Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Marketplace => Topic started by: fabianhjr on December 19, 2010, 02:05:37 AM

Title: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on December 19, 2010, 02:05:37 AM
BTC magazine
Issues so far:
Issue 0
- ( - ODT(Recommended)
- ( - PDF
Issue 1(Free)
- ( - ODT(Recommended)
- ( -PDF

  • Anarchism
  • Community Happening
  • Cryptography/Stenography
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Interviews and Reviews
  • Programming
  • Politics
The issue is available under a CC-BY license.

To submit send me a PM with the following info:
  • Title
  • Author
  • Bitcoin address
  • Article or draft

This is a great opportunity to inform others and increase the value of bitcoins!
Do you know of someone who might be interested? Please tell them about this!

Have any questions? Don't hesitate to ask!
EDIT: Model changed. Pages will have advertisement. If you want to advertise PM kiba.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 19, 2010, 02:07:14 AM
Can you explain what the heck the licensing is about?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 19, 2010, 02:18:31 AM
Revisions made. :-)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 19, 2010, 02:28:20 AM
I am not buying any license shit just to be able to submit my stuff under CC0. This is a ripoff.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 19, 2010, 02:34:25 AM
Well, feedback is welcomed. If you prefer I could remove it and the most 'free' license would be CC-BY.

Please, I am just adding value to bitcoins. Why don't we just talk in a constructive manner?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: FatherMcGruder on December 19, 2010, 03:05:34 AM
I don't understand. Why not just release issues under a CC-BY-SA. Why more than one license?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 19, 2010, 03:09:44 AM
Already discussed with kiba about it, already under a single license.(Creative Commons - Public Domain)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 19, 2010, 03:31:58 AM
Is magazine monthly? Weekly?

A lot of thing can happens within a week.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 19, 2010, 04:12:47 AM
It will be a monthly release. Starting with the January issue hopefully in the second week.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: FatherMcGruder on December 19, 2010, 06:48:30 AM
Already discussed with kiba about it, already under a single license.(Creative Commons - Public Domain)

The magazine itself will be provided under no cost by us under a Creative Commons-Attribution-
No Comercial-Share Alike license.

You may share it with friends, print it, give it aways, etc. If
this license does not suit you you may buy another one like the Creative Commons-Share Alike
license, which allows you to make derivative works and charge for them provided you give them
under the same license. If you are a CopyFree activist you may buy the Creative Commons -
Public Domain license and give it away or sell it under your license. isn't that great? The best
part is that all contributors get a part on it and allows bitcoin to increase in value.
As soon as someone buys a CC-BY-SA license and shares the issue accordingly, the original license, if it's CC-BY-NC-SA, will no longer apply. If the original "license" is public domain, how can anyone buy a more restrictive license? It just seems like a weird scheme. Why not just stick to something simple, like CC-BY-SA, or let contributors specify licenses for individual articles?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 19, 2010, 08:32:05 AM

Um, why are you addressing stuff that's already fixed?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 19, 2010, 09:40:17 PM
Hey McGruder, I address some issues with kiba and now some aspects had changed for good. My apologies for the confusion.
You may check the revised proposal in the OP. Have a nice day. :)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: bober182 on December 20, 2010, 05:27:49 AM
Hopefully anarchism will include all sorts not just market, but collective, left, green, direct action, antiwar, antifasicst, all that good stuff.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 21, 2010, 01:07:24 AM
Yeah, while it is rated PG-13 and below feel free to submit it. :-)
I know you can write about something. :-)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: Bimmerhead on December 21, 2010, 02:15:08 AM
Interesting idea fabian, thanks for putting it out there.

So is this where we bid to be one of the judges?  If so, put me down for 10 BTC.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 21, 2010, 03:49:09 AM
Indeed it is. Articles(draft or complete) for approval get sent via PM to me; I will then PM them to the judges.
Even if you are not going to bid for a vote I invite you to suggest a name. Judges will then choose the best.

Have a nice day. :-)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: FatherMcGruder on December 21, 2010, 04:19:06 AM
...invite you to suggest a name. Judges will then choose the best.
My suggestions: Bitsauce, Coin. Maybe I'll come up with others.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 21, 2010, 05:44:29 AM
I am doing an interview with a community member.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 22, 2010, 08:11:30 PM
Hey, where are the articles? You could surely make some money in Bitcoins right now!
By the way, "Coin Magazine" sounds cool. :P

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: genjix on December 22, 2010, 08:42:16 PM
Would you pay me for an article?

If you're interested here's some of my writings,
Best one is
As you can see I've been meaning to do a Bitcoin article already. Most of my writings are anarchist/left/free market.

Here's another recent article I wrote:
(ED article on Bitcoin)

My edits to Bitcoin Wikipedia article which helped satisfy the criteria and get it out of incubator status:
From (old version):
To (my updates):
Another article that took me several days,

Some older writings:

I'd really enjoy to write one of these articles for 200-400 BTC depending on the length/quality needed. And I'm not worried what license is used.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 22, 2010, 08:52:30 PM
Hey, I cannot guarantee it is being accepted. It does depend on the judges, who you can aspire to be part of. ;) Please send
me the articles you want to nominate.On January 2th it gets sent to the judges and they chose which articles(Currently a
maximum of 20) gets to the current issue. The money in the pot is then divided over the accepted articles and while it is
being sold all the profits are equally divided between everyone.(1 for me, 1 for each judge, and 1 for each article)

Thanks for your submissions so far. ;)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: genjix on December 22, 2010, 09:29:20 PM
Ok, not worth it. Takes me a few days to write a quality article.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 22, 2010, 09:31:25 PM
Why it will take sooooooooooo long to get a new issue out?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 22, 2010, 09:35:01 PM
Well, it is monthly, and after the judges choose the articles it will get out.(2 days max) What is taking time is the call for articles. I hadn't really get one yet apart of genjix's. I am sure after the first issue there will be more interest!

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 22, 2010, 09:36:23 PM
Instead of voting articles, why not set editorial oversight? Say if you get two editors to approve that article, the editors' bids get distributed to these writers...More if they got editors on board?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: FreddyFender on December 22, 2010, 11:47:31 PM
I was setting up some bitcoin cartoons and checked into CC-PD and couldn't locate the correct img from copyleft. I should just send it to here instead? Will you be individually setting up each article in the mag through copyleft or not bother registering them?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 23, 2010, 12:09:24 AM
No bother, eitherway they are getting released in the public domain. :P
Cartoons are welcomed as long as they remain on-topic.

Kiba, that would be a valid suggestion if the problem were judges.
The problem is that there are null submissions so far. :/

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: Delia on December 23, 2010, 01:48:16 AM
I'd like to nominate "Two Bits" for the name.

I suspect that the bidding minimums are too high. Also, twenty articles per issue sounds like a lot for a monthly publication with a small target audience.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 23, 2010, 03:23:15 AM
There you go! 20 is the maximum, it will be published if we get at least 5 good articles. :)
You can bid since 1 BTC. Will you bid now?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: Delia on December 23, 2010, 03:44:34 AM
The 5-20 rule sounds very sensible.

Regarding the minimum bids, I was mostly trying to guess at why there were so few bids so far, but go ahead and put me down for 6BTC. (Do I pay in advance, or it a pledge to come due when the writers are paid?)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 23, 2010, 04:47:20 AM
On january 2nd 2010 the call for articles and bids on votes is ends. The judges get to choose the articles to get on the current issue and the money on the pot(That is put down on the same day) is distributed equally between the accepted articles. Then the royalties of the sells are divided between me, the judges ,and the articles.(31 Shares maximum) You may see the progress at the OP.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: Delia on December 23, 2010, 05:40:59 AM
money on the pot(That is put down on the same day) is distributed equally

I read this parenthetical to mean that bids should be paid to you on January 2nd. If this is the case, then presumably

In the pot for articles: 10 BTC

should be updated to read 16.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 23, 2010, 05:47:05 AM
It takes time for me to write an interview, ya know?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: riX on December 23, 2010, 01:13:42 PM
Ok I'm in for 1 BTC just to fill the list of voters.
(Someone might have to remind me to vote/pay)..

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 23, 2010, 02:12:51 PM
Yes, that is why the deadline is until January 2nd instead of just 3 day or one week since I announced this magazine.

My apologies, the info should be updated now. :-)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on December 29, 2010, 04:14:39 AM
So, any article submission? Cmon, this is going to be cool! Kiba, who are you interviewing? :)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on December 29, 2010, 05:02:26 AM
So, any article submission? Cmon, this is going to be cool! Kiba, who are you interviewing? :)

An interviewee who is quite lazy at answering question....  :'(

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: Delia on January 01, 2011, 07:13:31 PM
Just a reminder: the deadline is tomorrow.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on January 02, 2011, 01:54:37 AM
Yeah, I will have to leave it for later since there are no single submissions. I will do a magazine and some articles soon I guess and then come back to the idea of a community driven one. Is anyone going to submit an article or can I make it official and cancel it for now?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: FreeMoney on January 02, 2011, 06:22:20 AM
Yeah, I will have to leave it for later since there are no single submissions. I will do a magazine and some articles soon I guess and then come back to the idea of a community driven one. Is anyone going to submit an article or can I make it official and cancel it for now?

Instead of insisting on 5 by a set date and shutting down if you don't make it why not trigger a release, for example, on the first Monday after you get 5 qualified articles?

Also it isn't a real problem if 4 or 5 of the articles are yours in the beginning. It's pretty unreasonable to think that high quality stuff is just going to appear in the beginning, it needs to be cultivated. If you are willing to do a magazine by yourself you may as well use it to transition to the community mag that you want.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on January 15, 2011, 07:30:22 PM
Ok, first test issue. It only contains one article thanks to kiba. Will go back to the original idea if I can get at least over 25 sales.

What is in this issue:
-Some stats on Bitcoin
-An interview of MagicalTux's QBitcoin which is about to release. Learn about it today.(Interview by kiba)

-The magazine is under a CreativeCommons Atribution 3.0 Unported license! It is the nearest thing to public domain. :-)

Number of pages: 7

Cost: 1 BTC per copy or more; show your support!

Where you can buy it:
- ( - ODT(Recommended)
- ( - PDF
Show your support for the next issue which will have more articles!

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on January 15, 2011, 07:32:54 PM
-An interview of TuxSoul's QBitcoin which is about to release. Learn about it today.

MagicalTux, not TuxSoul!

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on January 15, 2011, 07:38:49 PM
Fixed. :)

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on January 15, 2011, 07:46:31 PM
You might have better luck if you do PDF or HTML.

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: kiba on January 17, 2011, 01:25:36 AM
How many downloads did the magazine got so far?

Title: Re: Community driven magazine
Post by: fabianhjr on January 17, 2011, 02:38:25 AM
2 one PDF and the other the ODT.

I will put it in the OP.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 17, 2011, 04:44:26 AM
People should download more!

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 17, 2011, 06:58:10 AM
Additional suggestion:

Make previous issue available for free to download. New issue will cost some bitcoin.

Previous issue will advertise how great the magazine is.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Babylon on January 17, 2011, 07:57:33 AM
Additional suggestion:

Make previous issue available for free to download. New issue will cost some bitcoin.

Previous issue will advertise how great the magazine is.

Or, if not all the back issues at least a few of them.

(I know, right now there are none)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 17, 2011, 12:23:08 PM
Yeah, that will probably happen and the latest 2 would cost, lets see if we can get enough interest in the first place. :)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 17, 2011, 01:13:17 PM
How many PDF/ODT are sold so far?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 17, 2011, 04:10:22 PM
Well, I am more concerned about getting actual feedback from the people who already bought it. :)
I am right now on my school's network so I won't risk the auths over a cleartext HTTP transmission.

I will soon set up an SSH tunnel so I can get to work more often.(This is also a school issued latop; think "Little Brother")

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 17, 2011, 10:22:32 PM
Another 2 PDF Sales. I hope to see some feedback soon. :)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: theymos on January 17, 2011, 10:39:33 PM
There needs to be more content. Ideas:
- A summary of all recently-launched Bitcoin sites.
- Economic articles.
- Speculation/fiction about the future of Bitcoin.

I didn't learn much from the interview because most of that information is already on the wiki. An article based on the interview would have been more interesting.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 17, 2011, 10:54:51 PM
Yeah, well, I can sure include the next issue for free for anyone that bought the first one. :/ Honestly I got some bidas though they are worthless without the content. The only one that step up for the challenge was kiba and got paid the BTC he asked for.

There is a new bid/article submission deadline for the next issue if anybody would be interested in a community driven magazine.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 17, 2011, 11:20:27 PM
Yeah, well, I can sure include the next issue for free for anyone that bought the first one. :/ Honestly I got some bidas though they are worthless without the content. The only one that step up for the challenge was kiba and got paid the BTC he asked for.

There is a new bid/article submission deadline for the next issue if anybody would be interested in a community driven magazine.

I think you should ditch the whole community driven idea altogether. If your editorship is any good, it will show in your magazine. Plus you don't have to keep score/keep track. You review article and send feedback to the writer.

One month is too long for the magazine. It should be more like 1 week between issues. Also, I don't think this is going to dilute the quality of articles at all as long as you make your decision based on merits, rather than deadline. If the article didn't get through, the writer can resubmit in the next cycle. There should be no artificial number of articles per issue limit. This is not paper.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 17, 2011, 11:21:58 PM
There needs to be more content. Ideas:
- A summary of all recently-launched Bitcoin sites.
- Economic articles.
- Speculation/fiction about the future of Bitcoin.

I didn't learn much from the interview because most of that information is already on the wiki. An article based on the interview would have been more interesting.

Well, it's my first interview article and I am still a beginner freelance writer. Plus, I was the only person who actually wrote anything for bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 18, 2011, 12:47:44 AM
Yeah, well, I can sure include the next issue for free for anyone that bought the first one. :/ Honestly I got some bidas though they are worthless without the content. The only one that step up for the challenge was kiba and got paid the BTC he asked for.

There is a new bid/article submission deadline for the next issue if anybody would be interested in a community driven magazine.

I think you should ditch the whole community driven idea altogether. If your editorship is any good, it will show in your magazine. Plus you don't have to keep score/keep track. You review article and send feedback to the writer.

One month is too long for the magazine. It should be more like 1 week between issues. Also, I don't think this is going to dilute the quality of articles at all as long as you make your decision based on merits, rather than deadline. If the article didn't get through, the writer can resubmit in the next cycle. There should be no artificial number of articles per issue limit. This is not paper.

You have reason, I am making the changes. I would really love to see more articles coming. Cmon if they get past the judges I can promise you some BTC + royalties. xD

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Ryo on January 22, 2011, 07:29:51 AM
Would you publish a series of general purpose articles about computation and cryptography, that lead to explaining the way bitcoin woks ?

Also, do you pay a few bitcoins in advance or just in royalties ?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 22, 2011, 04:20:54 PM
sweet idea, I agree you should make it weekly and get rid of the judges. Will report back soon, I'm waiting for my client to get connections then I will pay and download.

edit: just finished reading it, it was kind of sparse on content but very enjoyable and pretty good. I like the whole state of bitcoin in the first part, maybe that could be done every issue? My only suggestion is more content and more frequent releases. Other than that, rock on!

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 22, 2011, 04:59:52 PM
edit: just finished reading it, it was kind of sparse on content but very enjoyable and pretty good. I like the whole state of bitcoin in the first part, maybe that could be done every issue? My only suggestion is more content and more frequent releases. Other than that, rock on!

That was also my suggestion as well. So I managed to convince fabanhjr to temporary change to this format.

The next issue will be free to download, I hope.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: davout on January 22, 2011, 08:11:39 PM
Downloaded the paper, it's nice!
Maybe there could be some kind of market analysis included too ?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: S3052 on January 22, 2011, 11:19:05 PM
I am happy to write one if you give me some time next week.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 22, 2011, 11:54:26 PM
I am not sure what value we could add by publishing content that appears everywhere else.(no offense to S3052)

In any case, I have completed three articles submitted for peer review by fabianhjr. With an article by fabianhjr, we should have 4 articles altogether for next issue.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: S3052 on January 23, 2011, 12:16:15 AM
that's fine.
I was actually thinking about a more comprehensive overall market review, but i do not want to push anything if it does not appeal to folks

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: BTCsaavy on January 23, 2011, 04:38:54 AM
I am a little confused by the changing format/organization of the magazine.  How often is it released?  Are there still panels of judges? Will they be free or will they cost BTC to get the current issues?  What can a contributer expect in terms of compensation?  I am toying with the idea about making a few contributions.  Could you PM me with what you might need and I will see if I can provide anything useful.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 23, 2011, 04:49:24 AM
I am a little confused by the changing format/organization of the magazine.  How often is it released?  Are there still panels of judges? Will they be free or will they cost BTC to get the current issues?  What can a contributer expect in terms of compensation?  I am toying with the idea about making a few contributions.  Could you PM me with what you might need and I will see if I can provide anything useful.

It will be released next week. I suspect, Wednesday. No panel of judges, and hopeful there won't be. Fabianhjr still didn't say if the next issue are free but I will fight for a free issue if necessary. Right now, we're splitting the ads revenue between us, equally. (He do the packaging and I get advertisers on board)

PM me your email address and we will see how it will work out.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: davout on January 23, 2011, 11:02:14 AM
I am not sure what value we could add by publishing content that appears everywhere else.(no offense to S3052)
You could progressively make that content exclusive :)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 23, 2011, 05:07:42 PM
Yeah, I agree that S3053 could give an exclusive article for the magazine. The old way is scrapped and kiba got some advertisers to provide the magazine for free! As of the release it will probably be by tomorrow and on a weekly/bi-weekly basis thanks to kiba! :D

I am still working on a review and if S3052 wants to join he is welcomed. Since the model change I will edit the OP.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: S3052 on January 23, 2011, 07:56:11 PM
I am happy to join. Just let me know some details.

I have some thoughts about what I could write.
  • A thorough BTC market analysis where I will want to look more into the future on longterm trends and price directions, identifying the enxt major targets, supports and resistances (beyond parity, etc.). I always wanted to analyse this more in depth but I dont have the time and incentive to do that as this would cost me 4-8 hours
  • Expanding my analysis to the stock market, the dollar index, gold and silver (this I would do monthly)
  • Covering some technical analysis education / training so that others can learn it

On top of that, we could also ask the readers what they WANT?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 23, 2011, 11:16:08 PM
Hey that is perfect! Now, don't expect too much Bitcoins though. AFAIK we only have one advertiser which provides a small 2 digit figure. :/
I will be talking with kiba and you about adverting and how much space there is for it. I was thinking about 1 footer and 1 headers only.

Could you quickly have an article for tomorrow?(17:15 right now)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 24, 2011, 12:22:23 AM

Given the influx of interested writer, we will need an editor for the next issue.

One of your job is to basically to review articles:

1. Check for grammar.
2. Check for spelling.
3. Critique the writing.

You will also be responsible for dealing with advertisers and getting them to pay us, and so on.

It's also your job to enforce the deadline. Writers will have to submit an article for review by a certain date with no exception. Advertisers, likewise. You'll get complete freedom to set the review deadline. Just make sure the articles are ready by Sunday,(the real deadline). Any writers who missed the deadline can alway get his article submitted for the next issue.

Compensation: Currently, and temporary, your compensation is a fixed 10% of the pie. (Since fabianhjr is the chief editor, he'll get 5% of the pie because he merely package the content)

Everybody else, which are the writers, will have to fight for his share of the pie. Feel free to reject content that are unworthy of inclusion.


I only want to write, not edit some other writers' stuff and talk to advertisers. So if you want my "job"(actually, the way we work right now is peer review and I am the person who talks to the advertisers), let me know.

Also, 10% of the pie is not a permanent thing. It can change if needs to be.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 24, 2011, 12:26:48 AM
this issue is done right? So the next deadline is next Sunday? If so I'll take the job.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 24, 2011, 12:31:34 AM
this issue is done right? So the next deadline is next Sunday? If so I'll take the job.

It's not done, yet. I am waiting for my review. We're also waiting on the advertiser too.

If nobody else wants it, you can have it.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 24, 2011, 12:49:10 AM
would I be taking over next issue, or would I get a bunch of stuff for this issue and have people be like "hey this needs to go out NOW!" Assuming the current issue is coming out this week.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 24, 2011, 12:56:28 AM
would I be taking over next issue, or would I get a bunch of stuff for this issue and have people be like "hey this needs to go out NOW!" Assuming the current issue is coming out this week.

Be patient. It will be coming out soon this week. If nobody applied by Tuesday, you get the job and manages the next issue after the next issue.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 24, 2011, 01:11:04 AM
Well, if we don't get the advertiser to submit the content soon we will have to release it with a pricetag of 1 BTC, again. I hope to have this published by tomorrow afternoon(PT) at latest.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: ElectricGoat on January 24, 2011, 01:14:52 AM
Are there style guidelines authors should follow ? Maybe you could provide odt templates ? Also, accept latex submissions ?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Mahkul on January 24, 2011, 01:16:53 AM
Well, if we don't get the advertiser to submit the content soon we will have to release it with a pricetag of 1 BTC, again. I hope to have this published by tomorrow afternoon(PT) at latest.

I am considering sponsoring this issue. How many BTC is required to make it downloadable for free?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 24, 2011, 01:19:06 AM

I am considering sponsoring this issue. How many BTC is required to make it downloadable for free?

You want to advertise in The Bitcoin Times?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Mahkul on January 24, 2011, 01:26:28 AM

I am considering sponsoring this issue. How many BTC is required to make it downloadable for free?

You want to advertise in The Bitcoin Times?

Unfortunately I have nothing to advertise, just want to help.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 24, 2011, 01:30:56 AM

I am considering sponsoring this issue. How many BTC is required to make it downloadable for free?

You want to advertise in The Bitcoin Times?

Unfortunately I have nothing to advertise, just want to help.

Ok, I guess we'll just have "Sponsored by Makhul" in a page somewhere. I guess this is only going to happen when the advertiser failed to show up. In that case, I want at least 25 BTC.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Mahkul on January 24, 2011, 01:40:17 AM

I am considering sponsoring this issue. How many BTC is required to make it downloadable for free?

You want to advertise in The Bitcoin Times?

Unfortunately I have nothing to advertise, just want to help.

Ok, I guess we'll just have "Sponsored by Makhul" in a page somewhere. I guess this is only going to happen when the advertiser failed to show up. In that case, I want at least 25 BTC.

That's fine, just let me know. If that's ok with you, you can put in my Bitcoin address somewhere in there if someone feels like donating a few BTC.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: ZeroPoint on January 24, 2011, 05:10:20 AM
would I be taking over next issue, or would I get a bunch of stuff for this issue and have people be like "hey this needs to go out NOW!" Assuming the current issue is coming out this week.

Be patient. It will be coming out soon this week. If nobody applied by Tuesday, you get the job and manages the next issue after the next issue.

I will not commit to be the Lead Editor, but if chris200x9 wants any help I would be glad to do proofreading (grammar, spelling, punctuation, style/usage).  I have no interest in advertising / soliciting / organizing.  Let me know.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: S3052 on January 24, 2011, 06:45:02 AM
Hey that is perfect! Now, don't expect too much Bitcoins though. AFAIK we only have one advertiser which provides a small 2 digit figure. :/
I will be talking with kiba and you about adverting and how much space there is for it. I was thinking about 1 footer and 1 headers only.

Could you quickly have an article for tomorrow?(17:15 right now)

Unfortunately tomorrow is not possible.
I rather need until next friday so it will be on time for next weeks edition.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 24, 2011, 02:28:32 PM
Ok then, see you next issue!
The issue is almost ready. Expected it really soon. :)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Stephen Gornick on January 25, 2011, 12:26:31 AM
I periodically check to see what is being said in the Local forums for the non-English languages.  Though I only can read posts written in English, viewing those forums is trivial thanks to modern browsers (e.g.,  Chrome) which translate -- however doing so is time consuming and often there appears to be much lost in the translation.

If anyone is wondering what they might contribute to the Bitcoin Times and happens to be multilingual, even just a paragraph or three highlighting the best of what was found in those forums over the past week would be something I would find quite worthwhile.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: FreeMoney on January 25, 2011, 03:35:07 AM
I periodically check to see what is being said in the Local forums for the non-English languages.  Though I only can read posts written in English, viewing those forums is trivial thanks to modern browsers (e.g.,  Chrome) which translate -- however doing so is time consuming and often there appears to be much lost in the translation.

If anyone is wondering what they might contribute to the Bitcoin Times and happens to be multilingual, even just a paragraph or three highlighting the best of what was found in those forums over the past week would be something I would find quite worthwhile.

This would interest me as well. I used to go in there, but the signal to noise ration was low, probably because of translation issues. And there is probably more going on in there now too.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Mahkul on January 25, 2011, 01:26:20 PM
I periodically check to see what is being said in the Local forums for the non-English languages.  Though I only can read posts written in English, viewing those forums is trivial thanks to modern browsers (e.g.,  Chrome) which translate -- however doing so is time consuming and often there appears to be much lost in the translation.

If anyone is wondering what they might contribute to the Bitcoin Times and happens to be multilingual, even just a paragraph or three highlighting the best of what was found in those forums over the past week would be something I would find quite worthwhile.

In case anyone wanted to learn Polish I run my own forum on Bitcoin in Polish here: (

I would be willing to translate some articles from Bitcoin Times to Polish (already translated the interview with Gavin and working on the Bitcoin Wiki in Polish - (

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 25, 2011, 07:08:55 PM
I got the ads. Now I am just waiting for fabianhjr to add the Dragon Tales' ads.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 25, 2011, 10:39:51 PM
Sorry for the delay, here it is!
Issue 1(Free)
- ( - ODT(Recommended)
- ( -PDF

Please note I would love to hear your feedback on anything! Give us suggestions or submit an article! Pass it to your friends and so on.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: MoneyTree on January 25, 2011, 11:58:50 PM

I will download it and read it later. Thanks! I think the magazine could use some small advertisements. Why don't you just add some affiliate links and link those in the .pdf? If they are bitcoin related sites it makes nice content too?

What program did you use to publish it? Quark Express or something else?

Kind regards,


Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 26, 2011, 12:42:53 AM
There were quite a few spelling mistakes, Kiba's byline is very repetitive and in my opinion unprofessional. Also I think the mention of operationfabulous' bug fixes on 1/19/11 is repetitive. Some things could have been worded better too IMO. Great job though :)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 26, 2011, 12:46:44 AM
Thanks, don't forget to donate anytime! This is "pay what you want" model. You can get the magazine for free and show your support for future issues just by donating to any of your favourite authors!

Also, since I don't track any visitor(Unless they cause a mess and I get a bunch of 403,404), please say if you read it at least! Feedback is really welcomed.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 26, 2011, 12:50:18 AM
There were quite a few spelling mistakes, Kiba's byline is very repetitive and in my opinion unprofessional. Also I think the mention of operationfabulous' bug fixes on 1/19/11 is repetitive. Some things could have been worded better too IMO. Great job though :)

That's why we need an overzealous editor to frustrate us about our silly mistake!

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 26, 2011, 01:32:19 AM
There were quite a few spelling mistakes, Kiba's byline is very repetitive and in my opinion unprofessional. Also I think the mention of operationfabulous' bug fixes on 1/19/11 is repetitive. Some things could have been worded better too IMO. Great job though :)

That's why we need an overzealous editor to frustrate us about our silly mistake!

I think it is a great job though, I was just trying to provide feedback.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 26, 2011, 01:58:59 AM
The magazine's next issue will now be posted on next Wednesday.

Will the editor please choose the submission deadline and provide for an email address by which writers can submit their article?

Also, advertisers will have the same deadline as the writers'. If you want to advertise in The Bitcoin Times, please speak with the editor.

(Now, Chris200x9...time to start your job!)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 27, 2011, 12:02:01 AM
Hey, thanks to whoever donated 29 BTC. It is really appreciated. <3

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 27, 2011, 02:54:35 AM
The official (can I make things official? I'm assuming yes, because I'm awesome) Bitcoin Times wallet just received 25 bitcoins but I have not received any email or PM so if this is for an ad please PM or email me, if you don't tough cookies. :P  If this was just a generous anonymous patron thank you.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 27, 2011, 03:05:07 AM
The official (can I make things official? I'm assuming yes, because I'm awesome) Bitcoin Times wallet just received 25 bitcoins but I have not received any email or PM so if this is for an ad please PM or email me, if you don't tough cookies. :P  If this was just a generous anonymous patron thank you.

That's me. It's income from noagendamarket. He wish to advertise with us two times.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 27, 2011, 03:27:44 AM
ah thanks for the heads up, question do I have any say over the ad formats? Because in my bidding pond thing I set up prices for size of ads I just want to know if that's alright or if I'm over stepping my bounds. Also any feedback would be great.

I can edit it though, I mean feel free to be like back off. :)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 27, 2011, 03:32:14 AM
ah thanks for the heads up, question do I have any say over the ad formats? Because in my bidding pond thing I set up prices for size of ads I just want to know if that's alright or if I'm over stepping my bounds. Also any feedback would be great.

I dislike the idea of banners cluttering up my beautiful content pages.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 27, 2011, 03:35:17 AM
ah thanks for the heads up, question do I have any say over the ad formats? Because in my bidding pond thing I set up prices for size of ads I just want to know if that's alright or if I'm over stepping my bounds. Also any feedback would be great.

I dislike the idea of banners cluttering up my beautiful content pages.

so do you think we should drop it to only page size ads, then maybe drop the price to 35 or so since there is no lower level?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 27, 2011, 03:49:04 AM
so do you think we should drop it to only page size ads, then maybe drop the price to 35 or so since there is no lower level?

That's a fine suggestion. But do whatever you need to fill those slots and get us revenue. If somebody only want a page slot for 25 BTC, take it.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 27, 2011, 02:00:47 PM
You might reduce the deadline for the bidding one day before monday so they can send you the content. Format goes a follows:
-Table of contents
-First Ad
-3 Pages of content
-Second Ad
-3 Pages of content
-Third Ad

In the last issue there could had been a third ad. So keep that in mind. ;)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: awwright on January 28, 2011, 12:52:19 AM
I think you should ditch the whole community driven idea altogether. If your editorship is any good, it will show in your magazine. Plus you don't have to keep score/keep track. You review article and send feedback to the writer.

One month is too long for the magazine. It should be more like 1 week between issues. Also, I don't think this is going to dilute the quality of articles at all as long as you make your decision based on merits, rather than deadline. If the article didn't get through, the writer can resubmit in the next cycle. There should be no artificial number of articles per issue limit. This is not paper.
Absolutely, the editor/publisher model works just fine. Find good authors, review what they write, include as necessary, pay the authors for their articles. Profit. Rinse and repeat. Public domain content with paid ads and maybe a physical delivered copy is the way to go.

1 week is way too short I would prefer quarterly maybe. But if people can find the time, and find it profitable, to work on a monthly schedule, by all means.

Also, someone who can do layout. Good formatting and font would go a long ways.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on January 28, 2011, 01:24:54 AM
Are you offering yourself? xD

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 30, 2011, 11:21:10 PM
Anybody submitted an article to The Bitcoin Times yet? Deadline is tomorrow.

I already submitted mine.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on January 31, 2011, 12:18:46 AM
danke got it edited :D

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 31, 2011, 12:23:57 AM
danke got it edited :D

Don't saw anything in my email.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on January 31, 2011, 04:13:29 PM
You should lower your auction price all the way to zero. We want as much revenues as possible.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 01, 2011, 02:55:12 AM
How many articles do we have for publication?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on February 01, 2011, 12:33:09 PM
So, maybe it should be biweekly and not weekly? Also, chris, can you send me the articles and ads so I can compile the new issue or should we wait for next week and make it official biweekly?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 01, 2011, 02:27:47 PM
So, maybe it should be biweekly and not weekly? Also, chris, can you send me the articles and ads so I can compile the new issue or should we wait for next week and make it official biweekly?

Publish it this Wednesday.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 01, 2011, 03:00:16 PM
So, maybe it should be biweekly and not weekly? Also, chris, can you send me the articles and ads so I can compile the new issue or should we wait for next week and make it official biweekly?

yea sure thing, I got some PMs from potential advertisers that just came in so as soon as I get the replies and the actual ads I'll send everything. Sorry everything just came in last night.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 01, 2011, 03:09:11 PM

yea sure thing, I got some PMs from potential advertisers that just came in so as soon as I get the replies and the actual ads I'll send everything. Sorry everything just came in last night.

Waiting for two weeks between issue is just torture.

Again, how many articles do you have for the next issue?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2011, 03:11:06 PM
What's the standard commission for an article?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 01, 2011, 03:14:59 PM
What's the standard commission for an article?

75% of the revenues is devoted to writers. Those 75% of the revenues is divided up by how many articles a writer submit.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 01, 2011, 03:20:21 PM

yea sure thing, I got some PMs from potential advertisers that just came in so as soon as I get the replies and the actual ads I'll send everything. Sorry everything just came in last night.

Waiting for two weeks between issue is just torture.

Again, how many articles do you have for the next issue?

I only got the one from kiba, and a podcast transcript / overview of bitcoin from sgornick

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 01, 2011, 03:27:18 PM

I only got the one from kiba, and a podcast transcript / overview of bitcoin from sgornick

I guess that mean we only going to have two articles this week. Everyone who submitted an article now will have to be reviewed for next week.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2011, 03:32:52 PM
I'll begin work on an Op-ed column for next week.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 01, 2011, 04:43:24 PM
fabianhjr do you have an email or something I can send everything to?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 01, 2011, 04:46:35 PM
fabianhjr do you have an email or something I can send everything to?

I sent ya email containing his email address.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 12:23:51 AM
how do I handle pay outs?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 12:28:46 AM
how do I handle pay outs?

10% to you. 5% of fabianhjr. 75% for writers, portionated by how many articles they got published in the next issue(That's wednesday).

Imagine that there's 25 BTC. 2.5 BTC goes to you. 1.25 to fabianhjr. 18.75 writers. Since there are two writers who each submited an article, that mean each get 9.37 BTC with the truncated 0.00500 BTC as credits.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 12:38:58 AM
how do I handle pay outs?

10% to you. 5% of fabianhjr. 75% for writers, portionated by how many articles they got published in the next issue(That's wednesday).

Imagine that there's 25 BTC. 2.5 BTC goes to you. 1.25 to fabianhjr. 18.75 writers. Since there are two writers who each submited an article, that mean each get 9.37 BTC with the truncated 0.00500 BTC as credits.

that's 90% does the other 10 roll over? Or do you mean 85% for the writers?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 01:26:52 AM
how do I handle pay outs?

10% to you. 5% of fabianhjr. 75% for writers, portionated by how many articles they got published in the next issue(That's wednesday).

Imagine that there's 25 BTC. 2.5 BTC goes to you. 1.25 to fabianhjr. 18.75 writers. Since there are two writers who each submited an article, that mean each get 9.37 BTC with the truncated 0.00500 BTC as credits.

that's 90% does the other 10 roll over? Or do you mean 85% for the writers?

25 * .75 is 18.75 for the writers.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 01:29:52 AM
yea I know, what I'm asking is what happens to the other 10% do I just leave it in there? 10 + 5 + 75 = 90%.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Cusipzzz on February 02, 2011, 01:37:26 AM
advertiser refunds?   ;D


Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 01:38:41 AM
yea I know, what I'm asking is what happens to the other 10% do I just leave it in there? 10 + 5 + 75 = 90%.

Oh I see. It's 85% for writers.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 01:42:30 AM
yea I know, what I'm asking is what happens to the other 10% do I just leave it in there? 10 + 5 + 75 = 90%.

Oh I see. It's 85% for writers.

also do you have a payment address?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 01:48:24 AM
also do you have a payment address?


Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 01:55:26 AM
everything has been payed out

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 02:12:15 AM
So, we have 38.5882353 BTC for this issue that been paid out?

Did noagendamarket get his ads in?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 02:23:17 AM
So, we have 38.5882353 BTC for this issue that been paid out?

Did noagendamarket get his ads in?

I wasn't a part of that conversation, you just said he had an ad. I passed that on to fabianhjr, I said "I got btc transfered in the bitcoin times account from kiba because of a previous ad deal I assume you know about that."

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 04:58:26 PM
Today, the magazine is supposed to be published. I don't see any new issue?

Why is the editor not announcing the deadline for next issue?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 05:08:24 PM
see below

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Cusipzzz on February 02, 2011, 09:51:12 PM
Did this come out? If not I expect refund..

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 11:35:18 PM

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: chris200x9 on February 02, 2011, 11:39:22 PM
I quit this thing is FUBAR

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 02, 2011, 11:42:52 PM
Time for a new editor and a serious talk with the editor-in-chief.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Anonymous on February 03, 2011, 01:12:38 AM
If anybody is interested in helping me start up a Bitcoin news site, throw a message my way.

Coming soon: ; P

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 03, 2011, 01:21:44 AM
Gottach get the mess sort out first:

1) Talk to the editor-in-chief about him dropping the ball big time.

2) Figure out a refund option for advertisers, if possible.

Otherwise, I will be posting my article on my site.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 03, 2011, 01:39:18 AM
My article published on my wiki since fabianhjr dropped the ball.

Yeah, I should change the license of my wiki to Unlicense.

I would do that right now but I have projects to work on. Maybe, tomorrow.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Cusipzzz on February 03, 2011, 01:41:27 AM
Gottach get the mess sort out first:

2) Figure out a refund option for advertisers, if possible.

this. if 'not possible' then everyone involved gets whacked on #-otc ratings. you may not care, but so be it.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 03, 2011, 01:47:17 AM
Gottach get the mess sort out first:

2) Figure out a refund option for advertisers, if possible.

this. if 'not possible' then everyone involved gets whacked on #-otc ratings. you may not care, but so be it.

I'll refund every advertisers their money if I have to. Right now, I am attempting communication.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 03, 2011, 01:57:10 AM
Yeah, I should change the license of my wiki to Unlicense.

I would do that right now but I have projects to work on. Maybe, tomorrow.

I lied. Now everything on my wiki is under unlicense.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 03, 2011, 03:33:29 AM
Fabianjhr uploaded the magazine.


Apparently, I panicked. However, I will no longer be writing for The Bitcoin Times.

My reasons:

1. He decided to change it into a biweekly magazine.
2. Communication issue.
3. Perceived lack of professionalism.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on February 03, 2011, 03:38:55 AM
Sorry for the delay: ( (
My host had been down and no sign of it coming up soon. You will need to get it from MediaFire.

Issuing system gets changed. It will be upgraded to a blog like magazine.
I am now in charge of the Ads management which will be using the OperationFabulous service.(For the blog)

-chris quit, need an editor with excellent grammar.
-kiba, your job had been automated. Your writings are still really welcomed. :)
-I will resolve my hosting problem and maybe get a new hoster.
-Issue is published on time.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on February 03, 2011, 03:41:53 AM
Fabianjhr uploaded the magazine.


However, I will no longer be writing for The Bitcoin Times. He decided to change it into a biweekly magazine.

Please, even if it was biweekly it wouldn't be that of a big deal. The problem is that there were only 2 articles for this issue! One of which was a transcript of a podcast. You are still welcomed to write and get paid in BTC for you good writing, it will probably become a blog and go back to the original publishing model of auctioning 10 votes who get to choose what gets published and pay accordingly + a share of ad revenue for all of them.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 03, 2011, 03:52:09 AM

Please, even if it was biweekly it wouldn't be that of a big deal. The problem is that there were only 2 articles for this issue! One of which was a transcript of a podcast. You are still welcomed to write and get paid in BTC for you good writing, it will probably become a blog and go back to the original publishing model of auctioning 10 votes who get to choose what gets published and pay accordingly + a share of ad revenue for all of them.

I don't care about getting advertisement. That was supposed to be Chris' job, but I managed to grab at least one for him. I only want to write, not manage someone's magazine for them.

I wrote articles for all your issues up until now, but I don't like how it's being run.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: Garrett Burgwardt on February 03, 2011, 03:56:38 AM
I'll apply for the position of editor, as long as it pays somehow  ;)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on February 03, 2011, 03:58:57 AM
You won't anymore, I am automating the process and it is going to be a blog with ads.(Instead of having to upload and tell when a new issue is out) It is the equivalent of changing from a version based release to a rolling release.

EDIT: it does, you get a 10% share.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: kiba on February 03, 2011, 04:02:11 AM
You won't anymore, I am automating the process and it is going to be a blog with ads.(Instead of having to upload and tell when a new issue is out) It is the equivalent of changing from a version based release to a rolling release.

EDIT: it does, you get a 10% share.

Well, good luck.

I'll be writing for a rival magazine even if I have to start a magazine to do it.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Times
Post by: fabianhjr on February 03, 2011, 04:06:18 AM
You won't anymore, I am automating the process and it is going to be a blog with ads.(Instead of having to upload and tell when a new issue is out) It is the equivalent of changing from a version based release to a rolling release.

EDIT: it does, you get a 10% share.

Well, good luck.

I'll be writing for a rival magazine even if I have to start a magazine to do it.

You are still welcomed to write for it though. ;)
May the blog arm race begin.