Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: adamstgBit on June 15, 2013, 03:26:05 AM

Title: [poll] USD Hyper-inflation == BTC Hyper-deflation?
Post by: adamstgBit on June 15, 2013, 03:26:05 AM
The economy has improved remarkably, and so...
QE3 will now start to taper off

Title: Re: [poll] USD Hyper-inflation == BTC Hyper-deflation?
Post by: Jozzaboy on June 15, 2013, 03:29:08 AM
So QE3 slowing down will cause hyperinflation? I don't follow, it's usually QE that causes significant inflation.

Title: Re: [poll] USD Hyper-inflation == BTC Hyper-deflation?
Post by: adamstgBit on June 15, 2013, 03:35:05 AM
So QE3 slowing down will cause hyperinflation? I don't follow, it's usually QE that causes significant inflation.

the thing is once QE3 stops or slows down all the money thats currently in the stock market riding the QE3 bubble, is going to leave the stock market and go EVERYWHERE!  :o

Title: Re: [poll] USD Hyper-inflation == BTC Hyper-deflation?
Post by: Jozzaboy on June 15, 2013, 03:37:02 AM
So QE3 slowing down will cause hyperinflation? I don't follow, it's usually QE that causes significant inflation.

the thing is once QE3 stops or slows down all the money thats currently in the stock market riding the QE3 bubble, is going to leave the stock market and go EVERYWHERE!  :o

And the market has already had a bad month... this could get interesting. Maybe time to cash out of the world's reserve currency.

Title: Re: [poll] USD Hyper-inflation == BTC Hyper-deflation?
Post by: sidhujag on June 15, 2013, 03:41:45 AM
yes qe causes inflation. The idea of us hyperinflation isthat market will call b on his bluff and will continue the ponzi scheme until they say we have to do one more small qe. Im not sure how try will service their debt other than do more qe just to stay alive. If oil is produced cheaper it may still not offset the amount of interest owed. That is the end game that i see. For now us markets should shoot up on the news meaning we were fine all along until the point where the economy is tested and us tries to stand without the training wheels.

As the usd rises in value qe is announced and debt is serviced at lows to try to offset the debt back to the buyer. Market is catching onto it and last i heard the us wouldnt get foreigners to buy the bonds needed at the auctions so the govt is buying the bonds through jpm or one ofthe other crooked banks to try to "pump" the market instilling confidence. Not sure if thats a rumour but i remember in 2011 china was withdrawing all of its offers reducing stake in usdx.. They were the ones who bailed us out.

If shit hits the fan again china wont be able to help us out this time.. bond bubble anyone? Usd will then hyperinflate as debt is applied to service debt with no one willing to hold the bag without higher premiums.

Title: Re: [poll] USD Hyper-inflation == BTC Hyper-deflation?
Post by: adamstgBit on June 15, 2013, 03:46:11 AM
So QE3 slowing down will cause hyperinflation? I don't follow, it's usually QE that causes significant inflation.

the thing is once QE3 stops or slows down all the money thats currently in the stock market riding the QE3 bubble, is going to leave the stock market and go EVERYWHERE!  :o

And the market has already had a bad month... this could get interesting. Maybe time to cash out of the world's reserve currency.

and cash into the new world's reserve currency   ;)

but isn't the market making new highs?

even more devastating would be, a preemptive sell off which would force ben to step up QE to a new level of retarded! and then if the investors don't take the bait and keep selling... the fiat scheme is totally fucked...

according to some very unreliable sources this is exactly the intent of the illuminati

Title: Re: [poll] USD Hyper-inflation == BTC Hyper-deflation?
Post by: sidhujag on June 15, 2013, 05:19:45 AM
its easier than u think the stocks rising is linked to money supply and not valuations. Not many ppl are gettig rich off of a market thats hot. Jpm and other govt related crook banks buy it up while being linked to the fed thus its a cycle of money moving thats newly created. Thats why it should shoot up after we because the big players will have to distribute to the sheep before market sells off