems that started about a month ago have carried on, and despite the fact that CV was up and running again, they still had major technical issues with their platform.

Additionally, last week, the rumor started floating that someone hacked their wallet and stole all their site's petty cash! This is just a rumor though, maybe true, maybe BS.

As CV had drawn in new developers from the community to fix their platform (the original developer of it apparently has family or health issues and is unable to contue supporting CV) over the past weeks we can currently only speculate if the site is down for maintenance and to possibly launch a fixed version... or if it has died alltogether...

bottom line... we can't say for sure, but the obvious fact is, the best days of CV are over... previously at least the chat would always be working... even that is gone now!

Sad story!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 18, 2013, 07:47:56 AM
so.. who were the last winners?

you can check the last winners here: (

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 18, 2013, 10:08:16 AM
I won


congrats! that was the 1st prize in raffle #7!!! the win should already be in your wallet, too!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: Fidgets on June 18, 2013, 04:58:43 PM
bottom line... we can't say for sure, but the obvious fact is, the best days of CV are over... previously at least the chat would always be working... even that is gone now!

This morning I tried going to the CV home page and got the default web host page.  Not a good sign.  I guess Kev could be revamping something and would like to give them the benefit of doubt.... but there has been no communication in the forums from CV and that seems ominous to me.  I know I personally have a fairly significant chunk of unpaid cash outs with them.  What bothers me isn't so much monetary - it's more like, wow I really must have wasted some time (they always paid out before) and I feel for people who REALLY spent a lot of time there.

Let's hope we hear something soon.  Preferably good news, but at this point I think any news at all is past due.

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: CoinVisitor on June 24, 2013, 03:17:06 AM
Checkin past posts and came across this. We are going to rebuild the site outside the community it seems due to lack of developer commitment. It has been almost 2 months of being strung along and finally have to say no more tomorrows or 2 days till this gets done. I no longer know who to trust in the community when it comes to development so trying to go in a secure, feedback and project completion type developer.

 I cannot allow the visitors to be told we are working on it any longer when in fact nothing is getting done so basically I am going to go for a complete rebuild 100% in a setting where sole judgement and promises and basically a screen name are all we have had just is not working. So trying for a secure feedback based setting to ensure it is handled.

It seems like a 30 day time frame is what most are asking, the reason of that seems to be learning bitcoin outside the community and how it works and such.

I will keep you posted and thanks for all the support.


Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: favdesu on June 24, 2013, 05:28:12 AM
won again and received payment!

BTW: I'd love to see an affiliate system (10% of affiliate's daily tickets maybe?) just to bring more people to your site and ofc to raise the pot :)

also, some social shareing buttons would be nice too

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: CoinVisitor on June 24, 2013, 06:02:46 AM
Also Fraenk,

Would you please email me at I would like to talk to you about continuing the support or your site and other details. Thanks for looking out.

would like to clear a few things though. The wallet was not hacked really, access was given to developer and last I saw the balance was .0032 in admin panel.

 2 things - with the site in the condition it was I do not trust the balance given 100%.  2nd either way there is always enough in reserve to cover any potential loss several times over of the balances due at any time as a precaution. All I need is one of these developers to put the payment system back in place and allow for the final withdraw on all accounts and past due amounts. Or at least get me the balances due and can find alternative way to kick out a block payment.

 I personally never had access to wallet so cannot manually check. I relied on the admin panel for all balances and payment tracking which is gone.

As long as I can get the balances due then consider them to be paid as soon as block payment is in place. would likely pay off the whole visitors payments in small amounts at a time in succession to avoid the potential for lost or stolen coins to happen, whatever may be the case. such as do a .1 transfer to block payment, make sure they are paid, do another .1 and make sure paid one right after another until paid.

 Until I find alternative that will be what I attempt to do.

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: GoldBit89 on June 24, 2013, 09:10:16 PM
Did todays drawing get held over until tomorrow? Im still showing my tickets for today and seeing the next drawing is just short of 23 hours now.

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: siameze on June 25, 2013, 02:18:51 PM
Keep up the good work fraenk! We love the Lift lottery and can't wait to see you on CoinVisitor when they come back online. Some of us are meeting on IRC channel here:

Hope to hear from you soon, Thanks again mate!

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: favdesu on June 25, 2013, 02:20:18 PM
Did todays drawing get held over until tomorrow? Im still showing my tickets for today and seeing the next drawing is just short of 23 hours now.

set to 2 days it seems

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 25, 2013, 04:54:08 PM
Did todays drawing get held over until tomorrow? Im still showing my tickets for today and seeing the next drawing is just short of 23 hours now.

set to 2 days it seems
WOW! I had stopped checking this closed poll's thread... seems to be more alive than the main feeback thread :P


YEP, set to two days for this running week, that's also why the prize pool was increased so much on the weekend.

i also notified for this change on the main thread here: (

and in the beta anouncement on the site: (

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 25, 2013, 04:55:49 PM
Keep up the good work fraenk! We love the Lift lottery and can't wait to see you on CoinVisitor when they come back online. Some of us are meeting on IRC channel here:

Hope to hear from you soon, Thanks again mate!
its raining blue flowers!

thanks siameze!

i'll check out that irc someday... but i think i won't hang around bitcoin socially too much... for obvious reasons, lol

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: siameze on June 25, 2013, 05:04:43 PM
Keep up the good work fraenk! We love the Lift lottery and can't wait to see you on CoinVisitor when they come back online. Some of us are meeting on IRC channel here:

Hope to hear from you soon, Thanks again mate!
its raining blue flowers!

thanks siameze!

i'll check out that irc someday... but i think i won't hang around bitcoin socially too much... for obvious reasons, lol

Lol Fraenk...It is a little Facebookish for me too. Anywho, have a good one, and wish me lottery luck. I need those winnings to fund a decadent lifestyle, lol.

Title: Re: LIFT Lottery - Next Week's Raffles
Post by: fraenk on June 25, 2013, 10:00:24 PM
Keep up the good work fraenk! We love the Lift lottery and can't wait to see you on CoinVisitor when they come back online. Some of us are meeting on IRC channel here:

Hope to hear from you soon, Thanks again mate!
its raining blue flowers!

thanks siameze!

i'll check out that irc someday... but i think i won't hang around bitcoin socially too much... for obvious reasons, lol

Lol Fraenk...It is a little Facebookish for me too. Anywho, have a good one, and wish me lottery luck. I need those winnings to fund a decadent lifestyle, lol.

facebook-ish without users and arrogant staff... lol let's not rant