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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Bitware on June 15, 2013, 11:00:24 PM

Title: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: Bitware on June 15, 2013, 11:00:24 PM

Title: Re: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: austins on June 16, 2013, 05:16:38 AM
I would like to see a list of those members who didn't attend the briefing!

Title: Re: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: interlagos on June 17, 2013, 04:51:32 PM
Pretty sure they all knew what was going on already, years ago.

The fact that the US Govt spies on everyone is not really a secret to most people who know how both the internet and govt works.

This ^

One should always assume that everything is recorded when using third party services (internet, phone, skype) even if they say they don't. I'm now even thinking that modern day gadgets with cameras and microphones can be turned into a spying device on demand (even when you don't use them) not to say about upcoming Xbox with Kinnect. I bet it's funny always being watched :)

On the other hand we are moving towards open society without secrets and the recent leaks only support the point. So privacy will be a privilege of some really smart people willing to put additional effort to achieve it (unless of course all the hardware designs and software protocols suddenly become open source and everybody understands exactly how they work). It's good when you don't have anything to hide :)

Title: Re: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: wdmw on June 17, 2013, 06:17:42 PM
Pretty sure they all knew what was going on already, years ago.

I think not going was more about plausible deniability when elections roll around than whether they actually wanted to hear about it or already knew.

Title: Re: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: Operatr on June 17, 2013, 06:20:43 PM
Oh no, the liars and scumbags missed the Liar and Scumbag meeting

Do you really trust anyone in office anymore? I don't. Our government was hijacked by finacial fascists long ago

Title: Re: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: Bitware on June 18, 2013, 05:02:39 AM
You don't have to attend briefings to follow orders during a vote. Sad they are not following the orders of their constituents.

Title: Re: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: FoBoT on June 18, 2013, 05:04:07 PM
lets make a list of why they didn't attend

-they don't care
-they support spying
-they want plausible deniability
-they had something better to do
- ?

any more you can think of?

Title: Re: MORE Than Half The Current U.S. Senators skipped NSA Breifing amidst scandal...
Post by: RoadToHell on June 18, 2013, 05:11:06 PM
lets make a list of why they didn't attend

-they don't care
-they support spying
-they want plausible deniability
-they had something better to do
- ?

any more you can think of?
Add: They were at the NSA monitoring the NSA's real-time data showing which of their constituents were monitoring the briefing.
Add: Puppet master told them not to attend.