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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Ucy on November 05, 2017, 03:47:59 PM

Title: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Ucy on November 05, 2017, 03:47:59 PM
Back then in 2005 I came across a Newspaper article by World's Renowned Futurist Raymond Kurzweil Titled Singularity is Near" .  The article listed the most chilling predictions made by Raymond. The one that got me the most was the prediction about human achieving Immortality by 2050 or something(not very sure) .     Since then I became interested in the science of Immortality until few years ago when a shocking event forced me lose interest in humanity and i became more aligned with Spirituality.

I was going through a website and found an article titled: Scientists Have Mathematical Proof That It's Impossible to Stop Ageing
 I did a Google search to confirm the authenticity of the contents and found similar article on a credible site: Sorry, You Can't Stop Aging – Here's the Math to Prove It
I have my doubts though when it comes to doubting what humans can achieve... I believe nothing is impossible to humans and the word "NEVER"  isn't in the dictionary of those determined to succeed.

My only doubt however is if humanity could survive another 3 decades to be able to find a cure for ageing.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: r1a2y3m4 on November 05, 2017, 04:04:33 PM
I think humans will achieve immortality. But not by ourselves alone. I mean we will achieve it by the help of those who are more advance than us. I am talking about those extra terrestrials. IF they decide to help us or to teach us immortality we will achieve it. I think they have achieved it already. Immortality is a mere idea on science fiction movies but it is not impossible to reach it now.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: OpDev on November 09, 2017, 08:56:42 PM
Maybe. In the future everything is possible

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: adriaymati58 on November 09, 2017, 09:08:44 PM
I doubt it. Honestly I don't think they can

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: lukey on November 09, 2017, 10:57:11 PM

There's this movie called "Transcendence" Johnny Depp was the main actor. What i took from that movie, only seen it once ( will re-watch it )
He encoded his conscious into a program after he died..  He was in this program with his conscious gathering massive amounts of data from the internet. 

He was Immortal.
It was a crazy movie lol I recommend watching it

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on November 09, 2017, 11:02:12 PM
Back then in 2005 I came across a Newspaper article by World's Renowned Futurist Raymond Kurzweil Titled Singularity is Near" .  The article listed the most chilling predictions made by Raymond. The one that got me the most was the prediction about human achieving Immortality by 2050 or something(not very sure) .     Since then I became interested in the science of Immortality until few years ago when a shocking event forced me lose interest in humanity and i became more aligned with Spirituality.

I was going through a website and found an article titled: Scientists Have Mathematical Proof That It's Impossible to Stop Ageing
 I did a Google search to confirm the authenticity of the contents and found similar article on a credible site: Sorry, You Can't Stop Aging – Here's the Math to Prove It
I have my doubts though when it comes to doubting what humans can achieve... I believe nothing is impossible to humans and the word "NEVER"  isn't in the dictionary of those determined to succeed.

My only doubt however is if humanity could survive another 3 decades to be able to find a cure for ageing.
Read the article more carefully. The "you can't stop aging" line is meant asymptotically. It doesn't mean that you can't lower the rate at which humans age. So with this paper it's still very well possible to reduce the rate of aging to a point where it's virtually non-existant for humans.

And that's not even taking into account exchanging body parts or even swapping into a digital existence.

So yes, it's very well possible that humans would be capable of extending their lifetime indefinitely.

But, immortality is a whole different story. You can be capable of living forever, but your body could still be destroyed if someone really wanted to do that.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Decimation on November 10, 2017, 12:24:37 AM
I don't think we will achieve immortality. I think we will achieve prevention in diseases. I think our life expectancy will increase a lot in the next 100 years, but that will only be because we have found cures to all diseases, cancers, etc.

Only a couple ways we could become immortal. Hopefully STEM cell research can take us there someday. But then again, if everyone is immortal, does that mean we no longer need to eat food? Drink water? Breathe air? If we are immortal and still have to do all of that, then what is stopping the human species in general from becoming so overpopulated that we starve and dehydrate until our species is gone? Can we just wonder off into space without air, water, or food and survive for infinite amounts of years? Can we attach 10 sticks of dynamite to surround our torso and light them and survive?

To me, seems like it will be thousands and thousands of years to even comprehend the possibility of being "immortal".

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on November 10, 2017, 12:50:08 AM
Not in flesh and bone.

Biology will inevitably cause errors in cell replication, resulting in incurable cancer, and the organism will die. (See Blade Runner)

We would need to find a way of transferring our consciousness to a more durable host.
There is no such thing as "uncurable cancer". There's only "we're not developed enough to cure it yet cancer".

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: varsadentola on November 10, 2017, 01:00:50 AM
Maybe. In the future everything is possible
in the future we will have portals, travel in space, life on other planets, but I do not think that people will come up with immortality.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: BTCMILLIONAIRE on November 10, 2017, 02:26:13 AM
Not in flesh and bone.
Biology will inevitably cause errors in cell replication, resulting in incurable cancer, and the organism will die. (See Blade Runner)
We would need to find a way of transferring our consciousness to a more durable host.
There is no such thing as "uncurable cancer". There's only "we're not developed enough to cure it yet cancer".

Put another way, "There is no way to cure biological death".
Yet. A lot of funding is going into changing that though.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Futureblnr on November 10, 2017, 02:43:33 AM
I don't think it's possible to achieve immortality, but I'm sure there is a possibility to increase average life expectancy dramatically so it will feels like people live forever  ;D

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: juliemothess on November 10, 2017, 10:38:19 AM
Who wants it? The rich and powerful so that they can rule over all for eternity. Obviously the top guy, the richest most evil one of them all will be the leader or they will bring out their chosen guy to do the job for them. Some sick thing like that. It's already that way now all they need is to live forever and it's gonna be like hunger games without the games maybe.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: joecandersonn on November 10, 2017, 10:38:58 AM
This is achievable, a body that wont age, but that doent mean you are unkillable like deadpool, you are still a bio organism.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: JollySkipper on November 10, 2017, 11:08:23 AM
Back then in 2005 I came across a Newspaper article by World's Renowned Futurist Raymond Kurzweil Titled Singularity is Near" .  The article listed the most chilling predictions made by Raymond. The one that got me the most was the prediction about human achieving Immortality by 2050 or something(not very sure) .     Since then I became interested in the science of Immortality until few years ago when a shocking event forced me lose interest in humanity and i became more aligned with Spirituality.

I was going through a website and found an article titled: Scientists Have Mathematical Proof That It's Impossible to Stop Ageing
 I did a Google search to confirm the authenticity of the contents and found similar article on a credible site: Sorry, You Can't Stop Aging – Here's the Math to Prove It
I have my doubts though when it comes to doubting what humans can achieve... I believe nothing is impossible to humans and the word "NEVER"  isn't in the dictionary of those determined to succeed.

My only doubt however is if humanity could survive another 3 decades to be able to find a cure for ageing.

Mathematically proven? This is a very thing word to say!
Singularity via CRISPR is matter of time, is matter of time until we are in place to rewrite our dna and make us biologically immortals and much more. Only outdated people will tell NEVER for something, technology is turning us into gods.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Jorge158 on November 10, 2017, 11:13:08 AM
Actually these are things i see in movies and i have never believed in them

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: bibi86 on December 25, 2017, 12:10:54 AM
may be.... ::)

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Dollars4gold on December 25, 2017, 02:42:57 AM
If we do achieve Immortality, I think only the chosen few will be allowed to have that ability.  The masses, you and I, will not be allowed.  The highest level of the elite will have this ability and they will use and discard the non chosen.  Simple fact, happens every day as we speak.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: bealjulian on December 25, 2017, 02:47:43 AM
Back then in 2005 I came across a Newspaper article by World's Renowned Futurist Raymond Kurzweil Titled Singularity is Near" .  The article listed the most chilling predictions made by Raymond. The one that got me the most was the prediction about human achieving Immortality by 2050 or something(not very sure) .     Since then I became interested in the science of Immortality until few years ago when a shocking event forced me lose interest in humanity and i became more aligned with Spirituality.

I was going through a website and found an article titled: Scientists Have Mathematical Proof That It's Impossible to Stop Ageing
 I did a Google search to confirm the authenticity of the contents and found similar article on a credible site: Sorry, You Can't Stop Aging – Here's the Math to Prove It
I have my doubts though when it comes to doubting what humans can achieve... I believe nothing is impossible to humans and the word "NEVER"  isn't in the dictionary of those determined to succeed.

My only doubt however is if humanity could survive another 3 decades to be able to find a cure for ageing.
I do not think we will achieve immortality. We will be protected and treated with the most modern techniques in the world

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Gavenoang082076 on December 25, 2017, 04:00:41 AM
No... death always prevails.... not even God can escaped it

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: hicaribou on December 25, 2017, 04:13:13 AM
GOD is the one who own the time.
Humans are limited.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Crypto akila on December 25, 2017, 04:36:24 AM
no one can be immortal. sometimes scientists may improve delay the cell death. but no one can be immortal.just hold the cell death.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: fakegurutu on December 25, 2017, 04:47:34 AM
Its impossible. Humans cannot become immortal because we were created to die in a a time that even us dont know

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: triads on December 25, 2017, 04:53:04 AM
Can't resist this off-topic  ;D

For those that actually follow the science behind anti-aging and longevity, it's clear the answer is most definitely YES. The technology and understanding of human biology is advancing at a tremendous pace. There's no doubt humans will stop dying of old age at some point during this millennium. The only real question is if that "escape velocity" will happen in our lifetimes.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: tavaaqua03 on December 25, 2017, 05:00:44 AM
Not a single human being can achieve immortality.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: kameutunda on December 25, 2017, 08:21:13 AM
If in my opinion can not get to abadian human.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Syukran on December 25, 2017, 08:56:20 AM
I think humans do not have immortality

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: zoran.drobnjak on December 25, 2017, 09:13:25 AM
There is no doubt about it, we already have immortal species on our own planet.
Its just a question of time for necessary medicinal and scientific advances to take place.

To bypass time until then you can keep switching your head to a younger healthier body after every 80 years.
More details on the procedure -

To qualify to enter HIC (Human Immortality Community) just make sure you earn enough criptos as due to high cost of these repetitive procedures you require to have several tens of millions of dollars, but considering dollar value decreases in BTC just make sure you invest in right altcoin with huge growth potential and gates of HIC will open up for you.

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: Vod on December 25, 2017, 09:15:57 AM
GOD is the one who own the time.
Humans are limited.

So once humans invent immortality, they will become your god?

You are very gullible, sir.  :/

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: vallentvi4 on December 25, 2017, 10:49:41 AM
will not, the world will end before man reaches it

Title: Re: Can Humans achieve Immortality?
Post by: noorman0 on December 25, 2017, 10:57:26 AM
Perhaps by adopting the Egyptian way. by preserving the mummy. and combined other discoveries related to the preservation of bioorganic objects, I think it is nearing that people will attain immortality.