Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Discussion => Topic started by: VieleSind on November 01, 2017, 03:58:20 PM

Title: YABTCL.COM reCAPTCHA issues
Post by: VieleSind on November 01, 2017, 03:58:20 PM
Does anyone experience problems with claming free money from their faucet due to errors with reCAPTCHA verification?

Title: Re: YABTCL.COM reCAPTCHA issues
Post by: SCHMEDTHORST on November 07, 2017, 02:34:29 PM
yup,    clear yo cache and cookies
restart browser and be dang  sure to make no mistakes on  the first captcha

Title: Re: YABTCL.COM reCAPTCHA issues
Post by: Welsh on November 07, 2017, 03:07:03 PM
If you are using Tor browser then it's been known for the Recaptcha to mess up and take a lot longer than usual. If you are using just a normal browser then make sure Java script is enabled if it requires it and clear cache and cookies.

Title: Re: YABTCL.COM reCAPTCHA issues
Post by: felicita on November 07, 2017, 09:54:49 PM
yes i also found out when a device is solving often recpatch is harder and harder to solve it.
i stopped claiming on recpatcha pages for about 1 week and now its pretty easy to solve one.
lets wait how long this takes :D

i like solvemedia !


Title: Re: YABTCL.COM reCAPTCHA issues
Post by: Alns on November 07, 2017, 11:48:27 PM
recaptcha is one of the worst captcha services that i have ever used, and everytime that i have to login to this forum or to another website i am so angry because i have to use that captcha, it is insane, because there are times in when i have to reload the captcha because it says that i am wrong, and it gets bugged everytime.
This is the worst captcha that has ever been created, i dont know if it is only happening to me, but it is very annoying to have to be reloading the captcha more than five times in order to login.

Title: Re: YABTCL.COM reCAPTCHA issues
Post by: LTU_btc on November 08, 2017, 01:27:17 PM
recaptcha is one of the worst captcha services that i have ever used, and everytime that i have to login to this forum or to another website i am so angry because i have to use that captcha, it is insane, because there are times in when i have to reload the captcha because it says that i am wrong, and it gets bugged everytime.
This is the worst captcha that has ever been created, i dont know if it is only happening to me, but it is very annoying to have to be reloading the captcha more than five times in order to login.

For users Recaptcha is one of the worst captcha services. But it's good captcha for website owners and this is why mostly websites using Google captcha. Probably, it gives best protection from bots, but become very inconvenient and annoying for users. Especially for these, who have to solve it many times from same browser/device/IP in a short term. If user solving captchas often, Google thinks it's bot or fraudsterand this is why he get more difficult captcha.